Church Director.. 'CALVARY CHURCH Rrr. C. C. Qvin, . Rector. 'Service, flrqt, thlra and fourth Sundays at !11 a. M. and 5 P. M. Sunday School, 9:30 x. v. Services during te week, Wednesday 4 :30, ,p..M.,Triday7P. Jf. I . i METHODIST CHURCH Rev. F. D. Swik del, Pastor. 'Serriees erery 8ablath at 11 o'clock, A. jc. a'nd 7 o'clock p. M. ! Weekly prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Sunday-school at o'clock, A. M. BAPTIST CHURCH Rkv. H. W. Battle Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 7.30 P.M. Weekly prayer-meeting every Thursday evening at 7 P. V. Sabbath-school at 9 o'clock, A. H. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. A. O. Buckwkb, Evangelist. Services first and third Sundays at 11 A. K. and 7 P. m. - Sunday-school at OK - M- Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 .p. m. Arrival and Departure of Trains. CAROLINA CENTRAL. LEAVES. Day Freight and Pa8', (going 10:50 a. m. (East) 12:35 p. m. Night passenger. (East) 11:49 p. m. Ticket office open half hour before each train. Freight for shipment must be in the warehouse by 10 a. m., the day it is to to. Express by 0 p. m. CHERAW & SALISBURY. Passenger arrives " leaves 7:45 p. in. 7:30 a. in. Lodge Meetings. iVadisboro Lodge, o. 1791. K. of H. Ijodge aieeta in Masonic Hall, Wadesboro, H. C, on the 1st and S5nl Friday nights in each month. J no. M. Little, Dictator. John C. McLauchlin. lleworter. Local USTe-A s Office, Over Crawford, Smith & Harris. flan "NT TTarriQC! T.nrnl P.HitnH McClammy! The Anson Institute has 73 pupils. Farmers meeting and speaking Saturday. Mr. T- S. Crowson left Tuesday night for the northern markets. Wadesboro has received forty beles of new cotton during the past week. Rev. A. G. Buckner, who has been last week. . r Rev. F. D. Swindell will preach at the poor house on Sunday next, ai 3 1-2 o'clock. Mr. Goo. Horton has moved his rnttnn nress ond cin to the saw mill lot, aud is about ready for work. Waderboro boasts of an oak tree which is insured against damage by torm to the Demount of $500. Misses Cora Huntley, Lila Hunt ley and Sallie Redfearn, left Tuesday norning for school at Greenville, S. . . Farmers, do not forget the "Farm ers meeting" called for Saturday next. It i& a matter of great importiince to you. His Excellency Gov. Jarvis has is sued his proclamation offering a re ward of $100. . for the apprehension of Dan Gould. The 4th Quarterly meeting for the Method ist Church of this station will be held here next Sunday. Preach ing by Rev. T. W. Gutherie. Pr. Ashe has been greatly improv ed by his sojourn at the Sea shore. He will be at home in a few days when he will resume his practice. Yesterday a light rain commenced to fall in this town. From the ap pearance of the clouds we suppose the rains are general throughout this section. If you want to hear a fine epeech. turn out Saturday to hear Maj. C W McClaray, the farmer orator. He is a man of the people, and a man who follows thn plow jor a maintainance. Mr. M. Cohen, of Rei sville, has rented the store on Kutherford street near its intersection with Wade, oc cupied by Mr. I. II. Horton. Mr. Co hen will open a stock of dry goods and Clothing in a few days. Maj. Chas. W- McClammy, Presi dential Elector of the Third District .will speak in this town on Saturday next. He is an able man, a fine or -atorand makes a rattling good speech. Lets give him a big crowd next Sat urday. In the new appointments made for Gen. Scales and Dr, York, Wades boro is left out in tho cold. They will not speak here and will go from Mt. Gilead to Rockingham, speaking at the former place the 23th and at Rockingham on the 27th. Mr. Jas. A, Leak has been nomina ted by "Voters of Union," as a can didate for the Senate for this d;stnct. The card, which is published in the Enquirer-Express says: "We think he is the right man . for the place and we are satisfied that he will poll more votes in - this 'county than any parson wnose name we have yet heard mentioned in convention with the nomination." One of the handsomest advertising mediums we have seen is a beveled French plate looking glass, 6ent to us by the old reliable clothier of Wil mington, N, C.', Mr. I. Shrier. Mr. Shrier displays the same the selection ot his stock as he has in his mirror advertisements, which not only reflects the physiognamy of those who look at it, but Mr. S' good taste and enterprise. The mirror can be Seen at this office and is well worth looking at . - ' Silver Plated Spoons, Forks and Knives of best quality; and at manu - facturer's prices can be found ai -Ja ww o AAarawwe Depot, Wilmington, An unprecedented spell of hot weather for September, the thermora-? eter for the first eight days shows tlie following: At sunrise an average of 7C degrees; 91 deg. at noon; 79 at 9, p. m. Last year, for the first eight days September, the thermometer showed the following average; 63 deg. at sunrise ; 81 at noon ; 71 at 9 r. m. with tine rains darhig the months of August and September. "This" year very light rains, and none since Aug. 23rd, which was very light. One day last week Mr. Bob TFirifree was run over by a wagon loaded with wood and was -severely hurt. His leg and arm was supposed to be fractured but we are pleased to state that his fears were in a measure groundless and no bones were broken. The mules which he was driving ran awaj throwing him from the wagon the hind wheels of which passed over him, The resideace of Mr. W. A. Web ster, at Mangum, was consumed by fire last Wednesday night. Before retiring for the night, Mr. Webster looked through his kitchen to see that there was no fire in the stove, but after having been asleep for about an hour he was awakened by his wife . and told to "listen to the foarme: of the storm." Mr. W soon discovered that it was the roaring, of flames and not wind and hastened to extinguish the fire which was then bursting through the kitcken or stove room. His efforts were of no avail and the residence was im mediately enveloped in flanivs. Some few of his house hold effects were saved but the ina- jontj- was a total loss, lie regret ho was uninsured and that his loss amount wj uuoui xuu u;i beforo the conflagration he finished reroofiug his h welling and kitchen. The fire was accidental and" is sup posed to have been caused by the ig nition of some of the old shingles which were lyin:? near the stove. The Pa imer j Orator Maj. Chas. W. McClammy, who is to speak hereon Saturday is one of the honest yeomanry of the country. By his sterling worth -he has risen to prominence and has to-day let go his plow handk-s to do battle for the grand old party which advocates hon est and economical government. He is not a professional man but has justly won and gracefully wears tho sobriquet of tho ''Silver-Tongued Far mer Orator." Givu him a warm re ception ye farmers of Anson. Infanticide. Yesterday morning a new- born colored babe was discovered covered up in a trash pile on the premises of Mrs. Jane Sykes rear the depot. Iis. Sykes was attracted to the pile by the peculiar actions of her chickens and went to ascertain tho cause. Taking a small stick and raking a littloof the trash aside, she unearthed the dead baby. The child must have been placed in the trash by its inhu man mother within the past two days is the body was not disfigured and showed but little sins of decomposi tion. ' Coroner Ingram was sent for to hold an inquest and we hope the inhuman mother may be caught and made to suffer the full penalty of her crime. Liilrsviile Items. Five weeks without rain. The late corn crop will bo a failure. Turnip "sallet" will be scarse next Spring. "The Sherman bog'1 infests gar dens to such an extent as will - cause the scarcity of vegetables to be as great, in a few days, as did the old bummer thief, IVeuiusaii, the neces saries of life about Uie close of the late war. Depot crowded with goods. Who will be able to buy them? Guano, one of the greatest curses to the farmer has again sunk our people still deeper in debt. It is gratif3'ing to note that Mr. Daniel L. Say lor with his character stic vim and enercrv is pushing the D. A &' M Association to success, need more such men as Mr. S. Everybody should encourage We this enterprise. Negroes, encouraged by the few copper colored radicals, are begin ging to hold secret political meetings under the name of benevolent Socie. ties Scc. All of which shows a de termination on the part of their lead ers to make a desperate struggle to carry the election in November next. . Q. County Commissioners. This body mest last Monday and transacted routine business. All petitions for new roads and bridges were laid over until next meeting for consideration. The foU lowing is alistof the jurors drawn to serve at the next term of tho Su perior -Court which will convene Monday , October 27th : 1st week. J.' P. Ratliff, T. T. Carraway, W, M. Ballard, Beiij. P. Liles, A. A. Cox. Peter Jones Jr L. P". Bennett, E. A. Parsop, Calvin iThomas, E. W. Jar man, Im T. Carter, T, B. Sellers, J. R. Beacham, J. O. A. Craig, W. M. Maness, W. A. Liles, Jas, McKoy, col.. W R Hough, C M Meachum, Joseph Williams, Neil McLaurin, Alfred Dawkins, .P L Bennett, A II Qulledge; C H May, G T Lee, J B Caudle, Walter F. Crump, Jas A Gainings, Jas D Home, TJ Poplin, J W Adcock, Charles 'N.Ingram, JT Lowery-r. Jr., Wiley Little, col., BF Guiledge: ' 2nd week. . A W-W, Taylor, DrJDunlap; J R little,'" Wiley II "Harris, "Jesse M 1 Beverly, E E Barrett, C if Barn, C H Jarman J h Smith, T.H L Griffin; Thos Dean, r: H D " Pink"ston; -EB Braswell, Jas E Jones, W D Teal, Jos; Boggari, W F Spencer, C C Bo wman .''.The'ermontrelccWojvys ' " World, has a significance ,beyor..i that found in the largely decreased Republican majority! in tho Stat . The falling off might be-attributed by Blaine managers to the reduced vot or to locafcauses which would not ap pear in the November 'election. But the character of the. Republican de cline indicates that it ; is directly at tributable to the Presidential nomi nation, arid that the revolution against a tainted and impropper candidate which is pending all over the United States is felt even in the most im pregnable fortress of the party. The total vote of the State in 1SS0 was 03,000 in round numbers, and iu 1872 was 52,000. Taking an average increase of 6,000 in each Presidential year and giving 4,000 of this to the Republicans, the majority which was, say, 26,000 in 1880 ought to have been 7,000 this year. Where was the principal falling off? Senator. Edmunds resides in Chittenden county, where he is very popular. Out of a total vote of 6,000 in the county in 1880 the Republicans had a majority of 2,000. Last Tues day this majority was wiped out and the county elected a Democratic sher iff for the first time in over thirty years. The city of Burlington, where Senator Edmund's home is located, elected a Democrat to tho Legislature, according to the Tribune's report, by "the largest Democratic majority ever cast here." Col. Gcorere W. Hooker, the Secre- tary of the Blaine National Commit- tee', resides at Rrattleboro, Windham County. It is a republican strong, hold, and Col. Hooker has hereto fore been "boss" of its political ma chine. lie boasts of carrying the county in his pocket. In 1S8J Wind ham County, out of a vote of a. little over 6,000, gave a Republican majority- of 3,270. But there are great many Independent Republicans in the coun ty, and last Tuesday the gallant Col. George W. Hooker, who accepted a nomination at his home for Town Representative, "just to help tho par-' ty, you know," was ingloriously de feated and his Democratic competi tor was successful, being the first Democrat ever elected there. Surely these results are significant of a general uprising against the tainted candidate in the ranks of hia his own party, and of the determina tion of the silent vote of tho country J.0 change tho power of the National Government. Toe home of Senator Edmunds rebukes tho recklessness which forced Blaine on the 'party by the strength of Slur route money and 3-ells. The home of Secretary Blaine's National Committee puts the stamp of disapprobation on one of tho prin cipal managers of fuo Blaine cam paign. Where will the next blow fall? Dude and Sub-Dude Jinks 'Why Fink, old boy, Iioav are you? My gra cious, how you have changed." Finks "In what way?" Jinks "You seem to have grown rather careless. You used to be quite a dude." Finks "Oh, that's it, is it? Well, I'm married." Jinks "Not a dude any more, then?" Finks "No; I'm sub-dude." Interesting to Fishermeu: The telebrated "Fish" Brand Giiling eh read is sold only at Jacobi's. lie is the Importer's Agent, Wilmingtom N. C PROCLAMATION BY TKZ COVERKOn ! $400 Beward STATE OF XORTn CAROLINA, EXfiCUTIViJ Dei-autjiext. W iJERKAR, official information has l.i en received fit- this Department that DANIEL GOLLI,lateof the county of Ar son, stand elMrjpvn with murder: fin I where :is. it fii.pearstliatrhe ski id 1)A11-:L GOULD lied the Mate, or so conceals hims"!t tn&t, the ordinary i rosiss of law cnmiot be served ut'h him. Vow Therefore I. THOMAS. J. JAR VIS, ''overnor of the Stdte of JJerth (.Viro lina, hy virtue of authorit in me vested by law, do issue this my Proci.amatiox, offer ing a reward of Four Hundred Uolhm. for the apprehension and delivery of the said DANIEL GOULD, to the shenlf of Anson county, at the Court House in Wadeslxbo, and I do enjoin all oliieers of the State and all good citizens to assist in biingiug said criminal to justice. Done at our City of Raleigh, the third day of September, in the year of or liord one thousand erzht hundred ane ejsrlitv four, and in the onj hundred and ninth year of I American Independence . liv the Goyernor: THOS. J. JARVIS. Will, CB'oACOER, Acting Private Secretary. DSSCRiPTSOW : Gould 13 a bright mulatto, about 25 years of ago; height about five feet-, ten inches, and weighs about one hundred and sixty pounds; smooth face a perfect specimen of a man. sepll-tf - ft WEEK'S READING FREE 1 FOR SIX GOOD FAMILIES. 3ed yoar name and tte 1 ame and uddreps nf fire of your neighbors or friebds on a postal card aud eot free tnr yourself and each ot thrxa a specimen eopy of THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY, m "AMta CisMtifii" CUB THREE HUMOROUS . WRITERS "UHCLE REMUS'S" worfd-fatnoof . SkatchaJ of the old Plantation Darke?. "BILL ARPS" Hamoroos Utter fa th4 Horn aid Hearth $toa "BETSY HAMILTON'S" dventurd 1 Wld In the "Cncker" Ta!ect. Vtr SIrtM k4ttbt of Trmrtl, JVrtra, JTmimm, Jun, Jiuenttirtm, rft''arWB Tht JKounlld, Vorrponttnet, k World of Instruction and Entertainment. YwelTe Paees. The htfA apl EatWekl Tloaace every member of 1 Family.--: SEND A POSTAL FOB A SPECIMEN COPY, FREE - Address "Tn Coxa3rmmoK,1 Atlanta, Ga. Ninth StrectSottth.of Chestnut.. jphiladelphia- Penn.i5 - One square south of the nwjroSt6ffice,one half square of Walnut Street Theatre, and iu the very business centre .of jthe cit?; On the AatERiOAir AKOt JiSrEorJrptANS. .Good rooms from 5Q- centa to $3.(X) per jday, . Re modeled and newly furnished. - 15-6y.i , .Owner and ft-oprietor. t nndr ?enneese.rfd. Georgia. There t j univcrsa) feelingof vsatiefactlon in ihis'State over the results of the sale of the railroad, fts completion in suring the development of the ex treme western counties ot the State. New Advertisements . Or.Worthihbtoh's ITHE GREAT HOLERA RAMP AND liARRHOEA! K3 5? oskd Ttr tan nffi4y for tliolera, Cruagvi, DtwrlMM, Iyt mlerj, ta oiacr Complaint. lTprpi. and mtktr fccH-jnt -if Hom.ich and tottU. ibtrbaucMl in tfa ArtnT, Ihta. by Htireon-Ginrai C. 8. A. Becoumeoded by Gen. Wrta. Parreror-GMwral ; Hon. Kennatn km r tier. SoUoitor C. si. Treasury, and other,. Price. 35 cu. SoM br Druffpit ni Ieaiera. Or.T jsenMce if oor fiinr is blown :o botti. toW rpri.or., THE CHAILU k. VBOILH GOKPANY, iiLiimiu, Ma.. L . B. A. NOTICE! f?trte of North Carolina. Anson County, ffiioe of Board of Commissioners, "VVades boro, Sept 1st, 1?S4. Ordered by the Board of Gommlssioneta that a new registration of the voters of Liles- viiie and Alorven townships lx had, and that this littire 1 puVjlished for 30 day in the Wadesboro lnlelligencer and Anson Times. A true copy from the minutes. P. J. COPPEDGE, Clerk of Board Com .."4 OItT cakolixa-Axsox Count? j In the matter of the estate of Ellen A. Dar- Kan, decVl. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Anson County, made April SJrd, 1884. Said ilwrce being made for tha purpose of carrying out the terms of the last will and testament of said Ellen A. Parian, dee'd., I will on the 0th Liy of Ootoljer next, it being the l':it Monday, "thereof, sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, at the Courthouse door in If'adosboro, a certain lot or parcel of land situated in the town of V7adesboro, known as the "Darsan" lot. Said lot lies on the South side of Wade st., and East side of Ilutherfi.rd&t., ami fronting about eighty f-Hit on the former, runs buck along Ruther ford to Morgan st., about r'Jo feet. Said lot willlx? divided and sold in two tracts, one fronting North on Wadest.. the other front ing South on Morgun St. The first lot con: t;?;riH a two story dwelling and kitchen. . Terms cash. SAIdL. T. ASHE, 4 Adniinistrator d. b. n., c. t. a., of Ellen A. Dargan, dee'd., and commissioner. Se)t 4 ot. State of North Carolina. Axso.v Couxty, Superior Court, Daniel Gatewood, vs. Mrs. Joliana Hall and others. Order directing Service by publication. It appearing to the satisfaction of th Court tuat the Defendants, Thomas Hall, Annie Wall and her husband, Sam'l. Wall, ore nervssary parties to the above entitled as tion, are non-r-;ident.s of the State and can not after due diligence, be found therein: it is therefore ordered that service of sum mons on said Defendants -le made by pub lishing notice and summons in Tho Anson Times, r. newspaper published in Anson, for six successive weeks, commanding the said non-resident Defendants to appear at .the next term of the Superior Court, to be held, for Anson county, at the Court House iii W'idesboro on the 10th Monday alter the 3rd Monday in August, 184. and plead to the complaint now on lile in this office. The said action is one to restore and set up a lost !oed ma ile by Thomas C. Hall, to Robert T. Hall, the ancestor of Defendants. Witness: John C. MeLiughlin. Clerk Su perior Court for Anson Oounty, at office in H'a desboro, this the 28th day of August, A. D. li&t. john c. Mclaughlin, c. s. c. Sept 4-3w. When in our City Don't For get to visit us and give our stock a Til rough Inspection. It will pay 5'ou, and we will show you with pleasure. Our 1 Black Silk Stock is the bft ever offered. If you want a Biack Silk guaranteed not to cut, come and see ours. Ahandsame line of Gimps and Fringes for triming. T ...-vV. A ' t All-..-, A lirvi 1 1 T.rC3 1.ouiio 1 """'Si ii-iutitx cimuiw!, Ileuriottas, Kmpre?;?., Tamise, Cash i mores, Gros D'Zodiac.3, etc., ike. All tho delicate shades in fine fabrics, s,ilk3 and satins. Hamburg Edgings from 2o. per- yard to 2.50. White Lawns from 10c. up. Our White" Goods and Lace department is the largest 1 and most varied that We have ever had. A nice line of gents Clothing and Nobby Straw Hats. The best Un- laundried Siiirt for $1. The brag Corset for $1. A large Stock of Ladies and Children Shoes from the celebrated factory of Evitt & Bro. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Be sure and call to see us when in the City, we cannot be un- -I dersold. Orders for samples or goods promptly attended to. - Truly, II xVEGR A VE "& ALEXANDER. Charlotte, N. C. East Trade St., Smith Building. i """ " 24-tf. &0 TO ANYTHING IN Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, . 5 ":?r ? w ,:; . - -: iURE Harsm-i Littles ' IN A FEW DAYS WE go into the Northern Mar kets to purchase our Fall and Winter stock. Me luwe a few remnants in Summer Shoes and Cloth ing, which ive are anxious to close out. in order to make room for a Mam moth Stock of Fall Goods. H e are so anxious to close out these small lots that v'lices will be no object. We ailc you to come in nd take a look and we are i sure we cun give you a bar gain that will interest you.' Yours, cf FETZEE, PHARR & Co. A BEAD! DEMO FIVE MONTHS FOR The National A large 28 column DAILY DEMOCRATIC newsraoer containing all Washington Events, Local, General foreign and Political News. W ill be mailed to any aadress from now until Nov. 30th for ONLY TWO DOL LARS. We wish to place the National member of our party, and to accomplish that end have reduced the sub scription price to mere cost of blank ONE SUBSCRIPTION FREE TO . SUBSCRIBERS. CORRESPOjYDENTS. WANTED CORRESPONDED T We desire a irood corresnondent. in this section, to whom a fair price will be paid. Persons applying for said position must inclose $3.00 sor subscription, in order to obtain credentials. Amount however will bo credited as soon as identity is established. Address, Publisher of DAILY Editorial Rooms, 2 Congress St., Hew Summer and Winter Resort. -o- HOTEL STTISriS-WIOIS., SMITI1VILLE, N. C, At mouth of Cape Fear River, opposite the historic Forts Fisher and Caswell and in full view of the ocean, will open about May 20th Under En tirely New Management. Hotel has been refunished and renovated throughout. New and handsome building erected for pleasure purposes. Elegant, large, airy Ball Room over the water. First class Musicians from New York will furnish Ball Room and Parlor Music. Fine Still and Surf t Bathing. Fine line of New Boats for pleasure Sailing and Fishing. No Malaria or small Insects todunoy. Daily Mails. Telegraph Communications. Finest Fishing 011 Atlantic Coast" Touriste and Pleasure Seekers Northward and Southward will fiud it to their advantage to give us a calL Climate and Scenery unsurpassed. Atlantic Coast Line, Carolina Central and Seaboard Air Line R. R. will sell tickets from all stations at reduced rates to Hotel Brunswick. Special rates by month and season. - 26 hm. J D. SUBLETT, of New Yrork, Manager. JEW SPEING GOODS at J.A. Lie k Co.- April 188 A. UNIVERSITY OF M0. CA. THE NEXT SESSION BEGINS ON THE LAST. THURSDAY IN AUGUST, on Which and on the two succeedine dalys, examinations for 4 admission will'be had. The instruct-' ion embraces not only the "old cars ricculum," but also branches ot es pecial value to teachers, - farmers, merchants, and other business "men. A Law and Medical School attached. or Catalogue and for tho report of the' visitiug committee of seven Trustees on the instruction, dis cipline, moral. &c., apply to i ' PUESIDEXT BATTLE. -. or to Wi T. PATTERSON, SecV July 21, 18S4. Chapel TJilL N. C. i -;-- 42tf. - . ST. MARY'S SCHOOL f The Advent Term, The 87tli . Semi Anual Session begina Thursday, Sep tember, llth, 1884. For Catalogue address the Rect r, Rev. Bennett Smecds, A; M. i . m 0B ATS! BEAD! ONLY TWO DOLLARS. Daily Democrat, o- Democrat in the hands of everv srond paper. ANY PERSON SENDING US TIIREE -0- A, GORDON LEWIS, NATIONAL DEMOCRAT. WASHINGTON, D. U. S. H. McLendon. Ansonville, N. C. ANP Goodman, N. C. Dealer iu general Merchandise, Dry Goods, Notions, flats, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hard ware, Groceries, Cutleiy, Gkiss, Patent Medicines, Drugs. Oils, Coal Oil, Agricultural Implements Groceries aud Farm Supplies a specialty. All of which will be sold low. Prices guaranteed. Call aud examine my goods and prices, and satisfy yourselves. I am Respectfully 24-tm. fc. II. MCLENDON. School Books, Blank Books, Fzainzczy Gzozozdzs and something Good to Bead ,AT - , DAVIS'S ROOKfSTORE, Parker BIocl" 5EAR 'CENTRAL HOTEL,' WadesboTO. N. C, 0 tf, ORdRENT, The large brick store room on east side of Rutherford street, in Wades boro formerly "j occupied by J. J. Thompson. For particulars apply to me or my attorney," Jno. D. Pembor -ton, EsqrM Wadesboro,-N. C. .1 TH02O.S MAY. Aug27-if. The School. Of Misses Ashe and Battle, at Liles- ville, will commence its Fall session, - . 1 -. -- - t -. - .- ' Monday, Septembec 1 Sth, 1884, ktlU Kit Hi WEqpium hasits EAS1XT CUBED. . 'BOK FKEE. mu j. 0. Eomuut, jxmssoa, wiscossii. rlaiOct. Us, ISM. Address Geo. M.fllCOL,Rlchmond,Vl. Kisrepreseatation! But honest and fair dealing is the reliable house of . Crawford, W e never advertise to mislead bat only stat 'facts, and when we say that we keep a large and selected Stock of Merckandise. evryoae will agree with us, and when we sUte that we sell only such good. - i ' - . Which we can Recommend to oar frienis and customers ami sell them a low, probably lower, thv similar goods can be bought in Wadesboro. We know that our assertions are credited by every one who trades with us. We do not offer you any thing which is worthless, but oulv soil such marehriiidwn whirh will iriV you good wear and is worth your har save money by buying your goods of CRAWFORD, SMITH & HARRIS P0C0M0KE SUPER-PH03PJIA.T FISH HAWK GUANO, THE T W O. LEADING BRANDS OF FERTILIZER iwSOID m GAEOIINA Farmers will advance their interests, permanently enrich their lands and raise larger and finer crops if thov will well known and reliable Brands. STThey head the list. MARSHALL & JTCITARDSON. I J. f. BRASINGTON & CO. 16-am Wadesboro, N. C. Jlorvcn, N. Q. -A-GrlEjUSTTS- Burgess licliols, IWHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FURNITURE, BEDDING, ETC, CHARLOTTE. XJ. O.. Has now on hand and is constantly receiving large lots of the following goods:. Cnamber Sets, Parlor Sets, Center Tables, What-Not. Lounges, Solas, Folding Chairs, Bureaus, Bedstead?, Washstands, Tables, Wardrobes, Book Cases, Desks, Sideboards, Wire and Tin Safes.- He also-keeps constant! on hand a fin lot of CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES His stock of BURIAL CASES and WOOD COFFINS is complete, and ho guarantees satisfaction in prices. Give him a call. All orders will receive prompt attention WEST TRA BE 1 STREJS'i . 1 Charlotte, N. C. Hcts the largest and most cmplele stock of rUMITUEE In the State, also a large Lot of Y Pictures, Oil PaMiiip, CtaK fBaby I buy in large quantities direct from factories and can 0 and will sell cheap. SEND FOR COTS AND PRICES AND BE CONVINCED. 3Sr M wrr A TTrTii?TTt active atvi i3tti3i-mext ahtts in eir W Lil X Jj3Jf I and county to sell our 1'Ot'U.LAK NEW HOOK 8 aud JTAMILT BlBLKd. Ministers, teaclicri and others, vh- ce time is not ful' y 001 u pi. d, will tind it to their tnWrrat to correspond willi us. To faimcra boijc iind otlier jrit:nir ram junt coining on lh fill of action, this) business offers laany atlvanlm , bo'h a n:eiiTi of tanki'iir mjn"y and tf lf eult-nr. Write for cTa4 'tmsio 11. r. JOUXSOU i. CO., 1,13 Mi. In Street. Iliebmn4, Vm 1 Tuition Uteri Parker & Taylor. ( )IiJ and reliable House. W timing to n, N. C. THE BEST COOK STOVES in the market. Pumps. House Furnishing Goods, TiQ Ware, Distillers Goods, Iiinj s &c , &c. 21 cy BINGHAM'S TEstahlish J pu in r 1-79 3. is the onlv 8 hool for Boys in the South with OAS IjIGIIT, a flrst-class G Y M XASIU3X, and a first-class BATH HOUSK. Thocom se Is I'llK lAR AT') it Y or FIN ISHING. There is a thorough! r equippel School .of TI2liKGK.llIY. Special terras to vouu? m-n of small means. lx 1st Session "tegim Joly SOth. For Catalogue, addrestt Mo j. It. BI SO II AM. 87-lm. IttHsham School, N, C. Greensboro Female College, H. C. 'Vtl B mt h SRSSIOX of this well stab 1. lixherl atvl prosperoas Iastitution vt-ili be gin on the 20tb of An fftrsr, 18S4. Location accessible, In iitifn! an I Tl-iT n Faculty efficient and faithful. Thorough work in all departments of instruction. ' BOARD (exclusive of wahing and lifbW, and Tuition in full English Goursc, per se; -sionofSS) wecfe, $7..0-. Charges for ex tr tHdws Tnorterate. For Catalogues apply to 27-6W " T. M. JONKS, Prefident, Clbsica! & Military rOaJDIIlMrsr, In a eoantrr ttoted for beaaty and health. CemtM of Study, 10 branches, surpaasad la tboroogh neaa , by no academy ta tha Soatlu Medical and Jw Cotiraea preparatory to tha TTnlyersitT ot Va. Board, tuiOon medical attendance, aalf aeaaioa, pMoT Ko extraa. AddreM Mi(.i. O, Smith. -3uiel Antt 'jriT P O. SauQOlet Co.. Va - pria ipk oa 'wiicU.baiia" d .n at tUo " " Smith Harris. ; l oarne.1 m ny. not d-y yv the reliable house of. JV EA1VCOU UTUOV SE X Carriages; 0 KASRYILLE, Civil 43T1 THE AD Y A1TCE, The Four Points TotweoMiderea byiireaar txMlalifnktM merit f Clotkea Vttim&n, mw EASY ACTIOS, DURABILITY, CAPACITY JED All fhc rateable featwva r rmbo.til Kanafaetarad fcjr th CLEVEUHD EU6BEE COHPIHT, , CLEVELAND, O&IO. , ' NOW IN USE 36,909. All tTtcm ur tbeir gKviretb b. W nk jrottof amineou lrvre4 Keller Farttlvc TorYrMb Bee4 mm FcrtUislaa Vrill awl llnjr K Ttary -area rood as tbc best, utdcaab (old mtebcay Allavawar nutted areolars nailed fre. Nevfirk Maohlna CO-a Newark. OhlO. EatewBtaa' Haw. laiw , 14 ANDREWS.