1 . -n . . , . - ' , -; . . r . . . " - - - - v - - - ) - .. - ! . ' v " . , : "" -V i ! " ; ;, " f '-- - '" V; , - x . - - - , - - - - " ; f Weekly Nowgpexpor, To E H g h,t e r,. To E 1 e eTte and To A tr. se . i 7. Til WADESBOKO. N. C. JULY- 9. 1907. - $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE .VOLUME 2. NUMBER 6. St.t, jjtrr - WAU" - ' i i 1 t " Satisfaction " Clothing TALK NUMBER TWO ml I-1 ti to l til r . .... . . . . . ." I V ,V ki Ka.I Talk umr Un aiiout otc. usiac- " I'lotliinir. 'n" rru!u r so vali&factory, that m HI i Talk Numl-r Two. Why s our Clothinjr "Satifactioir Clothing t you may ak. Fr two Uihw nli makes it, ail wo iut our orsonal umm ery l-i'-o- t If it shouM not roo itfht, mi make it ri'lit. Kawm you exi muin How We Save You Money On Clothing It rtt t lr of ! il-it 5t 1.1 ..' ,.rtu IU- iKithim? to rarry the line. Wo wou ly just a much mu rent ami keep tho sam uum- rlerU If litht C!lotlunjr. o io can osn. a - . . . I A ft' X fnm lo to -jii -T ttni. m a un if vi l.u.v it from us. Ix-t us S4U yc.ur next suit. We also X4 il hoe., MurLi, U GRAY GROCERY COMPANY PHf)Nt vz LVEin THING IN GROCERIES. CORN AND WHISKEY Soar ltalt of Ti Trusfornutloa of tk Oie lata tie Otner. lit. luniC- IU- "Milliner WorUr thus itwt-1 Lushel of mm from tlte , .,n, UU l the .lrmker's xUs.: "I he grower ork at eAt t-o rs in rnisi. a Ui!hI of t orn. . xlU the Uishel fr .' rents furm lie n- l.U :' renLs f. t mh .lr inks, thus kirtilir for . i r u tth liis i nrti. "..vt 'follow tlie rom. It rsts " . ... I f..r-,l it. I.. st-ii- 1 rorii. .. I; l, - , I,--u iuts of intiiii atinjr lrink. ', I he .litil!er rnrius rents a i .-llot, for ctnertin it into wtus- t. The com in its chAnl j h nt,r,,"-,,t- l,M or,,nal ' ..i,t- arl tit- $l.7 for the .!.. tiller, making its alue t this t& - . Then the (totern t, ul ta of evntn a gallon al.ls VI :. ! the ctU swelling it t The lohe f FULL .TEXT Or ANSON COUNTY'S PROHIBITION BILL Word for Word, Sentence for Sentence, Paragraph for Paragraph, Section for Section, Just As It Was Passed By Both Houses of the Legislature. LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU, BUT READ IT -FOR Y01RSELE n act to prevent tho manufacture ami sale of spirituous, vinous arnJ malt liuuors ami intoxicating bitters within the county of Anson. , Tlio (ienoml Assomhly of North Carolina do enact: Sxtion I. 'Iliat it shall lie unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to manufacture any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, intoxitatinjr hitters or intoxicatink' drinks by whatever name known orcallei, except as hereinafter provided, and any person firm or rorrntion violating the provision- of this xfton: shall be iruilty of a misdemeanor, ami uion conviction, shall be hnexl or im prisoned, or lot!i linetl and imprisoned, at the discretion of the Csi That the place of delivery of any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors and intoxicating bitters within the said county of Anson, shall be construed as to mean the place of sale, ami that nnv station or other place within the aforesaid county of Anson to which any iei-son, persons, hrms or corxrations shall sIuin or in anv manner convey any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, er oth er 'intoxicating bitters for the purpose of delivery or carrying the same to a' purcha.ser shall 1? construetl to l place of sale; I ro vided. this Mvtion shall notice construed to prevent thedelivery of a man drunk enough to romniit munler, leaving the wife of his victim a widow ami the children orphans, thus intlicting a pecun iary hss umhi the community of mie thousamU f dollars lo arrvM. imprisn, try ami hang the munlerei will iost two or throe ml more- Xv ten thoiis- t nrvl in all. Another pint of whiskey might rause a rollUion, or n shipwnxk, or S4me other similar calamity. If ue multiply the ten thousand dollars by the sixty pints of nison which have rome fnmi a bushel of have sUo,tn as a result f transmuting df-ls Messing int4 rstan s curs. The natin vhich Uxiri, and licenses, and counUMianccs this transformation to HI ! their coffers at the excuse of the iMplos S4uls will by ami by calle.1 uon to mtsrt the Son of (Jod, who shall "rule the nation with a ro 1 of iron, ami dash them to piece as a tetter's vessel ; ami men WHO JWVVS Oil to i4i.i.ei o. . t ruMvfiiriiint mil I . I wa w ll l L in iii-hi ....---- i.-. ' will irri a siaieinui I. h r res lure of of their ac- 1 - t lu1alIi- sllPl't tU- retrforv IU t,e tone ,t ; " - f f " - nm, 1 1 . 1 Liw iff 1 1 . w . I ... I iik ri'iitjiv i - nsiuvtsi in Mtnii;iii I in .hi tntilv hv tlw till . if I nion larmlul at the judgment ,1 in. thev can then figure out tli nii,. t Mem. "What shall it pn.fil water ai the j i nifl through it rounLs. ami a iwi'M" Christ; the n- t a man ; i... ..n tii w hole wrriu " lose his own S4ul, r what shall a man give in exchange for his Nouir . -half .-.Il.,t -v of drink "Mlowmg sixty drinks to the .'ll..it. the otlicial lr nerage. t'ttt to tht from I In I mUiios, that it- measure h-i at e-t hen douhls. nml tlH ,,.m. -.tlien it l--gins to drop into lU drinker- glas at the I -nr. rep ...... IhiiI e i I'll l ani in- He Douttless Trlei It. t Kan-st City SUr . ..,,.r nin who oersisteil in ii;tM.r'iin londlv til the lady who into of reach- at an a vera, dru.k. will take P..i ket of the consumer. this !. d.sl to the ..- pin it mm no to the tim 1 1 if the joUUts, makes a total of ..- .. .11 l... ih ninim oro tic I.. I.t- !.. whl I llll Li ii ifmi . , ...... :i ..." ti.. ...,ni hut who! I'ui you lIMr Mill ij;i' - - . multiply infinitely by scientihc means the misehiex ions jmw ers of i .1 ... tl... Imrffill rra.n. ami wno .mm,. . front f the young man multiplication reap easy, large am . - . I he origin-ii gravely: "Young man. did you ever try tli your mouin . II! 1 . .. l.ot thr lllllvll- conceri, icjiiuK o . "meant. what sort of a jwissage was routing next, and m on, cause! prions annoy ante to everyone of his immediate neighbors. Present lv ho clos! his eyes and said to his not till companion: ever try usieniu-io music with your eyes shut f ion e no idea how lovely it sounds! Thereun a gentleman who sat i eiiits enormous rehaU prolits. Lin e of a bushel of corn is receiv- I :.V times in the uiumaie n- from it. In this wa. uie asting iwer i ai- ,,.holie drinks can I- easily un derstood. One can follow a Wuh .1 of oats, l.rley. niault orwlient frm the pnluir to the column thnui.'h the same channel. listening to music wi sliutT r - .... i.;., .r.w .! i, strike wh-u you 1 tW ' o, rKMl v.nr toin:u li; l-th n.s-l hK-t t ,!. Ihmimw Nutrition is what you I WUlll, s -w A f R.-kv Mi.untHin Tt-a X et-nta. Tea or v .... iaL.i ! sti'ii more pint of the devil's broth will make I TahU-t Martin lirng C F W GOOD I Have Just Received A New lot Porch Lawn Swings And Hammoc My stock of Wimlow Shades is complete. New ht of Tine Kelt Mattresses ami Springs Am looking for Two New Lots of Matting to arrive any day Many things too numerous to mention here. liquors to a manager of n medical ueosiiory in u sumtinu tit v for medical purjioscs. ec :J That the oard of commissioners for Anson county shall at their first meeting in January, A. I. one thousand nine hundred and eight, and annually thereafter, apiioini some su.utu e ami fit i-erson who is entitled under the laws of this state to vote in said countv, and who resides in the town of adesboro, to be known as manager of medical dejiository for the county of An son, and who shall hold such office for a term of twelve l.. ,t,wl Kutil hie wnreeKsnr has been anuointed and qualified. lltlllll-s, uiim in It some county of his apNintment, rliar!e of his i II II - -7 - ' m 1 A 1 1 .....l.ffn lf A S. shall the duty of such jrson, so apiwinieci, loquaiuy ur.o. lit-A mnnner as all nerson. auiiiorizeo w auiimnsici wmio .... -- I . . ft .o ttftaw rkti0 ollicers are required to quality wuuui iwouu.a . and shall immediately enter upon me u..v . . m -W . 1 II I A t lutios ns hereinafter detinod. It snail oe uie uuy r i i.n......,ifit-i nriii'ii pi ror. lo ui mi Ol SUCH IllitUllg I , - iiih nii.i"iv " .ii .i r;i keep on hand, ami at such place as may be designated by the said Ijoanl of commissioner, not less than live (5), nor more than one luimlnsl (lod) gallons of pure liquors to be sold by him in quanti ties not less than one half pt, and not more than one quart, and then only u,n the written prescription of a physician, authorized i. .i. i ..r !.;... d.tn to ometire nnHMcine therein, and then m hut iin ia oi .- i . , AT . only when such prescription shall conunn me name u. ueu .. , the date, all of which shall lie labelled on the little; Provided, that said manager shall not required to sell liquor upon the prescription of any physician unless he has know e Ige that utl .hvsician is tlulv authorized under the laws of North Carolina to practice medicine therein; nor shall he be requires io sen nnj i i...f.. ninn ui nVlitf'L- in the mormniT. or ar- uors on rumia, ur o" , , . - , tn tor live C) oclwk in the evening of any day, but he may do so in case of aprent necessity. The said Umrd shall at all times have the right to till any vacancy. Sec 4 That tho board .if commissioners for said county of An son, sl'ial'l at their regular meeting on the first Monday in January, one thousand nine hundred and eight, and annually thereafte r set atrt a certain sum of money, not less than :,.mq, nor more than our. hundred and Mts .dollar w regene,nlcountyfunds,Uie,u,,ounttoled.scretu,nary wit tho said In!, to l used for a medical depository in buying and keep ng such liquors as are liereinafter provided for, and the couib treasurer shall iy out such funds ujion an order duly si"nei oy me iiiaimrei ui i x.!-...., . Sec. . mi rooscs and for no other, Just call and my complete line. I I sell llanos of 40 styles ami on of the liest Organs -on the ? -.i t(TTtl "Ouict Sales ami Small 1 rohls will save you money. IV sure to mv Prices Yery Ixw. That sai.l liquor shall 1 kept and sold for medicinal and shall not oe soiu wiiu)ic " I 1 t , .ru it lievond the actual necessary expenses incurred in ou, mKt key ing and selling the same and all necessary incidental exienses. V That said liquors shall be bought by said manager with the approval as to quality ami purity of the county physician or s ell other irson or persons, not exceeilmg three Ui be named b. t e ooa d of county commissioners, and shall be at all times kept JXl imckagcs or Utiles not less than one half pint or more in Miueti . . , , nuahty contained he rem t go hVrV m tl.rwonh ''For Medicine Only," and when m fd Z here r provided for, it shall be. labeled with the name of U.e Client, the physician who gave the prescription and the num lier of the prescription ami the date. 4c 7 That the said liquors shall 1 sold by said manager for cash and' not otherwise, ami at such price or price as may be fixed by the Kard of county commissioners for said county, and said iVni at 5l times shall have in view no profit whatever except lie necessary to moot me aciuai expenses .i'ii. same and all necessary inciueuvui caFu- such ns may keeping and selling the scs: ., mm ....rr- ch11 roreive for his services not sM ak. 1 Ilnl lilt Mining,'- - .. . nf ti,n Mmmmt exoended for liquor and ",,fc";. f 7 1 iniunt received from sales, and Z is iTrebv Quired to keep a true and accurate record iu a L- to Ih- furnished by said board oi couny cuu. . - . HH)I of the i I a ... ...I...... mm a t il IIHTP. SOKI. Lilt: name inir ren saie. 10 wnom i v , M ski an giving the prescription, and keep the same .open at all i res or ti c inprction of any one desiring to see U.e same and tin es lo u i ;ioners at their regular meet- to hie Willi me suiu i" y . .tni-ant nf the II hffUl II 3iow;im-iiii -- ecexling month, Iws - . , f ..,l.mn iinnrhaGorl TO l..- ca A( nrinir me IIOIUM, iruill oin in' on the first Monday of each month a sworn st amount on hand at the beginning of the precedi n pi whose prescription I II nnliin nf I IIP. IlllVSICinil U wn WIIOIII som, on iiivy " - . stild, ami the balance on hand at the end of the month. , He shall attach to such monthly rerts all prescriptions receivel hv him durin' the preceding month. b3" q That the said boaYd of county commissioners shall ap nrove'such reiort, if they find the same to be correct, and place the sained UeTher with the attached prescriptions, with the reg iSr of deU of said county for safe keeping, and for the inspec tion of any iierson who may desire to see them. fo - That the said board of county commissioners, in auditing the nanager's report, may allow him his ccTmmiss.on as here iXfore provided for, and may," within then-discretion as to tilSe set So from the profits of sales made, such sum as may be necstrv to reiuv to the general funds suck sum as may be enXrefrc-m lo sUrt the medical depository hemn provided for and shall order the same iaid back to said fund. e? l That the said board of county commissioners shall not, .iv" time, permit to accumulate profits more than ,s in their opinion to meet the provisions of this act, anu s the selling price at any time when conditions d if there should at any time uecome a sui - ild tlierc for any reason be any or sucn fore retluce or raise Justify or reouire it, and m .1 l! A .. f -1 1 ill " 1 i a i. .irnr c nn of thisacL then the fnmls not riMiUtreu M) crrj uui . . Sid UrJ shall order the'same to be ,nd into or transferred into the general county funds to become a part of such fund. lUl That if any person acting as such manager shall, at anmeT knowingly and wilfully make a false report, or knowing ?ni:l'nn?. . "Si t hU remrL or shall wilfully refuse to make Y..Z .. . -Z ' i .e i.rin nrovided for. or shall know- inlv and wilfully bargain, sell or exchange any liquors herein provided for, to be kept by him contrary to the provisions of this act, or shall make way with or appropriate to his own use any liouors.' or the proceeds ofHhe sale of any liquors, or shall refuse tund wmcn iiiay What Grit and Get-Up Will Do for a Boy me. Terms Kasy. (PTogrvKdve Fanner.) No. rav son. it isn't so much a : I PHONE H. H. 145 question of money. You are wrong The money will come somc- ' how, if only you don't mind work. Lack of money doesn't keep boys m there ,,.,..ooiooot" outof school ny more; it doesn't t-o-i thom out of the nublic schools. or high schools, or the technical schools, or the agricultural schools, or tlte colleges, or Johns Hopkins, or'Heidelberg. Let me Ulk to you a little about this. Have you fed old Charlie? Par ted the cows and calves! Got the kindling and stovewood ready i soon start, you know in the morn ing, must sweep clear through that cotton in the big mulberry nekl to morrow. And your Sunday clo , oh,' took them off, you say, before going to the barn. And, mamma, .,:i ..rn nvor on v liniiors- or imiv out any come into his hands under the provisions of this act, he shall le guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be nned not - less than one hundred dollars, or inprisoned not less than sixty days at the discretion of the court, and shall forfeit his othce. Sec 13. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation whatsoever, druggists and apothecaries not ex cepted, as hereinbefore provided, to manufacture, barter, ex change, sell or otherwise dispose of for gain any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters by whatever name known or called within the county of Anson; Provided, that this act shall not be construed to prevent any one from making or manufactur ing wine or cider from grapes, berries or fruits raised on the land oAhe person so manufacturing the same and such land being out side of the incorporate limits of any city or town in said county; Provided, further, that this act shall not be construed to apply to the sale of cider in any quantity or wine in any quality of not less than one ballon, on the particular tract of land upon which it was made, or wine in any quantity sold for communion purposes. Sec 14 That any person, firm or corporation violating the provision of this act with reference to the sale, barter exchange or other disposition for gain of any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or intoxicating bitters, or whatsoever name known or called, shall bo "uilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be tin eel or imprisoned, or both fined and imprisoned at the discretion of the Sec 15 That it shall be unlawful for any physician to make or' "ive a prescription for any intoxicating liquors of whatever name known or called, to or for any person who is not in actual need of such liquors for medicinal purposes, or to make or give a prescription for any such liquors or drinks to or for any person not bona fide under such physician's charge, and then only in good faith for medicinal purposes only. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall le lined or imprisoned, or both fined and imprisoned at the discretion of the court; Provided, this act shall not be construed n'nr,i-pnfflnv nhvsfcian as hereinbefore defined from giving a VV ' ' v " - - w & prescription for a quantity not more uiuu out: .1Ua.i such person, upon the written representation of another that such I L ; nl mul iir-uvnt neod of spirituous, vinous or malt HMSOll 13 HI medicinal purposes; Provided, farther, that such pro- Sec 1S That the board or county commissions ui an u tv of Anson, upon a petition of one fourth of the qualified vol of Anson county shall at their regular meeting m June one th Iuiiwwq for 1 . am l 1 a . 1 . . ! 4 4- . . M-k- imr r I n I scription shall be attached to sucn written ici.n.uauv.,, .-r, the irue date thereof; Prowdcd, further, that no physician shall charge more than twenty-five cents for giving a prescription in anv case; Provided, further that any person who sha 1 wilfully and falsely make a representation to any physician for the purpose of procuring any spirituous, vinous or malt liquors for himse , or another ierson, shall be guilty, of a misdemeanor, and shall bo J i;f.r J nil a iis nr imorLsoned not more than Iinou not more tnjxii iii .y --- u , 1 "sc C1GVS That nothing in this act shall in any view e construed to'repeal,' alter or amend any special act prohibiting fthe manufac ture or sale of spirituous, vinous or other intoxicating liquors or diluks of any kind whatsoever in said county-or in any locality, township or'town in said county. Sec 17 That this act shall not be in force unless a majority ot the voters voting in an election to be held in Anson county as hereinafter provided shall vote "for prohibition. x I . i ja . , Aun nnlil Aniiri Sec. 1S. That the board ot county commissioner ui sn u Wun- UR'i s hou- sand nine hundred and seven, call an election to oe new m me said county of Anson on Saturday, the thirty-first day of August, one thousand nine hundred and seven, of which election they shall crh-e due notice by posting the same at the court house door in Wadesboro, North Carolina, for at least thirty days prior to the day of said election and also by publishing the same in at least one newspaper published in Wadesboro, North Carolina, for at least four successive weeks prior to said election. Sec 19 That said election shall be held under the general elec tion laws of this state, as provided in cases of county othcers and the registrars and judges of election shall be the same that per formed the said duties respectively in the last genera election for said countv; Provided, that any vacancy shall be filled by the board of elections of the county of Anson. m -sec 20 That at such elections there shall be provided by the registrars and judges a box in which shall be placed all votes cast and aH hose who desire to vote for this act shall vote a bal lot with the words printed or written thereon "For Prohibition. And t osc who desire to vote against this act shall vote a ballot with w Is printed or written thereon "Against Prohibition," and if a majority of the ballots cast in said election are tor prohibi tion "then this act shall be in full force and effect from and aftei the first dav of January, A. I), one thousand nine hundred and eiaht, but if the majority of the ballots cast at said election shall be" "Against prohibition," then this act shall have no force and ef- feSec 21 If a majority of the votes cast in the election provided foHn th s act shall be "Against prohibition," it shall be, unlawful for an election to be called and held in the town of W adesboro or the county of Anson, under section two thousand and s.xty-n ne two thousand and seventy, two thousand and seventj-one two thousand and seventy-two ancUwo thousand and seventy-three, of t rSvtd of one thousand nine hundred and five, or any other law of statute relating to the sale or manufacture of intoxicating Hquors until two years after the thirty-iirst day of August, ope Utc "llaaiS dauses of laws in conflict with this actreereb.y repealed r cation, subject to the provisions contained herein. In the General Assembly read three times and ratihed this, the 9th day of March, A. D. D WINSTON, President of the Senate. E. J. JUSTICE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ; Examined and found correc or ctu. i STATE (fF NORTH C A ROLINA3ffice of Secretary of State. Raleigh, March oU, iwi. I, J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify the foregoing and attached e.ght (8) sheets to be a true copy from the records of this oftci . In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and alhx, I'uetlmicrat Raleigh, this 30th day of March, in the year of our Lord 1907. J BRYAN GRIMES, SEL Secretary of State. Something New Under the Sun Appell's South African Water Bags Are made of a, material ha'vrng the peculiar property of holding water and yet exuding enough mojsturo to pre vent the sun. from having any effect on the water inside the bag. This Water Bag is guaranteed to keep water cool 'for forty-eight hours. Every Rig is guaranteed to do what we claim for it, or your money will be refunded with pleasure. Call at my store and get a cool drink and le convin ced. Every traveler needs it, every farmer needs it, everybody needs it. No ice used. Hang it on your plow iiandle or any.machine in use or anywhere. In all ages pure, cold water has been the first neces sity of man. t It is necessary for your health. This 1kg is a cooler and purifier of water. Preserve your health by using it. FOR SALE AT J. B. Caudle's Furniture Store IN FRONT OF THE COURT HOUSE if. Anybody can get an education that wants it. Oh, if you haven't got money, of course you'll have to work some to get an education. That's the beauty of it. Your father rather lielieves, my son, that work is a good thing. There's discipline in it. It keeps you busy, and that keeps you out of a lot of trouble. If you are working for a thing it's a pretty good sign you want it and will value it and use it properly when you do get it. The education you have to work for is the best kind. I have two loys in mind now. Both came from the same county went to school, in fact, in the. same town; yes, same school. Both had fair schooling as schools went in those days. Boy number one was sent to school by kind par ents. Boy number two went to school himself, somehow. 'He had kind parents, too, but they were poor, I reckon. Anyhow their boy went to school, wasn't sent. He fed horses, chopjied stovewood, and lighted the town lamps to get money. Prcmemlicr well hearing how that when he applied for one of these jobs the man said "Why, Will, that's a nigger's joV And the man said that he never felt such a rebuke in his life as he got from Will. Will looked hurt at first for just a Hooting moment, and then looking grand and strong he said, "I can do anything a nig ger can!" he didn't say any more words, so the man told me, but his looks seemed to add "and I can do it a sight better!" He got the job and did it better and kept on going to school. Oh, no, he didn't go through college and rise up to be a great orator; not that. Boy number one is now doing service in one of the highest and best equi pied penitentiaries in the country for robbing a bank he was working for of $40,000. Boy num ber two is now a good citizen in n substantial North Carolina town, right good at helping poor boys who don't mind work, his counsel is much sought after when big un- ertakings are on hand for his I A ll . I .1 . til, own, lie is at me neau oi tnrec oi bur big, busy manufacturing con- cerns: anu. reaiiy, i uon t kuuw iow much money he's worth, but I feel safe in saying that he's a long ways this side of the poorhouse money a plenty, well fixed. He ot his education; the other boy s oiliir-ntion- was triven to him. 1 jver did think the work Will did you are through with your supper things; here take your rockin chair. Old Danger? There he is curled up on the cool sand out I there by the elm tree. Here, let me hold the baby tomgiu. one daddy's own chum. Glick! Chooky chooky chooky I As I was going on to say, my son, it is not a question of money. If that -was so, all the poor people would be cut off. from a chance to go to school. And you see that's not the case. We've always had a tolerable good public schoor right here at Cool Spring, and now they Ve talking about one of those high schools at Maple Grove to take the neighborhood scholars still further along in their books. AlUheehil iiMn nan crn that want to TO. i And the. same way higher up. Tht folks who furnish the education are the ones who wrestle with the money question, and so far from fiinr it so as to cut off the ! poor educationit is their; mam study how to put it in reach of the noor bovs and girls who want it bad enough to do their part to get nc to gef an education hurt him any or broke up his luck. 4 "And why don't the folks who have lieen along there and know all these things, let tho poor Ims know aliout iff" That's n pnqier question, my son. I've thought about ifjnyself. It's a gmxl go-, jiel. and the schhohnen ought to lo sending out more missionaries to preach it. There's plenty of edu cation all the way from Cool Spring to Heidelliorg for the Uiy who doesn't mind workingfor it. Since 1 come to think of it. there's an:. other lxy in that same jienitentuir.v, son. Came from the same county I was telling you alout, and. was sent to prison from Federal court over here in Kaleighthe other day. Very poor lxy. But he woiild work; hard, industrious worker; wanted to get along and make . money. He ran a moonshine dis tillery in the backwoods some where. There were several of the boys had no advantages. One or two of the older ones quit the busU ness. This boy expected the court would send him up He was much dejected, but he took comfort. "If they send me to Atlanta," he said on his way to court, "I will learn a trade, and after two years I can have something besides a moon shine still to make money at." i . . a . a a This boy lived in what isroiner Hight C. Moore calls the lar, deep country. 1 hat is is pleas ant. Bunyanosquc way of saying the backwoods. Back yonder some- p-iimi' 1 1 1 1 wnere wneu ue ." - ' lad needed somelxidy to give him a slap on his back that would make . a. a tl.1l his teeth rattle and then grao noio of his arms and say to him. "There's a better way than going to the penitentiary tq learn a trade that beats moonshining. You can learn it in the schools and mauo your own way while you're; there. Yes,- you can; other I joys are doing it; you can do it, too." v niv son. it is a pity there ate so many Ixi'ys who don't know about it." Mother, you'll have to take the little thing. She's fast asleep. They arose and went in. vrom the top of the big uiuIIxm ry on the hill across Poplar Bottom the. i.:.... i.:...iv. c.mr Wns poured llll M' K I I lf - 171 I VI a out in sweet "cadences uion waiting silences of the night. the THE Rocky River Springs Hotel THE LEADING SUMMER RESORT IN THE PIEDMONT SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA Will Be Opened 1907 Season June 10 T , . 1 1? I..W.. 'iliiniail ill HESE well-known Springs are ueiiguiiun.y miu a strictly rural district, only a few hours drive ironi Norwood, Albemarle and Wadesboro. Hack Lines from all the above-named places and Phone Connections with the surrounding country. The Hotel is under new management this year and every effort will be made to make pleasant the stay of all guests. The famous Iron, Sulphur, Arsenic and Magnesia Springs will be; carefully looked after and tjieir waters served in the best manner possible. i It will be a delightful place to resort for a few months rest, and where rates are moderate. A few cottages to rent to those who wish .to live at home. For further information, apply to BI VEINS, Manager, ROCKY RIVER SPRINGS, N. C. 4 02 (3 o (i . i 1