THE ANSON TIMES (WTADESBORQ, N. C. MARCH 4, 188C ROBERT H. CP WAN, Editor. Senator Edmunds has introduced . k;ii r..r tho nrotrH-.tinn cf the Ameri . c vii , -. i ; - - f 'n limr He nroDoses that the animal ,shall no longer be barred out of -Europe. Germany especially pretends hat she is afraid it may bn diseased whenyit reaches her bv-rdcrs, and so ducriminates against it, but really. Mr. Edmunds eay; she deires to .exclude it under any circumstance. Hence it ra proposed that wo shall fadopt retalialory measures and ihun enable the hog to root his way abroad if he cannot go it on all fours. A etc & Observer. There is one opinion of the Pru dent in Buffalo, his home, it id said, that is universal ainoagail classes, He is considered so thoroughly hon est that the richest would trust him with their millions and the poorest vwould make him thtir savings bank. Ib money and all business transac tions' hi integrity is spolic.KjS and confidence in him is" without limit. That is the sort ' of man for Presi- dent,, and it in gratify ing to have this further testimony to the cfi ct that our democratic executive id of the right stamp. Teil us, what a is to his neighbor and we will tell you "What tie is. -iff cirs & Observer. Great llalli-oa.l Strike. Fort Worth. Tex., March 2. There wan universal surprise in this city last night at the great railroad strike which', b'-gan at 5.3) p. in Thera was ro intimation that it was coming. When the whistle blew ev ery machinest, car repairer, svetiou hand, baggage handler, and in fact every man" who belongs to the Kuighlsof Labor association, slopp ed work. .Business oh tho Texas Pacific and ' Missouri Pacific was greatly retarded for a' thno. Three hundred ineii had stopped work in an instant. Orders came from'Se Julia. The causes are 'said to be numerous,- but- the chief one is that $1.50 per day is demanded as a day s wages for unskilled laborers, who now receive $1.15 per Jay. -Other reasons are the e to mukeeigl.t hours a day. Other reasons are tho refusal to make eight hours a day's work and the discharge of men at Marshall. No railroad work of any description was done last night ex cept the movement . of pusscgoi trains. The "CwJoied Kxodas,. Chattanooga, March 2. Tije agents ,vrho have been thoroughly canvass -inw North and South Carolina for colored immigrants say that the col ored exodus from the Southern States to tho extreme West has only faily begun. At least 2.U00 are re ported to be now making arrange 'ments. to., leave during the present ,seaon, fully as many have already gone. -They state that I hey arc go ing because they are offered regular wages as farm hands, and are becom ing impoverished in the South ly high reuts aud small wages. Never Heard of Oeaih. -We are told that in the mouutain fastnesses of North Georgia, where he locomotive wjjistio has never been heard, where tlie "worm of the tiil never dileth" and the missionary has has not preached, that there arc inen and children who cannot read, never- heard of Jesus Chritt, His mis jeiou or death, know nothing of Sun day schools, or the proper observance of the Sabbath or what Christmas ii;eaus. It in related that when a man's thirteen year old daughter died up there uot long ago, the father haul over the corpse, w ith weeping ees and lacerated heart, and ex rclaimed "Sho did not know there w as such a thing as death." She had rjevtr seen anybody dead; she had jjever been taught she had to die, jiiiew nothing of the shadawy land, or eternity or hell: yet thousands of tdolIarsare annually collected froin 4the people ai;d sent to christanizo the ."heathen Chinee," whilo in the ' niountain seclusions the rough and Jliileiate inhabitants scratch the . jtrouud, shoot-the deer, barb the trout, make and drink their w.hiskey, and are oblivious of the gospel of JLhri&t. "Ignorance is bhss,'' but titer is a misdirection of funds and a lack of discernment in this" matter iuite apparent. Ashville Advance. A Husband' Cruelty. -Pittsburq, Pa., Feb. 2. Iuforma was lodged 'against-a man named ..Groger by Mrs. Ross and Airs. Svvet-" aana, oi icousevtilo, Pennsylvania, yesterday afteruoou, and a permit was obtained to remove Airs Grogor to the county poor-housa. Tiie story told by these women, who carefully JnTestiamd the caso, i ouo of re .molting crualty and crima on tho paf t of the husband. Uw is charged "with shuttjugjup his wif. wha had lost her reaou, iu a horribly filthy hut where she was obliged to huddle with a fltjck of sheep kept iu the place in-order Xb keep herself from freezing! CShe "4iad no clothiiig or covering but an old buff. do rob-j with nearly all the fur woru oif. The on ly food sho was given wjis comment aud water. Two yean ago, and .three years after her iucarceralion, she regained her reason aiid claims pi remember all that . has happened ,siuie then. Mrs. Groger was taken . Jto Frauklin. She has the aopearanca jof a saue woman, but beai tokens -jof bestial treatment. The feeling is riuiuiug very high. ; i In the Catawba river near States grille, a few days Kiiice, the body of an unknown white man was found. It had been there a long time, apparent ly couple of months." . BRILLIANTS. Therr is no future -Can dml that josticw o.i viio telf-oondm'a ILb deals ou Lis own souL Byrou. Bo nigh fa granifc-ur to our dust, . So new to God fa man, .' 'r' When duty wUispers low, Thou must, The youth replies, I can. --- " Eueraon. Oh, welcsine calm of heart and mindt "As falls yon fir tree's loosened rind To leave a tenderer growth behind, Bo fall the weary years away; A child again, -ny head I Lay Upoa the Up of this sweet day. ' ixIbtrOJT F.Z3T AFTER KZLNTAL LASOR. MCtU" Tells ZIotv He Kcnperatt After Eerero Utermry V.'oik. living in our very acliv.5 age, with every individual working at tlis top of his speed, it becomes of ten a qnectlon where to get the resuscitation absolutely required after some continuous Literso mental work. I sae that E Tv.-ard Ev erett Hals hzs recently wriitea an article upon his own personal liabrU, spying that he skeps whenever ha can got a cliance, and that it is only by sleeping tliat ho arous-.'S and recurs to what he say3 is the ino.-.t exciting occupation to man, reguLir litnrary composition. I Jiave probably done as much work in the past thirty years, of tlu kind, as anybody living. It L.-j often been a matter of health and almost life to me to know how to get the necessary change. Sometimes I have to clear out for three or four days and get into ;he country somewhere and take a long ride through new scenes. xmt 300 miles in a railroad car aart thirty or forty miles in an open carriage gives my raind a thoroughly new outilt, and I come home feeling as if I had been awcy for a month. But it is in th? city v.-iili tie daily at tack and drudgery, of mental occupation that one needs tho 6inall hourly relief which sleep will giv e, but it h at the ex pense of the physical pari of the man. Suppose, for insv-mce, tliat I work from 6 or 7 o'clock in t,io Uioraing td 2 m tae afternoon. What shall I then do to be I ready for work at 5? If I g-; to lx;d, and j I can most always bleep. I get a men- j tai rest, out l get no e-icii.-e iot x-iy exercLie ior mascies ana p iysicai organs. i en courage a tendency fc? t'ae cut. If I go out. in the strtct and walk, very of ton the tliomes I liave Ic-rt foliw me and seem to fasion themselves in my foet, and I go a mils or two and ftnd my mind " running around in a circle from which there is no relief. I find in taking Russian r.V.hs the best and most various r. lief I cm get. Tha walk to tholj-it'i or hoek from it is a fair amount of exeroivje for the leg. In the bath there i? th? c'xvrcise of div ing and plunging, or s-.rimming. and of tho nibbing or maacrs .by the at tendants. . The old w.der foiiowhig the swe-.t is an abjlute chr-ngo of the w ':;.-,!. mental system, as if the brain itself i'.al been scoured ofl atii put back. The sweating hi the J.ath carries frciu tho body much thit corivxles and slogs it, and alters the !?eed of the largi r organs. Then, after the bath and the rub, a littls sleep of half an hour is equal to two hours at home in bod without exer cise. These batlis ou;ht to be in every im portant American city. Tlire i3 aa idea that thoy kill poopla by giving th"Bm colds. I have had cold in every way except by going to the baths. Then there Is an idea that .they are a shock to thb system. That system which is shocked by cold water applied in grada tions from the warm to. the cold ought to strengthen itself by trying more water. The heat of the American climate, the action of coal smoke, the meatr-eathiir habits of our poople, the T stinting ourselves of exercise, all call out for tho bath as it is taken in Russia, whetlwr in the cold or warm belts of that empire of vigorous men. Cincin nati Enquirer. Use fur an Old Insurance Policy. I doubt if any one ever heard of an old fire insurance policy having any value. Yet almost any business man can produce a dozen for inspection on a moment's notice. I Jianpencd to drop in at the ofiice of Col. W. P. Fogg the other day, when lie was sorting over his o 1 policies. H3 cave me a description of how a fellow traveler with himself in the Ori.nt had used an expired fire mi snranco policy to goi a.ivantage, tiis name was hurray, lie was on board the eame ship with Col. Fo-rg, when the came to Jaffa, where they had to make the usual landing by boats to go to Jersulem. At the landing place stood a military officer, gorgeous in eastern garb, with a magmncent silver mounted cimetsr in hi3 sash. Murray went ahead. As he presented Ids pass port Col. Fogg rioticod that it had a queer look. But the officer turned it round and round, upside down and over and over, as he gazed blankly at its pages and then gravely returned it with a low salaam and a wave of his "hand that indicated liis satisfaction in the cor rectness cf it. Vv'lien they were. out of hearing and sight of the oftioer. Cel. Fogg asked to see tho passport ra-.i Mra ray handed out an old nro insurance policy. , "It looks just the earne, sid Murray, "and it has signatures and seal; and here is the American easle. What more do theso heathen want? tlie-y can't read anyhow. Why, I never tliink of traveling on anything else." New York Tribune. The Paris Omnibus Company' if System. Whoever wishes to enter an omnibus must go into an ofSce close by one of the stations and obtain a number, vliich number entitles it3 holder to a place hi due order, and all he has lo do when tho omnibus arrives is to wait among the group at the door until hia number is called. The system, however, it must be confessed, rather break down on fete days, where it is 'custom ary at very crowded stations to issue half a dozen tickets or more of the same number, tho holders of which are all lt in one after tho oilier. It is hard to tell why this ia dona, except it bo to keep up people's patience by tha illusion that their turn i six times as near as it really ia. The Paris omnibusses being all in the hands of one company, which, of course, is will bo lookod after by tk authorities, the city is so mapped out VuJk person "with but a little knowledge oi tkecity has only to buy one of th twopenzmy guides sold at the omnirJua stations, and in a very short time he oan acquaint himself with tho forty-nine routes, and with the various signs by which he can recognize" during day or night the omni busse3 which ply among them., s The re sults appear to be as . beneficial to the company as to the public. Good Words. An artist's cherub is a good deal like a Ijoardingrbouse turkey all head and wings . - Tor Kent. The house and lot on the corner next to the Masonic Hall, and has been used for a number of years as a Hotel, is now offered for . rent. This is a erydesirnblo place, and has several nice and comfortable -rooms in the building, and is in the business part of town. Address, JNO. E..HILL, Jan, 7, '86, 4t. .Wadesboro, N.C " HOME FEEmiZEE:; IN USE 11 "YEAK3 The follow ing Certificate ifrom the P-ev. G. W. Sander! in, a prominent Baptist Min ister of Extern North Carolina. He owns aiid manages large farmd in Popptiotank, Wayner Iienoirand On blow Counties, and has made practi cal tests of fertilizers. Kead what he Beston, Wayne Co.. N. C, Sept. 29. M'PS. - Messrs. Boysix. Cakmkr & Co,, Balti:4oek, JId. DEAItrlHG: Within the past e;ght years I have mnde'e.m.ful eiMrinr,ents with as n.any as twenly Uitft rent sorts of gu hiios. f.-rlilieers. &c!, already prepar ed or compounded and prepared by mvHi-If, with a view to a?ertaining the one w hich should combine the two lileas I b"iug he best and at t he mine tnsc the .cleapest for pro uu.tijig the largest yields of cotton, corn, i lceaiid peanuts; aud I give it arf mv d-;;'.K?jii juilg-ment that the "IJOMK FERTILIZER" most com-pl.-U-Iv (ills tiie bill f any and all in tiieh'iig list of fertilizers tested by me. 1 have tried it under cotton for the past eight years, and H has al w2)s more than equaled ivy expectation--, proving itself quite as good a the guanos costing per ton. I have tra d it repeatedly under corn and ilh.ts increased the yield out of all proportion to the cost of the fer ti'.ii-r. 1 have tricO it under rice in competition with seven other kinds fertilizer', and it has proved itself -qunl to the best. And this year I am (besides under cotton, corn and ri'.v ) also trying it under 25acji-sof peanuts, using nothing else. ad t'i my surprise aud gratia cat on. after a careful examination made th.ree days sin.-e, I find the whole crop filling out splendidly, and this, j no, after a very dry August, which is generally fatal to tho pea nut -rop Taking it every way, I should pronounce the "HOME" the ! be-t il purpose fertilizer o! any with m t!i'- range of my observation or ex ICC ittl, . ,lf4,(;st. I will not use the Merotvped phrase: I expect to use jt. miL;.r year,' for that goes with ,,ut sayu'. i expect to use more of it nn-l use it. more exclusively every year Iii)y be engj-.ged in farming. Yours truly G. W" SaNDERLIN. Having purchased the interest bf F. C. Allej;. in I he business of Hardi 6on & Allen, I desire before com mencing auoiher year to Close tx1j . the sck on hand. In order to do Liii: l- OIt CASH I will offer the goods at grea'iy reduced prices. The slock consists of BOOTS AND SHOES. Clothing. Pant Goods, Prints, Bleach ing, Ticking, Shirts, Crockery, Farm ing Utensils, Bagging and Ties, Heavy and Fancy Groceries. I must have the - ASH for these goods, aud POSITIVELY will sell nothing on time befoi e the 1st of February. Respectfully, W. 0. Hardison. Apr. 16. 85-am. : ! tf . . n j 0, tugaSiQiil RailfCad U0mD3ny. SUPiKINTEXDENT'S OFFICE, ) S. C. May 3, 1SS5. I On and after tuisujtte iha ioUuwiag Schedule whl be run: Leave Charleston. No. 4311 50 am. No. 4712 55 a ll. Arrive at Florence. 3 55 P M 4 52 A ll Leave Florence. Arrive at Charleston. No. 401 85 a M 5 C .A K No. 42-12 05 P- M 4 10 r K Nos. -2 and 43 will stop at all Stations. Nos. 4(1 and 47 will not stop. i T- J; EMrtSON, I Gcu 1 1 ass' As J. F. DrVTNE, Ageut. Oau'l Sup't What Is The Matter With Me ? I wake up in tha morning with a dull drowsy feeling aui in a languid tirel feverish codici; isi ail day- want is the matter! 1 My fvieud, j our livti" is out of order, you are Liiiit us and if j-ou do not take steps to ; apj-ly a remedy to carry olf the morbid secre- ti'j; 'Hid restbi-e ycur Liver to its proper : coaditioa serious compliiintf. such as Eillious, IiiUjiiuittant and Kennttnut fevers wili I inevitnbly follow. Dr. Raspaib Liver Pills is such Remedy. Thev aie pivparod aceord--jr to Raspuils old ai.d universalv renowned niirUtnt fever, sick h.-adnche, Indigestion, , Cost vieness.' Jaundice, Dysentery, Dj'spcpsift, loss oflappetite, etc. For all diseases of the Liver, Kidney i. and Bladder, Foul stomach, pains in the bead, back and sides, Riddinoss, eruptions of the skin, piles, nervousness, etc., etc. Take Baspail's Liver Pills Actiiig promptly, throughly, sear;.-hialy and effect uall3r. Dr. Rajpaiis Pit's do not leave the bowels costive, but leaves the system in as noraial and healthy condition. Raspjvils Pills sold by all reputable dealers. Prepared only bf Papk & Co., HTiolesale Druggistb , 528 Market street. Phil.. Pa. 27-S4-cy. B OOO . CHARLOTTE, tV . a oo In view of the fine prospects for a large trade this fall , I have purchas ed a stock that will in every respect be adequate to the demand. Pur chasers will find every department failed with the most attractive and dcsiradle goods of the season. DRESS GOODS. 5-4 Brocade Flannel, with Strdpes to match. 6 4 Jersey Cloths, all Wool, only $1.C0, extra good. 5 4 Jersey Cloths, all Wool, only $1.00. extra good. 6 4 Dress Flannels, all Wool, $1.00, extra good. 5 4 Dress Flannels. 75c. 6 4 All Wool Plaid FUnncla, $1.00. 22, 36 and 38 iuch Flanutds ranging in price from 25c and up. SILK. Black Gros Grain Silks from 75 to $1.75 and up. A handsome livs of Mourning Silks, alt grades. ' Surahs, Rhadames, Satins, Plushes, Velvets and Velveteens, these goods Leing in great demand. TRIMMINGS. My Dress Trimming Department comprises the latest novelties in Chonile Fringes. Morabout Trim tninga, Braids. Plain and Beaded Fringes, " Gimps and Ornaments. Pnssamentories. Trimming Braids with Gilt aud Silver, &c., &c, Ac. CLOAXS. Ladies' Seal Plush Jackets ; Dol mans: Newmarkets: KuR8ian Circu lars; Ulsters, and Walking Jackets, &c. A . big stock of Children Cloaks in all the desirable styles. Very Respectfully, T.-.L,Seigle, Sep if, am, EMLE, New Goods! I have just received my Fall .And Winter Millinery, which Is nice and beautiful, and will continue to get new novelties in Millinery during the enti re SEASON as the v appear. We have secured he services of a first class Milliner. Satisfaction -guaranteed. With thanks for former patronage I respectfully solicit a continuance of your favor3. - Very Respectfully. Mrs.L. W. Yu$Uaii. Oct. 1st tf. - SOUTHS JfJV BFZOT OF Carriage Material. 0. B. Franke, AND DEALER CARRIAGE METERIAL OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS; Sole Proprietor of the Celebrated CROWN COACH VARNISHES Largest Stock of Refined and Swedes Iron in the South. 157 Meeting Street, C II A ItLESTO JV, S. C. Oct. 15 tf. WAG-EiNSR cS3 CO., CHARLESTON, S. C, Whole sale Grocers and Cot ton Factors, GUANO IMP0RTEES And Dealers in Fertiliser "VVe claim to have one of the largest Grocery houses in the . Uiuld States, and carr.v in stot-k everj'thing required for a first-class Grocery. Our Cotton and Naval Stores Vo artraant is complete in all its LrancLc-s, and we sohcit consignments. Our stock of Champariioand fine Wine3 is complete in eveiy respect and s cor.-.petc with an market. Choice Gld Whiskies. S-PURE AND UNiDULTRATED.gcr We offer for sale, on favoraWe tei-ms to the trade, WAGENEP.3 CELEBRATED FINE OLD "WHISKIES of tha fuiiov. ing special brands, namely: WAGENER'S CABINET,. WAGEKER'S OLD NECTAR, WAGENVRS xxxx, TTAGENER'S XXX, TrAGENEK'S PET, Wag-eiier's Kand-Made Crn. VERY OLD AND CHOICE. For excellence, piirity and evenness of qual ity, the above are unsurpassed hy ajiy "Whis keys imported, the only objection ever made to them by the manipulating dealer beLug th?.t th3r caauot be improved cpon. GERMAN ARTIIJ.ERY. THE REST FIVE CENT CIGAR IN THE WORLD. By careful exitermieut and patitet invesi.-ra-tion, one of the most experienced C'iL'tr man ufacturers and judges of loaf tobacco ir. America has discovered a combinatiou oi' tobacco which, united,' his produced the finest Cigar ever mode, sold to the consumer at five cents It is every whre conceded equal to tha majority of ten-cent Ciga rs on the market and superior to many of those sold at that price It is a perfectly sweet smoke, made of. lngh-gradv tobacco, coi.taras no flavoring matter of any kind. We solicit correspondenc. aud all inqvuis cheerfully' answered. Send for our full price list. F. TF. WAGSXER J CO. Oct. 19 am. Worms .Worms ! Worms I V 1 . i 1 1 . l tji ins max uu susyecieu h ush iutm ib in testinal irrit;tion, or itching at the end of bowels, a disposition to pick at the end of the nose. Theso indicate that tha sufferer is af flicted w ith worms which w guarantee to destroy and absolutely eradicate from the system by the proper use of the grandest medicine of its kind ever offered, to the peo ple and which has been usc-d and is erithusias tically endorsed by thousands who have been benefitted by it during the last twent' years Wheeler's Vermifuge and Infant Blood Purifier. If you are troubled wrth unusual thirst, increase of saliva, irregular appetite, offensive breath, palosalloW, complexion with occasionally flush, swelling of the upper hp, enhu-geinout. use Wheeler's Vermifuge, if you experience au enlargement of the stomach, disturbed sleep, cough, headache, fever, etc., use Wheeler's Vermifuge. For all thse symptoms use Wheeler's Vermifuge, it is pleasant to the taste. It Is more safe and thorough in its action than any other W orm Medicine. We offer Wheeler's Vermifuge not in competition with the many worse than worthless uostriou3 claiming for it virtues equalled by anj- similar preparation oilered to afflicted mankiud. Prepared oAy by Pape & Co., TFholesale Druggists. Phil. Pa. All reputable dealers keep it. Eound, I found a vacant store room in the new Moore block, and have put a new and fresh stock of all kinds of GROGEBIEO and Confcctionaries in it! Now, if you will come and give me enough on them to keep "soul and bedy'' to gether you may them. My Tobacco 13 good and cheap, and I keep all grades of it. In the rear of my store will be founda neat and first class where you can anything to drink that you want. Give" me a call if you want a good bargain. ; Yours Truly, . W. K". Pinkston, Mr. P. B. Allen of Chesterfield Co, South Carolina is with me and will be pleased to have his many friends to to see him. P, Oct. 8, 3m. Notice ! All persons are hereby forbidden to haul wood or 6traw; to hunt with dogs or guns, or trespass in any man ner upon my Sullivan place lying near Wadesboro. Nov 26 it, R. B. GADDY. SONSULT YflUS Interest SehoolBooks, Blank Books, Fine Stationery, - i Fancy Goods and Stanflard. LBerata of DAVI35S ROOK STOHE, WADESBORO, N. C. Mail orders promptly at tended to. April 30 "B5-cy. C. G-resliam 8z Co. Importers and Jobbers of China,. Glass and Tinware, Lamps, Cutlery, Clocks, etc. lee Boxes, Fruit Jars, Ice Cream Freoaers a n d nth er season a hie goods, mwr Sets104000- m ci 13. When wanting anything in our line it will ave you money by giving us a trial. ' 0. GRESHAK Sc CO,. Chaylstte, H. C. May7'5tf. The Holidays Are C curias;. And now is the time to prepare for THEM. Finest variety of tropical Fruits m the M"arket. Fresh Cargoes Every Week. BANANAS, COCOANUTS, ORANGES. MALAGA GRAPES, Nortlicrn Fruits. APPLES. FIGS. PEANUNTS, RAI BINS. NUTS. CITRON. CURRANTS, Orders ft led with d'spatch. O. ZE3a.;3T'"t & Gc. Oct 22 em. CHARLESTON, S. ( SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. Tiie Slate Chronicle, (Successor to the Farmer and Mechan ic aird the Chronicle ) Newsy, Bright and Clean. UP WITH THE TIMES. Tho State Chronicle will be what its uamo implies a State paper. It is not tho Balkiqh Chronicle."-and will not be local or sectional. It will aim to keep-up with the current news from Murphy to Mantao, or as the politician.- put it, trom Cherokee to CurritucJc. It wiii be tho organ of no man, no ring, no etion, no party. It will bo Democratic in politics, bat will not hesitate io criticise Democratic measures and Democratic officers. TESMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year. $2 00 Six Mouth. loo Three Months, m 50 For a .sample copy address, TIIE STATE CHRONICLE, Raleigh, N. C. The Progressive Farmer. L. L POLK, Editor. A Weekly Paper, size 27x40 iu., 8 pages, 40 columns. Subscription price $2 a j ear $1 for G months, post-paid. The first number will ba issued on the first day of December. Let your sub scription begin with the first issue. Money at our risk, if sent by register ed letter or money order. 'Writo name ard Post Office plainly . Send in your subscription -at once. Ad dress. THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER. Nov 12 tf. Raleigh, N. C. PA Y III ON HOTEL 'Charleston, S. C. V House first-class in all respects, cen trally located, passenger elevator. BATES: $2 and $i2.50per day. Busses and wagons at all trains. Do not give your checks up on train. Cur responsible agent is at Depot. .grAsk for Pavilion Transfer.. E. T. GALLIARD, Proprietor. pt anpipam xxr saq ip ..lHOflVaa Sale cf Land Under a Seed in I . . " Tr-ist. Bjy virtneof a Deed in Trust made to li. Montague by James Swnnner find wiftt Elizabeth; Maid la Histy and Hester AnnHastj t!e Slst ilayof Jiiuuurv. 18S4 and regiten;d in Trust Bt)okNo. 19. page 5S7 et fccqr, l th Eifgister's OrTice in Anson County. J Will Reil to the highest bidder Toi e.ash at the late resid nr. ce of Griffin li Hasty, dec "d.. Decerrdcr 15. ISS. llj tract' or jarcel of land knowu sis tha part of the GriSin Ij. Hasty trac-i which was laid olf r fell to thelbtol' said S wanner and wife, ani Matilda Hasty and Hester Ann Hasty in the division of the G. L. Hasty land coa taiuing SI 1 2 acres. H. MONTAGUE, . . TrusU-e. by JAMES II. GRIFFIN. NovlD4t. Assignee of the debt. New Drug Store ! I am now receiving my stock of Don't fail to give me a at the T. Covington stand. Very Respectfully, Thcs. F. Ooctaer, D. Oct 22 tf Wadesboro, N. C o rH NOT LET YOU LJ JUDGEMENT $' be governed by your prejudices, but give our first class offerings a fair and liberal trial, when wr know you will be convinced of what.? That our CLOTHING is equal in all resoects to the be.-t mad to order, and at pbout BALE the PRICE. We have a Manufacturing Depart ment connected wilh our establish meiit, fiM- those who d;sire having their Clothing made to order, at prices far below that you have betm paying, lor the same at other houses. Sample of goods and blanks for measurement mailed upon applica tion. no travelling salenieu. It is a big ex p?nse and the buyer lias to pay for it. We. give our eutninera tWo benefit of tliat ipHi, iMwiNy saviag them at leat 50 per cent. i t-tat way, and again vrs propose to sel 1 cheaper thnn any other house, and by ordering floods from us, we aro talisfie.d th'it it will be a saving to you' of 30 per cent. Try us ami you will sen for yoursvli. . Our constant aim lias been to place before you a BETTER CLASS cf C0GB3 in preference to cheap catch penny bait?, as well as to establish between us th? ujuioaL confidence founded on the following sotid principles: Hurst Value ! Marking the Selling Price on all Return of the Maury if goods qo not bear honest criticism ; or if you should chaugn your mind within a reasonable time, you have the right to rKvsr:i tho goods and get back your rnony a privilege ad vantageous tf you aud not detrimen ml to us, and the best evidence that there is i:o -misreftreseritation or overcharge. Our stock represents the CHOICEST AND PRINCIPLE STYLES of the season nove equal to it in this market selected for D URABIL1 ri'p ell as BE A TJTY, at:d wiih all, a care for your interests. The constant increase of our busi ness sliows an appreciation of our enterprise, and has caused us to be recognized aa the Loading and most Reliable Clothiers and Furnishers in this section. "We propose to continue to have that distinction." or tn wiil send C. O. D. bv Exnress with privilege- of examing before paying, the party to pay return charges if goods do not suit. S. H. Fisliblkte, Successor to Ottenburg & Co., JVil ming ton, Jr. C. Sept 2-'85 -am. 25 Market St. W i I m i n g I on , Dealers in N. C Stoyes.Tihware Lamps and Chandeliers, Roofing and Pump Work, Our line of Cooking Stoves is the best, including such as the celebrated Farmer Girl, Elmo, Caro lina and Harvest. Prices for both, Heating and Cooking Stoves furnished on application. W. II. Alderman & Go. Aug 27 'S5 am. - School Noticel' I The Fall term of Misses Conigland & Battle's school at Lilesville, will begin September 14th, 1585. i Sept. 3,1m. 2p"Parties ordering Ready-made Custom-mado Clothing not known us will KtMid eitv i'ifuri-ue.itr m-h if. H. Alderian 1 Co. SUITABLE FOE We have in Stock now' lite folio fj ', 'i Season: j Eseelsior Wino and Gicler Mills, vhich will make more cider than any other .mill on tho market. This -mill'" lues not black the juice, but crushes the apple instead of grinding into luu.j) HORSE RAKES, eithet bind Rr-lf dump, or combined. CORRIN DISK HARROW. Tlsc Corhin Harrows is theflncU imj-1. ntlt sold. It will pu'verUe rtnd ptrtnte nioic land in the same 'inie p mlbi-it, r than any iinplementosting tv. ice the jnoney. I;r putting in pea (mick nothing is equal to if. HAND and SULKY PLOWS. We have the Sulky Plow that v. as so thoroughly tested nt our last rV.irand wis prunoumvd by farincrsto hi, most practical and best. SEED. We make u i piall y of field scd, ai:d deal in only choice varied? We pfll nior: than any ot her houst-in N. C. VAN WINKLE Gl and LOSS PRESSi:S. The Van 'Winkle Oi,, hag gained a reputation tliat makes it s-e'l It has no superior and u (i:n can make a better sample, bi the seed cleaner, iu faster, or i sm with lighter draught. We carry 'all tlse siandai d 1 innh'mr-nts. such vs I'lows; 'Cultu-n- tors. 'Harrow, -Mills. 'Cut "ers. Siieilers, Churns, li-iwunt Mowing Marline s . and nuiny other Implements. TENNESSEE WAGONS at prices to meet miv one. Cortknd Sjuitig Watsons lovvertlian tiie I wcstu!:d t!u-n not atcost. The Improved double feed Champion Grain Drill. Guarantcil to sott Rust Proof onts'oi-any other grain. J. Q. Shanncnlionse & Go. College Street, CHARLOTTE N! CJ J; ! ! c- iv- S . Li.v . i ijjj LL rn "IT b CHEAP BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, kO. THE WHITE FRO.XT,. ULIRLO'LT E, X. C. -"Largest Stock n the J S 5 2 Q Wire ?dattrop,:ep at 4 Drawer Bureaus at Baby Crringes from Cloth Window Shade from FURNITURE AT WHOLESALE OR RE T ill. LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE. Coffins, and Metallic Gases. E. M. b y 7-So-cm. To all who are enquiring for the ; D. L Saylor & Son, ) ft t,-,5.vj0ir';-?? T'P-Srui Utf:. p 1 u : " : -- -. . L. Saylor Son. They are agents for the celebrated WINSIIIP GIN and PRESS T T mAS tuTljouSf thera b!lo'"OJ buy ' oth0'- is They also Sell tiie United States Buggies manufactured in Cohimbus, Ohio, which are superior to any work slnpped South from any other factory. See them, as they will sell lower than the same work can bo bought anywhere else for cash 28-'84 tf. bro; Charlotte', -13 f1 I r -W' ,-;'N. hi ,x.ii,' v.ii.iij Q pp Tip Q i U U U lb er State. Send for Prices. M OF ST! ?4. W), 7 ML 6 00, Up. Clc. " NDUEWS, Charlotte, C. best COTTON GIN, will find it. with r t 1 4 i