THE ANSONIA N, MAY 28; 1 OT. M RACES CLASH State and General News. Killed at a Funeral. i (Monroe Enotrirer.) ii' IX' ,v it ;v ti' . . it if if "lira TSmroe off Peace Prepare for War" Tlii nkl savini? means miitc a irood deal. No doubt you arf thinking aU-ut Uiving nio iece of Heavy Machinery voiiK'tin' ilurinir the year. Have you topiel to think that this will have to l a M-ri! order and that it cannot l laMielit fmm tock at a 1ay notice I V tin! uiu a numr of customers come in to place n onler and invariably they want it sooner than they can grt it. I'ovubly you are thinking of buying a POIfTABK KN- (i!NKr THKKSHING MACHINE. If so.t is time that you are jetting prices on this kind of machinery ami .seeing Unit placing vour onler. Frequently by placing your order ahead, you can get it on enrich I shipment ami save conider- able freight ; as nearly all machinery in less than carload lots carrier almost as twir as mudi freight rate as carlond ship ments. HV rei.nt the J. I. CASK THHKSHLM J MACIIINK CD. in Engine and Threshing Machines: also the (iKISKK MFC?. CD. and A. II. FAK(lHAK CO., York, Pa. We ran s you either one you want and guarantee every piece of machiiery and guarantee our' prices and terms to le right. V are selling quite a numlr of (JASOLINE ENGINES for various jHiriss. I you not want one for running nur in. irist Mill. Wood Saw. etc. ? V are in sition to ghc you one of tlie lst tHigines on the market THE INTEIfNATIONA Is-and can give you kvs freight rate than on any other engine made. V now hate quite a miinler of -Nsnph who are liguring on rxw (iin Systems and Cotton Prcsso. We are now mak ing up a rarhrtd of Ktmimiis (tins ami Presses anl if you will pb vour onler w;lh us within the next few weeks we an gH your order in on thin carload shipment and save you M lt one-half the freight yu would otherwise have to pay. IiJUa Girls Seek H. C UusUnlu "Swm A Obnervsr.) Here's a call for tiro A. and M. cadets for husbands, which comes from Sulphur, a big health resort of Indian Territory, and it comes from two Chickasaw maids some fifteen or sixteen years of age, who have from $,000, to $50,U0 in property', some in the ready caslu Tle girLs are Arrow Littleheart and Lizzie Light foot, from whom President Winston, of tins A. and M. College, has received a letteH which says that the Indian maids want white A. and M. boys for husbands. They have valuable allotments of land near Sulphur, ami Utey write as follows: If our allotments arc ever pro perly worked ami improved and lxautiiied we must have scientifi cally educated young white men for husbands. We educated Chick asaw girls have handed together for tle puriosc of securing such huslwnds, ami we are determined to have no other. Indian boys, our brotliers, are line fellows, but they are not good at business. Need white girls trained to busi ness for wives. Wc are sending y'ou clippings, of our letters ami pictures published in the . Dallas News. Our letters describe our allotments and the manner of al- lottingjands in the Chickasaw Na lion. Mease frame them and hang them in some prominent place in your college where your cadets can see and read them. IK) us this kindness and we will always remember you. That saloonkeeper in Salisbury who has a sign over his place of business reading AH Nations Welcome Here but Carrie will no doubt apply for extra police pro tection when that lady visits the capital of Rowan. Haleigh Times. .rtift have no tronblt in aet-nring nuM. Tbf famou lieautie havedi Arls iTT,t and hnve become model in fiw and form n taking HoI!iiter'ti Rinkjr Monntain tea. :r cntn. la or TaM?t. Martin Prnj Co. AtttapteJ A&saolt Cost Fire Lives. Otters WoBBieJ. Clayton, -Ga., May 21. Two negroes lynched, one white man and two negroes dead, and seven other persons injured, is the re sult of an attempt to capture a negro who last night attempted criminal assault uion Mrs. Laura Moore, a widow living near Man assas, Tatnall county. Fifteen .persons early to-day surrounded the house of Sim Pad gett, a negro whom they suspected of harboring another negro who had cnmnally assaulted Mrs Moore, ami -demanded to be a! lowed to search the house. Per mission was given, but when with in 30 feet of the house those inside the huildiiur oicned tire on the posse, instantly killing John Hare 1 ' 1 1 . and senousiy wounuing iiarion Pearsons, James Daniel and Dr. J. I. Kennedy. The posse then returned the tire, killing Padgett and one of his daughters, aged 10, and wounding two other girls, aged C and 13 respectively, and two of Padgetts sons, aged 20 ami 2-. The posse then retired for rein forcements. The news spread rapidly, and by 10 o'clock five hundred armed men were on the scene and started in pursuit of the negroes who had escaied. One of them was captured and taken le- fore Mrs. Moore, but she failed to identify him. The negro, how ever, was identified as the man who shot Hare, and he was start cd for Hcidsville, (ia., jail togeth er with Padgetts wife and son. On the way they were overtaken by about 75 men who took the prisoners from theiu. The woman was told to run and as she did so, was riddled with bullets, her son being shot to pieces where he stood. The negro who assaulted Mrs. Moore has not leen captured, .but it is reimrted that he is surrounded in a negro house, and that in all probability he has been killed. Sheriff Edwards -with deputies A funeral was preached fat a TV Wnt fail to ligun with n any kind of Heavy We will guarantee to se you money. Machin- Oo ou need a Saw Mill. Circular Saw. Brltfng or anything of this kind? Sale of Personal Property fk rt,,I,tt, il1rlisonen5 fro'n ijail at Kchlsville, and left with by Mortgage. jthem in an automobile. Itisfear- ' Ilv virtn-of the lower of nr con- i lK J'1" w.,u w "'- ' tain'.tl in a chattel inortRaice. excntel i tireat excitement prevails ami It ; hy V. a. short arn! II. (. short to the i is feared other trouble will occur. Planter. Hanlware t'ouiiwny. .late.1 ' Ilm-ou.wn nrttico nf Mimrfm. I Setiteuilwr Slut. IWtMi. and recorlel in v- - i i i l .Trn-t Vnk ITO.ofAnmm nmn-,N- f" ? w,,,ow and M'v ty. default bavinjc len made iu the eral .small children. Mrs. William McKinler is seii- .,ci.. ;n Ursn : a June raj wa ni,;. colored church near Pageland, lonesterneia county, r?. v.. isst By tlie burning of a boat on Sundav. A verv lanrec oncrei?at:i n Iike Michigan, last week, five was present and during the tiny lives were lost. another subject for "funerlisutt it n" ..Tcu.Vn were injured by the furnished. During the day prematureexplosionofabla-stnear was nsidernb!e i.quor Asheville last week. tlrmking and some bad feehng engendered and in the afternoon Tlie grand jury of Harnett coun- Moses Blakeney shot and killed ty has found a true bill against J. (irant Blakeney, the pistoljball rn B. Holland & Son for the burning tcring the breast and causing of their store in 1904. death instantly. . About twenty- f ..... . live shots were fired and the man Mr. Miller Simpson of Monroe who tii(i the killing was shot in had Iwth feet cut off in the S. A. lne hip by an unknown party. U yards at Portsmouth Tuesday. After the light the man who did He was hreman on the switch en- thc killing surrendereil to Mr. B. ,ne L. Man gum and was Turned over A Georgia farmer declares that t'.Vrr)roIrauu,y"ncsaKa-,oaea he was whinoed bv whitn mn in jan to awau inai. few nights ago, the latter explain ing that they were whipping him; because he would not work. Timc- Is Money st ? I i-HH )0 SKt to If you have s timepiece, why not have the U supply your every need in this line and I am on tl guarantee satisfaction. I make my watch and clock ijnovements accomplish the work claimeil for them. I R. L. B o a rn a n. pO Good J2. P a i n t Buy the paint that looks well longest, gives most years of good ser vice and is positively the most economical. It is Little Margie, after her first Planters Hdw. Co. . t I f f 1 iitnr t ff t'i thi tinilAricfiikl will ukll . f . .... . 1. Ha a . nrt houe ,l.wr in Wlel,ro. X. C. on ww at fX' ld to her inoth- . . er, 'Mamma, do I know as much ndr. Jaae I7li. 1907. , i i 2- 1 now as you don t know? nt ... 1.--lr r tKtt r.-.ll.n-in.. .. .- 1.,. . t of tju1 roj'rty : J One hom power Ajax letarhel en- : i trine anl re tower Corninh . . , , Iwler ou nki.U. uia.le hy A. D. Fariuhar -I fferel with rlieuiRatiuis for over j(V.. York. Pii. : one No. 1 DeLiiath saw .two vejirs.' sjivm Mr. Holland Oirrv. a I ...ill ......I.. I... V. . rv.r i. ,t:ii -rr - I iinii. uwur liir l'UUl II .11111 .tllK. Co. Atlanta. (Sa. : one .VMmh in.-erteil flicf froa Rbeiiaitlc Pains. .You V: . t n Life Easy I tth mtvr. Ohleux make. uiale lv tlie JiOinA OhleiiV Suti.H Saw Mfx. Co.. Ct liimhus. Ohio. HtulOO feet T2-in h jjandy leit. t.veiner with all other ln8 and J pnllevA. fixtures hikI Rppliani-eH jer ' tainiii); t .saiI mill. etiKine and 1 laler. ami u;ei iu itnne-t ion there- ' . : . i. . i. l . i i 'with: alm one lojrc-art and one ! I inirtel toth aaw. Vj Thin projH-rty is now sitiuitM o '.V." I laudn f Mr. Peter Jon-s in nll patrolnmn. of Kej- West. Fla. "Soine tiine it nettled in my knees and lamed m no 1 could hardly walk, at other times it would lie in my feet and hands so I w-iv im-iMcitated for dntv. One Town Marshall CJarence Grist of Carlise, N ' C, was shot and killed Thursday by a negro whom he had arrested for disturbing; a ball game. The negro escaped. Fifteen merchants of Roanoke, Va., have been indicted' for selling obscene iost cifrds. Each was re quired to give 100 bond and will have to face the Federal court in June. J. II. Denning and his two broth ers of Oil City, Pa, have just been notihed that they are heirs to three hundred and fifty millions dollars held in chancery in the Bank of England. The residence of Dr. VV. L. Po- teat, president of .Wake Forest College, was discovered to be on lire Thursday afternoon and ' was only saved by the most heroic ef forts of the studentsr- A colored woman of Columbia, S. C., has been given $400 damages on account of having her table cloth snatched from the tabic by an irate furniture dealer who was trying to collect an overcharge on a bill of furniture Ire had sold her. Within a few days the War De- mrtment will award the contract for 20.000 white marble headtsoncs to mark graves of Confederate sol diers and sailors who died in Fed eral prisons and military hospitals : in the North during the Civil war and who were buried rnear the olace of coritinonionr (Yl VVm in: r .i ty V'., The Publishers of Webter' International liiuuu uuitvr oi ine VOIl I euetaie Dictionary allege that it "is, in fact,thepopu rinr am fnrmnrlt .no. .. ,ar Unabridged thoroughly re-edited in every .VMU, anu loimerly. .Senator Of detall, and Vastly enriched every part, with Olltll Carolina, has been atmoint- the purpose of adapting it to meet the larger n, u ,.i ' and fewrer requirements of another genera- - i-uuiiiii.wiwih-i ijiku uiiHige Ol I non." .. ilirt v-rfl- We are of the opinion that this allegation work that has been accomplished and the result that has been reached. The Dictionary, as it now stands, has been thoroughly re edited in every detail, has been corrected in every part, and is admirably adapted to meet ia HARMONS TOWHHTRY mini A S COLORS AND ALL GOOD There is no question that it is right. If there were a better pairjt made, it would be sold at this Store. Write or ask for "A Book for House-Owners. ' ' It is free. Martin Don Company The Publisher's Claims Sustained United States Court of Claims i 1 Jill I J LOW PR DICES WILL BE CONTINUED THROUGH THE MONTH OF MAY Hugs, Art Squares, etc., still go at cost. Felt Mattresses, lJwkers, Mattinf, Suils, I lietls (Wootl and Iron) at cut prices. risers. PIANOS AND ORGANS Well just come and see. You will lc mh find how cheap you can buy them. I think 1 can save you money on anythiu; House Furnishing Line. A -f . . . (Il l II Any goods not kept in stocu will he r( you at a verT siiall ier cent. ; Always arive ine the last chance and you :in lvememher I jruarantee a Dollar's Worth Hji lar every time, and don't you forget it. lived to : in tin red for safe, a Dol . B. GAUDLLE i PHONE 72 Probably From Wadesboro. (Monroe Enquirer.) the larirer and severer remiirempnta nf a Constable Moore, while oil dutV nerotipn which demapda more of popular at the passenger depot last Nltur- that the world has ever contained. il' nWrlif c.,. ,.1,..., l It Is perhaps needless to add that we refer UftA night, saw a colored man Step to the dictionary in our judicial work as of on Of a trHin an raw i'nrv l, the higrhest authority in accuracy of deflni . - - o - i uuu; uu lust iu iae iuiure us in ine pi jiiicht when I was in severe pain and i aru' heavy gnj) to another colored wiUbe the source of constant reference. lame fnun it uiy wife went to the lrn mn- 1 Iic. Otlicer thought that tlie past It 3 i HI ttM township, wherr priecti ve purrhimers uimv exHinine am. The projierty iiu Kiiml omtlitioii. hHviii' l-n rnn rnlyj short time. Thin M v -.Mnl. I07. PI.ANTKIW IIAHDWAKE CX . II II. Mrlx-mlon. Atty. Mrtfaiee. ntore hern ul came Ixtck with a bottle of Chamb.TlHiu's Pain Balm. Iwasrnb liel with it nnl found the paui had nearly one during the night. I kept on nxini; it for a little more than two weeks and found that it drove th rheu matism away. I have not had any trou ble from that di.eae for over three month'. " For ale by Martin Drn Co. CHARLES C. KOTT, Chief Jnstlce. LAWRENCE WELDOK, JOHN DAVia STANTON J. PEELLE. CHABLES B. HOWRY, Judges. The above refers to WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY )( yiui will jive ik vonr onlers for everything in the GK0CEKY LINE: Knowing that you nre jrettinj: Full WfiifhK Correct Irir, an.) the very Finest Quality of In)-, the markcLs affonl, imghr to take away much of tlw worry of housekeeping. We are here to serve you and our Injsinevs deMxK on how we serve you. ('an oii s the jioint i W. IN. JfEAINS "THE GROCER PnONt MO. 59 ty ty ty A Horse! A Horse! MY KINGDOM FOR A HORSE! It ne get .Ty fnun the lius.v cares of life rl take spin in the country. If it's hut for an lour on the excellent roads around Waleslioro, the minl willl refresheil ami enaMel to do letter work. Wc make a specialty of furnishing good driving horses and stylish ve hicles. Careful and polite drivers if you desire them. HUNTLEY & MARTIN THE LEADING LIVERYMEN P- S. If you don't like driving why take .alon someone who does, ami mayl you can endure it V for a few hours at !eaU. Yomir ..FSrst Experoeinice.. When you put your first dollar in our SAV INGS DEPARTMENT it may seem like doing a little thinr, but you will U encouraged to add to it each week. -. You certainly owe it to yourself ami all de Iendent on you to put aside a iart of your earnings for misfortunes which usually come. We pay you to save your money. vou mrniKK information. ASK THE BANK OF WADESBORO , THE GRAND PRIZE (the higrhest award) was griven to the Interna tional at the World's Fair, St. Louia. : GET THE LATEST AND BEST Fou wiU be interested in our specimen pages, sent free. n jl r mcddu as rr w w. i -,, ww, lWTEfiNAnONALj PUBLISHERS, " tPRINOFIELD, MA88. I WEBSTER5 I UNttMNXnONALl WCT10NaRV J grip contained a generous quantity of lxoze from adesboro. The man to whom ti e grip was handed and the man who brought it in started up the railroad and the of- hcer.called on them to haltai dshow how much liquor was in that grip. The irrip was opened and instead of containing liquor it was packed with Bibles. The owner of the grip was a preacher and he wasi selling Bibles on his rounds. The joke is now on Constable Moore. Alligator as Food. There is reason to believe that REAL ESTATE. If yon wih to buv the flesh of a vounr boiled alb'cator la"d r lots, or have some real estate to fa . barely distinguishable fa!, St 3 a" eier. i is proo- oer or lots for sale and am always in tlie ably cleaner and more tender than mrket when snch is being sold. See ine mucli of the meat of the animula 11 ou mean business. J. W. Odom . that are usually consumed as food on the continent or in the east end of London. I have never desired to taste the flesh of alligators, cooked or uncooked. But in India I have seen the Sontals and other casteless natives greedily devour the flesh of an alligator without waiting to cook it. The flesh was very pale in color and probably was much su perior to the flesh of snakes and rats and such like vermin which form the ordinary food of the preda tory Sontal when hunting in his native woods. Your D o 1 1 st in Ti i 'l i 1 i 1 1 it siriKes us mat youraoiiars arc as good as other people's, and when you pay your market bills, jou should have the satisfaction of knowing that you have been served with the Best Meats and Vegetables. We are fully equipped to serve you. R X. R H V N E PHONE 40. I 1 1" ' A Free Trip to the 'j Jamestown Exposition, , 1 The Ansonian : The Store That Saves Ym Money s 2 tin A Littl Ambiguous. A group of interested citizens was observed standing in front of a billboard in one of Chicago's sub urbs reading a large poster that had just been put up. Some of them were greatlv amused, while others were highly indignant. a nearer inspection showed that tne purpose of the poster was to advertise, a "genuine colored min strels' entertainment" that was to given. at phef the local amuse ment halls. The particular portion that had roused the emotions of the ; crowd was printed in great, flaring ICllCIO. "Tt ill VkA IT! nil V 4- -rwntA n m-hIa 2 laugh ! Bring your wives and chil- m dren !" m Will :ve yon a free round trip ticket to the. Jamestown Exposition-and will lie!) you ; lenses while there, if you will do a little easy work for ir. Here are the offer First Offer tor prepaid new subscriptions to the amount, of $100.00, a free ten-Jav, found tr ticket to the Jamestown Exposition and $10 00 in leash f.r your .xpenes. ond Offer For prepaid new subscriptions to the amount of 7r.0o, a free ten d.iv r ticket to the Jamestown Exposition and $5.00 for your expenses.! . Third Offer Kemember ray Motto "Quick Sales and Small Profit." Nearly everything kept in a first class Furniture Store. I hare, just 3 jrocarts that I am anxious to sell this week; will sell at a very close price. Also one church Oran at aljout cost I keep the the Hest Sewinjj Machine Needles and am looking 'for a large lot everytlny. He sure to see my pretty Hammocks. Brinr ft Ion r vriii t rit n -w v t 1 t t ,,,, t nave a new out- J Holyhead packet. During the voy nu iron isetls and springs a siecialty. Can snve you $2.50 on J ge from Ireland the lady treated Mattresses. I sell tlie best Ned Snriner mnd fnllr mmronfi 5 th6 vieroy with ceremonious re- - --.. 10 years by Company. Lost Dignity. Irish viceroys are stripped of their sovereign attributes as soon aa m they reach English waters, which $ gives point to ,the following story 4 I f nlr? nf nno ri'nornr onil a InIn- J whom he was acquainted. They ip both lound tnemselves on board the For j)repaid new snb.-criptions to the. amount of 80.00, a free ! seven i trip ticket to the Jamestown Exposition. Fourth Offer V- Vour e- iv rom d Be sure to see me. phone J H.i JH. GOC 145 l Daekct enterpn TTolvhMf? harlvki. eh . ' - mM, U4iw is said to him, "N ow, Bobby, you're no 5j longer viceroy, so take my bag and make yoursell useful. " London Truth. m j Of all the fruits there are iu the land, 2 1 That grow on bush or tree, IT 1 1 . wuuiu Kive up me cnoicec ons 4 i xxuuist;r a xvot"jy iii contain Tea 4 I Martin Drncr Cn CT 1'or prepaid new subscriptions to the amount of 50.00, a free seve?i-d trip ticket to the Jamestown Exjjosition and $5.(K) for your expejises. Understand, that all subscriptions must be new and must be paid in acjvance. Cash sulscriptions for anv length of time count in these offers Either of the Following Offers May Be Accepted The Ansonian from now until January 1908, for Ftftyj Cents. The Ansonian for one year and a good knife, for $1.00j, - Tfl. . r L i ft i ii ........ I . j-uc name, oi new suiscnoers ana an amounts eolJecteu should be sent in nt xl are ready to accept any .offer made above, you can take your trip. These offers will remain open to all from now until Sept. 1st 1907. and vou whenever you please, provided yon have complied with any one of the offeWmafld i nie j- n s o n 1 si niiiLl nee and . . 1 1 can raki when yen the frip n mi Remember, that a eood Docket j Wad esbo r o, IN. CJ 1 1 :t . i . OiMM4444aiaaaajc... 7 uiia gues wiin every casn-in-acl m m m m m m m m m w m m m m m m - x S V 'V 1 4 4 -4 A m I iamaa ... Kw w a-. . - - -mm - JlJf I OU! OULuCll jJll tion.v

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