THE ANSONIAN,' MAY 2 3. J90 7; i SHORT LOCAL HAPPEHIHGS .may liesis Of Uttrtst Here Fc coriti. Alt Of WiUH Will Ptr ups laierest Yob Fell lUn, - Henry IWmnett, color!, is tj, only rinr in jail. Farming Ian! arc damaged S.nio ffl! Iht .vetnlaj vl a I irtt t fntwa-i-sron tills inorn- -Mr. W. II. Ciray, who rrcnt x and lnk las hip, U very in ik b. wr. Hi,' infant cliiM of Mr. .lohn .ks did in'Smtli Wadesboro tl.i mrnii. The ad urates of a graded I,.l for lilrsvill won defeated 11 I ut !ny l3" a vote of ."'. to 57. IJf. II. M. Mann sent several ,Uv .,f week assiotinj; in a j.r traded iiieetinjr at Marshville. Colore Mao Drowsei la Ptc Dee. Kd Dockery, colored, was drown ed in Pee Dee river Tuesday night of last week. I f e dune here early in the mornine from his home at Manum and jjot drank before learinu town. When near the river he drove passed other wagons in the road ami it is supposed, was unable to control his horse when the Duinas ferry was reached. - At this point in the rirer, the water is eight or ten feet deep and it I win late at night, no one was able to render an3 assistance. The watfon and horse washed down the river for alout thirty j'ards ami lodged. The body of the negro was found next day a little fartlier down the river. It i" rerted that an unusu heavy l:iiNtorm cl il consider- Unuig near Lilesville yeter-nflr!Mit. The Martin lrugO. luis an lla'utor on eIiilitin which i.l.lirti.' h to the merriment of ill A otingxtrN of tlie town. Mr. Jesse Kd wards and Mis I'arker. UKli ol uCfcf- r..irns ille. wen married Sunday, S. .1. Turner officiating. lKntrforgtt the interesting picture show at the eourt house night. I'art of the pro nnN go tt charitnhJe objects. Mr. K. F. Kenton n -ro m -ottnge on i n hard street. Hie linrk & Lumler 0. u irk. will erect a his lot on Wadeslioro will do the Many of our young iieople'd the closing exercises of Ui. Lilc-sville High School Friday inght and i-ejwrt a very creditable ...t.rlninillnt "I'ncle Jimmie" Martin is putf sick nt hi- home near Ked Hill. He has :l host of friends throughout the county who will srroy to learn of his illness.. His many friends hen will niithii with M.nj. J. 1. Shaw in the death of his wife, which oc-i-urred at Iviurinburg Suiwlay night where site had gone to visit friends. Mrs. Sr Ingram, relict of the late fieorge Ingram, died at her hom yesterday near Anson ille. 'Hie deceansl s ithout 7o ears of age and is Mirtived lv no children. -Six nienilrs of the family of Mr. V. V. Ingold of Arvsonvilh are tlangf rously ill with typhoid fever. There is only one member 4( the family iHt suffering with the d I seal. Foreman Womble of Blewett FalU wai tVmfully hurt Tuesday by a falling cable which broke alove him. I r. Itennett was call ed and rendered the medicul atten tion retjqiretl. I ten. William, cnloml, fell dead while plowing in his field war Mangum Tliurs!ay. He drank a large quantity of water jirst lfon ami it is thought that this was in rt rejnuisible for his death. It is earnestly requested that all incnibersof the lUptlst church will lw prtcnt tomorrow night, when the calling of a istor is to m corKsidensl. lt everyone, young ami ld, nvike it convenient to U present. John Mclean, a resHrteil farmer, who lived just over the South Cur.din line ami in Ches terfield nunty. lieil Saturday. Mr. McLean hxl never married and was about years of age at tin time f his death. Mr. C Ik lather, umler the direction of the new street com mittee, has completed an excellent .idewalk fnni the residence of Mr. T. J. Covington to the Cemetery. Tlte work is very well done ami a Ids much to that vertion of the Mr. Vallie Itwe returnetl Salunby from Burlington, where pitchel a successful gaim of Ull for that team against the tireenslmro nine. Mr. Ixjwe struck out I of (irvenslioru's nien ami won the game for Burlington by a scon of II to I. Prof. Mcfver. the recently elected surintemlent of the gnul rd sc-hoolf for this place. ise.t--ct-rsl here witniu tl" next few days. He will sml sometime in I lie ftwn ami then decide whetliei 4r not lie will accept tin work here. We umlerstaml tnat a very strong effort is Uing made to retain him at Farnif ille. where he has taught for sometime. - Mrs, Iaura Little of ltich ntoml. W. and a memlier of the Holly Wood memorial committe, has askfsl that tlrnse who have flowers to ! used in ilecorating tlte graves of the Confederate dead at Kichmoml this week, will please semi them to Mrs. Kugene little not later than Wednesday at noon, when they will sent to that place by express, fUao Recital. The music claw of lite Pee I Vc lustituto will give a recital Fri day afternoon to which I lie public i cordially invited. Mtvt IleVane, is a teacher of rare training ami she has been unusually -successful with her class lierc this year, some cmJit for which Is due to the bright yrx:ng ladies who compose U class. Tlie rcciUl will be in Ute Institute at Z.ZO o'clock ami it prombea to be one of tho most enjoyable musical treats of tle season. SUUaieit With Ex-Soerlff Borraa. Tlie county commissioners were in session imst of last week set tling the taxes with ex-Sheriff Bog gan. 'Die amount of taxes actu ally raid in for the 3ear 190TS is $1J.:.TJ.S7. Tills is for the coun ty, ami a tinal settlement will be made in lecemlr. Tlie amount of count3 funds now in tlie hands of Treasurer Craig is $,G75.75. Tlie following amounts have Ijeen Iaid in for the different road funds: Wndesboro $7tM'2.0tt Morven 'JAAAl White Store 'M.GZ Mayor's Court. D. II. Covington, drunk; $2.50 ami cost. 1). II. Covington, carrying con cealed weajion: bound to court in $H)i lmnd. I T. Burr, drunk: $'2.50 and COst. Hobt. Watkins and J. L. l)elr ry, Ixith coloretl, boisterous con duct; Watkins lined $2.50 and half cost and I K berry linetl $1.00 ami half c-ost. Kd Little, a young negro, drunk; $2.50 ami cost. He was later sent to the streets to work out his line ami cost. TetnptriDce People Have a Meeting. There was a meeting "in the Presbyterian church yesterday of representative citizens from dif ferent sections of tlie county ami the iietitions asking for an elec tion on the saloon question receiv ed. Reports from the county at large an quite flattering ami there seems to be a spirit of determina tion existing among the temjier ance forces. Those who have e titions are urged to complete the canvass ami semi in their ietitions by Saturday or not later than Monday, as that is the day when they an to lie consilient 1 by the county commissioners. Papers For Farmers. At the "Anson County Best Boom For I-adiesT are magazines for tlie ladies to read while they are waiting for their husbands, fatliers ami brothers to get through j with their business. Tlie Best Boom is free to all ladies and they are priviledged to carry their lunches to the room and have a nice quiet in-town picnic dinner every time they come to town. There will be a numler of daily ami weekly wjiers sent to to the room every day and the visiting ladies are requested to carry these to their homes and distribute them among their ncighlwrs. All the Imsiness men ami citizens of Wades Uru when through with their lapers and magazines arc request ed to semi them to the Best Boom so they may be given to the far mer's families. Hew Advertisements. How to take life easy W. N. leans. Driving turnout Huntley & Martin. Your first exerience- lank of Wadcsboro. Around the world .1. I. Bay ner. Stylish clothing H. B. Allen & Co. ' Cool by day and by night (lath ings Furniture Co. Your dollars-P. T. Bhyne. Announcement- Bocky Biver Springs Hotel. For men only Liles Undersel ling Store, Morven. People's I leadquar ters 1 lenry Liles. Number of new business locals ami inottgage sale. PtacHUai. Fine rains ! stand of cotton and fine grass. Tlie storm last Friday evening blew off the front of Mr. .las. Crow ile r's store. Tlie health of this section is good. Mr. T.C. Austin's little boy fell from a door, a few days ago, ami broke his arm. Dr. Barrett set it ami the little fellow is doing well. Sheriff Martin sent iart of last week liere with his family ami friends, Mr. Baymond Kelly lost his house ami part of the contents by lire last week. No insurance. Some of the sportsmen from here went to Brown Creek last Friday with a dip net and report a thousand ierch. Mrs.AL.arrison of Abbeville, S. C who has been visiting her father, Mr. F. M. (irny, left for her homo Sunday. "Uncle' Hob Ikstanl, colored, died at the county homo yester day. Ho was a highly respected ex-slave and was perhaps 100 years old. Henry Leak, colored, died herp last night. 25"Sce II. II. Cox. for Home or Church Organs, r- ; PURELY PERSONAL ; MissAda Carpenter of Cedar I ill I returned Inday from Moul tire, Ga., where she has held the position of principal in the pri mary department of the graded school at that place. Uev. F. A. Liles attended! the Lyles-Lusk marriage at Hamlet Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. If. H. McLendon ami Miss Una Lockhart went to Charlotte Thursda3 returning Fridaj. Miss Lena Burns is spending sometime with her aunt. Sirs. J. T. J. Battle of (ireeasboro. Messrs. W. C. and ()sborne Hardison,. Fred Dunlap and T.J. Covington, Jr., returned from Horner's Military School Friday night. Mr. W. C. Hanlison graduated there this year. Miss Bessie Dunlap of Cedar Hill has returned from Norwood, where she taught most successfuly during the astyear. Mr. ami Mrs. w! C. Via are standing this week at Wilmington. Miss Lucy DeVane of Red Springs is exjiected here Friday to visit her sister. Miss Clara DeVane. Mrs. J. A. Covington of Rock ingham, with her children, visited her iarents Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Fenton, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ltennett of Sumter, S. C, sient yesterday and Sunday with their mother, Mrs. L. C. liennctt. Mrs. Young Morton of Rock ingham sent Sunday and Monday with her sister, Mrs. W. B. Gray, in North Wndesboro township. Mrs. J. 1). Leak spent Friday and Saturday in Charlotte. Prof, and Mrs. Kirby Rivers of Chesterfield, S. C, spent yester day and Sunday with Mrs. Rivers' liarents Mr. and Mrs. A. S. P. Smith. Miss Mary Clifford Bennett is visiting Miss Nan Little of Little's Mill. Miss Lucretia Lee of Timmons ville, S. C, is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. K. Bennett. Miss Kflic McAllister of Liles ville sjent several ilays of last week with her sister, Mrs. T. C. Coxe. Mrs. N'. T. Fletcher of Gilison is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Little. Mr. K. C Ingram spent several days of last week at Ilenderson ville. where he bought several town lots which he will improve with nice residences. Miss Add ic Bowman of Morven has returnetl from Conconl, where she has leen in school. Mrs. K. W. Martin is visiting Mrs. W. J. Ferrell of Raleigh. Miss Klla Tice left today for Pinehurst to visit her brother, Mr. G. W. Tice. Col. W. C. Jones was here yes tenlay from Carthage. Miss Mollic Tarlton of White Store returned yesterday from Sanfonl, where she spent a week with her sisters, Mesdames J. W. Little and G. F. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Hanlison of Morven exiect to go to Chapel Hill the latter part of this week, where their son, Mr. Battle Har dison. will graduate. Messrs. Kugene Moore and Thos. Hanlison of Morven returned from the A. & M. College last night. Mr. J. P. Bivens, who graduates there this year, will return later during the week. Messrs. Tyler Dunlap of Cedar Hill and James Brasington came in from the A. & M. College at Raleigh this morning. Mr. Reese Blair Boylin returned from Chapel Hill last night. Miss Carrie Mayes of Mayes ville, S. C, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. B. Smith. Mrs. Mary Little and daughter, Mrs. K. A. Covington, Mrs. J. M. Covington, Miss Kate Leak and Mr. John T. Bennett went to Bockingham this morning to at tend the burial of tho late Mrs. J. I). Shaw. Miss Hattie May Gathings will return from the Baptist Univen sitv tomorrow. Mr. Kd. Sullivan went to Pitts burg, Pa., last night where he will seml the summer. Morven Hews. Misses Carrie and Kssie Mc Queen came home last week from lUlcigh, where they had lieen at tending school at the Peace In stitute. Mrs. M. F. Bobbins of Rockig is ham visiting Mrs. M. M. Ixng. Mrs. Mattie Woodburn left last week for Dillion, S. C, where she was called to the bedside of her sister, Mrs, Emma Bass, who is critically ill. Master Dixon Hines of New York is spending the summer here with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. a Hines, On Thursday nigh next there ;m t cnellincr match at the acad- amv, after which the Ladies Aid- Society of the Aieinouisi cnurcn will serve Ice-cream. The grown people as well as the children will take part in tho spelling. Tlie Children's Day exercise which were held at the Presbyte rian church Sunday was quite a success. The church was-tilled to its capacity and the children acted their parts remarkably well. Mr. K, B. Moore, who has been in school at the A. & M. College, caraa home last night Miss Rosa Williams of Polkton has returned home after visiting Mrs. D. A. Idles. Tlie Rest Soon for Country Liiles. Is located in the Willoughby Ifouse, East of Ben tons' Hotel, and just across the street from the cotton lot It is free to all ladies. They will find all the conveniences for their comfort that they have at their own homes. This Rest Room deserves to 6e constantly commended and this notice will stand at the head of our most prom ient column as a token of The AxaoxiAx's approval of this worthy contribution of comfort to the country ladies. tlz Browi Creek. As ye sow, so sliall ye reap." Sow whiskey and you are sure to reap drunkards. Some fever and chills in our community. Oats are fine feed just now; Last 3'ear we had a drouth of three weeks about this time and then a three months' rain. Another poor negro meets death in a watery grave. Whiskey the cause. Sow whiskey and you reap drunkards. Twenty-three men have died since saloons were opened in Wadcsboro either directly or in directly on account of whiskey. Say, members of the churches, can you vote that ticket! fcven the poor drunkards arc asking the peo ple to help them vote the curse out of the county. I saw a man from South Carolina a few days ago who said that whiskey from adesboro was killing men down there. Have we nothing better to give our sister state ? Sow whiskey and you reap drunkards. I was at the nuarterly meeting t Wicrhtman. the 18th inst The attendance was good and the spir itual condition of the church was renorted fairly good. Tlie hnan- cial report was good. The women of that section certainly know how to prepare good things to eat. lhe elder said that he was at the Wadesboro depot last winter and had to wait four hours for a train. The weather was cold and the drunkards were drunk and still drinking. There was so much cursing and swearing that it was disgusting to any decent man. Many were forced to leave the de- not and seek shelter elsewhere. Shall our county seat continue to be disgraced by the hogs and blind tigers from other counties. The petitions calling for an election in August on the whiskey question have been circulated in Wightman and I heard of only three iersons who refused to sign it. Mr. J. T. Hendley has secured from the government recently 1000 black bass fish and has placed them in Brown creek. We will have to set a steel trap for John Lowe. Umbka. 13?"Somethincr to offer at bar gains in rugs and matting at "The House Of Quality." Who is it? WADESBORO MARKET. PrUto Pali fey Local Mercfeaats Corrected Weekly. ..18 to Best Cotton 12. Corn... Cotton wd Oats Chickens Spring Hens Bntter Lartl Tallow Beeswax Potatoes Sweet. Potato IriKh 1 Onion 1 Beef. Grot Pork Hides Green .... Hides Dry Hams - 50 8T 30 Go 15 80 M 20 i:t 4 IS 80 00 00 3 9 6 13 17 ISTNew Lot Hammocks just received. H. H. Cox. Business Locals AdvertiHement nnder (thi! head ing will be inserted for .1 cents a line for the first insertion and 3 cvuta a line for each Biilequent insertion. fAIHTIHC I am prepared to do all kinds of buggy painting at reasonable prices. J. F. Barfield. at Pinkton's shop, Wadesboro, N. C. F0t SALE 220 acres heavily timbered lands near Carthage. Will sell or trade for lota in Wadesboro. J. C. Barfield, Wadesboro. N. C. BtOWH STOKE FOP SALE I tiave a fine lot of Sawed Hearth Stones and Paving Stones, also Rough and Sawed Pillars, that I will sell ehean. Mrs. Ella Polk, Wadesboro, N. C R. F. D. No. 1. DOC LOST Strayed in Wadesboro Saturday, a Black Spaniel about 1 year old. Any information paid for at this office. FOUND A pair of Eyeglasses. Owner can get the same by describing and pay ing for this ad. National Hotel. After trying a number of hair tonics and all to no effect. I tried VEGELINE and found it to be a sure cure for dan druff, and it will prevent baldness. We are the only people that keep it. Also, we are now prepared to wait on you at anr time von may call. King's Shar ing Parlor. IK THE" HEW STUDIO and doing busi ness. A fine light and airy rooms. Up U date photos and satisfaction guaran teed. Join the procession headed to ward Gallagher's Studio, opposite cot ton platform. IF Y0U-WAHT Fine Tailoring Cutting, Making, Alteration. Cleaning. Pressing or a handsomely made Suit or a pair of Trouser. call on BYRD. South Green St. Phone No. 85. NOTICE. Will Maneas and Cassie Tucker, two young white boys, having contracted to work for ine and then lea ring without fulfilling their contract. I hereby forbid any person or persona harboring and hiring either of theboya. The full pen alty of the law will be enforced. - GEORGE RATLIFF. Wadesboro, N. a, Route 2. I JMl PEOPLE'S XL U JUL fci ' 1ft. Here you find everyone of the big Departments in hot weather attire, Diaaing you .come to ine ieasx wnicn is spread lor the trading public. Already May has outstripped any spring month in previ ous years for amount ot sales by a good majority, which is a certain pointer that shows you where the people are finding the mer chandise that suits them at prices, consistent with the qualities' which are as low or lower priced than the same article can be found else where. Buying goods lor our chain of stores in such large quantities direct from manufacturers and importers, enables us to save you a little on the smallest purchase, but there is nothing like seeing, you to come. , Shoes for Good Old Summer Time Shake the heavy, uncomfortable shoes and try a pair of our Oxfords. It is generally conceded that Liles' Shoes set the "pace in Smart Styles for Young Men 'who know." Crawford's Oxfords n . . $5.00 Crawford's Oxfords 4.00 American Gentleman..... 4.00 Just Right 3.50 Crawford's... K 3.50 Country Club 3.00 Security 2.50 Security 2.00 Itoys' Oxfords. . .$2.00, $2.50 and 3.00 Liles' Oxfords lend them all for Young Ladies "who care. Colonial Artistic American Lady Czarina Superba Queen Cotton... Picnic .. . . $3. .... 2 2 o mi i 1 Other Stylish Goods at. ..$1.00, $1.25 and 1 Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords at $1.00, 1.25 Misses White Canvas Oxfords, 5's to 8's, 75c; 9's to 13s to 2's, $1.0(3 Light Blue, Pink, Yrhite, Lavendar Polish for Canvas Shoes. 50 00 00 50 00 00 50 50 and 1.50 1 2's. 85c; and Gray Dry Goods Specials Black Skirt Voiles ...... 50c, 8 Cream and White Mohair and Batiste, the y Sheer Persian Lawns. . . . 10c so I invite c. $J.f and 1.2.-1 krd... 15c, 2 . ..50c mid 25c 40-inch India Linon. the vanl .1 ! 10c Wash Chiffon..... J'.SOc. 4k nnd 75c Swell New things in Colored Lawns and Organdies at ...10c, 12k', 15l ami 20c. Also eheaier grades at, tho yard r vAc ntnl 5c Linen Finished Cannon Cloth, the yanl 10c Mercerized White Waistings nt.. .. 10c. 125c, 15c, llc and 25c Lingerie Dotted Swiss at. . . . 15c, 20c and 25c Grand line of High-Grade Silks at. . .33c, 50c, 75c and $1 yard Millinery Department Special New things arrive almost daily. As soon as a new style makes its ap pearance and is approved, direct it comes to us, so if you jvan Hats that sway in fashions realm always visit our Millinery Salon on second floor. We make a specialty of Mourning Bonnets and Children's Goods. The Busy Corner H E N R Y LI E K. W. ASMCIOT THE LEADER IIM LOW PRICES Everything that is wanted can be found at this live store. Dry Goods of every kind, wool dress goods, white goods for waisting, white goods for dresses at any and all prices, Clothing for men and boys, Shoes for men and boys, Shoes and Oxfords for la dies, misses and children all new at -the lowest price. The only store in town where you can buy all you want un der one roof. Everything in Notions, Dry Goods and Shoes. Everything in Groceries, from a box of matches to a car . of flour or corn. RUTHERFORD STREET 3 G 5 rr h rrrv o 8 rcastoT-KainMons O 1" I Is Now Ready At The b CASH STPE. 8 I i h h All those "Who want The Best Values for The Leasf Money should turn their steps thi way. Here Are Just a Fpw of the Many Bargains The best Ginghams on the mar ket lor - - - - ,- j5c yd. Beautiful Figured Lawnsior 10c , Embroidery and Lace of all widths, from the cheapest to the finest I The prettiest line of Calicoes in town 4or - - b, Kini line of White 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c Mohair (white and black) 50c All kinds of Woolen' Goods at 50c, 75c and) $1.00 Ladies' Fine Slippers $1.25, 1.75 and 2.50 Ladies' White Canvas Slippers $1.00 and 1.50 Men's Fine Patent Leather Shoes $3.00, 3.50 and 4.00 From this short list you liave just ja faint iri nf what awaits vou at the Cash Store 7 ahd 8c Goods at W. J. HUN T L E Y ti I "9 A I 8 j 8

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