II W E J IS 3 O INT I A IS , . FT.S 3.- 1 1908 VI i t Mttn Tl Meetlar At Tie BiptUt Cbarch Interest in tho series Short Locals f (f f tt 9 1 ! Sx3 Best cotton today 12 cents. .Mr. John II. Lalc is improT in slowly. 3Lr. .M. . Urvant mil rc- cive carload of mules today, .Mr. w ; . rowucr is con- fineil to his room with severe cold. Mrs. T. R Henry has been continevl to her room with illness fur several days. Mrs. David Curlee of Burns- ville township, is seriously sick with pneumonia. Mrs. John Jones is seriously sick and not expected to live through the wee! Mr. W, W.- Bidenhour I Charlotte spent : several . days Iast'weck with his uncle, Mr. L. Ridenhour of Walltown. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Love of near Polk ton. died a few days ao. Her. J. II. West will preach at Hanna chapel next Sunday af ternoon at 3 o'clock. Six tramps were arrested here ilurini; last weeK. two Demi? sus pected safe crackers. They were all released. There will be services at tho Gould Fork school house Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Mr. II. S. Pinkston. Miss Sallie Williams Ashford, formerly of Polk ton, will be mar ried at Hamlet on the 19th to Mr. Chester Arthur Martin. Cant. Bandy and his force of assistants are progressing rapidly on the sewer system being install ed here for a stock company. His many friends will regret to learn that ex-Sheriff B. L. Wall has Uen confined to his room for several days with illness. There will be no meeting of. the Wednesday Afternoon Club this week on account of the very interesting meeting at the Baptist church. Mr. rrank Dunlap, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dunlap and t - . student or lite university, was granUd license to practice law last week. of meet ings, now in proress at the Bap tist church, increases .'despite the Tery uau tveather. At every seme large congregations have been present and. the people are moved by the simple manner of the preaching and its convicting power. There have been eight auditions to the church. A feature of the meetings has Leea the solos by Prof. Kuby of Chicago, Mrs. H. W. Little and MissCharlie Belle Craig of Wades- boro. , The trained chorus. composed of all the singers from all the churches here, are doing line work. Sunday afternoon more than 500 men and boys heard Dr. Wal kers lecture. There , was an entire absence of the sensational about lL At this sen vice, a male quartette composed of Prof. Kuby, Messers. B. G. Coviagton, T. L. Caudle and Koy Shinn rendered some fine selections and the congre gation sang many familiar songs making the services u usually good. Services everyday at 10 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Ouare la Police Circles. At a meeting oi tno town com- a mam missioners last luesday night. Messrs. C. B. Luther and K. L. Rainwater offered their resigna tions as omcers for the town. both of which were accepted. Mr. Luther has had charge of the street work, which will now be under the direction of Mr. II. H. Bedfearn. Mr. Jesse McQuage was elected nightwatchman which position was held by Mr. Rain water. Tins change leaves the town in charge oi three olhcers finria Mav Fnrt Willi instead or hve, as was deemed Uyle Hawkins, Tyler neccsary lasi year. Mr. Luther has been a faithful meinoer oi me ponce iorce lor a long time and has made a good officer, conscientious in the per formance of his duties. Mr. Rainwater had been on the force only a short time. of of I J. Hlrt Point's Car '- Factory BnrneJ. (High Point Special, Oth Charlotte Ob-. - server.) The biggest fire In tho history of the city in dollars and cents occurred here last night when the main plant of the Southern Car Cam nan v was destrorpd hv firp. . - . - - . . . . . i " - - .irs. t ; ii. uraiff of. Atlanta, together with all nwchmerv. u., is visiting her mrcnts. Air. Tlie loss was Im twwn JLSA OOO nd ana .Mrs. J. .M. . Wall of near SI 00.000 and - rovprfvl . hv V adesboro, and other relatives of one-third insurance. Thr were the county. Mr. Craiir soent Itwentv-threa ears worth vrprnl Sunday with her. thousand dollars each almost read v Mr. A. E. Waddell of Anson- l? s .Dt were also de- villfl w in Mrhtr;ilA nA tK stroyed. l he origin of the fare is noints last we!r in th intrt f now nnknown. but it is believed the Ancnrillfl M.nf.tnr;r,rT rv w have started in the cabinet w ...rr.-w..fc , , . . . r room. most a mile from the business section of the citv. and br the time the fire companies arrived the mammoth build in? was on at . lire an over and there was no chance to save it. The Southern Car Company was established in 1903 and the build ings were of brick.- It was cap italized at $250,000 and was the only company making electric cars of its kind south of Wilming- ton, Del. The officers of the company afe: President, J. El- wood Cox: vice president. E. A. . . i visiting in Uheraw, fcnow; secretary and treasurer. L. R. Bnggs. The loss is a heavy one to the stockholders and High Point also, in that it was the only factory of its kind here. But out of the ashes will rise a better and larger plant, this being given your correspondent by Mr.B riggs today. Mr. J. S. Richardson. Jr.. of Micanopy, Fla.. was here last week on business. He reports a promising outlook for his orange orchard in Honda. Messrs. C. M. Baily and J. C. Trexler of Salbbury were here on business last week. Miss Blanche Huntley returned Tuesday afternoon from an ex tended visit to friends in Chester field county. Mrs. Olivette Brasington and children are lb. C. Miss Portia Huntley left today to spend a few weeks with her sis ter, Mrs. G. R. Hales, at Flor ence, S. C. - Miss Eva Huntley who is teach ing at the Mountain near Liles ville, is spending a few days with her parents here. Honor Roll. Fiest Gkadk Leona VA wards. Myr- Bennett, Doc Faulkner, Charles Mann, rrank Pinkston, Robert Redfearn. Upper First Grade Murr Crowder, Laura Mae West. Lower Second Grade Eliza beth Burns, Lois Covington. Beth Huntley, Enola Abernatlo, Sittings The world honors the sticker: never the quitter." Carlyle: Every being that can live can do something: this let him do!" 3S . S arga i n ' Of The Simon-Pure Variety At -j S my (Corner Such an opportunity seldom presents itselt and people by the thousands have been benefitted, while we have still enough to benefit thousands more. tJust Listen TTo TTHe Bugle Call "Die Fiddlers Convention has ben postponed on account of the met-ting in progress at the Baptist church this week. It will be held on the 21st of this month. Mrs. Martha J. Teal has bought the Richardson cottage, one mile from town on the Mor ven road, where she and her son- in-Ia-, Mr. Charles Smith will live. Saturday afternoon Mr. H. C. Bailey of Wadesboro township utlered a very painful accident when h lost two fingers of his left hand while sawing with a small cut otT saw. Mr. V. M. Morton, through th Ansn Kiral Estate and In surance Co.. hs bought the Bog in Jowers plac consisting of Ji acrv and situate thrvo miles from town, from Mr. H. S. I'mk ston. Consideration $0. The ladies of McFarlan will have an oyster supper at Mrs. K. 1. I jttlf's Thursday night, Feb ruary 13th. to raise money for th benefit of the Methodist church at that place. Every hjy is invited to come. Will serve from T.30 until 10 a. m. Mr. I). D. Coward moved his family here from near Cheraw, S. C, last week. They arc living in the Via residence recently vaca ted by Mr. L M. Liles on West Morganton street- Mr. Coward is a son-indaw of Mr. W. I). Webb ami will engage in the liv ery business here, having rented the iASstter stables. Dlvorccl aai Mirriei Same Day. The Superior court in session here this week granted a divorce yesterday to Mrs. Elizabeth Ed diugs from her husband of that name whereupon license were im mediately procured and Mrs. Ed dings became Mrs. J. T. Boswell. Deata of AssoaUa la ttoaroc. The remains of Mr. Alec Tarl- ton were brought here and interred at Hanna chapel yesterday. Mr. Tarltoo left here several months ago to live in Monroe and died there unday, having sutleretf a stroke of paralysis a few days previous. He was about 70 j ears of age. nr. J. C Hoi sot Seriously Sick at Lllesvitle. A phone message as this paper sroes to press stales that Mr. J. C. Hudson, a well-known and much respited businessman of Lilesvil le. Is thought to be in a dying condition due to a case of uric poison which developed Friday. Hutar at A. A M. College. Ten or fifteen freshmen were cowardly haxed at the state A. & M. college Thursday night aid their faces painted with nitrate of silver. While it is thought that no serious results will follow, some of the faces will probably r"ver recover from the effects. The father of one boy has employ ed a leading criminal lawyer to prosecute the guilty parties. Costly Fire at Marsbville this Mora-. la. Marshville, one of the leading business towns of Union county, was visited this morning by a des tructive fire when the M. K. Lee Merchantile Co.'s store was burn ed to the ground and the hotel over the store also destroyed. The business house carried a $10,000.00 stock of general merchandise, be ing somewhat in the nature of a department store. The stock was only iartially insured and no goods were saved. The fire originated near the bus iness office of the firm .about 1 o'clock this morning and had gain ed such headway that it was im possible to extinguish it when dis covered. Some of the guests of the hotel barely escaped in their night clothing The hotel was managed by Mr. J. A. Lingle. Mayor's Court. The following cases have been disposed of since February 4th: S.vTirnmr, Fkbkuaky 8th Mr. Add Waddell was arretted charged with being drunk on streets. He was fined $o.00 and the cost and when asked where he secured his whiskey, refusal to answer and was sent to jail for contempt. Monday he wits released on habeas corpus proceedings being insti tuted and some technicality being found in the method of procedure. Mommy, Fkhkuaky 10th El lis Maske, drunk; fined $5.00 and cost. Fine and cost iaid. Ulir a . m vt e can cnoose tnis very mo ment, whether we shall think a cowardly thought, or a brave one; a cheerful thought, or a despon- rlfnt nna In tha nnrf niAtrtonf Wcie i inKston, uavid Crawford. we can make the choice anew. and uunney, Florence .Morrison, Unnior anA Krar.f am,!. iwen ayior, jonn right, 3iar- ruic ;s 0n tin Mcuae. ..Tn , a a vviici wiiu oiMiun One bale Sea Island 5c One bale Sea Island. . . . . . . . .6ic 3000 yards short'Ginghams 5ic 20c short length Cottonades. . . 10o ' Light colored Calico 4jc 86-inch White Lawn 10c . Poe Mills Bleaching.. 7Jc Poe Mills Bleaching 9ic Lonsdale Cambric life Old Mill Cambric TlOc Fine Long Cloth, the bolt 98c $1.50 Counterpanes ....$1.19 10-4 Sheeting 22c 36-inch iPlaid Panama 15c 36-inch Wool Mohair . .37ic 36-Wool Panama 37ic 36-inch Wool Batiste 37ic 36-Brown Dress Linen 19c 15c White Waisting. . . . 10 and 11c 50c Belts 25c 25c Belts 10, 15 and 19c 10c Embroidered Collars 5c 25c Emb. Collars 15 and 19c 25c Hand Bags 15 and 19c 50c Hand Bags 25 and 37 ic $1.00 to 1.50 Hand Bags . . 75 & 98c 40 and 50c Rugs 30c $1.00 and 1.25 Rugs.. .: 79c 50 and 75c Wool Remnants . . 25c 25c Emb. 10c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 19c ... .'O OS i I C $1.25 Lap Robes 1.50 2.00 3.50 4.00 iSO . .98c ,$1.10 , 1.60 . 2.75 , 3.20 One big lot of Misses' Cloaks, worth from $2.50 to 5.00, all to go, at choice, for. . . . $2.00 150 Boys' Top Coats and Over coats, worth from $1.00 to 2.00, to go at .49c each Men's $2.50 Suits. " 3.50 Suits " 5.00 44 7.00 " 8.00 " io.oq " 12.50 " 15.00 Boys' 1.00 " 1.25 44 1.50 44 2.00 44 3.00 44 . 44 3.50 44 5. 00 .$1.98 . 2.65 . 3.75 . 5.50 . 6.00 7.50 9.00 10.50 0 79 0 98 1.20 1 60 2 25 2 65 400 MEN'S $1.25 Pants.... $1.05 1.50 Pants... 1.20 2.00 Pants '. 1.60 2.50 Pants 2.00 3.00 Pants 2.25 3.50 Pants 2.80. . 5.00 Pants 4.00 $4.00 Overcoats 2.25 4.50 Overcoats 3.00 5.00 Overcoats ........ 3.25 6.50 Overcoats 4. 50 8.00 Overcoats 5.50 10.00 Overcoats 7.50 $1.00 Negligee Shirts ........ 75c 75c Negligee Shirts 50c 50c Negligee Shirts. :. .37Jc $1.00 Undershirts 75c 50c 44 ...37Jc 40c . 44 ..25c 50c 25c 25c Suspenders. 10 . ..37k ... 19c and 11c Third oradk Carrie Hinson, Virginia Home, Lillie Mae Hutch- r- -mm. mm m m -r m ison, rvate Kedrearn, Ulaud Hunt ley, Iacy Batten. Fourth grade Margie (Jul- ledge. Flora Bmsington, Ollie Teal, Oreine Covington, Annie Heavener, Martha Livingston, Dennis Tarlton, Henry West, Robert Mann, Robert Tomlinscn, John Parks Boylin. Fifth (iradk Mary Sullivan, Margie Burns, Julia Burns, Vir ginia Ross, Bessie Mae Pinkston, Annie Baldwin Home, Kate Leak, Daisy McCask ill, Margaret Fenton, Eleanor Horton, John Gulledge, ImCC Ashcraft, William Gray, Cecil Smith. Sixth Grade Elizabeth Home, Mary Cliff Bennett, Rhone Lowe, Louise Ross. Seventh Grade Elizabeth Ross, Lilly Bivens, I?o Sullivan. Eichth and Nineth G hades--Fred Gray, Janie Gulledge, Mary K. Little, Preston McI?ndon. Till tomorrow; But joy shall have her way lni8 very day, There is a divinity in the meanest man, a philantromst in the stingiest miser, a hero in the bibbest coward; which an emer gency great enough will call out." ISTThe AnjOnun takes pleas ure in changing your ad. every week if you desire. We like to do it because our readers are in the habit' of seeing something new on nearly every ipot of the paper each week. John Randall is in jail at Ashe tUle for brutally beating his wife to death with a large cane last Tuesday afternoon, j Soperlor Court. There is little doing in thecourt room this week. Judge Jones is presiding and while the docket contains a number of cases, there are none of great importance. Hattio Bailes was granted i divorce from her Lusband. J. W Bailes. it appearing that Bailes was married at the time of the second marriage. The case of Eva Boggan and husband, L.L. Boggan, vs. Clarke Somers, was non suited. W. F. Iiatliff was given a ver diet for SI 1.75 against Aaron Huntley for rents due. Deatn of Little Madge Lee. Madge, the 19-month-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Lee of Burnsville township, died Sunday niirht after a short illness from pneumonia. She was a sweet little girl and dear to tho hearts of her fond parents. The burial was at Wiiihtman and Mr. J. A. Cooper conducted the services. Two other members of Mr. Lee's family are sick, one seriously. rtew Advertisements. Seaboard Air Line R. R. Cortright Roofing Co. Bla lock Hardware Co. City Restaurant. V a. -Carolina Chem. Co. R. S. Dodd. W. Henry Liles. B. G. Covington. M. W. Bryant, (iathings Furniture Co. T. R. Tomlinson. A. Alpert- B. H. Crowder. J. A. Crowder. Bank of Wadesboro. L. a Blaisdell. R. L. Bowman Gowim's Pneumonia Cure. LItrary Notice. V The library dues up to Jan. 20th, 1903, are -now due and all members will please payiMr. W. L. Steele, Treasurer, at , once. Until further notice the quarterly dues will be 25c, instead or 50c. A fine of 2c a day will be charged on all books kept out over two weeks. No person .can get more than one book at a time. Library opens Tuesday and Friday after noons, 3 to 5 o'clock. Mm. L. D. RoBX5soy,-Sec' . Miss Daist McKeithas', Librarian Honor Roll of Morven Hisb School Month Ending January 31st. FIRST ROLL loth irrade: Hester Dunn: 7th grade; Johnnie Johnson, Mary Thomas Dean. Lillie May; 5th grade; Nina Martin, George Mar tin. Blanchard Moore. Janette McQueen; 3d grade; Mary Fanny Gricirs. Albert McLaunn; 2nd grade; Pearline Turner, May Williamson; 1st grade; Pauline Meachum. SECOND ROLL 9th grade; Maj' McQueen; 8tl grade; Evelyn Melton, Irene Watson; 6th grade; Vincent Pratt; 5th irrade; I?na A atson, Jesse Funk; 4th grade; Hettie Griggs, Ottie Lee Holt, Nealie Covington, Jesse Mav. Sue McQueen, Mamie Moore; 3d grade: Fred Niven, Maggie Meachum, Mary Streater; '2nd grade: Lucilo Thomas, Daisy Iec Northcutt; 1st grade: Mary Gathings. James Tillman Smith. The comrades in arms of James Tillman Smith, whose beautiful soul entered into eternal rest Jann ary 3inh, 190S, pause to render the tribute of love to his bright life. Consecrated to duty and upent in arduous endeavors Jo at tain success professional, political and patriotic. The son of Col. Wm. C. Smith, long time conspicuous in our public services; lue nni luuucnuai man in the Senate of our General As sembly duriog the palpitating days when Grant thundered at the gates of Richmond. Born in Anson, Sept. Sth, 1S43, he quitted David- ton College aud plunged into the army. All covered with blood in the famous lane at bharpsburg, Ins right hand crus-hed with a nefarious bullet. Escaping from the gates of hell, he was discharged from the annv and took the instructions at Chanel Hill- Migrating to Texas, ..1 1 I I - 1 1 1 1 Willi Kliu aim uu, iiu rviu ia v ami practid with, .success in IJills U)ro, Texas. His success was im mediate. He took legislative honorv, and impressed tho btate bv his "unselfishness and ardor. At'one timex his earnings were recompensed $10,000 a year. Along then his word:? at the bar were sharpedged. His manner at the bar did not transgress decoran., a3 rule. He married first, the daughter of W m. Pegues, of Uuestemeia, o. . luen jjb.hou the- heart "of Miss Demara, of French extraction. , , " A dauchter and four eons Sur vive this noble man, and watch7 his repute. JIo fell the victim of pa ralvsU, dying the 4th day after. : Vcrilv a lofty soul is translated to Heaven'. T.'lizssiTT. .very man stamps nis own value upon the coin of his charac ter in his own mint, and he cannot pass for more, and should not be disappointed if people do not take; it for more, than its face value." "Directed toward the enjoyment of the senses, the strong will may be a demon, and the intellect merely a debased slave; but di rected toward good, the strong will is king, and the intellect is then the minister of man's highest well-being. All Millinery has been butchered come and drink the blood. Next Saturday the slaughter will reach its climax, so be on hand. Next Friday, the 14th, we will have a Special Silk Sale, the equal of which has never been seen in this town. Come and buy you a Silk Waist at the price of a cotton one. Still selling every day those 10c and 15c Dishes at 5c, and those 20c and 25c Dishes at 10c. Also that fine 50c Enameled Ware at 25c and the 25c kind at 10c. The Table of Bargains is set all over the house and you don't want to miss the feast. HENRY LILES. -tJ" 11 ZD To be honest, to be kind; to cam a little and to spend a little less; to make upon the whole a family happier for his presence; to renounce when that shall be necessary, and not be embittered; to keep a few friends, but these without capitulation; above all, on the sam6 given condition, to keep friends with himself; 'here is a task for all that man has of forti tude and delicacy." Stevenson. if5 Mr. George E. Threadgill of Ansonville is spending a few days in Fordochee, La., on business. A Dangerous Operation is the removal of the appendix by a sur geon. No ore who takes Dr. King's ew Life It Us is ever subjected to this frightful ordeal. They work so quietly you don't feel them. They cure con stipation, headache, biliousness and malaria. 2.x; at Parsons Drag Co. MOTHERS Fathers, will you neglect a sacred Duty! You know that winter months bring colds and you know that Pneumonia is to be dreaded. Croup is dangerous. GOWAN'S PNEUMONIA CURE scatters in flaination. It cures. Then buy today and be prepared. 25c, 50c external. All druggists. Business Locals Advertisements under this head ing will be inserted for 5 cents a line for the first insertion and 3 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. VALENTINE POST CARDS Big lot at B. H. Crowder's this morning. FINE ECGS FOR SALE Rhode Island Reds. Setting of 15, fl.50. G. M. Stanback. 2-1 1-t f. That carload of sash and doors arrived last week and was unloaded Saturday for the Blalock Hardware Co, WE MAKE Picture Frames. Gain ing Furniture Company. BFW1BD T xrill nav fiTa -dollars row aril md no a nftntianfi aked for the return of a three dollar gold piece lost m A f . A. 1 from my waicn cnain some monws ago. John T. Bennett. . SPECIAL SHADES Made to order and ad j usted to window by Gathings Fur niture Company. FOR SALE Lot of second-hand doors, BAah and lumber at Ross house recently moved near old Haaover Bank building, a W. Birmingham. horse shoeing If von want TOUT hnrae shod as he should be eo to Mor gan's Shop in front of Lassiter's stables. TABLE BOARERS WAHTED A number of persons can secure table board with Mrs. tL X . uaraner. in me mil nouse on South Green street. . 2S-3t. : r ' . : - : - w LAUNDRT Will go to Charlotte after this week on Tuesday . and return on Friday, J. P., Allen, agent. WANTED OAK TIMBER Round unsaw- ed preferred. Apply to V. Stapleton, Klondike Hotel. wadMDoro, n. v. Carcfy I, Buyers Are sure to examine closely the goods they pay their good money for, and there are two reasons at least why they do so : First, they don't want to buy old shelf-worn stock; and second, out-of-style goods are high at half-price. It requires lots of knowledge and care to select a bill of goods in these days without falling into one of these pits. For that reason many are sure to trade at the store they can feel the safest in these matters. Now we have bought no secoi)d-hand goods and are not trying to put off drummers' samples on you, goods worn out be fore they are taken from the trunks. Yes, our stock is brand new, and that is why so many people will be Sure to Trade at Wadesboro's New Pry -Goecfls, mm mmm km mm mm mmm mm Motions and Shoe Store Oar ambition is to have the store where good judges of these goods will come when thev want the goods for wear and looks combined. vWe are determined that 0UlSt0Te Shall liavc the reputation for selling only honest goods athe lowest possible prices. Already good things are coming our way; for the heavy decline in the price of cotton goods January 1st, found us on the market with the cool cash. It was then that we bought a big line of the NEWEST PATTERNS of all the famous brands of GINGHAMS and now we offer them to you at 6ic to 12c, including the A. F. C. and others. Mere you will find anything kept in afirstclass dry goods store and we refiitidfyour money if goods are not as re Come to sec us and make ourstore your headquarters ' PROPRIETOR. MANAGER., Three Doors North of Pee Dee Pharmacy. we mwmrj Absolutely Noiseless. Conforms to every line of the body. Will not sag. Will net roll you toward the center. 30 Day Trial. OUR FIVE YEAR Guarantee Tag on every Genuine Blue Ribbon. Ask your dealer. SOUTHERN SPRING BtO CO., Atlanta Ga. Nothing Beats the Blue Ribbon It's getting to be THE ONLY SPRING. Yes, thev say there's others just as good; , put them to the test and see. You can test them before buying. Let us show you how. Royal Elastic Felt Mattresses These are well known and known by old and young through out this country, to be the best bed made. Our prices on Felt Mattresses can't be beaten for the quality $6.00, $7.50, $9.00, $15.00. GATHINGS FURNITURE CO. "The House of Quality.' Lower Street Fornlture Store Phone No. 41. pom B. G. ...Covin Hardware Store Wc are unloa dg a carload of Dixie Plow Castings, Feed Cutters, Corn Sheller, Plow Stocks, Side Harrrows, Stalk Cutters, Etc Carload Nails an3 Barbed Wire to fill your orders from. ' Come :aiidssee pur stock if it's builders-hardware or any kind of farming tools you need. I&ck bottom prices prevail he re every day. r 4r :' ' ' b. t;. c o v i n'g ton 31 I