l 1 k 1 y INowopapor, To Enlighten, XoElovato, and To Amuse. VOLUME 2. NUMBER 34. WADESBORO, N. C JANUARY 21. 1908. $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE l 1 . hriK 1 JJjfccfcSi-O Lowland Personal Mention. Miss Mary Lowe went to Mon roe last week to risit relatives. Miss Mae Misenheimer last week with Mrs. C. C. netL spent Hen- When You Pay Mr. F. O. Caudle has moved his family to Marshville, his fu ture home. Mr. V. S. Hendley of Colum bia, S. C. spent last week in An- i son vi Hp. miss Clara Uichardson of Mon- PROf. fERRELL'S LETTER CHrUtmxs Tunes RiUIfi Ekcttoi Civlllxitfei't Treti Street EtUiette Etc. Editor Tus an SO XI AN: In this city the holidays hare come and tone. The glad spirit with the holly and the mistletoe brightened the lives and the homes of men for a little while. It is well that it is so. The Christ couple in the middle of the walk. LOCKE CRAIG FOR GOVERNOR I asked Mr. F. to brace herself to Way BU Friends Ask Nortn Carolina Democrats to. Vote For Hln. In the editorial columns of the Roanoke Beacon of the 10th inst, ire find the following in support of Hon. Locke Craig, a candidate for governor and one of the State frfrttttfrfrtttj mr SUNDAY JANUARY, 26 for your purchases here we do not con sider the transac- . . ! Mrs. HaneV tion closed by anylihart means. We do not regard our part as complete unless you derive perfect satisfaction in the use of The Hardware You Buy We couldn't make such an announce ment if our hard ware were not of a quality to warrant it. We believe a trial purchase will show you that the best hardware, which we sell, is the cheapest after all. B. G. COVINGTON Yc Old Hardware Man. see what would happen. I squar ed myself giving half the walk. Here they came with heads above the righu of every body else. There was a collison. The young idiot gave a grunt of. astonish ment. He is only' one of hun dreds iust like him. This laxitv is not confined to those of the speakers at the celebration of male sex. How much of the side- Washington's birthday here on walk belongs to those you are February 22nd: P'nt came to make (he world meeting! Find out and proclaim The supporters of Hon. Locke glad all the time. Love of Monev I it on the house toD. . In law I be-1 rv; An nn i.;m th i-tir and Selfishness shut out thislleive there are the rights of LM him th nnminatinn fnr Onv. n ii spending sometime with her 8?iriL weddinir of thU pop- meum et tuum. They are a Uroor, but they urge upon Demo- sisU r here. Mrs. C. C. BennetL Ulir Tr. wu soiemnizea long uesuuiui comuinauon. in we craU of the State the consideration . , ku uiu wiur uumcrous ouspnng i uiu iumi mr supremacy in roisi0f Di$ qualifications, his record Miss Wills Savior of Salisbury I throng the earth. Christmas I day and generation the princi Die ImnA hi arrived last week to visit the fam- comes to make them give back in-1 let every man take take care of He b a Christian gentleman, of ily of her brother, Mr. H. Clay to the shadows for awhile and himelf and let the Devil take the lrnnw1?rad ability, and of Dure Sy lor. gnash their teeth in green-eyed hindmost is playing havoc with nrivatA life. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hancs of ?nv whtk real gladness and the courteous consideration of Since 1886 his service in every Mocksville spent last week with j?T;.,inf .,,fe of innocent others ngnts. it is an error campaign have been at the com: mother, Mrs. Lou cmiunoou ai urmmas "de, Dnngs m neeas correcuon. niand of the Chairman of the ncaven nearer lo tnis care-worn i wisn ihe ansoxiax a pros- Democratic Executive Committee. a i rw-a . . -m i m t it in laii i.ii .n. w i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ijlvs n. i i i earin. ine warmth ot Uhnsrs oerous incw rear. You hiv k. k.a nna Ffn hr Kro I . ,.r : . - Miss Annie IVgues of near Mt- love in men's hearts irrows mor, merited the success tod have won. I ZTJZ "7 .i .rY;. - l.mi Pparea aci masmg n un- THE STORY Farlan has a position a. Ste- intense and men do .not go back to You have a great people and a -nse. No man in the SUte has Men nograpner witn me routncrn the same dead level as before. I great county to defend, to sUmu-lmHA mom sneerhe.s in anv cam- oVT. Ii ill r .rCVc r x A:: I a i an. . ii. .t.i . . .. .i i i)imii iih v ill ii ij i if . i :nio. - I I 1,11 IN li I am giaa we nave seitisnness Uke a aw io nigner ideals, to help de- vifm sinre 1886 than he. exceDt " u:k::J :n i came from all nnrt nf th wnrld back seat for one day. The angeU velop the material resources, to 5 Klv Om-omnr Glnn and i. . j . . tn oehrt th ccor XfnnP. sang to the shepherds the glad foster individual honesty in pol- Governor Ay cock. leisiue when tL time comes to changers were T buTy exchanging song. The sons of men have ltics, to DromoU the triple cause h has held no oublic office ex- I " v.i the heathen coins for th .Iftwish of education morality and relig- cept that of Presidential Elector thft TautllMnH th:s Hiatnrli- money. This business in the on noever is opposed to tdese and Member of the General As- intr Question cannot be iniected temple court was exceedingly i ii i ii i rw i u m ri nnomv r r t nonn i l i a i r a i . i . d wuaag9 a cms vuvujj a county. You have made good. Blessed Tn iQ9. ht was PrftsidentialL.. : :. o. j is the man who is Sun-Crowned P.t in .K WnTh nnr,rrion- 4",n ,n UHS otat aau.1 . Tf'.Z'. icauuui ue sneuceu uy auyinuig "- v: . "'T I Savings liank. 1 :Mr. KlUha (lulledge of Char lolle is spending sometime with relatives in Gulledges township and Chsterheld county Ex-Governor Jarvls Favors Prohibition. The following letter has been! written by ex-Governor Jarvis, urging the called session of the! Legislature to enact a State pro hibition law: -wa a . i niie it is true that no law is worth much unless it has a strong I healthy sentiment behind it to en- Scripture. John 2:13-22 Gold force its execution, it is likewise en Text. "Holiness becometh true that when public sentiment f thine house. O Lord, forever." manifests itself it is well to respond Psalm 93:5. Time, 27 A. D. to it. It must be manifest to all Place. --Jerusalem. w no take note of passing events PRFVIFW that the people of .North Uaroltna have made up their minds to tryl hile Jesus and his disciples prohibition. Whatever one may are in Galilee, they attend a "mar- think of the wisdom of prohibi- nage in Cana. This is the home tion as a remedy for the evils of f Nathaniel and is within four the liquor traffic, he must admit, miles of Nazereth, the home if he be not blind, that the people of Jesus. Here the ' water is are determined to give it a fair turned to wine and Jesus mani- trial. fests His glory to His diciples. If the Legislature shall be called Then Jesus with his mother goes together in special session it will to Capernaum and spends some be political wisdom to pass a care- ume. un No man in the State has hjquor jn North Carolina after the Me.n were selling oxen, sheep ana aoves io me pusrrims wno ; Sunday School Department : Conducted By Special Editor caught up that song and its chorus shall one glad day fill this earth Mr. W. W. Carpenter, son of " the remotest bounds. Ir. B. Carpenter of Cedar ItaJeigh had a glad Christmas Hill, has irone to Texas where he students of many schools will superintend a Urire farm. went home and carried sunshine Mks Mary lUtliff and Mr James lUtliff of Mt. Croghan, S. C. sient Thursilav- and Friday her with the family of Mr. .G Covington. John Hough, colored, was ar rtotl hor Thiirsdav hv offippr R.tlfoarn nn a warrant issued at moneyed world. Hope had a during this good year, 1908. cheerful seat by tho "fireside. W. J. Ferreix. ini conceal ucanons inere seemed to be a sort ol itaieign, January lam m va a ca w a J U ViiV I im a a fine atmfKn1(,P fnr nmnrPft mis tnjnsa Lanruaci It was his inJ to -nothPr fontptt of th Mr. W. B. Kerr, Manager of the highest bidder. Men some times select their church home with reference to business patron age. Some churches have been known to take advantage of pur chasers in "salesand 4suppersM be cause it is all for "a good cause." These and many more miggt be cited as examples of how God's house may be turns into a market place. On the Church of St James in Venice, John Ruskin found words like these. 'Around this temple let the merchant's weights be true, his judgments just, and his con tracts without guile. A worthy motto for a Christian man apd a Christian church. A veteran missionary from China tells of a Chinaman who had read the New Testament three times. When asked what most struck him in the reading, ho replied, 'The most wonderful thing I read was that it was pos sible for us men to become tem ples of the Holy Ghost " Anson semblyf and these invorved expen- into in the camDaiffD Gf profitable. Probably a long es- I 1 A. A. Z. I " I. ' . . 4 Jl" 1 A ses ano not remuneration. nooff Proh h Hon ? now n onsneu custom, inis seemeo io In 1892 man who is sun-crowned I ntr in - - . I a . ..I -aw-wva and love to rond parents whose and uvea aoove me ciouds ot mis- i n;fir.. nH in I89fi ha was . ... V pHon wpi-a lPfrJtJmatp Pior - - - I . . .... I a a-awaaw I Sill lrl. Ill M ri HI'I. fir I TIM I ii(T VIUI. UTP. x- vfciviiiw .aawv prayers and sacrifices are repaid erable selfishness in public duty Presidential Elector for the State. whjch shall trive it a fair trial and methods, the graft were ob by the caresses of grateful sons and private thinking. Th hairWronnd of nemocracv Lj : i:iJli.. i iectionahlft. Jftsns iifts a uvtnrm and daughters for a few brief To my many friends, I extend : in Ka Vf whre he is an ac- :n " l..Xf V. 1:1 "of rnshea. anp.h h wo.ilH at. days. Baleigh was at home that the best wishes of the season, and tnnwlArWd lpadr. tu i: " once bo ah! to crathpr from tr. ,i ti . i -1 . I : u t i . i acu. ii uic kicuuuu ui cnuuiuuws . . : . - " uaj. me gwu coeer wis conia- pruuuao io uo iuuuu wnn uiem in But it is not m the West alone shau take Dace in the DPesent dis- temple floor." Notice the words, gious. Nobody su ked in his tent the front ranks where duties are that he rendered service. turbed and unsettled state of feel- "My Father's House," The Re- TEACHING HINTS "Seize curiosity Mr. (i. K. Hooks mule a few days ago. lost He was born in the county of Bertie, where he lived until he reached manhood, and knows of the troubles and trials of the East, and he has always supported and advocated these measures necces- lng on the whiskey question, it will be impossible to keep the pro hibition question out of the pol itics of the state. In the coming campaign candidates will be com pelled to declare themselves and no y0 V Foos Gasoline Engines lhaotooi tho test for "JO .ears) ar mon1' economical and gives letter sntvsfaction than any engine on the ni-irket. Spx-iul electric. Mountoil r rea.lv to mount '2 to ) H. P. Write for price and Particular. J. V. CADIEU. Monroe. N. C. To fttop tha: itin in tb li k. that tiffin". of tb jtnl and wh'h I'. tk Iinrnl Thj Rnarant"d Dn"t uJi-r from rh-ututiui. Iwluu-h kiJ-n-"j trubl. arho youft ;)Lt trrnt m"nt for h) A san'le 1ok at tim- nvt thirtant (t tbm to ily Sil.l lT Martin Drn Co. Mr. Ieroy week to visit Benton left the home of mother Mrs. trnny lienton in L'nion county vhere he has a brother sick with pneumonia. Mr. . I'. Uunlap lias a posi tion with the Blalock Hani ware Co. Mr. Dunlap is from Cedar Hill and has had much experience in the merchantile business. He last Strong drink the his driven from its place of respects , , . I I w sary for the safety and weirare or raatter which side they take the other sirta will hft nrcrprtf- anrl education. In I thus von h vA t.h nnpetinn in whieh chnwu tn what ATtnt ,v"' '"T , poiiucs wneiner you want it so or saloon was s. w.ch shows to whatextent th Legis Uture of 1899 he was only dependence for making his Christ spirit with the saloon-the the Wadesboro Live Stock Co., tern DMple crop an 1 he feels the loss keenly sp irit of unmitjted evil. las received the following letter f of , from a financial standpoint. , You have heard of the result, from one of his colored acq uain- f t to t this citizenshin and ed about to express thought: has to skunk where it belomrs in Charlotte, JN. U, the darknps amonir evil doe and I Dear Sir; violators of everv Drinciole of Please excuse the liberty I take nuhlie virtn ano nrivatA hnnpstv. H writing this to you, but may I 1 . a visea version tnves the same words in Luke 2:49. Worship has been supplanted by gam. Part of this traffic must have been in the hands of priests. From Luke 19:46, we learn that there was fraud and extortion practised. Immediately follows a cleft between the foes and friends of Jesus. Those officials who suffered humiliation by this pub lic rebuke, regard Jesus as their Uuairman OI rxiucauon, uu was There, s another reason whv t largely instrumental in framing s better to have this question set- foe- TheT are in danger of losing the present school law. He be- at once jf -lt can he (jone control of the people. The dis- lieves in the supremacy of the These whiskey elections tend to ci pies, His friends, recognize in white race. In the same Legisla- bring the negro back into politics. His a?t a sSn of IIS authority. l lir thfthnnnnhlA nmroMjim of lurc 1,0 " " mc'uvv'. . , " nen we nave one 01 uiese eiec- ...o.,, wv, ,o vinou, It was a fflod dav to those who nave me nonoraoie prerogative or i pnct tuf nna k.: .1 . 1 .1 tho Ko mnr r u wnru m,M r . V . ohtAini n tr comA information fmm WUJUJ"'W uons my OOServailOD IS mat DOtll "" lore Got and their ne.irhlrs as ooiaining some inrormaiion irora 1 . j nna nf the . I -oc in 0 no; tmna Katto - r.fropinrr Tkocition with tho auicuuuituL, siues, wnn rare exception, get on , " " y themselves. It was a sad day for "fiJ irTw?th At nr most active and influential mem- a brisk hunt for votes. I heard temple, not a mere house but a those who, like vultures, pray same nrra you are witn. ai pre- . the adoption of ; c n hvinsr bodv. not perishable ike b been reg- tue Jewish temple. Put alive lor Grandfather evermore; not corrupt and world ly, out sanctineo and spiritual, . . . c rti.a rr . nenn c mnT rrnminni i . t i 1 m unr iinnmtrnftc rvirei vnin i i . , v.. . , on tne weaKnesses ana misior-.w w w.v,. tv amendment of 1900. At tne pWtinnc noirmoc liot-, young men amle company is to tuncs.of lheir felIowmCn. The have present control permit me to SoToMhe Legislature he Sterundehr- Ik r-nrrrtiilatri itnon ternrintrl t . i m miVf chinirn and T wonlrt IiL-p . ... . 'aicreu uuuer me pifstMcrs, wnu oi uecciiy mui, - offered in the House a suosutute n ause " h 1 wrv iri. 1 1 ! ) : 1 verr much to ascertain if vouL .. u:n r130. . . . - w.x-. . I... ... . . . Ur HB WUUIHK scuaioro voi " I T1(1 lTlOnS fl Pft m - a k m mm m - n w a a aa aa a a wm v i r a w ar Messrs. (5. W. Huntley and W. II . Liles sient several days of last week at Hocky Hiver Springs, ac companied by Messrs. Ira Mullis and Civile Jone., two surveyors of Wingiite. The purose of ihe trio was to run out a numlier of lots on the property ownetl there by a stock company. in for their share of abuse from the liquor lovers. Faithful church members received their full share of sulphurous effusions. The cit izens who were afraid of taxation were made to have almost conges live cnills. Evil in the world dies hard, but it must die. In the struggle it destroys its many think there is an opportunity at present to obtain a position with the same syndicate you are with at present in the harness making business and if there is not a va cancy with the same firm in the harness making business that you are with, may I kindly ask and most humbly beseech you to spare rsrv riitfprpnr, in which was adopted and is now the this Shite, from what th wp.pa in law under which whites and blacks 1880 and 1881, when the Legisla- nde in separate cars. ture passed an act submitting the He is opposed to allowing for- question of prohibition to the eign corporations, doing business voters of the State, but there in this state, to remove luen ls danger, if this question gets in- cases irum oiaws w mo 1 10 pontics in WUb ot Pringing Courts. back some of the conditions of 1 At the same session ot tne leg- 1 fi2. There is danffer in some even the body of Christ. ILLUSTRATIVE of and bliss, that thou art ' 'Money, thou bane source of woe, Whence com'st thou, - so fresh and fine? I know thy parentage is base and low: Man found thee poor and dirty in a mine. Man calleth thee his wealth, who made thee rich; . . ! I W b a lew moments in lnterceoing ror . .1., -rwi ,nr1 r r , ' ' , r; 7V 1 r, . ,luc . 'UV mft with Qomn other Hrm recrardino- ls,u,c uo . 1. . localities at least, 11 tnis wniSKey Ana, wniie ne aigs tnee, rails ui tne t. u..: : " u" the passage of a Din seeking to Question is not sett ed before, cf ditcb. George iiarbert. - ,i 'ffA,;o remedy this evil, and to prevent having a good deal of indepenc UIUIC llUiO W UCIUIIO W WUM fcl QUO- action without disturbing your- upon the sale of indulgence. Some Churches today are supported by the auctioneering of the seats to many thousands, but it must die, Mr. T. B. Dunlap of Cellar Hill thank God. . . I ! ! mm a a. & i w v-v a c r va i b m i v r in xaaa?aa-tnrp liiij oaiuu iyuiuaj a a a u iiaa.wi a l a, Mnna-i. . . . . HS:4ni:' T.. . "VHSY-WJ" .:r .mnl time tn fWot to thi tranR. remedy mis evu, ano to I having a good deal of independei tl St Peter's at Rome was built :nngiiig io i. V- ifuniap me oui bianu. ;e aro uu iuu- -"7r. - . -"jT the removal ot cases to tne reaer- ra;x;ntr ana- trad nt? n the coming .i . i ..:ii , . : n.. : .i i: I iit. an nn wilikiul iiisLiiruinir vuiir-i - . . . . i " c - mat place ami win coiiuuut- me uer in me nquor uusiuess. ?o -;- ... ai Courts. It is true it was alter business. Mr. Dunlap is a man exict to prosper. Blind tiger ?eii, ana ii so, my Krauiuue wu. , of sterling quality in whom the folks are already finding their ?lnW F'Sir? by the Supreme Court of the 2 I'Lele thin out and be done Kople have confidence : and be way to the . chain-gang. More uZ United States,, but our own with it. I therefore sincerely mil succeed in the business ie win follow. A law emqreement r Supreme Court had firet declared honp thflt if fln extra session of hasclusen. leaguo has been formed. The dome a great iavor. i am hfc constitutional, and in any event fh Tcrielatnro ;e nQU it W51I tne same one mat used to worK . e . M; rroitr twl on Z IT r j l with Mr. Miles Johnson at Rock ! stows M rate question" and the r,-.i . . .. . . this Question before the present 4iwhisWpv ones tion." hpfor it. d. tun, c?. i., at tne time or wnicn . j :c nrt nAW thincr Z u i ui r.. UrA in ih lirprv hn sin ass I agitation and lt is no new thing Journs by the passage of equitable I recently comprehended by wordhhe he l06 SWDa m enforceable laws. of personal information that there J . . an't ncA How An Exchange Puts It. the moment of excited to fix the truth. The time to catch a fish is when he bites." The lesson of the day should bo the outstanding theme. Make it as real as possible. Put life into it. , Do not try to teach all there is in a lesson. Select a central truth. It is better to teach one truth in twenty ways than to teach twenty truths in one lesson. "The average teacher- when poorly prepared will lecture to the class; if well prepared he will ask questions of the class; if thoroughly prepared he will en deavor to provoke questions from the class. The art of combining the last two methods marks the highest skill in teaching." The teacher's example is all im portant. We teach more by what we are than by what wo say or do. The teacher must be what he seeks to have his scholars become. The teacher who is the ideal of his scholar will havo tremendous influnce. Never allow yourself to become discouraged. Do your best. God's promise is to be faithful. The day that you seem to fail and went homo with heavy heart and fearful eyes may 'have been the best day's work you ever did. Begin Sunday afternoon to pre pare for next Sunday. Take your scholars with you all the week. Let tho lesson for next Sunday be the scripture reading for Sunday afternoon and keep it on your heart through the week. "And they that be teachers shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as stars forever Mar.) and ever." (Dunicl 12:3 umter telephone KjO. and nas many desireable features which have not been used in this section. The conianys jopu!ar manager, Mr. W. T. Rose, went to Sumter last week and selected the board. rhii.iren wa.u awv. KMr them is no repentance, it nas naa Advice to mothers: Don't let your th utroni; and healthy during the winter with Holliter!i Hocky MouuUin Tea. It i- the greatest tonic for children inre and haniile.. does the greatest cmd. H-V. Tea or Tablets. Martin Dm Co avvwv'vvvvvvww Don't Worry Atooirt Bedsteads We have enough here to supply almost every home in the county. Bought them in carlo 1 lots and lowdown prices are moving. them everyday. Bed good enough for the best and prices low enough for all. H Child's Trundle Bed. a good one. (iood Oak, double lock. Bedsteads. Dark Oak, cap front, Bedstead . . . Oak. roll foot. Bedstead Oak. roll foot and roll head IVxlstead 5 tjuartcml Oak, anelled roll head and foot up lo 18.00 The well-known "Sanitaire" Iron Bedsteads from $3 tolS.00. Come tee theui if you are a bit interested. In front of Court House leacuo has been formed. The man trttA t KI n Lo lia ta?fl! malro aa a t rr t 1 I IUU04 WW aa.mw Ihe adesporo leiepnone , b snpftkirjo, -ound like an his just purchased anew swucn- .,.,. .Iotf wil, find himself 1 .-.Tat. .,Ii!,aaa rvA tlf I . . lioaru w in u..u.iix shoveling dirt and breaking rock of 500 phones. The Iward is one I th(J roads of VVake COUDty oi ine newest anu latest inipro.t-o (Jood nsishs are already being machines maue oy tne wieuram. . votincr out the d spen- sary. Mr. Kditor, our civilization has decided to rid itself of the body of death the legalized saloon. It has sinned away its day of grace. It has committed the sin against the Holy Ghost for which there the fairest test of any institution on earth. It has proven false to every obligation human and di vine. To get the dollar that alone for which it cares it has sold itself to dishonor, has stoop ed to the lowest depths of crime. It has come to glory in its shame and with bloody hands, grasps at the throat to strangle, virtue and to thrust the assassin s knife to the heart of the nation. As the kingdom of Beeshazzar was weigh ed in the balances and round wanting, so the kingdom of Rum is weighed and the invincible Medes and Persians are now within the wall with broken gates. As the traitor Cataline died with snarls and curses on his lips for all that was sacred in Rome, so this ruthless foe of all that is good dies cursing and smiting the hand that would save it for better things. I trust Tn Ansoman may help me out of trouble. I am bothered. Some time ago I was on the street and saw four people going up the side-walk all abreast. Two of them were men. Coming meet ing them was an old woman. I was debating in my mind how much of the sidewalk belonged to that old woman. No way was made for her and to avoid a col lision, she had - to step off the pavement and go past them that way. now mucn 01 mat siae walk belonged to herl If it' had been a man how much of the sidewalk belonged to himt Mrs. F. and I were going out one even- J ing. e saw a young man anu his girl meeting us in the middle of a rather narrow sidewalk. I asked Mrs. F. to notice that the young fellov would give no way A little farwr on re met another They Price $1.25. . . Price 2.40. . .Price 2.75. . Price 5.00. . .Price 5.50. CAUDLE is in your city a gentleman by the name of Mr. Wheeler in the har ness making business. I would be pleased as that you consult him regarding tho same mentioned above. I close, Truly, Mr. Wheeler .heard from the same scribe about the time Mr. Kerr received the above letter, but thought that there was en He has been an earnest advocate of the Watts Law and by his vote. Said a well known business man influence and public utterance has the other day: "It would not hurt championed the cause of prohibi- you to occasionally mention our tion. He has done this and is business in the paper. Jt would now doimr this in his own com- help to fill up, you know." Yes munitv where the anti-piohibition we might do it. We haven't the vote and influence is strong, and least idea on earth that it would at the risk of his personal popu- hurt us, and it would, as he sug- Iaritv. gests, help to fill up. We might The people of the State are not do all this, but at the same time, uutuiuutu. lur ,7 , , ungrateful. The names of Sim- thank God, we do not have to do tirely too much learning displayed "X ircock. Glenn and Craig it unless we feel like it. It would therein ror a successiui narness are together as those of not hurt him, neither, to come maker. . the four great advocates of De- and say: 4Give me a column ot a About Alvertlslor mocracy on the stump. Simmons half column of space for an ad- (Lexington Dispatch) Senator, Aycock has been Gov- vertisement and here is the money If advertising pays and only ernor, Glenn is Governor, and for it." By doing this he would ignorance denies that it does it Craig has been Presidental Elec- become a deserter to that grand ought to pav more during the tor and a member of the General army of dead-heads who expect "dull" months between the holi- Assembly. The people of North the newspapers to continually note days and spring than at any other Carolina will make him the next the improvementsthey make, by season. It strikes us that this Governor of this great State, and giving them free puffs, and for is the tima for a live mer- the East is glad of the opportunity which they never pay a ceiit. It chant to 'get bu3y." And yet to contribute its part to the just is high time for all classes to learn the general run of business men in recognition of this man from the that a newspaper is a business en- this part of the State usually lop off mountains and this able and un- terprise, the same as a dry goods a hv- their advertising and practally elfish Democrat. give up to the demon of dull times, tisimr efforts to win trade. Nat- The First National Bnk Stockholders uraJly this is the subject in which Meet. we are selfishly interested, but T , t- of the is one in which the wise business 4 . . , . , . to xrt;i ml -, .1.1 SWVMIUIUCO UI Allow readily see that he is far . - 4ua more deeply interested than we L . Th mk was found to gestion . prompts this i testamomal. I . tin I,.. at etalr h I UJ . 1 am fnllv mnslncwl that f.YT tnmarll store or a grocery, run for ing for its owner. Bow is Your Digestion? Mrs. Mary Dowling of No. 228 8th Ave. San Francisco, recomends a rem-: edy for stomach troable. rfhe says: "Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electiic Bitters in case of acute indi- am fully convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Electric Bitters is the best remedy on the market today." This great tonic and alternative medi- tne a a i i arr in mi cavaiiivU mt a- vuvi a aa stands to make more. Adver- r4W. :fc u:Q . . a . II I JUI WAS U1C t-fO t J V4 U w usinir pa vs. livery printed wora A - w . . t . .i inrv. about a man or his business aids rr- ,, nt rlJtorc cineinviaroratea the system purifies th in Shaping his bank account and . .. Ilw J- R f I Tttle J A blo 18 especially helpful in all i,:o aS;- TKfl na of HHinlfta wasre-elected: K. L. Little, J. A. forms of female weakness. 50c. ai r.:rl TriZ I Leak, J. D. liO, W. J. iVlC- Parsons Drug Co . rj7' rrr'.irriLendon, C. M. Burns, J. U. leak, TaTJaJ w' He Felt So Small. v MiU wiv.- . . v.. ..a, r, I T Xlavehall I 4i. T-.- 1 1 1 1 thn muntrv savs , . . , Miss n.isoerg went oaca: nome me country say s. I Th H irtmi met immediately k . t..a Aj r :j m j It would be a foolish man in-fuft ctnr.kholders adiournedL-ji t a u ' deed who would cut off . fclrf-lU former officers 7-, .- ZJ T -k or 1116 T11 "w'r r , xt' "Yes," interrupted Browne, "I loomed upon the horizon, or who Prudent. J. D. Leak: Vice L- .! i r considered i cancelling his Ufe in-1 President, R. E. Little; Ofhier, "You saw me? You must have surance when his health was poor, w L..XUrshall: Assistant Cashier ua t SLJ uk " fJ J. J? . Meoiey ; xJOOKaeeper, r . v. . . , , wica hnine man will lomr con-1 r I It fills the arteries with rich, red , . tr i i : w. r- 8iaer cuiung oa tiu uraiucaa ui . i i surance wnicn is aoverusuig p carbolied acU like a pool- can take ita place; no remedy has done simply because . there is A little out ri.mtrjftn and poison so much good, us Hamster's Rocky temporary tightening op of things Antiseptic healing. Ear chapped hands Mountain Tea. 35c, Tea , or Tablets. Bnancial.'' - ;. Cnta, frarna. Sow bt jartin Drug Co Martin Drag Co. Georgoai Came Syrup We have just received w dircct frm the planta- w tion in bouth Georgia a lot of Extra Fine Open This syrup we guarantee to be the genuine, and the best to be had. Phone No. 8. H ARDIS0N COMPANY i TH REE LEADER'S. In these I am far ahead of anything offered today. FIRST A Kitchen Safe for Service, not simply for sale. The best for the money that I could find on the market. Prices $2.50 to $5.00 SECOND The Bed Spring you've heard about, one worth every cent asked for it and you will say so too when you've used it awhile. Price only $3.25. THIRD A Superior line of jFelt Mattresses. Don't take my word but come and see one ripped open. Know what you are buying. Prices from $6.00 to 12.50. I am pushing these three leaders because I am not afraid to sell them on my guarantee. I know they will please. H. .M. GOX r' "FURNITURE ON THE SQUARE' Come see my handsome line of rugs and druggets well display ed at my large storerooms in t front of courthouse. ' i I

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