THE ANSON TIMES JWriDESBOKQ.N-C.fiBPa' I8JM. ROB&RT H. COWAN, Editor. THE 3)EXIOG BATIC XICKET, iGBOyjEIR OJVELAN OK JJKW YORK. iFor Vicc Jellen; OTOMAS A. HEN MUCKS?, .INDIANA. LECTORS T LARGI: W. H. KITCI1IN, of Halifax. JOUK'N. STAPLES, of Juilfortl. jbSJPRKD MOOJUE SCALES, of Guilford. FOB JJUXTEIfANTtJOVERNOR: 1 CHARLES MANLY 8TJSDUAK. of JSe-w iiauovec. FOB gHf'RETRV Of STATE: WILLIAM L. 8A.UNDKKS. of Orange. ' FG.R AUJDITOR : WILLIAM P. ROBERTS., At Gates. . rOR JTiOWKL RKR; riw it ri nf T) IT of wY.ake. fi-OR SWVXaKTXXJUbiXT OF rl'IJLie tZi HTWCTlOft : jg. M. FlNdER, of Catawba. POB ATTORNEY OENERAJL: TIlEODOJiE F. DAVIDSON., of Buncombe. OB ASSOCIATE JUSTIOS SUPREME OOL.RT : UU.USTUS . NKKIilUON. joI Wake. yR CONORE88. RISDEN T. BENNETT, of Anson. Oroanue! Organize! Organize! GexEKAt, Hcalas iw still giving York ,-what Paddy gave the drum. Orgbmze campaign clubs in every iieighborhood. 8ke that your neighbor has good Democratic reading. Mrs. Belva A. Lock wood, the wo man lawyer and pension attorney of .Washington, has accepted the nomi nation of the Woman's Nationa Equal Rights party for the Presiden cy of the United States. Within the past week two of the most prominent and luminous lights of the Republican party have passed from Earth to Eternity. We have reference to the death of Senator Anthony, of Rhode Island and Hon Chas. J. Folger, late Secretary of the Treasury of the U. S. Tne braves of the Tamany wigwam in counsel assemlled last Friday night indorsed Clevt 1 ind and Hen dricks. "We have so Utile faith in Kelly's political hon4ty that we at .jributed his action to some sinister inotive. We think he will bear the closest watching and have no doubt but that the National Executive Com mitteo will keep a sharp eye on him. The Republicans of the. Fourth dis trict met at Raleigh on Wednesday to nominate a candidate for Congress and the News ami Observer says it was the smallest cenvention ever held there. They adjourned without naming any one, agreeing to leave it to the Executive Committee. Dur ing the progress of affairs there was trouble between Col. Shaffer and one .Tun W Rnt.t.s ji whit.A rivfniif'i- nf Chatam county, when the latter call d Shaffer a liar and scoun drel, repeating the epithet twice. doon after Shaffer stuck his hat on Jiis head and left the convention "in ja body." In view of the fracas between Cam ron and Mahone and the divided .condition of the Republican party in Virginia, all talk of carrying the Old Dominion for Blaine has ceased. Chairman Elwell, of the Democrat- to a Democrat at Washington City, says Cleveland win carry that. State by a small majority, and that Cassi .dy, for Congress, will beat any man the Republicans put against him. ne .also added that his advices from California were most satisfactory, lie wrote that in California there are more Deraocratjo clubs than ever before, and that the Democrats are jcounting upon from 10,000 to 15.000 rnajarity. The Washington Star says that Mr. 43. Prentiss Nuthas just returned from a trip to Ohio and West - Vir- ' jginia. He says that in Ohio the Dem ocratic party is thoroughly united .and harmonious, that the Pendleton, Hoadly and Thurman factions are dl working in accord, and that the party is better organized than in any previous campaign. "I saw Gen. "Denver in Ohio," ha added, "and. he .assured me that there is every reason to believe that the Democrats will , .carry the State.. He said that News loan, the Democratic candidate for , JBecretary of State, who js the present i. incumbent, has made a splendid of- I .tonally jthan RobinsQiij is Rfipuhll jcau opponent." i If you need a real good first class ' xoohing stove, don't fail to. see the Excelsior IV-iu. Zeh. yuuee and ! New Eiiiwald, bes4Ues others. Thev ace to btj. tonnd at factory prices at who is the manufacturers Blaine's Mad Carr. EXPOSURES WHICH WILL MAKE RECK rLESA VOTERS SHUDDER r- HITHERTO (UNPUBLISHED MEMOIRS O? THE BCR LMY MAN VHO SCUTTLES A CANAL BOAT AND THEN WROTE A BOOK. James Gillespie Blaine was born on a.cancrt boat a thousand miles away from -land, consequently, he is not a native of any countrv. jrben he was yet erfiy sixteen montlvs old he scuttled the craft. drowned liis nurse, and washed lim self ashore with a bar of 6oap. Up to the age of three years, be ived in a care on the coast of Maine, U.IIU BUUBJOlV I" livit...j i .u:r.A nMninulr nn f lift stones that lined the shore. As he J Even jf a lady to determined to buy eke never had ft cradle, these were the ; whre, she will do well to call onus and see only "htte rocks ' he had any expe- : nence witn unui ne reaeneu man- . . . w lootl's estate. When he waa four years old" lie oluntarily attended a village school. In the course of a few day he whip pod the teach r for accusing him of rying U tattooo a scholar. At the early age of five, he made the startling discovery that ithere were some birds in last year's jnest. It was. owing to this fact that be was compelled to leave town. During his sixth year he cut his wisdom teeth, fund a cherry tree be- j longing to the village constable, 1 It was not until he attained his 8th i year that he began to exhibit eviden- j ces or tne tender nation, meji it pasiun was that he astonished the communi ty by doping with his washerwoman. Hin admirers claimed that the only .mitigating circumstance in this af fair da cceur was his innate love of soap." In the -course of a few months he became -tired of his affiliation with one so far beneath him in the social scale. Consequently he ran away with the daugter of a country edi tor. Through her influence he acquired a taste for literature and at the age of ten be started a paper. That it was an unpreceuted succeas, was evident, from the fact that before he attained his twelfth birthday the tl of. ! IIUUI OU1VO UK.L.It.aV J,Mrw V 1 ist 000 lie then felt that ho had round the occupation for Which nature intend- iim l Ilia thrillinfr dpsorinlinns of clone- o I r - ments which never occurred , his sca thing denunciations of crimes uever committed; his bitter attacks upon men who never existed, and his mar velous accountsjof imaginary snakes, all tended to make that community as lively as a pic-nic party in the im mediate vicinity of a hornet's nest. Being of an ambitious disposition, he soon discovered that the circle in which he revolved had caused revo- lutions that" was too circumscribed for him, so he laid down his scissors and pen with the determination to become a statesman. Before he arrived at man's estate ere yet the dewy down had shed its luminous lustre cn his upper lip, he became an authority on things po litical. Was there a primary ! The Juve venile James packed it previously, thus. securing his own election as del egate to the convention. Was there a convention I The pre cocious politician placed Jhimselt in such proximity to the teller's box that he always managed to get a majority of the votes. ; Thus the years of his youth glided away, and each decadw showed that he had a firmer footing on the ladder of fame. , One day while wandering along the seashore in search of the Philoso pher s Stone a happy thought struck him. His face flushed with joy, his chest it 1 :il. , . ,. neavuu wiin emotion, and ins eyes jshone, with a light never seen on land br sea. To ordinary mortals," he mur mured, "these huge pebbles, on tho beach are only pebbles, but to me they are pregnant with pouderous possibilities. Shakesphere saw ser mons in stones and books in the run ning brooks.' I behold millions in these little rocks." It was not until years after that ho hatched out the scheme which was then in embryo. The little rocks were shipped to South America and subsequently re turned in the shape of guano. It was by this master stroke of genius that the erudite statesman made his for tune. A little later, as all the world knows he wrote a book, This culmi nating effort of his life was the' means of procuring him the nomina tion for the presidency. Anson Institute, WADESBORO. N. C. The next session will begin Monday September 1st, 1884. Tuition. 2, $3 and $4 per month, Music Extra, 00 Board, $12 oo Contingent Fee tl per year. Pse of piano for practice 50 cents ler month. D. A. MCGREGOR, A. B., Principal J. J. BURNETT, A. B., ) Mrs. D. M. Hargrave, Assistants. Mmj M. L. McCorkle, S For further particulars, address the Princi P1 dee2-ly. Notice! ALL PERSONS are hereby forbid den to go upon my lands in Morven township, (the . tract recently pur chased of J. J. Dunlap and TValter Little, and known as the McGugan land) for the purpose of fishing or hunting, with gun or dogs, or to trespass on said land in any manner; and all persons ill please TAKE NOTICE that no one has any light or orihorjtjr to cut timber on said land, or to sell any timber, shingles or wood from it, except Messrs Wint & Jones, .r . - W. J, McLksdox. IT IS A FACT! OF WHICH LADIES CANNOT BE TOO OFTEN REMINDED, THAT OUR Millinery Department IS, JBEYOND QUESTION, The Largest, Meat Completely Equipped, and Most Reasonable in Price in the State, JHpiatever may be needed, TRIMMED HATS, MADE AFTER THE- LATEST PATTERNS, UNTRIMMED HATS OF THE MOST AP PROVED STYLES, HAT TRIMMINGS OF EVERY KIND, JTCATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, ORj NAMENTS, &C. We have them all in perfectly bewildering confusion, and at prices ASTONISHINGLY T rilW the Latest Fashions nrst at. TAYLOJt'S BAZAAR. Just opened, a fine and attractive stock of GLOVES AND MITS, In Black, Cream, Tan, Garnet, Blue, and in every Color you could wish for. In Silk, Liale Thread, Cotton, Brilliant, LLsle and Kid, in every Size and Quality. Also ready to show a new and well selected stock of APRONS, for Ladies, Misses and Children, which has never been shown in this city before. Also, LACES. We display Novelties in Fancy Iaces for Drew Trimmings; Oriental, CI ut y, Normandy, Spanish Point in net Zl Inches wide, with Lace Edging to match. Also. EMBROIDERIES, in Swiss. Nain sook and Irish Point, at remarkably low fiKnre8 at nTTS B Z R US Market Street. Wilmington, N. C 1-81-cy. A. E. & M. E. LEST Un der Ma n agemen t of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Lockhart. We have experienced help, and our cus tomers will bo promptly ana poiueiy waited on. i New Groods. i We have the largest and most com I plete Stock of goods we have ever kept. Everything we have in Spring I and Summer truods is entirely new. The lateat shapes and styleain Milli- nerv. Hats. Jionnets, i' eauiers, . , j d 8ilk in aH the jateBt colora. Hosery, from the cheapest to n, eood aualitv in LJalbrigan, uiacic hoea for Misses and children. Misses UtUO Jersey gloves Keck Wear. Collars, Laces, Fichues, Linen Collars from 10 cts up. Dress Goods. Poulins. Summer Woosted, Nun's Veiling. Shepherds Plaids, &c.,Bunt iues 10 cts. Prints in abundance from 5 1-2 cts. up. Lawns in nice quality, late style figure 7 12 to 1G 3 4 cents. WHITE GOODS. We have a great 'variety, the nicest ever brought to this market, priced from 7 cents, up. Bleaching, Bed and Matrass Ticking, goods for Men and Boys clothes. Everything new. Come in and we will show you num bers of good bargains unmentioned. A. E. $ M. E. Lester, 26 cy. Wadesboro, N. C. A STRUGGLE WITH A SHIRT. Three hundred auj sixty-five times each year every mother's son of us has a strug gle getting into his shirt. If a shirt is worth getting into, if it is strong and well made, sure not to rip or tear, perfect fitting, then there is some compen sation for spending so much of our exist ence in such a struggle. You may wrestle with the Diamond, but with its everlasting-stav-attachmunt and reinforced bosom, you will come out head first every time, covered with giory and with the best shirt in the land. WAfVtSUTTA If your dealer does not keep it, send his atWresi to DanielMillcr & vJo.,ole manufacturers, Balti more, Md. THE GREAT GERMM REMEDY FOR PAIN. Relieve and cure RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, BAOUl'IIS, EIAD ACHI, TOOTHACHE, SCPE THROAT. QUINSY. SWKLLIiraS. irSAIKH, Sermetc, Cuts, Ends, FROSTBITES, DCRRS, SCALD, And 4i other bodily aches RFTT CTS A BOTTLE. Sold by all Drngglst arv Driers. Dlrecltoiis in. 11 languages. Ths Charles A. Vogeler Ce OK H A. TOOSLEK CO.v OHLTJ520. umm l the BEST BUILT, FINEST FINISHED, EAS1PST RltWMiMrt SINGER MACHINE ever offered the public, ''. Th " " prwvnts jhc lt popl.-.r stjl fnr tt peo!n hi h e oflec yim hir ibe vorv low prw of &a. IteinomlMMr. we h iut aak you to y until vo harm seen tba atachine. After having -iiiBH-.:r it, u It U nut all wa reprmeat, rrttirn it to n at our xprono. - CorwiU your inmtwta and ord-r at once or , " u-viivii AUiirc L . fr V St., Plillil4la. ", m t t ' jtw rM I nydER ;& ,hannolD MUSICAL INSTRUMENS- INSTRUCTION 13 AND CAMPAIGN GOODS. Low estimates given on seta of BAND IliKTKUMeUi IT ana gooas in quantity. Old Horns received in exchange Send for full Illustrated Catalogue. SNYDER & HAXXOLD. 004 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Penna TECTORAL PILLS IX SUCCESSFUL USK FOB TURY. The best Remedy for CoCons, Colds, rYKmrtiA. and Rheumatism. Insure Healhi v Appetite, Good Digestion, Regularity of the Bowels. A frbciocs boon to dklli catb females, xthing and bracing the nervous aystem, and givi,1g vigor and health to every fibre of the body. Sold by Drug ists For pampuleu, etc., auaress u. tu. 1ULL iOO., IS (.-'dar jitreet, New York City. EPILEPSY, FITS, FALLING FITS, CtJUED- THIS IS NO HUMBUG. FOR INFOR MATION, FREE OF CHARGE WRITE TO Ij. H. SCHUYLEIi, Stratford, Conn 4t. AG-ENTS WANTED vervwnere w sen NEW LAMP BURNER. No more trouble to move wicks. Every family wants it. Fit anv lamp. Use samp globe, eseiis at Right. Three burners for ?l to any ad dress. Rollerl Lamp Burner Uo., 7-5 Murray bl , New York. ADVERTISERS by addressing GEO. P. ROWELL- CO. ID Spruce St., New "v-r -.on iMni thi oTnst, fHisfe of anv oro- posed line of Advertising in American News papers. 0 lOU-paxe psinyuicu tou Richard Beid. Tonsorial Artist and'Perfu:ner, offers his services to the citizens or vvaaes hrro. Indies and children attended at their residences, and satisfaction ninrfl.nrpd. Sharn razors and clean towels is my motto. S"Shop over Rrnner's Bakerv. E5 i 16 tf AND ORNAMENTAL WOOD. WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Mouldings Brackets, Balusters, Flooring, Ceiling, Baths, Stair work In Pine and Wal nut a Specialty. Manufacturing our own goods with a full, line of im proved machinery we are prepared to fill orders with dispatch and av low prices. Corresponden de solicited and price list fiurnished upon application. PARSLEY cf WIGGINS. Wilmington, JV. C. 27 ' cy. Lock Box 564. BERMUDA GRASS SEED. We have a limited quantity of Seed of the above mostvaluablo Grass for our South era States. From 8 to 10 pounds of.seed to the acre, which must be sown only during hot weather. Per pound, by mail, $2; re duced rate in large quantities; catalogues bee. J. M. THORBURN & CO., 15 John Street. New York. Made of Solid Best Manner REMINGTON SHOVELS, SCOOPS and SPADES. B5iiemte:r "tlmt EMINGTON GOODS , . ABE AXWAYS eliable. , IEMIRBTOI ABRI6BLT8RAL GO., ILIBI, I.T. W. H. COLE & SONS, Southern Ag'ts, Baltimore, Md. I have a positive and permanent cure for this disease and all derangements of the digestive jt' -i . A . .. . organs, circulars, concaomn me very nign ert testimonials, sent on application. Half pint bottles, by express, $1.50; per dozen, f 10, Address DR. W. W. GREGORY, Charlotte, N. C. L AD IE S Hir Goods, all Latest Styles and SHADES. STAMPING DONE PROMPTLY. I am now receiving new Spring Goods by Steamer and Rail. Orders by mail promptly attended to. HATS, BONNETS, FEATHERS and Flowers. Also a beautiful line of Easter Goods. Miss E. KARRER. Exchange Corner Wilmington, N. C. 21 cy. Agricultural Machinery. The radendgned calls the attention of all who ore m ned of machinery to the fact that be stm hoklsthe fort, as agent for the Penn sylvania Iron Works, one of the largest and most responsible manufactories in the United states. He will sell engines of any style, from a two-horse power np and will also sell saw mills, grading mills, Threshing Outfits with steam or Horse Powers, or any kind of stand ard machinery as cheap as flrst-class Machin ery can be bought. - 1 will also put together and start all ma chinery I sell without extra charge. - JIJO Jones Creek. Anson Co., If.: C . Bills Doors a I ' '31 NEW GOODS! THEY ARE COMING IN AND MUST BE SOLD, Our Mr. Hardison has just returned from the Northern Markets, where he has been selecting a very handsome stock of General Merchandise which the public are cor dially invited to examine. WE ARE CONFIDENT tluit our goods were bought at BOCK BOTTOM figures, and we propose to sell tliem at a small margin FOE CASH. HARDIS ON & ALLEN. 47-tf. Jackson & Bell. PRINTERS and BINDERS. WILMINGTON, N. O. Every description of Printing such t - . - j i r T T I 1 vuiihliiulioiis, ry-ijaw8, rampniets, Letter, Note and Bill Heads, State ments, Hand-bills, &c, &., executed with neatness and dispatch. Special attention given to all out of town orders. 22 ly. To The Readers of the Anson TimeS TJiose of you who pur chase Boots, Shoes and Hats in Uiarlotte, JV. C, we would most resvectfully ash you to call and examine our stock before ',91 We have established the rep utation of keeping one ofth best STOCKS in the STATE, and propose to deal fairly an h onestly with all. Yours Truly, Pegram & Co. Cliarlotte, JV. C. 40-cy. '.THE ELEGANT IN APPEASASCB. IT IS Th Lightest Running. The Easiest to Sell. AcentS VtUlted in unoccupied territory. Eldredge Sewing Machine Go. CHICACO and NEW YORK. T. B. HENRY, Agent, Wadesboro, N. C, Nath'l Jacobi, No. 10, South Front Street. We have now in Stock one of tho most complete assortments in the following : Doors, Sash, and Blinds, Wliite Lead, Paints, Mar blings, Kalsomine Colors, Paint and Wall Brushes, Builders Hardware, Me clianio 's Tools and Supplies, Farmer s Implements, Window Glass, (small and large), Coach Varjiishes and Paints, Carriage Ma terial. And a complete as sortment of Iron, Steel AND ARDWAREjn ARDWARE-U H Manufacturers Agency for Cooking Stoves Best and Cheapest in the State. New Stock constantly arriving. Send your orders and save money. All correspondence by mail promptly attended to. NATH'L JACOBI, . Hardware Depot, . No. 10 S. Front St. 13 cy. - Wilmington, JJ. C. SEWING BACHIHLJ IT LEADS W0ELD. ,Tf i'Jjlj W fr V THE As fell J jacobi 1 1 y AXE, j i g . "a GOING AT COST, FOR CASE, AND NO MISTAKE. I WILL SELL MY STOCK OF I Clothing, Shoes, Hats n Dress Goods, At Cost, For Cash, Until September 1st., and at USUAL PRICES, If goods are charged. S. H. Threadgill, 35 tf. Wadesboro, N. C. Pacific Guano. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED. 400 to 500 tons of this INVALUABLE FERTILIZER, which has never failed, and will have it for sale throughout the season, as also DISSOLVED BONE PHOS PHATE At Last Year's Prices, ALEX. SPRUNT & SON, 15 tf. Wilmington N. C. S&s. H. Wbfe" Collector of Insectivorous and other ' Plants. 708 Market Street. WILMINGTON, N. C. Orders for cut Ho were promptly filled. 16-tf. TWO LOCOMOTIVES FOR SALE. Two Lieut Second-hand Locomotives in fair order ; thirty-eight inch guage; Cy lan ders, 6x10 gearcf; suitable for 16 to 30-lb rail; have been used on Lojreine: road : sold for no fault, but have no further use fur them ; cost $6,XK); also a full set of logging cars. Price whole outfit, 2.500, or would sell half. For further particulars, address GREENLEAF JONSON & SON Norfolk, Va. SEND YOUR ORDERS TO ff. L. t, Jr. PROPRIETORS OF THE MERCANTILE PRINTING HOUSE (WATER POWER.) Printing, Ruling and Binding, Wilmington, Jr. C. Any kind of Printing, Ruling and T " 1 1 -- 1 -w--m- -a -m- tJincmg i can ao r5iii tieaas, L.etter Heads, Note Heads, En volopes, Cards, Tags, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro grammes, (Ball Programmes and Wedding Invitations) (finest in the State). School Reports. Catalogues, Lodge Printing, Legal Blanks, in fact anything you may want, BOOK and PAMPHLET Printing a Specialty. I will guaran tee as fine work as is done anywhere at reasonable prices with promptness and satisfaction. Having the latest paterns Qf machinery running by Water Power with investments every month in the latest styles of type as tney come out. Aaiy work not satis factorv can be returned. Orders from tho countrv receive prompt personal attention. A large stock of Ladies note paper and en velopes on hand to be had cheaper man irora Lry tiooas merchants. Your orders solicited. Address W. L. DeRosskt, Jr., 22 cy. Wilmington, N. C. TTARDWAR TOARDWAR I will hereafter deal in Hardware &, specialty Will endeavor as nearly as po3sibl j lu Keep m stock every article neces- C 4.1 A. Jl I wish to sell to ALL every article they may want in my line. And, being aware of the A X. I 1 1 " AttUt tllO pUDllC GENEBAHY Will fiTIWt trt Kiitt nf than elsewhere, I gladly invite all to van ouu examine my goods and Prices. i nave remaining nn hanr? Hna' general merchandwe. IT ATS sttapq mm t f Ul uky WUDSj CLOTHING, NO- etc., &c, all of which I am selling out at COST for the cash. E. A. 15-cv. BLTR BAXSAU preferred to similar art icles because of it puri- ly ana ritfi perfume. It Uestores to Gray Hair the rostlifsl tc".or& prevents' d im'n.T i mm 57 I l i I I I llll '"" Den WBTf) Ingram' Patented June 30th, 1883, by W.B.INGBAM.ofLilesville.X.C. Tn nrartiral ft unlimtion of new and useful improvements America is gi.i t i ... the world, and it may be safely said that every invention which saves the laU.r of ;i mi,t? to any of trje occupation of lif e aitds to that occupation the laborer without bis . x,,,, We claim to have accomplishea more man ius, is so economize! mat. oue aana in nas uiu other presses require the labor of Trom turn? do the same; and this result is not change 1 that our press is preeminently the farmer s menu. 1st Because it economises time and lator, tualizis tho resistance, and prev. i,. hani strain on the operator or driving miehinory the last rounds leitig as easy as ti.,. 2nd. There is no cast iron or complicated machinery requiring, in ra of repair. and shipment to some foundery or machine ihop, but uny part may be iftvaired ou ti.. 3rd. It is self-adjusting; as soon as the power is withdrawn the weight of the lover-, the foUow-block up to the top where it is readily swung out, leaving an open tox 1, , j n the gin floor. 4th. The foUow-block w so connects that ..n;rvm,i-n- nf ! tn the amis nf the bale. 5th It occuoies but little siace, is easily against the wall, or under the floor. v v,- nn umal moritK rn be manufactured, and sold for the same nionov. We are now prepared 10 oner compieie Rights with instructions ror ounamg ior f io. tgfWe offer special lnaucemenis u eiiveij.iuiu mm "" "j' "unty rights. For lurther pan CO.V i) JA UMAM, Lilesrille, Lilksvillk, N. C. July 8rd, lss;. We the undersiened used tho Ingram's Improved Cotton Pi "ess last seiisn, and can !,., fniiv wtifv that it rave irfect satisfaction. facturers, ifessrs. Cox & Ingram of Lilesville,"N. C. Jamks Hoouaa cV: IIhi s. 39 em. TALB0TT & Portable and Stationary SAW AND COTTON GINS Have Been Awarded FIRST PREMIUM, Over all Competitors, at ) EVERY FAIR WHERE. EXHIBITED ! W Cliallenge Write for Address, CHARLOTTE, N. C Wheeler & Wilson. NEW Has no noisy shuttle and is the light est running sewing machine made, no lady's health is endangered by its use. AGENTS WANTED. Wheeler $ Wilson Mfg Co Atlanta, G 5-em. Jonesboro Hgii School. Jonksboro, Moore Co.. N. C. Theiext session begins January 14th xooi. j? or terms, &c, apply to lrof. WILLIAM C. DOUR 1 SalFrii. hv T a i, I r "ii u i A7fiijii i il i. ...p. .1, i. ....v. w Improved im iy iu? u.iu m noU oi our -rvs.s ti,. I -.. ....., a ubrmhuii ji w nve nanus, i nraw im thirty inuna by tho application of oUier power. A , , rry !!.! i , loth ends must go down ttgether, thu., I shelterwl, and may be placed off from t...- ! . t, uaim x i v iv ici i uu j -a cmars auaress j And is all that is claimed for it 1V the umm.. K: X. Da BBS. A. !W. Man us. OOEN MILLS, AND PRESSES CozxLpetitioii. Catalogue. TAIBOTTfy ,TOS. COLUMBIA, S. C. AYER'S PILLS. A laru;o lrirtioi of llie ulncli caiuiu hiuii;tii suil'oriti rcatnl ltnui , i r ttiy 11IOIU i if itlO HlOilltU'll, buMcirt, :tlil Inn. AVKK'S CAl'IIAU'rK' l'l I.I.H Mfl lii--iy "I'll tiiKSO orKii'-, Hiiil me ciecmlly Iiiki! euro liio liou;4cs t..u.iil 1J tiicir li iiuj; meiit, i .id uui iij; Cur-I Ipai inn, liKiio tio:i. J) Vf'; i. , 1 1 . ml :. Iii' , ijym'iiuij . ami a lumt ul uiIilt, lor .ill "! vlji::ii tlu-y are h H.if.', jiuic, hi,. lcii;i:il lcmuily. Tin.' use "i lh -'J .Pli.b liy omiiiriit iiiy:i:iii in n y,ul;u j-i";ic-t'c, !-Ui) uiimistakiilily Vliu ! i:n:il'"ii wiiiih Ui.y are LeM ly tlie niLili:;0 J'ImI.s Siol). Tlioc Pi f.ij nre coiiipoumh'.l ut tpc til l ) 6ulianc-.- mily, Jiiul ivl ! u I i ly fn i- l:ii oaluiiiol or imy otiior injurious ingiiedf i.k. A SufTorr from ,'Icmliwlic wi ld : '.VVKH'el 111. 1.S ill; iliv:iill;.bl- tn iiii, :ni'l rt; my coiirit.iiit coiiipnuidii. I lmvo ! 'ii a sev'cre biilli-iir lioni liraduoln', ainl jm-r 1'M.I.S HIV llie Oil J V lllilg fOlliff l""l 1" for relinf. . iUu', ii'ti will .(iilckly iimvc n y bi) ls iinil fr.-c my Ijc'uI from juain. 'J lt-v r tins imosi ellet-iirr mih! the uii' M li.5 1 li;t ve -vrf fomi.i.' 1 1 ifi :i iilr;iMir' lo nt l' .-:k in tlielr prxis.-, uti.l J uluiy ilo ro V. OCO.iyiilll Oll'uffc. V. I,. of W. 1.. r)' & Un..".. Finnkliii HI., Uiclnmjiid,'8., ,luu- a, IW.'. "1 lsv' used Aku'h I'li.l.K fn mnnliMr )s instaiiccn h reitomnicriiled l.y vou, nJ have never known tlicm to fail to miil .h-" tlw ilt'Kii'cil result. Wi- ooimUintly koi p iJk-iii on hand Ht our tiom. mid prize" tln-m a t!aHiit, safe, niul rulialili- f;iuiily iin il. ojii. FOit 1VS1'K1'.SIA they arc iiiTaliiHble. .'. T. ilAVES." Alexia, 'J'exaa, Jiuio 17, 18S2. Tlio Hr.v. FnA.Ncm It. IlAiti.owr, Trriiiun from Alldnl'X. Oa., y: ' For Home yx-nri past 1 have Ixren Puhjet't to coitli'iiti"". from wliinh, in Kj.ite of tho uko of mnli eii; of various kinds, 1 fttlvrcJl ini:i t-ani iiji luooiivenl. iici, until buioc months ni;o I heHn taki.'ig AvKlt'n I'ii.l, They liavn antiii'ly correct -d the costive lialit, nt have vastly improved my general health. " Avcit'n Oathaktjc I'ius correct lrrex laritii;s of lh bowels, itimulato tho rj.jx tito and digostion, and by their prompt thorough action give tone aud vigor to tb whole physical economy. ntiirAUED ht Dr. J.C.Ayer& Co., Lowell, Massj Sold liy all Druggist. YOUNG, OLD, AND MiDDLE- All experience the wonderful beneficial effect of jAyer's Sarsaparilla. Children with Sore Kye, Sore AGED, "Mtwi - 4Aaf VI Uy BV1U1UIVU" " J I llitic taint, may be made healthy and itroiig uj its nee. Sold by all Druggist ; f 1, U botUea for $5. ONLY 020 for a PHILADELPHIA 8LVGER of this tjio. Iqiul to any kglngM- I thu BuirkvL JU mvmtbrr, vm.stmtt it to rjcnmtjvn Urform you patf frr it. This is the same ftylo other companies retail for $50. All Machines warranted for 3 years. Send for Illustrated Clr calaraodTestimonials. Address CHARLES A. WOOD 4 C9., 175. Tenth SU Tbibuklpbia. K STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, - ; ' ANSON COPNTV. ) Havintr this dav auAlified as administrator de bonis non, with tlie will annexed of Mrs. Ellen A. Dargan dee'd. Notice is hereby given to all persona having claims against said decedent to present them to me on or before Maiy 9th, 18&J, or thin notice will be pleaded in bat- ol the same. And all persons Indebted to said Ellen A. Dargan, decM,, are requested to make immediate payment. SAM. T. ASHE, administrator of Apr. 23. 8.-2S-4t. Mrs. Ellen A. Dargan. Q50 REWARD will be paid tor Gri Fan of same sixe tht ea clean and bag as mncliGrminor gd in one day a our Patent MONABCH Grain and aJK fion&r&fcnr ana s rirbiAweTffsrtothepu lfcil towPri. Send fr ' ' circular .ud Pflf "V which win littim CO.. SOWS.