TFE . W ANSO f JI ee k I y 5)e aj .. -A s p a p r, To Enllghton, T o VOLUME 2. .NUMBER 24. WADESBORO, N. C, NOVEMBER 12, 1907. Another Wonder! AN AUTHOR'S REAL DETECTIVE WORK. N I.U ihll.g-. w ill i.:J: t. k" up Willi art :iui uvw lhi:igSMill come. NW h'phuit. and Noiii lim' we t rli-ul right now. .vou if Caudle has bought a Solid a - fc a r t, . u. I.ili ii U i i n ir il is alio li is. a laci. u ar.t ti r'iii.'i:ilt.'r Car Load of Beds. n,al ,n rns h Us ,,ir ,n li t tMIMMlls otfrrvd. a b'g 1T a ;.i --tT in freight, nod hi lJs will I vti ui lh :! than i. liters ny at the far g;w I r f ulimor from T.":.- to $1.". lKt ll' v..- l-u in rt all our gU. We . O r j:U in- . nt I rrh. 1 1 ry tit .t ? n- mint fr C4 ii ! ! i. t..r AH tJi i l-'l ! I 1- -1 :md :id !-i?t st !.. ft juSM- . ;' i i t iuM.t . irnio H;;,tiTs arc wry Iihk Ii MiMr to lh one v .t.. . iru .ng.'r. l-!s l"tltr arid art' iwttfr. ii. a itiful -m l iir.-. Hi iiv-U Spire. Pro-Brussels s.iuit v, Inr. ii mi I t, !. ' ' or 3ftl -4 lu jiw-U. Il irsts ou 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 to 1MK. viw .u in-M,i -r li:u nr.. I Won't you forget it. I i i Phone 72 A. B. CAUDLE Phone 72 .! tiki!t irN v. ' i r i ti. ' uthlitnl hMti r i-: t a- Itslc tln T of tii :ntiitt'rit '01 in-l to - ti i ;ifi nt'iil tli4:i !iil f'T III- pi 'V I i. I t. Till- '.ir ih-. iin t n liunoittl irl vi. I'f iris l. nir j"lf :ri'r- 1 1 rl.-ili 1 1 ll jro-rtt v iu 1 1 r i'ri"l in lit'r . I i' )! I Nu t'ili:.. r-j-.i i'mtisl uttli ii it ;rit f ;r r- uin ju:Ui'l iv i ;ifi ill farm )ur n:tu- Uv i:jr ! into the inetluxls em p!oiil hy "hurket shojs, anJ oth- r -o-ralleil tinncin! industries hrou'ht forth ill comment ly -ui liuuncier. is an eniliirsement t!iat the South is lnnt on pursuing a flicv rorrstriu li ve aii'l not l.'triH lie lo Iriliinate enti'r pr is-. Tliroulioul the SouthlHiii! the jN.ple will uplift their heart" to I on Thur-lay. th I'lh ilay of NiivcmU'r fr the iMiuntiful hh s-ii.j;s of the enr. st li"4 of i o;n;non t r lut:ip-r i "j,, ; ii t lu l- at N; pri i if rl r tn r. ! m v. ottor . an a'ra' rp. an-l a ill ! l.i r ki t- i si shout lifteetl . er.t-s r Mun.!. i ur manufnr i.irm; -ofiipri.t:iiT eer inr . h of m lu-trv. are as Iimsv they an thi pitnlurt.s ate t-tjiml to yn. All industries in "ti-'rnl c'.;ovti; ontiiui ; n -r 1 1 Iii n-1 tat i-ar- almost uri- t,.ii t. tht tioti atil the j oj i:, iiti.i i- ;! a4Mt! ar.. pro !it.t'"I einp!,it.. Mirvhanls, !.ae hi I protitu' .'' i at. I ...!! t , t!u- ar will lw l'ttt-r ! t ii in iii'Tu.'"". I viNt.'i of i . i" i i p; in hae li!i prevalent. I n est t :ri- of freight rHteii-- t urn t iofi he h.'on ln'ill i. ,,;, i. r a'le ilts-alifa lion pre- i i mi .i oMint of the arbitrary r i j s tf ion Hulfirfruin l!jatiUK--heK hin. r t-m.ui. lnlii;"tiou or Dypipi takt- u K:n' Ivsjwp-ja Tablet aft-r each i:if.l an! ov-r-tne the li.sareeatl -tahjr ' tfouM- It will itnfrovt the HPltite ur il l,c,'s".n .-sojii iy .iinriiu tT'l (' :o. in whu !i th-e ahu--s :ie v tl' r.iilroi. i- opratm' ii'i:i,.n;l tii-' lj t ! . The ;eo want tins r n eti it ion tt"o: tue atl art- think fill for the If t I'lll'tl. Will" 1 1. 1 ti re . I !.. . ith is h'aiorii. h l"llllis f ' I in t r. !..-!. It is r.ii'i.l -ti t.h s to ;1 t sii it le'islali n :ls will pro- t it- ai i-i i ii ( ', s i :es. .( re r::i or letrtsti.ti l.a- l 'i. pro- Genuineness Gives Power. (MlltPM There is nothing which will add so much to one's ower a the con ' scituisness of Iveinir alsolutel.v sin S cere, j:enuin. If rour life in a 1 irjetual lie, if you are conscious ; ti:nt you ure not w hat you pretend j to Ii that you are really a very different jerso:i from what the ..orl l reiranls ou vou are not strong. There is a restraint, n lrpetual tiirhtin against the truth jrintr tn within ytu, a stru L'le which sais your energy ard warps our conduct. If there is mu! at the Itottom of our e.e. you cannot hx.k the world vipiarely in the face. Your isi.m is not near, iwcrvmmi s. es that you are not transjvarent "Hit re is :i (.-loudness, a ha.e nlout our haraclei , whivll raises tin ii.terro-'atioii ttoiui wherever vou I 'harr.cter alone is strength: de ceil is weakness; sham and shoddy are iowerles; only tlie enuin ar:d the true are worth while. M IS'. en jrorr t ites winch fits not !on -ine t i:it. oivrtton tie Nor? I'hat mi es,tl4jiijoii i the "Ri ltte umt liuk't f in t', tan. nnt'itrn. nit. turnnil t'rni are re ! !i"vsl atono with lin-alve CarUtlitM i , Ail ilk. J Iillll 4U1 Hint "Ml u r:i rtt..i est. rn Trv Pn.iV. la-s I,. Martin Dnu I'o The Power Of Money 35S M li I I - t'n it. s: -lower thtl any husinevs ran deptnd on. t !:;.-fr!i '- i: p''ii'ii tt, i inti.t aceomplisli any it r als. for t:..- pe.-M !. i i i ireful iniestment of it to it i--: '.'hi'ii'v i:iterss. :.t i.-'ie i- where eer i.4t- I'l'l'l and corporal ion U ii,.- t.,-sl ,.r i stru tl.v up to la..- inuk to aid i:i linnncin erter pi iv. a .iV Isin ih.' meth-ls .-, such as to make 'tanking ic,. .if ts ..f tK,- utmost valu.. the llar.'.i of NYa.lesUito has lon l :i i '.i .sl ai. the lnst in the l ate. THE BANK OF WADESBORO te Sterling Silverware In su fi.r the tah'e and mtn.v lilte' o-M piecis that make ad i:urah!e irn'ts. I hve the Uvst jrrnde of orxJs anil the prices arr as lofis ytHl can p-rssihty tint! elsewhere, quality ami weight it si.Iersl. I miII these gumls in larp ijuantities ami buiir.i: tli.-tn m. 1 am able -to make the lowest jtossibl prices. I sjrurante' Uith th utwtds ami the prices. R. L. Bowman, Thc Jeweler lOrlclrI ) I aju a writer of detective stories. My rurk ha Mtpf-etl my ennrtdence la flrcumitantJil evidence, for there U no cae, however utrou, ntrft!n-t ao ac cusj pemou that I caouot framo a tronj a theory f.r the defeat. Hav Ing tuade this stateruent V a frleod arh. la ..M..l.l I .. -.-( form, he told me that he bad neeii a woman whom he lelieved to le luno- tent nervlnic a life tntenre f-r havlaj polsooed her hu-bamL lie akel lue to rlslt ber aod tf I rame awy with the a me opinion a himself to Interest mr vlf la her behalf. I eoiiMnted. I found Mr. Julia IUiikIuiuI a prrtty woman if thirty. I had a lone i-ouver aatloii with her. not with a view to learning of tier j;uHt or lnnocuef from her arc time nt. Init to make up my mind upou the hUber plane of lutul tlou. It ilkl not fvm to inc to be ps Ible for a refliesl perwiu a.i Mt. Itlag laud was. If cullty of a frightful crime to appear to me to 1? Innocent. After a loiif iiirrr.itlou I left ber erfectl.r ore that he wai tiring punlshetl for a Clime she hud not eonitnltted. This coneluoii had nothlnjc to do with any appI whatever lo my reason. This Is - synopsis of her ease; Stw ranrrlt-tl Peter IlliiKlMiid. a man twenty years older than herself, a stingy, crusty note sharer of the olden type. Rlnjcland. never In cod health, at la.t gradually icauk"iiway and died. What he died of no oue knew, fur he was too mean to have a doctor. He was burled, ami hU wife proceeded to tiike posses sion of his estate. One day Krnest A. Parsons received at his club through the mall a note aljrned Julia Klnalsnd. of whom he had uever'heard. In It she admitted that she loved him. but would not per mit him to be near her so loug an her hosband lived. The note ended with the alnele word Walt." It hapjned that there was another Pannius lu the dub. lid ward A. Par sons. The note had been addre?wel to C A. I'arsous aud had fallen Into the wnmj hands. The Parons who re celled It talkctl about It. IU existence rearheil the ran of Peter Itlngland's relatives, and they accused the widow of builiuc poisoned her husband. The i bodv was exhumisj. the stomach ana lyzed and anscnlc fonnd In uutllclent ouantlty to kill several men. The note and the arsenic were the maiu points on which the prosecuting attorney ae cureil a conviction. My proving Mrs. Illngland'a luno cence deluded solely upon one ioint her husband must have taken ar senk- without the knowledge of any one else. The attorney for the defense had taken this position, but could ad duce uo proof that Rtngland had ever bought a grain of arsenic lu his life II had Investigated every drufc store tn the suhurltan town In which Itlng land had lived, but not one had ever sold the drug to the decease I. One dsy a osslble solution to the problem occurred to me. Rlngland was m atlngy that he might have Uught the drug wholesale. The theory was certainly farfetched, but I determined to Inveetlxate the wholesale druggists thoroughly. There were five of theui In the city. I went to all of them aud asked If they bad had any account with Peter Itlngland. Not one of them had ever had such au account on Its book. Itcddea, tbey would not have sold the goods to auy one ut In the drug business, certainly not at the wholesale price. Since I had made up my tnlnd that provtnjr Itlngland's pur chase of the drug himself was the only ioslhle way of establishing his wid ow's innocence. I determined to push further In ray Investigations. Was It not jiosslble that Itlngland bad hud the drug seut to him under an assume! name? I requested every wholesale drug atore In tht city to make up a state ment of all the arsenic It had sold In the town where Itlngland had lived within two years prior to his death. There were a number of quautltlea of arsenic on one of the statements that had been billed to the Rldgewood pharmacy. The Items arrested my at tention, for the articles were all arsenic. I Inquired for the Rldgewood pharmacy and was told that It did not exist and never had existed. Then I knew 1 had found what I had been hunting for. I atlll had to produce proof that Itlngland had received the goods. I had the matter hunted up at the ex press 21ce and found receipts for package signed "The Rldgewood Phar macy, per P. R.. In Peter Rlngland's Land writing. The date of shipment aud the receipts accorded exactly. Armed with this erldeiice. the lawyer who had defended Mrs. RIngland In court, working with me, secured a pardon for her, the only means availa ble of doing her Justice, or, rather, of getting ber -out ef prison. There are no words or phrases capable of ex pressing her ftratltude to me. Once out of prison. Mr. RIngland went to work to discover a reason for her husband's taking arsenic and learn ed that many years before, when much run down In health. It had been recom mended to him. Later, when in the same condition, he had prescribed It to himself. From tho time of the accuslag of Mrs. RIngland. Edward Parsons kept la the background, there being noth ing be could do bat deny amy knowl edge of any evil Intent on the part of the accused. Her life was a bitter one till I brought forth the evidence that Indicated the lady. A year after the pardon he married her. This convinc ed the tongue wagger that after all she was guilty, and Mr. and Mrs. Par sons left the country to take up their 4re side nee la South America. F.DWARD 8. SPINNEY. PV Yoif Bills. I These Hustling Americans. (Exchange) At a reccnt Pterins in Balti- . more two men from different sec- ray your bills! This is not a tiona of the country were discussing preachment, but a business neces- ine capabilities of '-nervous, restless sity, and too much attention can- American?" for being most slow and net or- uiio-icu wo unuirpa,.. ueii Derate, i fie Jiarvlander claimed ine editor ot the icatenworm the palm for slowness for the in- btandani recently wrote an inter- habitants of the Eastern Shore of newirg story which llustrates mis his state. ' suojeci. u iouows: "it ,s a saving hereabouts," said A well-known business man he, "that if oysters had been cre- nnneu us irxiay wun: ated with legs the people of the Gome here, I want to inter- Eastern Shore would all have starv- view you. ed to death." J he idea of a merchant inter- '-The folks around Mount Monad- viewinff ft newspaper man was so nock have a saving that beats call was answered old that the right away ,i in.. . , ..i . A-i . anil cu lie 1 1; nisi What made you put that article observed that if vou were to give daughter Mrs F in the paper headed, "Pay Your Hiram Higgins fortv vards start " Hills C he asked. stock still would catch him!" Har Because,' we replied it ap- per's Weekly. oeared to the proper thintf to lo.' 'Well, said he, vou are right; it was the proper thing to do. Now let me tell you that I hare been in business here for several years. ami lefore in other places, too, and I believe I know what I am talking about when I say that if everybody would pay the bills he j yours," remarked a Vermont man. frs Of one man up there it used to be arrived here last we Dr. Hoy M. Hi Leon HIaisdell, the Thursday in Chariot A Verbal Puzzle. " 'Lieutenant colonel is probably the worst verbal puzzle that con fronts the child, savs a writer. "Our pronunciation is a heritage Beachum of Polkton. coronel which represented the Spanish form, wherein the. change atti 2- t a,. T., oi i io r wa3 linguistically nat- Mr Samuel T, Thom of owes to his neighbors once in urai, tnougn popular etymology Burnsville township has jrone to thirty days, or upon presentation, wrongly connected the word with Atlanta to resume his position as there would be very little of what 'corona a crown. It is really from Jav clerk in a laro-e hotel of that : .. l ll i : i I (.umy.KUia uuiwuciitt Htt villi: utxu the first company of an infantry He v. Chas. II. Fetter, rector regiment, the little column which of the Episcopal churches at Ham- the 'colonel' led. In the seven- let, Kockingham and Launnburg, teenth century 'colonel' had three spent Wednesday and Thursday month, and thc tune it makes, as syllables, as in Milton s line 'captain here with friends we say when we talk of race- or colonel, or knight in arms, but horses, would surprise the man n Johnson's time the common pro- iici iictci ill caiiKUiATVJ. i uihi urti --- v' io ii. 41; 1 . gi-t . 1 " I I i 1 1 1 1 if Kili-cn tti k ( 1 f 1- il' Inn- iinr cull yj 1 ioouiuci yii.v. jo Lv.niinij the public school at Polkton, hav- a 1 a 1 TT Cil in? Dcun 11 lasi week, iier iain k. a s . mm we call hatxl times." Ihe man who owes a dollar and has got it to pay, but hanges to it, prerents the payment of a great many debts. The journey that a dollar travels the first week of the Jl $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Sflts t fr ship- KfllVL lid M ml n F Uns I i - ! L 1 I 14 il L-4i ( iivi uviici a L Ki ' JJ 1-1 f T Stcif J suuuly all MX LZ FT LlmLV c i"ht r iamm BS . - rs T S S Mil I I II I T ITT I M1 in every respect. We Y '?f& ?jfli 1 11 you a real stylish i, ' 'ryf-- ll .rentleiban's hat f,, ' 'rli4M&i" W .00, and ta., the ' : ' I W T " V prices range u; tome 1 ,, v ; i , n;,, U-p 1 fcq ; - higher grade of stand- lvU l. V$,U : ' JL ardheadwear. : ; , H Mr. ,J. K. Hill visited the .la sition last week. Miss ora Bruton went Concord Friday night to visit home folks, returning yesterday. Mr. J. M. Griffin has pur- t 1.1 . 1 .1 from the sixteenth centurv anellino- Cliaseu tlie StOCK or gOOcls recently .r.i -i,;,i, i advertised in this paper by Mr Miss I 1 A uaujjnier Gertrude -Honeycutt, of Hcv. W. V. Honey- Vou know our rule when it conies to making the prices right. . II. B. Allen & Co. a dollar once and kept track of it a few days, requesting each man to keep a record of it when it was received by him, and to whom paid. Before it disappeared. alniut the end of tiie first week of Boys' Four Seasons. "Snrinfr. snnimnr. autumn nnri winlor tlmcn oro tl.o fv coicnno I CI" W8S OllCC On the rOlKtOIl CM' w-y & IIIV A Vr C A. U V.U-JC A-L O I t the man cms IViom 99 coirl o ICUil. schoolteacher a few davs ago. '"The t.. arwl T -c 1 W I loth- ..... " - - . - . a x i dun ii i 5 . r ' Tt. in i ii the month, it had paid between boy has another way of dividing the cock soent Thursday in Charlotte, twenty-five and thirty dollars in -vear however, and when he does M Hathcock went to attend the debts. Not long ago I presented not watch the seasons of his year on Southern- Cotton Spinners' As a bill of about forty dollars to a calendar above his desk he never sociation ()thers from herc who man abundantly able, to pay it. ne u- aivision is mar- attondptl thb Infietinr were Messrs. 1 L-now l. ha.l ih m.inAv Kut I hies, ball, shinney and skating. Mar-1 1.- v.. w 'v !....., he lookeil scared and said l'I can't f1?? comc m placeof spring baso- collect my bills, and so I can't 1,n gul"'ner, sninney in tne tail His many friends in this ana sKaung in the winter, lou can Lnntr will iloonlr vninntlivp tell what season it is by watcliing fr. T. K -finAdman of Polk- a group of boys at play just as well ton on acCount of the condition of. aa by an almanac. Kansas City Mrs. Goodman's mind, due to the ar. r-rnl nffnrtf o n niMnnltnof inn llldJiai c 1 1 c c L.i j i a uuiupi ivauuii jf diseases from which she has Squaring the Circle. suttered during the past year, hhe Wire Fencing pay you now; wait awhile." Now, that forty dollars belonged to me, but he had it in his posession, and of course I could not take it away from him. If he had paid it to me, as he ought to have done, I should have paid it out almost immediately, and the chances are The oldest mathematical book in first went to the hospital in Char- that it would have kept going, apd the world, wliich dates some 4,000 lotte but did not receive benefical by this time would have iaid ten years back and which was written in treatment and from the continued times its value in debts. Egypt, contains a rule for sauaring suffering, her mind has becme " "i'ou are right,' he continued, the circle. The rule given is to short- partially unbalanced and she was 'when you said that if everybody en thediamcter by a ninth, and on carried to Morganton a few days will nay his bills next week, in the line so obtained to construct a aero, where it is thought that sue three months time business will I square. And this, though far from will speedily recover. he good and money plentiful, being eiact, is near enough for most We can make courage and confi- practical purposes. Mathematicians dence if we will. Some men who have long been convinced that the are chronic dead-beats put on a solution was impossible, but it is great deal of style. I could point only in recent years that they were you oat a man who dashes op and able to demonstrate this. A Ger- down Delewarc Street behind a man professor named Landmann Place no w wire ing your for fenc 5 io oe . i d e live re d 3 &'"TT!ffr a ii u ii ii L' u i From Mail Order Houses. (Merchants Journal.) story is A rather amusing told on a man wao went into a hard ware store of a neighboring town hired fast horse, and his creditors published in 1882 a demonstration, t 3u ' ' , are thicker than bees. He stands which was accepted by the scien- l1: rr ..:i ..... .c u , says an Ohio paper. - lieing shown nUHU H9 Sd LlfcllC LUI V . them off and rides, while they have to take wind and walk. He is "'kiting' now, but ho is sure to come down to dishonor and dis rrace. iet Phrenology. Science by its anatomical spokes- every honest man nien has long since exploded the at- who can do it square up with his tractive but fallacious creed of the neighbors to whom he owes a few phrenologist. It is now well known dollars, and times will ease up at that no cranium, 'not even that once. There is a plenty of money, which inclosed the mighty intellect plenty of produce, and plenty of ot Sophocles, reveals on its outer everything except honesty and aspect any certain signs of the cere courage. Honesty and courage bral development within it. The will restore confidence. The croak- nruter table alone expresses in it er, whether it be a newspaper man or business man, will soon quit his croaking, and nobody will remain with a woeful tale about hard times except the professional dead-beat, who is always looking for an excuse for dishonesty. Now, Mr. Merchant, remove the excuse for dishonesty by rating ! these ' dead-beats." Keep each other well informed, You de form the characters of its tioa. London Lancet. evoltt- Carriare and Wagon Industry in the .State. a A census bulletin just issued shows that the carriage and wagon manufacturing industry increased to a greater extent in North Carolina than in any other State in the Union during the serve no consideration if you al- years 1900-05. Only hve States low more than one of these pro- shows an increase of more than a fessionals to get in debt to more million dollars in this business and than one merchant in your com- North Carolina led with llh.J per raunity. This evil can only be cent. In 1900 there were 157 of corected , by co-operation and or- these establishments in North Car- janization. ohna, having $860,683 inyested in capital and they turned out pro ducts to the value of $1,055,292. In 1905 the number of factories had decreased to 125, but the cap PeririlBf Batits. (Exchange) For the Girls: Could you love ital stock had increased to $2,010,- a man who wore false hair on his 457, and the value of the products lead when he had enough of his reached a total of $2,304,065. The own; who paints his face and irn- manufacture of family and pleasure proves his form as you lraprove(f) carnages is Jargely responsible for yours; who pinches his feet with the increased Jigures, which the small shoes, his hands with small government has furnished. In gloves, his waist with corsets, 1 1900 there were 9,447 of these and then as if he had not been carriages manufactured in the leformed enough, ties a huge State at the value of $498,953 says an Uhio pape the article anil informed that the price was $1.15, he said: "Why, 1 can -get that same kind of an axe from a mail-order house for 90 cent-?." "Very well," said the hardware man, "I will give it to you for the same price provided j that you will do the same uith me ; as you would with them." "Ail ' right," replied the customer rs he. j handed over a dollar bill, tiie mer-; chantgiving him back ten cents in j change. "Now," said the hard-! ware man, "I want 25 cents more! to pay express charges," which the J nurchaser gave him. "How much 1 when you "need it, and not take chances at paying an advanced price which is most sure to come, from present indication. Your old HARDWARE man, ' At the same old stand, Near the Court House, to welcome you, With a full line of hardware And the price cut almost in two. B. G. COVINGTON did your axe cost you 4Om dollar and fifteen cents," thc man i answered. "Very good; now give j me the five cents more for money T ; order fees and postage," which the purchaser had to hand over. "Now, how much did your axe cost you?" 'One dollar and twen ty cents," said the customer. "Not so cheap after all," said the mer chant whereupon he picked up the axe, tossed it back on the shell and told the customer to call for it in ten days, as that w ould be as soon as he could get it if he had ordered it from the mail-order house. lamps, tlandpainted China, Cut Glass When you come and see our stock, your troubles in selecting, presents for yourself or your friends are about over. In our line of fancy lamps, leautiful handpainted China and .Japanese ware and cut glass, you will find many articles to please; some thing of service and lovliness combined. Our prices on specialties always less than elsewhere. THE MARTIN DRUG COMPANY PHONE 81. EARLE W. MARTIN, Manager. bustle to his back? For thc B03-S: Could you love a girl who defiles her mouth with with tobacco and loaded the air with fumes of cigarettes and cigars; who staggered home sev eral times a week the worse for liquor: who bets high at cards and horse races, and swaggers around the streets with questionable com panions? Notice B. S. G. U. The district council of the B. S. G. U. will convene with the Union Grove Ixb?e December 7th. 1907, 9 miles south of Wadenboro. At thia time the Lodge will celebrate ita anniversary and an able program haa been provided with abl apeechea. to which the public gen erally i invito. L. C. Philips, Sec y. Messrs. Braxton Phifer, Kis den Covington, of Union county; Devotion Davis and Prnette Col lins of Deep Springs and White Store, respectively, entered the IVachland High School last week. Summer coughe and colds yield at ice to Beee Laxative Cough syrup Contains honey and tar but no opiatea irrnp. Children like it. Pleasant to take. Ita laxative qualitiee recommend it to moth era. Hoarseness, congha, croup yield quickly. Sold by Martin Drug Co. The Monroe Enquirer reports snow in thc northern part of Union county, last Wednelay. Headache and constipation disappear when Rings Little Liter Pills are used. They keen the system clean, the stomach sweet. Taken occasionally they keep you well. . They are for the entire fam ily Sold br Martin Drug Co. while in 1905 the number had in creased to 125,157 and the value of the year's output was $1,302,259. To use an expression of thc official at the census bureau, the people of North Carolina must be doing a lot of riding. Notice. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at my residence in Stanly county on Tuesday, Novemter 26tb, beginning at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following personal property: 400 bushels corn, 100 bushels wheat, 3 mules. 4 cows, 5 sheep, 4 wagons, 5 grain drills, grain binder, harrows, mowing machine, rakes," plows, fodder, shucks, hay, surry, bedsteads, chairs, and a lot general merchandise, hardware, etc. W. H. BIVENS. Mr. Mercer, night operator at Polkton, has moved to Peach land where he expects a similar position. Or Or li Ml ! if 1 w Good Business. (Exchange.) The stationery printed at this office is giving the best of satis faction. Last week we printed one thousand statements for a man, and by their aid he collected a small fortune. Two months ago a man bought of us some note pa per and envelopes to use when writing to his sweet heart, and now he is married. Another young man forged a name, on a check printed at this office, and is in the penitentiary. Another young mon ctlra cAina if rt lionoi' tn i make cigarettes with he is dead. A young lady bought some of our naner to curl her hair on. ".ni now she has a beau. (We only have a few packages of this kind in stock.) By using our stationery a person can collect old accounts, tell fortunes, make rain, change the color of the hair, have the teeth extracted without pain, find out the name of the future hus band or wife, be successful in bus iness, triumph over enemies, and get elected to office. Give us a call. Tar Heel exhibitors at the Jamestown Exposition won 26 gold medals jmdjnearly 100 silver and bronze medals for the best ex hibits, most of them being in the manufacturing department. ate&t (et&tttfr&t t.teitf tztt til Ui lit (to uyhfg- Better Is what the times demand. It takes more now and therefore use more care in buying your goods. Here are four real bargains: The best Safe made from $2.50 to 6.50 The best Bed Spring on the Market today for $3.25 One Good Church Organ, no cheap machine for $45 One $35 Side Board, a thing of beauty, for $25 I have the goods and if you are in the market, we'll trade. ' PHONE H. H. COX 145 m m ; m . m m r m m m m m m a a m m m m MOTTO: Small Profits Make Quick Sales. c

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