PeiLIIHSD EVEBT TUCRSDAT —AT— Williams ton, N. C. - ALFRED R. WHITIIORE, lditer and Publiihar. |r |«r«d at the Post Office at Vfthaaton, N. 0., as Second Cla* Mail Matter. • a year- TavMaar, APRIL i, 1901. M there is en X marked across Ali pesegraph it mean* that your atlMripiioa expire* with this issue u that you are respectfully re ftestsd to renew at once or your aeate will he dropped. When the Grand Jurjr made ita report to the Superior Court last week, it advised that the County Home be made more comfortable, and that better bidding be used for the inmate* Wahope that those in eliarge of this institution will initio tltes" necesiary improvements be fore cold woather comes .gaii . We are sure tlio decision reached in the trial wilkbrhig about a bettor feeling in political ciec'o*. and aa one of tlid first fruits of thin action on the part of the Sen ate, \vn the counsel for tli« prosecution of Democratic Registrars has said: That he would not be a party to tho continuance of those casoj.und would do all he could to nol pros every indict ment ag'.iiut thorn, It i«tln» pririncc of the edi tor of tho town piper, not only to encourage new enter prisoa, and te furnish the peo ple w.ti the nows, bnt, nlso to commend the right nnd t» con derail the wrong and acting in view of those premise*; we de sire to call the attention of our town anthoritiea to the do*-or« tion of the Snkb'.th day by a crowd of thoughtless vonng men who after nightfall went about the town singing songs firing pistols.nnd in at local one instance destroying property by tearing down fences We are sure the young men did not realize what they were doing, or they would not have nctcd as they did around one home whore loving parenlswere "watching over a sick, nnd they tearod, a dying child Our youtJ:{ men nre good benrted boys, who would not wi'lingly hurt anyone, hut they ought to bs mora thougk.tful, Young men, remember the rejnit.itio i of th»» town is in your lunda whit will you make it? Lefsp-ill togfcther and give on:• town t!i" best name for nil tint i- go J (Durham Sun) The impeachment trial hns ended and the p»o;>le can set tle dewn to n calm survey of the matter and move on to other matters pertaining to ntir material welfare. There in u large class of people who be lieved the judgei ought to have been impeached, andjthey aiv 1 enthusiastic in the expression ' of their opinions The trial wi> a fair one; and in view of all tho circulate ness and the pa- i tieat hearing given, it is per* I haps best that it turned eut as it did. We don't know. \\ne ' hope so. We havs DO criticiam ' to make on the high court that | tried them, llwas composed i of conscientious gentlemen, ( and they had all the facta well j in hand. Thejr wort the most i capable Judges, We ctu inly-1 S ■ + hope the verdiot will have the effeoi of ridding the State of extreme partisanship, which is the heme of all good govern ment, and will have a god effect upon all of&oe-holders, both now in office end ftiture incum bents. While there are some who are of the opinion that th" Senator* who »vot#d "not guilty" will have a trying time in explaining their votes to their constituenta in time to coaio. we are still hoping that everything will work out for tho test, and now that tho nutter ia over we hope har mony will prevail and that North Carolina will progress as she has never progressed before, and that the Supreme Court, aawell as the people.J will learn a les«ou from the recent trial. '/ wimrmETTE* (Fiooa our tl*r Corr«*p.,nJ«nt.) x Aprjl Ist, 1001 Frail FII niton is now a Brig adier General in tlie regular array, thanks to thu aotion of the Presi dent It i* n»t creditahlo to army officers to lin trying to ltd little such acta us leu Funatou's cap ture to' Aguimtlilo, becuiso of their op|»isitioa to a volunteor offluor Brigadier General iu the regular army, which was tho only military reward the Preii deut c.'uld give Funnton, the new Army law specifically stating thai m» volunteer offleor should be given a c >m nission in the regular army be»weert that of Lieutenant and BiijjiidiarOat.oral. Thu Preaideut promptly ap pointed Fuaiton a Brigadier re gardless of the opposition of array officers aad their friends.Punston's admirers rejoice that he did so at once, as they know that the arm v ring can wield a powerful influeuce and they feared if given time en ough to get concentrated upon the President, it might have succeeded in preventing the appointment. This fight ugsinst Funston, which may ho carried intr. tho if. R. Sen ate to try to prevent he confirm ation of his nomination, is iptrelv a revival of the old fight df the West~"Poiliters against the out xidviP,which hasheen i/oing en for many years, the headquarters of the Went Pointers may lie *aid to l»o in Adjuntan; Goneral Corbin'e office, at. tho War De|>nrjme»t. al though he is not a Went Pointer himself- Gen. Corbin is a man of undoubted ability, but is a well, known tact that he is now a Major General, more through political and petticoat influences exerted under various administrations than because of hi* military service 01 accomplish mints, ft in regarded a* Oorbin's influence that prevent ed Sec'y Root sending congratu lations to either McArthuror Fun si on on the capture ot Agninaldo, nntrt aftAr Scc'v Long had enngra* lated both tdhefrM in 'lisosblHgram to AdiiHral- U«siot»". as »vt-ll ns thauked them tin tle ii pr«i*e of the »'avy t. r its asMiHtance: Sec'y Root and Gen ttorbin would better ha very careful unless they wi*h to very uupoptiiar The pub lic lees not care a rap about rival ry between Went and outsiders in the army, but it ad inirefl bravery and daring and de sires nay, demands that it, shall be rewarded wherever found. Senator Hnrt'iji voitred public opiuion,when lio naid. just alter urging the Pre sident to announce Funstou'a ap l>ointment to,ha Brigadier Gener al: "Fonstou has i lie quality of ability that geta thvre.' It doesn't make any difference how he tloea it, hut he gols there. Whetlier it is by beatiug the Filipinos at their own tricks, or swimuiiug streams, or just jdsin hard hand t«» hand fighting. We expected to have him made a Brigadier General iu the regular army. Tkat was certainly not too much to ask as a reward for such aa exploit:" Officials expect that the capture of Aguiualdo, and the surrender of the other Filipino officers and men will make it unnecessary to keep as large an aimy in the Plul ipiuesas was planned (or when Congress panted the Ahny hill .and if reports from Gen. Mac-Arthur and the Phillipiae Commission, bear out those expectations, orders I" .■ • i are likely te bs ieeeed limiting the number of rase te be recmited un der the law, which provides tor a regular array of 100,000* What Unit will bs.wttl/ifsoorse, depend a pen latere reports. It is regard*! as eertaia that the President will appoint ra'ioci%a , Oalvle P. Titos, Cosipeay B, In faatry.a cadet at large la the Mili tary Academy at West Point, for onnspieaons bravery in China The following petition,signed by every officer servisg with the Fourteenth hai been reoeived at the War De partment:"Diiriag his s-rvice Mu sician Titus has profss iiimselt U» he a ti ustworthy,intelligent,sober, brave and thorough soldier. On August,l4tb,l9oo,at Pckin China, he was the flrft American to teal* ihs wall of the Chiaese city and ■enter Pekin On the following day. while engaged in the fight in the Imperial city, he received a slight wonnd. His meritorious conduct deserves recognition, and it is lie lievsl thst it i(iven an appoint ment to Wsst Point and a Com mission upon graduation, Musician Titus will make an excellent officer. Senator Piatt, of Conn . author of the terms for withdrawing from Cuba, said ot those lertni; "Some people, both here an I in Ciiba as aert that we seek to eateMiah a protectorate, bit this is entirely a iui3')sce|>tion The acceptance of the terms will not cNtabhsh a pro* teotorati in any seoss that the word has ever been used in inter national law Tlia situation i~ uniqus and there lali>ni betweenua and Cuba will lie unique and may In) properly expresael by saying that the tJ. 8 desires to liec rae the guarantor of Cuban indp-ii dence, an I the stability of its gov emmeiit. Tlis right of iuterveti tion, which we insist upon, ia only to ke exercised lo that end,arid only when necessary for that purpose. It will not authorise any interfer ence On thepart of our government iti Cuban affairs, utilaas clrcuai stances arise which reijtiira that we should act to preserve their inde peudsnce, or insipa traiq-iilitr, and such a step could only be tai i-u as the result of deliberate action by Congress. The Cuban republic will be comparatively weak and ooatile tiy Itieifio cope witti prob lems very likely to arise both as to its foreign policy nnd domestic y>n ditions It may neud the assistance of the U S. ail in stent of resent ins the willingness of the U H. to assist it, it oil/lit. to bo thankful , that it bass i p twerful a friend." t ' JSOIIOK ! IlA'tug qui'lrtrd a« up.m the of C. C- ColtrtliiP drcrniwtl; Njllci* U hfrf hyifivttt to aUixTiotia hcMtng i laint*t)|{ntuati estate to preaent them to ih? utiderai^t.'d for ptiym'tit ut| or l»foit tlir ;,th Uv f Aptll. or this notice v ill bc.plc««l itt b it of th» ir irco\ crv. All persons (nJehted tr> iwiU titate are re" Hnetted to itutke imturdintc jviyment TliU |»4 d %y of April loot. J L. COX.TRA!N. Adm'r Till But hmdy far RliiiMtUß, QUICK HILIKK raoa PAIN. AH who una t'bantberUin's Pai» Halm for rlie:imttiin ar« ilsltg'-ted with the qti'i'k r»iief In m [sin which it stfords. When s|*«aking this Mr.l). N. Sinks, of froy, t> , aays: "Some time I had s asvere attiok of i ktu miti«m in an- sr»a >n I sleoi'der. I Hied ii'ini'to'i' dies but g t tin le'iel until I win ieeoinm>nde t by MMIW. Uitfl, F. |V irs ill' a I'o ,dmg li*ts of litis pliO", to try Chatnlar' Inin'e Paili lis w. 't|i«y ircoctnriid it HO lligldy that I b>iight ii Imttl* i was soon relieved ot all paw I b»v> »ince reocomnsiided this liniment to insny of my frisnds, who mr» w : li toe ibat it ths be»t remedy tor innsen lar ih-um%ti«m in the mullet. by N. 8' Pm-I 4 I'o Noith Caratln* » Sn|wtiur Court, "* uarttu County ( March Trrui, i^oi. Jordan Itufln ) V Rull for Di»wrc«. Fsnnic lula ) Thr StfcnSaot sbov* nanird »ilt ult uottw > that «n action cnlitlad at aW ha» tm n com o menccd In Ike Superiar C 'Urt of m,«u» Ctmnly o for Divorce; and the Hal t .lcfradanl witl 'laV'c notice that si *la n to apm' at tli« ti next term of Ilia Kup*ilorC.i«rl Sf aaU roaaty h hsldth« jnl xoaOay In March, i Hie caurt houaa In Wltllamaton. N. t, and aua- ti wer oi dtir.ur lo th« eomplaint la aahl action or \ tbe plelnUt will apply to tha Oaait for the relief . dcmanOeJ In said complaint. , Ttola 4th Fehraary, 19*1. > [Sifnad] J. A. HOBBa, c Clerk Superior Court* Head onr club offer la this iaaae. 1 When you nt ed , t JOB t I'IttSTLNG f I Seud aa jour next order. j - .. .• _ •• :• •' , JtMMlfc't Im SM It If he'd bed Itching Pilea. They're terriby annoying; but Buekleu'a Ar* nie* itlfe will cute the wor»t mm of pflavoe kaajcured thousand*. For lojurifitTafte or Bodily Ernp* Hone ita the beet eeWe la the world. Price 29a • box. Cere gtureDteed- Sold by H. 8 Peel A Co. ! *• There nra bergenia end target ua •l QargAfttie' looking Tor pnrehneee IV e know y»n woa't lei' them p»u. It K«yf it Lig. Tw»lre ye* re ag» J. W.SnllW»n ef Hartford, C»en, err«teb«d h>« •»* •ilb* fe*ty wire. Inflammation end blood pol*»aing Met in. Far two year, be M'ffWid intensely. Tier* beat doetofe urged en. potation, "but** be writes: "I ueed »»ne bottl* of Rlpetric Biiitraeod Hboieeol Bucklen'e Ar nice Halve and my leg wee uind and wall ea aver." Ftf Ri uptiona, Rc atnia, Teller,,Bilt Ri*em, Sofaa end ill blood dia«r>lare K)eelria Hitter* baa no rieel on rertb Try ikem. N. S Peel A Go. will guarantee aetie fcction'tr refund money. Only 500. —r* — V-»" tr- NOTICE 11 1 it rt Thf I'lertlf'n cettift •!> (or the Ml* of J.JBow «'• liUitit In I nrulii |il«i of land in Goo*a Nut Ti'wa*hl|>, K. C., for lain due for >h« year ■*99, hating Imb lo nr. 1 (hall, unleaa leg al irdtiapiion It mate, demmd deed for umi ThU i.,»h day of March iyei 'i—*i P ,S (KO. L HtNP.B. A Ri;lif, S)«ft»i Fli«4. Washed down a i>-l«iiaph hue wliishK. Bllia >n, af Libtiit la hud I io repair, "S'ei.dutg wairt daep in ioy water,' he witae: VQaffl ma a terrible co'd attd omtgh'lt |r?w *nr*a dttilv. Finally ■be I'ewt dyolnrin Oakland Nfb 3l 'HI axil Omah i • ild I W I liffan*lJr, Die* novt-ry *n I wag w« lit ail red If til. U .it OP.' * If'*'* !'** ' '* Cough*, all i |.y >•' end Limn truut'la* |»* 8 IVI A «'6.| t'riue 60J end fl 00. n» vi m*of a dan«f iw lli* aup«ri'n Court of Mail! i Cannty In a aj* tal V r >Ctedlng the:rl'i j>«tidluf in ie Alan* l * lf***ell, Adru'r Harriet ) 'Urrt on, IKr'd ag.nnt Ama Kdtaei d*on and wife, *t al' I thatl eiffcoS'to public *a!e before O.UII Hon* door lu lit* town of Wi'llaiurt.ui, N C on Mouday I lie I*l lay of April l«*i. Il« follow tag teal etiatr to wit —A nttaia trait of laud la ditfla'i Tjwinhl-i, count) *fu|. aalad.amt know i aa l.nt Nil.—ln the di\i»iuu of the landa of the iale Kodert t.anier among hi* hetia. being the «ame lot aaaigued .lo aaitl Harilel J. Karrlaon. I»« M ailjutnldg 111* landa of Karter !,l'le\ and vthr.a (.unlal iiig 44 a«red awrf or lata. For da finite deaci ipllon aa laiiaiiitjUrlPa.i*fer«aee ma v be had lo lite publi* rrgitlery of Marllu County Termanf a« Thla March tat, l«M. i. AI.ONZO MAasKI.I Adm't and Com. "I liarr l>e- n troullad «itli indi«r« iif>n fir tan vaara, Itara triad mußy thintfa and ap nt nuiali mon*V In no putpoaa It it il I tried Kdlol |li'-pa|>- atit Cilia I Lava taken two utid got'an niiri" ralivf from ih''m tltiin «l other medieinea taken. I faal more lika a lor than ! hevr f*l in turan'r ri«ar«." A nd» ren of Bunny Irtiia, Teg, Tboiia d 14 Imva '\te*li(Se l a» did Mr- Ri(|*a; D. Ceralarphen. North Carolina I Suyttiot Sown, Martiii County f • • » » -IrvnßMm wM wii ■■■"• *'r Comttu el *i« To Cornelitft and Uftrttit n«>«rlv»N, yQ" Irrhy auratt'oned to ftppctr bef tr* the Super!'* Court of Mat tin County, H. C. ou the »nd MihkHiv after the int M »m4hv in Mj|-rh, i«»t, iniwrr or demur !•> the complaint ll'ed lu thl» ea tae. The «if tl»1* it4o i>nrcha*e a mortfrac tn by fie father of the .tefen 'ait t > Taa. K voore ait«t ' y )i|m for value awijnied lo W. SI flvrn nuder my lau4 And aeal thU tl e tal day of February i A. if* »PBH, Clerk Rupertor Court. Ynn will waata line if yon try t» t'lira tiidigeation or dyap»t»ia in a v«nr«lf. T'int nnle miku i worse wbsn you deieat berdtl>. Yon alwavN ne°d pT#n»y of uood fnml pr 'P erly d BPai«»|. Ki' l d l>»«|iapiia I'm# IN Ho r»»'|'i tot va :.r« of B'-iin'ifil' ta Teh for a metliina tl at would Ha*t ti 't "illv aom* e|aitte-itß of •*».» t. 1 a»yry kin-l. An I it i ili« >n- r« »•» 'v tbi> «i'l d .'it. 0 1) y >l>'tV Ctrillnr) V Ma.-tln i"«a»(y V !n the Snprriov Cau'l Ti. s a want. r:ai"ttr| 'i . * £i Sa'e» J II Water*, He fa i Ky *l-1 oe of an l urcuilnn direcie ' to the o»dr r. aigard fram the .'*u>«rKir Coa't ol Mailt Cwinty in the aoowe et titled actt.i» ( t wilt on tkc i Id Moni'avlhe «th .'.»•■ of March 19ft, at tal o'v.oct, M at the Coturt h«u«- don nf -atd c maty, Sail ta the hig!ie>l l for cat"*, i v : afy (aid Ritcullmi. ad the rljt I 111 'r and tn I tereat whloh tire aald J. H. Watera, Defenda tl. ha. la tha loltowlag deaeiibed real aa«alc to wit: \ undivided later**! la a tract of land la Martin Ctoanty, tamri aa the Nelaoat Wattra land, ctmtainlng jaiacrta am or leaa. adjoining the land* ot M. M. W«teta aad other, and being tha Und* al«i»lj*d by Chfea. Mlrell .to *Hclaoa Water*by Dee4duly *i|l»l*e*d i* aaid ccmaty. Thi* the trad of Jan'* igai. J. C. CHAWKOeD, Saaairv. "La«t winter I wea ceafined to atv bed wit'd e very bed eobl on tba lunga. DothinKgeve me relief. Finally my wit'a boti 1.1 bt ■ 'v«ttla of Ilea Mm ute Cough Cure that rffaoted a apetdv vttrr. 1 rennet epeak too highly ol that eieellant remely. " Mr. T. K . Houeeman, Menatafreej, Fe. C. l>. OawtorpMa. * Co* JCorth Carolina I Ma.tia Covaty f 1 R. C. aprwill, et ala, r*. | J. H. Water*, et ata. By virtue of a decree »f the Caperfcrr Cmirt af Martin Cuunty made in the above entitled actio* I will on Monday March rtth, igar, being the fr*t ( Monday of court vcck. at ri o'clock, m. atII to the hlgVeai Wrtder for ca«h at the Court Jfcae door lu WJiltmalon the tract W laud in wid j couuty known at the Netaon Water* Uuhl adjoiit . in] the laud of K. M. Water* and other., CO* J taining » acre, mora or lea*. J* TUU nth day of Pebtuary 1901. A. O. OATI.ORD. Cm. ' Tt» hij tl Fiif Dsol tiara found ej blaaaing to tba lod> in l»r.Knij- New : ' Lite Pills, wliiOli cure Cr>iiatiptttioU,l iliok Ilanda' lie, J-tnndice, Malaria, Fr'>e> an 1 Agile mid nil ; L var and ."M iooa' Ii tti.m.i « 1 uiaK , vrgftablij nave' j("l'a ••• w..k«n.', 0 ily 250 al V H I'ee & tj.,. - > A CMS. Having 111 ranged with ,Mi*«ara. WhiUimif AMeWidi.Uiafrift AKt'tXa to rfpreeeßt ilie iVuabingttMi Lifr In-iiMincr Co.and to write Ai i'idi ui and Hralili l'niiui«e,«*te. I wtah le aa> to wy fneii'la tliat I g'inJl tic. vote mi euiiie lime to the In»ur aiicß lin*itiaai iii thr I'nuiity hiid am in poxniou to give you the beet In auranct) to lie Imd Li If, Heitltn and Aocidt'Dt ou «'rt«> ttM'inx. ALKX. CUBBY. Kodol Dysptpsic Cure Dif etto what you eat. It trUflcUlly dlgeste the food and aldi Keture lo etranf tbening and recon*, •tructlng tbe eibauattid digestive or*. gana. It Ulbe lateatdlacorered digest-; ant and tonic. No otber preparation eau approach It io efficiency. It In-1 ■lantly relitree and permanently cures Dyepepela, ladlgeatloa, Heartburn, Flatulence, Beur btomach, Kcnaca, 1 Sick Headache, ttastralgln Crump"and : all other reeulti ol imperfect Uigettion 1 PrlccMe.en«tl. largcaK*contain. ; mail (lea. book all ehuut iyipepal* oiatleu 1 rtt 1 Prepored •ettlTT * CO. Cl)icee» c. n.rAiisTAtiP.'iKN A ro iMBW SALARY YEARLY Man and woman of iro^ 4 addreim to represent 1 U«, aome ta Uav;! appdutin? ageuta, othera IW lorgl Wirk tookinp aft-r our iutere*tv % co anlary yearly; extra foimulaatoua an«l ca fttnae*, rapid advance «nent, old eatabiiahed iioiiae* IVimi 1 eh a nee for rantea* rim or woman to v«ire pi.nant, *ermanen| uoalliou, liberal one and *tltt«f New. Hnea. Wrl»« alonee. " . STAFFOR3 TREK, t,t CJia#i*i auvil, , Km Bare i (out. »j- t« " ■II nil I. T9* *OITn»1. $1.99 I -Mf 0 I Tin ? s'. \{:i i : if Ml!'") oi' Th- Kind >uMff(bt. Itifiii! 1 ' i'H I*! I.J- T^-liritliaiil Itiruy jf Wi ilS'n i d it' ieta T>m all tlioritivo aul depv id ni r-f"w» of H -k-. P'«. tlii-iii n I A ita c'aver »'orie, *tionn ipvt ial article, Itiuuor and veri-e, Witli fln-t Uana, m.y-e it • naea««i'v in erery in f.a|li»n' Hnn»u Die wery l.iw aah» itfnp.'i »4 jiri/}|**»fl 01 tier yaer—pet* 1 within lb* AtEKTS »a»i'rt in wvai-v to «» F*t"» ordinary in Inewnt Writ* t'tp par . 'idtt'ata. A trial «iilt ciiptinn wi'| |ifo»a H.- indav fur Sample Ccbpv /rOon c9tt££outo*i c^r».. 'me-nt >\ df,rut 9Ut s/t, CjAfr rf» a'-ttn it tliin ffi'-c 2'»- fi A Fleshy Consumptive Did you cvtr see oa€ ? 1 I Did you ever hesr of one? c ; Most certainly Dot. Con- » J sumption is a disease ihot t invariably causes toss of { ; flesh. f If you are lifht in weight, i ;! even If your cough is only I 1 ] a slight one, you should | i certainly take C Seatt't ■ «f W Ifvtr off uXi hypo- | ' phosphites. No remedy If Is auehjrperfeer prevrnte ? c ; Ive totcaasumption. Just ■ ? ; the monjent your thront ('5 begins to weaken sod you jf ; Dad you are losing flesh, | i you should beeio to take it. J And no other remedy . has cured so iriany casts r i of consumption. Unless you «re for advanced with „, ; this disease. Scou's EmuJ i sion will ho!l every in- . ducemcnr ro you tor n ; perfect cure. ; ! IWIIIIIIIWIfHIWIHWWrt tfoTIOE ! Havtn-r qnaHSH aa adialnl.tratar upon the u tate of Vine? Gitlikra, drc'l, tMirt ij hiitby. b'lvrii tuall enrditura having e!aim* arnW»t e*- lalt in prtarnt Uie war to liu on;!er-i {tied with in is M iO'h» from thl* day or tbli noil * a 111 be | iitfct t!i bar of their irijrgf J. All turrw lo dfbttd to nU fflat*" arc re gut.-1.1! to »«ttic the •»>«. Tbia ijtb. day of frU a*ty roi. V. S. JOHX#:>W, Adm'rVlnry Gitm-cn dcc'iS. I ti-H— --' i.i i ■ - FOR SALE Deed Tru-l 30c !?hort v*unn Lieif fto •-. 10c j fi)«lee'- >4lt- "" —~~J. 1(»«! V\ r n, r*!i d ■ /* IHt; j'i IH « In >c Id'iitier Dttfilx " .Hlc ' >j)lio i IViu« ■- >l»c Noitry l*\ii>lic !slmik» *• 6c Jamice Peace " " 6c I Cash til accompany all order*, t TEE ENTERPRISE. OXLY STANDARD .J M A ; II I IV E 1 WITH IS rat HLiK TYPE OKIOiMAt VHIUI.F, W iITIS'U TYPEWRITER M HAM>IOMr ALPHKI) K Villi' I »K& Aifvut i'«»r M-irUii ('mini /,' vi iiii.mi.tun, S; c. J. B. PEEIE GO. l' El, Mt A II.LM.MVroN. N', IJ. A n.vniie wj.liinjr (ii |)i«rclt*Mf u \V Htfii or * "I • M-k I'h'ttfM 111 VK fS A CALL J ' *1? • WfUchea and Clock* ii'jmired on Sliort Notiow If yon hiiire any r«p*trln£ to be done; we o*n do it. Main Sr. npnnait* lUckuruilh b»p An««n*a*r •n« a *kat llTtaaaiipUn quieklr ai'-Mi'iln our opinion fr** « bather aa InTar.ilnn u prnitat.iy patent atiki. OvniaiviiOw tlimaatrictlriMiiii'Uutfal. Handbook on Patent* •••>( |I»» olli'«4 aaanrj for rrt'unnc patanta. riWnte taken throne* Munn ACo. recalra •IV luf Hvtlrt, without char**, tn Iho Scientific American. • A bwwUomclf lllnvfmtM weekly. larvewt elr- 1 rti I •iiuii i>f ®njr fit- tum J 'urnaL Tiroii, |j« I L-Y.Lfc? r ®wdb/iin MvidMlm I mts»g!sz!B& j ».. • ROBERTS" WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD T0 PRODUCE ™ E EQUAL OF #llAl§S R FR ROBERTS' CHILLTONIC FOR CHILLS, FEVERS, m O Night Bweata and Grippe, and U 111 i 111 *" forms of Malaria. Inaltre p o NT WAIT TO DtEi %IHEII# SPEND 26 CENTS AND BE CURED I No«e genuine unlet* WOODERFUL CURES iIKE ROBERTS' TORIC FAMOUS I Red Crou is on label TRY IT. »NO CURE NO PAY. V 25c. PER BOTLLE. DON'T UK« » SUBITITUF DELIGHTFUL TO TAKE. » l»v r h j Uui'g>ii*iM -niil # 09, iUIII ACADEMY. SPUING TERM BEGINS JAN'Y 14 -1901. Y.n»r til l Nova s»hnl' r*r*.jv«; the very h. «t attention. • ■ tmbm . . , C W. WILSON, Principal \ _ . \ ' " »:V • ... A. C. La ' ATIJLTTK COAST LIKE R. ». covrAirr. ' IMCTCTI, ' » TKAi-vS GOING aODTH. .3 iljp*!l " ~~ K* p M ' M r. M. W.-!Jon..._ uj» By> j Ar - , W*«»« Tarboro .. ti »i!_U. *aa .. l» Hock* Mt loj la oa *JT ] H H ■ lycave Wi!so:i..... ISV ta Jit j57 aja !*•*« Sclau ISi 11 ii .._ Ur. ?ayrtte*i 1 lt_ 4j» ujj Ar. Flounce #• A:. i.»M»bora.... ._... 7ss 1,».' V»! I#>*. . - T . . 731 4fg Ai. tVutui.igtou.. m M Aaa Jr. M. A. iq*. M. T&.UMS OOIMO NOITB. 1 iitQt ( , A. M P. U. . : Lr. PloKßce v Y> 7 IS —— I«v. Fayetlcvill* «ij 9 41 Leave Sclma Iso 11 « ... . . Arrin Wilauti . . ajj 11 ij ■ ■ ' . A M. T. K La L». WilimiictnL. . jaa ata L*. MajuuUa I L». Ooiwboro.._ ........ 49a SXJ 1* T. M. A. M. r. 11, P. M. Leave Wilsonjjs ijg ill] a|j lit . Ar. Kooky Mt J3O 6la 13 4} II >] Ifl Arrlt-o L-Ivr ra: ; wr i.. jji Lv. i'*Wy .HI ..„ J3» * t» 45 —— Ar. .Vcidm ........ 437 ■39 |P. M A. >!. P M. Vvlki 1 "i.Uion Main Uue—Train iaavaa WU uiiutoii, kin. in., arrive* Payettevllle ism p. u , ttavtn ifvule it »j p.m., am re* laa foril lAa p. 'V, ».eliiraiu icave* Sanford jas f. m . iirriv.- I'ayelteviile 4 » p m , leave KajritU vi .0 4 p 1 arrive* Wiimingtoa 92}L> m. iv«!.itictt*ine ura.i»Ji—Train leave* Heaaetta vl;lc » j u. 1:1., Matlon 90J a. m , Red Hpriaga vsl a ni, Pa.kt HI 1041 a. ut., Hope MHIa iassa. IJ., arri e ia;eltevillc 1110 Returaiaf leave* : u>x(te\Uie 4 4, P- Mill* so* p. in., Red Spiiuki. st l>. in , Mtxtou 6 16p. m.,arrive*B*a iki.*\iilv : u p. ni. Cin, itti m at i ..yttte ilk with train Mo. A«| Max'.au ritii Caioliua central Railroad, at aaa hpuui;a « n s . the Kod .4j>iiii||* and Bowm ire iall* r ad, at Huiiioiil with t .e aeal>oaid Air Una and 5j.1.1 ,11 Kailvajr, nt Galf with the Durban aad \ I'm I ilte 'tallruutl; 1 tai'i *u I v ;ic, Ha ul Neck Hraacb Road laavaa i.tiduu sw. ki. If alii ax 4 1711. m.,arrtveetaafe luu 1 10. rk ,a :> ui., tlnceuvflie 6 57 p. m., U*. 1.10.1 ;v, |i. iv.K. luniinK leave* Kiuatan 7 J*a.M rre.i il.e 1 -,1 a. m., arriving at Halifaa it lla 111., Webloti 11 in., daily except aunday. I, aiim un V> a«iilngtou llranch leave Waahiaf tim H ib a. jn . and aje p. Nt, arrive rarawl* f M a ni., 400 ; lU letnnilng leave Parmete f u a. in ,n;idf -op. m., *'Tive waibiiiytaa I*IM; FT ■' .u., .'rtjl/ except Sunilay. iViiii . 1. Tl iI»ro .S. C.. .tally eicapt . :Aii,. j€t p. in . iiuudajr 4 n p. m , arrlvaa Ptr liio'lib 7 11 r p. 11l . keturntac, '»*«** ! i !vi iti i ail . except Mimlav, 750 a. and swtiiMy k ova. ir., ariive* Taiboro mat m* tits, lk, I r ..11 01 Midland N. C. Branch laavaa fluid* boro ||*|V, except Sunday, jOO a »., arrMaa Huiilhht!d 010 a. in kcturufutf leave* HadtitiM 7 00, airivea Gnidaboro • *3 a. m. Traliik 011 Natbvtlle llranch leave Rocky Maaal at 9S»a. m„ 3 aop. m. .arrive N'aahvlila i**» a. *l.. 403 p.m., tipiinif hoj e 11 00 a. a., 4 Hi p. ■ , kptiirniiig leave Spnng Hope it *oa. ni.,4 up.a. Nn«hviile 11 43 a. m., s *s P- ">■. arrive at lor Mount 11 lop. in., Coup. ni . dally except Sunday. i iaiu on Clinton Inanch lean* Waiaaw fit Clinton daily, except rtnudav, 11 40 a. at., and 4 a p. m., Keluruing leave* Cliulun 6 43 a. a., and > m> p. m. Tialn No. 78 a akea t-loae ronneetion at Weldaa fur ail 1 oinu North dally, all rail via kicbaeaA, H. M. KMI'.KSOK, Geni Paaacncer AreaC ' R KKNLV,'l Manager. 1. M. HMKKSON, Tiaflc Manager. aMa«aiiia..,.. " "i *i i yixr»i%%iaiaim%iajaa M cotyKSHT UTS (001 ON ! yc. a. snow torn. 1! w *»HIN«TO*,D.C. . 2—^

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