VOL. 11. WILL NOT ACCEPT. fiviaav IcSveeacf Reims Kesig atiMS !«Seaatir&. •FF-YEAI CAMPAIGN 3cn S* Rents S Why Ike Rest aad IVsjtress sf the People Sbonld Be Needle saly IMrt—bed. Columbia. Sperlsl.—Governor Mo- Sseesey has refused ta accept the restgsations at Senators Tlllmaa and IkLaaila. Their reslgaatioaa were made at a political meeting ia Oaffaey. - May K. and were mailed the Governor that sight He rsccivad them the fol ios lag laagalng. when a boot to leave for Chk-kuaaega to participate in the uaveiliag of a moaaaieat to South Car oliaa'a dead. The Governor retained here early Friday morning aad aa aouaeed h!s decisioa shortly after nooa. He wrote a l ommualcatioa to the Seaators ia which he test said that he "retsrned thtir resignations for fur ther consideration, v their art La might have beea takea la the heat of debate without ran coasldnrattoa of the effects oa the people. In ctosing paragraphs of his letter, however, the thsveraor aaeqaivocally "declines to •ittpf the resigaatioa*. His reasons may he pat ia a few words. A canvas* between them woaid result ia bitter ness. stir ap the people just at a period wkea they are trying to get together for the ataterial progress of the State aad woald be a campaign of persoa alities iatead of education. Next year theie will he ample opportunity Iter n fall d-scussion. Holding these vieas the Governor siya hi* duty Is plaia. Goteraor M-Sweeaey'a letter la full Is ss follows: ' Gentlemen —Your Mter. tendering yonr aa I'nited States Sen ators from South Carolina was receiv ed oa the eve of my departure .to Chickaaaaoga to take part ia the cere- KOBMS in. ident to the unveiling of the moaameat which South Carolina hns jaat creeled to her brave aad heroic soldiers who lost their lives ia defer., e of a principle on this historic battle field. Hence my delay la ackaowledglag tt. I respectfully return your resigns tiaas that you amy hare more time for ssrioos eon«Meralk>i of -the effects upoa the people of this State or this action oa yosr part. The comntfkslen which yon hold is the highest compli ment and testimonial which the peo ple of this State can pay to one of ita dtlseas. It is possible that you have taken this step haatily ia the heat oT 1 debate and without due reflection oa the roaarqueares to the people who have so signally honored yon. "It eras oaly last year that our peo ple had the excitement and turmoil In cident to a campaiga. and ia aaothei year we will be ia the midst of further political strife. The people ere eatitlcd to one year of peace aad freedom from political battles aad bitterness. The ladkatloam are thfct a campaign aaeh aa would be precipitated by vacancies la these two exalted poaltloas would be a very s-rimoaial oae. and person al. rather thaa a disruaeion of issues, aad from such a canvass as that oar people should be spared. In (net it would be n calamity to the State to he torn asunder by a heated canvnan In this off rear' ta politics. There can be no poaalMe good to come of It. The pepple of the State are getting togeth er sad working for the advancement aad upbuilding of the material pros perity of the Commonwealth, aad I should regret anything that would re tard this progress. It Is aot my purpose la thus writing to prevent the fullest aad In eeat discussion of all public questions aad the edacatloa of the pepple along all political Uses. On the contrary. I heartily favor that aad believe It caa be best accomplished without the bitter*esa aad the psrsoa slltlea which woald be iassparnble from a campaiga during the comiag aammer. Fader our party rules a cam paign win be necessary withla a little BMtre than a year jtnA ample time caa he had for a Ml discussion of ths is sues now before the people. Holding . these views And look lag to the iatsr ests at ths people of this State—their peace, prosperity aad happiaem-I re ■psetfully decline to accept yoar res ignations and beg to retnra them fcere " Cflfitr jllaft|t|C CMCCSC4. ' AulfiU. SpetfiL—A cmacell*tlon of '- a*mortgage tor lll.fc* in flavor of ex Chptain Oheritn M. Carter, who Is maw aervlng a aesteace ta the Felted States pvteen at Feet Leavenworth for alleged _ Kmsplraey to defrand the ggrerameat. was flled here. The mortgage was given ta tftt hy T. Msyhew Cunnlagham of flavaanah. to Robert F. Westcott aad Margaret j. Westcott. the father-la Isw aad mother-in-law of Carter, and was traasferred Iff His tatter la lflflh. Iks exscstkm of * the transfer waa made la Sea Rosso. Italy, where the Westcott* were aojowatag at thai time. ' TlssiavHle. Cel. Special.—At Look eat. MoJoc couaty. Calvin Hall, his line sou had a young mm llvta* with Hall, were arreeted for hoese s ealiag Friday night the Ave aea were taksm from custody hy snob of shout M pmsusa aad all warn hang ad. The fcodiee have been eat dowa. The district attorney of Modoc coun ty to on tha way to the scene of the ll PI hint Hall waa a mas of con siderable latalligeare 91a wife was ' 11: - * - " • TILLMAN WILL HOI KECQNSIKK. Writes Oevernar McSwaeaey That His Dactalaa U Final. Columbia. 8. CL. Special.—Senator TlUaaaa has deeliaed to withdraw- hla resignation aad charges that Gover aor McSweeaey transcended hla au thority in aendiag the resigaations back-to the Senators. Senator Tillman has' writtea aa cpen lett-r. ia which he says ia part: "Tour Excellency, of coarse, haa the right, aad It ia entirely proper to re torn my reel.axtioa aad advise mora seri-w-ji ernsJderaUoa la . decUa ag to accept. I aa sure you have traas ceaded yonr authority. It will take very little Investigation nnd reflection to convince you at thia. You cannot tompel a member of the United States Seaaie to hold hi* commission aad exercise the fuactlues of that office i he r-boo eto surrender tt. My aetloa la teadeting aay reslgnstioa. whil-2 hasty, waa aot ill-advlaed. and I am ■rally convinced of the wiadom of my coarse upoa refleclloa. "Petaoaallv. 1 had nothing to gain aal everything to lose, aad I do not feel the ne >d of further Instructions or iin lieation. because I had jnat leea re-elected by the people with practical cam mit>. I offererf to re sign ia osder to briag about the resig cation i f my olleague and thus put us -n a Wxe\ with equal rights to go be fore the people an-l aak an endorse meat cf our respective courses It Is jOmewhat remarkable that yon »houhl ask He Senators who have resigned to take lime to coaaider. shm you yourself are reported to be leidy to appoint two Senatora ia two minutes aad a half, after receiving an immb diate resignatioa. "Yonr loareptioe of the ofllree of Senator and Its powers can be l.est understood by the rase with which you think you could fill It It wax aot my hull that an Immediate re algaatioa waa aot seat you. You de clare that the 'people are entitled to one year cf peace aad freedom' from political battles and bltterneaa. I ain ready to acknowledge that thia is very desirable, but our race haa ever thought war ' preferable to dlf honor, aad unltaa I am very much deceive 1. a large majority of the people of South Carolina would be glad cf an oppcrtnalty to have those principles and policies which they support loy slly represented in the Congies* of the I'altel States "1 am aware that tber> Is ->>u>* stroag opposition in cc- tain -laneter* to a campaign in thK oil yea.- t J AM tao, vaexneies In the i-'enat". Many "m thinking cltlrens do r.ot know Im portance. Many who won! i be a*pl rants are bjl ja»l reedy for va.-.wts lessons to eater the contest bra-tsht on vo nexpectedly. It Is n M eonve ileiit o. sni:able and therefore they :iave. as doubt, importiined yonr excellea«y to await their convenlesc*. claimi-n; that it is for the puhllc welfare. "Oa the other hand It might be re marked that the scaslon of Congress b> ginning next December marks an era •a the history of our Republic and the patriots who will then inaugurate a struggle for the rcutora'lon of the old landmarks aad the preservation ' oar free Institution*, will ae~d every voice aad every vote that can lie hai. The fart that the Republican* have a Rood majority la the Sepate do-* aot alter the eaae in the least. Th- recent decision of the Supreme Court promnl patlag the damaable daetijne that tk's republic sho*« bedrock princ p!e is the consent of the 'governor ' can acqmrt hy or purchase territories and peoples to be controlled ud tax»d vitL out representation through Congres sional absolutism' must be met end ex posed. and plants muat be laid for a battle to the death by the/. Io vera of Democracy aad liberty, against th:* herewy. "I claim to represent the people ai.d to voire their w!*he*. The result of the Oaffaey meetlaK* had brought Senator Mebearia withla reach of his constitu ents, aad It was to obtain this ans> f at once that prompted my .:onlii t -.t Oaffaey. Your excel leocys action (Ives him a loophole aad the ceosure or blame most rest where It belongs. "There ia Birthing personal in my at tltade towards Senator MrLanrtp. Nothlag bat a seaae of duty farces me to the coarse I have pursued. Material prosperity gad progress may be worth more thaa strict sbhence to principle aad loyalty to trust bat I cannot aee It la that light "Holding this view I decline for the pi *simt to withdraw my reaignltloa. I waa tendered ia order . to secure th - resignation of Beast or McUarln and wtn aot be arithdrawa unti> he shall have shows his uawilllagneas to let our people pass upon his conduct ihi« year last end at nexr He declares ia h'. latest I men lew that hs 'will apeak on aoch lavttations aa ha did at Caffnej whea rnsMhli. aad will aot couseat to any Interference hy Senator Tlllmaa or aaybody else. Whether or not Mr. Mc Lanrin will ha allowed to do thia re audas to be seen. If the people hate a right to hear him. the, tame people have a right to hear me aad others, he pc loager as urn to hare anxiety ahonf Ida health, and If allowed to apeak hy himself, ndher enjoys the prospect." Havana. By Cable. —The predictions sC the Havana Nstfamaliat* concern !■« the outcome of Saturday'a mual dpal e'ectloa*. ard verified Senor "Mfjlilß Oeasar. the NstionalUt caadi data, waa elected stay or of Haraaa. receiving 11.115 votes, aa agaiaat TAXI east tar Senor Mora, Republican, aad Ull cast for Seaor Carlos Garcia, thn caadidate of the .Democratic party. The Nationalists elected U members of the maaldpal counctl, the Ropablt enns fosr and the Dsmornts two. - - ' - .. .. ■ . True to Owrtrirw, Our Neighbor} i, Onr Country and Our God. WILLIAMSTON, N.C., FRIDAY. JUNE T. I9«L ONE IS WITHDRAWN. Aaatfcer Chapter ia the SMth Cm % feu Middle., ft'LAURIN AGREES TO STAY 111 Nh Letter to (bvCtaar fkSwccty jft Which We C»wfc« the wmtm Of ike Latter'* COWM. ColwMa. 8. C. SferiiL-ftaitor IcUurli, udrf date of Heanettsvl'le, S. C.. has Grveru «r the fallowing letter acceding to the Governor s request that he vitMrt* hi* resignation "My Dear Sir:*- Tow letter of the tlat of May. ia whkh you decline ta ac-dpt my rewignatoa aa Tailed Stair* Senator. Is received. The ground upon which your Mluiloi it preji rated are that the people are eatltlel to one year of peat-? aad fi -ed.>m froai political ban lea and bitterness and that a'campaiga this year would be a e«- lam it y to the State, to be torn asunder by a hei; J canvass in the off year in polltl-s without aay Fusible cool i; cone of It. V "Aa an additional reason you sut- CMt that aay distal hance of *be aar ■ony of the people ia their work foi the achievement of the matt rial p-'tx peril* of the State might malt ia le tartirng this prjgirs;. I appr.ciate fu! ly the hire of tHe i -asoa* given hy )oa aad the effect* up »n ih- p'tiplr o! the Scate of a brand aad strife-produ cing ro«»-Jt for I'a.ted States Sraaln thia year. For the sake of the "pea.;* prosperity aad the bapplnews of th-. people of the StKe.' I am vMllag t hold on to my commission of Fulled States Senator and to continue I » wm the Stale as In the past to the bst ol my ability. "But io returning to my seat in IV Senate I mill not rjnsent to *te hand capped or bossed by any one ela'mins a light to Jodc niy motive* and ac lion*. I propos- to cterrlie my Judg ment aa all national questions nnde the influence of a high sen-e of nihility to the people and t.» work fv the unbuilding of the poOtiiAl md ir.a ferial interest of my State. I recisn t* fully niy accountability to th- ure elgn piople and am alwaya ready U Sire a strict account of my ofllc a? arts to them. Your suggestion that I! Is not the purpose of your on- al a tlom "to prevent the fattest *«* d freer? diarnseioa of all public questions an I the eduction of the people along all political line*,' Is ia accord wirh youi patriots course ia reference la th* resignations "The people are entitled to h»ar b-iii aides of theac questi at and ta form their judgment Pnrannallties ant Mr terntas in a joint d->hate would males I and deceive thm. All that I hart • Inime.l is the right of the peonSe an-! my right to enlighfa them on this* questions Whenever called upon. "In my effort* to do thlr, I was in treferred with by th- senior Senator who afflrmed that my doctrln's were politi -al hereaies aad hnrtfnl to th people. My wishes Is that ail publi. questions may he freely and fully dis cussed before the people, aad I will be content to abide by their decision up n them. ID consenting to bold -n to my comniimlon. I wish It understood that It Is in reaponse to yonr patriotic a*> peal that it ia for the good of th:Sta'e. aad not because I feared to ro before the people and discuss with the senior Senator, or others, the national issue* of the day. I am a public servant of the people and it Is my dnty and pleasure always to prnasole Ihe r a tareots in every way I can." - tp Swllwnl't Strike fait*. Washington. O C.. Special.—Vice President Gannon, of the Southern Railway, Monday said so far aa that ro-vl waa coaerned. the strike lari dj,nt waa closed. He refused to say bow many of the machiniata had re turned to work al the regular hour, in or cor dance with the ultimatum, but said the road waa Oiling the places of all those who had failed to resume •••*> ■ - - -» - J • .. - t> Leaves Pekln. Pekln. By Cable.—The departure of Field Marshal Count Voa Waldermee from Pekln Monday waa marked by a great military diaplay by the alliel troops, the booming of artillery and the play lag of banda. The entire diplomatic body escorted the Held marshal to the depot. Voa Kauaeb. the aide-de-camp, aad aephew .f Count Voa Waldersee. will remain here to escort Prince Chan, the Em peror "a brother, to Berlin, whete he will formally apologise ia behalf of Chiaa for the murder of Baron Voa Kettler. " Has TaM AIM Knows. I»adon. By Cable.—The War Offke made the following announcement Monday night: "All the iafonnatioo expected from Lord Kitchener re spectlag recent engagement* in South Africa baa been communicated to the public. Nothing has yet come through to 1 Humiliate the Vlokfouteln affair, the only dispatch oa the subject siare the first official annount emeat being a three-Use message from Lord Kitche ner. giving three additional aames of dfflcers Idlled. Cottoa Dwcfc Trust. New York. Special—ThePreas says: -It Is authoritatively announce*! that the preliminary details ia the fonaa- Hoa of the tU.OMjDM cottoa dnck com bination have all beep completed. Ar tie lea of Incorporation will be filed at Treat on. N. J., before the end of the week. The statement ia aada that a per eeat dividend will be declared on the eowoa stack. July U" »E*IKi VdWS. Recaveitag Fren the Recast Heedi The weather durlag the latter p-r. of Mey ccnNnned decidedly vntaioan hle for agricultural laterest*. > i:-fly ca aeesaut of the uanecaesary ralotaU nn the ntk 9th aad Slat, aad the prevell lag low tmpnatanri which prcrratled m-tch growth of vegetation. The rainy pcriol. however. *rema to be a' at ax. rlace the rainfall this week «:* 1 cal ia rtuirW and small ia aa>coat. ex rapt oa the 2H:h shea it was qnlla heavy onr portion* cf Randolph. Aia asancc. Cahnrru* aad . c juaties. and >is a- -ompnnml by kill w-:th (onsiderable damage to t-iops. Ths soil earlv ia the week foatianed t*" wet lo work sad the cultivation of crops is very backward. The weather was generally cloudy and eo>4. a*er a-la* over 5 degrees below the daily normal in temperature ha! '>aiel with abundant sunshine and iscr asaa{ wnrnrth on Jane Ist In genetsl. • ro?* are (till small and pcor. grass an/, weeds have growa rapidly aad threa:- |en to take complete of | many flelds. neressarily fam work it Ifar behiad. and the scar ity aad higa price of IsU.r iadicnte* thai farmers will havr unusual dilllcuity In r> -laim i In* B ids ut»d rejtorlng crop* In not I aaal roaditioa. The latter part of the j week was more favoraMe for rork aa«' I a g(xid deal wa* a > ompl *h'd. He 1 plantlnc lowlsads * h'.-re' .tops w.r* ! ruined by the freshe;* is p- fc-e*- ilm, | rather slowly ami much of the damage | s - m« irrepairable Cottoa has bees Injured considerably . by low temperatures aa well a« by ex leemivr moisture: much of It hss a yet. - k o* vig.T. I nnd there_Js considerable complaiat of ' It* dviac. lose Held* will he r -plowed i for '-orn. Progress ia chopping cottoa i and cleaning Held* waa more npid da ' ring the last four day*: while the plants are very small for the seaaoc | the stand* are generally fair t, fco ol. * «'orn has atao suffered chiefly from lack of pr oper • ulUvatloa: It show* ' hoeever more Improvement ll.aa dot* c -tt-m much corn arss yelloaed by th ) cool, damp weather, and has suffered . from ravage* of cut and bud «mm | The itaad of cora ia geasrslly poor, ex . cept over limited sectioaa aher* well '..rultlrated Xeh corn will h> plnatel J in loetsnds up tn June Is(h Tobsno j seems to l»e doing fnlrly well, in ih j n-x-th central portloa much at the rr..p I remains to be planted, plant* are a bun dant and of good -Ire Hep-e-ts upon wheat are ravoralile uarortiinalely I haa taken rust in >oroe r:tusties. but t* the fa-ifvest is sear, it i* thought Ihr disease will not aprsad rspidiy eaough to the prosps-t for as excel leat yield. Spring oats are jointing fait, sister oat* are ready to cat ia th* south. Irish potatoes are tine though ! damaged by the beetle An vbundaa' ; supply of aweet potato slips has been j transplanted. Grapes are b'nomia* I and aeulag fruit nicely. peaches aad | cherries are ripeniag In fatorabl- fc»- j callties Ri-e on the sout hsastera ; river*, though under water several j day*, wem* not to have bers mater a'- j ly damaged.. " ** TEXT BOOKS ADOPTED. I A large Reductioa From the Fnraser Prices. At 7 o'clock Monday evening, th# text-liook commission gave oat its re port It also gsve out the report of itf submission. It riddled the latter Ilk* -S *ipre. so great were the changes The following are the awards: ■%» Geograpbiea - I'niversity Publishing Compssy. for Usury's limftapbits Elementary 40 teala; Manual IS cent* formerly I1JS; Phys ical. JO rents, formerly 91.2*. Modern English Grammar, Newsoa ft Co.. M cents: Hyde's Lssgusge Les son*. D. C. Heath tk Co.. 24 cents. ~ Color aad Klwood's Arithmetic. B. P Johnson A Co.; two book aeries. 22 sad 43 cents, mines' mental ' Arithmetic Americaa Book Company £> cents Normal course In drawlag taiae books I Silver. Bardett A Co Writing books, divided between Hmlh A Co. ssd B. F. Johnson A Co. ' Harrington's Speller IS rents, for merly 20. Holmes" Readers. University Publish ing Company, flve books for 11-2 U. for merly «2-b2- Hansali "a Primary His tory and Hansel!'* 'Higher History, prices 40 and "• peats, formerly CS aad fl. I'niversity Publiahlag Compaay: Johnson's Physical Culture. 23 eeat*. R F. Johnson A Co. Pedagogy "Waymakera for Te»k er* Mxrrnard. Merrill * Co.. «1. i-ommlaalon will sdveritoi for bids to furnish North Carotlaa history, civil government aad priae I pies of ag riculture. aa none of the books sab mitted on these three subjects are ac ceptable. The dictionaries are pot flasl ly arted oa. as prices are too high aad the Idddera promise to give as lov prices as is given ia other States. AshevMe's New Waterworks. AshevUle. Special —At a msss meet ing of business and professional men here the ffrst steps wars takea to se cure another water-worka plant for the city. During the recent heavy rsTbs the ptaat was tfoodsd sad eoasiderable damage was doae to ths nai hlstry. 11m sentiment is geasral that the plaat should be located ta aonm place uhsre ■nek conditions could never occur, even when the river was sUraordlaarily M*. . .1 • V t-. ■- .4b MACHINISTS STRIKE AKwkr Eop%e4 la Ssife'i's laiw) SlMfs Waft Oit. 8i.1A.19 IS IM A NINE lOIK DAY "* Sh*ps st a Numb LT of Palais A>- , hcM-lkeCama sf the Diffkulty ; -- ' • RUiskuij. Special—At 9 OVlodri "T morning «& at the 71 ma bin j Mta employed ta ths Soathern Kail Speacer stoop* went oa strike. T * w * "as no demonstration of any' **®d- the men merely laying dowq •heir Instruments aad golag quietly ta homes. Five of the 25 temek. It is rlsisssd by tke *trlk. ers and dialed at the office of uioersj Sands, of the di*isio* .that the strike haa been all over the system. Strikers' lelegrnms rbim that Presides! O'Con aell a order was slnst unanimously obeyed st Coins* Us. Aabevllie. Knox-1 vllle. Greensboro. Atlsntn. Charleston. Birmingham. Cototeibia Memphis sn I Macon. At tbe rallioad nth* It "w ia •aid thai aoue were oat at Alexandria. r - J ai tile aad Ckarlutle. Four were mid to have gone out at Greensboro aad IT at Man. tester it in admitted •hat the strike waa general at Colum toa. not oaly tbe asachlaiata going out. hut other class** of workmen In sym pathy with them. It appears that at •he Urge shops, where the employes are acted upon by local unions, the strike ha* beea uach more general •hen at minor points The strike, la the opinion of the o(- toials. has signally tailed. They do not exr*> I aerioua embarrassment to result hau it and they are confident that f Iwo-thirds of th eutrikers went out un uißlagly aad simply Imagse they wer* ordered out by their union. None of aav other «lasts of employes quit. This w a smsll defestton out of a total of S«P employes and it 1* ssid will not cripple tbe shops It is lesrncd at tbe "•ice of the general superintendent thst the totsl number at employe* out* oa the easlera division of the South ern oa account of the strike i* 1M». Thia laclsded 3s at Charleston, t.t at 'Columbia O al Salisbury. 17 tt Mip ! 'hes*er ssd 9 at all other point*. This I la-dudes all clasers of employe* now on Istrihe. Thi* statement cover* the four shops nestlonH and *INI thoee at Al exandris aad |jiwreneville. Vs.: also L seven jus'tiou point*, such a* Char { kale aad Gieeafhoro. where mx blniiili | are emphiyed. j Master Mechanic Kobinsi.n said at | night that the tb.it * would go mi rcgu | larly aad row Id attend to all aei-essaty work thirtua upon It. the more easily, as ths engines ssd other rolling stock were In te*(-«-las* ondit.>u and could dispense with mub overhauling for some time. It is believed st the geri | ernl superintendent's office that ths I condition just described as existing at [ Spencer. Is about ax it Is on the whole | system, lbs I it is situe slight eml«ar- I rsssmest lo Ike railroad • •uipany. I>ul [ not presentiag any serious problem, la Kaoxviilc. Ka.ixiille. Teun.. iipeclal.—All the machinist*, appti-atlm aud hclpois in the Ixmsdaie shops of the Southei a Railway, with the exception of six. are on strike Threw foremen in the wreck is* shop it is reported, were Thursady moraine requested lo take up machin ists" work and tbey refused and quit. The strikers "claim 157 men are out. and the railroad offk isls ssy 11%. President Henry of the district lodge, says he ksew nothing of the men striking here until after it had been audr The order to strike was not made through him. The . Kuoxville board'of publi works denied the re quest of Superintendent C I. Kwing of tbe Southei... that p >li em"ii U- sts tioned ia the S-Hithern Railway yards, to guard engines and other property aad prevent any disorder. 'lhe Ward ■ la'.m thst no teas in existed to le-licve j the strikers would give trouble. Asht ill rtachiaists Quit. Aabevllie. N. C. Special. All the marhlaista in the repair shops of the Southern Railway here went out on strike Thursday morning. The force here is aot targe. Oat In Greensboro. Greensboro. Special.—Four marhin tota eagaged la repair work for th • Southern Railway here struck Thurs day moraiag. Forty Oat la Atlanta. Atlaata. Ga. Spa ial .Forty machin lata aad 3SS apprentices in the employ of the Southern railway here, struck Thursday scvesty-Mse Out ia Columbia. Columbia. K C-. Special. —This morn lag 79 nachiais.s walked out of tb- Columbia shop* of the Southern ra 1 way. la Birariagham. Birmingham. Ala.. Special —Forty- i flve amrhiaisut ia the employ of the, Southern Raillway here, struck at 9 j o'clock Thursday moraiag. to enforce > the ataeboar ueaiand. The machin ists of the Alabama Great Southern ' shops, coatiulled by the Southern Rati- ' aay. are still at work. Southern's Report on the Strike. Washisgtoa. Special Report* re . reived by the Southern Railway show that more thaa half at the machinist* employed la the Southern's shopa a; | Charleston. Atlaata. Knoxville, Seltaa. j Spencer. Manchester and Birmingham are oat on a strike. The advices at the Alexandria. Memphis and Law leauevllle shops, aad all the men there are at work About 500 machinists are mplnyil by the Soathern in all IU shops The reports do not suit* thi fsact asnber at striker*. Tit MITCKLL FLOW. Mass Meeting HsM and Cdi lor Aid The reports from the great flood ia Mithell couaty roatiaue to con* ia slowly. The county was prsrticaiirigu ined and mncb suffering must result. A msssmeetlng was held in Bskers vlile last week and n statement was given out nnd an appeal for outside as sl*tan-e was Issued. Every mill ia the county was washed away, nnd the flne bottom lands on the Toe River aad other streams were ruined for years to come. Aa immediate respoas* to ths call ror aid will be ac cessary to pre vent untold suffering. North Carotlaa*s Progress. The industrial progress uf Kor.h Carolina duriag the Inst few y.ars has heen woafleriat When tbe pcearat generation o-ne upon tbe srene wis i)(nll) known as a Stats, but now In the extent van 3 y and prosperity of Its maauv :u-es will i'.Ma pa re favorably with any State In tbe South. North Carolina is aot satis e 1 *i;h what she haa already accompli»*ied la this direction, but is f »rwa-d with increasing vigar. mwe icte'ligeti efforts nre better methods The State aow ha* a large' -tamlcr of mill* for the suaufacturw of eottsn and wool. She wsnta more and is d' termlnod to give inneaed stteation 1 to the manufacture uf the inf gradn of cottons aad wic.les* | In order to do this she must have a 1 larger supply of skilled labor. Instead | of depending upoa other cjaatries aad 1 other sections of our oun ejuntry fir >this Noith Carolina Is movicg ta is : rea.se her rtipplv of akilled ll l 'w. Tbe first necu-nry step tosard th's laihievcment has been takea A tex [ tile school is already op~ra:inr ia ro;- i ne -tinn with the North Carolina Agrl ! rulliiral and Mechanical CaPeee at i llalelgb and i* being greatly ntlint-d mil Intprirnl ll* aew bilid ce 4 how approaching completion. In ill ';'iinMtruetion. arrangemeat and iqui;* 1 tut nt it will be a model. Normal Term ljcngtheucd | Greensboro. Special —The -l he bndrd of dire>tors to l-nstben tbi | tcniMl term of :hc Scare N srm?! and j Indtuitrial Colleg" uill caus> th- a x; inriual ta begin Thuc*.lay. I -!eptenil«er ISth. ami clos" Tu-1 -I* - ' light. May Mb one we-k In* that I leretofore. XThe next will Is- the d•. •enatal commencement, and -u etab-r,-* j itf program will le* prepared An ef | 'ort will be made to secure th - all n ! j ince of all living graduate* and f >r ner Till leqgthening of the col'ese Jerta |'* in accordanie with a pcTitM.ri l.wn j .he ta ulty Various membeis of the. faculty will >ntin. to do insii'ut -; | work as * hey ha> e done ber«-tof»r. - luring the sgamr: vacation The hang- adds $« •"•> to the aiiaual »-x --! renies of student* I cmilc 11.-p r.'mc it Aboil h -d Mr. W. A. liardcn of Gre—te dire.- i 'or of the A: and M C'dlege. at Greens [boro. 'a his wny home said iha tie | hail de.-ide«l to c mvert st i:i --;o a school fir tiovs onl* an II• t« >iu mend to the Slate Board of R lucxtinn !o make provisioa elsewhere f .r th- in dustrial education of colored girls The .-allege is in dels and tt Is nec- s sary lo retrench to get even with t!ie world. ; . Intense Heat. > , London. By Cable.—For several day* Intense heat has prevailed over th« rontlnent. accompanied by he.'iy storms of thunder and hail In • irtou* ■eclions the crops hsve been distr.iyed and many deaths have been caused by lightining. The I'rsuline Convent al iloppadl. on the Rhine, was ed and three women killed. Pour p -vpie were killed by 'lightning at Poculxro, Italy last Friday. -. Grain M si®, NORTH CAROLINA, Devoted to the Education „of Young Women. *» . * ' LARGE FACULTY OF 12 SPIXIALTISTS. Schools of Music, Art, Elocution. Business and Literary Courses Chaises Moderate—Board $lO Per Month. > Well equipped Laboratories for Individual Work. Library of more than 7.000 volumes for Reference and General Beading College Building Heated by Steam, lighted by Electricity. Situated in the Center of a Campus of Forty Acres. Elevation 800 feet above sea level. Health record unsurpassed, ■■ / Send for Catalogue. DRED PEACOCK, President. NO. 37. NEGRO WAS BURNED fcmto Peailt) Mhrlmlm Me CriK. A WOIAI Bit TALLY ASSAU.IB Aad Ikn ha a jknU|| flaaacr IdsriiM ~i |T| Ma —* T I'min Bartow. Fla., SfcnaLFM Mi chelle. a Mark arpo K yeata af -y who at aooa Tuniaj malulj m •auited ul thru anitrH )fra Ban Tajga.i a ■t-lt-kaon aad respectable white (IMIU of this city, was tsrard •l the stake km early ~ 'anlij eveniag in the pr Htm of a of P*'pl' Thr baraiag was cm ik* ansa of Ik* B»*ru~s crime. wltkia IN yarta of ikr principal thruagkfaie of tkia ri'y. Thr assault aad mardcr was uae of thr boldest and Mdm-blooM rttao '"T -ocautud ia Florida. At M O'clock uuniaf. Mia. Tac gart. *ho mas i»>ru and reared ia tkia |U..- j f.d was a woooaa of (jol fluiij and r-|H tatioß. «tat fckiac aloae la a >®ll row Iwet ihat *ke kept at tke city bridge ni>r liar, a crack. Tkla ia in full vie* of thr pablir ikKnukfare. A, f« minutes brfarr a JOB lira Tag f»' dramas to irtara home row«d h r l«al lit lb* bridtr aaj ai4f it e»«t A Brent Bin was faking froa tka Itidse a: thr lira. T assart kuirr and be ! ptwmM «al; a few B;rps ia thr swamp toward tkr npi a . prairu- an ( tt.racv to tkr street arkca *!»r was aop marked by Ro. belle. aha ha I lt. ra hi'lias ia tke awaapL Ha I triir I hrr anl she broke Imae aad a-.-earning ran from tkr twiay lata thr prairir. t»berr k- arrttmk hrr. overpoarrrd brr as I a»»ltrl hrr. After lb.- aj-auit. while ahe was pnu trair. h.' h.'l l hrr with his baads aad knee* and taking kit kaifc from hta pos ket cat hrr throat from nil to ear. causing instant dratk llr tkra walked to thr neurit who had brea from tin- bridge and was thoroaskiy frightened. an 1 asked kia wkat be sil. uld do with tl.e body. Hr was told to irarr it wbrre it was. bat aabeedfal of thi* r.que*t kr took tke blerdiag form in his arias aad rarried It back M tbr uniip. threw it dowa aad escaped ! into the intr'.-ior of tbr swamp. in a Jew n.nutes the itiat had kN* repotted an 1 ia lr«s 'haa an hoar prai t x'aiiy ih« ratirr ' Ity was ia arms aad well aru."*l p>.nae« were moving ia every directs. -a in arurh of the rriwit nal Blood w«rr armred aad ail airfct a frnh!«-*s v-jiHi was cmraiac to of the »pRm had b ea w- or.J aad tke people we;.- Wotnirg aorr desperate ia their deierniinaton to apprehend bin as tke ehanrrs for bis fSaal es* ape iwatd to > grow Vboat it »n a . .tuner arrived aa noun- ing that tbr argro had brea cap tured i.v two other ssegnoes soatk of the i-ity. Pews were immediately- on the trail: but thr laplsrm evaded de te-tion and sa.v»rM in grttiag their prisoner quietly into the city aad la turning hin> c»r to tbr sheriff of Path county In Ik than Ira Biiaatas after the tiansfer bad IMB made, as if the _ mattrr had lie# n flashed voluntarily thro-ijfhmil the iitr and neighborhood. It. kt-aiu>' . oagested witk paa ple augmented as they auurhed upa the. jail I.- spite of tke sheriff aad a 4truag p:ard of extra deputies who sad* ftirv fMl to protect biai froa BO> v olenie tht y se~ured the prsatr aad folk up she man h to th- aceae Of tbr crime, lie was rhaiaed aad hia body sal !rat—l Kith oil. the match win appiiH and with shrieks sad bowls, be e*i>iaied tbr rriae of which he ru rfciity The crowd dispersed >a good order. .

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