IWw Mass* I***".* f?i M aad at aB f i null* tin, wnk or stroap WMtkamai- M iont of past MMiuwH m «- Infat tr»dHio«. and grot saflilaij far CM attuwl oa a frontier -Mid it pa fao«bcr, Rtna anong tbe «Wr»i»u» ■Mr iliaa M the Far Cut it , as the MOB mad finstinp aaong at (tttkcMHß H*l Rama iatliiiiK ■ order to itrengthcu the daatat position to which tbry ufirt. km hrm proclaiming with aotw>| that they art the OBIJ nation WHO raa deal "nrith the Chinese qwtiw kovt thry are thtmlm aa Asiatic frafk They justify this arctouion by ifcra nrimftite Asiatic military etkirv and it is aa instructive spectacle to see thrir forces massacrrinf*£hacsr populations wholesale while their Jifl imt* are ushantjnaily shielding those ia M plans from the jast toamwnm of their crimes.— From "The EmgHtkmm w Chins" Alrmdrr Uichi*. Caagbt a Cray Wait Joaeph Pool*, a reteraa hunter aad trapper livlag ta the Biar Rids* Mountains back of Ptaaar, Mi. t*Ur of a remarkable capture of a lam; gray wolf, a rare »pectin en of that aalmai la thla part of the count r- While setting his trepn for the teat time at, the clooo o» the wtater Ft ale found three deer that he thought had been killed by dog*. Clone by the cutwM ha dlncorererf tracks of a boar. He aet hla bear trapa apt% tba mountain. Three daya later apoa npproachlag the trap he beard the how la ef sons* aalmai and fouad Imprisoned la tt* trap a gray wolf. He took the aalaisl borne aad placed It la a pea. bat with oae bound the brute broke oat aad ew caped. Poole aays the wolf waa the largest he erer aaw la the aaoaatatea •-New York Sua. Stray Shots. \JSIS«B Warden—-Onarlet . 41141 teems very cheerful, la fart he's qa.t ■ a comedian." Keener "Yea; aad last nlfrht he waa fee I In* ao good that h - Just let himself loose." "Yea." aald the theatrical aaaagsr: "I caa use you la my Sbakenpanrehn production If the salary Is uatlsfartacy. It Is "As You Uke It.'" "Well." re marked the seedy look lax art or. *l*4 like It about a hundred per." Cam Crwna, >trkla( XT «aa a. B B D (BtUiur Blood 111 ha) cam all ska tnpth«i. licking kaaon. i i aaaa. nkn MMm. araba. Mates, latnuf Bora. Wk. rvhvnrW Walt every mt by t kallkt Mood npplr to th* An tW aU ibap-mlel rasas alter all (tea Ui Dn| KWta. $1 . ltawriba avaapteaas aad balaaa: aaal frea aad prepaid b anting 111 llllka 12 Mitchell atraet, AUaata tia. ' The proof of the pudding ka aa the di gestiaa. rvn«« Ptnsf.«m IVncs da a»t eyxvl. alreak «ltin yoar |onb aa anemrfv dyeal. appear ance. M'l br all ilnmitt. There i> one admirable tbiac about Ike leader of an otrheatra. lie Jaraya fana the muw There are thirty four cbrese faetoriea a the State of Washington. Salt Taat IHalai far Altaa*a Waat-Waw. A powder to akake lato roar akaaa; nah t'is tret. Corn Cora*. Baaioaa. ttanllaa, la i. Hot. CfeDsua, A'hia*. H aaa liar Past aad la growing Naila. Allea'a Poot-Kaaa ankaaae or utbt shoss eaar. At ail dinxs'aas aat skoa atorea. 15 eta. Sample aalM PUT. Address Alice P. Ohtafil. M», K. I. The aalmon park of WiSbiaglua ia 19W waa %a«uel at jtl.2tVt6D. *ra I r-TaatO*rr|S>a * ark «Kf . Tbe HeaU>ard Air 1.100 Railway Waa opa rt an uptown ufllrw at UKt Broadway, Vs Yoak Cl'y. o .roer Twanty-Klnblh atnwt. Ila d»WD-t.>aa |nwo«Tr oflea, at W Bcoe»l way. la atlll maintained. -Any lalocaaailae aa to tlrl-ta. ratra, aWj>l»* ear Ha. nalfcaa. building sod manutaisriaK rfeai la ifc* Mouth, atc.,'heerfully ruraUhed at tUaolta Kvea tha lee la a boaaet Bay bare a alia* It Its tall. Ho. M. J. 8. PnrVr. Frednoia, S Y.. Stays- * Shall a. t call on yon for lb - 1 109 rraar>l, liar I be IwTr Hall a I'aUrrk fore wtll rare aay raa r of catarrh Waa eery bad." Writs bias for particular*. Hold by l>niggi»W. Tie. It ioesn't take a horsewoman to dnre a bargain. FTTS permanently eared. Ha tta ar pare aa aaaa after inl -lay'a nsa el Dr. Utae'a Oraat lima Beatoror. *2 trial bottle aad traattaa tru Dr. K. U. Ui»», Ltd.. 991 Arrhst. Pklk.Pa. There thonaand uiirTu|ca are |w i fiaul every day all over tbe world lira. Winalns'a Soothing Syrup for ehiUreo teething, aiM.n the pm*. mhma tatiaai - lion, allays |«ln. raras wiad rultr. We a battle. thousand mills ia Baaa pad aanual'y over 10,000,000 toaa of grata- I am an re I'iao'aOare for Cxanaptin nral ny lib three years ago.—Has. Tanaaa Boa «*>. Maple«t.. Norwich. N. 1.. Feb. 17. IK) Kmperor William ia aaid to reenre mere th?a 900 let ten a day on an average. *• SOt STH* t»>Rt »HOII RKAOBTS, Via Keaboard Air Line Hallway. llefora eomplottait arraagemeota lor yoar eaasmer trtf* or deeldißK upoa plana a wbl-h to epand the aummer, joa -boald eat on Tieket Apmti aad Pa wager Kapnuals tlros of tbe Heaboard Air IJaa Kallaay Thajr ara avarlally prefared to fa is lab la formation as to l .waat raw, qaiekaat aebrd ales sad moat altraettr e r. utea lo tha Moaa taln Resorts la Welters North t ar>dlaa aad Soathaeat Virginia, also to the Braabare lW.rta of t>.-e in View, Tlrgtala Baaek. tHd Point t'omlort, tbe great Eaatera Kaaotts slo i* the Jersey I'oast aad other Popalar PlS'-oa teaebad by tha Seaboard Air Ltaa nailway. This Company to offertaa loaar ratee than ever with perfeet train aarrieeaad fast through schedules. It will latere t and beaeOt yoa to rail on Heabcard Air Lkr Railway Agents. Black Hair " 1 hare used yoar Hair Vigor for tre years aad am greatly Pleased with it. It ccnataly re stores the original color ta gray hair. It keeps my hair soft." —Mrs. Helen Kilkenny, New Portland, Me. Aycr's Hair Vigor has been restoring color to gray h«ir for nfty years, and it never fails to do this work, cither. You can rely upon it for stopping your hair from falling, for keeping your scalp clean, and for making your hair grow. ~ "" ■Jrf-a'tohT - " gashMtJ^gad^Bsgl A MOB REPULSED. fmpa sfcnfr Kccyf tataM CM- MmM fef. SITES I mm MI LYNOBS. rasialltaa. Oa. Bpadat- Tha am aaaa Is Joa. Marti spksld the hs of tha atale aad aaraf tha Ufa of s ac gra baa a aah. In peutiretlng tha negro, wba was aarad fron tha gnl has. calr a few haws before by tha (•acta of his lawyers, oae life was loot aad two aaa Warn woaa leL Tbe antral of the Btata militia averted threatesad troaLle aad at t o'clo k a apadal tra!a I eartag the atfts aboae crtee aaa the warder of a illCa white boy. wboaa ha Coaal lab lag thai, aad bis gaarj. was spardlag is waria AUaala. The ana killed tp at tack tag the JaU waa Ooarwe Bejaett. of CarrolMoa. snl the woaadel aaaa are Thoau Saith. also of CariUt-a. aad aa aakaowa ass presaaioMy a (snaar. Thwai 8. (tort, father of the aardtted boy who waa la the boat task of tbe woatd-be lyahe.s aaa. straace to aay. aot hit. Altar Bsaaett fail. Mr. Word Jaapcd apaa the window aad esclalawt draaat cilly. * Jkoot DC. Mr. Ihsrlf. I aoa.d aa aaca die aaw as aay llaf." O-1.- alae shits waa Ired sal the wtli of the Jail rhrw tha aarks of the bal lets. None of the sheriff's roe e aat hit ' WHliaas. tbe aegrtu was trial aal foe ad painy at Otis Wo d. oa Jataaiy Ist. ihla year, sad >- a leaiel tale banned, betes tefaaid a aea trial by Jadge Harris. Fri-la/ aoraiat. bis attoraeys Had a i-l'l of asewptlrat aal carriad the as* I lo tbe Saprene Coart. A large crowd of people had roar to" town to wltaeas the haa;lag sad wbea It was learawl ■hat aa appeal had beea ta* rh to lb J Siptsae C'oait. delarlag exerati->a. there waa macb talk, wbk h ?ryj al lied ar oa after la the fanaatlca of a tn t. . ' At aaa the snob asde ta assault aa tbe JalL They hattsrrd down 'La outside Iron doo a. despite tha aa' a lag of thr shrlf. aad enter el be balldlaa They anade a dsasad «a the sha-rtC for the bey to tha aatroa 1 ce'J. lat were refused. With the re fusal. they te aa their advance ap a , the sberlT sa I tbe depatlea wbb-h b bal beea able to saaaaoa lo his aid. They weae toll to stop, or lba> woitl I be frri oa. but the order was aot oseyrd_ Aa they adraace-1 down tbe cor:ll'r towa ds the iVrif. The ardor ass glrea us tre lleaaett fell, dyiag tl a- st l« taa ly. Th'-mas Bkl h. uf Otmril na. who waa la tha froat of the aob. ras badly abot. ss waa alto ?a aakrowa • oiatrrwan The naes pected Irht nf the sheriff sad hli poaae ftigbtea >1 the aob aad *hey r- Irea'ed outride Ibe Jail. Hera :bey broke and raa sal were aooa dlrld-l lato little gnapa. dlacasaiag tba er»n"- Sherl* Merrill at oace coa«alt-l Jadpe Harris, of the coaaty coart. aad It was derided lo call B[oa Oovera r Caadler for aid. The Uirerao.- Wat roaaDilia'H artlh by te'epboaa aa I stld be would send rr>aapaa'-ea from I At'aaLa aa aroa aa tbay could le as teaib!ed- I Kir In* the aftnai va 'hi I mob telephoned the .il'.aai:«a I frliads la sdjolalas towns, and e.a.U aa appeal for more men to -ft cvt the rapture o» the aepn_ This »is » wn- | munlrate I also to (iorera >■ Cacdb-r aad ttc ikireraor aooa wire l n prxla aaatloa lo tb ■ p ople of th ■ maaty. It waa read fraa tbe stapa jf the «ou.t boa e at I o'clock by the aaor. Tha OoTersw row man iad tbe pe>|le t j dlspe ae aad rail the anttre all.ttrr aad civil lories of Ibe lulr *uall be ased lo >nf iree order If a-a-aisary. The rend.eg of the prorrar.a bta ap fS-Mllr had a good effort, as nun people were area to an-at 'bet. horse* aad tette the towa. Macb npprtbeadoa was felt for tb a!gbt and tbe sheriff and city aal roaaty offihh after a nnsslt.i.l a decli'e I to take the prtaonc- ott of Ike roaaty lor siftkreplv Tbe At isa a mintla. under roaaanl of Ma jor Darker, sTired aboat C o .-bn-k a >4 one konr liter tarorted Ike t-.TO aad sheriff to the train which was suoa speeding southward for Atlanta. Tdrgrapfc!c Briefs. Uird Pauacefote. Brlt'sh Ambassa dor lo the United states. Bailed for Sootbaapton aad will return In Octo bar. Tbe two sons of Mrs. Cbrlallaa Tlaldeaaa. Franklin aad Samuel, wka were lajared la iMr mother'a dy.lag establishment at Washington. D. C.. by tbe explosion of gaaoliae. died Friday. Fearing that It alght be ased la evi dence before tbe FMeral Snpren e Coart. arrernl members of the' Ala bama Coastltat'.oaal Conreatloa vainly tried to nbollsh the taking of n atenog rnpklc report of the proetodlngs. Charles J. Hatch. CI, e-ra'da t'al clerk for Hortoa A Ox, brokers, of New York. t-jiaaUtsd aa'elda bvanas at UI health aad lowa. Edward Payne, colored, who a*sanlt ad Ufa Duncan at Dublin. Va.. Suur day. wan tried, conr c ed aad mitswsd to be hung Jaly 12. WIU Arnell. of Danrarton. Meh . shot and killed hla atx-ytar-old daugh ter. tetally wounded h!a wire and waa fatally shot by a bywandtr. The Hoists c Prienian Asaoc'at'on o America, aa oryastaat'em of beele-a abo are tntercs'el te tbe d fojiwri of the Hoisteln-Frtcs sn rattle, la it annual session at Buffalo. N. Y. R. 11. Moulton. who itteatlr 1 to shoot May Bark>y. the actress, la N w York, has been Indicted by \he Jury and oa his owa recogn - ■ sanre. By the explosion at n ganM'.ne s*- flne in the new yacht of A.l*ner Hsn nn. at Port Cheater. N. J, the eat waa dsatroyed and tha engineer fatal y Ajani • yi Ike Obst-cl a to Medlatlnm. Vienna. By Cable,—Count Oilirhw (ky. tke AuaTo-HnaKarlan Mill ter rf Foreign Affairs an An trlsn depot«Mcn that the government ran d aot entertain a wnwilon of ardis tl3B hetwcin Orent Britain an 1 t e late, heenns» na awons ptwrintal would earn ta undertake nedisixa tar Ike British gnwervnent d -dared that It would act that aa oCsr u mediate would he rt> OW PrJWU aa «a aijfrlaaA. WtaWWSTiIM OTFf. Tbe foUowiag artV-la fron the Waah tUoTiMMtf.K.C.'lf STbaSai trtal ligin ml ef the ffiahnard Air Una Railway: _ A pbllsabiiiplt peataet am n practt foandtd upoa the right of erery aas to tkat sateta of glrlag ta pirsaaa asah^ will eaahle thra to earn their drU MMT ~ s" , Tha laatltatlea In called tha BN Hive aad bedsre the summer Is wary tar aiaag It win ha ffßwl w*h oaXrtA 1^ win ha a Bacssry aad a aallailaa at the same tlaa. At the head of the aataTprtae la J. T. Phtrtch. ladaatrlal Apat of the deaboard Air LteS. a annn at aach forra that a atory aboat hla alaa-> would ha lataraaiteg. Tha andatnhlng OB kflß IffVO tof aad the Railroad la g;«iag a good deal la order ta pat apaa a saaad basts thla Be- Hire te which sick people caa work to tha boat adraatnpe at thafr ihasea trada Plaehiaff la aitaatad te the aery heart af the ptee woods of North Carolina aad la tbe eertioa of country which baa been fouad aaat beaehrial to a 9 •alas, apoa"a~aaady aoll that la tta aaat healthy poaalbia Tha cUaante la halay aad aiaaklt aad aa alld that sat door work IB poaalbia aearly aO tha J year aroaad. Tbe taadltloaa are favor- I sbia lo fruH growing, which aaa at Irat the aala ladhatry uadsrtakea by the i nlanlala wha have baaa tarred ty I read i naaaaptlsa or ether palaaaaary roablea. lato tbe wooda But wbea the Bee Hire is atartad other tedaat rUm will taha the place ef thla oae. The Bee Hive la la leaded to shelter workers at aerkaalre of aaay aarta , Tha praaaetar lateada that esury nana j who has n trade shall be allowed to i; werh at It aa aaarh aa ho llbea. aad for j th!a raaaoa baa pat ap a big balldlag aad baa faralahed M with power. Two • ante tarhlaea wUI K'aerate power, t which arUl be a pahßc caaaaodlty. Aay- j aae wha caa pat a aachtee. winiaal lowed to aat Hap aa tha Boor of tha i balldlag. aad take the power to rwa It ' The straetare la of aaod. four storiea , klgh. aad will areoaaaodatc a great j aaay am keva Not oaly does tha Milder of the honor faralah the power j by which the Javallds any ran their . aach I aea. bat andrrtnhan to Bad a I aarhet tar the^product la other asordn the alrb and Billing who coae. pro sided they ahow aa nnxlety lo work, will be able to contribute a share to their owa support, and will nod be raa- r jletety dependent upoa othera. The Bee Hire la oaly oae Mep te tha system of tedaatrles which the Sea board Air lJne is derrtoptng Mr. Pnt- | rich la tbe coaaaerrlal agent at tha • Vwbonrd Air Mar Railroad and by j pood fortune happened lo gain puasra ( alon of n Bne tract of Inad la tha ptaa . district, part of which he * nring aa •hla lad aat rial rokay for ronwap tlven and people disabled by other stow ar Chroalr dtataaea He bepaa by glrlap the people who cnase to hla agrleal tnrnl work to do. nnd ke bopen In tha I red to be able to teralab any sick per- I son roalng to kla nn ormpntloa Bt- I ted to the fauter's Baprra. A groat j many people are Beat to hla every I year fraa the lavalld Aid Sartetlea all orar the country Maay under tha ! steady occupation and Bne air get weU qnichly nnd roar awny Thla arranse aent of the IVraboard Air Mae eanb'.ea evea the poorest and slrheat to aeoh n heaßkful dlaate .heranae thry can do , a little aoaethlng toward the!r support. , • Trinity Cedtrge l inm nrrarnt. The nnnnnl coaaaenceaeat of Trtn- ■ Ky Collage was held last week. The grnduntea this year are: Ste phen Wooda rd Anderson. H.-nry Braat Anbury. Joseph CocroH Banchnrd. Wllllaa Edward Brown. Fmnk «»- I par Chrden. WiUlna Lawbth. I Edgar Wlngate I aaal ter: Mia E ho! I May, Urwia. Mia Mand Elln.ak Moore. Dnrtd Derrick Peee. Layi Ardrey Roane. Bealaala WlUlaa So aheaa. Lata Prnnkßa Will nan. ■nauei Onrlnnd Wlnatead. Jokn Kerr Wood. Mia Mnry Lameattee Headrea. Miss Mabel Chadwirk The degree of A. M. was conferred on Means Pn il Naaoa Aaderaoa. Xoha Itfatsl Cowaa. Ma villa Lnnreatae Hradret. Erneat Frederick Hiaea. Mlap Ann!* Pegrnm. Wllllaa Haya» Waan intake-. Prank Tkonsas Mills. The trustees conferred tke degree of LU D. on Hon. Chnrlsa Brantley Aycock. OCT ernor of North Carolina, aad Hca_ Pnrulfold M Banna, raited Stains Senator. S3a.ssl.aas TobaccoCaapnny. Trenton. N J.. SpreteL-Tbe con»-l Mated Tobacco Company, with an aa tbortsed capital of |r»#"P.«Bb. waa In corporated here Inte Wednesday after aooa. Tbe eoapaay Is aalho i-d to cure tet iakma aai to aanatx.ar aad deal la tobacco la aU R« f in The capital stork ta all com moo w th •hares of tbe par mine of H I Th? Incorporators are Herhert C. I ahla Francis Woodhrldpe. lxmto DcF. Daw aer. all of CtVy. The DiPniatar For July. Is already oa haad. aa Its pabllaker fThe Botten.h COL. N. T.) be I r- a "taking time ky the forelock." Tk.s t aa especially Bae aaabcr. aot ocl from n fashion stand po at. but alas la n literary sense. In tact, this naga line Is fast forging ahead lata the f.oal ranks of aoatkly Joarnallaaa. Its a.ke ap being equal to the best cf tbe tig metropolitan aaoathllun We were par ticularly rbaracd w;th the c >np tbea slve article oa the Baffa'o Fan-Aaner- Icaa Expositioa. with |:s fur snpert three-color prteta We scarcely bHlove eay other anpstlar la the war'.d has been so well able to obtain sarh ants tic color results, aa theae lllca rat'oat arere prlated by the pablSahetn theas seivea. froa the ortgiaal Patar-eoler ahetchea of C. J Turner, d' rector o color, to the Psa-Aaericaa Expos tioa. They win oaly he men to he appftri ated. The Jaly ed.t'oa reaches lilfN coplea The Morlen. beat she the* fancy-work, cooking, and nU of her de part aea ts are latnrestlag aad ap-to-date. The PcHasator. Pa every oae knosra. kaa always ask tha styl s Bar the AaarVna lady of fashion; its colored 1 usual Illustrations are uaw saaßy Bas this acath Ladles, yoa must procare thlp atUactlrs aam her U yoa wtak roar -frUls and farbetowa to bs of M ihd hlfbtet is «r* TWO HOKE INNINGS Vkyci h fee RMi ScstiU * Ml ill m rarfflET AT KIT «• ■ltaAMbr Dmhfwaia OMMI & C, *«- "Wtrz VMrM^tflWlaKbra | lot imafaSj wN l*B rtkt Icm Mb af It b that k waa utMtf* Ml Hat Ik* Oomv c»v •at twill a ■lifcn af Che Ditt«J aai Ik* taattliaa cf that v fee V ha itwaa la smiia'cr A. ul that yoa "in Haa hr the pfogd *• rttMna* fur ilpitln tb4 yna nM (inMr my Wtar aKim'4 U» yaa aai Sasator Mil iila. yoj maat haw* am that I Mi aat ayaeM aay Ww b tamp* a aaahr at dao Uat- M Stataa feaaa to bM Ua roaaiJ aob't* Maa'to wlpa! Mar calmly aai ibyMMly tb eoa jaiiai tobibavaataai what yoa atelt la In* area a hay act. aai I at lha tam* af ymr aaawar ••»(» j took la thb aattar la ha far tha her | tatarem of ta* paopto mt Soath CaroSl aa. aat I aa napaM la them aloca ' lor ar aralaa aai. IMttaaaw I aU!> ; I hrtlwa that ar mmm haa a«> t'aa ap j I proval af a aa|n :ty af tha *j«a« of j i the State, aar 4a I naallir tb- aa I thtabtaC iMat, hat aaaa vh> kai* : . and reracataa aa faSlr aa aay paapto aa •arth tha right* aai iHaa aai re | j act aaai tbaatiaaafaay (M la tell | them Mr daty ' "Toar laalaMlbu that I ha . a baa j ' bpalMif to Unit tha coaro-ibac*' I of My |i aia ar aaaliha uHna'a , I who are aat Jaat rat ready. tar iirion • aa aaaaexpectaiiy. that for tha i*M>a , : My artka haa üba tha «rt"JN it I haa b Mworthy da au hoMiax tbe ; Mlh MMMlMlja akkh haa he*a gireo yoa by the penpto mt taa'h Carollaa | i aai harnia m aartro la thb »iaaec ' tloa Hvatnr. I aay aay. for your { I hen-at thai I alaaa aaa fur j [My reply. hai will glee arcwaat for (the enarae I hare aba la tha people j , who hare »■*■■* aaa Mi aat (a aay j oae taitrldaaL la thb aaattar • hare | toar what I thaagkt hcag ralniatei t > | ! roateauaeat of the people ot My 8 aia | j aai ahan caat-a ie to to as n-a.-rdle*a ] ! of what aay aae aay aay ar Ihlah af i .My rwaraa. I iM aat thlah that apo I ntkal rsaapalga Uh i ■■ n .-oald d-> { aay aooi aai arced armNiat la My j hellaf. Haaanaa. hai tbe raalgaaUoas | heea aacamilihmsl aai aamtiktel , My arttaa Might hare heea oth-rwla* i -With 4ae napul to yaar oplaioa. I I think 1 have aa high raacapttoa at the otare of Beaator aai Its powers aa yoa I ar aay other rlttaaa af thb Slate ar 1 I yoa Maat hare kaawa that the hrlel ; latarrlew la whbh yoa 'afar Meant I that I auaali itajlj Meet tha reapoa j afblHy aai parfuiM My My wader tha -eoadfcaaa. If yaa still Wjk in iwl(i yoar roaahaiga aai win aaai to thb otac* m MrnalHloaal reel gum'lon I will aaerrba the aatkorlty aai powt »rated ta aa* hy the p- pla. "Riapt tfally. nr, nr. a Mcswkkn ex. "tJoreraor."' laMaM PnCra r SeMlor Tlltmaa. proteetiag agalasl th* Oararaarli right to reject the aeaatorbl rwUgaatloai has with drawa Ida taaigaaUoa. la hb btte: to Qoraaaor MrSweeaey. Seaator Till "tea aaya: *1 bar* Seaator Me Laartas commarlratim. la ahbh he tiailaaali roawau. at yoar raqaril «o hoM aa la hb ammlaMiw aa I'm 1 tad Stataa Sraalor aai coatmue to setrce la th* State aa be has J;.ae In the paat to the heat af hb ability. ' "Thb bar, a me oae of three a'tet- I satire*: Ta appeal to tha Demo crate execatlre roaalUtr to take the amttar ap aai the heat tateieat* af the party reqalrra j to h* toe*, to appeal to the Senate , Itae't to iafi Mlai lh» aaejtii.a aa t J j whether a reitgMtioa from that 1 body, la lake efbet at naa fwtare time, b bfadtag. ar wltkiraw My awa resigaatloa. Tkat* are m prece deata oa thb aahfact teraaaa la the US years af oar aatbaal life. wUh MOM tba SW rorlgaatloaa from the Eaaata. ao Bfaabr haa hitherto taw wtlUag ta accapy Ik* itaplrahle at Laarta. aai farcad aa aa. I a-a car tab of oae thbg: that tha aseratlre af a Stat* hM M atkuall> t) darliae a realgaatba that hM haaa trader* I, aai I aaa UMlly taVik lb! had Toar KxcrOaacy loaiaai yoar actoa witkla bgal hamk that rev ap poiateea woali ha ceaiai la Ike Sen ate wba that body Mists ta Ikraa tar. aad bold thab eeata acUl tbe Lagblalwre lhoali act la Jaaaary. V) tk.ef iegret b that I am force I ty yoar actloa ta ragage la what »k op* i a boafa. by wttkdraartaf aay «*» reatgaattaa after Saaaatar Kriatria> aafltibd aai pasrlb atltoia. brt lie parpoaa 6or which It waa araierad haa beea tkwartad by SiMtnr brLacria'a precipitate pir—laai ii at esecatltr* iMca. Bah Acraa hM ham oet mae for aaaa. I bra Ureatiy aatf I hai m Matlaa ar parpoaa ta ra cept to tare* Mtiaaatak aad t-are!■ aothtag lor mar tab bast accept Ik* adtaaUoa aai wltkbaw my a*-* :uK aatba. KR ta haM kdb •>." « TaPmreat Caimilag Orata. New Tart. feeadaL-Stcpa wars takea at WeiaaaiV* ametlai of ||; grata traie ot tka Haw Tart aroiae* esehaage. ta pravaat aay tarthar at imapla at a 'ceram" ta arhjat a«d coca, Tba pnaMpt wm aatkariaed Which Win f M-matata rata* to tka as teat of pcrmlttlßC taßwiry of a lower zntie ga watiirta calliag tar spacUi tuUt; aai a tart |na»j wtU la Ua poead tor aay Ttotattoa « U>e ytyaaid ■adacalßatea lalUnaidMlir, Aaaoaat kMlalOaar—tbakatlqaarTrae huHmtlH ImriMTffia ot AaiiMk taaHlSt Forth* abac* eeeeatoa. tba grabaaai Air Upa Railway *illarfl tram aM attlMs a«*- •m la Old NM Oamfart.aad ratara *1 aaa, Un br tba rouai Ida. TVkab wttl ha rolt faaa 1, t aad ». tfwKad for TMm* ' t imp tatamalloe aa to aoielkbM aaaedal* Pan aaaa *il[li> ear ra aa, aid., *b aba ** heard Air Um Mall way, th* tab Mai la OM fatal Oumbrt fraas tba Hoatk. Soathwaat aad Brnthmat. eal a yoa ar aldraas say Agaat or layrasaaiatli a af tbaCowpaa^. It asaha* ap tka Aflhiaara ta thaab gy Whether It he tka' words bf Ooi or oaUy trofahl aboat OoS. * Wartk KaajtagT Teaapoimfal doaaa of Oiihirl Watar algbt aai maraiag wtH.eara tha abaaaaaaf eaaatapaSaaa. ir.LiTETaT«-TABAWa | DO YOU SHOOT?. If yoa da jra* akWU arai yam name aai aJbasa aa a paatal csrd for a WINCHESTER GUN CATALOGUE. IT'S FREE. lillhisiraiM u4dHoibctalittfoab Vhcbaar IMta, Sbi|abi*l AamaaMon, sad aaatslas mack rshrabta Marmatiea. Sead st oace t* th* Wlaatoaator WaaaatHip Awam Qfc. WaaaJlßyaasCofiw^J rrr\W.L.DOUCLAS 53.4 $3.50 SHOES .i^m »«. fi M— Myfll ~ w. L. | JWiiij__ i -. JL. I LION COFFEE I A LUXURY WITHIN THK REAOH OP ALL. HQ^SBI^ 1 * "Oh, Promise Me." In our Oh, foromiae m thai »krt I n jour brid. Routing Aad we be (in hoaadnepiac aid. fcy a«H, Establish- * * ■ Oh, prornia* me whcrfTtr »• Mr r ■ i nts we r Tl«t I >h»ll do >h« mark dim far bonn. positively B Aad I inaiat «• LION COFFEE aee, , do not allow > "»t h for ita perfect party, the use of ~ • s« promts. ■« ah. »»»»>«« »«i ' "*■ " -r~~ 1/ re fWHsHMrII / oit, prorata. M thai for m tmbn'a take. Ux MixtaTM, 5£ E** awrninc LION COFFEE I cm aukc. Glee, T And when the laachtoa bow h mr it M -» Ataln IH need • of c 4 LION brand. I Wrtdi nr —rt sfciillnwwt. , . . . . . J: __ or similar *' ' A cup of LION COFFEE ro«*t be ■hr; substance*. Just try a package of No bn«4 «m healthier or better be- LION 1 LION COFFEE s.pr«(»«-rt, F *tew! "f™ and you will nndenrtand the absolutely reason of its popularity. "Tla ia the beaa—the packac* weigh. a poaad; PU«COFFE«. L | ON COFFEE RR^N^^R 4 is now used in million, of homes. * si promiM mm *>. promise Ml la every package of HON COFFEE yon will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list No housekeeper, ia fact, no woman, man, boy 6r girl will fad to find in the list MM article which will coo tribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply euttinf oat a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the eoly form ia which this excellent coffee is sold). " wooLMK mca co.. TOLEDO, on*. I How Are Your Bowels? I- - , -.• —•• — 4 * | i About the first thing the r Then, "Let's see your tongue." Because bad tongue and bad f ; #QWSMII% bowels go together. Regulate IV \SBI7 3r bowels,clean up the tongue. • . f \s. We an know that this b the way W lib ee P an * vvcll. I You can't keep the bowels / • healthy and regular with purges or bird-shot puis. They move i you with awful gripes, then you're worse than ever. Now what yoa want b Caxarets. Co and get them today~Caicarct»~in metal box with the long-tailed ••CLon the M-cost Kk. Be son you jet the genuine! Cascareb an never aoM Hi baft, lake one! Eat it fee candy, and it wW work gently whle yoa sleep. It cam, that means It strengthemthe mnscdw wafts of the bowels, gives them new He. Then they ad regularly and wdwaßy. Thd'i whd yoa want H's guaranteed la .. be found in ;' .. 1 ftfFi Ti«jrasi^a»«.isatahgfce«hswslh**l»s«Sils.p^tel n CASCABE7S k wawnMa«afcs«»«. L**H ffftfjirf' **"• Sh*g feaady GMcsge er New Test, aalahj Aetlnaad at 1 SOZODONT dr h Tnth P Ma 25* I [■"CSPUOIBE 11 "! lilN »SAWMILLS; flu CERTAIN HS?CURLH DR9J!S£4*WS?=S KS.iT a m. Constipation || | | •* I I :: " m»Mb I | I "Y YY* I TATE SPRING, %]"%? I R^TAXRRJK» R ..^AT , .GAG=! ■jnthatVaiM. tiMWr um. ■« ■ Waal. Vtur l«b Mairr • »rw l»#1 . DlMUkwl all IFIHII af Ike Unr. 1 mi l\ gf.ljfl,Twafc im EMxra. UnMthaaal tiios. TCSLIMDN, owhi* rrapr. TATB M-mnio. ryuxxan HAYNOR'S I( ;EC^A« nmliilenkfnnlhi w lw y«y» «M« T«« f>B W- !>O»r»UL T4.