' . " . :." '.- ' : " ' "', . " ' - ' ': . . . V " 'T:-.- -' "-: -'f-- V ..; : ' . ' - . . ' , :--." "' : ".-.- ' . . -;... h. " . - .-. 7 ';- . r-i W THE A NSON TIMES t X Xli ilNOUIN i iiUUU WAPKSBOnO, N. C SEl t I8S6. - ROBERT K. COWAN. Editor. Demccraliomianes. FOR CONGRESS: ALFRED BO W I AND, f OF ROCJUiC . ron coLiciroiirthvp.MSTnic FRANK McNElL, OF UICIIMOND. , . i FOR CH1E7 JUSTICE. V. N. U. SMITH, FOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES. TIIOjIAS S. MttlE. A. tf. MERRiaO:i. FOR SUPERIOR COURT JL'DCLS. 8rd Dk-rt O COXXOa. 4th " W ALTEI1 CLAKK. 6th " FDWIN T. 130YKIN. 8th " ' W. J. 110NTG0MKRY. JOth" ALPIIGJitO L'. AVEilY Isth" J AS. A. MKTUUMOr Col. Rov.'LAXD cauterize Charles B. Jones at Lumbertou on Monday last. It is'iu. prudent, brother Jon.cs, to beard the Honlii lis den. .1T.IL Maloup, the inudfirtle can didate for Congress in th-3 inouiitain district, is Ihebrotber-in-la.v ufGen. K. B. Vance.. The Senator should yive Lim.a bint to Bubaid-i Here's lLo way the Philadelphin j Times goes ut it to prove that iiily Mabpue is aphilosopher: '"Senator M alone is a-philosopher. 11 would have been glad to have' uooeded iiiaisell ai senator.bat tha tU'.es and the votes daciJed othorwi.?y. Ho is How willing to accept an elf.clijii to J,he lower house a3 tho saoceso: of Congressman Brady." There La's been considerable trtfk in hotel lobies in Wa!ii:igton for a .day or two past, regarding a rumor, not traceable to any reliable source, that Mr. itobc-rt Mclane, Urn" tad 2S Minister to France, will be Mr. layard's successor should he resign, as it Is now stated ho will, on the conclusion cf tho Mexican muddle. A convention of the fetn de editors of the South" is appointed to meet at Greensboro, Wednesday Nov. 3rd. All female writes and editor?! are tvc pected to attend. Miss Il.itc'.ct, of the Southern Woman, pul.l;-l'e J at Anderson, predicts a lar-e r.t tendance, as the number of wsmen engaged in journalism in the South j is very largo, and they expect a grand 1 success. Gov Gray of Inui ,na Baj's tho M..ir gomery Dispach, has i-jsued a proc lamation again lynching. He oilers $1,000 reward for the conviction of any one engaged in such crimes. The disposition of men to assume unto themselves tho. jurisdiction that belongs only to the courts of tha country is fast bringing these institu tions of justice into contempt and nu less the dangerous tendency is sever ly cheoked we inaj- soon expect the consequences in all of their dreadful effects that must inevitably follow this shameless usurpation cf law and order. - i . The State Convention that met in Raleigh last' week was a fine repre sentative Democratic body, and its action in renominating the old Court will meet the hearty approval of the people of North Carolina, and they will ratify the same .at the polls in November. An effort was made to defeat the old Court by putting up Judgo "Mer rimon for Chief Justice, to which we regret he seemed to assent, but tho effort was defeated on a close vote. Smifh receiving 407 vote3 and Mer 87.. Judge Ashe and 'Merrimon " were then nominated by acclama itoS. Mr. S. B. Alexander of Mecklen burg was made temporary and Mr. J C. Buxton of Fayetteville perma pent chairman. While the commit tees were at work lond calls rang through the hall for Hon. R. T. Ben nett, and he responded in his urumI stirring manner, He was followed by Messrs. Skinner, Waddel!, Coke, McClammy, Scales and "Others, . Ttie Convention settled a very im portant matter cn the questions of proxies. it tieia that where a County would send a delegate, or directly, delegrte its power, that the County could net be ltpiefctiucd The Republicans will probably not make any nominations, so our old County will continue without oppo lion. We commend the following good counsel from our esteemed content porary, the ivews & Observer: The democratic party of the State has now about completed its list t f candidates and it behooves us all to get to work for the election of tho , men we have chosen. Democratic nominations are very .nearly equiva lent tp an election, but it will not do for us to bank too etrorgiy on this fact. While our old enemy is in the diratt confusion nnd fleeing before us la vary direction, the woods are get ting fuller and fuller of political nondescripts all of whom propose at neks upon the democratic orgauiza ion. We must look out for tho3e phaps arid giro them doses in every instance of what selfUh, seekers only af tor office deserve: Let political banditti be swept from tho GcJd to the ond that the young and thoughtless niay not be led a war from the right path by the honied plausibilities of pretenders. The" wie and prudent understand that organization, into pjUea is absolutely necessary to the p2iutenacce of principles, but it is XifcCeftary,notwithKtandiKgthi3, that th easilyinflaenoHd should be j' o pected from the wilts 'oj the ppli..l deitroyer. Tni3 independence. doing the work of a citizen - fW; lsl,.rt Wii enable u U . f w to best aorvo our, Tellowmeii , ana oiir own hi&eret.. S.ici a place is only to be found in the rauka if a party' with weil-dued principles qiilc.ilate ! to piy th peace ail J i mi mice the proinj.-ity bf iheouu-. try. for xreai. pritici can ony le i aj.plitKl throii!i zreat parlies. iic-nc tho so-called independent is necessa rily only the s:'lfih seeker after his own advancement rfardjess of tho pub! it Rood an 1 rfhoul J bq repudiated as km:!i unhesitatwiifly. JU?s ciemo-cnitsrs!!ck.-losidy to the faith which has made the country' y.'hat it is, whuih h w rudt-emeJ North Carolina f-o-Ji t'se hands of Ivjf enemies, which haseec '.red for m t!ie b'esin of hom-ff, cfoaojuical government at !iom fiJ ihruugont the country Tais fai'Ji U.lho democratic faith of on- fathers. It has stood eve ry test "ihroni;i Renpration. Dyt us stand' i,y in Ue later dayn that come to Mi and ii im sit down -upon th; .au5hroumcrop ofso ca!UMi ind.-pen I dents as heavily "oh possible. ANOTHER ISSUE. The organ j have another' isuc A fow tliya tfgo, ox-Piveideut Jeffer son Davi made a speech at a Missi3s ippi C'nivs!:oijal Convention, in which ho stated that l.e could not vote if:.v' organs have taken np that uelaration r.r.d are now rinx' it Tliat Mr. f hi the i:iiai!4' Dji.is f'jouM ii ivhtind toanciounce this startlii-5'f'ct U cisviaciogei" dpiifrt't'iut. ihf: S-.itith.is ni the saddle. aU(j it w.w' to ll;1V0 j !;eeu epec" rd that the organs r.-oul i try to make the most of his worJ;. Ilowevrr, it strikes .as as a lis lie singular that our Ivnvv-d and sutler loval contemoo- i ...... ..-i.j i r( .. ...t ' ' - rar-ies h .ou.a ua . .-m- oii-11- of Mr. Davh's speech which affords tter inateri;.! with which to 1 m oca i'' start a oiiize in lue noi inern nearo th.in his declaration that ho could not vote. Mr. Dav: actually had the tomyrity to say "tJiat the people should stand shoulder to sliouldcr fL-r .tl.e neni'iil good.' Wo insist that that the organs will be remiss in t'iri: daty to all the principles of the grand old party that aro left if they do not ware thw cnsctr.giued rifthcr garment- over tha last .hop. t'on2.I utlorp.ave. It h true that tho MiSoissippi Congressional Coaveu:5 tiDii epiiode, like Ihe Montgomery episode, ii dc-stiueu to "dia aborn ing," but that docs not relieve the organs from the grave responsibility that rets upon th . m. Tlie public exppcts them to howl themselves hoarse, nnd they siiotikl not fail to do to. Richmond Dispatch. CHOICE OF THE CONVENTION. The rofiilts of 3'esterdays gather ing of democrats in this ci:y rt-ill be learned with-satisfaction throughout the State- It was what ivight have Veen expected of so intelligent., con servative and patriotic a body of cit izons as was the convention, but it will give no loss general pleasuro'on that account. The people of Nort h Carolina appreciate the worth of long and faithful service and the val- lie of experience and wisdom on-the bench, and yesterday's work v ill i Township ' meetings when the dele therefore bo endorsed from the gates chosen by the people to ropre mouutains to the seaboard. Of th j sent the sentiment of theeiiizens of distinguished gentleman who were the Township are not instructed. renomiaa'ed for the oflicrs of r:hief justice and associate justices of the supreme ecurt it is rmneecssary to speak. Their illustrious public ser vice, their shining virtues, their pu-. rity of character, their learning in the law, their absolute impartiality i i the administrat ion of justica are as familiar to North Carolinians as household words They have long served the state in the lofty places to which thev are now agyia called, as wSl be seen in November, and they have done so in a manner tl ?t has reflected honor upon all North Caro linians and lioi;ght renown to them selves. The convention expressed the wish of the Stale beyond a doubt, and none can fail to rejoice that hon- or has been done those to whom honor was due, and that faithfulness in high public cflice has received the stamp ofjmblic approval. We rejoice with the people of ths State that the able, industrious, con- scieutious End learned triumvirate which has long sat in tha State house to pas3 upon the rights of citizens as between man and man the rights of persons and the rights of property, are to remain to deal out even hand j ed i"stico and to preserve the liber ties of tho Commonwealth. The court ia to continue as at present composed of Messrs. Smith, Asheand Merrimon. So have said the repre. Sfmtatives of .the democratic party in North Carolina. So will the people approve in November. A good day's work was dono yesterday and we hoartily congratulate the whole Sta'e thereon. News and Observer. Ou Kooky IUvpt. Red Hill, An. SOlh. The northern part of Ahson is con sidered; orie of the healthiest and most desirable sections of the coun ty. Itis covered with rolling hills, well timbered and dotted with farms. The soil is of good quality,-and suit ed to the growth of cotton, clover aad the creals. The water some times equals the mountain Springs on the ;Blue Ridge, and is softer and better than the brackish wells in the blue slato region in Central Anson. The red bills , an 1 black landa are largely exempt from the malarial fevers, that threaten other regions. Droughts late in the Summer for some years previous have affected this township, but the present sea son lias enjoyed abundant showers. Tbo crops on the hills are looking well. . The upland corn is pretty well eared, and the cotton plants hang with the usual weight of bolls. Most of theboUom fields weie drowned out by the oyerflowa, and hav inferior prospects. rich raliev along Biyerwhurc;C:e. com formally-grew to large proportiuii is overgrown with "nubbins." Tho floods backed out from the Pee Dee however left a rich deposit of tediment on the low grounds and the bottom lands have been ciiriched. . Tiie roads tbrough,this end of th coUuiy buve been recently-leveled uad the long re4 j thoroughfares rftretch like graded j pikes ov er tne liilL and alon tba lanes. , A fe wr days since I Visited the town of- Anson ville. Ifoud itsssic shades departed. Its Seminary once the pride of xvnscn, whose hall like iatekctual lisbt houses sen tout their ray of knowledge over tho Carolioas and .carried tho light of culture nto many homos now aban doned. No bill calls the merry maids to books, no laughter is heard within its nulls, no faces smile from its doors, or sparkling teen on its kwn as in tho days of "long ago." The doors have been shut up, the blinds are clo&d. the doors are lock' ed, tho desks-are empty, the grounds are, silent, and the rooms are like nests rrom wheuc-y tne on .is nv 'own. No n.nsio sounds from t nests from wheuc the birds have e stately old edifice, and no soiigsecho through it3 groves, save the nighten gale, who ittoui us its departed glory. .Tin? town looks dosohtta in its lone liness. Us soul has doparied. Its ahiiost untrodden alree would make an appropriate frubjct for another GoidHiiithb ' Deserted Village.'' But the grand old buidlng is ctiii an aiv fechinal covenant to Anson vn!i and i 1 ' , irany hope the college wid again bit ssotn into life and resume iis for- I'ncr -ai:K among ineeuucuLionai I'jy .J . . a..- sti'uti'iis 'of the Slate, and again c Mirl the honor of Auson as a seat of h ry h'f.rniug I'.s e rly t lives in the memory ol its i .. . i .1 r . . i I lnmds. ana is cnerisneuui mc-nt ai ;b - - ....... T-l .. l.f or .its r. ".juaies. j: or yeuis wiuiu rj, the war mi aureus or suims gam- cred here to drink from tho fountain i.f culture. When the rail road is ex tended here from Wadesboro to Salisbury, a new morning of life will doubtless dawn on Carolina College, and the town will be happy. Frofessor Rodfeai n wiii open his High school in a few days and re porU cheerful prospects- for a full at tendance at th Fall session At CWnr Hill, Stokes Clark has roop'-mcd his ftcadeni'eal school which ! promises to be of great advantage to l!ie surrounding community. Mrs. Fannie Lentz, a lady of va ried aocoiiipIishrnentM left a few days ago to teach music in the Hig!; school at (jfibson Station, Riclimond comity, where she will make ii i"te a social and educational acquisition to that growing village. The 'town ship held a meeting at Burnsville Sat urday erening lust, to select dele gates to the county and Senatorial convention. lai at ndi ice than usual were present. Ten dele gates were appointed to the county, and also ten to the Senatorial con vention. Mr. Grean Thomas ad dressed the meeting on his claims to the support of the delegation. Mr. A. F. Claik addressed the meeting on behalf of tho a 'i?n t aspirants for office. Tho delegates were uniu strartei. And just here the qutsiion j arises: what is the use of holding what the sentiments are. T'ae dtlvi gates are supposed to present the. wishes of tho voters who appoint th3 delegates, and not tho latters pe.'Monal preference. For t!.e di lc gates to know and advocate the sen timeots of their Township they should have an expression of ilie people m convention assembled. ! The townships should therefore vote on, and express themselves on every aspirant foroffice, who wiil come bo fore tha convention to which t'aedl geates are appointed.. In this way the delegation will be cognizant of and able to express tho instructions of tho powers delegating them, and th will of the people will be known, and ther sentbxents executed, and ; candidates nominated in accord with ti-.e with the wishes of the masses pro vided the "masses attend the township meetings and make them selves heai d. Tho farmer's club held a .meeting ! at tho Rai Hi'.i school house on last Saturday night, for general discus cussion. The time is now in season for the club3 to debate the subject of cider. The religious meeting held at the Red Hill church last week is reported to have been a success. Preaching" is being conducted vig orously over in Staniy county. At Norwood nnd -Rocky River Springs the. sinners aj-e said to have been roused up by wholesale. The divines are now earning their n-oney, and reconstrucling the hard cases in the land. BETA. The Ashevillo Advance of Thurs day morning tast contains the fol losing: v News was received iu the city last evening cf a most horrible and heart rending accident which occur red on Tryun Mountain yesterday. A construction train broke Ioctj while, ascending the mountain, and went whirling down tho grade at a terrible ped. Six persons were killed and four teen wounded. The engineer left the engine in charge of the fireman. The train started down the grade and the air brakes refused to work. The speed :dow the mountain was thought to be at the rate of seventy five miles an hour. Strange to hay, neither the engine or fiats jumped the track. The men standing on the fiats had nothing to hold to and and were thrown in different direct ions, wheiva short curve was turn ed. Some of them horribly mangled. The train 'was 6topped after running about six miles. ' . Au Australian genius claims to have inventeda machine for shearing hep. There has bee a machine of that kind in use- for yeers in this j street. country, is ia manutaciured m Wall Kortheastem Railroad ucrapany. SCPERnSTKJrDKNT'S OmcK, - - -1 , Chaklestos. S. C. May 3, f On'and after this date the oLUwinj Schedule will be run: " Leave Charleston. Arrive at Florence. So. 43 1150am ......3 55 P M No. 4713 55-A It 53 A 51 Leave Florence Arrive at Charleston. n 40 1S5AM ...SCO A M Jio. 42-13 05 V M 4 10 P M Nos. 42 anil 43 will stop at all Stations. . Nos. 4 and 47 will uot stop. T M TvMKRJSON. J. F. DrVIUE; Ueul Pass. Agents UeP'i Sujt f SO VTHEKJV DF10T OF Carriage Material. 0. D. ' Franke, IROJY merchant AND DEALER CARRIAGE METERIAL OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS; Sole Proprietor, of the Celebrated CROWN COAIIH . VARNISHES. Lcirgest Stock of Sfefincd and Swedes Iron in the South. . 157 Meeting Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Oet. 15 tf. . , CHARLESTON, S. C, Wholesale Grocers and, Cot ton Factors, GUANO IMPORTERS And Dealers in fertilizers. V.'e claim to have one of th largest Grocery houses in the United States, and carrv in Htos-k evei-ytLiu required for a first-class Grocerv. Our Cotton and Naval Stores .Department is complete in all its branches, and we solicit consignments. Our stock of Champarneanfl fine "Wines is ccmj.leto ia every respect, and wo compete with any market. Choice Old Whiskies. .2TPDRE AND UNiDULTRATED.I We dfTer for sale, on favorable terms to the trade, WAGENER'3 CELEBRATED FINE OLD WHISKIES of the foIIcying special brands, namely: WAGENER'S C ABIKET, VVAGENER'S OLD NECTAR. W A GEN ER'S XXXX, WAGENER'S XX: TT AGENER'S PET, . Wasrener's Hand-Made Corn. VERY OLD AND CHOICE. For exeellf-nce, purity and evenness of anal ity, tbe above ai'e unsurpassed by any Whis ker's imported, the onlv omvction ever maae t-- tl;"M: l y the manipulating dealer being that they cannot be unproved upon. GERMAN ARTILLERY, THE BEST FIVE CENT CIGAR IN THE W ORLD. By careful experiment and patient investiga tion, one ottiiB must expenenccu Cigar man ufact'.irers and iudc.es of leaf tobacco in America ' has discovered a combination of tobacco which, united, has produced the linest Cisar ever made, sold to the consumer -at-'ffve cents It is every where conceded equal to Ihe majority or ten-cent (Jiarara on tlie market and superior to many of those sold at that price. It is a perfectly sweet smoke, made of higb-grad? tobneco, contains no tiavorm;' matter ot any kind. We solici correspondence aud all inquiries cneeriully answered, bend lor our full price K IP. WAGEJW ER $ CO Oct 19am. Worms! Worms Worms I Worms may he suspected when there is in testinal irritation, or itching at tho end of bofi els, a disposition to pick at the end of the nose. These indicate that the sufferer is af flicted with worms which we guarantee to destroy and absolutely eradicate from the system by tho proper use of tho graudost modicine of its kind ever offered to tho peo ple and which has been used and is enthusias tically endorsed by thousands who have been benefitted by it during the last twenty years. Wheeler's Vermifuge and Infant Blood Purifier. If you are troubled with unusual thirst, increase of saliva, irregular appetite, offensive breath, pale sallow, complexion with occasionally flush, swelling of tha upper lip, enlargement, use "Wheeler's Vermifuge. If you experience an pulargemeut of the stomach, dLitur!ed sleep, cough, headache, fever, etc., use Wheeler's Vermifuge. For all thiso symptoms use Wheeler's Vermifuge, it is pleasant to the tast. It is more safe and thorough in its action than any other AV orai Medicine. We offer Wheeler's Vermifuge not in competition with the many worse than worthless nostrioas claiming for it virtues equalled by any similar preparation offered t i afflicted mankiud. Prepared only by Pape& Co., IFholesale Druggists, ThiL Pa. A 11 reputable dealers keep it. NOTICE. - This is to forbid any and all persons from hiring or harboring my step daughter Bettio Tilmon, who is under age. 1 shall enforce tlie law against an one who violates this warning. ADDISON H1NROK. col'd Anson Institute, WADESBORO, N. (j- D. A. MCGRTG0R, A. B., PRINCIPAL. J. W. KlLGO'A. B., 1 ? Assistants. Rosa McCorkle, ) - The Fall term begins -Jonda", September 20th,. 1880. Tuition in Literary Departmeut $2, $3. aud $4 per month. ' v - Tuition in Instrumental Music i per month. . ' Tuition in vocal Music, $4 per month. Use of Piano for practice 50etsper month. Board $10 per month. Contingent fee, fl per year. Souse und Sign Painter, ' Is prepared to do any work ia his line with neatness and dianatch TT alo keeps a full line of groceries. Hd Ho 3 , All you people that seek Dry Goods, Notions,7 .'Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Millinery. Glass, Crockery, and Tin Ware, in these so called hard times, march on until you get to tbe Red Rag Racket of Shepard, the Red Flag Man, the pioneer of low prices, but good got Is he has just received the largest stock of Summer goods be ever bought, in Lawns. White and Printed Nainsooks, plain border and printed Ginghams and Spring Calicoes and an summer stock of fine Millinery Notions, &c. My goods are pronounced by ladies of taste to be superb in Quality, Beauty and Price. Remember we sell for cash at bargains but not for ccst. We mean push, so friends push arourid to the Red I tag Shepards For Yoyr Goods. G. Greshsm & Go. Importers and Jobbers of CI una, Glass wild Tinware, Lamps, Cutlery, -Clocks, etc. Eefrigerators, ce Boxes, Fruit Jars, Ice. Cream Freezers an d, other seasonable goods uiimer bets00 Tea Sets from5to jis- Yhon wanting anything in our line it will save you money by giving us a trial. 0. GBESHAM & CO,. Charlotte, H. C May7'S5tf. The Holidays Are Coming, And now is the time to prepare for THEM. Finest variety of tropical Fruits in the Market. Fresh Cargoes Every Week. E AN AN AS, gOCOANUTS, ORANGES. MALAGA GRAPES, Northern Fruits. APPLES. FIGS. PEANUNTS, RAI SINS, NUTS, CITRON. CURRANTS, Orders filled with dispatch. O.Bart&Oc, Oct 22 em. CHARLESTON. S. ( SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY; The Slate Chronicle, (Successor to tho Farmer and Mechan ic and the Chronicle.) Newsy, Bright and Clean. UP WITH THE TIMES. The State Chronicle will be what its name implies a State paper. It is not the Raleigh "Chronicle," and will not be local or sectional. It will aim to keep up with the current news from Murphy to Mantao, or as the politician? put it, irom cnerokee to Curntuclc. It will be the organ of no man, no ring, no section, no party. It will be Democratic in politics, but will not hesitate to criticise Democratic measures and Democratic officers. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, Six Months, Three Months, $2 00 1.00 50 For a sample copy address, THE STATE CHRONICLE, . Raleigh, N. C The Progressive Farmier. ... L. L POLK, Editor. A Weekly Paper, size 27x40 in , 8 pages, 40 columns. Subscription price 2 a year $1 for 6 months, post-paid. The first number will be issued on the first day cf December. Iet your sub scription begin with the first issue. Money at our risk, if sent by register ed letter or money order. Write name and Post Office plainly. Send in your subscription at once. Ad dress. THF. PROGRESSIVE FARMER. Nov 12 tf. . . Raleigh, EL C. PA YILIOjY HOTEL Charleston, S. C House first-clas3 in all respects, cen trally located, passenger elevator. ; RATES: $2 and $2.50 per day. Busses and wagons at all trains. Do not give your checks up on train! Our responsible agent is at Depot. - i3F"Ask for Pavilion Transier-I ; E. T. GALLIARD, Proprietor. iWty years trial ia proved "BLACK-' DRAUGHT " the best liver medicine ia ' the world. . . .V--; - - '- Sale of Land Under a Deed in 'K rT--'- Trust. ' Vgi ;: - By vjlrtne of a Deed iu Trust made to IL Montague by James Swanner and wife Elizabeth ; Matilda Hasty and Hester Ann Hasty the 21st day of January 1884 and registered in.Trust Book'No. J9.page 5C7et seqr. at th R gistec8 Office in Anson County. 1 will sell to the highest bidder foi rash at the4ate residence of Griffin L Hasty, dee d., December 15. 18S5, th. tract or parcel of land known as tha nart of Mm Griffin L IlastV traci which was laid off or fell to the lot of said Swanner and wife, ami Matilda Hasty and Hester Ann Hasty in the division of thf G. L. Hasty land con' taitiing 81 1 2 acres. . II. MONTAGUE, "Trustee,, by JAMES n. GRIFFIN, Nov 19 4t. Assignee of the debt. Hew Drug Store I I am now receiving my stock of Don't fail to rive me a at the T. Covington stand. Very Respectfully, : Thcs. F. Costner, . D; Oct 22 tf Wadesboro, N. U o DO NOT LET Y0LTQ JUDGEMENT t. bcrovern3 bv vour nreiudices. but give our first class'bfferings a fair and liberal trial, when we know you will be convinced of Wiat? That our CLOTHING is equal in all respects to the best made to order, and at about HA.Lt the rtflUHJ. We have a Manufacturing Depart ment connected with our establish ment, for those who desiro having their Clothing made to order, at prices far below that you have been paying for the same at other houses. Sample of goods and blanks for measurement mailed upon applica tion. "We "Fi-rri ploy no travelling salemen. It is a big ex pense and the buyer has to pay for it. We give our customers the benefit of that expense, thereby saying them at least 20 per cent, in that way, and again we proposo to sell cheaper than any other house, and by ordering goods from.us, wo are satisfied that it will be a saving to you of 30 per cent. Try us and you wiil see for yourself. Our constant aim ha3 been to place before you a BETTER CLASS of GOODS in preference tq cheap catch penny baits,..as well Its to establish between us the utmost confidence founded on the following sound principles: Honest Value .' Marking the Selling Price on all Good's! Return of tlie Money if goods do not bear honest criticism; or if you should change -your mind within a reasonable time, you have the right to return the goods and get back vour money a privilege ad vantageous to you and not detrimen tal to us, and the best evidence that there is no misrepresentation or overcharge. Our stock represents the CHOICEST AND PRINCIPLE STYLES of the season none equal to it in this market selected for D LIRA BILI'TYrs well as BE A UTY, and with all, a care for your interests. The constant increase of our busi ness shows an appreciation of our enterprise, and has caused us to be recognized as the Leading and most Reliable Clothiers and Furnishers m this section. "We propose to continue to have thai distinction. " Parties ordering Ready-made or Custom-made Clothing not known to us, will send city reference or we will send C. O. D. by Express with privilege' of examing before paving, the party to pay return charges if goods do not suit. S. II. Fishblate, Successor to Ottenburg & Co., Wilmington, JY. C. Sept 2J"85-am. W. H. AfcM & Co. i 25 Market St. W ilmi 71 g t o n , Dea ers in JY. C. StoveSjTinware Lamps and Chandeliers, Roofing and v Pump "WorK, Our line of Cooking Stores is the best, including such as the celebrated Fanner Girl, Jjjlnio, Caro lina and, Harvest. Prices for both Heating and Cooking Stoves furnished on application. 1 ".'' -"'.-.' ' ' W. If Aldermaii & Go. Aug 27 '85 am. j School Notic 3! The Fall term of Misses Conigland &. Battle's school at lalesville ' will begin September 11th, 1885. ' r : - ( Sept. 3,1m. SUITABLE FOR Wchave ih Stock nnv the folio g ted do " Season: - . Excelsior Wine and Cider Mills, vhich-will make more cider than any other mill on tho market. Thi mill loss notIack the juice, but crushes the apple instead of grinding into lump. HORSE RAKES, eithei band elf dump, or combined. 7 rORHIN DISK HARROW. The Corbin Harrows is the finest im-pleou nt sold It will Pulverized nd piepare . . . , than any implement cosnng twice me nothing is equal toit. thoroughly tested at our last Fair and most practical and best. SEED. We make a specialty o! Held seea, anaaeaun oni cnoicc vanet .' We Fell more than any other lumse in N. C. VAN WINKLE GIN and BOSS PRESSES. The Van ;Winkle Gin h.-.s gained arepuUition that makes it selL . It has no supenor and no Um nv make a better sample, gin the seed cleaner, gin faster, or run with lighn-r draught. He carrv all the standard Implement.?, such as Pl-j-ws. CuUia tors. Harrows, Mills. Cut ers. Shelters, Churus, Ba'waut Mowing Machine, and many other lmplt-ments. 1 , TENNESSEE WAGONS at prices to meet any one. Cortland Spring Wagons lower than the l owest and then not at cost. The Improved double feed Champion Grain Drill. Guaranteed to sovr Rust Proof cats or an v other grain. ; J. G. ShaiinonhGiiSG & Co. College Street, E B. LATTA .& BR0; 0LO JL Mi WHOLESALE urniture Healer CHEAP 5ED Coffins and Burial Suite. THE WHITE FROJVT, Oil A R LOTTERY. C. "Largest Stock n the Wirp Mattresses at 4 Drawer Bureau at Baby Carriages from Cloth Window Shades from JUST T H j SM O F IT! FURNITURE AT WJIOLESAEE ORitET iJL, LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE. ins and "3. E ay 7-S5-cm. A r IU. I iSTX. J i Si. --I m-A V a 1 have known r.vA watched thc!ie of owift's Sne Ma lorovcr f.rty yt-urs. ui.-l luiv n.-vi-r k!unvr,'i,r ateara cf a failure to rim' '-lliiuiri i.,-, ..." i,..,. 7l'Zt:i'i-,'P-, Iait cn n;y tvrv:t;ils'fr.n:i VfAa I800, did a!.-o a nuralxt of any nui'liimw, c'ml- m every case thnt cair.u within my kiiowl'-J-Ai it c5w;t'ei core, m a'.l ni y life I haoj rw'vcr ku.. 11 a rfamcnli f5talMVh lMdH cn h;y tvrv:i;i'u'fr.n:i V:tJo t'ei that wonld a fully accojapraih v.hat it 'ia it-cvm- n. L. DXXAItn, Perry, Ga. I have known and nst-l Swifi's Sjk-c:Cc for mora taag tweuty y.sr., aud bav more vouderfal teanlU from its us,; than Sr-r.n any remedy in or "on Jf tnc Pharnwcopo-;a. It is ti ctrUia uud baa antlcoto to all sorts of l;ud Poison. J. DICKSON SHITH, M. D., ' - , Atlanta, Go. "WHAT D HUG GISTS SAY Who have Srea the ESecta of Severe Tests. ' tiHa? ??.Tec better ,Bti?'act1on' thrn a::y remedy for Blood Diseases wc have evrr hRadlcd. . GCIIILLEIi & STyKS, V"ajhinoa,'D. C. Many physiclaRs liva tuioeztd 3. S. S. a a 8DS nflc lor Blood liisesses. 1 HAZunSLD & CO., ISempha. . Have seer. P. S. S. stop the hatr from-fallin? ont In very ehort lime. 'ondcr;ut feSocU iu ail biaa ox tUooa Dusc&scd. W. H. PATTEES02?, Dallas, Texas. We do not hesitate tn Hy that for a year past we ..tave ..ld tttoro of 8-W. Specifle S. S. S. than all other Blood Vunflera enmbiued, and with moj &lomahii: rusolw. t)ne eeiienwu who sel half a dozen Iwittle wts ttmfK iias rione him more ekI Uun treatneiit whuih cost him.$l.i)oa AnVrther who -BBS used it for a Scrofulous aflectioa leooru a bet ttaaeat cisre from IU nue. ;. . VAN SIAACE, STEVJEXSON i CO r - - . Chicagx WW be paid to any Chemlat who will And on anal ysU of 100 bottles S. S. 6-i one particle of aiercnryt "todld PoUasiara, or any ralncral aubstance. , Tin oWift srEcrno co., , - ;-r Irawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. tdBT-Write for the UUle boot, which will be mailed, fret.- . -. r.. . Pr.cc: finiall atae, IX.W -per botCe. Xarge stxe, OioWins double nantitj, 1.75 bottlfc All Prug. THE SEASON' more laud in the same thneand better . T.i.... . .11;,,.. ;.. money. ,rw putting in i.tus quak . " was pronounced by farina s to be tlie . , . . , ' CIIAUI-OTTE. N. C. v. AND RETAIL 9 4 T-.r CHAIRS, 5cC. State. Send for Prices: 3-J ei.no, 7.r'V COM, one. Up. Metallic OaseE, r I ANDREWS, " C'lcwlotti A'. C Free from Oplattv, Emetics and Tvi' h PR05SPT, SAFE, S'JriE C8S Culdo. lirsBehltts, Crocp, Vi H.,!! kffectluus of tbo Tlo si Lnm Price r,C cents a little. Bold fcr DrejfKi afl " ers. IKrliei v;tafUtair..iac Mttir AtnUr V) V? e?i it for them tcill rcrs um tatU JSxfe t ty sttuti.ig me dollar U IF YOU KiVT And wit I want the Set ftt the it moue. ln niv now Seed Cfctalcio wil! snrtrtue yoa. o ma!ti wHer 50a hv been deling 1 mil i mimev. It U ..;;-WM;H;MAULEf 1S9 & 131 Front fit.; PMiadalplila. 26.999 NOW Iff USE. ineeuf Ii All persons lay their roods sre the best. We ask von to e xam- Bee4 aadTerttiaia Orill and our Hay Itak K Filer foaitlrer ore Feed, tii-slo, zlair Arfll and iuir Hit Itukuk The re ma as the best, and can be sold as cheap. All are wa ranted. CircuVars mailed free. Ilauinrk MnnhlnaCo, Newark, Ohio. ttera Branch Howe, Hsrtw.a Mr v m V