——-———— —- TBS ENTERPRISE" PfrtuaHKD Etkit Thursday —AT— Williamston, IT. C. ALFRED E. WHITIIORE, Bditar and Publisher. ; t BaWrsil at thoPost Office at WMaaston, N.-C,, a« Second OUtiMail Matter. •UISCEIPTION, f 1 a year. Tivmvat, MABcn 14, K there is an marked across litis paragraph it means that your sibseription expires with this issue aat that you are respectfully rc f tee ted to renew at ou.ee or youi asms will be droppod. While iii * town attending court we would like to have our pfttrons call at our office. The citizens of our totrn who respond to tho fir# alarm and worked so faithfully, deserves a great deal of commendation, X . From the looks of our Crim inal Docket for this term o£ court, tho criminals of Martin County are not punished »»v«rly enough. Some steps ■ should bt taken to reduce crime in our county. # 9 • m "When you come to town drop in our office and pay us for your subscription. There are quite a number on our books who owe us, and unless w# get pay for what we do, we can not give you a good papsr. The editor w-«a in Noifolk ' Monday, end, in eonror-jiiioii with same of the Coiiimissiiin Merchants, was surprised to learn the state ol the the Pei out Market. Titer© nro from 175,000 to *OO,OOO bags of peanut# on that market will notbring over 1 ic a pound and only about 20,000 bugs that will bring ever 2J cents. Great Scott I Here comes the Baltimore News With this,outrage: '•North Carolina appreciates odd names. Her new Senator is Furnl fold Simmins, and his colleague re jsices in the name of Jeter C> I'rit cliard." Simmsns' man. Sfmmonj. You mu t desire to rhyme our Seiiotor's name with wimnien —Ex. • (OiteMvillr Reflector.) It i* that Cftpl. S. A, Asho, of ltaleigh will write • history of North Carolina. No man in tlia State is hotter qualified for the task, and tho work is a greatly needed ono. No history of the State has b«en written within the-hwt f>o years, not since Wheelers History was published ia lSo! or 1652. work, ' published some twei/ty years ago, can liardh be • aid to he n "history," •xcept in a mpdfied and abridged senise, v A Wlira's Lttt Affair ' ♦ Ktceir** a setback, if the mt« hreatk through Coa«tipation, Bii lioisnaaa er Stonach Trouble, but Dr. Slag's New Life i'ills always our* those tronbles;ciean th»»rst»»,si»«fi eo the breath, banish headaetis. best ia the world for liver, kidnaya and bewels. Only at N' S. Pael & Co I". ... * .''" • " t muxim SALARY YEARLY M«n and women of i;ood addrm lo irprfe*nt iU. aorae to trtvrl •ppointiDn ijrau, othen for loc«l work lookiag after our lutcrtat* Jo« iUr>- gaataataed yearly; extra comnil«alonii aud ex pnitea, rapid advancenieul, olj eatabllnhed hoaae. Grand chance for earaeat anan or tmui toaecore pleaiant, permanent poajtion, libera) lacorar and future. New, brilliant linct Write STAfFHfI PKM, - fc Church autct, . New Bavca, Coon. Hr*U *O, f AIMMTI* LETTER IT. am oar regular CsrropoaAtat.) Washington, March, 11, 1901. After deciding not to take np the question of a change in the Rales or of reorganizing the com mittees, the Senate made short work of the extra session called to act on the President's nomina tions, And udjoutned Saturday after noon. It would really- have been the savit.gof time in th'o end for the Sonato to have remained in session long enough to have set tled both of those"questions, but there arc snch wide differences tof opinion about changing the rules so as to limit debate that its settle* mcnt wonld have tequfrW more time than the Senators wert dis posed to devote to it this Spring, tind the influential Sonators had l eusous of their own, some of them connected with patronage, against any reorganization of the eom mittecH before the regular session. in official circles, a very hopeful view is taken of the Cuban situ ation, notwithstanding senatorial press dispatches from Havana,and the opinion Is expressed that the Cuban* will, after talking awhile, accept the conditions laid down by Congress for tho removal of American control. It is very pos tively denied that any increase of our military force is or has been contemplated by the Administra tion. r * The ex-Senators have been for tunate in landing Presidential ap pointments. Ex Senator Chandler lias bt t'ii made head of the Fpan ifdi War Claims Commission, which carries the same salary as Senator and will last for Fevernl years; ex- Senator Cprter, who talked the Uiver and If arbor biil to death, has been made ono of tie U 8? Commissioners to the ft bonis exposition, which is a. three-year job at $5,000 a year, and three other ex Jr^mattfrs—•'Thurston, lie- Hride nr.il Lindsay avo id ft tod for St. fj'itr' Imposition cornmimon ship. T!i > is an indicatipa of * the the value of knowing the ropes. A firm which ban procured wore than 22,000 patents tor inventors, ai 0. A Snow & Co., the Wash ington Patent Lawyers havedoiu, have a eight to feel that they have t'«en instrumental in increasing tho prosperity of the country, nod in Iceepinjf American invention lit the head of the world s. procession. Tho President is Hot discour aged because of the apathy of the Senate on the reciprocity question, shown by the failuCiJ "of a Whole bunch of reciprocity treaties for lack of flctioh bf the Senate. By liis direction. Secretary Hay has arranged with the French Am bassador to extent the time within which tho reciprocity treaty with France may be ratified until Sept. ;M, 1902. Whether Senators will show moro interest in reciprocity during the life of the present Con gress than they did in the last, re mains to bo seen. The.adminis tration believes that reciprocity is necessary to avoid a commercial war on the U. S. by combined •fin rope. According to Frof. Charles W. Dabney, Presiden.t^ofthe Univer sity of Tennessee, who testified be fore the Industrial Cotnmissiou.on conditions in the South, the Houth lias entered upon a period >l natu ral evolution, which will tarry it* "industries steadily lotvaid fur years. Ilu said thft Cotton, ca'fle aud taules bylng better than ever before, and that the people of] the South wereenj vinga period of great prosperity, also that in dustrial education was making the more protiwetiv • as a citixeu than ho had been nj n ulnve. Represeat-uivtis Cuuu.wtJ, Dal /.oil and llichaidaon have a job that is not envied by otiv of thsir colleagues. They constitute ?Tie committee authoriasd to have tho House e itiroly re furnished, in* oluding new desks for the members and new chairs in placo of the old benches in the galleries. They know that no matter how well they perform their task, they will sotcacapocriticism. At any rate, the long experience of tho three gentlemen ought to enable them to couit very near to putting in what will be needed, even if they doi't please everybody. Secretary Loug'a ttnswer to tho BsaaU rMolation, asking whether officers ia the Nary, prcmotsd , pm * ° ,* ' % • from the rank*, were allowed to wear the nnmo naiform worn by officers graJnated from the Naral Academy, ehowa the Senate io -1 quiry to have been timely and per tinent. The Saoretary admita that they do not, bat deniee that the distinction*# made becauee one set ' of ofH'Jsra von their way oa their merits from Che ranks, and the other waa educated at public ex-1 pense at Annapolis .Ue aays fur ther that the Nary Department is 1 now preparing a uniform rega lation book, which will permit of ' fleer* promoted from the ranks to wear certain insignia and uniform, 1 not now worn by them, but which lire permitted for other coram is ' uioued officers, which is a practical aikuiasion of the injustice of the discrimination. This t» u matter deaarving the early attention uf ' Congress, and tho Army us ivull iui Clio .N'avy slinuld bo included. ' There is entirely too much aaob-' bishness among the graduates of Annapolis and West Point. They should lie taught that the people ' maintain thosu two expansive iu ' stitutions to turn out trained «01-1 1 diera and sailors, not social tosdios, 1 ol whom tho country already has a 1 Miperabuudaot stock. This country has become gruat by recognizing and rewarding merit, wherever found, and its greatnesH will be gin to decline the day that it io •verses that sturdy American p i icy. Kvena aursoiy glance through history will show that the men who made theU, vgreat were licit her. LivuJ it/* uar Kuohr! - fr'o. u> public can stand that recogtiiOi-i! any other aristocracy than thut-ot; brains. Will #'jr Cxihiigei Stj \\'it'.a i.er and J-imes [' \Vils-)i» f n&Jly retiied n# l i -ei:cf«!s o! ilid regular anny thf hour it final lraterui*atU>n of thp blue ar.d the j/riiy should lie niessur alily advanced l.ttiug hciior* have neverbwtn more worthily beatuned thad hi rcfompcnac accorded 1., v u grateful na!: »n lu thee two officer* of the v> ont-i r orwy.— Philadel phia Ke : cord A few wrekn h fjuoth Cttlo« ' linn youn* tu'ut. under mi assumed 1 mi (ill*, advettisi'd iii a ii*w*pap»r ' for m Willi.The a I vr.it, iukw»'cd l>j Ids Kiatt'T, who. also used' an a aumed name. The aiau- soon re suited in nn exchaufw of pboto* jvaplitj. Then the lomanes fell to iiJ d-»isea below zero and the ajlly young couple fall like 30 cents—hx A 978,000,000 tin-can trust ia the latest. A up-to-date editor augKP«t* that a up-to data do? tail trust will come next. It will be a Urcat tlma tor the boys, the duv they marge into n combine.—Kx, A cou try editor hta his opinl m ! of the kicker and i* no fcfrnid to ex-1 press it. hus he a vys: • Whencvii you find a man finding fault with a ! local paper, open it up and ten to one ho hasn't an advarti ement in it; five te one he never gave it a jcb of work; three to one he doss not take the paper; two to one that if he is a subscribe, he is dahn q ent; even odd* he never doe 1 anything that will assist the pub lisher to run a good paper, and l'wrty to one t at it the paper is a gOi>d one and fa'l ofli e he i« tin j ( *i »t to nee the p pervliSPp it; comes out ' ex. «*ap —: -**• aawA "Mr." Bi'Ur "Twltti." (Wadituctoa spetlil In New .r' rut.) 1 l'he diffcience hetwefu s Senate j and a'ti nator wru fuicitdy 4- [ Ui.«trat«'d yctfrda' *»«;r- j I ion * utlcr, of Honsycults, N. C. j lit-pp-d uto Vm Senate c!e ator ■ Th ip is a rifcid iule vpuring tin elevator to f • u;» or d" n ai | k '(nat(»r wia!te«, withnit any repaid j io wliat its intention had previous')' be#n. Thus if on si vator 'vaa go ing do / u it would change its mind and g*» up If a Senator happened to be going that wav. There were se veral paiaengera when the elevator atopp.4 cn the Senate floor on ita yray from the basement to the gal lery. Mr. Itutler stepped in and aald in the usual senatorial tone: •'Down." But U»« elevator went up withaut a word of explanation from the conductcr. M:. Butler looked surprised for a moment and then •tumbled.." ■asßSHraußHamMau 'llie lingering cough fallowing (jrippa calls for tins M ant* Oaugh t'ofe- For ail throstand lung tronbies ttiisf- tho only harailtta r«m»dy fhut givea immediate mfct*. Prevents coua»j>tion. O. D. Cantarphaa. FOR SALE . 7"*• i' Chattel Morfgaga Doz. 10c Deed Truat m- Short Form Lien Boafl * !0c j Trustee's Sale " j 10c j Stafe Warrantf " 10c' Proteet Blanks " 6c 1 Timber D*edt " 30c Option Bank! u SOc Notary Public Blankt " 5c Juetiee Peaco " " 5c Cash to accompany all order*. ' THE ENTERPRISE. ThsiV pr'Haptnaas and lhei?TY>a»s* m i fiocita rnalu Li' 11 j lisrly Ili-S'S most popular little pills wiier j fcvsr lb*y at« kruwu- Tkey ar# sitn oly perffcr for liver sad bowtl ' I roubles. C. D. Carstssplisn. " ■ r i ' When you waut Turner's Nortu Cnioliua Alinfti-au./100 1 tail to goi it uUhisoflire. J. B. PEEIE & GO. ....... JK VEf.KJi5........ WII.LUMSTOK, K. C. Anyone winhirig to purchase a Watch >r Cluck should UIVK VS A CALL. Watches nti-l ('locks repaired>>n Short Notiiee i ll'y.iu. have n'»v r»f)*irij>tf u W-. Id mis; we eaa da'it. | .» j Main St. llnokaia'th *h» > j Sl.lt if if. '4 H»ri i mi .hi T"t in'm'"! ItjntWr fTjitin? o ■ tbd Km mn»M. >T" > r>», »". tlla l W" a krilliunt «-nvi f filters sad Iks an > » i 1 itibpan l.'i» nf Ttoik», Pftiys, Vu»io and Art, its c'sver stories, stroag pp»nial article-', huainr and ver»», with loe illustrs fans, m\ ! « it s saae«ilty ia ever* i«- tslUnsat. tiass* Tlte vsry Uw «ak' script is a pries—il 00 u«r year--»)til» 't witHa >h* resok ef all. MiUILF MfVTt «»ai •(1 ia svsry tows. Exk r » I orfliasry ind isimsnt". Write for ptr tiealsrs. A trisl aubsciiptiou wl]' pro»» it \Vriictr> day for Sam fir Copy ' flit tei-inti. C?„ 6ft r*i c 4+,. a*.f ?H9nt J t 2iit (^/t, ' Snhscfiptiona taken at this office jOf!.. WAWTBn,— Mew mibsorlhers bv Jo ue Ist, 1901. Ltrtlt for »ur many oflVrn in this isne Karvljr some of them will nlesae^oa. THK KNTERPIIPI. Rsa th>t you the . riainat l)»- Wltt's Wi-I'li.lluzel Snlv' whe'> Veil im-1> for ii Th* Ksauios >« •« asr'nia •ire tir |.|!e», s"ie-- asl »Vtt, di«*»» , •• •. Oara*«rf hsa. A r\ ,hy Consumptive i Did you ever s«e on«? | I Did you ever begr of one? c ; Most ccminlvoot. Con- i ; i sußJDttcn is a disesse that J ! invariably causes lota ef & >1 flesh. 'f If you are light in woif lit, ; ! ; even if you rot/ugh la only ! ; a f'igh; one, y«u tbcula • i ocrtalnly take ! t i Siitli's EmMliaa : ef ctnf Uvtr mith f&po ' phosphites. No remedy ■ k it such a perfect prevent ive to cvosumptioa. Jest tho moment your throat 1 begins to weaken and you ! Had you are losiag fleah, you should begin to take it. ! And no \ has cured so many-casrc i of consumption. Uxilcse 1 ! ycu are fsr advantjed wffh ; \ \ this disease, Scott's Emul- 1 , sion will hold everv io- 1 t I ducement to you for a ! • perfeet cure. , 1 1 : ' ; ... f ' . StdhM A R el Find With chronic indigestion and nervous debility, writes T. G. Oreea, of Lsn oaster, N. H , ' No reuedr helped sse natil I began using Elestrlc Bittern, | which did m«t more good thao all tbe j mv'iciaes I ever used. They bare also j kept my wife ia excellent Jaealtk for years. She s«ys Eiectrio Bitters aio' juot «p!fcnJiJ ior that they are a grand (0 lie and iovoriga-, ter for weak, run dowu women. Hoj ether medicine can take its place in i our fsmilf.'" Try them. Only 50c-! Satisfaction guaranteed by N. S. Peel & Co. *• - I" v '4h C«.-',llna I tartly County / I t i.'. t »U., J. K Wet; i. ti ele. By vlrt'K' ot a. decree of ihr Super! ->t Court uf •v|»rti:i County miult In llic abuVe tiitilUS atticu I 1 will on Mo-vJay »i*r-'h itth, being l>"! fcrrt j wcu '.i; Of court week, at u o'cl>*-]t, ui, acli to the liigUeat tilidcr foreaeh at tlie C-nrt How' door lit Wii;iaiosto:i .th: tract of la.ui in i-akl county Itiiirwn a> tlie {tetxta WaUiaivul a ijoin. lend of XI. "N. Vr-, .*»»• I tairii i. f *crea lucre or Jcj-i, Ti.ie x:th day ol i cb.tury ' A. U. GAYLORD. Com. - tiie h'ouiamu t'hn Hiu;t:ior). ve'iiu 4i« aad a'v tao who paii eatuiM pi«ritf >( t'iO'X dljjJ D\' lire* Ufi.a wl» i. ion eit«u i -i.iuWa y,u iu i-4.t til i. e |f®jt] yo.« v.siii. it y outlet' liuui it,,rjn 9 urtbiiru, :. tiOl' %Oy UiUdt'il J.U .0J .♦ |-t»abi« tui.i in fiitd io*i tviiil h tip bill do %cv 1 lid tiKni fvifiive tttuuiuch* can I • - hrtli't? |i. 4 I) : t*»i j'lion ■> j CM utt i I . iM •;' tm .-xa -I.* cii.ti iy ) 'iSiia, »v#. # -i V3 ' £ •I" iO 1/iVUsf. | ) •••'"-•• j . r r J • V.; .vu'.. . to tia-i .1 witi noi.. | . i the liup-ti / i .'.a.tin Cou.: '' ■ 1 a 1 * oai l a .a.it v iii aiti;. « - ..oil v a ihe U v''lu» w(. tc «ypcar at tb , . c.\t tr intf til .Supciisi . /..U of Mlia county ii be held oti tne jni „iouUay ia March, lyoi, a I Jje l .® t ho'ist ia Wl. ianiaiO', W. C., aaU au fc ..*c u-ua-. ui io tm it tu asrttou ot i.icpUi jtirf tj the v.#u»: f tw r Uei in .am oritpklul. TUtb 4th HKguc/) j. A. tionns. Clerk oupvnor Cou;. A lui Cfifh MilieiM fir Ckiidri? *'/ b«ve n> h»«iiiiury in r*c 'tniaatii! i»»* ObaioberUm's (Jout(h R««edy,'' •ays i;. P. Moini, a well knowi in.d • ijpular baker, of Peterabuig, V». u |iav* ((ivsa it 10 our dtilldren wt.sn tionbled with bad coughs, also cn'iijli, end it ha* alwaye parfaet satisfaution. it was re commended to me by a druggist ss the besi cofth ma>tieins lor children a.- it cootitinad no opiuui or otliar liaimlnl diug." Sold by N. H. Peel & Company. VOTIOE ! II ivint: s lallfifi! ne at!mini 1 rator upon the e* late Viacv tilUlkeu, dee'd, notice U hereby j,ik cr'o all oreiitor.4 baviag claltua ayain«t cn U* picitcut tbe •A.m'" *u the uudrrnix'.ird with i \ '3 mouth J l i Uay or thie uoticr will l*e •,'lcatl in >-ftr of their recovery. All periKmn in tlehtcd to taid eaUte are requeatcd to nettle Ific tame. This 13th, day of February 1901. F. S. JOHNSON. Atlm'r Viney Gillik.cn, dec't* ai— Liite Oliver Twist, children ask lor in >re when given One Minute Cough Oure. Mother* end .™* it highly fo croup. If quickly cure* all cough* an.! told* ami rv#iy it ro|' -a'tl lroul.lt. It i m apu irtr f.»r «ripp#*nnH hwa,lu ii h«on a W#l' known robjel\ '"r i.ng . fJ. I) C' N rth Ca rti' Ctmi ly v in The~JMiper)dr Conrt. uo. *. Ward, P!a!u*.?fr) er. Vi * e ' »f El, fcle. J. H. tvfa | By vlrtut of an Execution directed to the nndei eh i d f o tlie j p«Ht>r Court ef Martin Conntv tie active ; titled.'acHia.l "V ill on the jjUUiffdViftt ifTvAirf f Km l> |)W4* NI. a* Ms "or I »i •. • co t.t .V! t he M*'" *t b|M for cn'-h H »i» nil tlxii ' ti'- »t,all the rl . t|rle and ir re >* ich tHr i»at I,J. H. W,* •«, Defeudnut. 4« i.» Jk »llovi . . cacri *4 real estate to *cit Un, • > th j :-'i.U'ed x:tt» r# t in a tr-ct of Iv;.' »» Martin Countf, V. aa the Kclm>S : ai iaud, coatatt.iug mo acre* more or lets, *}. ioi U;c U -i— U. N. \« avera and others and b. Jug the lattda «\ -iveyed hy Cha». MlseU to Kebctt Watcra Deed t!ul* rrpUleded in aaid cou'ts/ l*ht3 tbc laud of Jnf i J. C. CkAWoIU), Snrmrr. ■ ■ A Hom'j t fttrtbn ~ • Of on my dttie >laugi ler'ii tiead.dovclo ed i ' « - cald head wrt'f C 1") l»'bill, ot Voi jautown, Tenn., but Buoltlens Am a Salve complotely cured her. It's a guaranteed cure for Kcasms, Teller, Salt Rheum, Pimples, 80res. Ulct'rs and I'iles. Only 250 at ». 8. Peal A Co . By rlttue of a decree of the Superior Court of * Martin Couaty in a apecial pniceediac therein pead\n( ia re. Aloon Ha veil, Adm'r Harriet J. Harriron, Deed agaftut Aaa Kdmondaon and wife, et alt, I shall expoee to public ale before Court Home door in the town of Williamatoo, N. C. on Monday the let day of April 1901. the follow - ing real estate, to wil ■ —A certain tract of land ia Q^iJßa'eTDwnilii& county afo«*ealad,s»d knows , aa'l/a *l-— An the iltriaioa of the laada of tbe late Rodert aaou| hie heirs, being the r.tae lot awlcned to aaid Harriet J. Harriaoo, DcCd adjoinidp the lands of Kader Mlley and others. Ctmtalnine 44 acres more or leaa. For de finttc description «; to boundaries reference may . be had to the pubUc rrgtstery of Maitla Cmty, ~ Term*of tale CASH. This March m. 1901 UOMO BSialU, Sdatts4 Cm. I. . •' • ■ v ; . ' fc • . t Rfj&t Was Her Ttrrrr ■ 4 -iI Co Xltjifly uil KsL? » long."' wriui if's I ..-.A, e?4t*,o f ' Alexandra In f «rd e. nM tnr-Jlv * g«tany «1 «p, I L c?Si?-iisyii .nijit > HaJ (bi* «f I a I'l.ict: [ t7iu'«' Cough fi rod s;vji( but. 'j wh*>n all o'L«r tne-lieinfn fulfil, ijt+ei. ' 1 SI.OO Kottif* of Dr. '■> I>l - 1' ncovery wbo!ly cars.! cq • ~! I , i a n 1 jSB Ijßbf>iH.*'-y i p. i to j.ijia.Bnii I «'hit Hand *ll f&rfeft' iv 1 tr :it! r j Prje« 63-i «u*-i $•!. Iml lvu;e* Jr. ;lt N. S. I'lif ii Jo.— Nd»-ihC; r 4 : tier' Oak • i&t-i t4 j .1 ■ ( , v*. . CoK*r?U CfHlffl, V;. i uU Cvwi?*!» u-U Matina, ii.'.ns. ar. ' Inn? by m:-.r.iAN>in.«» 1., a;.; s..y miinv Uu>,f}«/»»£riur CO4/1 r>f Mniii'i C ;.t;, !J. C /tdc #*4 ■> *iA 4 af'ji i . ' tteiauv to the rompUi.itfakA i»t:.£» •. Tin jx«jj3>c of ll.ii 4-tL»o i* t > m:niu r. . itgagc ;;i. ca * y t!.C f ■ •r»" t•. .. .\ ~y i > jai. «. to V,'. i.. - ' • i .... • ; ..U. t&U |b| . . • J?-Jci£ fi ... *— i; £»>urt # *l' ' !.i in, t I. • M«l , aii j 1 :;>tv ~n - ri ;J 4 .> >« "1 v I • * 1 #j ;»■ • »~.j | v«* ' 'I «l I 1 V* I A (J Id J« . • I!| .. .1 • * I»fJJ 1 I \ I *1 i I l*r • t - 1 . J r iv»i *t\ » • J..4 * • 1j i it « its .j£ u IrW iMIfJ *l* ill 1. Ilf H.tjf-i '*l; |u.«4 "liod (&•' I 0. . «?y 1 ,i..i u ioii lor K"i i' r)v p»jni 1 i ii ii»g«*s wljh V»>H *♦.» »>;' » , ;i*n, Oysptjisk Qra Boosts whi you eat. It. artificially dlgs.tj tbe food ppd ald« Katur* la uorecttlis.iinj and i«.con atructtuf the •ihrjtt.-d digestive or* gen». It lsili«4&teiitiiscoveri:dU:Kt!St l > autandtoolc. Ko otbsr prepuratloa , can approach It ia otllcicucy. It in- Btanily rell«toe*ad pprmaoently euros Dvsp«p»la, lo^!sf««fion, Heartburn, Ffatuleuc®, Sour titrruaeh, i. r »u3cß, Blcli Heartache, t'rf.a;,. and tli othar results of imperfect Uft cation Pric*C*e.iu«tl. J*'!*' . 4«cont»lnaS>i tinift ■rail aIR. Book all«tioui Jyipep»u--1 i- aiirct Pmparad by E. C O«WifT 0 CJ.. Ci>lcag« 0. D.O.Vl.Si'Aki t- Y Ou. €, BO YEAH 9' m { OietaNa i COPVfIt«HTS &o. ' Anrcnt •Atidlnjj n saU ata? nniokljrii3v«;ii*ln our opintoa tioi * .'lumber an luvaMl iu t« Ph bahljr BHUn.»a>'o. Cwmmnnlf*©. tlonnKfricflt r ••it tivkon throuah Mrttui Ai Ci>. rtc«i?| M. Ml mtiot, wlf bout cbnr , c 5, (n tho A handioiieir iUnNtratM *ra. klj*. Tj«hrwt J rumnon of any acttnliUr JnurutU. Tonus. |i a f >f*r: ifi:r f L HolU 1/nil TiOWadt^iera. T T -sj ADOrOTFarm Implement — T LnildLu! Kousd in tha South Buggies, Harness, Saddles, ows Caslinjs, - * 11 | Pumps and Well Fixtures. I > ENGINES, SAW MILLS, THRESHERS, f BINDERS, MOWERS, FEN CINQ, WIRE. h 4j V/rlfo f«r CsUbfut 3fid ask tor t p—M Itw Prim. Tut mm a-swa* WSTHIN - OF ALL iuinoi&" £ »fIM ACADEMY. | M RING TERM BEGINS | JAN'Y 14 -1901. I Your.girls and boys shall receive the very best attention. •iv ■■' . - % SEND THEM- 1 . ... I C. W. WILS#N, Principal ATLANTIC COAST l.!?Cn T. I. COSir.'.XT. | I TRAIXS cc::.(i sotnru. J»n. "ijtii, 1 1 /ji. 5* i'' i ' " .*•• .*>! r. Ali I i . %•' . .. _ ) p - M l '• i . . »».• Ta -n >• .> ' IJ 51 6 a* "■ ..J/fßs* -h»#» 6J7 j n m -..1 •'/ .040 ? W SST »4* • ■ J) .... 1 - r.> 11 |3 " ..v. 4 ■' 11 v; ... . " .-«,7jpi a;» i - -77- m *: : *}?— —fZ_~i 7M! *;-• 4; :- r —-I•*« 13* ™hr r: ?! IS [ p. M.IA- M. P. ML. T:tAi.NS GOING NOJtTU. . .. * * b V , cf 1 L-aI ii ' el df 1* & I ■_. „ t __L , A - Mi : R fsjunn .7 ,;t -~rw .rrrr.i 'yst r. ■ —-- I.v. l .iyttltrvilit*. ra i>! 9 41I!!. J!"!!. i.t-avcAt .Mia .... 150! n i Ai rive WiUoii 9 35!... ; t 1, ' . mil , . ' A - M P. SI. A. M. ' - ::;-i IS,IS f.r.C^Jubotf— .. ..»[■ 4 jjj 937 it K r A. i A. M.;IV M. P. M. | Wilson 33- vjaTnjrii « I >* tj: y ' lt - 3 t»j 6 loj ii II JJ ijj A ii-ffii.-b0r0... .... I 6 6; ~r. .~; hwjss fu/boia... 7 jii ....j . I I.V. R'«ky Ml 1 jdl ! 1 *5! Ar. wdmn 4i4 ■ /,! ..• I'. W 1 'A. M tf. M. Y.V:U.I r>iv|j|'in Main Train Irani Wll mi.iTion.9 oj a. m.. Hi., I. Ui-v • l'«jr*lt ¥ille Itsj 5. v ~ an i> ei »a«. T 1. .1 1 41 t» '•! a:il ml ;05 p. in arrive 1 a« p. iy. 'oa\f l aytitc *illc 4 I'. hi., arrives iVi.'n.iT!, s.i t*, |l. m. ;;j j » iiHvilU' l'r.i i !.- -Vniaj ir »-» iM.urtt*. viHc .1 «' o.ma. i 11» i„ ,a. .'.>» • ilk 11 »o. 1 .uiixtan ,->1! ' * ,l>. m.. 110, Mill- ,tym.. Ktd > ir. st■ in , Mii:iV.iu6l6p.ly.. a. rive., itea. urlV-ville 715 in, ' i' ' it'-ii . %cU villc with *raln Nj. j ai ■>. . at A*A v.v \\:. n». R«i atoun. .iji'-l Ikjwii u* i«|.- » yt-i. at.v' Mi'i wiHi the : tftl) 'i Aa* i,is.» ttid , c . .• iKti> (ti wfly. tt Qtilf i* U tv. Uu h&iit aim k .. t. .... w i .aiitou stollnn'* Vhrk I'rai . "t Road -avea U.i!Vj.i.;VSJ>.m..H«UI. .4.;: - , , :T i«4 tool. lAUd Neck S oSt>. in., i cc.nl* 6 m Kin. «t'»> 7 ap. la.Kcturulnfr leavt, U.ll ton 7 »a » l.i Hinlre HM n. m„ arrivi.ip n Halijai ii l4a ti .W. liVia il ti a. 1# . il*Uy : s i Sunday. '1 .ari» 01T V... il'iiiKirj i.mng 4ve i.« blO a. )•• . aiMi »jo p. iu., a; .1-. j j-a incl; v*• * n m.. 4o°.p. in , j*liu-.W Ifnvr I'aruu.« o« * ui, ruirt 6jux>. ui., nni\f uoaait * t ofa ill , daily cxirpt Sui ay Vi.iin fcavca Tkiln-o .\. C., tl„ lj rxcapt tun .'.ays of. m„ Sunday 1 lj p. nr. aniv*» plT i.-vi.oi 740 P. »>.. 6 m p. ni.. Urlurtlm;, rlymoulh dally except Sunday, 750 a ui uu4 Sunday »00 a. ui„ arrive* Taiburo 10 ia a m. u m a tu. 1 't • l mUI oil Midland N. C. Branch learca a 0 Wo dally, except Hi 11 lay 5 iw> a m arilvlna ?»l?n. i*r«S « o'i! i f u un" n . w H ''a-.-ra S^Hlifie^f . 7 *rn» I®' rtvti ( h 3% jj t rain* ou Na.vi.vilU r-tanch Im, kocl, Moual ut 9jo a. tn., 340 p. at., mm,. Na hvflie 'mtai. m.,4»tp. n>„ hope 11 c«n iu.,4tjn.m J*' 1 "'"'"* teat*#prftg nope ~ , ~ ii., ATpii! D i'* at Vucky * Rteiint ulO P-in., 6 «. ii m., dnllr etcept Sunday. ~uL*.' CUuto" Utancii leavea Uaiaw far Chilton daily except Kuuday, u 40 a. m. and 4 is p. m., Keturuiuit leave. Clinton 64s a w tad Ijo p. in. ' " ,I train No. 711 makea clot* connection at Wrldon fo» all potnU Noitli daily, all rail via Kkhmoa4. H M KMKRSON. J. R. KHNI.V, Oen'l A « rot - T. M. KMKRSHiN, TraCic Manager. - BB3K 6S fflfSlTlS^^W rataat Lawryert. ttfASHINgTt»N. P {.

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