HI- REPUBLICANISM: THE PALLADft M OF EQUAL RIGHTS. S. IS37. ' . i .W SI ; ' y.'i e'u Tarbnro izh Scxcrolaf EDIT B I) It Y Jlml printer! hy J. 4 W. iManmnq. piiiiliHcil'fjTcryvrck.nt Xhr frt1br pr mnnrr, if paid within; th if. r Tliri dollar jn.!Jfifly;rnU.Tf not paiJ n'Wih rnJ of tV tiiKrjjtiori yr. It will lx f, .rirT fr those liViinijala diiL-inc, or out of tSi Statirtopy inTarjHW in alvaiife. No ul Hrri'tiirwill imfWI-n fr alrM period than a yir n! the pnpr, vjt nM. ttf iliMViitind until oflrrf rrivl to ttiatoTect, and all arrearages ...nWI. J 1 ' , . ltr to the HJitor ijnmtrnme free of postage. cr they will not he atUMijled to. AorirRTHtMF.vri will be inserted .at the mte of sm 'dollar P"r iuaret fnr lhre insertions, and M't eetitw for each ftabHonent in-wrtion. I Alihend Hftot!iit will he made to thoae who adrertine hy Vii' yrar. T1iob 'nendinir in dvertirnenU will pi irk the nomher of lime they wish them inserted I blv adhered, but from ; Which, the other,1 i - . . . .... aunering to the Administration, hid so greatly depirtcd ir practice. A soon a I saw this state of things, I clearly perceiv ed, that a very important " question wa presented for our determination, which we were compelled to decide, forthwith; sl! u continue our joint attackwiirj the Na Montis, on "those in powr, ir? the rew po rtion which they have rWcn compelled to occtipy? ; Ir w clear,? with; our joint for e;wc cmi'd utterly overthrow' and de molish them; but it was not less Iear, tnt . i .. - . 1 ; ! .t ....... .i .!.- " Hi ! i ' most conn:al to our system, and favorable to its successful operation. pirty ""w laioraoie to its successlul operation As obvious as all this must! anmar, I felt thati aumed a heavy responsibility in ta- ; expenencft has shown u that division of, fire Will leave liim .nun In nn ni. Jnrl: rrvUitr .f 1.U j lin'itnl v J rU. Ucbment. r . in in the !lotir tr Common to rt- j I P'tlthnorr Hprttt nlv to a . flight UonnriihW Poor rncrriless varlet! cive liim Hove! He i now mtir: ntnl no tii- Hnz the course I ditlj It was imnoss.ble' ,nto Me hnniK of Jmfe Lvnrh. nnl tor Iihti a l.trrer tlciioMt j of practical that all the circumslaiices anl motive un-i we'll injure thnt he never nravs ano- heacvoleuce in tin Court above. tier wnicii 1 acteti, could at once be pener tlicr ntiar.Hni'-iitJ Utiles it he upon! I . . . . ; I 1 f J- ' 1 ' I '" ' -' : - - -u.tr un-u rcKi; anu, oi cpurse, the Prt I his owintisizuifirant life. was romUed toiakej wS luhlc fto be miJj M ' HVtfrru. CaroHui. bSTfV not hetoo VioLKST. me . i . Vi 1 iumh inlM(t ' Ji ' I ll"' IIIC, i T l. i l- i . t. i , abusesiand encroachments of the Elective UUII 11 Uil l vlrt; to I vc A lUTt'r. ami u.vtuT. 'Socratrfu in j the IMie'lron, makeH a .re.tt di!Ter ence between virtue and habit, io re 'aril to the allotrarnt herrafltr. I He. the victory; would, -enure, not io us. but ex- power, ai to fomet. that thev ! oriinifst in putrid water ; served tip with ivh that a person who hehavTH Well iKii'i. in il. u.r.t r .: .ii- ; . i - ' . .- , . , iii . . . e i t 1 1 ' I . .? aiul raiisiioilteii ittui irtmi a morai prinripie .uaujiie rnu ra ike the otip more pala-, tied to k infinitely htj;hr ietanl tbe filtlnet ink-water, than one who filU up the amr mva- cluMvely to tliV !enefit of our allies thefr eause Thev were Ous nud powctf'd; and. Oh the poniori, winch had t ik"n in relation to sauj'fd i ine most nunrerf gress, the p irty to he as Sbo hinks would have jreallv street hened the set t(e(j pritjciple? and policy of the pa r t y , and weaktned i n the! s.inie denu; purs. I hey are and ever have been, the N a t ion a l6m I he PJvfutd S. C. J Mrerfiser Mil: HALUOUN'S LKTTKH.' I'UXir IIIL.L., Gkntlf.men: It is with very preat rc- luttr.ce I decline vof kind invitation to mrtke of a publicjlinncr. From no quar- . I ,.n ni nifiJinn.rniltil nn ptiri! nnl of approbation be more acceptable; but so bort m the interval .bet ween this and the next regular session of Congress, and soin tliprnsibleris it, that I shouM devote it ex clusively to my domestic concerns, pre-, paratory to decline the honor intcndetl. In saying that on no occasion could an cxprt ssion of your confidence" be more wcl 'mure, I intendeds no tuimeanins: common place. During the long period of my pub lic service, never have I seen a. more im portant crisis, than . the present; and in i, one have I-ever, been compelled, in thu discharge ol my dtty to' assume a greater responsibility I saw clearly on my arri val at Vaihington, at the commencement of the late extra session, : that our affairs bad reached the point, when, according to th: course Ave might take, we sliould reap the full harvest of our long and arduous s'ruirirle aitainst the encroachments and ubu. s of the General Government, or lose the fiurts of all our lalor. I clearly saw-, that our bold and vigoj oirs 'attacks b '.id made' a deep and succcsfnl impression. S.Hc rntcrpoMtion bad overllirovvn tl.-ic protective 'r.uitT, jtnl with it line American sysieiii, and put 'a'stnp to Congressional usurpation and tlie' punt attacks of our p ity and tliat of our oidoppunents, the Niipnal JJepub- I I IV 11. l - I Al t Jicans, iiau tihciu my nrougnt iiown- iiir power of the iKxecutive, .anil .'arrested its encro achmcnts for the present." It, was for that piupos" we bad untied. '.'True to bur principle ot opposmon to me encroacn ,l))ent of, power, from whatever quarter it iitight come, we did not hesitale. apcr over throwing the protective svstem and arrest- I'U; ll ISI.Ili y u?ui iiii is 1 1 , - ivj JI4U IIIU ' tiii.rs (f that system, n pjrdcr Xo arrest the ' enrrnarhments of the Kxecutiv'e, although we d i tiered as widely as the poles on almost every other question, and regarded the us- urpition of the Kxecuttve, liul.a a ncces- n v ron-efpicncc of the principles and jxdi- Cy oi our new; auics. in Ruining iui iii,pu ' were, not-insensible to the" (cmbarrjijssments of our position. With such allies siicccs wa dilVirutt, and victory itself, withoiitja change 'of principb and policy on their part, dangerous; anjil aciorilingly, while c,uhited with thent against the Executive we refused all participjlion in the Presi dential contest. But with all its cmbar-ravtmr-rdsii was theonjy practicable! course left us short of 'abandoning our principlc.s or" the cotintry,.by rejiring altogctherdVom the 'field of contest. ,lln this embarrassing 1 position, we waited1 the development of f event!, with the fixed determination, that L Kt what mixht comc, vc would infiexibly pur? iv tlic course, which a regard to bur pfoii'ip'es aod the success of our cause de-. lnamlcd. ,'.' . ; : fc Sdcli was the position we oec.tipicd, from 13., when our content with the Acncral .Government terminated, to the commence meat of the late Extra sessioni when it be came manifest a' great change has been tilvvti-dA which could not but have a pow trail ii.llucnce over 'our 'future course. . It .vo:i became apparent after the mveting of tvingrcss, that the resistance of ourselves and our late allies in conjunction, w ith the course ot events ' in reference to the curren y, h id brought down' the lofty pretensions of the Executive Department. Theunion , between tl.c Government and the money . Iower, which had so greatly-strengthened ' those in authoritv at first, had not onlv ie mvI, hut they were forced to take ground auttst there-union orthc two, and to make vur i,;air:st those .very banks, which had been. the' instruments! tlieir powci and ag fAlJudizenient. Forced to talec this posi tion, and divested in a great measure of pat I ronago and influence from the exhausted 'i. of the Treasury,' they were compelled decided a1 vacates of a National Hank, an are now in favor of oneii with a capital s4 ample, as to bo sufhcient to contro the IState Institutions, 'arid to regulate the; rencvjind exchange of the eouitrv. To .pin them, with their avowed i bjeot in the at'arki to overt hrowthoi in flower, on the ground they occupied againsta bank, would, of course, riot onlv have placed the Go- yernment and country in their hands with Out opposition, but wonld have committed us, bcyohd the possihilitv of, extrication. lor a bank, and; absorhed our party in the ranks, of tile National Republicans. The first iruits of the ictory would have been a n o v e rshadowing National Hank, with an immense capital, njt less than from fifty!. to an hundred inillioiis, which' would have cjntralijzed the currency arid exchanges, and' with them, the commerce and capital of the country, in! whatever section he Head of the institution might be pi aced. The next would he the in dissoluble union (f the : political, opponents, whose priuci-j pies and policy are so opposite to ours, and so dangerous to our institutions, as well as! opressive to lis. .. j - Such. clearjy woultl have been the inevi table: result, if we had joined in the. assuult (in ihose in. power, in the position they had been -cons! rained to occupy ;: anI must l.,ifi-;i'i... i.i'j.1 '.Ji. L' ... -ji v -t : . .'-J! iiiueen um muni nasi exnerience -mil si ..if : i ' : I . nmlMllA nrmr iKnaaa n.l rrv. H IIMI llll . ' f I ' L .' ' i. i' i . ' . i .-. .iii .. i i mixed, to intent on expelling from office t lose who taJile. wit had acquitted. and exercised their authority! frnm ,,0 ,i. in a manner so dangerous, without reflect-': - . ninii'j wuiw inn'is ue power woui-i go.'- and what principles and piiliey would udo the ascendancy. Wiih thin state of fee!ihg oh the part of our friends, I saw it was im-i duct, is T( possible, to take a positio'i, Which, bv con sequence, was calculated to cover power, pbwevcr urgent the cause occasioning a shock, in the first and the imputation of unworthy molives, to meet wpich, however prehensions might be, lutton. and tirmness. Hut there Were oth er,and far greater causes of resp4nibility-, to winch this was as nothing.! Ul all tin interests in the -community.,'. the bankntg is bv far the most innueivtijl and furrr.id.tblt--the most (active, and the most .joneuntra- leu ana pervading; and ot all; Uirr pouus It r. nsien t 1 1 ie, misp- requued some r so- i i in hies ihrrs he the - i ! serving -tip up dirtie: hands of the na- ure if duty merelv from use or cxer- ih a piititin office. Whig. This, avarit ioiis and inhuman con nter' lhan that of the fa 111 ( 1 1 nJI Ili'llllW illll 'ITll t.t fC f titlll ose in ' i ii-" 1 Without instance.. cise. U I A ) resent Ynd his the condition of nunisdiiirvht should i i same as i .intalus who For his son I'elops at a ban- i ..r.. i .i. i' i it . ii ii . i i uei ui wiik u in invited an ine iroos - . ... : I 1 . i. least; iir, ioi of the CCol. H. M. Johnson, the Vicft President, arrived iii this SCHv 've. tertlny morning, (the 1 1th! itislint,) and has taken lodirinirs a' lhe Mh- uigion Hotel iJronilway. ; o:nu sj'antlin'i: the severe nor, a larsc nuniher of our rhi7.ens,' of all pari! ie4, called (6 pay their respects to the. man who has pourciVotit hishlond in otd ilefeiu i if lii. riutnlrv. nnrl lrv lst: u,r for flfvul-in- lhc secrets I imu ji(V. to uie promimon of her ? odsc is punished, with eternal j rv. fXew. York' j)ailv Xe. hunsrer and hiit. in lhe inidt of VI i ' ,'-' . i ' 1 u plenty, both of meat anil drink: Anil i ! within the immense circle of ;his iu eresi, I Jxs compailN should not be kept, and there is none, in relitiou td wh:c;v vthe banks arc more sensitive anil icmci us, than t of the loir union with: the p6li:iel power country.1 This is the .-ouri-eof a vast amount of their profits, a: at oi a "Mill hi s -pet son should he de indignation bv the whole where he lost on him Who ncs r,ol see, ihnl so in f.duated a course Avould have he en fatal to qa and ours. The o ninection between I the (Idy'prhnieuinI the bank .would,.' by nef Ccssarv-consequencq. in the hands of that - i- . ..... i - j T lamer portion of their respectabilitv and influence. To touch their interest n this tender point is to combinej all in one united and zealous, with some exceptions in our portion of the community, ,w Ikuc the union oY the two powers" acts injuriously to the bankinir, as well as to the 1 commercial and other great interests yt encounter so formnlablu a ported by a powerful political pity w it Ii whom ; I had been acting for sojne ears against entire powcrand who rcgarJe;! the union of the Govcrnun nt and tite i'lrsks as essential to' the' Union! of the Slates them selves, was to assume heavy resjonsit)ility under the most favorable circurisM wices; but to back and sustain those in such oppo- he tested witJl comtiiunitv . -i. . - should also X. ANllMPOSlOlt UK rjXTKD . . A few da s since,' a well dressed mi uiered the Drug Store of I)r Cooke, 'in Ibis place, and presented a stcrcotyjM t dicate, signeii and ,n u dfrsigr.r-aJ u resides:, He share the fate of Thyestes for ealliii; the cbildreii lie bad by .Krope. The! harrible ai sun could not endure sd siirbt, and IturniMl his the east. His neighbors cer-thc i trio1': Uitheutic ami imjM)Mng maniu rj t inu, that the in 'i iduil, wIjk name-np-resenteibbv fiiir and twenty ; consonants til in arow'--biil defiance to; articoli-f ioi y any eivilizcl. lringjhd Jleeo ai Inlidi latriot, and bad shCfcred ' many bardfbips: course hack to ! Ibrdihertv and national indepeodervcri and should nev-t rvaa now an mod rum nis in-uo-ti cotitiTry, . ; be Ur. Cookf, on reading lhe brief, billed to - lew .' rrorn yn adjoining room a young I'ole, er suflVr their ucculnr organs him ;i :in, for iear thev mav he con eniploycd as an asistant'in bis hixn who, par v., nave led to a-rcjicwal.pt-, that system sition, in whose wisdom, m inuets a:;d patt ol uneipial and oppire.ssive legislalion, whivh nasj inij)ovei isneu yW siapie r atcs, anu trom which we havp escaped with sucl lhe section h opposition, supt . ... U.. . ... 9i ci l Ihr ai.-..m.f...laa..-.:nW..II.. ' ..M.. I I... ...... I..' - ' I M I VII) If J II lu 1 1 . -M I . if Ci leu uiuij u oi iiii4- ui a uai inns, , , - t,'. :" I l : . L ' I ii ii'-I HI lilt U1 I Vllll(. by the de-raded brute wjit) poseses Tj,c Granger, houewr, . did not Htin to such an iudeHihiC heart of adamant. vrejice moch at fniding a country man. The robsh accents seemed to grate UK)ii bis tar, lis countenance fed, and bis whole conduct (indicated : thai he was'; an impo,lOr. j IIi 11-1 I uriJIti UUl UtiLI l nuill Ul lilt' IJItZ'UUt llltl hen a hoy Lwas one, morning na,. Uin : - a! ...... silM t a - 1 J M 1 1 1 iii 1 1 it : -1 ; i " . . 1 . Tarbonf Sczcvvla. CUR 11 AN pern and diflieultv. teil iwith ihe Oovcr V Of high duties a mire profuse the dis The bank, when tini- iment, is tlie natura ul extravagint ex pen ditnrc. The greater the revenue and the pla . iiig at tiKitbles in the ;ht iieart and liiiier c regret that he wavnot handed opr tt the cit ji authority. He is, we understand, ursen.erits, tbp greater riolisni, I have"no reason! to con tide,' ,'an 1 aileV U itb a li a 1 - ! '! '! . ' over whom, 1 have no control, is to tlt.ubt j socket. The that lia'v ther to .-..!.' : .;! . I -..0 ': II ,.-.! . "... 1 i . I -l. motive, blit the disastrous rrt)li ical conse ius tun usiuu w as nut inu. lyasi iivs- . ... , nnv.. fimiM.r'-r ..f,l miences, and which l clearly saw most loit liaiiil ; upon our j incir v lllliej asse.m- .bnd'scalvd with tremendous raktrsof w a - : . i . it e.auii ine lesi weni an luiuu. , rcsnonsibdity. 1 1 nisi renoosiliditvf 1 1 -i . J Ji .. ...L. V.i.i...1i..- 'V- A li i lt i;(irn. : c;t1 A. i. It. c voluntardy assumed: Desiring. heiH i -, 1, .v Murdy beirrs. armed with r.aich'nUi.J office nor fnorver,. and. having iioihihiy": Tt.rtl.V1 " r"1' t -. v ,v i.ru . Lr ..... . ' lA lUJl hone pcrsonaliysfrom ithe moyem:l,6l"H" F vcr theeilul aspect. I,,, ,UI,A ' 1 i I I I - ' I . m a h a i I A I a r i 1 4 '1 . .-. a. J . a t . I n I 4 .i. 1 jl ' J a Ii . . I - i 'L i k positcs. This I'ten.dcticv on theii art of llat aitd its institutions generally, and nlur seci t;.. ,7,! ft a v was a ' heiievoleul treature IvaxV ' Ton sorf used to be lhe Alrrriiu of tne in la iu; (after all 'capiivity of sfjinc nicmbcr of the fjit"dv;or i Uu:. civMructioii ol a village by ovtrfUw i ! Vesuvius or Kiua. lint the Trinrh. lutcly for glory's ske, occupy Algiers, ncy iiie.sysieiii.we iravc puuuo OjWti.viui a poru.oti oi my oii consuioenis and menus, . , i ' , - ....- - - jantJ ih. volcano yzem lo have pctl-lltcfr k much' labor, Iwitli .an; aggravatipri of itsUo whose p;rfv and steadlast . support, uni l tatite of hall a century,- JUst as he ! i evolutionary lurv.and manifest a tendency oppression f. if -.beyond any Ithing we have tier every trial bird difficulty l am s:k muljlt stood before lllC-in lhe lillle hall-alle ever yet experienced, and thus the fruits of, indebted, is a source of deep gr mtiication fn the! da s of . iu'v childhood. all our exertions and struggles against the which I shall long remember and ackno 1-' Unv-.il lu Ci.. lh.rti.r 1 : f V- iV k 1 'i ' '! . ':fk - .. .1.. io would hayo: bceii lus U-fbrever jjysiem' fosl. i lly taking the opposite .. course, the re Hrsc of all this will iollow, in Urighls party be. but firmly "'uuitcc their principles. Never Was, there and never probably ,wiir Ihcre be so fair an opportunity td carry out of New true to ! bclorcJ S k ' again, btate and g remember tdge. ,,:'!'; ,..' . !.'!: ' f " ! . ; .' j i " tnnv n rii tint'V I - i ......... B 1 I . 1 To Messrs. .1. Bauskctt; A. iWigfdL J. P- V.rr.d l 1 L-lw'irfln X A.inm lAiantI lllll i f ii ... . .. i i n' . k . r. :' j i. uruiatvi auu j.i . iinois.- mil tee. billy 'our principles and policy, and to reap the fru its of our long arduous struggle. Uy keupitlg the banks and the Government scp;irateu,' w,e euectuany prcveni me pen-ii-alizaiion of the currency and! exchanges id iht country, at- any one noin t . a nd of cotirsel the commerce and lhe capital, leav- b each jTo enjoy that portion which its na lural advantages, with its induslry and en ii ir nr Ac. ma v xuiii mand. B v refusing to join our late allies in their attack on 1 those in povVcr, where they have sneitcrca uiem- sclves, wc preseht lhe complete ascenuan- cv of the party, and.their principles,- which inusiiiave followed, and again lhe only op- twriuriitv wc could have of) rallying anew the old .Slate Ilights party of 1S27, on the groun 1, they liven occupied, as an opfsasing power, lo hold, in cnecK ineir oiu upjMj he nts.1 the National Republican Party. 1 would alsotye us the chance of cfiecting, w hat is st ill more i mportant to us, the un ion of the entire South. ?The Southern di vision of the Admiuislrapon party must re- becuov the old State High is ground. I hey : i f ' . . . VI I . -. ' . . I. have io altcriialive; ami uniess wc, nu have Jo long aud under so many difficulties adhered to it, hall now desert our siana, this South must be united. Il once united We vill rally round the old State Higttts tv bill in every section who are optoe,d rnnhdaiion'.'or lhe over-action of lhe U I . . ... - ' lutnii i,,i. .i "..i. '..:...! r-ontrnl tiovcrnmenuanu ine nouucai wi- IMVK, IS UIC Will Ilivail9 J 9J llISi; t p- . - . i i Il k the,r. .i. :t. ..r i c-r i.fj! Jdl acrain bo tortned on the old auU sVl.ic lion J'Ut a mis mechanic:. . 13. Baldwin. Af-' t m 'a .ar I at a m ' I u I I. Iiii lull ' itlill er the lire, one lsaialt Uale, who ie-LB,l"' -V UV, b4--' f pntty Suprntition UThcrc U laid oices in the po$seysioii of a.rieaiivju.t iar.i auu ,1C .ruuiuauw. ' - t , exist among the Huiao giriiilH: Mlow. lever heard of a koul. attached the I i d ng tanoctnt Mipmition. (in the 'Oiurs- . 1 i '; mm . i ! I ft ft . I 1 ' . . it small remuant; of' LIr- IV.U propel tj .,"c tang it me an lie coui.i ami men .uv previou, u mt-unday u.ry try what; o secure a debt bf S59. ! Sucli a!'"1 me to school at liddlelon- In j l o tcxi -tr.e prohcttc Mimnii, of thr j i .i.-.w. i... ...-.i.. ....... ..i ..... i iTrcaiii.- x 11:4 in oi iunrrt it hijiio.' . 3UUU ur. uiauc a luau ui mi . a ii.i.ui- j , . . , i".'." reives, on the principles ol 137, hyj -lies win wv. - - r v , oh we had rejectexl from office the Nanaturil division of Stale Ki6Iu ad .d, Republican party, and to which ouMu"4 vv,lich U'C " i Uon Oi the oltmrtC of havc iuflcxi-!) r.rWemcntef the Government, and which Market I a lie v. ol I Fo tlie he took a I ' was, iiiniuu ! . i u artery; iitii cverv j enev coiivt r j.tsiii. New ocOsions ofvm.l patby bad to be sought for, an), fortunate ly, iheuninjipy iate of Tolaud h-a furnish- !-. j eo them in abuudjnee. They may be inJ jsunces wncrc lhe bearers ol thcc pbters i re natives ol l'oiand, but in nine cm: hi j ien iney arc ntrons who never, nw ihii .1 . ! . . . . r - i - - ' . . . ....... i . ... .... . i . Com. - linn- inai w ect cunc, auu ov . no ;CoUtl!r A tead refuul j eountcrUec means, a miser of my cccen trie i ue : of thes-c itinerantix irar. ia .uik . "I -5 . "F hart of tosned on cvtr citizen bv cuusideratiduM .f hutnantty and jusiice. , The ingiMratts 2uuuld interfere liken ise and comii.U ml ieyerv'i one was welcome to Humane and praiskwoutiiy. ; !them, and 1 had pleuH to share alter Ainons: the, sufferers hv the receut lavinS irei-iiieu tne company suuir & ' r tJ 1 . . i "ft ft ft ft ft fire at New Haven was an! iiidustrif sweetmeats eiMi nrinei me iiome hnui i ;.' learned from poor uram- sucti as taunot give an recount of sdvci Frtderickibxirs Ircnu. locin man ousht to he buried where the sun never rises. i . i ';'; Boston t ransrript. Lets nas9 him around and Let the oninion of the oress coiicernini; him. e think he oti-hl to lie m ule toet his Iftvitisr bv chewins natier raz of - . ;c -, w i . v the dirtiest sort. Eastern Jrgus. i ought to experi huudred miles at led il was nnei at ii? ft V. M ftV..- .wft-J , j l about live ami tliit x scars i 1rrau,: ,1'ro''' into l1he,l,l. when I had risen to ome! Hi thcjWredh ftwitns on the Airfare ol ih" ........ .. rt ..... I... .....I .i I..... I i..l. i . , ciuiucuLv ui me uai, aim umu x c .-ic iheir maiJen tor a nuptial suiit; but M'e think Isaia encc a gale ue sea. in an ludian canoe, without com- or any tjiinj; to pass or companiorj, eatf except what Argus is disposed our frieutl of the hi me. . Traveller. to sive hime His wiment ariii; fod should bt sack-clotii and asljei the latter from .. T 1 . Li...' " ' r tlie rums oi uis viGum. i ' J Evening Star, f The first para ;raph has been in the Sun ' before, but w e republish it a seat in Parliament. a me lit. on. W) return :Ku.d it sii.k ihey are.io wad still Iooc r une da fiom Lourt, i found an iiltlffo the liapov ctianei. II , J eiitU uian I seated alone in uiv draw ing-room; hi feel familiarly, placed oil each side of the Italian maiblc tliiiaucy piece, ) and his, whole ait bespeaking the coiisc iousues of one unite at home. He turned rouud it V3enee tf Mind. A ycunfprouman u'n-& roile tUt or4 a -sr.iprij; CXruffttOu, va iccjdcully k.i'jvked'cfl hit horc, ti.d to eomplcttly ahorlcd wx he in ttcr prtuit d tltctoiptr, that he jumpyol astride of his -f tKi ill t.-r-r-l . ) nru nl ,fT '.Jl ..11 j ..w w.w.v. ..v.. , m it e . v m lull lie did not dt:otir hi nitttaktH mittl i to record our, 'opinion. ' He should hi set where nocxtiusutshment ol tue . i was my frieml of the bail-alley, iuu rushed tustiuctively into his arms,!:. went to hoOt, uhen lp and Uholsl! bis aud burst iuto tears. Works cannot gun kicked him over ail lift the bird un describe the scene Inch followed: Voti are right sir; you are' right. The chimney piece i jours; tire pic tures are Vours -the house is yoiirs. You gave j&e aft 1 have -my frieud my dined caught the i . ... father my benefactor; ' He with me, aud in the evetiiuj;, If urt. .; This is from the Licking Dentbcrat w i.ich prttty ; w 1 1. licks op all pre UJua ac counts of that rirnurkablc Uculty eaiicd absence of mind." ... - $. , tear iisleuins tu his line .nr, otnci .uu rusiii.t on uh ihe muL. blue eye. tuien tie saw the poor little Imutle, lUprugrtaa u uupctcwriuL (J1 be drop, that itAlay drip from the micst mountain ta on lis way . la the ocean; and wcif? ir.t b:caue miticbor I- A-