rwm BjiT^UPaisfi. —■!■■■■ I AraiLtl, 1901 LOCAL NEWS j Bead the sew sstieea is thla is Mr. J. 0. L*mb Is Is tows this week. Mr. B.W. Btsbbs left Mosday for OreesTtUe. We baves'ft eees easy rabbit's / SRBstkia Master. Mr. Wheeler Martin left Monday esornisg for High Potst. Themaa Hasghton, of Waakisg tss, was ta town this week. *1 Everybody ia looking for bMrgeie* ' aad sir fit difg them *l Guigauea. * " ''•* Mr. W- O. Limb wpetit 9ainlay - sad Monday in town, left T««mU,i taorsieg. —--7—• Mr. Nonh Biggft,oi Bootland Neski Seme down Saturday evening aad * returned Moadaj aorslsg. * ■' Mr. J. O Guthrie who lie-* been in town for the past week, returned to Maleigb Tuesday aorutug. Mr W it Bennett left. !e«t tor St. Vinoeat Hixipiul, Nurbilk, y Ts ,to anderga aa operation. a. ▲ fine stoek of good*, low ssd aoeiwa-Htt .»{ jl*rk«. way* be feaud at Bi 'I t 1 in*' D. B Ptrker, R >b-n »uvil,e,ff. t' Siakei* the finest Buggies iu the ea» tern par* of the «t»t*. Give Una Ja f sell. The Telepti MteOu. will aoon ha\o their line* ntrtmng to E>er*ttM,R «H --ereonville, Paissele, UilUrd* snd Qeid Point. Little PraaeeN Knight ia at ill very * till. She waa operated on l»»t week fey Dr. D. T.Tayloe, «>f Waahiugton JH. a and Dr. W. 11. Ilarrell. fl Mre.Ohas. MeNaaghtoo, of Eve ' retts is hero visiting her parents, Mr. sad Mrs. W. T. Joyner— Omssms wealth. Alerayslook ever the "ad*." In The Enterprise before coming to tsws to bay your goods, sed you . jHH know juat whore to go for bar* fpaiss. ' * Miss Mamie Tncker, yonnge«t dsngbter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Tseker, will be named next Wed seaday, 17th, to Mr. A- L. Arock, o« Uobgood. We call attention to the new ' Vid." of 9lsde, A»ider*on A flu. in flhls iaane. Tlieae gentlemen narry h fine stoek of gooda. and fron time te time will give our reader* 'eme thing new in th«* way of advertia. leg. k Mr. 8. H. Newherry. »ha» wa« takes sick M -ndar, #»► *ont to the bos|»ital In Korlolk >eaterd >y in / ha»e an operation performed for ab ssees of the gmln. to aee Mr. Mewberry well and hearty in a short time. ,f \ II TOD want aoaiethiuft to mnke ' yeor gannenta look like new sad Sll right after esahing, withon . the trouble of or beating .fta should send 10 o«nt* to The l/Eeterprise o®ee snd let ns net yon a compound which i» guaranteed to da veer washing with very little trouble It ia tbe aame comt*ound tbnt the Chinese o*e in a ashing Money back if not aat.i«fied. Agenta wanted There ere bargsina and bargain* /It Gatganiis' loakiag for psrehaaee pe know you won't let them imsa WASTED —The name* of person* etsJying or demring to stndy journalism, I hsve something to their advantage.. Address: 8. C Care of The Entrr)>rise, WII.LIAMSTOH, H. O. ' jv — ; Last winter! waa ronfined to My tod with s very bad cold on the ybinge. Nothing gsvs mo relief. Pinslly Sy wife bought a bottle of One Mis j ate Gongh Gars that effected sspeedy * ear*. 1 cannot speak too highly of 1 that e>or 1 lent remedy. " Mr. T. K . \ Benoaman, Mana«awn»y, Pa. C. It. ' r i NOTICE ' Bsvlac qaaSSce aa altalaMralor apoa the «*- latl W HyoMB Rokcnuo. dec d; HjOce It Ucrrby to aU >»i—■ IwlSlng dai»» sgalart aM | •Male u ymni them ta the udcnlneJ far payment oa or before the 9th day of April I9M I or Urfaaotke frill he plead la bar of their r»w my. AM niiam trirttri to mid eataU are re |»| aid to mate immediaU payym. ThU «|h May at April 19a!. PUWfHY rEKC. Admioiatrator. ( Tou cannot enj >y perfect i>e«*th ray choefea and lirg eyeo it "'-'wear liver is sluggiab aad your bow I gli clogged. Do Witt's Little Early ! piasn elseass the WtotTbysteak They j sever tripe. 0. P. GartUrpheo- *Ce. I EMMr Stnteis M M. L ttmk ■ It wae aa ides I day aad ore eosld see a profusion ol Easter boa . nets aad dreuses aa the fhir set weadep their way to the beawtitul I little atructere whqr* they were to ertiivbip. All nature eeosied to joia with tbe in rejoieisg spos ihia eeoaaios—the snatvor* sary of the most impoitaat event ( In the Workl's llistory. Theebcrch wsa Iteantifnlly dee orated with palm asd (Kitted plants r of various kinds. After ilieehoir had reneertd severs I choice selections. 1 spprouriata to tha oeenKsioa, the Infent son of Mr W. A. Ellison was baptised by I4e*. J. () Guthrie, of Baleigh, assisted by Bev. Mr. Snt ton, pastor is charge. The sermon wss indeed a fine nne, the beat Mr. Sutton has preached 1 a nee he ha* been here T' e sertn»n at wa« preahed bv Rev J O GnilirU, of Ualeiih. Mr. puthrie very p pnlar here auil his Man % fi were indued glad to hear him. It wan s strong ' aad able sermon irti2f> Mi.Jim. R Lillev,bn>t heel-of Mr. J A. I.lllev, died at hia borne in Griffin* tnwnoliin. M»adav 5 oVlork a. in. Br Lillfv bad •ulv ln-en «i«-k f or 3 day* with pneumonia. Ohrtntjue R »'»'-r*"n iliiit nt her t nme ne ir Amberjt, Friday, Aim it I'll. tOfll. at 12 m Mi** «'» eiaon wa* aU »ur 5) »ear« >il I mid a daughter ..f the lata Hyman It'iler ««a She w* bnrii»i Sttday at the bom* htiry iig iimiuil JMSYIIIE Dr. J K. and J. T flt'it* bd a lift'- HkirmisU one night laat week, n-Miher w ia hurt J. W. Ward sud .lames Sexton bnd a little match. Result: Ward fined |4 and cost. White ahnd are all the go. Heine men are looking bad over tlie high water . Hope it will be dneu noon so they osn resume their fiahing. Two eery aad desths oaenred in our commnnity la*t week. Mr. Ar tliiWOsnlssr and Mra.W. E.Si-xton. We eX'eud oaraympvihiea to the bereaved families. ' B CINOHO Hine* weiit to Hamilton Sunday It D lViv »»* in town Sam dav snd Hnndav Rate* veiv nbe*|i a' Jn> L.HineV htiarding tiou-c Til coiinml ofpilmv », a|»ent Satnrla> and Hnnda v tn toon Mrs Bett * fe.aitrilze ia vuiting fr'«*nda in (told Point -hi* ve k . Mr. and Mr- Edward !> ivenpor» of Hamilton, were in town Sandaet. V H WillHmtwn. for Paul R Howard Haidware Co., ol Norlotk. wa* in town W«'dnr*day snd Tburadny. fr. Raheranu, of RolMwSoilVllla, waa in town B'indav and "Vr Roberartti *n»'a hlatowu ia grow ing very rapidly amee the bum down Hnrrab foj G»oae Neat *b>'is ■»111 growing S W Ca*pi'r it Bi'»'« new reaidenee will *«>u be tn»in;ib fed. and more new lot* are being a»»M far 'he erection nf new Why not some paitieaoturt a new enterpriae; It ia a uit-e, bealth> plane Ha— I Tistlaiiitl c f« Oil EaclMl M I consider I'hemberlsiN'a Gingh R»mi-dy the b «t in the world for bronchitis,"say* Mr. William S*vory„ of Warrington, Fngland "It h>a saved my wile's life, she havisg been msrtrr to bronchitis for ovar sii rear* being most,of the time oonfined to ber bed. Bhe is now quits well." It is s grost plessurs to the manufacturers Chamberlain's Congh Remedy to be sb!e to publish teetlmonials or this charaotar. They *he«r that great good i* hems d >ne. oain and s>tff«rinij re. li»ved and ttlmk't !ir«« reVttirrd t«» health and iianpit»-s br thia t Belli It is for sale by N S. I'eel A I'u. Anvone think'ogof pureh iMug a lj|»ewnter will d« eell lo examine tbe Hammond. tee ad. Jal Culii'l Nan StMl it If he'd bad Irei.ia* Piles. Tli.-y'ie ' lerriby «nii». injr; but lia -k.Vn's \r~ I ' n!«* rtil,V- #lil '•nie t t « worn ca*« i t 1 pilaaoa e .rili ft lias cared ttioiisands | For Ibjnri s, >r Bo*lily Erup- I ticas its the beat «alee in the world. 1' Pfieo Me s has- Ours gaarsstesd- ; feel 6 0* I Hirrltii Up-Allftll ten , (Kalrifh ma) • Dalles, Tex., April 4. United i States Senator Joseph W. 1 Bailey bas declared liiin-elf in 1 iav»»r ol Carter 11. Harris in .of , Chicago,a« the Democratic ran , diduts for the vice-PrseTdent in 191)4. He Mid: "The sweeping triumph of i Major Harrison in his race lor election has in all probability , made him the jiarty'e choice for 1 vice- President.Carter Harrison J, is the most prominent Dsuio crat in Illinois. Altgsld has sunk to rise no mere.'* Spring coughs are «ptcially daoger oils Mill miles* eilfH at once, ■« riout reanlts often follow. On* Mint* Cough Cars act* like m*gic It ia not a com mon minute bntie a high gta le rem edy C 1). ('artUrpbeo &(V V- Stnisi Dictrtoi fir Tlnh Bait. ITkmu ledger.) Poverty ia a blessing not for what it is but for that which it induce#. I'he effort to go war from it meas ' urea the pr xroan ot the individtia and raise- the standards of people. It enforce* thrift inspires effort and V en the rowe d haa been won give* to the w nner t c powor of appreciation. Tbo«a fsinon* litll- | ill®, l>« WiuV LiM- H»rlv lti*r« Mill r vaive all map iri'iaa U TO yoar svnteui, j tur l» 'vr-N. in ke the-u regilai. 0. !>• Chrdarpt'u. A Ji. Mr. Frnli Csrbstt Ofir.H L one >f the stea nera w as coming In about to m ike fast "to the wlia-f t e body of« while fl ated up from the bottom of the river. The body was dragg d on and Chief of I'oliccJ. T. Smith was notified he offic r wei.t down to investigate. and the body i roved to bo M. Frank Corbet! a white man about 4 years of age of Falkland township. Mr t'orbe t came to Ore* ville I ueaday snd it was n t : ced that ho became intoxicate!, fie did hot return home in the evenir.g. but s'tar niijht went to the house of Roaa Manning a woman of ill re pute. who lives near the wharf Hi* coat was found at her house this morning. Whrn interogate>* the wo nin stated that Mr. (orbett •vaaath r home early Tuasday wight and left about Bjo o'clock aaying e would return in a fear minute* • ut did not go back In a % ali purie in one of Mr. • orbett'* p>c et« was fo and $> 15 in '-ash. (lis lather »aa noli td *» Kaiklan>l of th finding of the body The Coroner Or Laughinghousr held it inquefct this aftcrn on, bet •failed to disclose any ot foul piny. It iss.ippoaed that Mr. orbett w.lked into the river un aware* when he left the woman's house —Kelt ctar Skin tr.iuWaa,' cu»», seal b, and rlia'iiig qtiicklv hial by the n-e of D* WniV VVi.o'i ll*s 1 Salve. It i» imit it** iII • aiirey-m l>i Wilt's. 1 [>. ('ar-tHiphen & Co. Mvimlir JuMiclirf Wilmington, N. C Apt ll ». \iiother >-ensati nal j crs» a! en counter, the third in a week, oc curred yes'erday afternoon at the Orton ouae the leading hotel in th a citv. t' e parti.ipants were jud«;e K K ly in of the Ka-.tern Nort'i Catolina Criminal Circuit, W. *'. WHi msoii ot Philadelphia traveling m.m. Williamson claimed that Judge Mryan wa• taring at 1 Mrs. Wi liamaou in an offensive ' manner Judge Bryan cl ims that 1 at his wife's suggestion he wsa 1 o. king at the very pretty waist Mrs Williamson was wearing. II e was nt conciliatory in his mann r 1 when Williamson asked far an 1 ezpla ation and the Philadelphia an li>t fly !t bio v which brought ' til ml ficm the u-li e's nose.J>a ge Hryan gave low for how md «u getting decidely th b.*st of the en- 1 when *, e tators separated 1 the mm. illi itn«on left to day and no warrants having been •worn ut it ia presumed that the matter >* at an end. -Hve for tie tn«*le *• go.*ip in the streets a-out the Oi orreuoe 'aily— Refieetor. ( ■ ' . , T ■ ■ firing will mhin ln» lieVe, *n«l yon , will waqc a nice, easy riding bug »v i Voucae get juat what yon want at ]>. B Parkers, Hobaraoeville. Koae better made, .. \ WHY NOT HAVE IT RIGIIT 1 TKK'J k lUf W HUME ■ IMtIK WLL I* • * I . A - • *. , V- • i Hare you ever stopped to think taw * much it all depended upon ' Who Bnilt tho Cor«ot Wore? You would not go to a shoemaker for \ gloves—they both ÜBQ leather. A cor* fig !£&. Mt maker who knows hia art create* perfect figure and affords his customer \ not only pleasure but comfort. It's tho \ \ "know how" in \ \ R. &. G., W]) Short Wnint mid Ntrnlght Front —— Prii'e 75, $1 nndfTW All latest style Shoes and Slipper*. also Latest i*tvle Alba - ti'o« and Silks. 1 -SLADE, ANDERSON &CO. It Hi lit. (Winrtoa 9«ati *1) ' The qucsiinn how ve \of po|>- uatity or unpopularity of a mess ■ lire should n«tt«»t nny fi«ie with men aw>rn to tlxidt upon f*« U »« pre riitcl h>* evidence. TIE lew Sfiith (SutOa r.lobt.) South T «ers hive sometimes l»e« n called drra i er«, hut the poetical tide of life is certainty serkttsiy en grossing their attention awl en g>|inj t»eir energies at the h gilt aing ■ I t .is century I hoy ate lim it.tious tJ make money and are well started on the i a t t > real.zc ti rir des its. JnN. II JEWELEI . " Tariari, N. C. From aStoeV 8 i«h a« Sine, A«.v Demand M«v Iks Supplied. raoitrr atiwiipn nivi-w to kcpais IHG AXD KNORAVINO. «S YIUM KXPHRirNCit IVHIKI'.t SATIS FACTION AS TO OCS ABIIJTY. Iwmnlri |*ao.oaa MemWitbi? n.oo *t«ivcJ f?®o t ooo llijll! /n»« SaiiM BIN7MIIITB6SIS7T will i->ucs p. }ioi• s from 00 to Sl.O'lO.O'l payable tv hen yon mirry or at the expiration of (JJ) fivo )v.»m Fur I'.irliott la'*, a Ureas Dillaiiuxt k .-'xrmtsov, I«oenl Ag'ts, \fillinm>toit,N.('. WASHING TAULKTS For wiihli t CMHn of rrtrj DnolptlM. 1 hey are to a'l tpr>earance a piece •t *a* t hav ng neither smell, taste or strength, yet they * ill posi ivtly rwporc every p iticle of tir groaas •pots etc that can l>e remov.4, from the coaneM, h avicat sj«d rroat oihd gar nents, down to the finest and m st elicate fibric and , leave* the clo'hes absolutely r'«an j without 'n.v iuhl ing or inju y t« the clothe* or c lor* "i- Any child i yearmold -«n 4 the washing from 10 to 30 mii utes tnd at a coat of from 1 to t Icrnt per 1 head for each i family . h'etwl order* direct-to Tti" Enterprise. ~n 00* wan tod «v«ry where ' ' * "I h*d pile", winj I e"»il I no r*»t no find t ettr* natil I it .ad P«- Witch Hn-i Aftar ndng it oner, I f iroi I aeer K*«l any thing hka pilrs. "E. G. Boice, Scmsrt Twit, N. T. Look oat for imitations. Be sar* yoa ask for DsWitls. i). JJ, 1 w. 11. BIGGS, MERCHANT" TAILOR invites you "oail a.hl iiiii|iect liis 3§priqg + and * i\J 1801 Choice produc'iou*. N , Cored fll • PfPKRJOR WoRKJf \NS|tlp. Drug Store it J \ . .» . ■ 1 )un't I'ofg'i-t i * •' tt» sve •he 'iue of • EMS 1 m — 4-—- I 4in nt Baltimore Gosi t itii'l trinember that it n getting coH au ! yiti must li^vo OVEIiCO.VTS, IJOOTS, SH()KS an l some ni*e Winter S'i t»- Volt will al*o ue'.-l »!>ine heavierinnlerwem-. All 3'on c 111 lii.d at the pr ce. • # . J L.;. -- ?' • gEO. W. NEWELL, - At'orn iy-at-laaw. , Wm.' V ..OX, 1 ••"Pr.ctir* . -v u-p- v |areJtsif«i I _ I Npif - 1 1 iit« itufcjC"adi!"»K" Ki'tl.t : It| Uifetlv t al. f i ,$ "i - -»♦ , • . ;..J| • -j' . _ .■ 1 yR JOHN LJ >\i i : ir \ a i Haur»;9 A. X.. .VJ V 2T- W to P, M. Office on Smithwkk Street North •fNda. WIUUWTON, N, C •' J." -m '-'i y DKSMIS AlMttOX*. Prrv T W TIIXHUAN.CmI Muajrr. joH* D * Tnat THE g I>ENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. • ■ H UFACT URKHN Of - - *■OKIED NOUTII CAROLINA PINE LUMBER AND DENNIS SIMMONS BRAND CYPREBB SUINOLBB. j' " / WILLI AMSTON N. C. • * ' "*%■!. . - •• _ 'l'r *' ' - MTUrdera and Correspondence Solicited. "•* . , " - - . - * V " COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL t c o™,r« BANK OF MARTIN COUNTY, J- G. GOIMRD. CASHIER Report ol th; cnltiu of thj 3ia' at fie clji: of Bu?i-eis. Feb 'y $1)11901: _ V V RESOVRCKa. I INABILITIES. I.oam and dhcoimL - **.0.1:7 Cspiui Slntfc f Called Malti Bond* " Jajoco Vurii\ fc>.c! I rtiEU . . |«li» Furaiturt and 1 Uturt* i Indix idual lxpoalta j^ Wu Dm flow MnU fCertificate** of IK-UUC ti Ijaaarn C..1. It*... . u „ , , ( CUk tl.uiu T " TAU IUV&I) r - I, J O. T.oilard Oash'er of "lank of Martin C.iunty.Mo "solemly swear (or afli'in) Cvit theab>v jtitcmmt .strij;, to Ihf b;»t o f my'knowledge ■nd belief J G. GODAR'D.JCastit r ">tate _of Vorlli C iro'ina. Co :nly of Martin. t' • t*Olii to so il ?u!>M lib • lt! ic 11 v, tlii 2ji «1 t'ay cf Fcly ijgi VV K. SI UilllS N. P. Whcvlcr Tfcnttis S JI />; MARTIN & BIGGS, /? ' -v. . ' . FURNITURE, » WILLIAMSTON, N. C. t V Coßlf K6 t'ON I»ENCK SOLICITED. »OlTie 13; .Factory 10. FOR SALE! I£iga»t. I :1 ol l'\ rtiliz«»r« CUKAI' FOB CASH OUOX iYM.v Some ol' Hrauds OItTNOCO ' For Tobacco I'AUMEI' BONK ' BOH WHITE, '• i'KKUYI i.\ M-IXTUKBj tMPKUUA " "iIA M I'IOX. \ix ACID rffOSrflAl'K BOKfiaml I'OTASIL Genm ink G KRM VN KANIT. COH> AMXIIAY. One cir load of Flour from Yal!\y of Virginia, wliej© it is Well known. 1 lie lines! wheat «re\v dui iug't'.ie yeaiTOOC Thole dale retail chop for cash. — — * N S PEEL & CC • CULTIVATORS AND TOBACCO FLUES. IAMN T )W IIS Yj) T ) SUFi'JjV Till-: • Tit A UK. A»y one d-aii CULTIYA TO£3AND FLUSS will ilo well t'» in*' Ito 'oro elsowlieie, CASTS AND WAG&NS iVf- » OUUFfL J. L. WOOLARD luiNoii - s£win« MAuaNt co3uL^iat7T ,\r- ..v?-; 1 ; • - ' ',