VOL. 11. illVoT By SEWARD W. HOPKINS. A vS7 • ] mt*. hit M tMUb Witt F—-» CHAPTEB X. j "Fir.r *ho>t*J {Hxdoa, i ' OOJIUUID. I ik«i •7™ -5 One, t high-prieat, itood oat Won Km, puited and tdormcd moat hid •Malj, and led thi wwoiiii vitl roatortioaa tad chanting more riolenl and weird tkai theothera. Hia lonj brown ana woald ontstretch toward i portion of the senricirrle, and that mo tion of it vaaM throw themaalTM npon the groand aad beat thaaadfaa, nlliag abad the nstaeof T.-iliaokalani It waa aridaatljr an iarocatioa to thl gods to refaratha qaean. Tha priaat aaada adetoar of tha wor •hipiag Una, tonehiag first one, thai another apon tha bead, all the whila emitting horrible criee, greens, ahrieka, to tha ebaat they kept ap oonaUatlr Tboae ao tonehed aroea aad followed him. throwing their arma abont, roll tag their eyea and mimicking theii laadar aad, if poeailde, outdoing lip to awfal aoiaaa. Gradually thia pro teanoa inaraaaed and the excitement o? tha crowd iaoreaaed also. Tha leadei airaek iato a wild, faataatio danoe.and thone following took it ap. Thea tha] who still remained ia the aemicirela bat tha air with their hnnda, amota ti«ir palms together aad emitted linage eriea. Larger aad larger grew the eircl and fiercer grew their passion. Suddenly. the dancing cola nan hav ing grown to over half the number ol worahipera, it eame to a pease. Tha folio r era of tha priest atood tram - Win;, qaaking with excitement, theii ferariah thirst for religioaa extreme) shown in their bloodshot eyes and pasting boeoma Apart from them waa a teat. Tc thia teat tha priest danced slowly, hia worshipers keeping ap the chant ami standiag expectantly, aa if aomething desirable were to oorae. The prieat emerged from tha tent, aarryiag a small white kid. He took ap bin old position near tha ire. and bciijj hia horde of fanatics, he ehaated aoleail; over the kid Then, pntting it on the ground, ha •Irew a knife aeroaa its throat, catch iag in a cap the blood that flowed from the stricken innocent. The kid gftvt ■ bleat aad fall over—dead. Now the fervor waa at ito highest. The priest Jfcpok the opp of blood, and dipping hfia finger into it, anointed hia followers on the forehead, as ha danced along the line. They howled, shrieked and groaned most horribly, The women, loeing all control of them salves and casting aside their reserve, t'orww themselves oat from the circlt and performed wonderful feats ol writhing, twiating aad aaggaatiraoon tortiona. . All tha time the rabjeet of tbeir chant, tha sole idea ia their ahrieka aad criea, waa the reatoration of Queen LiliaokaUnL The aacrifioe to tha gads was to propitiate them and maka them amila apoa the depoaed qnaen. I fait a actuation of oh illy horror when I looked at theee fanatics. If theii . bloodletting aacriflcei stopped ahorl of human blood It woald be a gratify lag surprise, ao ferocious did they look. The dance began again, more fervid ' ttaa before. The prieat atooped down and picked ap tha dead kid. He ohaated s prayer, and threw tba wn on the Are. asying aa he did ae: "This ia bat the offering before ibe feast," and kept on his way. Tba aaell of roaated flesh filled the air, had aa— ad to enkaaoe the ardor ol the fanatice. Again the daaoing proceasion stopped, and again the priest waltzed oir toward tha tent. Thia time ha took another with him. They ware ia tha teat aome law aainutea, and then emerged, earying between them n burden. Thia har den waa covered by a large white cloth, bat it aiamai to be a huua body om a litter. Hew there area a anrpriae for aa. Behind tha two natirea walked Cap tain Pcridea Jobba, aolemn, a tern looking; ilreiaed in the uniform of the rank he had onee held "Jobbaf whispered OortVm. "Whs can it mean?" "Btr* I aaid. "We will toon see ' The- priest aad hia helper were greeted with loader ehante than ever. They laid down their tardea aad tha priaat eoaamaneed the daaee again. Tha crowd were now ioaane with the air "with' Utaokalani! Jobba atood stolidly looking on, bnt even in hie mjmm there waa a look ol '"Tba'paieat waved his hag knife ia toe air and exhorted hia followers to farther eflurta ia dancing. Thia was neeeenary, for aome ware even now dnppilgfrtMl —^a^a^ waa the fiaroa lookiag priaat made aavsaaal paaeee ever the oovered body, •ai, stooping dawa. raiaad the eioth and flnng it aside. "Qrant Heaveaar ejacnlnted Gor don, asitlaghis sarord. j I "Can ft be Winnie?" I' cried, my throat parched aad ay tongae almost refuaing to act. "dee! He will kill herT "Forward, aaaaf*. ah on ted Oordoa "So life tharaia aacred bnt tha girl'a r A aoldier atopped, raised hia rifle and took aim. We eoald not ranch tha prieat bafort 'hashed eoaamittod his act Hataraad THE ENTERPRISE. >if'"#. ■ iijk * '• *■ * - ~c - •"'» . . ' * CHAPTER XL At Gordon'* wmi, t data rifles neat their daMndin Ira iat-i the group. The soldier wki k») hesa M k feim ni Cist to Ire. Hi* in sal sera. The priest fell dead beside hit intended fistia. - I darted to the Utter. The girl wai not Wienie. Ia tha nsona tight, mak ing the wtM more wild and wesri ihaa n voaid ken been to day'dght, par imaginations lad becoat ao dis Sorted thai botk Gordoa aaJ I hmA thought it w Winnie oa the altar o» the Gods. It vras Mr. Sddoa's Prcaei •errant, ueosiaiosi (toa fright, bal who was restored to her emplnyni safely. We kadtoljhl far it. At the flrst rolley ant of the aa tires flel into tha wood*. Others— J»v tar tha majority of them—ssaddeae j by their fsnstianl worship aad the loei of their piiaet. eat naua as. an*j seemed fearless ia the' hie of n-j srmed force. They ehriehed aad howled and Han ee l aroaad as. regard less of the bet that the riflee con tinnally poared a daally ire into their ranks. Jobbs me Is for Gordaa with a veaomoas hate. He waa armed with t sword, as, of coarse, waa Gordon. Seeing his commander attached, oui ef tha soldiers raised his rifle an J aimed at Jobbe. Bat Gordon, whs »»i as eool aa a Stoic, aaw the act sad bade him aot Are. He did aol want Jobbs killed by any aafair ad vantage of Mnn. He thae two foaght • dad, the flersaet I hare erer seen the Aaeerican, cool, (dsn, yet iaex perieneed; tha Englishman, a bcttci awordamaa, bat ia his frenry aot ■ match lor Gordon's strength. The enraged attires pressed them oa n'l sides. Jobbe waa woaadod and fell to tha groaad. We had oar haadi tall to take care of oa metres, aiJ wild give him BO attention, ao hi ble-1 to death. I had got away from tha soldiers tad was baring a serer» time of it, armed only with a revolver. I ha > used all the cham'isrs of the pis)pl. and was engaged ia a hand-to-han. light with a native. The fe'low wae nore powerfal than I. I strack him lercral times, aad knocked him dowr >nce, bat he scanned to be wilder an ? itronger after each blow. He seize*, ne aroand the aeck. There was e naniacal light ia his eye*. I coaU feel bis hot breath ia aiy fee?. Hii lit into my cheek. The paaa waa ia lease, bat the horror waa worse. A> *e drew so near me, I saw the sealef >f the enrse oa hi'O. My aoal tnrnci rick. I had bean bitten by a leper. Bat there wan ao time to thiol iboai it thea. A aoldisr cams to mi reacnc. The fijht lasted a abort tint longer, and tha fanatics, seeing that the soldiers woald ereataally annihi late them if they persisted fed. Gordor patched ap my cheek, an re started home. The excitement in Hoaolnln, a! •eedy great eaoagh. was heighten el i>y the stoiy we told. It bcra-ae evi dent that the Provisional Government mnst resort to axtrseae measures U prevent an outbreak. The part that Jobbs played in the lfair waa made dear by the cjnfea (ion of a native. >, , Jobbe had he-one iaaaac, broodia iver the deposition of the qaeen an j lii own fancied wrongs. He joined the native faaatioa an! ia flamed their passioas aad hdped work ap the religions frenzy, aader the areteaee that if tha gods ware propi dated by a sacrifice the qaeen woald ie restoesd. By thns working oa hair aatares, always ready for the re am to idolatrous practices, he li lojbt hoped to erjaeiie aa aray.ol Uaatiee. who woald fallow him blindly, and lead by his owa onreaaoaing hate, retake the Govern meat Hoase aad re store the fteea to her possessions. CHAPTER XII. The longer Minister Willis re mained ia Hoaolnln aad defied the wiil of the majority the larger anc stronger that majority beca-ae. The ~"»nrch Party came over to a man. Many English sympathizers of Di> 1 aeea lost their admiration aad tarne-1 their sympathies rjtk the Provisional Government, whifcbt aader the calm guidance of Dole aad Cade Tom. rarafnlly refrained from aay act of vio lence toward tha qaeen or her party. Business remained practically aas psaded. The peculiar attitdae rf tha Asaeri can miaister kept as wondering Whether we woald be Mowa eat of existence by fh« warships ia ear bar bor or whether he woald. after all hie Uoff aad blaster, flnaUy leave as aloa . to work oat ear own salvation, which woald be at easy scatter, oace we roold zid oorsdvea of his menacing 'iMt. One day, he woald sesm to be on b lendly leieas with SoiA gowrnnen: aad Ansrieaas woald take heart. Thea again woald eoma a menae* that tha qaeea woald he restored by fores if accessary. Thea oar propi-i woald look svkaane at toa frowain ; gun-boata udcr qobmbl, if'" their fear* woald be redoubled. (• t» that Willi* towSTHeJSS . True tm Ouraeivem, Our Neighbors, Our Cmnnirw mm 4 Omr GtL WII.UAMSTON, N. C„ FRIDAY, JUNE 21.1901. " *M • Uw Ifttwioa of tor Ima ud *iU tostraetismi to yrf«w . wiiiw tint coo Id aot k perlm ■«. If his instructions Ml short of hirim , gathority lo IN force against kit on cuwUyts in the interest of a rotten throw, k sought to make the aeaia- IMS impalpable to as sail triad to gin as the impression that it needed bat a . word from him to bring tha ins boas the aosthi of tha big gui u hii warahipa iato oar very koaan. Bat " his poli7 of intimidation did Ml «oA. That if, AM aot deter Do!* ud tha gallant aco aboat hiaa faoa ■arching oa ia the strict pcefuoiw i aaca at their daty. tree to thsooolvcs, Ina t» their an maaho«d, (toil Aad Willis i—sias l a Unmbliag> block ia the way of progress, aad t Ins folic; a legaoauh to the Uaitod . Gradually the circle of tha aa2«n . taata bene wis ass alt or. Disorder did aot emtio s|y eesso. far the disorder!* i jhrat was Sffiaet tha Frorisisiml Government aad sought to worry Uu • Liberals by anlawful acta. Bat evil : doers war* broaght to paaittaeal, aad. oat of the depths of cHaos bronghl * by Willis, Dole aad his cabinet begaa j to see tha approachiag era of 0r.1e.. . Gordon aad I planned iato ( (he search for Winaie. With sold I iers at oar back we weat over to the ( Islaad of Oahe, seekiag for olfc-i tamp* of faaatiea or some doc to the mystery. - Bat we [oaad nothing. Thete was aa erident halved toward I as among the entires, and if they held any information aboat my mi*«-ag sister, they carefully concealed the lad. The government took a haa 1 and Instituted a search, bat had no battel sac fees than ere bs £ Xerer had aa abduction beta sa tkillfally usujeiL It see-ne las i! ( Winnie had beea takea up iato the | air aad diasolred, N» oac coald uu derstand it. Everybody gare ap tlie | idea of erer finding her, except lior> | due aad ibtmK. Almost without hope, and certain!] withoat any foundation for hope, we ! -kept ap the scareb. Jollroy Heacawp's new American , Hotel became the rendezvous for the Literal*. Ha kept hi* word, aad a pictare of the ei-Pmil«al, his necre tary of state and Minister Steven* eoald be seea in the windows. Bat Jollroy waa aot talking si murk i aboat beiag aa American, these days. , He eeemed to think that being aa American no ler the presents conditio* ! of affairs was not w iuuc'j tc the glorj of aa iadiridoal aa it had l>c±a be fore. Aad aot only Beaeamp, bat alhei pronounced Anaexationista began ta warer. Politically, things were going from bad to worse. The nerves of the people were al concert pitch. They were taned ap for anything. They expected the worst* President Dole remained calm, piek« ia; bis way among the rock's cautions ly and And in the dawn of the nnti-aaosxation feeling ansong tha Liberals, be found Uncle T>a of great nssistsnro t» him, for my a arte had nerer flinched from fi|n«Mii-j his opinion&rmly for an independent government. He was the trader id the right wiag, which rtoj>l' oat for the building ap of a conatry atandiag aloae. They saw that in the political autonomy of Hawaii lay her oaly chance for future greatness. Aa Seacatan said one day to a party ot aa at the American-Hotel: "Tbere'a ao nse beating aboat tha bash any longer. The present admin istration of the United States govern peat doesn't want ns. It prefera a monarchy. TUat's its idea of democ racy. I suppose. Well, why shoald we care? \Ve bare erery resource for makiag a successful country, indepen dent of any other. It is one thing to wsat annexation aider a K-publican administration that upheld tha pria riples of a republic an l looked oat for the inter eats of Americans. Bat who wants to daaglo at tha bijlt of an ad ministration that refutes to listen to reason, aad thinks only of reducing tbia coantry to a stato of immorality aad degradation. tc restqry a twiajit dynasty, aimply because ths oppo«iie political party took a rational and fav orable rie wof oar position. Til* only way to aettie it ia to pat it to a rote. Let the people say their any at tha polls. Then well kaiw who we are aad where we are." At last Utaeaop'a proposition met with favor, and a special elecXon waa aaaouaend to decide the question. > "Annexation," waa the cry oa one hand, aad "no aaaexatioc" oa tha other. Aad tha Royalists, cheered by the dissensions among the Liberals, looked oa hopefully, thiaking to re gain their power aad ascendency when the Provisional Government had be come weakened by iateraal ctrnggle aad controversy. The campaign waa poshed with rigor oaa both sides. The election day ea», and we all waited anxiously for tha rcsaU- The done of the day showed a hand some majority for the right wiag. The fatareof Hawaii was mtrz secure. She might uafarl bar flag before tha world aa a repabiic, young bat strong, dsmatless and sure to wia. (To be coatiaued.) The dog mauling order adopted re cently in London necessitates a deal of red tape at timrs, A woman waa anxious to bring a favorite eollie to IMPB tJoa fro oa the poration committee responsible called a special saaetiag for the parpose. a formal order bad to be obtained from the Hoaae OIK re, and whea all tha preliminaries had been concluded it became accessary for aa inspector to ha Mat donra to tha docks In order to rawfrs tits awiwol aad dslivy it ajfrfr A - sa _ 1, .ay, , a|. » CHARGES ARE MADE A M tal tf Skifiiif ia fe Mc Bcpartaeit. ■B. LMIIS LOSES 52.5 M A TEAK. '■ ■ HtfcTlMßiiiillFw Vntnda to Pwiegal. Bctaf Siwtfcl at Car a»B,rv.Bowe:. V/ —*'m a. n. c, Special— The fot la diplomatic poets •awwrt: Frsae'a & *"■ li"*'i i tj be mtalatar to Por taeal. vtee Ml N. Irwla, ITmhaM W. Banna, of New Tort, pro CM BUIMr to Persia. hak heea Inn. toned la Cumi. aaoreedlag Mr. aa a aider to Ytatmh. •J°Tt C. Ortac tn of Peuifltuli, present drat Mrrrarr of Itatoa at Cn— I«IIM»:I. has bna NA.tr M.NlA ter to Peiala. Sparer P. KJJy. of l!li aala. pi ti at aaroad aecretary at Par a. has km aiii list arrrtlary at Coa mantleople. to eoc.-red Mr. Uriaeom. Art bar Ballley Biaachard. of Lml*:- *■>. haa beaa promoted from ih.rd t > secretary at Paris. By his traasfer from Vrn taela to Hwltil. Mlaistrr who la aos aa leave la Eagtaad. lo»a fSMO a year. TW salary at LUboa Is ST.Sto aad that at Caracas tM.Mtt per anaum. Bat Mr. Laoola dada allc tat onprrat tloa ly the Hlaau chance aad la the probability of not* nognlal daty at hla ■»« post. Beaidas. h a aclaal rank l( tfer SUM ia «I'her rae. aaaaety. aiaMrr «iLi r l aad ear. y ptea- Ipoteallairy. t Mr. Bosrra. who btoau the new minister lo Veacsaela. has a most cred itable record la the consular aa J dip o am'llr service. Ha became United States ratal at Birrei'na la IV*. aid hla ofitt at that post was raised to the rank of nawlaie general In yeata af terward. Mr. Bowra atcrk t > h a p at thrnnghoat the ariUlt days prered ag the SpnU-AanVaa war as ka; aa any Jtaerna eowld hare final safety aa Wpaatsk soil. At the e tnrtua'un of the war ha waa aboat to rwtaro to his old post, bat Instead was appo ated ■in later real drat all ronial general to Petals. The cbaage aa fir as it c in-craa tha Vearzaelaa mias-rr is aa d at tha State Department to har- no pirt:m lar political slgaiHrsnce. M'. Lioa'a goes clscwkc-.e thaa Caracas at h a own ra«aiat aad deed ft It la trwe that the Veaecaelaa government has eiprrssed dlasstiaffcrtiaa v.Lh Mr. Lon a la bore wags thaa ooe. bat the fact that the anlalster ia am (amove i from the tllili aaallr aerrl-e..diut is g vea aa :ther post of eqaal d gaity aa i honor, h a mark of (he eateem cf the State De> partmeat. Alaa. it may be noted that Mr. Qowaa. the a?« u mater, g et to hla post .with lastruetiois on the same iiae aa thoae auppl >1 to Mr. Lwa'a, which formed the bas's for his action, ao that Mr. Bo wen. who Is a mm of great rigor, la likely to follow Mr. LooaaW footsteps ia the matter ot policy. i.aaa Mrs Laid Off. Newport Kewa. Va.. Special.-Twelve hand red mea from the rarioas depart meats were laid of at the plant of tha Ifrw part Xpvi Shipbuilding aad Dry Dark Onmpeny Momiaji. and as maay more win be laid off Tuesday if tt? atrlklng machialats do not retara to work. The manaem«nt will reta a only eaoagh mei lo handle repair •art. notably on the North Gtnlwi Moyd liner Main, which ia bring re bwilt. The. machinists show ao dlapo aitloa to retara to work, oaly two or three responding whea the yard open ed. The departments rbir-fly affected are thoae of the boHer taaken, black SIB it ha. carpenterj aad Joiners and iMp Ittira . *|sla ildi's Sacccaaor. Waahlagoa. D. C, Spedal Bmllio CarbaaoL of Tayahas Prortoc,.-. has pro claimed hi meet f the sncceeajr of Aga - aaldo aad "pwaracr of Tayahas and the Phlllppiaea." according to a copy of a Mausla paper Jnat received at the War Department- Zarhano is said to have always beta a rather theatrical I iasarreetioalat aad to have sworn to Ight the Americans don to the la t hoi-. The publication do- a nut take the Filipino's aanoaacemrot seriocal? aad warns him that ke will lad ' tha: the olpe carries with It certain grave responsibilities which will sraner r later re-wit ia heart failure aad a aa l~ dea deentoa* Caha Accrpt* PTatt Aaaeadmcat. * Havana. By CaMa—The Cuban con ■tltatlooal eoareotioa accepted tha pladt aaiadail by a vote of 1( to 11. A reaotatioa to accept waa rarrted wtthowt dtscaaaioa lauaed lately sfler opealag at the eesaloa Beaorea Tama >n VUlaeadai and Qawada. con st! twUag a majority of the committee aa rsfetlnaa. sahalUrd aa a sabst'ta e for tha committer's former report tk' Piatt aaaaadmiat aa paaaed by Ooa gnaa. 11 uaaisi adiag that II 1 be sceep tad aad made aa appaatllT v> the corn THLEOKAPfIIC TER3ITIES. A Baa Jaaa aaya that at a aaas marttag of U| Wdtral pir.y hel l T —rf~r. Praaciaco Acaaa waa eleete-l party leader to ISMIII Mnnoa Rivera. The Called Stataa hatMraJaip Alaba ma aaHad to >oia tha North Atlantic mill a. which ia caacaatra'lag a*. Waapuat Nawa. pravamSory to atartlas HK piCh* WEATKI AW CMfS. ' EriW, TM rM MilktrMWMk. ► ftfl IWIWI nw fIfTTBgW •» wHwmi of m, dry. ~ tetac vtricL "*.!"** n»- lUHjuSu at " to«* wnm on tta lttk. aad th« " '*■■*»- *■» tei>| **. *** WQ l * «* tka «w|a« wrj oomplete l- •* •*• «» an tta grtmad ku ta " .y ■*• * t«i tol of nw (. «J» «rn rf lW wwt. bat ► mnr to a* sort mttaVae m ► ■ rt * *■ !W "wk. tat has ceased for r> P"""- Mack wheat Is ready to * "f: ■"■' h* been tola down by L , rata, ud tta pra—nt mi hardly aa >. (nod mm waa prwvioanlr expected. la 11 nO rail]rated fclb %toa aad coca - j have made awe (math, aad while . |ve*y —II. at hat Mow good color: ; hat (noaOy tha waWtaa of both iwta coatianea poor. CMtoa has not " all beea rhoppi J. am* maay Mda are L i Ww ataadoaed or plowed op for cor* - * Md peaa. All tta toharco has now ► fkara treaeplsatid. aad this crop aetata to ta dot ax fairly well. thoagh worms [are givtag avk Unable. Tta yields at ' Irish ts qaite large. Gardens ' ire mdt laprortd. (Vvbs aad i; 1m will he fall 1 n»» appiea eery I, ihort aad iafevtor. Mlaor crops, rice. . [ peaaats aad iap« i lilljr aetaa are do I lac fairly welL AUsntn Spodal Wrecked. | Hsaht Special—Saaday alsht aboat 1 •• o'rtort. the snth kasd Seaboard . Air Liae Atlanta special taraed broa.2- . [ aide mm a treat le lata a pood aboat a ■lie aorth of Rocklagkalt. There were ■a hoard aboat Sorll passengers. all of whoa were asore or less lajared. ' (everal rwy aeriuasly. aad two. a white - ma aad a negro, probably fatally. I j There ware three Ud»rO aad aoaie I rhlldrra aboard, aoae of whim aero . [wrinaaly hart. Tta eagiae aad two ' : BMll care paiar I over la safety, bat " J the reaahlaatiua tafPfr aad arcood. 1 | Brat-class aad two Pallataas turned I [aver. On arcoaat of tta raina the pteis i of the trestle cave war o* tta left side. r [ At 'he drat crash all lights went oi(t . j aad water raatad la waist deep jthroagh tta wiadowa. naww ous er | Smith. thoagh aevinady hart himself, j lat oats tbuaght of the freight follow ' | lac clone behind. He crawled oat. and irlKd n lantern, hobbled down the 1 ! track aad lagged tta fneigkl. thereby 1 preveatiag a atroad catastrophe. When the freight stopped ta was lying on the ' ftroaad aaable t.i rise, bat atlU waving ' his Inatera. He fell tlae v>d time ' again before ta snicusded In gett ng | far ranagh hark to lag the train. Ho ' | had ta be carried bark on a stretcher. Tta aeaaboy a'au did biTotc work. ' rrawliag throagh the cars h -Jping the pasaeagm tbroagh the traaaoa. A re ' lief train nar with doctors. and an other froa Kxilngkaa The hotel was tamed Into a tenp jfary hospital. Cattaa MM Note*. A nwsnber of alabMag and roving fiiars nrr Mnr Installed In the Had ley People's Manafbn taring Coin float ni Siler City. N G. Tta Statesvllle. (X. C ) cotton mills have cnraphled arrangeanenta for bi. tiding an rdCHica to Ha plant. Tho company has awarded contracts for tbe ereetlon tf tta newmtary build ings nad alll rooo order the msch- Ineiy. The r«;« ittr-ns will cost nearly ||%M» nad srtH ta aboat dwMe tho piapt vkhh *u« contains about 7.- rplatlrv A now int'na mill cotnpanv baa h-rn orfub"! at IJncolntnn. N. C-. t) be knowp t* the- Radislll Manufacture lag tons pan?. with aboat spind les. J. M. Poi-erta. of Shelby. Is in terested, Tta Oaford rartoa mills. Oxford. N. C, are sicHWt dniahed aad will sooa he ready to Kry* operation*. The capital ftwl of tta company is fi;*.- «00. Tbe fcrrs of the company are J. 5. Hall, i'—.Went: W. A. Krwln. VM-e-prc sldeat a- ! C. J. Cooper, treaa arer. , Wants E.tcadcd Jwisdlctloa. Roae, By Cable.—lt Is aasrrted la reliable quarters that Card aaJ Oib bona. la tbe coarae of his frequent con ference* with Cardinal Kampolla. pi pal Berre*ary of State. Hrr. N.wal -da. archbiabop. la addition to e?ectlng a settlement of tta iu«nioa or the pra;> ertlea of the religions orders ia tho Philippines of tta Jnrisdiciton of th.> apostolic delegation at Waahiag-.oa. Robbed amd flcrdcred. Wilmington. N C, Special.-G soa Price, a white maa aboat O years of age. waa ■as sin 1 aad robtad some time Tans 1J In his store at Navjask. on tta west side at tta Cape Pear river, aboat fonr miies nbnve Wilm agt >n. He waa foaad lying aa the loir of the store la a poll of bio id with hi skalf crashed aad his face battered aad braised. A phyaieiaa war sammoned. Who after ezamiamioa. had the laiared man removed to tta city hospital in Wilmiagtoa. where ta diel la the af teraoon. never haviag regained c n srioaaacaa. Bobbery is s«pp-aed ta have beea the Motive. BflhyOtaiwd. Washtngtoa. SpedaL—Flag day was appropriately celebrated la thy, im ' mcaife aadleace hall of the Peaaion Barenn nt tta cloae of oMce boars. At that bnr tiamaaioMr Evans aad other oMriah aad clerks aad many of their friends congregate* there to Itstea to a coaeert of both vocal and i astro mental nnir. all of which was patriotic ia tone. Tta programme doaad with tta afaglpc at -A»arica.- ia which tta aattpa paM—ca |MM with i|l«M oCncC OUR FARM IMPORTS Empe is tor last (■partut Searce •f ifricribnl Optics IK SMICIS OF NIEICIIIVPJKIS I « • sitri|iuri a| B[| By Mr.Mtck cacfc. CMd ml the Scctln «t Nr- Wasklagtoa. Special.—Mr. H. HBrkcock. chief of the aectlca at forelga avkcta of Ike Agricultural PH«rtf«l. ku kcknl a MkUa ahovtag tke am at tke aptalto ral Imports at tke MM State* for tke period tram 1W to ljtoL It ibon that tke total takf at acindtarai protects Imported tato tke Failed States ia IMO was tkat rear betas tke record jear at tke lir. T»«' annua! avenge was ttiiCU.K) Europe vas decided!y oar most to portant source at agricultural Imports ve taklag from tkat coattorat la IMP $129.«>M.t00 vorth at farm prodarv. being tke kum la reeeat years ex cept l»I. whew ve received •M( Asia, la IMO. seat as fltl.OiW.- 000 la agricultaral produce, a rapil rise from fC4.MO.OM la ISMI Our farm prodace Imports rrom Ocean's aso rose rapidly. beiag 531.t00.0U0 la IMO. against 922.0C0.0t0 la lttC. vklle ca tke otker haad. there vas a falling off of 92.0M.M0 la oar Imports at fanr. prodace from Nortk Amerlcaa conn tries, there beta* ft»X.MO.OM la IMO against 9*5 Oto.Oto la 1*95 Tke 1m porta, hoverer. la tke three yearn pre ceding IPM vere larger than tkte. There vas a large falling off la agri cultural Imports (ma South America, they being 993.0t0.0M la ISM. and oalj 9C4.CM.MO la «99. aad 9CC.UOT 000 la IMO. Oar Afriru farm prodace Imports declined from 910.4M.0M la IW to t0.7M.0M la IS9*. awl rose again la 1S»>0 to 910.t00.0M. Brazil, ovlng to lis heavy coffee trade, holds the fore most place ia tke raaks at countries sending as coffee aapplles. her total for IMO being 9J5.257.0M Oar Imports from there, hovever. have been stead ily decreasing, la I*»C they were 9«". Ctt.OM. The Failed Klagdooa ranks aezt to Rraxil exports to as la IMO. a gain j over the tvo Immediately ptecedtag yeas, bat a loss of 915.+*0.0 M as com • pared vlth IMJ. Tke Dutch East In j dies ranked third vith 927.5M.9t0 In | agricultural product* mat to us ia ISM. tke Ire year period skovlag a steady gain. the figures far IIN being only 914A95.0M Cuba In 19M. seat as 927.2ZC.t0* In farm produce. the var resalllag ic such fluctuatloas ia the satis! ks ss 93C.38C.fMM> ia |&M. aad 51J.153.«"0 in I»9S. fiermany comes next vlth 913. 0490 M ia IMO agalast 922J23.0M In IkK. and 941.35VM0 la her record year of 1897. Japan aad China made large galas dariag the Ire year* Japan sending as la IM9 92t.7C7.00" against 91*.3*2.0 M In lfcX. and China 921.131.iiM ia IM>) agalast lll.tl».'»' In I'SC. France seat as more ia 1*0" than In aay oae of tke other years givea. being 921.062.0 M as compare! vlth 917.75 MM ia I'9V Hawaii Ilk.- vise made a record ia 1900 vlth 920.- C3&.OM vor 'k of farm prodace espor ted to ns agalast oaly 911.710.0«Kt in 18SC. Italy's gala vas from 913.955.- 000 in IkK to 9J0.525.0t-0 la 1900. aai Mexico's from 912.75t.M0 la I*9« to 920tn»2.000 la ISM. Other countries sent tjs less thaa 920.0M.0t0 aanuali The leadlag articles at farm produr« importer! bo us la ISO" order of their Importance, sugar, bides and sklas. coffee. silk, regfr table fibres, wools, fruits an] nuts Lacco. tea. viae*. vegetable oils aad loct.s, the value fit each of these ex ceedtngJ^.Oto.OM. Bbaurk's Statue I wirtlcd. Berlin. By Cable —The Bismarck statue, facing the roama of 'Victory" la front of the R-ichstag building. vas unveiled at midday Sands:;., in th presence of the Emperor. Prince Her tert Bismarck. Couat Voußukiw. Prince Hobenlohe. the minister* aa.' 1 he- members of the legislative hv,s»-» sn'i the memorial coaamlttee- TUert was mm imposing arrav of oßcer*. otß rials.'veteraas* associations. studeais. etc.. and aa enormous gathering of beopto at NORTH CAROLINA, Devoted to the Education of Young Women. LARGE FACULTY OF 12 SPECIALTISTS. 1 . v ' ' r ' j * x ' T' > /•-. - v . Schools of Music, Art,Elocutioii. Business and Litecary Courses Charges Moderate—Board $lO Per Month. Well equipped Laboratories for Individual Work, Library of more than 7.000 volumes for Reference and General Reading. College Building Heated bj Steam, Lighted by Electricity. Situated in the Center of a Campus of Forty Acres. Elevation 800 feet above sea leveL Health record unsurpassed ' - • 1 ' «"j| • „ ' Send for Catalogue. \ "" - DRED PEACOCK, President NO. 39. TEACfEtS ASSEULT. MlkCtat Wilmlagioa. Special.—Tka Martk Cfcroiiaa Tuckers' 4 aMj hi to em ni«al coaveutioa tkla week at TTriskta rllle Beach, the daily I„, . „ held la tke large aaditcwiam off tka Seashore Hotel Tke formal opaMa* took place last aight at *3O o-ctock. President J. Allen Holt, priactaal at Oak Ridge lasutcte. calling tke My to order. After prajer by tka «*T *f Croxtoo. of tfaloa only, *4- dreaees at welcome vere made to ke half of tke city by Coi. A. M_ WadWl. mayor, aad Prof. J. J. Blair, mala teadeat of tke public of wil mlngtoa. Speakiag at tke asaemhly mial IVof. Blair said It vj)a Inaagarated IS I«F* ago aad *:aee tkea our State km nits ess ud many of aa -1 r 1 Uoaal as veU aa of aa tadotrial aa tare. The period has givra aa tke *»— - Normal College, the College at lure aad Mechanic Arts, a f |ia Imial of pedagogics at the l aiversSty. Wa hatra large appropriations for The school kouses aad grows da km beta beautified, the school rooms kava beea brightened with pictures aad ack er worka of art. tke in ifiaslua a t leachlag has brenf elkrated aad tkera ham been aa edacaliocal avakeaiag ia the State. The last fiiptjy was large ly a campaign of edacatioa and oar chief executive has nt/d his v a gift of etoqnence and his iaflaeaca ia behalf of edacatioa. r A gnceful respoase to the addrara a 3f welcome was made by Prof. Cjltr Cobb, of the Paiverslty. la the ak •eare of Prof. Carlisle, of Wake Fbr est. Ptof. J. ff. Holmes, of tke Caiver sity. State Geologist, was tkea iatro duced to the assembly, sal d-tfven* an address on the "Use aad Akoae at Oar Resources." The address vaa la tereatlag and lastructirecall of n rkta of wit and burner and greatly njoyed by the audiea e. It vaa illoktrated with stereoplh-aa views, taken by Prat Halmas.- ami showing the vast aad va ried resource.* of the Siate from tk» seaboard to the mountalu. people are taking great ' interest la tke sessions o; the aaeahiy and will make every effort to add b Ibe enjoyment of the v.sitors. while Mr. llinton. manager of the Seaskora Hotel. Is doing all in his power for their comfort aad pleasure. Aficr tka meetlag of the assembly Muigkt a dance will be given ia the hill ruosa at the hotel. RkkWirtrSaal ChaiMß. Spccial. The p:d aiirs who hAve licen operating a hydraulic plant in the Caiawba river hive the discovery that the k'ack sand in the bed of the river is rich w.th gjM. Aa uxiy of a quantity of thi i sand r.- .■ectly made, shows a yield of 9>iO per ton. This Is an extraordinarily rich yield aad if all the sin 1 in, com pany's workings bold np to it. the re sult will b£ a Veritable o.d cold miners bare always clum.d tkat there is gold in the slid of the streams ia this scclioa. aad back ia ike S?s the sand was worked with god r~*ait*. by the priatative system of paaa a■. St.. J. S. Spencer, president of tht C mtaer cial National iunk. relates that vaea he vas ir. business in the Fvharie s*- tlon as a member of the firm of Smifh erman & Spencer, a gnit proportloa ' of his business was with people vko pai l for their gopds In gold dus;. ck tsined by (.-anning the sind ia the Ivharrie river and Its ,tribuuiy streams. Tbe b-d of that river is aa rii-h now as it was then and with im proved methods of securing the gold, offer* a profitable Held fir th- prajwe tor. —Mr. John Morris has > rick • '•PPT mine in Ctab o:chard town 4 p. He has been wrfriine at it for soae time past and tbe vein which he ha I uncovered Is not otly a r'ch fc-itt-T' but gives Indications of h'ln? suffici ently extmsite to justify min;i{ oper ations on a proitab'.e scale. The c p- 4 ial:ty of the or* has be?a fully proved by liars. As an indication of the n 1 vii of cold m.nirv; indastry ;a tiis/ectioa, I: may be noted Ifcat Mr. J. IV Meech. of Ne* York, is nere for the pa:p sa oi beiiding a reduction works plaat tx gold ores. He propos a to lotare tka giant ia Charlotte.

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