, Plain Talks on Fertilizers Increasing and Safeguarding the .JVheat-Crop .Tbc use of com- mcrciil fertilizers on the wheat crop is year ly becoming more general prtwif crwxigh that it juy and yay well. Tj many farmers. however, use fertilizers without due rrgan! for the 5jctal needs of their sil. Often they lary the cheapest grades Or they use very small quantities. That such unscicn t if i c use f fertili zers has proved profitable indi cates what it can accumjdish for wheat grow ers if used more carefully ami intelli gently. The bcM way to leam just what fertilizers will pay you best b to make com parative tests on a small scale with yir tuls then use a :oepoocjoooeacoooocouccccoocooo: Littleton Female College iH "( thtu.t .iwif-ful in l-t brding hUin tbe uth wjth bt watr. b !- tri- litfht ami lhrr modern improve bmsU i-V tardtn ti; iU Ut -r -Tth annaal rioo will begin V;Utulr I. Is For mtlcif a.llrw J. M Kinnn Irrideot. LittMoo. N. C. fpntral iranVmv A huh fT11" 1rrPartnrT s hn,)1 frW bCllUul ntGuLlllj ml vonnic mm. wlU imliMtrial anl ajfTi mltnral r,,mj tixut I, at.-. I n T aT frm u mile frmu Littlrtou Ci4W ami umUr lb- mnjrm-nt h" tb ann Uaud of Tnmtr. Fo ow. iIIatratmlraUlitfalUr J. 1 1. AlKKX, Prin . IJttlfton.N. C Seaboard Air Line Railway Quickest Hue to New York, Wa.shrnton, Florida Points, Char lUe, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, New Orifana and point west. Double Daily Service with Hiirh-baek-seAt-eoacbes, Pullman Sleeping Car and Dining cars. Trains Leave Wadesboro as follows: NORTH BOUND I N'.i X" No t . n :j m i; vi j m in la Ve tfu I)uiitU Hiwly V.-tit.it Sr-i. with thrwnh Pnllman 8rin( Car to JckviIU. AtUata. Dirminjcbam. MetnrAU. Port lu.nth N.f..Ik. I:i. httN.n.l. W.h!nct.n. rltimnre. fhiln.WrWa and N Vck. F.ic liu-T14. r-..k!t. U.--rvati.n or any tnfonaation M.y ll- i. .til rt. An l r..nt. . ull i L. C I'AKKKK. Ajnt. ir.a.l ,jfM, C II liATTlH. Trav. Pxw-Pirvr .Virent, No. 4 Tnckr liaadinif. lUlHab. N. C 20,000 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS NEEDED YOUNG MEN PREPARE YOUR SELVES fOR GOOD POSITIONS. On A.-ixnnt c( th r hnr law pamii 1 bv tcirr in th intr-t lljfr; hf. aol al vimnl of . Baav nw railrtl twin bail! ami Un itoUJ. aa naial UtiAmJ f-r orrur ba lo T-t-l (nT Ut MtituatVa ba ( L v! th nnmlr of aJlitirttal lr-ratr thai will I r qtxirl dannjc th a it t-n untK t YDl'Nti KN NoW LH Yol'R I rH)RTl'NITY- F-nnJl in xt s.h.J NOW aal id ooly four to m u-xtb w will ktit yoa qtialt&'U ftr tl-tnbJ fH3BttKjv. TlKTaph ;wTtjr rnvr fTOtii f-V) npwurJ., Ihir h.J Kj. bwwo vtal4ihv4 twrnty yr. It ai;UMnt i rfrt. tatni. turn tboruKb an4 prtu-a. )Mtioa titrlj icnaractl oor KralrvatA. DumtJ ia Nvwnaa i rry i ht. th town i haitbfnJ anl th r.lo rr orlil Two Mala Iin Railway Wlrrt raaiuto oat M o.4 rtu No oehr hi4 in th Unit! Mat ha in-h utoUatr aod practical f-ihti fc th lvnrfitif tta ttoWfitA Wntf at vn f. r fr-. WTiptlT' liter Inr Southern School of Telegraphy Newnan. (icorijia. Wood' HIlh-Grade Sectb, Crimson Clover TVa King of SoJl tm pro vara, alao aaakaa spiandld faB, win tar and srftn araalnx. Uv aarftaat era an fad, or good hay crop. CXtMSON U.OVCX will ln Crtaaa Lh prodactivezieaa of the laad mora thaa twentv timaa aa Y mochaathaaaiseamooatapeatia II commercial feniliiera. Qua be 11 acwa by itaelf or at the last work- V to ol corn, eoltoa or .other culti- Tatm crop. Wood" a Trada Mark Crnaoi Cloy Bead la the beat quality Obtainable, ot teated rermlnatioo, aad froa from tmpmritieaaadobjee tiooabie weed aeeda. Write Cor "Woorfi Croo 8pur giTtax prkee aod iaformatioa aboct Crlmaoo Oortx and other Seasonable Seed. T.V.V00D&S0IIS, fOehmood, Va. o , TT im OTfTf t0 diyt9 treatment for $1.00; Satisfaction . - yuannteeti or moneys-refunded. FOR SALE sufficient amount and you will undoubtedly increase not only the averagey ieldi, but your, profits as well. i Write to the Vir ginta Carolina Chem ical Company for its new Year Book or Al- manac, a costly 130 page book, written by government and private experts. It shows how and why you can in crease your crops three or f(ur fold by following mod ern agricul tural methods. A postal to any of the Com pany's offices given below will brinr a copy by mail free of charge. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO, UmhmmmA.V. Nurtutk, Va. CotikU. s, c. AtWo. C. Hu.i.TT.k. S&nrffvpnrt, La. ill : xcoQcocccocsQoooeooooooco ; SOUTH BOUND No No No ;u , 4. 41 . . 7.4-"i a. IU. . ..M-J17 ii- Ui. .. U 1H p. IU. GUARANTEED SHOP WORK VVimiiI or Iron, at lowest Prices. New Tire-Setter IWst in town. No wheW ruinnl. All tirt, hravy ur light, st for Think Of This! Your horv, no matter what kiwi of fWt h has, shod all.ro und for GO cents. We make a sicialtv of horvs with latl ftt. W help the liors' anil il ea.se the owner. A organ r os. P. S. We buy oM castinir and scrap iron. Hardwood Mantels V We manufacture and carry a large stock of Hardwood Mantels; also dealers in Tile and Grates. Can fill orders promptly. Write for catalogue. '. . J. H..WEARN a CO. Charlotte. N. C. - f ' . f Fori J 00 .K" and "BY;. M THE i " - The Making of a Successful Husband y C ASF AIL S. TOST. h Is HM Oalr AsvieeiU rr Mar ,U4 Fell to TXlr Jeys I) I . ferf Um WIm IhU4 a Wile Will B Zmllr Cowww U Dm Escfceaae e4 Warriaa. 0 (Cfynnt. W. hT C. M. Tot.J MT DEAD DE.1R JOHX-I think yoa anting a grave mistake. been In tbe aanie boat and understand joor motive. I TOey art iaodable and rljrbt aa motive. I but tbey go wrong; In action. They dont accompiua woai yoa eipeci oi thtm. IWd yoo ever see a croaa eyed calf? I never aaw bat one, and I wa tbe prood poeeeseor of that one when I was a aid. That calf never did learn to f et a proper focsa on thin (It Join ed tbe beef tnwt before It wm a year linn, and lta fool antics ued to make me Uofk till I ft tbe tomarb acbe. I remember once opoo a time Lightning, a I oAed to call It. beeauae you never cooU tell where It was going to strike. TKe deacon' i languao wu not of the kind c erjxct to hear. got oot of the paatore, and I wae aent to drive It home. Returning, I had to pau through a lane, aod the calf would butt Into the fence about every third paneL No matter bow hard I tried. 1 couldn't keep It beaded atralgbt It ao happened that M Deecoo Nortrosa wee eomlag down tbe laae at tbe aame Utae. lie had hie bead up and bla eyea Died oo the bloa aky while be aang MI Am Bound For the Happy Land of Canaan" la a voice that made the leavea curL He didn't aee the calf. He waa obllvloue to all earthly algna andeounde. Bat the calf both aaw and beard him. It became excited, made a drape rate effort to datb around tbe deacon and of course truck him aquare In the eotar plexue. Tbe dea con came down to earth doubled op Ilka a jackknlfe. and bis language warn he recovered bla breatb waa not of rha kind we expect to hear la ' the happy laod of Canaan." Luckily for Ieacon Noreroee. there were no mem ber of bla coagregatldB wltbja bear ing, and luckily for me there wis a high fence In reach. A aectlon of my trouaert waved from tbe top rail for mauy a day thereafter. Hare'e the Application. I recall thle Incident almply to Illus trate the point I made In tbe beginning that good mot 1 Tea don't alwaya pan oot good results. That calf aimed right and was doing; Its level beat to go right. There are a lot of people Juat Ilka my boftlaia pet. except that their strabUajue la mtal and not necea aartly permanL Sow you come to ma with jour little troubles, wbJcb you think are big onea. and aay yof don't want your wife to know any thing about them becanee you don't Do a' I irU your troubles to t4 poJicc raait. want her to have any worries that you ran ahlekl her from. I am glad to have yoa bring me your troubles, glad to give you aay sympathy and my help; but. my dear boy, I and your mother are do longer, your beat friends. There la one who la cloaer now than we. one who la or should be your other self aud from whom yoa ahoald have no secreta. If by keeping- your troubles to your self you coaU spare her trouble. It would be ail right, although, for rea eoBs which I ahafl explain later, I do not think: It the beat way even then. But yoa cej¬ keep yoor troubles to yourself. VToman'a love haa a keea De of perception that la auperhuman. She can detect the allgbteat physical or mental variation from the normal la tbe object of her love. She knows that you are sick or worried almoat be fore yoa reelUe It yourself. How abe knows U I do not attempt to explain, but my experience haa taught me that It la useless to try to conceal such things from year mother. No mailer how free from pa La or care I may pre tend to be, abe detecta the false no to Instantly, and my observation leads me to believe this faculty la a ualvaraaJ accompaniment of love, masculine or feminine, but much 'more keen In the woman than In the man. Werry Meae te Order. .With this perception the majority of women unite a moat vivid Imagination. and therefore when the cause of wor ry la kept from them they aupply one A Gran Family Mellctae ' "It gives me pleasure to sneak good word for Electric Bitters." writes Mr. Frank Conlan of No. 4.10 Houston HU. New York. "It's a grand family medietas for dyspepsia and liver coni- plk-atkma: while for lame back and weak kidneys it cannot be too hiahlr recommended-" Electric Bit tars regu late the digeative functions, purify the a a a . noon, ana impart renewea viror and vitality to the weak and debilitated of both aexea. old under guarantee at raraona Drug Uo. soc. If we keeD well tnd cheerful. and the mind consUctly active, we never grow old. By and by we set to the end of the journey, but we nerer crow old. E, O. Kirk. the .Kidneys, Bladder Rheumatism. .... . RELLEVE5 aafJsil Jaar BACK-ACHE ANSONIA N of their own. Naturally th Jf'f uouoie is . r' nble than the real one. The rlalona woman can conjure up under amen rlrcumaunces are jseen by Biaonjria tbe tnroea or a mare. 80. Inatead of protecting ner - Va by concealment yoa simply add to her unhapplneaa. or. rather you cause aa unhapplneaa she would not hare felt at all. In most cses, bad she xnown tbe truth. My boy. let me give yoa one Pinter good and strong. Don t have any ae- creta rrom your wife.- Whatever! y o n r . troubles may be, don't tell them to tbe policeman, but take them home with you and unload them on the little wom an there who baa a marvelous I-mmm capacity for ab- ine- aorblng aaeb things and giv ing in exchange to Ut vou a comfort no- put Vicr on the $hclf. !kw1t elge otn ever band oot to you. She is a won derful alchemist, this little woman You give her rusty Iron, and abe rives you cold 24 carat fine. She baa a way of making trouble look like 30 cents and aendlug you back to work with a lighter heart and a stronger right arm. I will admit that be may not be able to resist tbe temptation to say, "I told you ao." but that Is woman'a prerogative and does not make ber anodynes any less effec tive unless you spoil It all by flying off tbe handle like a cbump. No matter bow creat your sorrows, no matter bow grave your difficulties, she can and will give you help, and In tbe help ing she will herself be strengthened Sbe doesn't have to go off by herself and mope over Imaginary Ills. 8he baa somethlntr tangible to oppose, and it gives ber a certain happiness to be per mittPd to stand by you even In your troubles, to feel that she Is your trust ed comrade. Its Effort Wasted. It doesn't nav. my 1kv. to treat a woman of this day and generation as a child. She Luowh too much to fill that role with satisfaction to herself or to you. The position of a pampered pet Is distasteful to her. She averages men tally about as high as tbe betrousered half of creation, and she doesn't want to be ranked with the bric-a-brac on the parlor tuautel. Sbe Is Just as use- ful is .be Is ornamental, and she's not going to let ycMi or any other man put her on the shelf, and. by ginger, she's right! It's a mighty good thing, too. for you and me and the rest of us fellows that she Is beginning to assert her equality, even If some of her sex do run ovmf the lne. You kuow never took much Suxipplng troubles. ttock In the so called advaatpd wom- an who clamors for the rights and nrivlle.res of men. not because I don't thlnk she la entitled to neany an she demands, but because I think it - . ..i will be a sorrv dar for her If she get them. I believe In equality, all right, but the two sexes are designed for different spheres of action, and a mannish woman and a sissy are equal ly unnatural and abhorrent. The equal Ity I mean Is tbe equality of social and domestic position, tbe equality or au thority, the equality of Interest and the eaualltv of consideration. The grant- tna ot such enualltv makes a finer woman and a better and happier wife, and that U the only kind of equality l0 per cent of ber wf desires. it Is In the swapping of trouble that quality of Interest shows its greatest value. There was never a man ami nev er a woman who didn't have troubles of some sort, big or little, mostly little, ami there was never u man and never a womnn who didn't get relieved by let- tlag them out. provided they had some body to talk to In whose confidence and sympathy they could rely. There Is re lief In the mere telling, and so when you come borne In tbe evening, tired aud probably cross, don't get out of patience with Anna May If sbe gives you an itemized atatement of the an noyances of the day. Most of ber trou bles may seem trivial to you, and sin gly moot of them are, no doubt, but a wbcisu's troubles stack up almighty big Iq tbe totals, and U)y are more wear lug on the mlud and nerves than the sorrows that stun by their weight. Let ber rattle along as tbe spirit moves her and don't belittle or make fun of her. Under the Influence of your sympa- YOU LfAVE MY JOHN ALONE lou uill feel your che$t bulging out again. tbetlc and loving Interest her troubles faolsb with tbe narration, and abe Is In a proper mental frame to spend a nappy evening with you and to begin tbe next day stronger ana braver. Talk It All Ovsr. It li the same way with you and yoor worries. A man ongbt to be able to drop most of bla troubles when be drops bla work. Tbat Is one of tbe ele ments of manhood. But there are some that are too big or too intimate te be Wood's Liver Medicine is for the re lief of Malaria, Chills and Fever and all ailments resulting from deranged condition of the Liver. Kidneys and bladder. Wood s Liver Medcine is a I tonic thA liver nd Kvwl riivt. rick headache. cmtipation, stomache, kidney and liver disorders and acta as a gentle laxative. It is the ideal rem-1 edy for fatigue and weakness. It's tonic effects on the entire system felt with the first dose. The $1.00 size con tains nearly 2f times the quantity of the Pleasant to I rmc sise. in liquid ronn take. Martin Dnre Co. Willie Piefort, a colored deaf mute, stepped on the Southern Railway track, in front of a mov- nB train, at Durham Thursday, ana was Kiuea. Anoiner mute wno I was with him narrowly escaped. BockJea'a Aralca Stlye VYIbs Tom Moore of Rural Route 1. Coch ran, ta., writes: 'I had a bad sore come on the instep of my foot and I Leas than half of a 23 cent box won the day for me br affectinir a nfect I cure. oid under sruarantee at Par-1 J-1 'a. TV.. I sons Drag Co. . 1 rxii. ra oi aoinq A U O U 9T 4-. onjoaded at the office, aod they hare to be earned borne. If yoa lock them np heart ther will of ronra v Am . noxlomj tuinc, they grow faster In I darknwa. Talk them over with Anna 1 .t m w anI 1 thav Arr9 rllaairirkAaiw mmn. j was s v ae am aaca a wra- wm Jq mlQd.g 9je JQU w,u fee, your fbt out t carving- back- wU Mtnl)htea aud you can vn Krk to roar offir tb nrt morn- mMttm n, ,, k. .m-i K aa n vuiau wa, j vua sw v s j j vui oru They are but tbe handicaps wblch give test to the contest. When Johnny Mcintosh went to tbe wall In 93. be came to me and poured out bis woes. He didn't care so much for the loss of tbe money as be did for the grief It would cause his wife. He had been struggling along for month trying to weather the current and all tbe time putting up a smiling front to hi. tl-k: doe. not eren dream there is anything wrong." he told me, . L. - . 1 1 4- V. n naM IUU ue i can j LPcucvcu r ua i w ou. Mrs. Mcintosh waa a society woman who knew bow to burn money aa rap- it'ir ..nr."nnrrUreXV Johnny had al- ' - wavs kept berfUTuBBCB it i w cash, but she Knew no more about bis affairs than a rabbit. He told me be would rather kill himself than tell ber, but Johnny was no coward, and he faced tbe music like a little man. Let out Vr torrmis. What lo you suppose that woman did when he told ber? No, sbe didn't have a fit. She threw ber arms around his neck and cried, "Oh, Johnny, Is that all?" She had known he was In trou ble all tbe time, and her secret grief had been greater than bis. The truth was a relief, and she sailed in and helped him out of the hole, n. v.i lie iuiu me just tbe other day that his failure was the greatest blessing of his life, because It forced him to get really ac quainted with Mrs. Mcintosh, and you esu bet your old bat he tells ber every thing he knows now. Open your mouth, John, open your mouth, and let out your sorrows. Give Anna May a chance to show the gold that's In ber. You needn't be afraid of the result. I warrant you she ll nd as our confidence In each other grows so will your love and your happiness. Your affectionate datj, JOHN SNEED. Heist With Hia Own Pstard. A woman recently applied to a sew ing machine company for a machine to le osed on trial. The agent set her down as one who had no Intention of really buying, so he sent her a second hand machine, made by another com- pany. that they had somehow managed io secure in traue. "That." said he. "will be eood enough f0V her jQ do hgr sewing pn, and that i n ahe wants it for' At tbe end of two weeks the woman called at the office. That machine." she said, "is a treas ure, it runs easuy, ana xne lucKiug, shirring and hemstitching are perfectly beautiful. All the women in our build ing say they never saw anything so nice. They are going to sell their old machines and buy new ones like it. I am going to get a new one too. There are eleven of us who want to buy. Since that Is quite a large order, we thnllfrtlt Oil ml?ht bO able tO get tbe v o - umiumca iw us m a. uibwuui.. 1 ne agent neany couapueu. ne irieu i it a rr a I to induce the woman to look with fa vor upon the machines made by his own firm Dut her gffectjons were fas tened upon the sample that he had so fatuously provided. So in order to se cure any commission for himself he bad to fill an order of eleven machines made by a rival concern. New York Tost. Bsfors the Footlights. "Now, Muggins." said tbe stage man ager to a keen and ardent young ama teur, "do you think you could manage to take on the part of the village con stable? The man la supposed to be a dull and stupid idiot, so the role will suit you down to tbe ground. All yon have to say when the pistol is flred Dy the villain is, 'Hark, 'Ua tbe pistol r You have no other words at all. Think you can manage It?" Yes, Muggins thought he could, so borne be went, and tor pome weeks he was rabearsiog the tragic words to I himself. "Hark, 'tis the plstoir He attended rehearsals most religiously. but the pistol was never actually fired. A sharp rap In the wings sufficed, and then he would shout out his "lines." The night of the production came. Muggins stood In the wings petrified with stage fright Then he entered at his cue. The sharp and constrained crash of the pistol smote upon his ears. "Good heavens!" he cried, rushing on the stage. "What's that?" Vnfemmon Ufti A young couple moved into a new flat wblch bad never been occupied. Tbe young wife was prowling about with a pan full of hooks, big and little, inserting them in proper places for the hanging of clothes, etc. In one place tbe wood seemed too hard for the screw of the hook to enter, and she got tbe gimlet to make a little preliminary hole. The gimlet didn't work either, and sbe called to her husband. "Harry, 1 wish you'd see If you can make this gimlet go in." Harry came, looked and laughed. "Yoor difficulty speaks better foi your morals than your mechanics, my dear," said be. "You're trying to bore a bole with the corkscrew." New York Press. Diarrhoea Cared "My father for years been troubled Wltn diarrnoea, and tried every means possible to effect a cure, without avail, I writes John H. Zirkle of Philippi, W. Va. "He saw Chamberlain's Colic, CcJera and Diarrhoea Remedy adver- m " "PPj Republican and decided to try iu ine result is one DOtue cured him and he has not suffered with the disease for eighteen months. Be fore taking this remedy he was a con- atant sufferer. He is now sound and well, ana aitnougn sixty years old, can do as much work as a young man," Sold by T. R Tomlinson. Outside of Germany the three creat cider regions are Normandy and Picar- J France; the aouthwestern -conn- . v owuw,. vaauira ana irnwaii, ana tbe northern prov inces of Spain. Biscay ,and Gallcla. eapecUUy In the Basque sections In the Pyrenees. Pineuies for isackacbe, little golden trlnKnle aaar and nleasant to talra. biooa ana invigorate tne enure system, i Beat for backache, lame back, kidneys I and bladder, su days tnai si.uu. unar A ,1-AA--m QH Am-mrm -t.1 1 OO (In... i anteed. . Martin Drug; Co. tor I906. ADDITIONAL LOCALS -Mr. ,T. Edmond Hughes of Elizabeth City spent several days herewith Col. Fred J. Coxe last week. Mr. Non-Subscriber, your neighbor says you worry him by borrowing his paper. He dislikes to tell yoa so and asks us to do it. People want a paper when they hare paid their own good money for it, and feel, too, that they hare paid for the convenience of having it always handy when they want it. Mr. C. C. Bowman. Anson's popular nurseryman, showed US last week some fruit from everbearino; peach tree. On the same tWlfir With larize luSClOUS peaches is a number of small ones I v. . - . ttiardly as large as the tip Of Imnn'r. r.ijtll n A mm mkiAk mill ujau a aiuaii uucr wuiv.il nui ripen before another month is oast So for one. continuous SSP&J ri bes re fouDd on nil s Operation for piles will not be nec essary if you use Man Zan Pile Remedy ut up ready to use. unaranteea. Price 50c. Try it. Martin Drug Co. A a . t A Smart Actor. v A German dramatic author tella good story of an improvised mono - loeue to which he had to listen on the occasion of the first production of new comedy. The hero had finished a tolerably long speech, and at that pre cise moment a medical man ought to have emerged from the wings, but he did not emerge. "Ah. here comes the doctor!" begun the hero afresh in order to fill ud the time, and he stared anxiously in the direction of the "prompt", side of the stage. "But how slowlv be walks! One wnni.1 tmairin that thor waa no ni I k.. ,.iHi I a vsa uuitjt iivn uao yvoiuicij evvir have to say to ber? At last he is once more on his way. No now be bus 8 topped to talk to a man! Why, tbe doctor knows everybody! Here he comes again. Thank heaven!" At that moment tbe doctor entered. but from the opposite side. For an instant the hero was taken a little aback, but with admirable cool ness be recovered himself, and as be greeted the visitor he exclaimed: How did you get round the corner so quickly, doctor?' Chronic Diarrhoea Relieved Mr. Edward E. Henry, with the United States Express Co., Chicago, writes. "Our General Superintendent, Mr. Onick. handed me a bottle of Chainberlan'8 Colic, Cholera and Diar- an attack of the old chronic diarrhoea. t have liaed it ace tDat time and cured many on our trains who have oeeu sick, i am au uiu soiuier wuu served with Rutherford B. Hayes and William HoKmley four years in tbe 23rd Ohio Regimeut.and have no ailment exceot chronic diarrhoea, which this remedy stops at once. For sale by T R Tomlinson. Ths cava Dwsiisrs of Italy. In several of the towns of southern Italy through which I passed ' there were pointed -out to me caves cut into tne soua tocks or tne nuisiae wnere peopie are nving. in one Bucn cave house in Sclll. Sicily, there was a rough bed on one side of the cave, on the oth- er an oil press turned by a donkey. I rtfan T hoA aAAn hnnoao n.hu nulla i - nuvoc f Were COnstTUCteO Or DrUSU ana mU(1 I and the roofs made of rough ttlea or inaicnea w.tn scrww. ne peasant nas been most patient Naturally light Qeartea ana long sunrenng, ne wouia cheerfully eat a piece of black bread and an onion for his morning meal. olive oil and bread for dinner, boiled v mum tuuwM dvhovucu n ivu ca tiiuv potatoes ana a piece or goara Cheese with more black bread at night, and then at the close of his humble repast stoop down and touch the ground with his hand and, kissing It, thank God for nis ravors. m some or the remoter towns the simple minded people con- tinue to do so. But contentment under such conditions could exist only so long as there waa no contact with the outside world. Whether the bind hold- ers desire It or not, progress Is bound to come. "Charltlea and th.e Oommona." ' ees Laxative C'crogb Syrnp recom- mended by mothers for young and old is prompt relief for coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness, whooping cough. Gently laxative and pleasant to take. Guaranteed. Should be kept in every household. Martin Drug Co. Discounted. "Papa." said the diminutive daugh ter of a New York manufacturer. "If I bring your slippers to you every night you come home, will you give me 5 cents a week that I can have to spend?" "Yes. Catherine." her father replied. feeling that such an arrangement would teach her a few principles of regularity and tboughtfulness. "Well. then. papa. I thought of this a long time ago, so. I think you owe me about 15 cents by this time." New York Times. Sick Headache and Biliousness re lieved at once with Rings Little Liver Pills. A rosy complexion and clear eyes result from their use. Do not snipe or sicken. Good for all the fam ly- Martin Drug VjQ. Wilfred waa sitting upon his father's rLW-atchin hU motber m u uair. i Papa hasn't any mareel waves like iL.in f . ... . . . i uuti, saia xne rainer lauaninsiv. i WUfred. looking up at his father'a bald pate, replied, "Nope; no waves, Its all beach." Harper's Weekly. Pmeules for the kidneys. 30 day's trial fi.00. Guaranteed. Act directly on the kikneys and bring relief in the , . r . ' ncPf lcmey and bladder trouble. Entire system Martin Drug Co. DR. A. E. CLINE, V. S. Horses' Dentist and Dogs a Specialty. Attendance day or night. nftT xxr T V umce at Wadesboro Live Stock Co.'s Stables. Wadesboro, N. C. , Fire Insurance ! I write Firs Insurance In a VnrtJi Carolina Companies, in 11 other United iuies. when you wish to insure SKainST UlO. Phone 103, Hill House. p. a; McGregor. ANNOUNCEMENTS tor State Senate I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for the office of State C3 M 11.1. mh4uitnl action of the Anson county Democratic primaries. W. J. McLENDON. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the State Senate, subject to the action of the Anson comity Demo cratic primaries. JAMES A. LOCKHART. For Representative. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Representative from Anson comity in the Lower House of thenext wenerai ssnbiuv oi -""n roiina, anl:,,: VTrnnJuc nereoy asnoucw myseii h eauuiuaie I . i m . i!i . a. "TlP I 111 JJO lUlfCi aavrva7 va iuu ucaw vjs UUCI Cl a Assembly of North Carolina, subject to I a?lA TV-... iZ T uie aniuu ui wio tJeium-niui' iriiujtrir ery respectfully. inuSl For County Commissioners. We hereby announce ourselves candi - dates for tbe offi ce of ounty Uommls pnera for Anson county subject ntuuu ui mMu uiiuiarirs. J- br.' I h 1 IU m Fu m mf IU f V A b ma uotam r atTpm HAMPTON B. ALLEN. a j We hereby announce ourselves can 1 didates for the nomination for commis- sioners for Anson countv. subject to a I the action of the Democratic primaries, B. L. WALL. C. H. RIVERS. G. S. LEDBETTER. for Trcausrcr I hereby announce myself a, candidate I for the nomination for treasurer of An 5Pn county, subject to the action of the ""KSt E BENNETT I I I hereby announce myself a candi I date for the office of treasurer of Anson conniT, suDieci w me acnon oi me i . . Y. H. ALLEN. I hereby announce myself a candidate idt re-eieuuou wj me omc or treasurer r i a a .i t' . of Anson county, subject to the action j T f oi me Lwmocranc pnuury. ji nomina ted and elected, will not ask for another nomination. J. O. A. CRAIG. For Register of Deeds. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for the office of register of deeds of Anson county. C. W. THOMAS. For Cotton Weigher I hereby announce myself a candi date for the nomination for cotton weigher for Wadesboro, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. 1. FULTON THOMAS. I hereby announce myself a candidate "ghar for for the office of cotton wei I Wadesboro, subject to the action of the iiemocratic nrimanes. DAN E. GATEWOOD I hereby announce myself a candidata cotton weigner at vvaaesooro, bud Uect to the action ipf the mocratic rti uaneu. , o. xxxwinAo utAxvrvio. I herebv announce mvaelf a candi date for the office of cotton weigher for Wadesboro, subject to the action of the I Democratic primaries. W. FRANK FLAKE I hereby announce myself a candidate for cotton weigher at Wadesboro, sub- ject to the action of the Democratic primaries. CAREY B. ALLEN. I - . . -1 i i jor oot ion weigner ai wauesuoro, sur- I ior.t thA smtirn nf thn rWtnrrntifnri- 1 . . . i manes. JAMES MCKAE. j hereby announce myself a candidate f0r the office of cotton weigher of Wadesboro, subject to the action of the I Democratic primaries. SHERRILL FORT. I tw . 0r LOrOner T herebv annnnnce mvaelf a ndi- date for the nomination for coroner of Anson county, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries. E. F. FENTON. I hereby announce mvself a candidate for the office of coroner of Anson coun- I ty , subject to the action of the Demo- cratic primaries. ADAM GREENE. House Moving and Building We are here with $1,000 worth of special apparatus prepared to move, raise or level your frame building of any kind. Do the job neatly and at very moderate cost while all machinery i8 in in town. Always ready to do any kind of con tracting and building. Dumas & Birmingham. Can be found in Wadesboro during next few weeks. ASHCRAFTS Condition Powders A high-class remedv for finre and mules in nnnr noniif;rt in need of a tonic. Builds solid . jr. . . "U!tl an Iaii Cleanses the Sys- tern, uiereuv nrnnnnnor a cmnnih . u uniuuui, sj10ssy coat ot hair. Packed in aoses. c. DOJC bold by Parsons Drug Co. and Martin Drug Co. Notice North Carolina--Anson County. T a : ri ! John T. Patrick ys J. H. Bennett etal. m. UUl I The defendants. A. H. Hammond. Fannie Treaavent, W. H. Hammond, W.J. Hammond. Kosa M. Lnckhart; I rtr.T r tw,h,;- T; r u' .ev rM, uiwiuaiu. rsrannam, itoaa Lee, and li wtr& ui me superior coun Lilly, will take notice that an action son county as administrators or 2252s? f abGVeiM been .commenced the estate of Julius W. Burns, de against them in the superior court of i KU i;n) Anaon county, before the clerk for the All persons hold rig claim sale of real estate for partition be- against said estate will pres'- 4-nA. v a- i .i . I vcuufcB m cuuuuuu mereoi, i said defendants having an interest in sucn real estate, une said defendants will therefore take notice that they are required to appear before Thomas C. Robinson, clerk of the snnerior nonrf SLJ uuuco u itoucbiaiiu, .ii . ., on me i4tn day of August, 1908, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint This 13th day ot July, 1908. THOMAS C. ROBINSON, m aerk Superior Court, JOHN W. Gdlledqe, Atty, . ft. CkUaaoa, & Tttsm lyjcLcndon & Thomas, Attorneya-at-Law, Wadathon H. 0. AH btataass will rfortT raiw tton, Phone Ha 61. Prt X Case Wafts? A. Qoxe &. Brock Attorneys and Counsellors at La Wadesboro, N. C Prompt Attention Given to all rri Businesa. Special care taken in ih. management of Estate fnr ' i Administrators and Cluardianjj. and In I re tnrua"onori ing to old and unsettled estates: Invs. tigation of Titles to Real Estate, and the Drafting of all kinds of legal instra menta. Offices 1. 2 and 3, Leak 6c Marshall Building. Phone 42. John W. Gulledge, Attorney and Counaellor-at Law, Wadesboro, N. C. to m ement of Qataa for Wnf Adndnfatrstori tnd Ouirdi. ana: invastiiratinir titles to real eaUta- I ' . " r collection of claims; drafting all kind. of m8trUmenta. and can facilitate - the purchases and aalea of ' your real estate and secure loans for long time on same. Corporation, Commsrcial and oanampicy law. Businesa entrusted to me will be ap- ; predated, and hava prompt and pains taking attention. Office over Wadesboro lo thing and Shoe ompany's Store. Jenry S. Boggan ATTORNEY aT LAW. WadeaboTO, N. CL , Prompt attention given all businesa entrusted to him. Hon. R. E. Little's Office in Court House i a i.a t-uuiviiui a. I Attorney and Counaellor-at Law, Wadesboro. N. a All Business Will Have Prompt Attention. Roy M. Huntley DENTIST. Work Done Night or Day Rooms Second Floor of Nw National Bank Building Phone No. ). 7 17 Df- BVette. DENTIST Office upstairs over UichTdsonA Martin's Drug Store. Phone 78. WadesUro. N. C RA MULLIS. ClvO Engineer. , Phonk 44. - WZNQATB. N. C Railway, Municipal and Fro Sar raying; Location and onstrucfon of Public Highways, ounty Hapa. Drain age. etc. Charge moderate, drr - J L. Edwards, SURVEYOR Wadesboro, N. C. City Restauraat Pboo IS a. A F LYMAN, dvtt Engineer sod Surveyor. Telephone IS B. Lllesvine M. C. Now is the time to get your linea rna. All work carefully and promptly done. Get a reliable man. field & uny Architects and Engineers Alkkmaulk, N. C. Fine Residences a Specialty. Write for literature Money Lost If You Fall to Carry I WRITE fire. Accident, Health, Liability, Steam Boiler and Fly Wheel Insurance VV. LEAK STEELE Phokx No. 16. Administrator's Notice Having this dav qualified as admin istrator on the estate of John Robinson. i loinaiwi tuv eautic ui uunii iuu" deceased, this is to notifiy all pthod i rinvinir riuima airoinut umn purum . - nret. tha auma t tiu ti nr i'fir' tue 13th day of July, 1909, or this n'"' will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said extate are required to make immediate payment to me. This the 13th day of July. mK L. D. ROBINSON . Administrator of John Robinson, dec Robinson & Caudlk, Atty.s. 0t jCC Of AdlTIniS tfatinn UUUUII. tir .. . . ... Ua c nuve nuaiiiied oe.iore c , . - 4 f ,n- r .1 . . i i i r - . .v 1 uiem to LiB unaersigneu io t . i mont oath def 01 i1 t i iTvvrT A" . ril v Jfu1? I909; or notlce "lrs. Plead in bar of their refo'' All tate must make immed PaV" rnent . This June 20th, ISO. . J. A. BUBNb, J. M. BUKNS , Administrators of the estate Julius WP Burns. McLendon& Thomas, Attys.