II ;l THE PLOW BOY. 'i BY PUBLISHED WEEKLY oui? iiohk publishing! go I.Z.GEEEN,' - Editor Ontf dollar a year in adranee. j TjiDBOkb, N.C. -Apr 28,;18S7 Hi . . . ;!'.- . -' f This in Another. The ribt good IFobn D. Rockcfcliow who is "noted ffr his "free gif la," and for dodging hc tax collector U original to say the least.- iitrije reafj Mr. Kockefellow b a si estate interests in'; New . . . .t.i- - . Ifork city. It wag lately discover 1 that he wis owner, and drawing 5 cut from. a house which was not Tjstcd in. his name,- -but ft ''church property. When questioned ; he ipid: take this method of not pay fjjig taxes, ao that I can give that fetich more to missionaries." He is .doing a great work for the foreign J j?eaiui'iJ v.v" ' leniia .tyiiiiuuuuci. i; "1 am a partisan but I would rather have .Republican" prosperity tjban Democratic depression." Thus epaKe the new Democratic leader, (?) Mr. Bailey, on the floor of the Jlouse last week, and if we are to jiilge' from his previous reputation hie had rather have McKinloy presi dent than Bryan. . Hasn't the 4,"dftr.fim narl .v" ndcnran thA- Rrvi-I tzis of r a dandy leader? Wonder how man' so-called freo silverDem ocrata will eat crow and got down .:J: .1. . J. ' i ' J t II jL- 4ii tue iiusi anu iouow mis new .Democratic Mosen? jThcre was a man on our streets 1 3astwi-ek selline clue for mending chairs.' harness, shoes, clothes ami iiiihes. He certainly has a bonanza, i - I should sell a L'ood lot to Stick ahl'tho various organizations to- i i - i cither, esnee a v the severa nol t - c4 parties to keep them from bolt- inSr and eloutrhinff off around the coVcs. ' We don't know of a single organization that docs not need tiSmo kind of a sticking fast, the churches not excepted, Hickory Mercury. 'About nine-tenths oi the gold Stan l4rd dement in the Democratic1 party refused to bolt after the nom (nation ol Mr. Bryan not because 'they wanted to see bira elected,; but bcau80 they could fight bira more fiijccessfully in the party than out oi it. 'This same element is now figuring under leadership of Con gfesstnan Bailey, cf.Texae, who is trvinc so hard to &o.t thn dpur nlH tariff to the front again and relecrate IHe tiifanciai question to IqjVa4 (Hop; Thos. E. Watson, in his last -week's paper goes for Senator Kylo bexiauso he will vote for the Dingley tariff bill, but be says nothing about hjjw Senator Pritcbard wilt vote, and he also forgot to print Congress jmain Skinner's speech in favor of the Hepublican tariff bill. Has tho "gal lant Tom" forgotten about his en dorsement of Col. Skinner'aj fight far the: election of Pritcbard? He ought to look after all his own household and not single out just one of the family for a target, j , tWe used to be a ,"raiddle ot-the-read" Populist, but when Skinner, 34cCaskey and Babb together with ach lesser lights as Flake, Odom, Iestler and other rantankerous Rep Ipp fusionists began their I; false Ipiddlo-of-the-road" performances that term no longer has any charms fdp us and we hereby grant ! them exclusive rirht to use it as seems to . .1! .. . r i ; .- tb era best. ! The famous Harry Skinner, of prth Carolina, has been heard .from in Congress. He made a srjeech in favor of tha Republican tffnff bill and the Raleigh Tribune,- itepublican Stato organ, reproduced 'Ms spocch and slobbered the- new convert to Republicanism over with fulsomo praise. Buc the funny. part -oifit is that tho Tribune referred to :J3kiniiQr as a "Populist loader.' U 4 - : : : - The Republican policy is for- a high tariff to maintain prices: And ajfewcr number of redemption ' dol' Sirs to pull down prices. Thirty P . . .i rpars trial witn constantly jailing prices has shown the absurdity and dTuplicity of this republican paradox. ' T People's Advocate. ft ' . ' . Tho gold bugs say th people who ajre not-aucceseful in their private business, enterprises, are not fit to jfrrijjaoago the affairs of government Jsut jao longer ago than 1863 Presi dent McKinley failed in business, .owing large amountu.-JEx. ! There seems to be .a concensus of opinion that Uhere's an overproduo- tjon of ofiice hunters. j; Tbe Rotbschijds are pleased tvtth JcKinley's inauguiitLaldrkeaa.'. . tEOLD SCHKME AGAIN, An Attempt Sidetrack the Real Issue. j The gold combine the national; rbank power is already Hying a stupendous plan of campaign for 1900. They nope to bring up and ''brce to the front that infernal old wane "the tariff 'jagain, and thus try to suppress or kill the only question of vital fimport4nce to the people which i the money question The Caucasian1, in common with aIl other People's party papers and .; , . K .nniW has continually warned the people of the purpose ot the bild combine and money power, il be reader of these paperH have gained knowledge of bis fact' but the readers of th old I moaopbly. pickled press areetill a blind, as ignorant and apparently as nopeiessiv oesottea on pomivw r v "'f r eeonoinio question as tney were L lwcnt yeunj a ! Evon lho8 it I Inni - I! I 'U1U ocratlC Daners tuai sunponeu on - . im . .1.1 I) an in the campaign left their read ers in the dark pn the question of finance because the)' tad never giv en the matter any thought or study; and when the Democratic conven tion nominated Bryan, who made the financial . .(question the issue, these so-called Democratic -papers were eitber'unable of unwilling to I m-nann f f lv a titWk ilaurnnfia an1 I r .yrce. as a ruir, loey Knw ..u.u- ing about the question, and as mat- i - A 1 1 i il 1 -I ter of fact they know nothing about it now. unices, tnereiore, tuere shall be almost a revolution of intel ligence among such of the so called Democratic and Republican papeie 118 .supported iiryan, the only nope of disseminating; information among the people is be Peoples Party -r-r t . k l'L-ll . press, uniosa ine people snau ;gi, i such intormatiori, it is very proba mo giu uumuiuc mo tional combine will be able to blind a majority of the people and play their old Samo a,n- " naL via ga"ief l DUU lL " can Ket at somejot its main features. At the close of the war there was an immense debt. Thero were also some "bofn financiers" who possess the genius of making themselves rich on the debt and poverty of the people. These financiers inaugurat ed tbe financial schema including toe uauuuai uu.u. uS.ey stum on nonus wuicu opprc8u8 tu t r . a J . i 1 pie oi tins country touuy. wno necessity to ttio success ot this scheme was tb it the people geu- J i ' and on ft ni tbo nhrooflHS of the finan- T . " . j 1 cters was mat it. snouiu never oe . f. li f i 41 attention of pooples to b6 verted from ono-thing, it ia neccflsa ry to have some other thing to which their attention can b' direct i i i i . . - ea iana on wnicfj it can be concen trated. The financiers decided that - i for a little while the "bloody shirt" would be a gooil thing to have the people think about, and then the will arouse the anger of the people tariff could come in for a change to such a; pitch as to make them for and a long wrangle. In tbe I mean et the financial question. If the time tue great scnemo oi tne -'nnan- ciers wouiu be wording out beau- lit . i ,1.1: i. u utuiiyauu inu peopie wouia not know that they were beine1 robbed vear aft.r vftftr-ibmnfr mftd nnnrAr uu puurer wm e mo iortunes 01 1 L:d- a 1 r i the "financiers" would be growing ana increasing to such proportions . . .1 as were never before known since the creation. The war closed in 1865 For the next five years the financiers were engaged in ' organizing their scheme. They were ready for bus iness about 1870. in 1872 there was a national election, and in that year watchful people saw the first! open movement o "the money power.! Henry Clews, who was then a prom-; t i ! i inoni Dantcer, ana who today is at the head of one Of the me Jargest i banking houses iri the country, Jed that movement in the interest of Grant's second term. Grant was not essentially a bd or corrupt man, but was one who could bo cajoled or deceived by the "money power' which supported him. He was elected. . . I The financiers and "nioney power" decided, however,that it would not be good policy to have one political party successful all the time' sol a party of their plan was to have onr i - j party succeed onei time and another part the next tirtie &i &v but ibeyj took caro to decide that their man should be elected pverv time eitner as a Democrat or a Republican.1 They nave carried out their plan oyer for twenty-five since 1872 now! yearsand made only one mistake which they corrected in time. This was the time when Tilden was elect-' ed. The money power thought he was their man because be was a very rich man himself; but after he bad been duly elected by the people, he made some mtatements which scared the "i money- power, and bjence the very power which caused bis election to .the Presidency had hjm jjoseiued. With this exception ibo original programme has been carried Out to perfection Here is the way j it shows up: 1872 Gfra,nt, Republican. 18761 Tilden, Democrat. 1880 Garfield, Republican. 1884 Cleveland, Democrat, 1888 Harrison, Republican. 189'i Cleveland, Bern-oerat. 1896 ilcKinley, Republican. Therei not an honest, intelligent man anywhere who will deny that every one of the above named Pres idents has been the pet, the agent and the supporter of trusts, monopo lies, bond syndicates and the mopey power generally. And yet during leverj' campaign the people wrangled lusscd, fumed and fought just as though the election of any one! of kbese men or of any of the other HndidalCf meant something for he i..r.M-wlj In p.vcrv f.mnirn (until n . . v -.u iiLhe last one) the issue was either auir.t tariff or a t mixture of both, lu the last cam- i i i paign the money question was forced tathefront with terrible earnest- nes,5andj the "money power" for y the first time felt some uneasiness. rhen what did we see? - The Dera- r : - i .!! ' ocrata ot all too money power States fl-jW to the support of the linancieri, and helped to elect a Re publican because, according to their programme ot twenty five years' standing, it was REPUBLICAN " pAllxY year. And among these DdmoGrai8 were the Cleveiands. the Carlis8 Jtho Palmers, the Wbitneys i I tlia Mnrtnns. the HfirhArlK in tn.fi all the ZMmocrat6 who stood as Rep- i, . t r . r ty, and who had been elected by the 'moBoy power. is tnere any sane man in this country who would ask i s i for a stronger proof of the "scheino and programme" outlined above than this? I Now, in spite of the fact that the Peoples Party has discovered and made known this program nae, the money power is still try ing'to keep ping. It is wbat might be called a "continuous periormance. ac ; . c cording to this programme 1900 is ... i ' . i Democratic year-not tor the mir- pose of Reform, however, but for the purpose ounuuucuucpuou.uu if a Demobrat is elected it will be not on theisue ot financo but on . the issue Of tariff. "Just mark this prodiclion. Wo repeat; ' that IF A DEH00UAT . 1S ELBC TED, tl . IT WIIjL'.B.B- ON THE ISSUE OF TARIFF. Ilnd bow can this hi? Well, 1) Kopublicah party is in pwer. 1 ha1 K.J : : Ji.: v.: i jpa'i'y 18 lnrt lO pais a iuiiu 44 - umRV uA iXun in do n That .di-Jjtl9it places duties' on the main no articles of necessity so viJIntno'Hlv and infernally high, thai people can not help but notice and talk abj u it. The lechonio of the Republican party, prompted and advised by the money ovrer," is to make this tar- hff bill such an infernal machine ! as Republican party can succeed i in i ii this scheme, then the old programme ...... i i " i will go on. The Democrats will o htr ua navi r0mra;,n uk,i:. . 1 :r J ,. I . ' . . . T thetinancial question, the Demo- crats may win. Then there will bo Unoi hpr neriod of TJlAvplandism Am. I -a little reduction of the tariff with millions and millions of bonds issued I t'li.I ' 1 . l . u """I"" 1 " F - uav r pay i u teres, w tno money power. Ih the meantime the great scheme ' oi tne money power, organized twenty-five years agoj will continue to work and increase the immense fortunes bf the schemers at the ex I ! pense ,and sacrifices of the pepf)e. Such are the facts. Such is the forecast ivhich will be realized unless the people keep on the alert and brush away the sand that the mob- et power will throw in their eyes. The Only effective instrument with which this sand can be brushed away ia the People Party press. The machine used for throwing sarld inj tho people's eyes is the combined Democratic Republican press. And ujw the lease and the facts are jith yOu. Will the people let the "mon ey power" fool them' again? -Cau casian. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best eaive in the werld for euts,)bruses, gores,ulcers,salt rheum, leVer sores, tetter, cnapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eriip- ions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to srive nertect satisiaeuon or monev refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale at all drurgisu. i i 1'! ' Lway. Doa't Totaeoo Spit aad Smoka Toar Lift Ai If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonders-worker, that makes weak men strong. Maiiy gain teu pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac of your druggist, under guarantee to cure, 50c or 1 J00. Booklet and sanrple mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicaeo or New York. Casoarets stimulate liver, kidnevs and bowelp. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. lGc, Prosperity for "Whom. Business failures continue ,to in crease in number, notwithstanding the passage by the House, of the Dingley tariff act. The number of j failures as reported by Bradatfeev'g is 291 as against "231 the previous week and 227 the week before that. According to the same authority v uwi i, nvit iJ lail U " - i responding week of 1QQfin in- crease of 15 J percent. How long is this to continue? Is this' the promised prosperity? Pros perity for whom? Prosperity for office-holders with fat salaries; pros perity for the great syndicates and tariff trusts who rob the people by shutting out competition; Pronpcn ty for the speculators, stock gam blers, and black legs who like ver min eat the substance of the toiler. But how about tbo wealth-produc er; he whb toils infield, factory, workshop, and mine, filling the pal aces ot the rich with tbo manifold fruits ef bis toil, is he also to pros per? Is be to enjoy a portion of the wealth h e creates? Bah! Don't talk to him of prosperity. He knows that you are increasing the burden of taxation which is crush ing him to the earth. He knows mat, tno volume oi money is Deing reduced thus lowering the price of hie products and making it harder for him to pay interest on his debts and impossible to pay the principal. M& knows that this ;wave of pros . wt I tr" C n nrvf IVt.. dim W K tr 4 K rk 1 J J 1 , " , , , n ucticr bousu I nail tu iwn iui mus perity under a high tariff and the gold standard would look for a cold wftVf: in lh intftrna rptrions! Wp ,r. ... - -tt. . now is it with tne ouiiness man i . . i who is doing a legitimate business outside of trusts and without the aid of special legislation, is he to be struck by that wave? Judging by t hn ficrm-PH AhnvA mio.Arl -sen nhoul.l . . . . ., . say that something is striking them and that, snran nl t.hm "nfiarlv 300 , N . , . . j der the blow! Yea. we shall doubt.- Ies hftvo nrofinftrn.v and orood timp.a . ' ... evPVthiJl else that fao p need : wm be cornere(J by the Shylocks.-Spirit of Reform, Initiative and Referendum. Direct legislation is strictly Pop mist measure, n simniv means that the voters have a right to vote on any law if they wish befire it becomes operative and binding; or ihcy can propose a law, and when voU'U tot by a Jm; j jrity ot the .vo- wo a !a. Direct legistaiiori' means sell govern men tLy the people. It means that yoar tJfbllow dog dt-lc-gate" cannot stll you out. It means that a big corporation will not be able to make your laws by buying your lawmakers, it means a peo ple's government. The masses of 1 ho people are honest, and when 1 hoy are brought face to face with a proposition they are going to vote on it with the best interests of the country uppermost in their minds. vjive us direct legislation by all means. It is the only great rally- luS HU1U1' wuIt au reiormerH eau uiiu a common ground. It is vital priuciple of popular govern ment, as much in advance or our present faulty system as the repub lic was in advance of tho limited monarchy." Rf.ndv dirp.t lnorinlnfinn I J ' " "J v... W -l "VU Kentucky Farm. Bl&od and nerves ao yery cioseiy re lated. Keep the blood rich, pure and healthy with Hood's Sarsaparilla and ,you will havo no trouble froin nerrousness. Get only Hood's. Hood's Pills are the best after-dlnnej pills, assist digestion, prerent constipation. 36c HOW TO FIHD OUT. Fill a bottle or common water glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates a. diseased condition of the kitnpva. When urine stains linen it i8 positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too fre- jquent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relaxing pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It cor rects inability to hold urine and: scald ing pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor," wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant neces sity of being compelled to get ud many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized.lt stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicin you should have the best. Sold by-druggisits price fifty cents and one dollar. For a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail, mention Plow Boy and send your.fuil post-office to Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuine ness of this offer. It costs the government 50,000 a day for congressmen to quarrel over tbe tariff. They Read the Advertisement. In the hard days when Peter Grady was niruggling against fte to 'make his naner a success, says ijio Atlanta Constitution, the mer chants bal not yet learned the val ue of advertising and Henry plead ed in vain for a more liberal patron age. A leading merchant who claimed to be his friend declined to I , . ill Dig "aa," and said it I 111 . . wouia De money thrown away, ior nobody real them. "Don't read them?", exclaimed Henry; "don't read them!" "Well I will show vou " Next morning's paper contained a short editorial on cats, and tcld how cat fur had recently come into ureat demand in fashionable circle in New York, and how long, coarse hairs were eliminated and the real fur was made into tippets and muffs and every fashionable lady wore a folihe, etc. Not far off in another column was a disnlaved Advertise- ment that sai l: "Wanted 1000 cats, for which fifty cents each will be piid." The merehaiit's name was signed to it. i By noon the cjite bogan to roll in. Small boys, white and black, brought them in baskets and bags. For awhile the merchant enjoyed the joke, but soon got tired and went away to dinner. By the time he returned the boys from the suburbs were coming n and the sidewalk was blockaded . - 4 Henry had laughed until he was ex hausted, and sat oin a window sill across the stroet enjoying the fun Neighboring merchants and their ound and Jaughed . . . j . . . . anu lauueu miu snouiea anacnea at every new arrival of cats. As fast as the merchant drove offonecrowd another filled their places. He armed himself with a bi stick, i;ut at lasi he closed his doors in sheer despair and night relieved hi fo PCSUre. m from the But the next morning the catas trf)h WaS Wor80" The catalog - J yw pie bad heard tbe news and brough cats on their wagons and in unde their buggy seats, and tied up in cotton baskets like chickens Henrv took his stand near by and leaned against a telegraph pole for support. He and the f Iks who loved fun were all there, and while.it was fun for the bays and d'eati to tno dogs j it was such-a rare and racy joke j that tho merchant couldn't get j mad,, and finally eurrendet;pd. II, made an appropriate . ,lttle speech to tho crowd, and told Henry b would give him tho biggest ''ad" he had ever had in bin paper. Evrl27 Bays So. Csiscarets Oawuty Cl artic, tho most won-aei-'ui mulical dicoverrof the age, pleas ant and refreelnng to the taste, act gently snd positively ou kulueyg. liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, -dispel colds, cure headache, fevi, liabitual cocatipation and biliousness. Ploaso buy and trv a box of C. C. C. to-dtiy ; 1 0, 85, M cen ts. Hold and guaranteed to cure by all urugg-ists. Jvst try a 10c. box of Cascaret g, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. Organize to defeat fusion for all future time. CURES IN THE RIGHT WAY, AND KIDNEYS, AND frj It is a positive cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Sick and Nervous Headache, Fever and Ague, a diseased liver or the kidneys, or ' if OUJK iViOnJHV KAC&C , Y ' - OlRk. yuu xiave naa your money's worth, send us back the uruarantee, which vou will flixl in the , box, and we will send you a check for $i.oo by return mail. . It is put up in two forms, powder and tablets. The tablets are the easier to take, requir ing no mixing. Price $i.oo for 180 doses of either kind. Sent post paid upon receipt of t,IU ioccnis ior ten aavs treatment A. R LEWIS MEDICINE CO., A correspondent for a gold bug paper, in writing up the Senatorial contest in Florida, expresses eat prise that two Populists should be found in , the State Legislature. got there nobody venture the sugges knows." Wo tion that it was an oversight on the part of the professional ballot box etuffer, who should be immedi ately deposed and Rtigmalized as an enemy to the G. O P's in Florida Carolina Watchman. CONSUMPTION ! CAN BE CURED. T. A. Slocum M. 0., the Great Che mist and Scientist, will Send Free, to the-Afflicted, Three Bot tles of his Newly Discovered Bemediea to Onre Oonsnmp tion and all Lnnff Troubles. Nothing could be fairer, more philan thropic or carry more joy to the alflct ed, than the offer of T. A. Slocum, M C.,of New York City.. ' Confident that he has discovered i reliable cure for consumption and al! bronchial, throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all conditions ot wasting, and to make its great merits known, he will send, free, three bottles to any reader of this paper who may be suffering. Already this "new scientific course of medicine" has permanently Cured thou sands of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it his religious duty a duty which he owes to hun.ian-ity-to donate his infallible cure. . He has proved the dreaded consump tion to be a curable disease beyond any doubt, and has on file in his American and European laboratories testimonials of experience from those benefited and cured," in all parts of the world. Don't delay until it is too late. Con sumption, uninterrupted, meant speedy and certain death. Address T.A.Sloeum, M. C, 98 Pine street, New York, and when writing the Doctor, giye express and postoffice address, and please men tion reading this article in this paper. For Mothers! Thh discern forts and dangers of child-birth can be almost en tirely avoided. Wine of CardaT relievos ex pectant moth ers. It gives tone to the gen ital organs, and puts them. Ma condition to do their rork perfectly. That makes Jvresf nancy le&a paiuftal, ohorceaa labor and hastens recovery ni-or child-birth. It helpa a woman bear etrong healthy children. CM mm has also brought happiness tar thousands of homes Darren for years. A fe-w doseaoften brings joy to loving ha?ts tiiat long lor a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for thia trouble. It cures nine cases out of tcu. All druggists sell Wine of Cardui. $i.oo per bottle. Pbr advice in cases rayitrtng er4etel rections. adorers, glvior srmptoma, tbe Ladles' Advisory Department, The Chattanoegi Idodielno Co., ChatU Tenu. Sirs. LOUISA HALE, of Jefitoram, 6a., sayn "When I first look Wine of Cardui wo had been curried tfaree years, but could not have any children. Kin months later I bad a flae Qirt baby.M BY REQULAT1NQ THE LIVER 4 PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Chill3, and all diseases arising from' impure blood. Is the P1an " ncn " is sold, it after taking the entire box of medicine you do not think. and coov of Nature s duide to Heaitii. Bolivar, Mo.. I 13 DOUBtEcAllY SERVICE r ' to ATLANTA, CHARLOTTE, ATHENS. WILMINGTON, NV ORLEANS CHATTANOOGA, and NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA WASHINGTON, NORFOLK:, RICHMOND, Schedule in effect Feb. 7,1897. WEST W A It D. Jro:4l. 3 20am 5 26pm 6 12pm 6 23pm 6 5Spnn 7 lSpm 7 80pm 8 Hard 8 4tpm 9 12pm 9 Upm 10 25pm Lt. Wilmiofftoti Lt. Lutnberton Lt. Walton Lt. Ijiurinf bur . Ar. Hamlet Lt. Hamlet Lv Rock Ingham Lv4 Wadeaboro Lv Marsh villa Ar Monroe Lv. Mfflfofl Ar. Charlotte Ar. Mt. Holly Ar. Lincolnton l 10cm & S3au 6 26au 6 4Saai 7 30am 6 8Cam 6 10an 10 85an 11 48am 12 Mpm 12 Mpm lb ! lenboro AW Rutherford to H Lt Ar Hamlet Cheraw Ar. ?0pm Lv.f6 CCpm EASJTWAU1. No. 88. I No. 4021 Lr. Ruthtfordton I M 86pai Lt ElUuboro . t 15pm Lt. SblbT 0 05 Lv Lincolnton 7 (toai L. Mt. Holly 7 60r Lv Charlotte 5 ICam 6 Vpn Ar. Monroe 6 58am lCpKi Lt. Msnree 6 Of am 0 4Cpn Lt. MarihTille 8 2Sm Lt Wadesboro 7' 01am 10 ttpta Lt. Rockingham 7 41am 11 OOpd Ar. ITamlet 7 5fiam 11 23pm Lt. ITamlet 8 45am Lt. Laurinburg 9 11am Lv. Maxton 9 30am Lt. Lumber ton . 10 18am " Ar. Wilmington 12 36pm liOUTHWAKI). Lt. Hamlet 8 16am 11 23pat Ar. Raleigh 11 3tam 2 Haw Ar. Portbamouth 6 60pm 7 30pm Ar Richmond Ar. Washington r. New York 8 60pra 11 10pm 0 SSam 8 15ara 12 Slptu (6 23pra SOUTIItTAKU. Lv. Monroe 6 48am 8 2ftpi Ar. Abbaville 11 o5am l!4ta r. Athen : 1 15pm 3 4.r,au r, Atlanta ( Cen. T.)2 50pm t 30am Daily. tDaUj, except Sunday, j Both trains male immadikte conned .ions at Atlaata for ?4entjAiNry, Un hile. Nfiw-Orlaans, Tbxzs, Cliforaia Mexico, ChattsLno(ra, Nashriila, Mem phis, Macon, Florida., For Tickets, Slaaperij etcu.spplr to B. A. HE iSTLAHD, 3n. Agt- P. bA 6 Kimball Eonse, AtlantvGa. QE0.1fc.?JBATT(Trav.Paas Agt- I , ' Cha?latte, $ 0 Si- ax. JUflfl. H. Vi . S tti.U W riLIJ Yice-TSRidant and Gen'l Mrr. I E. McBEE. T, T.' AKDtlSOK, Gen. Sunt. Gen- Pasa. Art. miUh OFFICES, P0RTHMG0TH.fi TO THE SOUTH EEN - -I BAPTIST - - CONVENTION V AT ' WILMINGTON, N. C, JMTcty 5 to 14, ler7 "y:i 'TEE ; SEABOARD AIR LINE ' OFFERS THE j " " Beat'Scrvico! QviioKest Routes! ..... i f AND A - ! HALF RATE. In addition to the regular Superb doob le Daily Sem'ce, it f propoied to run 'Threft "Baptist Special Trains" I'f' , rxoM ViaaiKfi, Kobth Cabolixa, South Cabolina and Gboboia, Staking immediate conection with .- ' trains from all points Nobth, South, SttT and Wit, Vr.Pbi 'Tor special printed matter, - maps, time-tables,! rates, tickets, sleeperi and all information, address or call on -B.A NEWLANp.Gen'l AgtPaw'r Dept 6 Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. f . OR ' T. J, AHDEEaOIT.XJeii. Pass'r Agt., " j Portsmouth Va. ij . i ,. j ' t Onr ClBbbih? Bates. We will club with papers men tioned below at the ' following rates : ; Progressive Farmer $1.60 -Caucasian, 1.60. ;" National Watchman, 1.50. onstitunon l.ol). . Home and Farm i 1 -v Morgan's Biiss Saw fu'' i iiIiiiimii nn im irrt - it - - ii mi ( -- ' t : ' i -- ii ii I i " " " '