THE A IN SO IN I A IN, DEC 3, 1907. The Ansonian W. C. BIVCNS. fin lrrl mA codUa nittr July 3 IPM, at lb rwrtoffc at Wa.Wbnco. N C . tmW th Aft of Coo rrtwi of March a. 79. TUESDAY. DEC. 3. 1907 At a hijrh school in an adjoin ing county last wk, a teacher who has an envied reputation for n forcing sensible rules in his M-hooI. deemed it nw&sarj to ad minister corporal punbement to a outh of about seventeen summers Next day the father, in comjny with said youth, visited the teacher ami proceeded to double team on him. invinj: him a severe whipping. When they had finish si. the teacher had two black eyes, x bruiseil face and three loose teeth. From all accounts, the teacher was justified in punishing the boy. It is none of our busi ness ho the matter is finally set tled, but one caunot help thinking what a fine opportunity there is for that son to excel his parent! liomraenting along the line, Kdi ton (irren of Our Home, makes the following sensible suggestion: If your bv gets punished at school it might I well to give him another dose to taj-er off on when he gets home. If you don't whip him again, but on the other liand you get in deep trouble U- ause your Ivy has leMi whipped, go off and commit suicide if you reel like it. but whatever you do don't take up for that boy. It would be letter to send him to a good orjlianage a.slum than to tae up for him and thereby en tourage him in his relelion and dtvtdience. Some Boll Urcesy FrlUy nignt. With what looks like a prcmed itated determination to break right into the penitentiary, two negroe engaged in some midnight worl Friday that will probably UU them there about as soon as t. court can convene and go through the necessary preliminaries. The negroes figuring were Tom Hun tley, a home darky, and one George Franklin, alias Kid I at terson, of uncertain habitation. They hired Jim Crawford's two horse wagon and mules, telling him that they would give him $-? for it for two hours and furthei stating that Mr. Sheek wanted "n in order to get some whiskey mov ed and moved at once as the reve nues were coming. They went directly to the cotton field of Mes srs. I. I). Kobinson and J. J. Sul livan where a lot of cotton had been left. They put on something likr H00 or 1500 pounds and the Franklin negro drove it to Cheraw, S. C put Tut L'ntori county officers might have cast their nets with o rvults last Wednesday niiht Lad they Iwjird-sl th crowded smoking car of the train going south. Fully two-thirds of the .mwn-jers in that car, from all p I a ranees, were carrying more than the prr rils amount of whiskey-, but nowhere did a guar dian of the .law appear to molest their hilarity or make them afraid. From the way certain men of that good county sat up and talk ed about Anson a few months ago, we were a little surprised to find such laxness in the enforcement of that much beloved law. Here's hoping anu ineving mai our officers will do more for the en forcement of the law which goes rtn effect in this county on .Ian nary 1st. .'. .none a Hifb School Honor Roll. Another month has passed in our school work and wc find that not nly has our enrollment increased hut our Honor Koll has increased more ra pa idly- than the enrollment. We are glad to note this for it in dicates that our pupils are doing letter work as time passes. A i.umlrr have lxen kept off the Honor Koll this month on account of ling trady or alwnt. We hope that a great deal of this can l overcome by another month. We hae Uvn execting a mi ply of desks for one of our de partments for several weeks but they have not arrived yet. The next improvement to be made is a new school building. "Hie plans have not been ierfect ed for securing this yet, but it is unucrsiooti mat u w in no a nice one, co-sting several thousand dollars, Nt one can fail to see the necessity for this improve ment if they will just visit our preent school building. There is not a letter location in Anson county for a good school than Morten, and you may le sure that the xple of this town are not going to let the opportunity lavs by without taking advantage of it. ntor inMi; Kni.i. loth (irade. Hester Iunu. 'Jlh (trade: Mary Niven, Mary W ochlburn. May McQueen, Iosye .lohnson. lisposing of the cotton he the mules in Pegues's stables and phoned to Crawford, telling him where to find them. Inis information and suspicions led to the arrest of Tom Huntley as ac complice and Mr. Zeke Iwis, Morveo's intrepid officer, was sent for the other negro, who had pro bably planned the entire job. He was arrested in Cheraw and the wagon with Mr. Kobinson's cotton sheets was found. Franklin, how ever, drew his gun and attempted to get away. Mr. Iewis landed Franklin in jail last night. The negro denied knowing anything alxut the cot tou but admitted driving the wag on, claiming that it contained whiskeyv It is thought here that he is also wanted for stealing a gun in Monroe and for doing the highway robber stunt in Cheraw recently. Caurch notes. The Methodist congregation were pleased to have with them Sunday night, Kev. Frank Siler. now presiding elder of the Char lotte district. He preached ii very able sermon and much inter est was taken in the service. - Kev. J. H. West, the new pas tor, will arrive here tomorrow and will preach his first sermon next Sunday. He will receive a cordial welcome by the cople of Wndcs I ro. Kev. K. M. Mnnn filled his regu lar Sunday morning appointment at Lilesviile ami was with his con gregation here at niglit. He is quite xpiilar. not only among the I'resby tcriau-, but on account of his charming personality ami prac tical sense, he is held in the highest esteem here by all who know him. Kci. T. W. Chamblks ,,f the flautist church, preached h two good congregations at the l.orne hurch Sunday and ndd dressed Ijoth of the mission Sunday schools. He is very enthusiastic regarding all church work ami es jccially so in the Sunday school. Sometime ago he asked for 10 pupils in each of the mission schools and Sunday there was present at the silk mill, 104 and nt the cotton mill, 12-5. In the main school the attendance was 10. The Haptist congregation was delighted to have Miss Hilda (iehrken of Augusta, (ia., the guest of Mrs. W. C. Via, as or ganist at both the morning and evening service. Her skill with the pi-ie organ was easily recog nized and appreciated by those present. Morveo news. Thanksgiving has passed and one, leaving everj one seeming ly happyand well contented that nothing of an unpleasant naiure occurred in oua. little town on that day. Quite a number of the voung folks went to other towns ind some to the country for the lay ami all report a jolly time. Messrs. K. H. Moore of A. & M. college and Cifford Moore of Jharlotte sjent a part of last week with the formers parents here. Miss Kosa Williams and Mrs. 'J. H. Martin and little daughter Fannie, of Polkton spent Sunday here t lie guests of Mrs. I. A. Liles. Miss Carrie V. May is still right sick with muscular rheuma tism. There is a move on foot to have the three churches here con solidate their powers and get ujp a Christmas tree and "Try tisuake the children happy just as happy as can be by hanging lots presents on the Christmas tree." Mr. Karnest Steele of Anson ville spent last week with friends here. About one hundred bales of cotton were weighed here Satur day. Mrs. l)r. Kss spent Sunday night with friends here. Kev. J. H. Moore will move his family to S. C. soon. The M. K. Congregation pound ed their new pastor, Kev. McGee Monday night. Miss Lillian Liles of Society Hill S. ('. is visiting friends here. Polkton News. Our new paitor, Kev. L. T. Cor- dell. ami family arrived lat Friday. We extend to "them a hearty wel oune to our pro;H?roiii little town. Mr. T. K. O'Xeal lost a valuable milch cow lat week. Mi-e Kuth Marh and Gertrude j MK-k of Marshville MXMit Thanks If sK i ff v rP I i 1 l'ivii.l-oav at .Mr. it. i. ieaenuin s. Mis Klmire Lilly is right sick, we ar rry to learn. The oyter supiHT at the M'hool-hoiiM- la-t Th u rx lay night was car ried out wry nicely, ami even one eiijove! the K:easion wry much. Mrs. Mittie Thaxtoh i'k visiting relative in Keklnghaiii. Ytr. Ferree of Caroleen, after .sjK'iiding sometime here with her Mn. Mr. John Ferree, returnel to her home la.-t week. Mr. Jitsse Bryant moved his mother and fisfer here Monday. They are iKvupying the house re eently vacated by Nlr. I Sonnet t. Kev. A. L. Ayeoek and familv of China Grow .sjHnt lat week here with Mrs. A cock's parents. Mr. ami Mi. I). L iHraehum. Tbe Majic No. 3. Number tbre? is a wonderful uiasjiot for Oeo. H. Parri. Ceder drove. Me., according to a letter wLith reads: "After BnfferiEK much -Jrtth liver and kidney trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged bv the failure to mid re lief, I tried fiecric BitttTH. and an a reult I am a well uiau today. The fiit bottle relieved and tLree bttle completed the cure. Guaranteed beet remedy for stomach, liver and kidney trouMeft. by Parson Drug Co. 50c. Huy a lot on easy terms next Thursday. Anson Keal Estate & Insurance Co. A Ring's Dynpepsia Tablet after each meal overcomes indigestion, dyspej-wia and otbef stomaehe ills. Two days trial free. Auk onr dealer. Sold by Martin Drug Co. .0 Ye BecSpDes off Economy And Ye Apostles off Fas To you these lines are addressed and they mean much, MOOT) Don't forget the bi? auction sale of lots begins promptly at 10 a. m. Take n carriage at the square. aara King's Little Liver Pills wake up lary livers, clean the system and clear the skin. Try thein" for biliousness and sick headache. IMce 25c Sold by Martin Drug Co. Hi Hi. Business Locals Advertisements under this head ing will be inserted for ." cents ;i line for the first insertion and 3 cents a line for each suliequent insertion. FOB SALE The building known .as the Boy's Dormitory and the lot ou which it is located are for sale. Apply to Dr. W. J. McLendon, Chairman Board of Trustees. 28 PHOTOS F0H 2 5 CENTS 4 different positions. This is your chance to secure Holiday Photographs, we make all sires at all prices. Family Groups a specialty, for a few weeks only, keep your eye on t lie paper tor the bast Dav Gem I'hoto. Co. over Covinton's Hardware Store next to Court House. Hit t w Boys9 Suits Mothers, bring us your bojs and "vice versa" for we have many clever things to make your acquaintance. It will be in teresting and profitable, it matters not what kind of clothes you wish to buy or what price you wish to Day just come to us and follow the prescription and you will be well and stylishly clad for the money spent. We furnish sizes from age 3 to 17 in knee pants suits at the suit 75c, $1.00, 1.25, 140, 1.50, 175, 1.90, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50 and 4.00. In this lot you find School suits and finer goods for dress in Casi meres, kerseys and worsteds aud a special lot hard finished suits that wear so well. Long Pants Suits We look well after the young man with the downy upper lip (age 15 to 20) and can give him a cheap school suit or a gar ment filled with Sunday snap. They come in double and sin gle breasted coats in medium and dark colors. Prices $2.00, 2.50, ,3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.25 5,00 and .0.00. Willinery We can fill your December millinery dream. The reason oth ers come and are satisfied is a strong rc'ason why you houKl allow us the pleasure of showing you through. Trying on is free. Hats from 50c up to $5.00. (iirls caps 15c up to 50c. Fascinators Big line knit wear ns Hoods, Squares, Shawls and Fascinators at 15c, 25c, 50c, t5c, 75c, and $1.00. and 1.25. Cloves We can furnish them and save you motiev. Underselling Store, STRAYED A tointr bird dog, Friilay. November 2'Jth; last seen on Morveu rtal lie t ween Dr. Rjyett's and Wades- boro: is yellow in rolor, has very lon t:iil with white tip; feet ami legs party white; white spot and streak on top of neck; goes bv name of "Sam" Suitable reward for recovery. Infor mation furnished at this office or W. 13. Hancock. Polkton. R. F. D. No. 2. ANY YOUNG LADY Who desires an edncatition and who is really without means with which to pay for it mav write to J. M. Rhodes. - Littleton, N. C. HOUSEKEEPERS -Phone the City Res taurant your wants. 'Nice fruits al wavs on hand: fresh oysters, fish and bird always kept in' stock and deliv ered. DO YOU USE MACHINERY? Mr. John Allred is located at the plant of the Wood and Iron Work and is ready to do all kinds of reparing for any kind of machine yon may have. If not con venient to bring your work to his shop, notify him and he will go to your place and tlo the work. He is here with '27 years' experience and you will do well to see hira for anything in his line. Peacnlaol News. County Affairs. The Countv Ctimmiiiticr held their ivguhr monthly meeting e tcnlay. The Hrt husiuor to Ik transacted was the inducting into office of Mr. T. F. .lone, who wa ajointel lat week Clerkxof Court IIohin.Min iiimuilijtelv uj.mii the resignation of Mr. J. A. Hardi m. I hi motion of Mr. J. T. Wthh. Mr. Jones wa- ehi tel chair man of the hoard, which Nsitioti was held hy Mr. Hanli.-oti. A nuinl'cr f crtis werealiow el to list proivrty, having failed to do so at the regular time. A large iiumU'r were aI- relieve I of dou ble taxes and from oll tax. then apicarinrr sufficient re;i-n to justi fy mcli actions. Wincy UndrayV allowance wa incrcascil from 1 1.0" jn.r month to t?1.5t. Mi. Ann (iullele of (iullctlue towthin was admitted to the home th (iraile; Mary Thomas I Van. fr t!c vd and intirin. The clerk "th (trade; Hlanchard Moore, Joso Funk, (icore Martin, Jn- rtt McQueen. Uh (Jnule; Ottie Holt. Fan ny (tricar. .Vi (irmile: Frnl Niven. 2nd (irade; Annie lc Funk, I.uctle Thorn.. lit (tnule; Sherwo! Cox, Ifcty moot atL. lD Hok kntJ. Oih (tnklc: lierth Holt, Funk. Mh (inule: Kvelyn Melton, M0' (frirc, Irene Lson bth dnuie; incent Pratt and .Johnie Johason. 5th (trade; Katie Melton 4 th (trade; hmma lUtcliffe, Christine lUtcIifle, Armond IUt- chfle, ilharn Cox, Iitch Niven, 1tu1 lings? Jesse May. 3d (trade; James Hildreth. i-rank wall, John Woodburn, .Mary Ifarll iven. 2nd Grade; Vida Niven, Cora ueese. J. C. CRAWTORrs . Principal of court was alhnveil to collect rents from her land- Twi WdoUn town.hii rKid bonds were onlere-l sold. The bond are Nos. 40 ami 50 and are of $l,0t lenomi nation. Thev ma ....... . . tnre in KM I licannz interest at per cent, livable semi annuallv. lie ginning tirvt day of January. llMis, utxm tbe presentation of the cootxu.s there bcin seven attache I - I. 1-1 11 Ml I Inezleacu c-caicu oius win ie receiycl until 12 o clock Monday. January Cth. IW The .Ierk of Uie Uarl was instructed t adver tise the same for four weeks in the Wadksdoro Meexghk. Quite a numler of our icople attended a "pouncl party" at Mr. Tom Harrett's last week. lr. J. V. Carpenter has moved into his handsome new residence. Mr. Biddell is repairing his res idence and will more his family to our town in a few days. Mrs. Julia Hillingsley of Mon rt will run the Peach I and hotel and will move here in a few days. Miss liessie Carpenter and Ka die Atkinson spent Thanksgiving with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Carpenter. Mrs. M. L. Home spent a part of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kiker of Hurns ville township. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rcdfearn of White Store spent Thanksgiving with their sons here, those enter prisirg young business men. Messrs. J. A. and W. F. Hed fearn. Miss Sallie Ashford of Hamlet is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. M. I towers. Mr. F.ugene Hugginsof Marsh- i ville, a student in the school here, j sient Thanksgiving with his homefolks. .ilia. x . .H.M nil sfCIll II 'ill L of last week in Wadeslxro. Miss Uosa Caudle left Saturday to take charge f her school at t nion. Mr. llennie Barrett and sister, Miss Mary, spent Sundaj at White Store. Prof. Huggins visited friends at White Store Sunday. STRAYED A black shepherd dog, with white tip on tale and white breast, also one white foot. Answers to name of "Jack." Finder will be rewarded if left at Klondyke Hotel. Eugene Mor gan. . . v .1 11 -Wi-it FOR SALE 1124 rfes.df the Very best farming land in Auson county Hood improveiuentaiKl plenty -ef tim ber and wood. iCurb :Insnranoe & Investment Company, Monro?, !N. C YOUNG JJV ERICA If he's the young, active, kicking kid, or the quiet, mischievous boy, we have the stuff to fill the re quirements. The styles for boys are so varied, so diversified and so numerous that nothing but a call here will make you realize what we have. The Suits fqr Children are here a better line than we have shown before ; suits that will please the most exacting mother. Boys' Suits range from $1 to $7.50. Wadesboro ing Sfr rWrW erm NOTICE F. B. Ilydfe. the authorized apent of tbe New York.. Life Insurance Co., has opened an office on the third floor of the National Bank building and is readv for business. OLD FURNITURE- Mad e as pood a new if you bring it to J. W. Preslar 'in the Tomlinson building aud let him clean and varnish it. ; Phonographs ! Make votirwlf and family liappv by huying an Edison, Phonograph from 1. 11. t rowder. 1 ou cannot pet a letter Christmas present, lie lias lut received a lot of Phono- "Tapns and itolu Mfiliel iteeonl-'. and a nice line of Pocket and'Tahle Cutlery, Silverware, . etc. The Community Silver, The Best on the market. Everybody call on P. II Crowder at once. He will gitve von money. Land Posted L O O 0 8th vaiii) ijtfdftS oil i u in I IV i lilj i o 8 8 ' " ' 3 50 Boys' Suits Must Go Jones Creek Fifties. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gritfj-s of Chestcrtield were visitintr at Mr. Peter (i rises' Sundai and Mondav. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. ( tadd.v sjcnt untiay at Mr. II. . (fadds. ve Hereby rorbiit any person or jer sons to fish, hunt or in any way tres pass on -our lands in Burnsville and Ansonville townships without our ;er mission. Let this notice 1k sufficient. J. D. HYATT ,T. D. HYATT. Jr S r. O t S At prices that will them quick. move WANTED !S S Monogram Coffees 1.111)0 Pair Shoes Must Go At 25c to $5.00 pair. s i-: s Wc Arc Going to Stop Selling Clothing and if you want all we have or any part there of, it will pay you to come along and see our prices. Here a.r a few pointers: $15.00 Suits now $12.50 Suits now $10.00 Suits now $7.50 Suits now GUI Welcome to Mr. Mann Clinton. before it died. As soon as he at found that the horse was sick, he began to take it out from the bug gy, but before it could be gotten e clip the following from the from between the shafts it fell and bampson IVmocrat, published at died immediately. Clinton: "Rev. IL M. Mann, for fiv nice addition to his house. Won rears pastor of the Presbrtrin der what nexlf church here, is on a visit to Clin- ,r Rayheld says that he ton this week. He comes esneci- ,1&s ,s crib so full of corn that he Put up in sealed tins, 1, t, and 3 pounds. 35 cents per pound or thri no iinris for Sl.OO. It ia oc m w ... m . . . .... I K - ' v - .Mrs. . liaddy and children crood rs tho lxst sn.l lPttor thnn oi .Morven are spending a few iie rest nays at .Mr. ti. . Lratldy s. (imnlot lino of other of . , " V-WHVO Ll, .irs. r. ,j. lucKer is seriously ir nnH 95 .nt.c rwr i.,r..i ill at Ihic irrilinrr I III ...., x none us vour wants Tor anr. r.' i f i . i' it .i . v - j .ir. r. if. iycn llOrSC UlCaiaSl thirifr n-orx to Pat nnrl xf v-r 15t-0 ti i it . I - r- ' .v. .i.v iiiursiiay. ins son, r.ugene, was ,n town, the goods will be deliver onving me iiorsc anu uiu noi ais- ed. "Ou ck sa es am smflll cover mat mere was anything fits. wrong with it until a few minutes 100 Hats Must Go At 25c to $3.00. $12.50 $10.00 $7.50 $5.00 m these are all good values. These prices named, simply mean that the clothing in our house will proceed to move out and at a rapid (ire rate. The stock is new and clean and its up to you to help long as it lasts. When to get a barirain. yourself s its gone, blame yourself if Vou fnikd GRAY GROCERY COMPANY P. s. PHONE 124 A few guns to close out at almost your own price unless you are very unreasonable. pro- TARLT0N S, Phone 87. HAIMMA I00 Pairs Pants Must Go At $1.00 to $3.00 pair. Notice Mr Awards is building a 3.4 lnjie8 north of Polkton until March 1st, ll03, preparetl to do all kinds of repairing, ou carriages, wagons, fanning implements, grain j 11 - 1 1 't Rckm JlT on inviution ot thTfKS, ntt ond.r the rafters to shuck r C. "r Ali 55 vZ'Ji" t""1' 1Ua'r'' iW clM of the Gndcd .School, m corn and is not near done gather- EtrnZv I mv Z t .rrTTL 'J'.y. V Ml:.V"-.,'-h."a' i,f,cUin Roarantecd. Give me m w mm u ij-rU- iniiri v iitt i i i iini imj ui a. it! rniMii nn i nin l.o i k.-u vijvui: 11 n. i i i i . . .abb-i rith bmiYThuM r,f t I ; - J - n"n:. :n trial. JJ. fc. 1'ltlCKJi.K. . !i 'C'' V I .-ir. .nann uie giaa narni and wel-1 '" me s-ue oi reszaeni tAJtlnu Dr. Kin xw r.rfcome him 'home airain.' " I building lots Thursday. Dec. 5th. VliU:!et Tlv. co: Mr. Mann returned Saturday Sa,e sUrts PromPtJy at 10 a. m. rd nudir. mod to thnm Wk. i L oa w" ccomrjanieu Djr itss An- , U?VZ to TTJili- VI nie Kc&mm of CUnton who will f1" Cboiil acta like a ui. Land Posted. We hereby forbid any and all persons to hunt, fish or in any way trespass on oar landd in Anson connty. Let this be sufficient notice. W. W. HENDLEY. 0 8 8 8 Come early and enjoy buying K 111 411 VAiVUI (Oil 8 8 Oi Have You Bought Your STQVES? 9 8 X W. J. Huntley 9 If you need either a Heater or a Cooking Stove, it will pay you to see the man who used to cali co many at reduced prices. He has iui none oi his former skill in buy ing Hardware and has always un derstood the stove business a little better. Just now he has a fine as sortment of Heaters and Cooking month and you can buy them cheap if you call around M m it iti Hi O. COVINGTON r.a few.wccks hcrc with rw .iaJ10. I ntn, hnrta. Sold bv Martin Dme Co. C. B. B RILEY. 11-1D-7 O. It. BRILEY