IT H B A N S O IN I A IN : S E P T. "l OrT; The Ansonian v. c IJIW BIV ENS. FUrl wvo4cU matter Jnljr S 1 vat, At lk ttrvfi l Wdlwera. S C Wr tb Art o W TUESDAY. SEPT. 24,1907 1 South Carolina Ut k jury k ra!l-l upon to decide the if uilt or innorroc of a woman c-ru-"! of killinjrher hulnJ. Thj t.k ll ritfht ir of thir dotjr ,m pnwJI lo grl U fact in tl r thoucli lawyer toUl tlxrn that thrirduty tohow nxrcjr. Knm tlx fart in tl ol it wm rtarlj hown that th woman wa ifuiltj am! acconlinjrljr uch a ver dict Wrought in. TV jurjr mtHiinKn.!"! nvrcjr 'nit clrarlj I .T formal tlwir duty in not at Umptinif to Jw it OxnvSrlrc. r It ofu-n th ca.M that lawyep Unr to make a jury think 0 fat of tli arcu-! i i their . . hmU. Tht if ! tiangni. wny tliy make arxl rircute the law. It will - a great ilay for tliU runtry wln juror karn that tlir only luty in trying a nse U t. lin.1 wlrtlr or not, arronlinr t. t fart -t forth, tlx art usil i guilt or rvt iruilly" of tlio hir for which he otamU indict .!. ny huH Mind an to tlt nj!ty prrMrril! for tle of ffi and to the plea for nwrvj. ile mauiilmg cry tf nic oer atu lawyer In want eery rruuinal at lirty. It jurors Iarn tlat the prerinratue of iner- v i e-teil in ther otlicial. To mw eitenl it lie? in ll wcr of i) re-hlini juli:". wImi may ile mfl the maiimuin or ininiuuiin lnilty f the 1k tr m jralnat the na)ty a in hi ju lament the - temaiU. Hut to tlK" rr iM.r of lle Utte i jrien the w r lit (wtnion in u.Ii c" a ihe irrumlan e Mill ainit. Hi luty it i to into 11h tleUiU ft tle c&v anl wlten he IinU that tl hottU ! Ihwij, he has llie litr anl riilef; to allow it. Anl no eirinir rn. i turneil -I..wn. for a a rule our governor )re usually criticisr! for lite liUr tv tley often eierri- in granting o many tnlon. It often h.ttin w hen tleailing with tle ALTtaKTltC ow for that. htm niauo facto rinse tnlerpMt Ue much-taJkrJ of furniture factory. Wlxrv thrc U so much" smoke, jou irf sure to find little firr. For a long time enterprising cit izena here have lieen willing to help in this new enterprise and the readine with which Major HTock secured subscriptions amountinjr to over 'S.00O . last week. hows that soroelhinjr is meant. .These sulKcriptions are from the town's best Imsine men men who will guarantee tle successful management of the concern. Kiu theKockingham Angl Saxon of Usl week: The people of Hoffman and vi cinity road a big step forward last Tuesday when they rot I a special tax of 30 cents on Uie huilrel dol lars and 00 cents on the A to supply the school fund of thnt dis trict. We shotik! nay w r.niidering the fact that, corn whikey was the chief' commodity for which Hoffman was so ntel only a few years ago. It only goes u prove that good grain will grow when the weed are cut out. rtiifJ Hews A MirrUre Aal deits. Etc. of our iople atten'htl at Mineral ome ol our preaching Surnl ay- Springe. Mr. Irc Jones was badly hurt recently by a mule running away. Yellow jackets were the caae of tlw mule running. Mr. Henjamin C-ari-enter's hor4 ran away and tore up the buggy but no one was hurt. ; PURELY PERSONAL Miss Ollie Lockliarfof BolJrton ui visiting relatires ir Monroe Mr. Oscar Ilowman of J mel low n. Vs., and his brother. Mr. J. C Ilowman of Kenly, are at home to attend the marriageof their sister, MLs Minnie, tomor row evening. Mr. K. F. Fenton spent last week with his daughter Mrs. Cov ington of Kockington. His friends will be sorry to learn that he suf fered with chills while away from his native heath Miss Shelly Home of Lilesville, visited friends in Lenoir last week. Mrs. Kuth Baker of Waynes ville arrived lie re. last week to risit her father, Mr. W. O. Hen nett. Mr. M. Pinkston is here from Ellington to spend a few divys with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Pinkston. He holds a rc sjionsible iosition with a larg lumber concern of that place. Mrs. H. H. Hill of Charlotte ar rived here last night to visit her sister, Mrs. T. W. Austin. Miss Mary 1 tut 1 iff has entered tho State Normal at Greensboro. Mr. V. H. Lilcs, Jr., left for Nashville. Tenn., last week to en ler the Vanderbilt University. Mr. Hendricks of G as ton i a sjent yesterday and Sunday liere. Mrs. C. M. Burns, Missess Mae Punlap, Nannie Flake and Lilly Bennett are touring the northern cites this week. Mr.'K. W. (JrifHn and hu sis ter. Miss Mattic of near Monroe, spent several lays of last week witli the family of Mr. J. T. (!aple of (iullcdgc township. Mr. Horace McLendon. after -iending his vacation with his parents at Ansonville, left Thurs day morning for Jamestown and Washington ami on his return will take a bu in ess course at King's Miss (trace Wright who fell and broke her leg over again is I nUSIDs College at Raleigh. improving. Mr. Johnson, the night o rator, ami Miss Brown of Wingate were marriel last elnesilay. HAVE YOU TKIED . -, V E G E L" I I1E The Greatest Hair Tonic on the Market? It prevents falling; hair, cures dandruff and promotes growth of hair. A trial. will convince you. For sale at Kind's Shaving Parlor. THIS SPACE belongs to A. B. CAUDLE T; . T we MISS BECKWITH Mr. E. H. Band, who has been sjiemling sometime with his wife at the home of her parents, Mrs. W II f rI tutnn r f nrnr5llo Mr. talker has move. I i into the . pfl yriiny ut for (ireenville, house formerly occupio.1 by Mr. j t where he will buy cotton Snnes. i ,js .season for Mr. H. O. Alexan- Mri. T. C. lUucoiii of Pulkton;,,or of Charlotte. Mrs. Band will ,nt Saturtlay in Peachlaml. I Join ,im atlcr. Mrs. Iuise Meggs ami Mis, Mr w , McKinnon spent Mattie CaHwell of hitinire, . Sunday at Maxton. C. spent Ut wrek wiUi relative; miss Rltic Mclntyre left for ami inemis in .nson couniy . ,,er ,,omp at McOoIl, S. C, this Mivs Fay Traywick s-nt un-1 mornjlljr aftCr siending several day in mgate with her cousin, j wcoks wilJl Mrs (j s I.edbetter. Miss Nella Tl.ouias. , Mr yA iirnY wcnf to James. Mrs. John Kiker of Ihamoiitl ' town tay. Hill is visiUng herdaughter, MrV. j MUs FrxI')C Flwartlsof Mor- M. I. .Hornc. j vcll js j,crt assisting The Busy Mivs Minnie Allen of Burns C,rncr fortc jn preparing for their ville Uiwnship has entereil I each-! luiincrv owning this week. lam High Jxrhol. . Mrs. W. T. Brasinglou and .Mr. ami .Mrs. v iion naucom He keeps an up-to-date line of Fur niture and House i Furnishings. Pianos, Organs and other Musical In struments. Begs to announce that her display .rooms" of Millinery and Notions are in readiness for you. During heir recent visit to the Northern -Markets she gathered together from leading fashion cen ters the handiwork of the . most skilled designers and fashion crea tors, which she is showing in con junction with clever and.practical ideas from her own trimming room. Knowing she has the very Best Styles of Merchandise obtainable, she merely desires an opportun ity to show you, and' extends to you a cordial invitation to visit her when you come to Jilesville. September 24th, 1907- Gooitils iiir Press a' rlillron ctwnt lavt irnb with r! . rnminal r!aNe that the greatest ' "tc nrancn spent a iew uay KSVS jn Charlotte. lirmm i th greatest mercy) which ran I !on. It juror' luly tiKr rarefully tleir lut.v t rform it to the ecluion of lutie- which lie elew here ami tlwn llw majesty of tlnr law will l up- Mr. M. C Traywick. Jobcs Creek. The recent heavy rains and wind have wrought considerable damage to the eotton in this sec- ami it -iwrr towanl leni-! ! wing to the rapitlity with i -.. , i i u hkh it oueneil ami the .scarcity urn i .i i .i . i ui namis mere was a grrai t : l. the bright u ,u 'JC Miv Mae (rd. vung woman wm wa with the rerentatie from the State Uffnl of Agriculture when the Karmers Institutes were held in tin county la.t summer, ami told well afut houhoIl nork. has gu to her home in (. nada axnl w ill l marrteil .soon to a newsirr man. If Mi. Card can manage affair in a ItouehoM as well as le can tell aUuit Imw it houll (iomf. ami we hate no double thl lve can. ler will le a mbl )MjNhkl. .Monn Kmiuircr. Vi, ami we t enlure to say that a nore deferring 'rson. if thi nntr man is true to hi ex- sited calling. nniM liae won this! Ixts for Sale Anson . . . . . . ! it HNi. l lillif tousekeeir. Nmu wir nwunnKf vo. Mr. ami Mrs. John Y. liriggs of Qiestertiekl were visiting at Mr. Peter (Jriggs last week. Srr.v U refiort Mr. Pleasant Vaugn real sick at this writing. !Io for him a sjeed.v recovery. Mr. II. S. inkton will conduct erice.s at New !Iow church next Sunday morning at II o'clock. Miss Cavie iriggs left last week for Littleton, where she will enter the Littleton Female College. Mr. ami Mrs. II. C. (taddy and family visited at Mr. II. W. (iad dy Sunday. Hrt. rew AivertlMneats. folk are v envioti of newjjr iom. Kten tuntr ami fuss if the are given railroad .veN or get an rational free ticket to a church 4ialle. If the average ?rson couH it in his eay ( !) chair for a few week ami listen to the de mand which come to him to abuse ami "ru out nearby every ?r on ami otHcial in tle communilj' ami I inflicted with a demaml to! IxjUish some of the original t- ry which iff alone ever vtx tlen tley wooM mt worry at his a ltrent gtwul fortune. Ami thougl he might apar every day to glide smoothly ilown the priinn mti of dallianre, plucking every Cower in sight ami sipping from everj fountain by the wayside, not j murmur of dissatisfaction wouki ! Iteanl. Keal Ls- (traml Millinery Break - Miss St t!e Cliarlotte OUerver: ymthy extended to Aunt I arne Nation oo account of her having been went to the Washing too Citjr workhouse for violating tle law in assembling a crowd in lle ktreet is wasted, for she is ac customed to thU sort of thing. She Uoesn t mean a particle of Itarm ami it does look a little hard to shut a ladjr up for a little, thing like uu out tl ought to t under stood tliateven in this free country j--ope must olwy tie law ami keep a th grass. ne ObMrrver is exactly right Mr. Nation learned early in her career that tle public could 1 ap pealed lo through tle sensational ami it lias been on this score that l Iuls sought to nuke her fortune. The Anman stands right in line with the movement axnoog Uw pliysiciaasof the town for tle esUbJUhraent of a hospital it this place. There is no reason why Wad en Lo ro ahoukl not hare tL Hasy Corner Ojvning. W. N. Jeans -Never lUnges. Fashionable Millinery Sue Itcckwith, Lilesville. Dress (ioods (ialore Liles ln ilerselling Store, Morven. Buggies ami Wagons Wades )nm I jve Stock Co. Furniture A. Ik Caudle. Four valuable farms for sale. Shoes- -W. J. Huntley. I tank of n adeslwro. New (ioods K. W. Aslcrafv. King's Shaving Parlor Iaml Posted (two). A a sol Visitors la Rotcsoi. Mxtua Cfcirf Mr. J. . Troutnian of the Walesbon Marble ami Granite Finishing Co. was in Maxton Wed nesday. I le had been over to Fay- ettcvillc ami Park ton placing mon uments at Fayetteville for Uie late Ir. Hunter, and at Parkton for the late J. T. Nicholson, brother of our townsman. Mr. . C. Nich- a oison. Miss Fanny Crump of Polk Ion came down Wednesday ami went over lo Ked Springs to enter the . P. College. She was acoomna nictl by her cousin, Mr. C R Ixd lettcr, Jr., now of Virginia, who was on his war to visit home folks at Kcd pnngs. I5ry.ttention is called to the ailvcrtisemcnt of the Wades bo ro Lave Stock Co. They are adrer- tumg Uie famous I lock Hill bug- gics ami wish the public to know that they have sold over ZOO of these with positive guaran tees as to the wheels, yet have not returned a single wheel on account of impefections. Pretty good re cord don't you think 1 "otic. The school committee of White Store township will meet at White Store on Saturday afternoon, Octo ber 12th, for the purpose of elect ing teachers for that township. Ihe Commitete. 1 Mai. T. J. Ingram returned Sunday night from Henderson ville ami Morganton, where he sjnt several days with friends. Mrs. Titos. N. Camp of Powder Springs, (ia., is visiting her broth ers here, Messrs. T. C. ami Fred J. loxc. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Sheek went to Jamestown last night. They will stop over in llaleigli to see their daughters nt the Pnptist Cniversity. Miss Myrtle Aln rHft ms to J Uichmond, Va.. tonight where she will enter the. Woman's Col- 'a . t . . a -It I lege oi that city. he win oe ac coiiiwnieil by her father. Mr. K. W. Ashcraft. Mr. II. R Allen left last night for the northern markets to buy clothing for II. 11. Allen & Co. Mr. Allen is very familiar with his line of business and is well known among the leading clothing linns of the North ami it isexpec til that he will find the bargains if they are there. Messrs. Howard McLartj and Buervtte Andrews of Monroe spent several davs of last week here with friends. i:r.i:es at Primitive Baptist Church. Khlcr W. M., A. G. Mortoi. iiini W hIui lv! win ils will conduct prva hing services at the new Primitive I'mptit thurt h here next Saturday ijiht at h oclk. On the following Sunday, Klder K. K. Lumly of Wilmington will preach at 11 o'clock, and there will le services in the afternoon at J o'clock. notice. tnhtunve 1. Sction VI of the town if Walitjro pruvile: "That no pcr to !hJ) ltire any in tile or horse nn-hitt-heil ujxm tbestreeta or ndewalka of ail town. Any jenou violating thi iw-tioo hall pav a fine of 5.00." The pulIic iherby notified that the frjCotnK or Ji nance will be enforced. Thi the tril day of September, 1907. W. E. Buot-K, Mayor. "tHavc j-ou seen H. H. Cox's line of furniture! Iletter insjiect it before you buy. tf"H0 First American Pencil Tablets at Pec Iec Pharmacy. The best kind. " Largest stock in town at Rock-Bot tom Prices. See him you buy. before Farm For Sale. One hundred and forty-five and one half (14.i) acres of land in Bnrnsville townnhin. situate about four miles north of Polk ton. known a the Home place, and now owned by Mr. W. H Simmons. About nixty-five (6o) acres in cultivation, good new seven-room dwelling house, barn and other neces- ' i , . r 8ary DUiiaing. gooii wawr romeuicuir, with srood pasture land, in good neign twrhooil, daily mail facilities (Polk ton R. F. D. No. 2). excellent school and church conveniences. There is a lar- ain in this excellent farm and country ome. and if von want to buy, apply 3 nick to OHN W. OULLEDOE. Attorney. Wadesloro. N. C. e Valuable Farm For Sale. That valuable farm located 2 uiile from Wadeaboro on the White Store road on which I now live. The tract contains 310 acres of good cotton, corn, and meadow land. Contains plenty of pine nmuer ana is wen waterea. -New dwelling and good outbuildings. Also a smaller tract of land of .V) acre joining the above-mentioned lands. (food farming land with frame and two good springs. For further information write or call on. , J. T. HORNE. 24-4U ' Wadeaboro. NC. Land Posted. All persona are hereby forbidden to bunt, fish or in anjr way trespass on any or my lands in Uuileoge townsnip ana adjoining tne tanas oi j. i. Aim ledge. DrT J. E. Hart, the Ratliff estate and others. "The penalty provided by the law will be dealt to all violators of this notice. This Kept. 24th. 1007. -4t. WILLIAM GULLEDGE. At "House of Quailty" CHAS. J. GATHINGS, R H. GATHINGS and JAS. A. DIXON Arc Hustling for Your Trade. And they've got the goods you want at Gathings Furniture Co. KUTHERFORD ST. PIIOXK NO. 41 Pepartmnieinilt Ds . A Womnnier , Wc show the popular solid col- Kji , as vjiccii, xji vjwij, udi iii, aiia the bright shades of Blue, and of xH course J3iacK is always one oi the i a n c nr-L. ut;bi jcni vi any jcibuii. 1 iiese with our handsome display of onappy jriaia omDinanons are vstarting fall business with a rush. : . i i)ur assortment is variwl anJ complete, starting at I the cheaper grades ami advancing, step by step, until you IiihI a i suitable kind and price. Our most jopular selling fal tries, bring' :i9c, T0e, 7."c and l.CX) for the Uvst sNJge(l Broadcloth. When you buy our-i)4-inch width l.(H the yard Hrxwufeloth you will not have a disapMintment, as it i holds its finish and color jerfectly, and is not the draujmg up kind. ! t u . ' . . ,!, ,'i .Mi J Brillianteen We have Brillianteen in stripes and plaid efFects as well as Green, Navy, White, Brown and Black at 35c, 50c, and 75c. For fast selling we offer a few bolts of 52-inch Black and Navy Brillianteen at 50c. Three yards make a skirt. Waist Flannel Pure every thread Wool Waist Flannels in Large Ro man Stripes, 3'2 inches wide and woven with a twill. The yard 25c. Franklin Tweed The same old price that you paid for this fabric when cot ton was 4c. Have gray only. The yard 25c. ilk.: This is another good silk season. We give you a fully guaranteed one - yard - wide Black Taffeta Silk 'at $1.00. Beautiful Plaids and dolid Colors at 50c, $1.00 and 1. 15. Hats Men's and Boys" Sample Hats in Black, Brown and (iray, TelescoMs and (Al pines, worth from $1.25 to 1.50. All going your clioice for 75c. i Enameled Ware One case Blue Knameled Ware in Milk Pans, Boilers, Mew Kettles and Wash rans priced cheaier than tinware While it lasts each 10c. ',(11! Liles' Underselling Store MORVEN, N. C. i5 '1 lOOCCOSO&OCeOCCCOGOGOOOCOOOSOCOGQSCOOOOGOCCC Do You Want The Best and Cleanest When you buy toilet articles? You will be lect from our new and complete supply of pleased if you se- Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail, and Flesh Brushes and Combs of all kinds. These are bought for service and sell on their merits. Our stock of Fancy Toilet Soaps and Perfumery is the lest we could buy. Come and see the new goods. THE MARTIN DRUG COMPANY PHONE 81. SCHOOL BOOKS The only place in town to get your School Books is at our store In addition to School Books, we kee'i Books of Fiction, and a full line at a new and -complete supply of the ; the State Board of Education has been ft used in the Oraded School also are hen1. X . . . ... I . . o and we desire to say that a new and -complete Books recommended by received. Books to le a line of otherj choice ie of School Supplies. S A full line of Pure Drugs and Fancy Toile Bible how Q 1 t Articles. Q ! in and S Monument x i o Some New and Pretty Post Cards Views of scenes around Vadesboro. Among these is the Confederate THE PEE DEE PHARMACY 6ceccosoocoooooooeocococoosieoorB With Life-Like Moving Pictures Jethro Almond's Famous Bible Shows will exhibit in Wadesboro Six Nights, Beginning Sept. 23 and extending to the 2Sth. Ihis great show is carried in its own private car and has a great many attractions which you will not regret seeing. It is under its own tent, located back of Dr. Bennett's office. Besides the Passion Playi with its life-like moving pictures, will be shown Ten Nights in a Barroom, New York City and the San "rancisco Disaster. i Be sure and see these wonderful age from a scientifical standpoint. attractions, the marvel of the Admission, 15c; children under 10 Years, 10c; Reserved seats 10c Extra. Exhibition begins at 8 p. ra. Good Eatings If bought at the right place cost rib more than inferior goods. 1 . We have a fresh lot of the famous National Bis cuit Co.'s-goods and the name guarantees the quality. 2. We keep fresh supplies of Francis II. Legget's Goods and Li bby's Pickles, Sauces and Preseves. These are standard and are called by name. Bring along your jug and get a gallon of Pure Georgia Syrup. j You get the best when you. buy it from the barrel. 4-. Choice lot of Coffees that sell from 10 'cents im pound and up. j S. A. BUN TON IP R E f3 A R E D OR V a car And AiIl sis& Bach Purchaser lO lRt- r- All Buggies and Wagons Bought From Us! These have advanced from 71-2 to 10 per cent. Knowing it was coming, we contracted ahead for u ui oiuumunn ia6una auu au ouiimino uusfiiw ana iuo iUCK ulli, oi wmch-we have enough to carry us tnrougn tnis season, ana propose to give our customers the benefit of same so save YOUR money by buying Good Goods from one who looks to your interest Call and inspect our complete line1 of uuggica, vaiiiaco, vv auii anu xxctxii ui vciy u est, rip lion. 'Remember our guarantee goes with each sale.- Terms to suit you. WADESBORO . LI1E":3 j j ii Jj V , ; ; : : ' 1 -' ' ' " - " " -- , W. B. KERR manaeer