To Enllg ht T o Elevat and To m u VILUME 2. NUMBER 28. WADESBORO. N. C, .DECEMBER 10, 1907. $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ic I v -ZJr-w s f3 a p T Itoe f n fl n ARE PAST ApproacfliSr ujy 1 A nd we wish to give every man a chance to buy a GUN as a Christmas Gift at lower figures than erer sold before, and until January 1st we propose to Soil Out the Following 03 I Guns nt the Greatly Reduced Prices giv- n oa 14 Champion Single Guns Thii i lower tin lh .IoMt an- aHt? f'r tl.i ii:uc ti-v. 12 Columbia Single (nickel) 15 River Side Single guns 26 Geronimo Single guns Thii ! if. (iau wi- brag on. 9 Essex Single guns Thii ( tiie )rl Single turn $3.25 KACI! 3.45 3.65 3.95 5.-85 mu: Double Barrel Guns Made by Henry Arms Co. $6.95 Richard Arms Co. 9.85 Hanover Arms Co. 8.65 Remington Arms Co. 19.50 Hammerless Remington Co. 21.50 Stevens Arms Co. reduced from $25 to - - 18.00 Remington Automatic Guns five-shot 28.00 We also have a big stock of Win chester Single and Repeating Ri fles; also Hamilton Single Rifles, Savage Single Shot and Repeating Rifles. Will name you attractive prices on all of these. Also have a magnificent line of Smith & W es son Pistols, all kinds of Colts Re volvers and Ivey Johnson's. We want to talk to you about . . . It is remarkable how fast these shells are taking the lead in this section. -lie P.: -jz- . i i ft am J 11 v-f Factory Loaded Shells. Pr FJtU Skiitlar Art Siperiii. Pr Trip SkMtlit Art l'i equaled. Loaie--i with !1 the popular brands I of Sniokeic. Powders. bcii-Siccl Lftit aon made con trad fur $l.i worth of IVt trt Shell. nd w;th lilt! ef fort we distributed 2.W worth. This .vrson our sales will nm to $i.00 if not $.0 on Peters ShelN. Kvery box is guiranteed to equal my shells on thr mtrkaL We stand ready to back up thi L'uinut'r. Wr offer any one lX) .shells who cq deraonttmte or show in toy intnner that Peters Shells do not ihol as well and fully as strong as any other shell on the ttirkel. Thii challenge is ojcn to all. Another reason why people should shoot Peter Shell are that they are not TRUST UADri Our price are 40 cents ior box oo LK AG UK'S or $7.40 per case of one half thousand. High Gun Shells at CO cecU per box. Ideal Shells at 65 cents per box. Down with )ur prejudice and shoot Peters Shells. We also invite our attention to our Magnificent line f Muntin Coats. Pants. Levins and Shell Belts. BlaSocEi Hdw. Co. REV. MR. MANN'S TOAST. Tfce Guest of Honor At Clinton Bin quet. At a reception given by thegrad ClYf! Co art Procetdlirs In addition to the business finished by the court last week. the following cases hare been disposed of: Mrs. Eva Boggan against Clark i Spare-Time Education r (By Orison S. Marden.) I know people that made a very poor showing1 at school, that could not get much out of books, but wbo in after life, in their effort to marvelous quickness in picking up IrrvnuzlArl t ahcApKinrr if litra o I li , m here, was the honored gue.t and the I order for surver made. bt iwue of the SampKn Democrat, I Clarke Somers. iraardian u-a , i .,m . . . ri. , 0 ' . . r . ifuuKc uvui an Mjrui oi sources We hnd the fol ow.n toast pveii Llizabeth feomers against Lewis Thousands of pe0p,e hav0 pick by hira and another of which he Polk and wife: action for recovery L.t lu.- "' ; ullJCll; ioi town icns in naaesooro. xne The dinner heine disposed of, P'Hnt,ff took nop suit in this and Mr. I). LKUis, as Toa.t master, Puar cases acainsv riepsej u- nropo-d the following toast: -The vuue" '" ClaL of IMS"; response bv Itev. The case of R F. Tliornpson. ICobt. M. Mann, w ho euokff heauti. KT. .I.. i .r . tch iTiompson, resuiiea in a mnj iviiuvill VI Hit it'll l. THE BIG SALE OF LOTS: their spare moments, through systema tic courses of reading and studv furnished by the correspondence schools, than many that have gone through college. There is, with the man tha does not possess one, a tendency to overemphasize the advantages railway irom .ki;.i .i i wc omaamages are asaea ror meac- heI g t the fami or cidental kiHing of the said son. of y, hea)thj wenrtlot abIe to vV t ; u Bi'; 1 ... go to college, think they have suf- T Owen against the Atlan- fercd an irrev0cable Ioss-that deficiency in their non suit, the motion having been nt, the Sea- Air Line railway from 1 I.. -1 . .t 1 . . I iuci triri. who coiii iioc me class, i i i... t. o. vivihuiuwim, h He i J thev renrvsented the ideal,. UJ r"!",1:.:"0 of a college training aims anu purxe ot t he school and preuvcU'd that irreat and n o b 1 e women would "rejult from these vears of nieDiration and culture Toa.ting he said: Here's to trie clasn of nineteen Clillt, The lest of all in the old North State. Some may trrow tall Mav vou all irrow cretit "d a vou enter the oieii iate. alleged to have been received while getting off a train at McFarlan. The plaintiff was allowed to demur to the complaint and the defend ant appealed. In the case of T. R. Tomlin son for damages against C. M. Of trolden oiiortunitv and the life Burns by reason of alleged ualaw-L.i ' l - ... knii-.iLii' v .. i r..i n l a : i i i - ruoeaie, I iui auacmueui, jurur vriiuurwii Mav the tree of life buM forth into and mistrial ordered. flower, C. 11. Dobson was allowed, by And shed at vour feet a glorious consent, judgement against the d0wCr " Seaboard Air Line railway for $25 Of something grander than ever damages on account of false re- vou knew.'' Prt of train, arrival of the com- pany "Our Honored Guest, Mr. Mann." jas nutton against the Sea- ICesponse bv the Toast master, who Air unc ciajm S6ttied out aid a loving tribute to this most 0f court. admirable Christian gentleman, who lfc Lowe against the Seaboard IHM Oct- ?u IIIQC I lO ttttl n Ul OUr I An- I.ino (.mt for HimmnMi to furniture. Judgement for $23.45. J. E. McLendon was given judgement against the Seaboard Air Line for $367.85. J. T. Sanders, three cases against the Seaboard Air Line, settled out of court. J. I). Mills recovered $300 dam ages from the Winston-Salem South Bound railway oo account of the death of a horse hired to said company alleged to have been im properly fed. school here and who shows his inter est bv lein2 here on this occasion to do honor to the cla. "Take him for all in all, we shall not look upon his like again." Again: "It seemed like 'old times come again,, to see Mr. Mann's smiling face among us last week. Every thing seemed to take on new life under the sell of his magic presence." And yet again: Kcv. Kobt. M. Mann, now of Wadesboro, spent nearly all last week with us. He is the same genial, clever delightful Mann and his hosts of friends were rejoiced to clasp his hand again." ADVERTISING STUDENT WINS PRIZE StaJeot of the lateraatloiAl Crresie4eace Schools Awarded Ftrtt PrUc at $i09 la Coottit la Wbki 12.009 Pe Partcpate. Jives tnat can never be made up that since they could not get the liberal education they wanted they are forever bar red from getting an eqivalent. They think that what they them selves pick up from reading and will not amount to much. But as a matter of fact many of the best educated and most cultured and efficient men nd women in the world have nev er gone to college many of them have never even gone through a high school. It is astonishing how much val uable information a person can pick up in his spare moments. This habit of absorbing knowledge "the study habit" is the phrase the correspondence schools have coined is worth more to a youth thn a college education without it;"for the enquiring, hungering mind is always gathering valuable information. I. he ract is, the whole lire can be made a splendid school. Men, things, and experiences are the best teachers in the world. Every minute of every day we can be absorbing knowledge, picking up bits here and there in our spare moments, keeping our eyes and ears open. Then, when we are not busy, we can be working up this knowledge into higher forms through reflection BMBBTTT Heiry Grady's Love For a Tree. In Athens, Sa., there stands a Favors Better Salaries For Pastors. (Charity and Children.) There is one thing our churches would just as well face, and that is the bald fact that "preaching has riz." The little measly sal aries that were once considered ample will not do now. And it is folly to grumble and complain that preachers are more mercenary than they used to lx They arc not, but it takes two dollars now a. -11 11 to do what one collar would do ten vears ago, and the laborer is worthy of his hire. Unless churches are willing to nav decent salaries tree with some remarkable history connected with it on account of the fact that it is near the home of Henry Grady, a man for whom the whole Southland has the great est love. Here is what he said about it: "There is something almost hu man and companionable in yonder old criant. The sweetest and ten- ( Woman' Home Companion.) In the advertising contest of th Peters Milk Chocolate Company, in which more than 12,000 took part, the first prize of $100 was awarded to E. 1). VVilliams, Nut lev, N. J., a student of the Inter national Correspondence Schools. The company sending Mr. Wil liams the prize check stated that the judges of the contest the heads of two great publishing Merest experiences of my life are houses and an advertising expert und within it. AVhen a young were unanimous in awarding the ster t fOUffht my first battles un pnze to him for his masterly ana- dr the shadow of its outspread lysis of the advertisements that -ws branches, and well do I re formed the basis of the contest. member how my tin soldiers were This is merely one of a thou- transformed into o-litterincr trooDs thev must put up with indifferent sand instances that go to show the wjth gilded shields and burnished preaching. wonderful work of the Interna- helmets through the wonderful al- tionai orresponaence rcnoois, or chemv of the sun that filtered Soft Bollel Shirts. pcranion. fa. auriea nrieen through the foliage. Later,7' said years ago with a single course pre- ne, "when a schoolboy, I used to nared to enable the miners of Lri,. mir uQnV mroinct. it Mie was a dear old lady, but she Pennsylvania to Dass the state ex- k; .inir ariA rio-hf nnrlpr uveti ai tiaroscraooie, ana was a animations, these schools now of- that oak I delivered mv first bit behind the times. ue had fer more than 200 courses of in- speech in public. You see I was been reading the advertisments in struction, covering poaitions in all appointed by the boys to deliver a a city ncwspaitcr chance had of the best-known trades and pro- Fourth of July oration, and its a brought her way. fessions. The great sum of one WOnder I ever had courage to make tather, she asked her bus- million dollars has been expended another speech. Well, I guess it band, what is these here negligee in the preparation of home-study must have been a very funny sort shirts they talk about? textbooks. That the I. C. S. sys- 0f speech, for with mv first burst Father, being a man, was equal um of training by mail is now Qf eloquence the boys laughed and to the occasion. practically perfect is shown by jelled and ran away. I tell you lont know what they be? the fact in nearly every large in- my eloquence, that had soared to he grinned. cll, you area dustrial concern and in practically the clouds and the rainbow rims, back-number. reghgee shirts every large industrial concern and feu pretty low when I gazed ain't quite so stiff and choky as a in practically every town and city aroUud and found that I was alone bilcd short -I mean a reg'lar of the United States there are per- with but the jaybirds. They too hard-b lied shirt. A negligee shirt sons that have risen to high-sal- gave a mocking, raucous whine, is something you might call a soft- aried, responsible positions by de- -nri iite the bovs flew awav. ! liled shirt. voting soare hours to one of the I. tk. rA,a;n;nrr on,i;nnnn WQC C. S. Courses. a big black crow that flapped its Representatives of the I. C. S. wiDgs and cawed an approving ap- are in town this week holding a plause. Tve liked crows ever display at Martin Drug Co. This Bmce saja Mr. Grady, plung- is your great opportunity to pre- mK his hands into his pockets pare lor a nign salaried posiuon There Were Plenty Of Bidders and Property Sold Well. There has not been a sale of resi dence lots in this part of the state of more importance and one which means more for this immediate sec tion than that which took place here lhursday, being conducted bv the Anson Iteal Estate and Insur ance Co. Forty-four very desira ble building lots were sold, and at the close of the sale, one lot valued at $100, was given away, Mr. E. F. renton being the luckv person From the first, bidding on the lots was rapid and lively without the usiial small bids. The bids losed at from $63 to $475 and the prop erty was lought by people who ex pect to build on it at an early date following is a list of the purehas en: J. F. Allen, 1: W. I.. Rose, 2; H, H. McLendon. 3; W. E. Brock, 1; E. C. Griggs, 1: D. B. Batton of Montgomery, 1; V. J3. Braswell, 2; U. 11. Braswell. 2: B. B. Milk 1: W. T. Brasington, 1; S. S. Lock- hart, 1; W. C. Via, 1; W. II. Liles, 1;J. W. Odoin. 4; E. F. Fen ton, 2: E. F. Fenton and G. W. Roger?, 1; U. B. Blalock, 4; Brasington and Mills, 4; J. T. Caple, 1; R. D. Ross, 4; W. D. Teal, 2; S. J. Haire, 2; J. M. Covington, Jr., 3. lhe compauy was well pleased with the sales and everybody had a good time. Mr. L. D. Edwards, proprietor of the City Restaurant, served meals on the grounds and ree carnages were run every fifteen minutes from the public square to the place of sale, near the cotton mill. The auctioneer was Mr. F. Hopper of Winston-Salem. An Interesting Suit Tor Damages. (Monroe Enquirer) A few days ago Messrs. T. B. and W. C. Hamilton of Marsh vi He assaulted Prof. Jackson Hamil ton, principal of Marshville High School, for some punishment the teacher had inflicted on one of Mr. T. B. Hamilton's sons. Prof. Hamilton has brought suit for damages against the ones who assaulted him for the sum of $5000 Messrs. A. M. Stack and J. C. Brooks represent Prof. Hamilton. Prof. Hamilton was principal of the Pee Dee Institute last year and is remembered here by many friends. We learn that his antag nists were each larger than the Professor and that during the as sault they beat him about the face and eyes, loosening three of his teeth by a blow in the mouth. We want our store to be your store t When you go for .your Christmas Goods this year. Select a gift for your lady or gentleman friend from the following : Box of Lowney's Candies Fancy Box Fine Stationery Leather Parse or Hand Satchel. -Fine Cot Glass or Hand Painted China. A Nickel-Plated Students' Lamp. There are many other things in our store that will make suitable Christmas Gifts. THE MARTIN DRUG COMPANY CARLE W. MARTIN. Manafer. HustlSng At .Jew Hardware Store.. Such a flattering trade during the month has inspired the buy ing of a most complete line of household goods, and in select ing from the markets of today, we have been able to find a great many little articles which the housewife has needed for years and years. A few: The Rollman Meat and Food Chopper, a lawpricod machine of many uses. Perfection Cake Pans and Sifters. The Buffalo Patent Steam Egg Poachers, just the thing. Pop Corn Parchers, Enamel Ware, Nickle Coffoo Pots, Salts and Peppers, Carving Sets, Fancy Clocks and Watches, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Guns, Pistols and all .kinds of Am munition. Big lot of standard Paints. We are making a specialty of the many little household novelties. You understand that we keep all kinds of Hardware and will take your order for anything in the way of machinery. B. Gr. COVINGTON your Infantile Punishment. Freddy ,"IIey, does i mother ever whip you?"' Jimmie Worsen that, hhe washes my face." Woman's Home Companion. Notice. To the colored teachers of Anwn connty TeWing: By order of the county upriiitendnt of public instruction y.m are b rbr nocifl-i to meet at ion Academy on Saturday before the 4th. Sunday Inst, for the purpose of ort;aniiin a colored teachers' associa tion of Anson county. lie insists that every teacher in the county be present. The time of the meeting 12.30 o'clock, Your for the cause of education. Richard Allen. Chairman by appointment 1 A in u is own cnaracierisuc way. Tve never since made a speech but I think of that old black crow and the saving grace of rts applause." Anxious Traveler street urchin): Can you tell my little man, the quickest to reach the station ! Street Urchin: Bun, yer fool! An Eloioeit Coiclistoi. They tell it on a Charlotte law yer, according to the Observer, that in closing his first speech be fore the jury, he made this grand frouily True, But He Didn't Look It oratorical flight: . (Lexington Dispatch) Gentlemen of the jury: If you . " convict my client on the evidence It is related that once when which has been submitted to you, Charles B. Aycock was enroute you yourselves will commit a to an eastern town to make a crime darker and more heinouser speech, he was met at the station than ever was committed during by a lawyer who was gloriously the da3s of the Spanish-American drunk. Aycock saw him, and ;nnt,;c;;nn nkan Ka afrt nt knowin? what a bore he was when (addressing paris nn red with human integ- in his cups, he made a dive into me I i-ittr " the crowd toescaDe. lhe bibulous Th inrv returned ft verdict for one, however, was too keen for the defendant, way Remirkatle Fescue That the truth is stranger than fiction, has once more beendemonstrat ed in the little town of Fedora, Tenn., the residence of C. V. Pepper. He write: "I was in bed, entirely dis abled with hemorrhages of the lungs and throat. Doctors failed to help me. tu.d all hope had fled when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery. Then instant relief came. The cough ing soon ceased; the bleeding diminish ed rapidly, and in three weeks I waa able to go to work." Guaranteed for Hughs and colds 50c. and $1.00, at i iruong Drug Co. Trial bottle free. 'Were you frightened during the battle, Pat!" that He caught Aycock fair who grabbed him by the hand, kept moving, saying over and over, uid man l am so giaa to see Patient: Doctor, what ought I to eat to increase my appetite? loctor: Nothing. Pat: Not a bit. face most anything me back to it. sor. Oi kin whin Oi have see me, Charlie, did Toe Mific No. 3. Number three is a wonderful mascot for Geo. H. Parris. Ceder Grove, Me., according to a letter which reads: "After suffering much with liver and kidney trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by the failure to find re lief. I tried Elecric Bitters, and as a result I am a well man today. The you." "Glad to you say!" "I am charmed, delighted," said Aycock, trying to escape. Charlie," said the drunk law- ilTt t m iN i yer, I'm somewnat or a pnysiog- nomist, and if you are glad to see me damned if your face shows it." You know as well as any one when yon need something to regulate k your system. If tout bowels are sluggish, first bottle relieved and three bottles your food distresses you, your kidneys completed the cure." Guaranteed best pain, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain remedy for stomach, liver and kidney Tea. It always relieves. 85 cents, roubles, by Parsons Drug Co. 60c. Tea or Tablets. Martin Drag Co. A Disappointing Convention. There is surely some cause for grief in the following, taken from Our Home: Recently an "old-time fiddlers' meeting was advertised at V m- ston and it was announced that no violinists would be permitted to take part nobody except fiddlers. After a report of the meeting .1 Ml W 1 came out tne otatesvnie land mark was moved to make these remarks: While the affair was advertised as an ' old-time fiddlers' meet" and positive assurance was given that violins and violinists, etude ops. and the like were to be strictly barred, The Landmak has a suspicion that it was not a strict ly old-time affair. The only old time tunes mentioned in the pro gramme were "Mississippi Saw yer" and "Arkansaw Traveler." Nowhere was there any mention of "Old-Jimmy Suttentah,;' "Su gar in the Gourd," "Billy in Low Ground" or "Old Molly Hair." Instead they had "Twinkle. Little Star," "Sweet Sunny South," etc. These may be a little ancient but they are not the genuine old time stuff. And the Landmark is exactly right in its criticism. Without "OJd Jimmy Suttenah," "Old Molly Hair," "Leather Britches," etc. No gathering can properly be called an old-time tiddlers' con vention." It looks to us like an underhanded scheme of the violin ists to capture the fiddlers' conven tions, when such tunes as we mention are left off, and the next time a fiddlers' convention is pul led off anywhere in the State we warn the good old-time fiddlers to be on the watch-out and not al low the violinists to capture it. We hope that Mr. Rube Lem mond will see to it that the Mon roe fiddlers' convention is proper ly guarded and protected from intrusion by violinists. We don't want a violinist to even sit as a spectator. Great Reduction In Prices In order to make an important changa in our business in tlie early part of the coming year, we offer to our customers for the x Decision Against The State As To $30,000 Fine Of Southern Railway. The Supreme Court in a deci sion filed Wednesday arrests the judgments of Judge Long as to the $30,000 fine of the Southern Railway for violating the 2i cent passenger rate law. The right of the court to fine or imprison any railroad official for selling at a higher rate is denied and it is held that the Federal courts can not interfere in criminal prosecu tions and that in civil suits the railroad may be mulcted of $500 for each sale. Chief Justice Clark dissents and says the rail roads should be fined and intimates that an extra session of the Legis lature should be held to make the act more explicit. Pant our entire stock of Dry Gooods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Caps, a few Coats and vests at prices that will interest everyone. LISTEN: Men's Battle Axe Brogan Shoes worth $1.75, every where at $1.19 and $1.45 per pair. Many other styles at prices to correspond. Women's and Children's Shoes at prices to astonish you. Men's $1.50 pants at $1.10; our $2.00, $3.00 and $4.00 pants at like prices. Pee Dee Checks (Regattas) at 6c, worth 7c. Men's and Boys' 25c caps at 19c; Men's and Boys' 50c caps at 38c; A few Boys' 50c caps at 29c. A Hint to the wise is sufficient. These reductions are cost prices. t Nothing will be charged. Boyd & Martin P. S. Follctont IN. C t Don't forget we are headquarters for Xraas Goods. m m m m m m n m m m 4 m Of Or . . forced to Move Out . ABOUT January next I shall move ray entire stock of furni ture into the storerooms recently vacated by the Blalock Hardward Co. To my many friends and customer who have lavished their extensive patronage on mt during the past year and thus making it so necessary for me to seek larger quarters,' I am exceedingly grateful. My business has much more than doubled during the year an4 if small profits on a good grade of furniture has been the cause, why I mean to make yet a greater increase during the year 1908, Now I want to go into my new place with an entirely new stock, and to do this, I shall be compelled to sell a great stock of furniture and it during the next month. You'll never find a better opportunity to furnish your home or to buy a few pieces of fine furniture and thus set yourself up a little for the holidays. Come on and see me and be assured that I am truly grateful for the business you have given me. I feel like every body has been trading with me during the past year. PHONE H. H. COX 145 MOTTO : Small Profits Make Quick Sales. m m m m m r. m m m m m m m m f : Flo 2) I h hi many instances by having in the borne a bottle of IStUUI GO WAN'S PNEUMONIA CUBE. It reduces infla- Pn hp mation and i valuable wherever there is Cold or Croup wn UB or Pneumonia. External. All druggists. 25c., 50c, a;j.j BUY IT TODAY. Keep it in the house for an" AVOlded EMERGENCY. , -

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