ROBERT H. COWAN, Editor. : zz WADKSBono. N.p.,JUAKa,i8sa. '. ' jfor cw-aftgssJAN-AT-LAoE : TTnvr T rn tj rWHTTT HON. K. I. DhN N h 1 I . OF ANSON. I.v declining the 'Liberal'' norm nation for Judge, that true and .staunch Democrat, Mr. J. A. Long, nobly said : "I do not propose to board the vessel of the enemy in order to trv to scuttle my own ship. I do ! projjose to stay on boarq and help bvatback the assaults of the enemy, iuid if the jshipgpes down, J propose to go down with thp ship. " ' -The Radicals are continually sbow- ing their disregard for law and order. The sub committee on elections, has Reported in favor of unseating Mr. Tillman pi South Carolina and put ting in the pegro Smalls, although by thiJ Q&cia returns, Mr. Tillman J received 23,3?3 yptes, while Smalls pnly got 15,287. Tbi wiping out of pver eight thousand poajprity is a piece of villainy that only the Radical party wo,uld unguilty of. Tiie "liberal movement" is the wedge litis Republicans propose to Split the solid South with. Thaw . ey ! turiud .Chalmers .of Mississippi out and gave hii aeat to a negro. Chal- i piern went home under the impression i Ikis Democratic friends did not stand j up .y liiiii ;ui tluy ought to have done, anoj has unnomic:l hiim-lf as an "in- dependent, "lilM'ral" candidate, and i these samp Republicans are now aid- I jng him. How ihey propose to work j pay b( seen from the following from fhe N. Y. Sun: "Chalmers now has j jthe active sympathy of his late evic. j tors. The district is Democratic, and j no Republican has a chance there What is the. ex tent of the understand- ing between the Republicans and 'halniers can be inferred from the fact that aid and c jmfort of the mast substantial kind are sought from Jay HubbeUs committee, which stands ready to take by the hand and give similar encouragment to bolters from the Democrats wherever there is a chance for them to beat the regular nominees. It is argued that four out pf five of the Democrats thus elected will become auxiliaries of the Repub licans, help them organize Congress, and finally land in the bosom of the Republican party. This is called "in serting a wedge in the South." What is the matter with, the Char lotte Observer t In his issue of Sat urday last Col. Jones comes out flat footed against the present system of county government. No man knows better than the editor of the Observer f.hat the present plan was adopted to save thirty of the-bast counties pf .North Carolina from negro spoliation, yet he now favors . the . Republican idea of upsetting this plan. He says "the introduction of the question in to the political canvass about to be initiated is a Republican 'ruse,' " and yet he favors it. He says "we have h- . . j . . , , miTTpH tn 1 1 in vdo ra nnct o a a yn a f ter vf party expediency, but the sys tem id WideniQcratic and cannot be .defended upon any principle of jus tice or right." If he "submitted" then, we would like to ask in all can- dor why he fails to "submit" npw j when the "pitHptkiv" ia . imar "Vivv lUllbVl than ever. lie says "we have always been willing to bow to the decrees of our party conventions, as long as they are right." If he system is wrong now, it certainly .wap wjien hp 4ib ;nitted for party expediency." He says "in this section of the State Jt will be found that there are many persons who have heretofore' co $lT2teA uh Qem,ocratc party whose idea of county government are Jased upon the Jeffersonian ideas," ,&c. Ihyes "heretofore" mean that they will not now pol, one has been always a true, jealous and jyprking Democrat, and jyhile we regret his ppsiticjn ' pn' the county government question, it is a matter Democrats can discuss with out questioning party fealty. But this is not all that we find in the ar ticle. The paragraph qud below is, to say the least, mysterious, and we call his attention to it that he may put ihe right construction upon it. We would spurn the idea that the editor of the Charlotte Observer u-a lufiitig to th$ ' 'liberar breeze, and yet the following, in which he is al luding to the Democratic party, .sounds strange from a leading Demb pratic editor : We cannot foretell just what party disruptions are before us in the near future, but we can predict that the party which contents itself by being .conducted by rings and cliques with in, and disregard of the peoples wishes without, will find before long that the people will be hprH arH that their uerances cannot be disre garded. We knew i hat Dr. Mott felt certain pf bis 'ime when he arranged the ticket "tor the side -show last' week, and that he was confident that the different conventions would receive his edict in submission and conform their action to his will. It apiars that he did not reckon with out his hpst. The conventions obeyed his commands and endorsed his pro gramme. The ticket- was yesterday voted on as a unjt, without question. If there was any dissent from a pli ant obedience it was drowned in the furore of applause. The manager was vindicated. But the ticket is now po be parsed on at the pon and what ot itf Mr. iKK-Jcery is well known - and so are the other endorsed can didates. They make toget braa jyeak a ticket as the Republicans ' cpuld well have put out. It has no partic ular elements of popularity. J;ic ptid Qhapryep. Old Col. Forney psed to speak of ."My two papers", rjqtli (fairy ;"liut Dr. Mott is a TucfcTer macj hi-j pan pat himself on the breast anq say,' "My pwo parties, both weakly?' Ketcs itnd Observer. CORRESI'OSDKXCK. , Kidgk Hoi; Anson Co., " I" Jqne 17th, 1882. Mr.. EnrroS: Pfiotjced in youf pa per several issue prior Jx tis date a - i- l. i'Cin - A norm - parazraui'-uupviw v-" v. ttftp)eSVwith the' previously arranged jboro - t Jji'fr"" all.ine ciwzenjt ue countr, and not only "On to Anon- ! ville,,f but "On to Salisbury." and no fnrifiir. arwint the matter, but to fret there Dy ran ine quiuiiwi time, and not to travel one hundred miles to go fifty, as compelled to do now ; ye enlightened men of Wades boro and Salisbury ! Some parties I am told who live in vourtown say, "Oh it will not do to I Lava aJJailroad to Anson viJle, our trarir will be cut off from that direc tion, and we wont furnish a stick to break our own heads. ''We win not help one dollar." The idea! Another link of Rail Road would hurt the trade of Wades boro or the prosperity of Anson Coun ty ! ! Such an idea should be banish ed, and forever buried. Her citizens should subscribe liber ally for another Railroad. Get all the Railroads you can, and help them to completion with your J money. f If Wadesboro and Salisbury keep . pace with the growing and thriving towns of the State, it will be railroads ana sieam power muie inu tu- thing else that must be looked to to do t, and. tbey cannot anora to spurn them. Where would Goldsboro, Charlotte j and Raleigh be now but for railroads? Sunnose the former town had said i she was content with her first six j month's experience with the Wil mingtonand Weldon R. II., ' Tear it PP. tnrow ii away, give us no omer, "You wjjl hurt our local trade," and and the same had been thus done. Oh, where tell us would she be, or any of our principal towns had they acted thus Another railroad hurt the trade of your healthful high, hilly, and beau tiful town! Oh, tell it not in Char lotte ! Let it not reach the ears of the people of Salisbury, or be heard on the streets of our glorious Capital ! ! Let the cry rather be "On to An sonville," thence to Rocky River, thence to Salisbui y ! ! ! Connect your town with the cities of the West by the quickest and shortest route. Give the cold shoulder to no R. R. , seeking to cross your town. but aid thein with your means. Then can you in earnest pile up the brick and 1 mortar, and in safety build up your wasto places; this done, your tore thought will surely draw many worthy men to seek a place with a people so wise. Okiolus. - . I was an Anti-Prohibitionist. That question is now settled. As one of the Democrats who helped to settle it, I do not propose to go out side of the ranks of the Democratic party to attempt to correct any sup posed mistakes it may have made in the matter. I do not propose to board the vessel of the enemy in order to scuttle my own ship. I do Cropose to stay oh board and help eat back the assaults of the enemy, Jrgf" and if the ship goes down, I pro pose to go down with the ship. J. A. Long. To tfip e x-Co n fed e r a t c Sailors of X. Soldiers C. and Comrades ; As the day approaches, (Thursday of State Fair week,) on which we are, Dy resolution adopted at our first convention, again to assemble and exchange the grip of former fellowship and renew old recollections, the undersigned, in dis charge of the duty devoled upon them, respectfully submit the follow ing suggestions : On the 22nd of July, prox., twenty one years will have elapsed since the first great battle was fouerht in the lllVllllTUtVLlO Oil UL.L.1U Ul 1 VT V 1VJ " v i - DO struggle of reco rank9 have been as much depleted by natural dissolution as they were in war by the weapons of the foe. In creasing with accelerated certainty as the years speed on, tne time is not tar distant when but a handful will remain to tell the tale of battles lost uic iuvcu uiusxj over- and won, and thrown. Is it pot meet that we know each other, preserve our identity, collect and digest the story, and proclaim to our posterity that no shame thereby attaches to their paternity ? Since that eventful day, the babe who perchance may first' have seen the light in its lurid dawn, has attain ed to man's estate, and would fain know the meaning of the terrific thunder that lishef-ed in his natal day. Shall he learn it from fdemen ? Heaven forbid, or filial pride is at an end. We therepre recommend, nay urge you by every consideration of country and self-respect to meet at your respective county towns on the uay aesignatea aua organize into county associations of survivorship, "by eieciing: .suitable officers and en rolling your names, rank, company and regiment in a book provided for the purpose. "Then send a copy of the roster to the secretary of the State Association, L L Polk, Raleigh, in order that it may be entered in the general roll of the State. At the same time let'delega Je appointed to at tend the next convention" and perfect the general or State organization. If all coidd there assemble, so much the better. A distinguished comrade will be invited there to address you. Recollect the day, the duty and the object. Two or three, or even a single individual can take the initia tive in each county. Let; us, broth ers, give one day at least of each re curring year to "The Lost Cause,'' dead comrades, but living issues, so cial fellowship and history. Fraternally,' W. J. Greex, President of the Association. L. L. Polk, Secretary. , The Anson County Republicans on Satuday last instructed their dele gates to go for O. H. Dockery for Congressman at large and for ex Judge R. P. Buxton for Judge of the Supreme Court. It really does not seem that the Republicans intend to follow the counsel of the Wilmington Post given some weeks ago to the ef fect that the Prohibitionists in the Republican party must take back seats. They are assigned to front seats in the Republican party in New Hanover county and out of it. Fay etteville Examiner. The young men of our town, we are greatly pleased to note, speak of organizing a military company soon, to form a part of the State Guard. The number of members necessary to complete the organization of the Com pany is forty-dye.' and it is said that the State will furnish the arms, of the most approved pattern; as 60on as the Company is organized and uniform ed, we ( trust the project will be pushed to a successful termination. Itockingk'" &-th. . Watermelons were the attraction on the market vesterdav. ha vine made their appearance suddenly and rom 4i) to 75 ceits each. Char. Off S'-ritr. The "L-iberal" Contf irtIH. The 1 nominee for Conressman-at-large is Oliver H. Dockery, one of the m$t sfalwart republicans in the Soutlj, and whose nomination was ratified by thfl Republic Htate con- venuon yesieruay, mawuiuauuc pro- grama . vv nen tne aepiQcrajc con vention, tnat meets on the 5th of July, nominates Judge Bennett or some other anti-prohibitionist (as will be done), no anti prohibition demo crat an have any excuse for voting for the republican candidate, for Dockery is, of course, the republican candidate, and his election would be a republican victory. The nomina tion of Col. Folk for Supreme Court Judge. was tbroyvu.put asasnareto entrap some disgruntled democrats. He has been a pronounced democrat, quite extreme m his views, and was the Confederate officer who hunted deserters in this and Randolph coun ties during the late war, and whose men took Bill Owen (a Randolph county deserter) out of the jail at this place and shot him to death with out any trial whatsoever. Of course, however, this fact would not hinder any good Union republican from vot ing for Col. Folk against the regular democratic candidate.- This, ticket of Folk and Dockery is a hybrid af fair. Folk is nominated simply to induce democrats to vote for Dockery, for the republicans are well aware that as a Supreme Court Judge Folk could do them no harm and no good, as the other Judges are democrats Their great object is to retain their political supremacy in Congress, and Wm , 1 A." therefore they will do any tning to en trap democrats into,voting for Dock ery. For this reason, we caution all democrats to beware '.Chatham Rec ord. The Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic says the nomination of Col. Oliver H. Dockery, by the Liberal convention, for Congressman-at-large, was resist ed by a faction of his party on the ground that he lacked the requisite backbone and aggressiveness for such a campaign. They need not concern themselves about that. He will be opposed by a candidate who has enough backbone and aggressiveness for both of them. This reference is to the Hon. Risden T. Bennett. -Statesville Landmark. Lumber Yard ! In connection with my Saw Mill at Mcr arland s Depot, 1 have establish ed a regular Lumber Yard in Wades boro in the rear of Marshall & Rich ardson's store house, and am prepared to fill bills for lumber of any kind and size. Mr. H. BROWN is my general agent, and will receive all orders and deliver lumber. Prices as low as the lowest. J. C. HORNE, McFarland'8 Depot, Cheraw R. R. Aug. 18-44-tf The Farmers, -O- I can now offer to the fanners of Anson and adjoining counties some of the best FERTILIZERS NOW ON THE MARKET. I am Agent for the well-known PHOSPHATE CO. OF CHARLESTON, S. C, KEEP ON HAND THEIR DISSOLVED BONES AND Ammoniated Phosphate. Webster Wagons. I am still keeping the Western Wagons. There are none better made, and all who want a first-class wagon, should give me a call. Geo. W. Huntley. Mar., 1882. 22-tf CRAWFORD & SMITH. -0- We are now Receiving our Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Consisting of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS and SHOE? DOMESTIC GOODS. Particular attention has been paid to and Ladies and Gentlemen's FINE SHOES. A. full line of GOOD SUGAR, COFFEE and MOLASSES, all of which will be Hold as lotr as can be bought ia the market. -O- Lames Dress Ms We are also agents for Celebrated Georgia Excelsior and GRISWOLD COTTON GINS. Said to be the beat gin made. Also the at tachments for Self-Feeding, &c We would return our thanks for past favors, and patronage, and wish a continu ance of same. 27-tf SEND TO Mrs. E Query's, CHARLOTTE, N. C. TTOB, HATS, BONNETS. LACES, JJ and WHITE GOODS ! The Largest Stock and Greatest variety in the State ! Orders promptly filled. Agents for Domestic Fashions. EfT Send for Catalogue. .Mrs. P. Query, 2G 3m CHARLOTTE, N. C. 17" Suffer no longer from Dyspep sia, Indigestion, want of Appetitc,lossof Strength lack of Enejngy, Malaria, Intermittent Fevers, Ac. BROWN'S IRON BIT TJERS never fails to cure all these diseases. Boitonc November a6, 18S1. Bkown Chuuul Co. Gentlemen: For ye1 I been a treat sufferer from Drspepcia. and could get do relief (having tried everything which wu recommend ed) until, acting on the advice of a friend, who kad been benefitted by Bkown's 1oh Hitters, I tried a bottle, with most surprising results. Previous to taking Brown's Iboi Bittrs, everything I ate distressed me, and I Suffered greatly from a burning sensation in the stomach, which was m bearable. Since tak ing Browh'S Isom Bitters, all my troubles are at an end. Can eat any time without any disagreeable re sults. 1 am practically another person. I Mrs. W. J. Flymjc, 30 Maverick St., E. Boston. BROWN'S IRON BIT TERS acta like a charm on the digestive organs, removing jail dyspeptic symptoms, such as tast ing the food, Belching, Heat in ihe Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. 1 i Sold by all Druggieta. ' 1 f Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md. i See that all Iron Bitters are made by Brown Chemical Co.. Baltimore, and have crossed red lines and trade mark oa wrapper. , BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. -0- VTe Keep the Largest Stock of JUTLERY, i GUNS, j JRON and STEEL, JEEED CUTTERS, IEATHER and KUBBER BELTING, J i JGLTING CLOTHS, JLY FANS, 1 C 1ARRIAGE and WAGON MATERIAL -OF iXL KINDS- In Fact, Nearly Everything Made of i t IRON"" WOOD, i i THAT IS KEPT IN THE STATE. I An experience ctf over fifteen years in the Hardware businesi has taught the wants of the trade. Your orders are solicited. Brown & Weddington, CHARLOTTE, N. C. 33 3m Silverand China. LAW'S Si & C. HOUSE, ' FINEST TRIPLE PLATE AND CHINA WARES. " 23-1 y The Largest and Most Complete Establishment South. Lo: Charleston, S. C, MANUFACTURERS OF j i Doorsj Sash, Blinds, MOULDINGS, i AND MAT ER I AL. -:0: ESTABLISHED 184. Kyle & Hammond, Wholesale Dealers in i . Hardware, CUTLERY, IRON. NAILS, CARRIAGE AND j WAGON MATERIAL. The Largest Stock of Rubber Belting IN THE STATE. Builder;' Hardware a Speciality. Haraware Hardware! General Harflware Geo. S. Hacker & Sod Executor's Notice ! I HAVE -THIS DAY TAKEN. jOTTX UTT Un testamentary on tae estate of Geo. W. Allen, deceased, and hereby gnranotica to all persons .baring claims against amid decedent to present them tq the undersigned, duly proven, oaorbr the J&t day of. July, 1683, or thi notice Will be pjade4 la liar of their re covery' AH persons indebted to my tastator must make immediate payment ' Hdriry W. Led better, Executor of G. W. Allen, Dec'tL ' Jane 5th, 188i 34-4t JICXBEUDELL Manufacturing Co 'J'HE ABOVE NAMED COMPANY HAV ing been organized under the provision of the General Liw, and authority having been given the undersigned to open books of sub scription for the Capital stock at such times and places, and under the supervision of such persons as they may select, notice is hereby given that subscriptions will be received f o said purpose until the 1st of August, unless sooner closed At Rockingham, under the su perintendence of the undersigned ; at Wades boro, under tb superintendence of James A. Leak, William Little and John B. Richard son; at Wilmington, under the superinten dence of Donald McRae, Dr. W. G. Thomas and & E. Burrusa. i Twenty per cent, of the amount subscribed will be required when subscription is made. WALTER L. STEELE, THOMAS C LEAK, WILLI AM ENTWISTLE, HENRY C. WALL, ROBERT L. STEELE. Rockingham, N. C, June G, 1882. 3-lni Lynch School, High Point, Guilford Co., N. C. o MAJ. WM. BINGHAM LYNCH. REV. J. B. RICHARDSON. O Fall Session opens July 17th, 18S2. For terms, address Maj. W. B. LYNCH. 34-4t C. B. BARBEE, F. B. ARENDELL, Late of Late of Rand & Barbee Bros. Redford & Arendell, Raleigh, N. C. Raleigh, N. C. BARBEE & ARENDELL, PROVISIONS, Shippers of Grain & Hay, 156 Washington Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Market quotations given by wire on appli cation. Correspondence solicited. 31-1 m Bead Tliis Advertisement. CHAMPION ''CHIEFTAIN" Lock-lever Horse Bakes, KENTUCKY CANE MILLS, AND Copper Evaporators. IMPROVED DELVE WALKING CULTIVATORS. The Celebrated Daw Law Cotton Planters will save more than enough to TO DOUBLY PAY FOR ITSELF EVERY SEASON. Geiser Thresher AND Horse Powers. Also the EMPIRE THRESHER, THOMAS' SMOOTHING HARROW, a fine and speedy implement for cul tivating corn, Acme Harrow, &c. Agency for the old established Ames' Engine and other machinery'. A lot of fresh German Millet, Hungarian and early Amber Cane Seed. Prices as low any house in the State. J. G. Shannonhouse, Agt., 7-ly CHARLOTTE. N. C. ROT HERE. -0- New Goods. -o- lew Goods, FRESH ARRIVALS OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, etc., etc., etc. And a Large lot of Flour on Hand that Must be sold. O Best Seed Irish Potatoes ! GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, SUGARS, COFFEES, & MOLASSES, 0 A Car Load of Nails ! A Fine Stock of Plows ! , o All Winter Goods will be sold at Cost to close out ! Bpnett, Dunlap & Co. -tf FRUIT HOUSE. J EENKY BAYEE, - Importer of Bananas, Cocoanuts & Oranges, And Wholesale Dealer in Apples, Potatoes, Onions, &c. N. C. AND VA. HAND Picked Peanuuts, Specialities. 215 EAST BAY, CHAKLESTON, S. G. Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 21 -Cm "We TTare nSTcrxA IN Ware House AND READY FOR SALE A NEW SUPPLY OF PIEDMONT ZELL'S A. B. a-XT-AJSTO, WALKER'S COTTON PHOSPHATE. Persons Wanting Either of Tie Above Fertilizers SHOULD APPLY AT ONCE TO J. A. LITTLE I CO. Feb. 13, 1882. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. We are receiving a full line of Millinery Goods. Also the latest styles in hats, bon nets, trimmings, flowers, feathers, &c. Also laces, gloves, hosiery, silks, satins, fringes cashmeres, white goods, lawns. All. our goods are fresh and new. Many thanks for past patronage, ana a cordial invitation to an co come again . Misses Lester. 2S-tf PAT UP! THE NOTES AND ACCOUNTS OF OUR Customers ARE AND Upon PAYMENT. We Must Have Our Money, AND Will be to Tour Interest TO Pay Ds Promutly- Marshall & Richardson, JXO. S PESCUD. A. S. LEE. EUGENE GRISSOX. Pescud, Lee & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Druggists, DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERIES, MINERAL WATERS, PATENT MEDICINES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS TRUSSES, GARDEN, GRASS & BIRD SEEDS, Tobaccos, Cigars, Eta, Etc. Country Merchants and Physicians supplied at Lowest Market Prices. Fayettaville Street, corner Martin (opposite Post Office) and 14 Fayette ville St., Raleigh N. C. 23 ?m ALTARFER, PRICE & CO., i'77UXTllTTertCJ3., 1ST. C3- Manufacturers Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings, &c. Glass, Paints, Putty, Oil, Lime, $c, $c. Stair TTortsL gl Specialty ! SEND FOR PRICE LIST. Factory Foot of Walnut St. OfficeOn Nutt, Near Red Cross St, -BRANCH TALBOTT cfc SONS, MANUFACTURERS OF oirtatolo and Stationary Engines, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, Turbine Water XVHool Ross Cotton Press, Winship Cotton Gins, Cane Mills and Evaporators, Sweepstakes and Geiser Machinery of Every Description. For Catalogue and Prices, address 33 6m TYSON Carriage IF YOU WISH TO BUY A WE THINK WE CAN MAKE IT TO YOUR INTEREST. It is our Purpose to Make tte Best M AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE, Believing that our People want a Reliable, Stylish and Handsomely AT A MODERATE COST. 0 This we do by using good Stock and EmployingSkilled Workmen and having good facilities. Our Timber wo get in this County and have opportunities of Selecting the Very Best Quality. . DO NOT GO ABROAD TO BUY YOUR BUGGIES. Those wishing to buy in this section, should call on or write to 31-6m Stationery ! Stationery ! GO o 0) FOR o o o a -t o CO jj COM MEAL, o Corn Flour, Wlieat Flour, Bacon, Lard, Molasses, Sugar, Cof fee, Rice, Butter, Cheese, and all kinds of Candies, go to PATRICK'S. o 09 O 1-4 d o H u o At Patrick's Is the Only Place you can find Toys at any time during the year. 19-3w-ly o o CD O CD Canned Goods, &cM &c. To The Readers OF Tie Anson Times. -:0:- THOSE OF YOU WHO PUR CHASE BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS IN CHARLOTTE, N. C, We Would MOST RESPECTFULLY ASK YOU TO CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK BEFORE BUYING. WE HAVE ESTABLISHED THE REPU TATION OF KEEPING ONE OF TTTTC BEST STOCKS IN THE STATE. AND PROPOSE TO DEAL FAIRLY AND HONESTLY WITH ALL. YOUKS TRULY, Fegram & Co. Charlotte, N. C, March, 1882. 20-ly "WINE OF CARDU1" makes rosy nbeeks and clear complexions. , . and Dealers in OFFICE- Separators and ITorse Powers, Buckeye Ueapei-s And Mowers AND . ' Wm. C. Morgan, Manager, Cnarlotte, PS". O & JONES' Factory, -0- TYSON & JONES CARTHAGE, N. .C. W. S. DOCKERY, General Agent, MAftGUM, N. C. J.C.HUTCHINSON, UzcLcLeirrbalkieir? A KT CABINET-MAKER. FUKNITUKE OF ALL KINDS constantly on hand and made to order. Retiring done on short FINE COFFINS AND CASKETS alway in stock, fr Orders by mail or telegraph promptly tilled. J. C. HUTCHINSON, 16-1 y. Wadesboro. N. C. W m. A. Murr, Manufacturer and Dealer in Stoves, Tin-ware. Sheet-Iron AND - Hollow ware I have sold out my entire grocery department, but will continue the Stove and Tinware business. WM. A. MURR. ' Of Wadesboro, N. IS WITH THE WELL KNOWN AND WIDELY POPULAR . J) RY (joO DS jj O USE OF T. L. Seigle & Co., and will be glad to see .bis many friends or receive their omers. - - The Spring trade of the house has been so much larger than was expected, the buyer has been forced to make a second trip North this season, and we have on hand the LARGEST AND CHEAPEST retail stocit in the city. In addition to a large Dry Goods Stoct . wo carry a nne assortment or vjuvio-l, HATS, TRUNKS and VALISES. Remember the place, ' . ' . , T. L SEIGLE & CO., 1 ? ' . , : West Trade St., 1 ! CHARLOTTE, N. C. j May 10, 1882. MAETffl I McM,

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