- .i: .--."! -:: --. - - V s ... - - ..' -a -H- - - - , 1 , i i 1 i 3t 1 .il2l ;- allEoJlJ) t l 7 . 5 i 7 1.: HEPUCLICANlSMi.TIlE PALLADIUM OF EQUAL' IrfGUTS? v- m f : t , ,. mmmtf - I, II H - . , j. . 1 ' t if if i a ): n- in all TDlTnn'nY' L. Published crcryrijccli .at Three, dolkrf pr: annnm, jf pai(J ' within the t. aA pr Threo 4viltri.tndjrJij. :rltslf4uit paid u!I t!c cnl of tho ttiWriPtiou renr. , It, will U 1 .7 3Uv 11.100 nCrVOUS. to-iniar. hart Arhtr a e ,.J-W.1i, I lJ:.l ' i t i "iA i : i .t n V . . i frjid foirf JyK-JW," Iltncw foil Wdi;..lhaL I upon.ycxir beauty; jkn.l i wasrtud! Gazin- lhc,a-cPCV cf KJitoJ KnUVtiJ thini i uuv iw !jr:4il n ncrjJSiiu oniuri vour iqveunrs. l lorcoi rvnert i was as drsimctLlo 5 a turd mor.fv .nrrrn. er ubiect. It is a!lr inlhe first I knew not tvhail didI "bnlv know that menll y . . -4 - of 8Uf- ttc s;ury.j fir those liri.r.z at V dUtuirc, or put ti titeVipar intiiruMy lnalvaace. - No si rip lion ViH bo recti fed for n less, pifiod than a ynr; and Ih paper wilt not be discontinued finliX criftt arc rcci-e4 to tkat ccT, and all arrearage Letters to the Editor rnuMcornb free of postage nhvwill not be attended td. 1 - V . - , AortTrMtirri will le inserted aitHo rate of one dollar per squirts xbr tKrce inicttion, land coou far -ach ttb8equjPot ioscrtion. vA liberal Viscount will be made to , those wha adrertise Jv lb; year. ( Thoserndihjr in, advertiscinenU wih ibwu tr.e jumoer ci umcs ncy wish lliera inserted - ;Vom 'the' bachelors Bui Ion. 4 THE BEAUTIFUL, vTUIEP.---, - Lucy- CIsrcrrce was1 t frb most '.beautiful crcjlure I-ever bchchl. yl tacrer could Ima inc tnjr tbthOrecrfcctly'' fhsbinating. She made more conquests than all tbc Gther irisin un; ina, onu vncn 1 nrsi mci kcr, and looked apon 'Her, dazlihg fa'cej 1 invotnhtarily exclaimed," bcauUAil ' Vis ion am1 in and a pith stole throunh. mv hcjft jnd wht.perctl to my thougljis "ybu'dre in love.1 .v.-v?"' Trmc passed rapidly' -:t)lfl'Kicl loved ber a lobe while- a vk'ry. IohVv1iile. Vith all the "devoted r lansulshcncat of an ebthusiajt, ! tiJid 'ddtcd tut: ber 'for4 years. I had no thoucbl or feelms but fbr berf". If 1 dreamed, 'it was for her. lv Ifcalhered pounds ot modesty; : si,e fears td smile Iwit "r?i,:,y.vw.P iiiisinicrpreicu. .; 4n snort, j!c1ar. rc-aj'f you .wish to jharry, never fall in love at; first aiftht. You must be cold; culculalins 'and nhlecmatic:,-brV-ii1 you arc like roc, you vwiirnever.eyourj love. -"'-rrty . - : i iucy; oiarcnce u as a belle. :ShQ became celebrated throughout thn statni papa; was ' prevailed; upoo to permit heMo tmsthe ensuing season iii th I first : heard of thi arrangement I conclu ded that this would-be the end of all my hopes "The city:l!r5aid I, she will have . 6ay. d ashtng,young fellowslit herd bow in less than a w'eekV" ' : ' ? ' " " flection was, a new resolve on mv nart to bring matters to an adjustment before her dcpattureJU But as Sancho says:' : jH6w vain are. aUUhe great resolves ot 5 Itesolvc, which' he neither. keeps,' 'nor It was uscless for meto form plans 1 could ; never carry jthem into: efiecC ' be went'to the city; andT wis left behind, to 5'llorT' iay5: o APsencc,;' -and to mo. a&out"ih the; village like on? 'who. tfe-i i alone; t to piefpre tormy excited )nind dazeo's of hand some, witty and rich suitors bow in 2 around. not ny dth speech. V. Relieve me, voans lover it is ajl in the first speech. - Makc a beginning tthedifficultyAwiir tKea "bc--not to say to6 much. I speak from ckneriehce. ' 1 ejt sotsewbat lordly. My finbjrs -erc wiruii ui.waicn-cnain; anu ajjam i lounu myself, in tbe verv' centre of the riarlor. with my bldelevated.:Kaocl;, mv arm akimbo, r ':' J I " T J f.' '; .Luey waa looking it a ' picture--a, bean tiful picture, which .was lying on "the cen tre table, i, I appro?che Jicr; and A'cntUfed to remark 'on it exceeding 7exc'ellehce.;..:,l was a; cottage-, embowered in vines, close to the margin of a limpid rlllihatmtirmur edisit flowe4j V lady lent jover tKe gar den .eale, and a gentle swaib was iust steal ing her hand l thoul)t -Ibcacd Jiim siglt and J ; whlered to; Liicv 'sear, bow eryhatarair Helii5pefng, love" to her this very moment- look! how she smiles upon btraij)ear;liucy-rwiy do ybii not smile upop me thusr; f -i, ;l t Lucy turned away very abruptly, "And al k'edj to anotHer! part of the Tboro. ,L;She niusnearvcry aeeDiv. otn liwas erauiicu ai radbre, and have adored, you long, long, onz pinion me, t.ucv"- . i ""Miss Cfarcn'cc, very : slowly, ; btVt.rciolute y drew from mi the hand which, in mv eafjerness,! I bad seized. ' , 7 Lucy-Sirss Clarence, dqypn not love t.at.C - t looked upon it as a ood sign. --;-' u'I 'irary her, a little,? said I.to myself. Air, I 'Jove to1hi'nk that she. lov d ,me. 1 . flowers and wove them into tf garland, inland anxi was to wave over hojfdrehcnd.r If,"n my j isiti I lltiiiui. utility, a oiid.iiiivjw OlJIIIU, LV.l;l 1V.99 f jvvi .4 iiiu her from IbeJwbclmihg aiul mcrcilcsi flood C -Why', d m it .fellow, 'the. w n hen .she ' opbtietr"hQr ' beautiful ey es (o I city, is ia' flames about berl. ' -' - rterH beheld In' them the .MThe devil it is?-Vhat dnT rarn 'nnrl M mvsclf out in a irav Siift' TvTiimrt.rl tftc first sleam'boat that 'passed alongj and soon found i myself suuirU.' nunrL-rpfl in li f ity. hole!, j No "man ran imagine, the thou- icr I had jbn the subject of w y mpt cveral! acquairita nccs, -vho wii wic jJiuuuuuuy gi IiavinS "XDV hole ifresc charm of m) lifc-r-the light'of my txlstence mV -iot' -. y boijc thoenxir'that 1 si-lcd ' qualf; for I fclt .thUTt wOuhl ivc ai immortality to my beingTand my life; withonrit ; tfy -pirif would fiaVer.o exhila ration; th6:vorldf to ihcywould be a prison and a lien a chaos a gloomy wilderness of leiiflcss trees! f v' ' " V " iMylatrey had dweltupoii her image uni til it vss become a patt of my brain one of its -necessary- organs, without which I tbould halve' bctfn Incapable of thought. ' '. 1 saw her Very often I gazed upon her lik fascinated.. - Yet l!could'not speaR to her; "ThcTitmid-ofhcr 'clear haze eyes had on my-nse, all "the 4 fntbxicaling'in- fivicn co ' o f t he' most ex hiTarnti ng w i ne. ' I drank I vas drunken with tire draught,arid J reeled through the circle, of which slic wis flte starj a bewildered ' and -"awkward booby.' ; -t . '-'.'". . To talk to t her of Jove, Was 'utterly im possible. I could not ' bring myself to the task. The Very . lhotight' ihadti tiiykr.ers rniitc each ether Sometimes I would ap proach her with contidcncO 41 j7"speak to ier now it it kill J mc." I bncc'said as I parp. wiui rauier;peiii5niy,---i suppose. ; - L wailed unnatiently for the fishins bbifr to arrive bnd I called on her. r 'She ebn descenlledhiJ shovv herself rae.J -and to shake my-'han nature? "burl nhbut the IcanconYusionor jertubaiibn. ttu9 wasertainly a bad sign: I was frightened hajf; to death-and there sbesat taugliihg sometinies; scrcamingrin her very merriment her dear little Voncue, aa un- iirc-icsa aiH -a wnair. vn: mat is a simile whicli I shall no be able to achieve. There was "a party gfven in the - city on the very ercning of arrival. Taking Ad vantage of the -influence of aTriehd, pro- cured en invitation; and having hxed niy self out in the b'est syfet I waited very impatiently- for the-arri vat of the fasluonable hour.. I came at last. ' When I found my self on the steps' that ;lerl into the d welljng of the centleinati who was "divine thfe part v ; a plight tremor came ! Ovcrme; fotT krrtTw, that i-ueyvwould be there; and 1 -resolved to court her this very; " : ' , " ;: The door ; flew open at m) kn&cli, and ftcr the'fetv "preliminaries usilal on" such rcasions 1: stum bled ? into' thc : parlor." flcred my arm to a beautiful cirl that sat 'oar ine,. pjano. ! rne gave me ners wiui ;rt?at goo'd tnatTJff0and'W(e3auhtered about tv theerotvd. Aleintime she had given me ;rpse.DUd. iitJavvjinat'lucy was iioi auo- gc.tncr. unconcerned. . j sne "lookcu at mc-? ittid I thouchtshc smiled IhroiiKh herrbriftht rjcsj and her ; .smile 1 thou ght . there was something of Veproach. k'i-"jl 'Med the ladv to the piano she declined sinciifff, and insisted an'mv occupytosr the cbair," and performing the duty myself,, ! pretended to excuse myself, and afiectcd to begoflr;'! but in trulh iT was gratified .at' tlie opportunity; fbrft bad composed" a song, and wished tosing it in" the hearinerbf Lu cy. . took , the seat , very reuctautly, my lingers : wandered jivec ine. Keys .vyitna good deal of ease, antl even skilL:. J woke iny voice Dy uegrcea .nu sang iiieoiow- ingVerses: ' : ; Phi' bring back my heart little thief,: little '1 ' thief Oh! bring backiiay beart, Utile thief; 1 was a ereerr, green leal, , On a& flourishing bay " f VVheVyou Came; little'thief - , ;vim&iuiu.ii away 1 - - Oh bring back! my. heart," little thief, p Oh!-bring back my heart, little thief, Utile - . thief - j - " Oht bring back my hearty little thief " fTisa withering leaf." . A nd the tree is dy ing! " xji -a parent s griei I A hi list it sighing! - ''. -.4 " Javorable opportunity presented itself but Vouth i and : beauty .sparkled 'arouhdmc, F V i u ? 1 - . skis! absUs soon as she threw- her iiisiri- iirtvery direction; and for i foment?! wai And year shall be queen - . -C'jieyes uikii me, my face treivscatlcl- so dazzled 'Hut X musV have appearctl . veryHW? . ? f n.me i.'t A ft and ,S lipi were scaled as if with enchant- awkward--I stood in thb eenfref flie nafi ? ?u brw bk Wh?art c.f! tiCtlt., lor. r I do'not kiiov "bow I got- into" the l Lit?, ,-t: v " L-r " - -' s3c nj a rose once. --. - -i naou,f out some now ur oiner, on sucn.oe-t s Isn't bcsutifulV said I y casions," 1 1 generally find myself 'flinging , llciutiful,,-she exclaimed -with -cm- myj watch-chain '-about with mjh -fingers jhis. . . v J -.'. : and!e!evaltn'jTny headtoatfunysual.h'ght ' 1 trembled a little; but made Out to say r and looking as ifl dicl'not care a fig for the ' niv himu- it i'" l T : , worm.- - I In lhi' orrn-iAn. ' fnixtvrr frdrtm mci" N6 ! She was, calmer than the cold,, uncovered moonjharjlcked i And sho IcA me dumb as the post" by which; we stood"..- inieic,ie j nung in my i ear, ana i. leant myj jea3 down io shake it t out: but it had become' aliachctl tot my Llood; andTwhile my arteries jwere being freezed up, an Icy hoop Seemed, to. wind itself around my head, and sidVUecp into niy brain! An untisual bumming sound riimbfed through my car- aridllpfelt dizzy I fy stumbled rdowrf tb'e steps and JJlJfou nd jnyselfl nT jthc, t.Mreet: The liollbw; ba vementechoed to' ni vrwifd. unmeasured tread. ' I walkelonc Uiroucb the streets iw if 1 Were ; mad--stepped iutb a coffee hou and called for wine. Wihc, winerwine:" ;:cr5rr;-:;;f , The bar-kecpergazed' with amazement s I swallbved the full' contents fof a 'Ursc tumbler: tTHe sherry sparkled : before me Vgive nie some' more!"! It ranjhroirgh ray veins, ana mounted , uiwa' us tnrone hi vi Mi9.-9 v s a luunarcn. , ; i , . WbereV your hat?'! said one of the by-standersj to. me. I felt oh my head; dew. had "set tied on my Kairaiul as I brufb ed if aay-fd remembered whdT wasiand whathad Decurred.1.' v " i : i T Teturned to the' party, fo enauirc'for m5, hati I gazed' through the wibdow like doomed 1 Much . of the company bad de parted; the rooms;, were Jhinning.1 Rut there sat- Ijluey; cold? as'the diamdnd that nung-rom-ncrTosy ear, anu .ungmcr man its sparkled! r I flung open theN'dbor. slojjd in the centre tf the parlof l'approaclred Lucy again : - she looked upon me:"sbd smiletl love ,made dimple, on her cheekpidd bor ried I v covered it" with a veil--a vreci veil -a tosy -transparent veil.' -Vine "sparkled. Iik my. eye,ianl flaslicd upon rn"y check. 'Excitement-mounted on my raging blood, and gaUoptd through my veins!' I, was wild. , ' , ' '' c VVcTsat tipon . the sdTa. A music nook J was; lying open, between' us; her hand -was resting midj-way on the page;. taking a;fa vorable opportunity I closed tbe4x)0l"0n her ; had,(cavlng' my own, onbcrsl ? 1 touched herjsnowy fingers; inowy, for they were, as whde and as cold as snow.: 'Twas enough she! moved them.nbt.i - I tremble while I write this linea'sl did thenar rVv-V That night, tkifsed her rosyi check, and Is, however, lhe ConMifutioiijSjlect on this subjetl? Far from tt. v' pcepljr sertsW b'c,4 thatinjsttch a rdnfcderaey as ctirsAe tAeaiures Pjlraue ihoM, be unifvfmr snd that this important objeet could not betvr ctiml if left with the States, tbfe.TramrrJ of the . Constuutton ? curcctly - gayo.to , Con gfesJk the power . to cpixv meneyv regulate ine: vsiuc jucreoi, and or foreign coin, and to fix the standard of weight dnd incisures. Gold and 'silver coaititule thci universal standard of value,--lt Is the law of the land' at home, and tbe, law of the wurlJ abroad. .And if the proper rrgu latum of tbe yard-stick and the bushel wt deemed of such Importance as to be the subject of direct i grant tf power to .cclti moricvp rvguiaie ine aiuo-incrcoi, anu t'ioreir.. r com, and , the "ex press dcnial t o t Ik? JSta'trx , of the power to "coii money?' andmak; any thing but gold and iilvcr coin a tcudcr-. in i paymenrot, flcnts',was --designed jto sc, cure uniformity, in this iwiver? il trsrubtorl. and that tbe power ; 't i Iiy and collect Hax-i States, can Only prbperfy be V v rcised w hcr.i the public "taxes i e collebt ' tlie puf A- lie dues arbVaid in (he cos. malcttf r auch has-been the Viniversal under. 1 ing of the coti nt ry, Jfrbrrj'tbc, ad opt io o o f tji fJonstiiutibntlwith' th f ingle, cXcVptton.V peniaps, ol me notes oi inejato u.:5. li'.:" Itis trucj 'that n practice, tbe notes tpccie-paying-XixAt have 'been rcceivcu in payment "of Ihe public'duesbui I ' ncyv uyiy (icycr iim ucvn.au imperative requiHtion bf jaw to receive. jhenu 'lliat joint resolution of 1S10, onlv raJdeli lawt . iik J : -.1 . . lr 1 i rcjsc ins uiscrciion.asiono. rcceivingoi Hank notes "ai all ; . and 31r. - jli Vts .rc'solu, tion'of 'Julv,' 136; ' was InVcndcd a a re-, . inption , Upon that discretion; -, It is re- quirca py uic tJeposuo iiw. U is. as X. thinki"rtquiifd.b"y the' sountlcat rbnsiacra-f linn bf (Milifilitrrind Vollev nhlifv t litt ) ----- ' . w , v W -.. i ...wi. -r.N ' Oh If bring back, my. heart, little thief. If you U brink back my heart, little thief, r little thief; - - . ' : t If y'ou'l brink' back my heart, little thief - . , f -The leaf shall be greeny 'c" J . concluded , my song-r-and lookiu g up, 4 met Lucy's soft blue eyes fixed upon mine. A Beautiful Uh i eft--1 exx la imed, r Sl ng from the ,seaV and seizing her by the tin folded , her in my arms." I. . tears, year.s, years; they have fled away, but what care 1?.. Lucy is sitting near me! Dear ;Lucy ffscwtng a frill to her cap and as 1 wiitc, a blue eyed urehin is scram bling up by my boot; to get upon iny knee. 7- ttnucauiDis, y cuacnciors. p.v4si r w k , i Why?" said she: v J ' " 1 j less I; might' have fejti I am convinced; that .V lkcsc because." said I, "instead ofimvt ex rcmcly singular'oppcarance aUrstf )fini ?rti '1 hlush unseen, and trustt I led 'titehtibn: for.1 on i ithrow ine -m v eves -r ----- - ' - w I ,7 , , ' . . .. C, i mi sweiincs on- the desert air,. it ist around me, l.ciscovereq , several. persons lookydupon ! y ll.: biightesteycs thjtverlsiaring4 af'mcf aS if they thbifghi mede- (Pln 1774 there was no Bantf in the United States; in i 784 there were butthrr e, and inwl700but four 13anks in Hhe United States.' Ilej-e we )iavd proof 'positive, that the agency of State Ranks w as noVcontem tdated by tKlframersof the (institution they did ndt Aexisr were not employed; ana never cotiia -nave -occn? expected to grow to that ' mighty number we have now gerof the glove ;Ueautiftil thief!; willyouit spread over fhe'land. So fjKlrOni itDr. not briug bick'mviieail!" 1 said this in at Franklin. John AdamsGcn.:AVasnincton i - - -: ! j. . : . . . A . i '.!.: i ' .. I. - 1 ! "- a. a . v . ... oua ana.eyeo a j-nerce: ione.-s oe fewqie.in nis letters io ijrieernir. iee nimscn, loUse waS amazed; and Liicy fjoor Xey land manv others of the. fathers of the Rc- mono tu icwiluer and laoued - by -the ranged. L.ucy nasince assured me tnat l s.wcatcst breath that'- . 5 was thepernificatiori of fright:-" " lt looked up indshs was out of bearing! ;-Somehowor other Itburtd myself in the This speech had been studied aiid to be oeighbdrhbod 1 of - Miss Clarence-botl V jrh bor hood cheated out of It this was too bad. t'r- i:t 1 should -ifievcr have Known it, had not ber .1 visited her father's bouse 'frequently, sweet voice recalled me to myself. I tdrn X could sit at distance and tc ! quite corn-led mjr e-cs iri the direction and the dim iweu;uui it sue movvil orsnokc to me; orrpre uiai ucr tuiuu uiauc iu ncrcmxfc ih-i- 1 . .'.i .l:J.4"i-lr-'k-i?Ji:'CLriJ.L.4 mc near me; ii nergown xusucu as snciicu -ic urunre io utr wuc. . -ircatucu p-ssed by tnei'if ber voice broko suddenly tforth her delicate litife hand, and L blessed upon my ear, all my philosophy rdesertcd ber tn Heart j tor Jcr undncss Irtciteaini- cvident signs fc6iifa-erlnher company;. tioiv;tl:2n 1 ever Had ' to her fair sisters with! before, shd h few4momeols, by the help .pleasure: 1 could be fa'milurndeven'irav. of two r three classes, of dear champaignrl .witu- tlie other members 6f tlici famiTv. 11 was talkint to ber wit!j rapidity .and even .1 7 I j.. -ww .-- i 'i . --i l!?J-7 . Ti- rc were not near: but the moment I knw lease. T Iter lace cngntentu oeiore uiemio that shi was in hearinV. thcrV was a leaden I arpbtuatf arriiler and I veutored totell lcainc-aa tin m'r tnnu-Jahd a seal nnnnlher that s!Te Ibokeddncdmmonlv bandsozne yhps.fc!lin love before I ever eon fer-1 shVxbloredJ" " . f - -t : v wun ten -dnd. Althoucn 1 nad wit and I ane ieni rupon- mv axiu. "v ' humor, and even elegance in my cbiivcrsa- were iliat dimple ;iojdcr xheek" salu 1 t-cn,ihehad ncVer beard or -witnessed any WbyVsaid she: ?- ; r j cf it. Thcrcfgif ,bf cotjrec.ihe'CQnchjded -"Because IpuVd be breogld Jntojiibsnd was a uuii iciiowr ' riaeaui" oy -uu wiiiju. . - . t ids love at first stent tsan onrortunatc ,1 is joi iransicm aau momcmary exis 4"r. as lor me i s room; niy finger. with my- head akimbo --' obd-iflL thc centre of the! twirling my watch-chain, elevated--and "my arm i. P J-V,.4JV. 7.- I;, if A n'unaccountable change had come over me from the silliest atid utost timid booby in ine .worm, jl was.oecomc ine. mosi. prc sumtog coxcomb trial ever took snuff or lounged upoo a sola, i I jbsoiuicty laaricd St the occurence, as a jest, aud did not cease until 1 had banished tbe blush from Luc elieek"-' -' -Vt1 '! - ''f'- :' L , - , Again I "held1 her arm In-mine, j Lucy loved me loved me at that moment; be cause hadmddehetbtiLshm the doctor says; Mwben one of the!seiisea is plcased ne rest is not aiKeiy o remaia tu ill humor." , t ; : Ws, Lucy Clarence loved me. And she leant upon my arm in the moon-lit gallery; v e stoou oy a posi, mrounu wmcu ngic vine wound itself- with caresirsg fonducs, a solitary-roses trembled pnthe ine afnl I rVnllrd th.n ros-and kLscd.iU aud save it LuevV if ivvai a beautiful Jrou,:; andi tobklt backaaln nol'to retiio it but to weave it io the curls-lhe rich, dark curls cf the girl IaUored',, t-L .. sniucd. ;r uublic deorecated the Banks, and csneeiaf j - - I .7'7 777' "7 7 V 1; ' iy inai fius ior paper money wnicn ap ncars In some narts of the U. : State3L, In denying tolthe I Federal Govern men t the 1L-L7i7i - :v. -k power i o crraica oans io ceciaring mat no States shall coin moner; emit bills of eredttj make fany-lb!ng bet gold and rilvefi coin a' tender in ymctit of debts," it is manifesto that -the fatiiers of .the Constitu- lion4 never; contemplated ' the "-acencr of IJanJts; but-tntemied the red era 1 uovcrn- bjent to bea hard money GoeerrtmehL and that only-that.this is the correct idea can be hardly f questioned; Irat .I,will give sbrac nine acaiuonar aumorji'. ir. t cbsttr, in hit Vijeech on tbr'Tariff, in 3523, says, The framers of the Constitution, and those -.'" -tk . - ' m 1 wuo ejuKieti-t ine earir statutes on Uie sub- h:c& ot me currency were fiara money i ney iiau ieir a.no, inert lore," duly j ciated, the eiils cf a rfner mediuta. irpre- sney tncreiore; sedulously -guarded the cunency of the U Stites Iforo d4semcot;,,---Mr: iiives, in his speecbof iaouary, 1S34, , era- . - i. . I. i a .... . dues in specie. and still inipcriouly dcf" mands it. ;T ' V- . '. -"M-i. "Assuming, that 12 wijMo U'y arid collect taxcs7an only bo" constitutjorially execn. J ttnl, bv collccti ng those taxes In 'money uo (as tncrNitionaJl' intelligencer ciigantly terms ine present i Jan k paper ot the couo? ' try; "jgsaauuca witn unipuuck; which m no one dare sofirjnsdlt the makers of as to demand value for;' butjiard cash. Sir, the. . question recurS, what agent shall Jtm select-. cd td take care of tA t money so 'coilcctedJ , LIFE AND UEAm V When tha imperial despot 6f Inertia sar- -T Veycd the myriads of freight, whom be bad - i assembled for thcnvasion and ronnu st of ' ureece we-arc ioidiy.Uie father of pro-': ' fane? Jiistbry iUcrodottis. "that? the mon- . archf heart at, first distended ;rith Jwide, r immediately ftenvardssufnk ttithinlsim, and turned to tears of sngotsh, at the thiMight ) . that i withiaone hundred years; froia that-day;- not one of the ; countless , numWrs of his host would remain. m 'lLe und of ihd UsirjgJtjr' Ji "-7 itf-V 'K'4f K-'-r The brevity of human: life Had : afllirdnl i a mclancbolv eontcmpbiion lo t winer and bettertn.cn than Aerxey, in ages long before -that of, Ui wn cxtsttnrc. r It is alill tha subject of rcflcctiua ex of Christian rcsirnai,' lion, to the liviog man of the present sge.- , li;.wilt conUuue;sufb a long is theraca of man shallexist upoo earth; 1 - -But, it is tbe condition cf oar nature to "T look before and sficr. .iTbc Persian tt rant m ' t m m mm ... . looked jorwsnir and lamented tlie shortr.css. -of lifeilut ,ia that century which bcuniTM' nis menial vn;on iie.knvwvnot whaf ; to come to pas,; for weal cr wo, td the r;o "T whose transitory nature he tlcplcrca; s- 1 " his own rrtirrK?, happily biCcl by' ll. j : ; i elements wbich be, nidi abated frump Uoon would lave -xhajtiscd, wcrccf the v . most odiou s and dettsUble charaeicr. k nencctiorls opon the shortness'of time , aljoitwd to indindua! man open thiilaaefi may ba turccd, tn. more useful account, by i ' ... cooncctir. lbenitwhb ahose that, arc to Ti come, f ,'fhe family : of min is plxrcd opc.H ' Uib:ContetI;ba!l'to''earn'ar improved! condition icreaftcr.by improvie l.isovrrr- coodition here sad bis dnty of improTC mcct is cot a leis social than a sc!s:i prin ciple We are bound to exert sit the faec!- Ues bestowed upoo cs by our. 2iak lt. io io- prove our own condition by improving th:t .. mm ' ' " ... 'ntoedidtcrMom& any usb oHbe pW - decarcbtsli&upcnucbacheek.,---W y t , eJ?a tt's iaimL... . i : .x..J..r:.-l i.itnzK,t h ' nrMhi mirandtnartiO;Tme f '..e hast and abrupt nunncr !,i-b' modesty and: fear! :Jcu mucins Uie dTniplL-vanxibcJ as sT.e spbke.r in wlndi I .essedyou inlheprlcr. : take bn a single word. You wISiiVio " e' were tarat-d.4 'Alyspirtfmadejs :;Bo ycj t;.mk vou defvc to be jur flciseibut cannot; andlhe'cUc produced sHu' atyunderful sprtr I tVblSn-dcne2? r.V T u 7 mr m. ww ' i PYf.HiJ tHr O'm Are&ms,,of cwf fcltow-rsetf, and the prerprtbit : eocial,rPpHi(catQT cfontrmicatsx quirui j we should Jove our s ntigbbor si' c -;r:!vr-4 j bythe rtiiitcrtits WlhecwslryV'Aal.and thaive shculddo to others as we v.cuU't 1 v timostiprgenttjfM jhotdd do tiiio cs;are but cx-K promises tnrttsaccomj!:iJimcut thekamp!c3 cf co-epcration ta theimprot tmect ir5eiresicutinty, Purity and . liebenelUts: IryonfLc-zriu tbe re cafT r-fsJded, alike in lie Tclaaes of ca- H teraiipu of the Government l?:wha it trasitsrLiZd c inmimlon- intended by tbetfbmeracf thetCenstitqWC w . . ; . l j2 - .... - i jk.-- i :' tar . ' . -I