THE ANSONIAN, DEC 1 O, 1 7. ThcAnsonian W. C. BIVENS. Cinr uJ fmrtttar. " SC. nn.W th Art of Oo-kt- of Mrrh 3. IO TUESDAY. DEC 10. 1907 WrifKi gladly welcomes thrat mountain iople who arc ,oming at such a rapid rate. We the Stanly qualities of mm 1 and energy tJ krinjr to u They hv 'rnl apart from the city md its weakening influences to fully develop themselves and while they may not at present lssrA the intellectual training they want, their mind are strong and receptive. Here they will ttrwl churches of different rienomi nations and Sunday hooU which they may attend in addition to t.rie of the ct graded schools in the country. At present, most of the newcomers have potions here m town with contractors and in other of work. A nuralwr of the women arc working in the ilk mill and the skirt factory and more will ! need for the overall factory soon to I; s,Urted here. If. for any meson.. these iople or any fi-art of them should desire -ain the rural life, they will tind : country around Wadeslioro rich m sod and of a very desirable limsto- Where is the country or section that can offer letter advan tAirs for mil kinds of work and one hich on account of wonderful water wer at elo range, has greater ptvdulitics for the fu ture Tin: State lUptist Convention, which meet at Wilmington last week? has not yet apiinted a place of meeting for next year's s-sMi)n and we are in forme 1 that Walelro ran get it for the ask ing. We mivs the Western .North Carolina Conference ruuM it was pledgod to go ele wlwre. Now why can't we have the convention It's shjw the folk that Wadesloro hospitality knowH no UjuihU. Away w-ith the' argument that we can not en tertain it. There will not U more than eople to entertain for two days, after which the i rowd will U much smaller. By a regulation of the contention, the city entertaining it. is in forme. 1 several daj's ahead as to the num- r to be e n te r tai ne 1 and t h i s g reatly f:u'tliates the matter. We Udicve the other denominations will join the lUplist folks and ak for it. Then we want the Methodist Conference or any or any other public UhI.t looking for one of the most hospitable towns for a meeting place. ln i:i.irr: was humiliated last week when Cohne IIioy David son, a descendant of one of the " and a well-known broker of the city, was sentenced to jail thirty days by .ludge Fer guson for keeping on hand and sell ing whiskey. It was His Honor's opinon that the prominence of the client was rather against him in the case and for a little while, it seamed that in this great common wealth: Thr rnk i lttt th K'iimM tmp Th m.r. thr iT,wl It ' th.t Ilul soon the prominent con- . net .-lions of the Colonel Ugan to get in their work, a small tine was allowed and this unworthy pro geny of one ttatron saint went free. hi several casions we have had an opjiortunitr to commend th watchfulness of Wadesboro's night officers in discovering tires and the alertness of the tire company in reaching the scene of action. I nit we of course take a sjKsrial pleasure in commending tLeir action last Thursday morn ing in saving our oface and entire plant from the destructive tlames. There is not a town or city any- wnerror wnicn tne citizens are more ready anl willing to exert every jiower to save any and etery Ulys property from losses of any kind. It's a source of priie 10 nve among sucn an un- seltish ople. Houra School Hons Borsei. lAst ednway afternoon the Hough school house in the Flat rork section wu burned, the lire originating from a defective stove flue in the ceiling overhead. Miss rna McSwain was teaching the school at the time and the students present moved their books and the desks from the building lie fore uwy were uamageu. mere was no insurance and the building, a comfortable ceiled structure, was valued at about $400. It was the prorty of the county. Mr. John W. Covington, one of the oldest and best known citi zens of Hichmond county and one of the oldest merchants of Itock ingham, died suddenly Sunday nighL He wa a county commis sioner of KichnVnd at the time of his death and had many friends in thi county. You will find special bargains at the special sale of millinery of the Walesboro Dry (foods Co. this week. WADESB0R0 SOCIETY. " (Reported.) Mr. Charles M. Bams Sr., was the attractive hostess nt an elaborate course dinner today. Tlioe enjoying her gracious bos pitalitr were Mesdames T. Coxe. II. R Allen, J. ' Co it Hed- t i t ia riri jiaruu. and Misses Hilda (Jherken Jhonsie Dunlap. and Last Saturday afternoon little Miss Sarah Kedfearn made mem orable the close or her fifth birth day by giving a part to Up ctom' tng belles and beaux of adesboro at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mrs. H. H. McUndon. .Juvenile games and goodies were enjoyed with gust and relish and many a little heart beat merrier for that day. Miss Jennie B. Brent delight fully entertained the Bachelor and ex-Bachelor Girls at her home Saturday evening,' the occasion ljc ing the announcement of the wedding of Mws Eunice Wall and Mr. Will K. Craig, the wedding to take place the Mh of .January. Miss Brent's guests were Mfs Covington. Dunlap, Wall, Mills, Movs McIendon and Boss; Mes lames Marshall, ljxe, Stanback, Houston and DelVs. Tlie new Wednesday afternoon club, which is made up (,f ll,c city's youthful dames, hail a pleas ant meeting Wednesday afternoon at the lieautiful home of Mrs. H. B. Allen. Witty conversation and cartc-blanchc to "do as you please" made a merry occasion. A salad course of dijicious pre J a ration was relishetl in the attractive dining room, pretty and sweet in its dainty apointments and newness and freshness. Officers were elected and ar rangements made for the syste matic continuance of the club. The following are the members: Mesdames H. B. Allen. T. L. Caudle, F. J. Coxe, L. J. Hunt ley, H. 1. Hardison. B. A. Kel lam. II. W. Little, K. W. Martin. H. H. McIendon. J. C. Kelfearn, I. P. Robinson, (i. M. Stanback. W. C. Via. Tle officers are Mrs. T. L. Cau dle, president; Mrs. H. H. Mc Indon, vice-president: Mrs. K. A. Kellam, secretary. The next meeting will lie with the presi dent, Mrs. T. I. Caudle. Thursilay afternoon the Itook Club had an unusually pleasant meeting with Mrs.fohn T. IWn nett. Charming conversation deftly steeretl in the hostess' hap py manner, was the refreshing amusement, after, and during which a generous and delicious meal was enjoyed in tho dining room. Seasonable favors were pretty copies of famous Madnn:i paintings. A charming social affair was Mrs. John I. Irak's noting the nineteenth anniversary of her wedding with a delightful card larty on Friday "afternoon. An appropriate and novel contest fol lowed the gamrs. Cards were passed with sentences synonomous of necessities at a fashionable wed ding. Merry interest was taken in the guessing, a number of for tunate ones cutting for the prize, which fell to Miss (iherken of Augusta, (la. Dainty refresh ments were lieauti fully served, after which the guests disienxl, leaving many hearty good wisher for future anniversaries even to the diamond. The Baptist State Convention. A meeting of some importance was held in Wilmington last week by the ilaptist State Convention of North Carolina. - Prof. J. Is. Carlylc of Wake Forest College was elected presi eent of the Convention to succeed Mr. W. N. Jones of IUleigh, The plodges of the Convention for all objects were greatly . en larged and there, was general de termination in the Ixxly to put forth more effort ami accomplish more during the coming vear. The sale of the North Carolina Baptist to the Biblical Kecorder was commended and the Kecorder was purchased by the Convention, its editorship now being controll ed by that bodj It was stated that the general education board of the ITnited States had agreed to give $37, SOO.OO to the endownment fund of Wake Forest College, provided the Baptist of the state add Xo the fund $115,000.00 to the fund. Prof Carryle ' announced that he had already raised of the amount to be raised by the Baptist, $102, 500.00, leaving $10,iX.00 to be f raised ycL ' Within a few min utes 12,200. 00 was raised by the Convention assembled. This was indeed a very significant move on the part of the body as it thus gives to the college an endowment fund of nearly $500,000.00. Polkton Locals. ta v vi i lit lie v. j. lwacK preacneu rus last sermon as pastor of Polkton Baptist church last Sunday. Bro. Black is a noble and enthusiastic worker, and wc regret very much to lose him. On last Thursday the death an gel visited our town and took from our midst, Miss El mi re Lilly, Aunt Elmire, as she was generally called was eighty one years old, aod on Saturday before her death, she was taken with a severe attack of pneumonia. She was a quiet, pious Christian woman, and was loved by all who knew her. Her remains were laid to rest in the Caudle cemetery, two miles west of here. She leaves one brother, Mr. Edward Lilly of Arkansas and a host of friends to mourn her death. Mrs. J. C. Braswell is some bet ter, we are glad to note. Morten Mews A Fire Alarm. But Hot Mac ftsaife. We are sorry to report that our efficient depot agent, Mr. II. O. Huntley, is very sick of tonaihtis. Mr. Pittman of South Carolina is filling his vacancy. Misses Daisy McKeitlian and .Jessie Moore of W adesboro spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Hattie Hines. Our town was greatly alarmed early Sunday morninj? by the ring ing of all the bells in town. On investigation it was learned that Mr. C. M. Niven's house was on fire, but by the timely aid of his friends it was extinguished before it had gained much headway. The liaby carriage was burned and the interior of one room damaged some. Hev. J. H. Moore and daughter Miss Mattinell spent Saturday and Sunday visiting friends in Anson ville. He will move his family to his new charge, Beidsville circuit, Spartanburg county, S. C, Tues day. His many friends here re gret much to loose him and his ex cellent family. Miss Francis Edwards visited home folks, near Polkton Sunday. LUMBER WANTED Apply to V. Sta lMon or W. E. Brock. Report of the Condition - OF BankofWadesboro At WaJesfcoro. N. C, at tue close of toslness December 3. 1907: RESOURCES- DotUn UutiiH anl tli.-ount 151.478 ftrt OTenlrnft. xnrel 8.494 38 VmU S.000 00 Famiturn anil ftstures 1,8W 00 I-iuanl loan 15,775 53 Ihie from Unti ami hankers. i,5Kl5 67 r5h itfin 1.200 00 1,730 00 Silver ixiin. inclmliiiK &U minor inin currency 10,320 49 National liank note and other 1. S. note- 1H.00O 00 Total 230. KM 07 LIABILITIES. Capital stork 30.000 00 Surplnt fund 10.OUO 00 l"nlnidel profit. le.w current exjnf and taxes uud. . . . 1G.468 23 Ihvidend unpaid 8 00 N'ot- and tall rediamiinted . . 10.000 00 Tune Certificate? of Di'tit. . 41.239 41 Ot pfiitM Kulject to check 122.932 Ca-hier'srheiks outstanding. . Ktl l'5 Total 2.-.0.H22 07 State of North Carolina. I County of Anm. I ' I. C. M. IJurn.H Jr.. cashier of the almve named ttank, do noleiunly nweax that the above tateiiient is true to the lie?t of my knowledge and Wlief. C. M. UUKNS. JK.. Cashier. Snlm riUl and sworn to lefore me thi? lith lav of Ii-eiuli'r. 1!07. J. Y. Medley. Notary Public. C. M. liurns. F. C. Allen. Directors K. W. AshtTaft List of Christmas Presents at R L. Bowman. FOR LAMES. Neck Chains $1.25 to.S.0 each. Crosses 75c to li.OO IxKkets l.oo to .s.OO FoU 1.50 to 7. Brooch Pins 5e to 45. m Watches 15jh to 45.0O Kings I.ihj to 75.00 Stick Pins 50c to O.0 Bracelets 2.1 K) to 5 m Hat Pins 25c to 4.00 Dress Pins 50c to JJ.OO (iold and Silver handle Umbrellas 4.1HJ to 12.00 Three piece Silver Toilet Sets 14.0ti to 20.00 two puce loilet ets C. 5 to D.OJ i Manicure Sets 1.50 to 7.00 Silver Hat Pin Holders 1.75 Silver Nail Brsshes Files and Pol ishcrs 50c to 1.00 Silver Thimbles 50c Silver hrn broidery Scissors i5c to 2JH) Silver Wrist bags 3.75 FOR MEN. Folis from 75c to $10.00 each. Stick Pins 75c to 0.00 Cuff Links 25c to 10.00 Collar Buttons and Studds 25c to 2.00 Silver Handle Whist Brooms 1.25 to 4.O0 Silver Handle Cloth Brushes 2.00 to 4.00 Silver Match Boxes 1.25 to 3.00 Silver Shaving Sets 2.00 to 7.00 Silver Military Brushes 4.O0 to J.oO Silver Hat Brushes 1.25 to 3.00 FOR CHILDREN. Kings from 75c to $,3.00 each. Neck chains from 1.00 to 5.00 each. Bracelets from 1.00 to 2.00 each. Crosses lockets and hearts from 50c to :J.00 each. Silver cups from 1.00 to 3.75c Silver three piece set knife, fork ami spoon from 2.00 to 4.00. Silver two piece set brush and comb 1.25 each. THE MAW OF THE HOUR Is the man with the money, for he is reaxly for all financial emergencies, and his interests have alwa3s been identified witha bank from the time he first open ed a Savings Account up to the pres ent Would you like to follow in his footsteps? Coma in and we will show you the way. THE BANK OF A Ring' Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal overcomes Indigestion, dyppepwa and other jtoinache ilK Two dara trial free. As our dealer. Sold by Martin Drug Co. OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank At WaJestoro. C at the close of toslness Decemter 3, 1907. RESOURCES. Dollars Loanaand discount. . . : HW.O.V5.29 Overdraft, secured and unse cured 3.914.97 U. S. Bond to necure circulation 2!,70O.O0 U. S. Bond to secure U. S. De pom t M.00O.0O Premiums on IT. S. Bonds. . . . 2.863.75 Bond, securities, etc 17.072.5W Bnking house, furnitnre and fixture 15,b97..")2 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 40,414. M Due from approved reserved affenta 27. ISO. 23 Checks and other cash item. . l.x.53. Note of other National Bank." 2.fi00.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 17'.ro Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz : bpecie t24.0K4.O0 Leffal-tender'notes.. 2tf.iHXi.ti0 ." Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (3 of circulation) 1.452.30 Total 43.1M.N1 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 50,000.00 Surplus fund 30,000.00 Undivided profits, less expen ses and taxes paid 8,227.(54 National Bank notes outstand ing 29.030.00 Due to other National Rinks . . 222. 42 Due to State Banks and Ban kers H5.032.37 Individual deposits subject to check 177,691.77 Demand certificates of deposit 44.(550,01 Cashier's checks outstanding. . 10.322.59 United States deposits 50,000.00 Total 430,l(.t.8() State of North Carolina. ( County of Anson. S ss: I, W. L. Marshall. Cashier of the alove named bank, do solemnly swear that the alwye statement is true to the best of hit knowledge and txdief. W. L. MARSHALL. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn I Correct Attest: to before me this 5th j J. D. Leak. day of iVs-ember, 1107 Clarence M. Burns, Jr. Notary Public. R. T. Bennett. J. D. Home. Directors. Warming Up for Business Having taken charge of the Plumbing business heretofore con ducted by the Wood & Iron Co., I especially ask the patronage of this section, assuring you of the very best work on the shortest Iossible notice. Very Truly, L. C. BLA1SDELL. WANTED ! All lovers of good coffee try a can of our to Monogram Coffee Put up in sealed tins, 1, 2, and 3 pounds. 35 cents per pound or three tounds for $1.00. It is as good as the best and better than the rest. Complete line of other coffees at 12i, 15 and 25 cents per pound. Phone us your wants for any thing irood to eat and if you live in town, the goods will be deliver ed. "Quick sales and small pro- tits." TARLT0N HA1MMA Phone 87. City Tailor Shop. One Door North of Ansonian Printing Office. All Kinds of Cleaning, Repair ing and Dyeing. Suits Made to Order. Goods delivered anywhere in the city. . 4 L. S. McMillan, Proprietor. Phone No. 149. WADESBORO HOE Ob itb xtit Hi Men's Leather Foot Wear Every da3' is a shoe day w ith us. We price the wanted kind low enough to insure a quick sale and warrent long satisfaction. Dress Shoes $3.50, 3.00, 2.;0. 2.00, 1.50, and 1.25. Work Shoes $2.50, 2.00, 1.75, 1.50, and 1.25. Ladies' Shoes Soft footwear for the tender foot of woman in plain toe, cap toe, patent tip, stock tip, common sense Old Ladies' Comfort, Button, Polish, Blucher, Cloth top, Sewed Bottom, Peed Bottom, Sprigged Bottom, French Heel, Medium Heel and YOUNG AMERICA Wadesboro v D ON ' X Spoil Your Christmas By being disappointed in buying your gifts. Come and see our assortment of Pretty Gifts. for Your Lady friend EMBROIDERY SETS MANICURE SETS COMB & BRUSH SE)TS PUFF BOXES LEATHER GOODS FINE BOX PAPERS WILEY'S and SPARROW'S . CANDIES. JFWELRY CASES. Some Fancy Hall Lamps for either oil or electricity. Pretty and Stylish Assortment of Chinaware and dian Baskets just arrived. In addition to our stock of School Books, we have Gift Books of many kinds, Novels, Reference Books and Prettiest lot of Plain and Fancy Post Cards ever seen here. We have them at all prices, from the cheapest to most expensive styles. PEE DEE PHARMACY mm 7 The First National Bank Capital Stock $50,000. i Place Your Money In Safe Hands J HERE you know that it is absolutely safe from , burglars, fire, or financial disasters. Here you can feel that your money is with a permanent in stitution and that it is being taken excellent care of all the time. There is no letter way to keep money than on de posit in a safe bank. In Judging a Bank Always remember that ;t is Capital Stock and Sur plas .Funds that give security to the depositor. They form a fund which stands lietween him and all possible shrinkage in the securities held by the bank. 1 Call in and talk it over with hp. Small accounts cordially welcomed. W s THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ! WADESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 2 $b Small profits price and spot Underselling Store, moreen If he's the young, active, kicking kid, or the quiet, mischievous boy, we have the stuff to fill the re quirements. The styles for boys are so varied, so diversified and so numerous that nothing but a call here will make you realize what we have. The Suits for Children are herea better line than we have shown before; suits that will please the most exacting mother. Boys' Suits range from $1 to $7.50. 8 For Your Gentleman Friend SHAVING SETS WHISK BROOMS COLLAR & CUFF BOXES LEATHER PURSES and WALLETS POCKET KNIVES and RAZORS CIGARS. Surplus Fund $60,000 In- 8 8 - VV" III 2 . m I m m w w m TO TO TO oft repeated, dependable goods, one cash are winners for the Underselling Spring Heel. Prices $3.50, 3.00, 1.25, and 1.00. Children's Shoes Co - Long life and a vigorous old age is our combination in Chil dren's Shoos. We have the sizes. .lust bring us your meas ures. Prices 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, 85c, 90c, $1.00, 1.15, 1. ;,. and 1.50. Boys' Shoes We furnish one for Sunday with stylo and snop as well as the briar patch Hint rock variety for every day wear. Prices $1.25, 1.50, and 2.00. in WAl. I ESTATE I . " 3 IroR SALE Arc Going to Stop a we Selling Clothing and if you want all we have or any part there of, it will pay you to come along and see our prices. Here are a few pointers: $15.00 Suits now $12.50 Suits now 510 00 Suits now $ 7.50 Suits now And these are aft These prices named, simply nouse will proceed to move out and at a rapid fire rate, stock is new and clean and its up to you to. help yours, ion? as It ajsts yhen to get a bargain. GRAY GROCERY COMPANY PHONE 124 P. S. A few guns to close out at almost your own price uinVtf .you are very unreasonable. "'if k - 2.50, 2.25, 2.00, 1.75, l.; Sc Shoe C o. One F our-Koorn House :im-l Lot on Depot Street, close to hiiNnn'SN portion of town. Price One farm consisting of r, :nn situated about two miles imh IIi u Polkton, one-horse' farm i;k some good timber, small Immim' and barn, easy terms A good kugaiii in Only One farm consisting of a about four miles from M l arlai . on Pee Dee river, about ',; a-r in cultivation, 4-room house :i i I stables. Rented for IDOs for four bales of cotton. HIDS WAM Ki' Full description at our olliee. ANSOW REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY $12.50 $10.00 $7.50 $5.00 good values. mean that the clothing in our ri..' its gone, blame yourself if you lie'1 1 a it h( it yj i u' iC ii 1 4 it' At

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