T H E A IN 3 O N I A IN A P R ! L :2 l, 1 S O 8 The Ansonian W. C. BIVENS. ntrJ m Msoad-ciM mttr J air 5 X. C. adr Cm Art of Goa- of lurca Tn AjrsojaAjf wm cUily pcUUfc short eoxainanicatiaa on ur toxica wUa axoiapanii by Cm rJ caxm of Cm writer, whka th iiior rmm tb rlfet to fl wbM demaaJM for Um pcrnaw of prAl atifc tioo. Eadjrwxoe&ta of political cna&ltU. oUtaarU. card of tn. notice of nterUiamenU fjr which an a.lmidoo re' ft f hry.l a4 all matter not of In Umt to Ihs rorl rwuiin pob fc. taturt t pil for at rnUr 4rtrtiatnf rate. TUESDAY. APRIL 2t 190 8 GUBERNATORIAL ' BULLETIN Crilr Ii tut U41 WrtH Horse Fo! lowlaf. Tm!in thirteen counties have held primaries or conventions and the vote stands thus: O&i. Kitchin. Home. Orahain 1 0 Pott o Banoxnbe... 2"- 0 Ymncey 0 MiU:bU 3 Bnrk JiMh mr. Atndrr ... 4 J 0 ImJU m u sua!; 1 McDowell 0 Strain a 0 John Oat of a total of 105 votes allot- tnl tn the foreoinxr counties Craig gets 77.57: Kitchin 6.12 and Home 21.31. The Voting Contest o o 0 0 0 0 t a o o Wr. are tired of hearing ieoi!e complain that tle mail order houvs are getting too much money j out of the "poor ignorant farmer. ' The mail order man U bold enough j to tell the people that he has the ; goods and also at what price ho j will sll them. .Most any mer-; chant enjoys goes that far. a good trade wlio Ir you wait until after May 1st t Iy your poll tax, you will hare U pay it all the uune and yet you will not I ahlc to cast a sincle tote during this yiar, which pro mises to 1 so eventful from a political standpoint. Are you go ing to l an American citizen this jrar, with the privilege of the bal lot, the greatest right of any man ? Cnu:t.!v the grand jury last week. Judge Webb urgetl that the repairing of th Anson county court house U recommended and that along with repairs, some ef fort be made to improve the inte rior appearance of the building. The grand jury, seeing the need of the work suggested by the Judge, made the recommendations, and it is to le hoped that the coun ty commissioners will see to it that something is done at once to improve the interior and exterior appearance of the building, which, as it stand, is a disgrace to the county and the cause for which it. was erected. It's like the Judge aid. "a man has a better opinion of himself, his county and the law when he comes into a decent look ing courthouse." la Waiestoro i Dmq Hostler Efiii Sfeephenl Leak. 120 Portia H on tier 1210 Alii Mae Born 300 Blaarbe II on tier W Roberta Oeppa 3V70 Mary Cliff Bennett... 10 Lora Little 1W Ii Aasoa Conty Mu Kate Lee 704S Emma (Jnlledice 4-V) EmmaHelley 350 Mollie Bowman 130 Mame Ingram 130 EdnaRaUrliffe 410 Willie McOhee 2O0 Alma River 100 Anna Colgate Moore . . 200 Mamie Cnrlee 1T3 France til warl lfr-0 Jne Mar Lile 300 Annie Crowoo 120 Emma Teal 1' Tli- contt will clom? May 1". 12 M. Tiir.Kt is general approval man ifested at the announcement by (iovernor Glenn that he will not be a candidr te to oppose Senator Overman. That it would have been a close contest between those two good men, is admitted on all sides, but it is wise that it shoukl be for the reason that Senator Overman has done a great work, and now since he has held his office long enough to know the intricate and arduous ways and means of succeeding in obtaining even meritorious legislation, why it looks hard to pull him down and send up another. "Die South once had some influential repre sentatives at Washington, and it was largely due to the fact that they were allowed to hold their office long enough to at least know something alout the geog raphy of the capitol city. On the front page of this paper will lie found an editorial from the Charlotte Oliserver commenting upon the. manner in which (iover nor Glenn has administered the affairs of the high olfice he has held for a few years. He is not a rrfect man by a great deal, but he has done the best he could, and one sentence in th Observer's ed itorial, "He exalted education, morality and religion. strikes a key-note in the conduct of public servants. Now if these things education, morality, and religion are not worth while, if the future welfare of this county, this state, thit nation, is not to any great ex tent dependent on them, why let's cease working to advance them and commending public servants for exalting them. If thej are worth while, for the sake of hu manity, let's require that public men do more in their private and public life to ejcalt them. Delta of Cltlxea of YYUrtte. iMoaroe Inquirer. Mr. Jeremiah Perry died last Monday. April 13, 1CH)8, at the home of his son, Mr. T. J. Perry at Wingate. He suffered a stroke of paralysis last Sunday and never regained consciousness after he was striken. Mr. Perr- was born in Anson county on January, 22, 1621, and was therefore over S" years old. He moved to this county about sixty years ago. .Mr, Perry was a man beloved by all who knew him. A good and noble old man he was, one who was a blessing to the community in which he lived. He was a noble typeof the ripened Christian. His counsel, his words of exhortation, his valuable com panionship will be greatly missed in the community in which he lived so long. In every relation of life Mr. Perry did his duty. A sincere friend, a true citizen, a devoted husband and father, a Christian man loyal to his great profession, he was. notice. The below named gentlemen who constitute the Farmer's Insti tute Committee of Anson county are required to meet at the court house inWadesboro Saturday, 25th of April, at 11 a. m. arrangements will be made for holding Farmer's Institutes this summer. A full attendance is desired. J. W. Ki ker. S. T. Flake, Dr. S. H. Car lnter, C. I. Thomas, H. G. Spencer, K. I). Kedfearn, J. W. Cameron. V. H. McLcndon, J. T. Porter and J. E. Tarlton. V. J. McLendon, Chairman Committee. Mr. Swtasoa's Appointments. Editor of The Aa.nian: Please publish the following an nouncements for my lectures on the Farmers' Cnion in Anson county, each to begin at 8 p. m: COUNTY C0RRESP0II0EI1GE fOLKTOll K0TES. rwath tran. aalxiwttu Hrtlee f Mrs. J.P. Hrl-ACaaa Waa Ca. Mrs. F. A. Smithwick died at the home of her son-in-law, Kev. J. P. Boyd, last Friday evening about 7 o'clock, in the 75tn year of her aire. She had been in fee ble, health for sometime, bat seemed unasasally well the day ahedied. Her death was doe to heart disease and was very sudden and unexpected to ber many friends here. Mammy' Smith wick, as she was lovingly known, was an industrious, pious. Chris tian lady, a member of the Bap tist church to which she was tnoch devoted and possessed the quali ties which gained for ber friends wherever she went. The remains were sent to Henderson and were entered in the family burying ground about eight miles from there on Sunday. Mrs. Smith wick is survived by three tons and three daughters, a host of grandchildren and friends who will be grieved to bear of ber death, lie v. and Mrs. J. P. Boyd and little daughter, Simmons, and Dr. T. M. Smith accompanied the remains. Kev. C. U. Martin is assisting in a protracted meeting at Alber-marle. Captain and Mrs. Will HaJlman are spending sometime with rela tives in Lancoln county. Mr. James Griffin of Wingate has charge of the section here while Capt. Hallma-j is away. Mrs. J. X. Edwards and Miss Blanche Edwards of upper An son spent last week at Mr. J. C. Goodman s. Mr. Isaac Martin, who is at tending school in Bed Springs, came home to spend Easter. VAcr T A. Cathie, of Paw Creek and Robert Baucom of on an me pastors oi me town Max ton spent Sunday and Mon- lay here with friends. The picnic at Caudle's mill was highly enjoyed by all who at tended. Miss Carrie Hunter of Wades- boro spent Sunday and Monday at tigers in our g. this Mr. A. I- tioouman s. Ictji orimmWtAA c wnii c 9 Lsvacai wiuiui vwv aj a cr others, are on the close look out especially on Sunday nights "He that waJketh in the dart, stum bleth." V-v-.""" Mary Marshall, Wife of Rer Gaston Marshall a highly respect ed colored woman, died suddenly Fridav afternoon. She was sit ting by the fireside at her home talking to her family when the sudden summons came. Misses Bessie Pratt, Mary Mee- ham and Mattie Sales, and Messrs. Davis Perkins and Parcel 1 Mee bam, all of Chesterfield, were vis itors in oar town Sunday. Miss Inez Funk of Florence, S. C. arrived Saturday for a few day's visit to relatives here. She was accompanied from Cheraw by her uncle, Mr. D. 1. fniren. Mr. B. S. Moore of Charlotte spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. i- Moore. After a visit of several weeks Miss" Maud Red f earn returned to her home in Chesterfield Sunday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Rivers. Mr. R. Lw Loweryleft Saturday for a visit to relatives in Char lotte and Rock Hill. Rev. Mr. McGhee filled his pulpit here Sunday morning and night. A special song service was held before the morning sermon and $94 was subscribe for foreign Missions. We are sorry toknow that re cent uUreances by some of our citizens whom it seems did not have the facts in the case, would lead the public to believe that I members of our Temperance League here are not true to tem perance cause. We believe the four men appointed by our league as a specail committee to be as high-tonedjChristian gentlemen as any community can produce, and they have not at any time with held to investigate any appear ance of the violation of the pro hibition laws of our country and this committee has the sympathy as well as all other good citizens of the community. We are glad to say this committee failed to find any proof whatever that any one high or low, has violated any. of the prohibition laws of our coun try, let there inay.be Wind Business Locals Advertisements under this head ing will be inserted for ." cent a line for the "first insertion and 3 cents a line for each salseqnent insertion. JUST KECEIVED Tomatoes and Strawberries. Other " vetce tables fresh and cheap. Fine steaks. P. T. Rhynes Market. F01 SALE A pair of good mules. Will sell for all cash or part cash and the balance on time. Apply to John W Gulledge, Wadesboro, N. C. EVERYBODY Is pleased with the ex cellent work of the new shower bath tub at G. H. Kin,s Shaving Parlor. Come here for a nice share or a good hair cut. FIRST CLASS PRESSING CLUB We hare opened a first class pressing-clnb in the rear end of our barber shop. We do all kinds of pressing, cleaning and mending. Work guar an ted. Give ns a trial. G. H. King. WANTED OAK TIMBER Round nnsaw- ed preferred. Apply to V. Stapleton, Klondike Hotel. Wades boro. JS. U. NOTICE For rates, regulations and tapping charges incident to connections with the Wades Doro sewerage jo., ap ply to J. F. Allen, Sej.-Treas. YERY FINE Seed Corn, 10 cents per quart. J. A. McR&e. Southern Savings Bank Money Order. A NICE PIECE Imitation cut glass given with each $r.00 purchase at J A. McRae s. VECELINE Guaranteed hair tonic. Sold only at King's Shaving Parlor. Notice Hamp Gate wood, colored, has contracted to work for me for 2 months, beginnig April 7 1908, this is to warn all persons against hiring or harboring him. KUBEN HILDRETH. Polkton, N. C. April 9, 190H. Southern Savings Bank Money Order. A DANDRUFF CURE Ess Tee Dee posi tively cures dandruff, or your money refunded. I give the treatment and guarantee the results. J. L. Fox. 3-8-tf. Southern Savings Bank Money Order. Southern Savings Bank Money Order. HOUSEKEEPERS You get -the best and tenderest beef at Howell's market. Kept cool and tender in a mamoth refrigerator. Announcement" I take this method, of announcing to the Democratic voters of the Seventh Congressional District that 1 am a can didate for ienomination for Congress, and will thank my friends to attend the primaries, when called in the county, and cast their rotes for me. 2l-2t. Robert N. Page. Lumber Wanted 500 Feet Poplar Lumber, any length. 500 Feet Oak Lumber, any length. 500 Feet Ash Lumber, any length. WOOD & IRON WORKS CO. Wadesboro, N. C. ! AIM EASTER OFFERING JEWELERY OF makes a beautiful and lasting gift It is an expression of your per manent recrard for the one to whom it is given. IF YOU CHOOSE IT HERE you win oe assured ot jeweny whose quality is above suspicion. You can give it with confidence that a little wear will not make you ashamed of your offering. We snail be elad to show you a variety of appropriate gifts priced lower than the quality would warrant. R. L. BOWMAN. THE WORLDS GREATEST SE WIN 8 MACHINE h JJGHT RUNNING for any violators of the law, and if any of these violators are caught this committee will have no respect of persons, as some would have it be lieved. Forestvllle Qairterly Conference. A three days' program, closing with Easter Sunday, was given in connection with the second quar- Flosia terly conference for Lilesville cir PEACH LAND HEWS. Peach land High school closed ast Tuesday evening with a social eathering. Itev. T. W. Cham- bliss of Wadcsboro delivered a fine address Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Eugene Huggins won the d eel aimer's medal. Miss Annie Carpenter won the reciter's medal. Master ann Bryant won the de claimertS orize. little Miss F Allen won the reciter's prize. cuit, at Forestville. It was a great n,- ... Uw.i,wi (t occasion. Rev. J. H. nest and n;n.M roV r; Krr Rev. W. P. McGhee, and Rev. F freio-ht train Siler, the presiding elder, were on , . the program irs. u. lason, wno was fine speeches and sermons. Dr. J. very sick last week, has recovered R Kcf Lilesville valuable uijf i' " i assistance on rnaay, wnicn was nurt ner leg some lew weeics ago, Sunday school day. is not able to walk yet Woman's Home Mission So- Miss Ora SUgall of Olive ciety for the whole charge was or Branch spent a few days last week ganized. About $60 was sub with Mr. J. A. Moore's family. scribed on Sunday for missions Miss Fay Traywick is visiting and conference collections. The at Olive Branch. community gave royally entertain- I ment to those in attendance. A M..;nvn nnrtn cm I fine selection of music was given, Valuable Property For Sale. The public school property of the white race in Lilesville will be sold on Friday, May 31st, at 3 o'clock to the highest bidder. It consists of the school building and two acres of land. THE COMMITTEE. Photographs At Bland's Studio, photographs are made in the latest styles on the newest mounts and most up-to-date folders. Post Cards made, Kodak work finish ed, and all kinds of photographic work done. Studio Next to Blalock Hardware Co. Rings Dyspepsia Tablets RELIEVE INDIGESTION AND STOMACH TROUBLES mm m j iffninfflML ii i i iiii in iii Shuttle or a Slnjrie xnreaa unatn exucni 1 f you want either a Vibrating Shuttle,: Rotary Sewing Machine write to Shuttle or a Single Thread f Chain THE NEW HOME SEWIN8 MACHINE COMPANY Orange. Mass. Many sewing machines are made to sell regardless of quality, but the A ew Home is made to wear. , Our guaranty never runs out. Soldbyathorled dealers only. his best girl. M0 RYE N MEWS. Miss Levada Templeton and Mrs. Albert Griggs spent Friday in Cheraw. blisses rxiwarus ana aii gave their pupils an egg hunt Easter. William, the fifteen-months old land, April -JO; Polkton, April 2l; hn .f Ml A"?,1? J1 (sk IVII. April liennetts. April J3. Hurnsville Township Flint Hidge, April 4J4; tount&m Hill, April N . T. Swaxsov. Attcatlos. Yctenns! Jen. Order No. 10. led by Mrs. H. R. Smith. An ele gant reception was held Friday night, with refreshments, at the residence of Mr. Marshall Spencer. E. J. Poe. Bath Comfort A shower of com-1 i n warm der, has been seriously ill foraifo r t wivlr rtft.t rii rriTTiietn. Tr I " Thompson, and Dr. Hardin of Che- WCathcr V OU Call will recover as there has been a take any time VOU Mis, Winnie Pratt, who h iCei dlSDOSed When telSE? ELrSfe your bath room is nson (jimi) No 8iC. IT. tL . 'n . i . . . I Cn . 1 1 . ' i m - . ,TCTnTTHll M! imMl Tf M rVAT I Tl TT m r r f. April 20th, 1903. tm-V v-"-iuucu upm muuin Drink Pepsi Gola INI , Cool, Refreshing and Heathful Our bottling plant is now ready for business. We have most up-to-date and cleanest plant of the kind ever established in Wades boro. We are bottling Pepsi Cola and all kinds of Soda Water, and-solicit the trade of all merchants in Anson and adjoining counties. A trial order will convince you that we are not put ting up 'slush" or "slop." We ship all orders promptly, in 4 and 6 dozen crates; city delivery crates, 2 dozen each. We invite you to visit our plant in the corner room, under Klondyke Hotel. Wadcsboro Pepsi Cola Bottling Company Miss Mae MisenheimCr is visil it- style with a good 2U '"um'c'ILrl: shower apparatus Frtta Store Hews Soaettlaf lag SlfM of ProfTtss. Do- Fresh canned goods at right prices Uray Grocery Company Men's Clothing and Furnish- ingi Henry Liles. Stoves, and Furniture G a things furniture Co, Organs and PUnos A. B. Caudle. Pretty Livery Turnouts Hunt ley and Martin. The ilest Plumbing L. C BUisdell. A Cari of Tliiks. On account of not being ab!o to do so personally, we wish to take this method of expressing our sin cere thanks to our many friends for the kindness extended us dar ing our recent bereavement is the the less of onr littie son. . Ma. asp 3Ils. Lb O! Axxxyjoa. Tlic Reunion of the Confederate Veterans will be held in Hirming liam. Ala., June 9, 10, 11, 1908 A Unre attendance is desired and vour commander trusts as 11 is many as can will make arrange-1 Nbrthcutt. monts to go, and take this oppor tunity to meet again their old com- been very sick for two weeks, rades of the tented field. The dis- still in a critical condition. toistodtkna,. m. a Kirem entertained the antiquated old noi ue greau Iquite a number of young people , i t .cicrmiu uninuK ruieriain- at a love contest at her home last ment will report at. City Hall, Thursday night. The party was wnere iney win oe assumeu rooms mren in honor of her sister. Miss ami given any other information Maud Kedfearn who was visiting they may desire. Those desiring her. The prize, a handsome, box rnicruuuiucQi arc w Df sUUonery, was won by Miss 0 r 0 v p, A caTlltarv bring a blanket with them. If Daisy Gray. The eTeninir wu PrUVea bamiarj 5r?ja.f fWS JS&SSrJS Pfabmg worthy Ivm.. lltrmiDRhim, Alt. ' . .. . the clitrminc hostess Ol the times. n-'ivT r 1-'"' . Mr..d Mr. J. F,.B,rd who S L C. Blaisdell i nnruiiv mry wf ra rn t rangemcnts about horses orr the IhrT thiT -rlil TnXl X j i- ii where they will go at once to wi:; , w housekeeping. Those wishing homes or hotel l58 lUtliff, after having accomodations will address Jerome JpftJ a T.cry. ceif nl school at Yi IIMi hi i AYEWrafl OFFICERS: John T. Patrick, Pres.; T. L. Candle, V. Pres. ; W. M. Morton, Cashier; W. P. Ledbettar. Assistant Thenwtry one of our BANK MONEY Cashier. m?rT7i?3 iM,.r..h... .itv.. DIRECTORS: Fred J. Ptp .1 XKT Visitinir Mrs R. E. L. pOrCelaill tub, gOOd - pet office orders, are easier to L" tL. I . m m I obtain, re crnnA flnvwh an A nnV-lrlir Tu TIT nn.i t o ttt.iv T w O J " " 1 wmm.m IT II li II . J III 1 t"?l J tTrT. J. W fl II I Mr. Lester Johnston, who has lavatory and ;clos- ten very sick for two weeks, is l Ti au ukj away witii tub and wash bowl, and let me put you in mi- made good if lost or destroyed. Southern Savings Bank. Autin, F. M. Hierhtower, D. Gregor, John T. Patrick, S. M. Peter Jones, Go. T. Boyette. W. A. Mc- Clarke, ., ..v;-:;.:.v-Jtr," 1 . -t .... TStfSi. ""...'TIIlww;'- t-T "The Empress" Cooking Stove Makes The Cook Glad If you want a good cooker at a moderate price, it will ,;, you to examine THE EMPRESS. Prices iane from $."." (Jrmrn tr 410 AO. romnlfttA with ware and nine. SI mv m- w Y" v v - - - - m. GATHIMGS FURNITURE CO. "The Housetof Quality" Rutherford St. " Phone ; We make Picture Frames and cut Oval Mats. Makes the drive so pleasant and shows your appreciation for the beautiful and the really up-to-date. Then, too, if you get your team here, you get horses that not only look well but go all the way. We are making a special effort to please the best trade by furnishing Stylish Rigs, Careful Drivers, and the Best Horses the markets affords. 25 Livery Horses And among them you will find the safest and surest We have recently added a number of Pretty New Buggies, Carriages and Traps and keep right in the forefront. Call us tor what you want in our line and see if we do not please you eyery time. Let us know if we do not Phone 127. Wadesboro Live Stock Company. B. Kerr, T. L Huntley, Managers. 22 Phone 98. St, Birmingham, Ala. Officii J. M. Little, W. A. Smith, Adjutant. Commander. Will Yob DlsfnicalseYoBrself? tbUtecrm Landmark.) If yon want to disfranchise until after May IsL This wiinwwc rr"1' ousww. r von th tmnhU of rnfrr in currenv nas since cnangea ana we . .77 . r h ; anv election inis Tear twt run u",u.,r "-a v will hara the tax to oar inst th I wm' . woicca oook agena m I f 1" I. J 1 same. - position in the office of Auditor; Jowers in Chesterfield. Miss Essie Pipkins of Geonria amrea oararuay ior a yisii 10 her sister, Mrs. F. P. Pratt. Miss Carrie McQueen left Fri- day for a visit to friends in Cbe-1 raw. e were raising cain" last Executor's Notice j Having thin day qualified as executor of the last will and testament of the late N. J. Bennett, notice is hereby priven to those holding claims against his estate to present them to me by April 4 th, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Per sons in debt to said estate are notified to make immediate payment ot each in debtedness to me. This April 11th, 1908. C F. BENNETT Executor. 3-12-08. Notice To Applicants for High School Teachers Certificates. An examination for the Hicrh School Teachers' Certificate will be held at my office in the Court House on the 24th and 25th day of April. Applications for the examination mast be filed with the State Superintendent not later than April 18th. Blank applications and other information furnished any Satur day at my office. J. M. WALL, Uounty bnpt. Kublic Inst. March 28th 1908. TWO $50 Diamond Rings Tree! One to the lady in Wadesboro and one to the lady in Anson county receiving the greatest number of votes in this contest These Rules Shall Govern The Voting DJ J. EVERETT Contractor an3 Builder too. Girls, do please let the men nuJCI n poor condition and do that kind of work. need of a tonic Builds solid Mr TYoais for Pcprtseitatlre. Miss Mabel GrircstDent Sun-IP 1x1 cleanses the ays- . rm rnaAtM mm. . a ManvoftheroteraoftheRrowTi dsy wita her sister. Mrs. . I !Y"' M.v"a smootn, Creek section would like to see Griggs. Mr. F. K. Thomas nominated for It really seems that as busy and ASHOIAFTS Condition Powers A high-clasi remedy for horses I and all work done promptly and Wtdestoro, IL C Estimates cheerfully furnished glosiy coat of hair. Packed in ooses. Z5c box. Sold bv . the Legislature. What say. others 1 1 thriring a town as Monren should oro. I haro better light "acccmioditiocs, ' Parsons Drug Co. and Martin Drug Co; . t . I I. n moaern siyie a reasonauie cost. Let me make you an estimate for your new -building. Can furnish you flooring and ceiling, Kos. 2 and 3, in car lots. 3et my prices. $1.00 paid on the subscription of any person already a subscriber to The Anmoman, entitles the person paying the same to 100 votes. $1.00 paid for a person not already a subscriber to The Ansonian entitles the person paying the same to 200 votes. Smaller amounts in same proportion. Each coupon clipped from the paper, entitles the person presenting the same to 10 votes. Coupons must be presented not later than two weeks from date of paper from which clipped. The Ansonian Voting Contest for Diamond Ring Started Tuesday, March 17th, 1908. I hereby cast ...... Votes for Miss as being the most popular young lady in (Signed)............ This Coupon, if presented on or before May 5th; 1908 will be received and counted for 10 votes in the contest! Vot6S by mail deposited by the Editor of the paper as directed by the person sending the same. Address all communications to, V , THE ANSONIAN, Wadesboro, N. C.

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