romnramsß. t arrap : rcsusanmevrntTrainav L".. . wmtaaMklLC. " ums a wnrrssoaa, t | . StaaSvk 11 *n kt ■»!*» "tin - alws— WS*NSl—«* VLUII IW KM I |' * —°** '—- Matai>SrS«M-arsMM ... -|t I I - - OTlboM IW HW af Or nix in i ni»i« U aat la W ■M.Mwi*'"*'*' CMS ua ■! feafeow af (nftri. all «m nUm»Mf> ««. Cmm fm M.IIW «aral. « rliMir * *«h" K , SnnMi ■■ Llt la tM» aShor aui bin HUB srascaimux a VIUB IX AUTAXCR MnrtSStlMOSne »ilha»i«.a. K C.v SII laiCln. Kail Sum FBIDAT. JrjtE 21,1901. ksmimb it tk cmzm. At a meeting of the citiiens ol WiUfemstoa, held ia the Court House last Monday nigbt, looking fo the betterment ot our school facil ities, the foflowing resolutions veto adopted expressing the unan imoas aeatiment of the town upon Prof: C. W. Witson's leaving the charge of the Academy here. By as this announcement, that Mr. Wilsoa has severed his con ■ectfen with the ucademy to enter the field of the graded school work fe raceised with deep feelings of aorrow aad regret. Wo realize that hia leaving means great loss to oar school interests aad Ijithe entirecommßaity inn general way Daring the three rears jest past, ia which the academy haa beea ia the charge of Mr. Wilsoa, we have observed with ia tenet the steady program aad growiag iutermt which has gone on ia our school with perfect harmoay aad anisoo. Bis werh has beea thorough, aad aaraestly aad tmthlully executed. The iastrnction given baa beea of a high ordor aad thorougnly satis factory: the at tendance has in creased aad the school has shown maailest thraft under his manage ment. The community has en joyed school adraatages •a degree of excellence of whice we hare beea justly proud: the in fluences have beea both intellec tnally aad morally enlightening. The community has felt these in finencm aad it is aow with a deep censeof regret that we see Prof. Wilson go oat from our midst to take up the work elsewhere. Aad for this faithful service and cMkiiat work,and tor theenobling influences caat in the community, we aow desire to express to him oar heartfelt thanks and apprecia tion. We recognize that hia going from as is oar loss of a scholar, an efficient teacher, a christian gentle man and a good citizen; and those among whom he may go we - *ost highly recommend him. ~ In his new career we wish him dsmrrsd success, aad ws will ever remember with appreciation the good work which lie has done in oar community. i Geo. W. Newell, i Committee * Alfred K. Wbitmore, C C. D. Caratarpltea. * Willis Met on, N- CL, Jaae 13,1901. KMHFM IMMUFIE As the first gleam of old Sol flit | tod actum mother earth oa Wed aeuday moraiag. Jaae 12th, there aeeaaed to be a cloud baaked agaiast the distaat horizon, but as the saa climbed from behiad the f eastern hills, flooded the earth , with amgaificeat splendor, kissed , the dewdrop from every leaf aad ileudi from sight,people I the streets, weadiag ith oae accord to the rh. Here it was that oar people beheld a he like of which has d aay holy suactoary i before aad hardly aal was ever sea; ia l chaaeel stood aaoctft beaatifally decorated eea, aroaad the chancil pit was eatwiaed white ically looped aad eoa > perfectly with the | % What MM* all thie? a perfect •fey—a ullitalt of people—ft Audi oo beaahfally fewilri,Hj iddcd lu (II tbi« UIHIV KTWD lo here ieftwl her prell teat robes •ad birda from ertrj branch chaa ted their ooftot sad aveeteat fere. Umeftfta that witbia this holy ediSoe, before thie concourse of people and beneath thie arch one of Plymouth's feireet daughters was sooa to plight her troth to the msnol her choice. At 7:25 a carpet of purest white was spread down each itle and the bridal partj entered" the cLurch keeping time to the sweet notes of Ihe organ nnder the artistic tonrh of Miss Mamie Clyde llaMell The attondaata took their positioos in and aroaad the chancel as fel lows: Mr. Warren Biggs of Wil liamstwa, with Mim Sadie Meakia, of Baltimore; Mr. Chas Godwin, of WHfiaaistoa, with Mim Anna Savage, of I'lymoath, Mr. Edwin Nichols, of Windsor with Mim Ida Hamell, of Williamsteu; Mr- 11. B. Sedberry, of Plymouth, with Mim Lilliaa (Jreen, of Loaiabarg Mr. J. J. llassell with Mim Both Harden, of Plymouth; Mr. FranK F. Fag an with Mim I'anline Hani son, of Plymoatb; Mr. Alonzo Haaaell,of Williamstoo, with Mim Nona Brinklej of Plymouth; Mr. Dennis Biggs, ot Willfemston, with Mim Annie Mae Walker, of Creewell; Mr. Karier Crawford, of Williamaloa, with Mim Lnfz, cf Baltimore. The bride entered lining on the arm ol her uncle Mr. Walter Wiboa f ol Greeavilfe, while the groom waa attended by his best man, Mr. W. 8. Snmmerill, of Wen ton. The bride waa fol lowed by little Mim Florence Horn thai, cariying the ring in a silver tray, then came the Uahers; Mr. K. IL Marriner, of Eden ton, and Messrs. E. D. Carstarpheu, James Norman and Arthur 'lies son, of I'lyniootb. At the chancel rail stood the Her. Itobt. Willis, of Edenton, who nccordiug to the beautiful ritual of the M. E. Church, with the golden band and innovations of Uod pronounced the eolemn benediction which made Joha Lin wood Hamell and Blanche Walker lferden man and wile.' The bride ia the eldest daughter of Mrs. M. S. Harden, who with her angelie grace, sweet innocent beauty and gentle manners has long been considered one ot the truest types ol Southern woman hood, who to know was but to lore. The groom ia and hu been for some time an officer on the N A- S Steamer Plymouth, where he has made a host of triends and won an enviable reputation with his company. The bridal presents were numer ous and the most costly ever given in this town. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. llasarll left on the 7:50 train lor Buffalo, X. V., where they will spend ten daya before returning to their home in Wil lfemston, S.C. The bridal party was giren a royal reception Tuesday evening at the home of the brides mother on Washington street. '-The Doctors told me sir cough waa incurable One Minute Cough Cure made sse a well SMB.'' Xorris Silver, North Stratford. X. ll.—Be cause you've not found relief from a stubborn cough, don't dftir. One Minute Cough Can haa cured thou* sands aa] it will care you. Safo and sure. C. D. CarcUiphen. ~ *° vcAm * ™ m a M ■ H ■■ k ■ j XMMK jwnua. if | ' 1 JS ' M«rnljßc&2us I To.*, pa wa 00. , i n. i rsaasf mn■■felly csmplsfe *•:' *>ie] bsalthy rivaL Da Wilt's Lit Bissn the femoaf pffle for Use will tuasoe the can* troubles. CL D. Cndeqihr NOTICE TO PENSIONERS la accordance with aw not of the laat General Aamlily, an persons aow aa the Can federate peaaioa list, either ssliiers, ar widow* of Noldiera, will be ie»|wi«e«l to make new application befoee ooaaty Board of r»asi»sa at the mart Hoaae 1a \Villuwslsu, on third ■ MOM lay ia Jaly, 1#)1, all turb aa are una We to attend in penea, ' Hull vad a certificate fo«a a! creditable pnysteian, linn- aad j 1 practicing aaedicme, lathe com-; maaity ia which *aid | shall reside, that the applicant i* , aaalife to attead. * Oonrn BOARD or Pbbicss. , I You assume no risk when yon buy. I Chamberlain's Coik, Cholera and Di nhcea. Remcilf, N. S. Ted & , Co. will refund yo»4 money if you are not satisfied after using it. It is [ is everywhere admitted to be the most succeesful remedy >n use for bowel complaints and th oi !r •n» that never foils, l! is (>lcaaant safe and reliable. N. S Peel & Co. i MR. EUGENE Will I t DEAD, r It is with deep regrete that we r chronicle the death of Mr. Eugene ■ White, of Scotland Neck. He is well and favorably known here, having been a student in Prof. Wilson's school two years.. He was a ddi gent student and expected to enter college in the falL His congcnialitr with the young, and his courtesy andreupect ix the aged had won for him a host of friends here, and these mourn his death as a personal loss and extend their sympathies to the bereaved family. He Ifet us a few days ago the picture of roburt health, and so s on cut down at the veiy threshold of a bright and hopeful youi.g man hood. Truly "God mo- es «n mr sterious ways his wond- r*= »« per form." but he never tea* • rk half done. Whatever of i. to you, let it be filled * . effort; the end may be i> you now su pose. Ihe Enterprise joins hi& l. friends in sym|>alhy. Summer Clothing. Straw llai«, Etc., at Eli Gurganu*. NOTICE r, .ittar thrdrik W IW : ap t nCoait ol Nwlu CMMialkt «em»l p> iTrdUf mMW 4hi I*4 UvvitaJ ■|W mi llu J Cm «•>>• willk !M>, _,li wll si (VCuart knw,|> VOiuatha nm ■l, aa. ■»'. «fcr 1.J»«..« Uad M ,a i tract ul UaJ la ««im Cmm, »IJ—IW BklU ASLRI ■ * HKL am Ike NOTIII n«»«ni|li «kklwlMltr VMM nl IMbM.I ikr Flaw A«di« » Wnl iMnM IW -U Xtha trmt. Mlmi., w «o« WT w ItM TnmolSilr IIK halloa a»! Uks. m IbtH* Mikt I™ a, W all ■Mh *, fnvnl J ■•rirrrM oa l IrTTnl |aiam .y,i / aanlrr NOTICE Julia n H(r>. MaialiS T*. Kaai 11. vt MaU>. lylcaUat. TV lltfraalißl ilmr Hani mill l>Lr Mln i thai the alow ralltk-4 atlaa h» Ura aauila I l"t 'a Ihr laprfH loan u trnia aa I ■ ami! w? waard ntaraaUt at Ikr Ciwl; H«aar la WUUaw«.aaa Ihr jnf -- - aa Sp» j ■ ahca aaj ahrn IkMniaaa tu anaai aad aaawn .aikaaa to IW ■■ -lil.ia j "hfch haa hrra da!, IW Thai tha paifaac ol : lha atu«M u 4nUrr Ihr pliald . at lr ta a! Iran 4 la ad ia aaad r laaly.haaaaaa Ihr Nrlaa J Wairnlaad. aad krolaic ihr drl . In lr aa ! aay ialrmt Ihr ma aad la arl af aa aUryrd la« drrd. rarratrdhy H * Willi HaC C Walrta Tha. llh Say 1 Jaar l«rl S »*i J a HOSBV Clara Safnla Caact- I once asked my dainty, phaialy dressed maid, why woikiag-girls wore such unfit clothes on the meet "Well, yon see. ma'am." she said, halt ia pity, half ia d tease, ••the poor thiaga hare no other place to wear them." Do yon suppose that that is *hy so maay of their mis tresses habitually do the tame thing?— Helen Watteraoa Moody, in The Ladies' Home Journal for Jaae. OUUITEEI SIIAIT |gj||j YEARLY )lnaala«ana(|ndaMßv.b n; —1 hlraari apfnatiaf ap-ut «f -ra lor ! total wort loahrag after taar mlr alar/i laaraaM irartj nln oaa . j a»r». tm»M ad.aa.fraa, , •' 1 Gaaad chaacr for rararat —■ I ftanrtHaaM. irwant ; ■a>«a aadfaiair Xta. hriK. ITIFFM PUSS, ijChaich itrrct. Kca Harm, ML "S ■ ■ ■ Vfi , I ' A surgical operation ia not taxes. 1 ssry to cure piles. DjWilt'i Witeh 1 llaxel ffelre mves all that trpirn aad asm fails. Bewars of coaater J feita. C D. Caretarphea. 1 - X Ilnnolvoiit l Amt I Lis* of T«v>!vwitT«*M of M*rll« V' If for the yiar HfOO: — Jtofirilii Township •IF T B -rt v ' aft Canr.ty f2 19 BBn'Mord* " « 201 Tbos Boston u - 300 BL Downing « M 203 FOrmO H 2 00 W C Ferrel! - .44 ltftflMTM " 2 00 r Hoary Jane- •* * ( 202 l/*rir A Jmm 23 ii»!r Knight left coanty 200 WKModlin la Prison 2 00 I W T Moor* J>ft Ooonty - U 8 I. Owao* 2 00 '8 J Stidn * left connty 2 *"0 'lJohn Savage M 200 I I B?oj Todd Dud ' 211 ; . 539 13 jJ~T~~"~'WillUk«Ni Township JA J Doxler Left County * ! Abcer II J* hn " " 200 Henry Perry "" w""» 200 Joans i'erry - f7 00 WitJUmston Township W H Ben.n«tt J7 lanph B dteonett l*ft County 2 00 llaudeßdker " M 'Vjlfjr Dogma 2 01 Jto M Ha*self left county ICO Albert Holley " a flenijr Uthlß 2 01 lUirr McLin left county 217 Wm M Kt] Jeft-county 200 Geo R Rjberson 2 0® Alonzn Rogers Left County 202 HwuyOodo >o° J --fry Thorns* left county 200 K*fi6 Croaa I*«OAls' Townabip J 8 >h«nc * Loft County 200 Perry Evftrett. Win Kwell - 17 Geo D Mooley Dead 2 00 F A Moore Left BUte 2 OX Willi* not found 200 John Wbitfleld left county -'' WP.Whitaker 0 It 74 lSobersOnville 'owisLip T W Anlr«*w- "* - Tiieo Hrown lef. rnnty - n J II i £ . *v n i: •«..) vfw ■pf'lw: i«-f« county 2»w ~\ ri*,.*.. .. - 2 W i •> * 1.4-' ** ;-■ 2 L$ J i»- Alienor '• " 2 00 Am oiia>es • 44 2 00 Kk-.«*d Oriu u | " '2 23 TI -I -i.t B ' . 1 i J 21H J T una 'eft (mfy 0!) W i Aim n.i . , 3 17 j Jaw* Mo. i ng lefteoiinty 2 t>o f II Y.»kw n Hrti! i 0" Hei.iy K»be -on left cot* nty 2 ti 1 Ziclun* Rica ? 17 J R Bai:« (to old) 227 Kolert Willi, 2 00 Tobe Wooten left county 210 " 40 0» Poplar Point Township Se*lfc» ctorn 2 00 JE 8 K.wen dea l 2 o> j James ilatioll left County 200 i('li» l>irken» " 2 00 | llandy GrinMo 07 An Jennings dead 2 00 Thou Sheppanl 2 00 1J 07 IlaailtM Township I' F Bm*H lefl county 2 25; Pet or E II I»Err rati •« - 2 43 • K F Hooker " " 1' (HI W T Hooker ♦: " 2 00 j Ed Holley »• J 20 Cleveland Joaea **. * 300 Robert Knight • « 200 Jobn Pike «• " 22 Owen Spruill Jr doad 200 Carey Sasatlwood left county 200 William Thowa " " 2 06 TWo Weathers bee 2 00 P , ~ 2» 16 Goo* Xett Townahip Henry lirotra left county 2 *•! Jobn Boil " •* 2K» Henry Coward u " SlO Ji« Dj| berry 41 J G Glover 31>2 Jasea llarrell ±4i) W O Howard left conn'v iifc J F Jobaaon «•». Richard Jones (5 Mrs A Lynch er? »r I^7 I>rtw Manning l r .'. roenty 202 Sterea Sheriol •• 262 , Hesty Sal»bary * •» * IM> i W iilCsvas* 2 00 ill? T, u! laeolveatv , a County 108 17 J- C- L'rswforJ, fbanh' 35 4i of ManonOeuiity. | Approved Pg»rdLjdL«Com' ■ ! .«rioi «T*, c Martir Cc only, nnd orroi i to b> « iblisbo.l ac- wcding to •Le v.oVifh 'g 11 lav. Tt.S 21st lay af May 1' ML Mai. mag, ' ~ Ckxk Bwrd- ■■ . 'i.i.sssi lijliil I II^IW "I- '* I' I LL 1 - Dyspeptics caapot be long lirod be . cai« to lira requires nourishment. ' Food is not nourishing until iWs dl gated. A (liaoidereil stomach cannot 1 digset food, it aiust hare assistance. Kodol Ifvapepsia Cure digests all kinda of food without aid from the I stomach, allowing it to rest and re ; gain i:a natural* elemeuts , : are ex ietly the saute M the natural digestive It: da at I it ateply can't , help ou good. U. D. Carstar > phen. ' " " " ■ >TO HOCMTAIK AND BEA } snoitE itLsoirra , VIA SEA BOA ED AIR USE RAILWAY. Before completing srrangsmenta for , your rummer trips or deciding upon II places at wbicb !o spend the summer, ' yon should^call on Ticket Agents and ' Passenger Representatives of the Sea board Air Line lUilcay. They are i specially prepared to furnish infor J nation as to lowest rater, quickest D schedules and most attractive routes -* to the Mountain Resorts in .Western North Carolina and Southwest Vir ' also to the Seashore Itesorts of Cceaa View, Virginia B*scli, Old J Point Comfort, the great Eastern Re -1 «orts along tbo Jersey Coast and r oth*r popular pl*M reaibad via the i Seaboard Air Line Railway. This > 'Company is offering lower rates than > ever wilb perfect train aervicc and I fast tbroogh schedules- It will inter r sal aad benefit yon to call on Sea > board Air Ui« Railway Agent*. > 3XBI • ' Mr. Jamsa Brown of Portsmoulh, ' Va. over 90 years of age aaffered for ' years with a bad sore oa bis face- I Physicians could not help bin. De- Witts Witch Hanoi Salve cared him ( permanently. O. D. Carstarphen. J CESTftAL ACADEMY an Industrial and Training School 1 tor hoys aud yoa'og men will be •rjn j|> .liili ;:il rUS?MM! Oct Mt 190*. ■ *v j, ViHtitg '««►?> !e-=iring io go to . j..) in part with work • nay iitc 1., it's at o*c« Twenty - .»• t» arc tiesucd immediattlyt ' 'or f.,rm * '»rk, ( for carpenter's work, t lor maso*»a.-y and plastering, 4 for painting and I or j fir printing. " For further pai.'-cullrs aidrcss R Ev. Chas. a. Tavioa, Principal, I ittleton,C, tf Skh ) 2ifS ii 3 ti. **Wili Wonders «ver d w* * inquire the friends «! Mi*. L. lVa+e. of Lnw rencr. Kto I'hev k..ew ?he had been nt'.aH; *io l» ie li-r tod in ->even years on «• o:irt f kidney and liver tr-.iib Kiritioa and gen ei >4 1 it" ; b:', • , ih:ee bottlei of ' £i>vtri • L .er» . tabled me to walk,'.' ' »».• mr .»n I tl ;ee months 1 ] felt like a new j erson, ' Women *uf» [ fering from llwikch*, Dacksche, ' Nervousness, -1 rholy, Fainting s'«d D ixy Sp j !)s will ' find it a priceless bUraing. Try it. I Satisfaction is guaranUeJ. N. S. Peel & Co. Only 50 rent*. 1 V3RLOHEIOWIE3 PARKER BU66IES. | D • ftfftir. RsfeifsiGiille. N C » lis UFE SAVES ly CkiaktrMi'! Mir. Ckiiira u. 4 Nniktsi Rnzef. ' .. *1 am gurc that (.Titrtberiais'i ' Co'ic. Cholera and Oirrahoca Remt'- edy at one time saved my life," says A. F, Lafaletle, of Gregory ( Landing, Clark county, 'Missouri. , " I in such bad shape .that the ( doctors said I could not live. When ( I was at the lowest ebb, one of my , neighbors brought in a bottle of I Chamberlain'* Colic, Cholera and I Diarrhoea RemeJy and 1 took it 1 and got instant relief. I soon got I up and around. That was nine I years ago and 1 am still in good ; health. Since then that meJicin* I has always been in my house and , always will be. It Is the best on earth." For sale by N. S. Peel & Co. : ftttntin TIDWTI I V«M dMiw balM :«» •" R*i i»i Act of . ici. which mmf ■ hont*r t * •• font**: 1»X A! '. I • EI.USC GOODS. ! Vtm c? I • a!nik*iK A **fir deectiptioe, as J ARtIA. U' . . „Li. v-k ' t c«;.a*ETTasaa u»«- ' J I-- !.*- '■ I ts' A..V. IM PI ST »L*. BowV-Kalw ,,.Metal K- act*.. % H(I ftccnar m s*•" | «U xrrchaau «lu atKsay Wwn|t which f |«ttkn of IK. lUumlif ntafjiKt aa Hw , Dot. Stodiralrd HOm Oua|»tiM fidrr • 1 CbccTjr (Un. imafr dlff, M»ml» cMer r f it limil—l11 >aw|i |H will haw Mcoapit with thr ' law giaatiag liqwr Hcraar. oi l* Sntii ad lc« I tLaoTW>.n»itK4a>>rauß(haa Pi«r-|iaclrol ■ Mlaiiw iapibadullmlhathßrMaUM •ttanriku Itetjas at thr di*cmfc»a Of bn ouait Oaa*lhorsf«WaKr»whot*v •adarUHoraca , h'praSt aaannaa JiJ*. AJI *6 for mhttflf aarauoard tarn arc he "ctijr acr'Sol u> came t'an! aad accat* {icraar a.' o».c aad aa a fr -jbl-c a*t cxpeaac. Wtjr iuv.«f' 9». / J. C C» ,* K.>St»». «Ki« j Pfgj*, Si'd dea'h follow negle-1 0/ t*e bo* df lia» lie Witt s Li*ti* l'-arl; to ie«*lM# >b*m ana yoi- a ~ add years to your lilt and lil«* to yoor yean. Eaay to take,] oevw giipe. C. D- CsnUrpbo. ... Saves Tw Fraa Nad. "Onr little daughter had ad almost fatal attict of whooping focgh aod broncbitia," Writea Mrs. W.K. Hatri land, of Armonk. N- Y., "bat, when all other remedies failed, saved her life with Dr. KIDR'C New Die. covery- Our naice who had Con sump tion in an al»nnced v atjy*e, also need this wouJerful medicine and to day aha is perfectly well.'' Deaparate throat aiid long di»e t*«a yield to Dr. King'a New Discovery a« to no otinr medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. W)c and 91.00 bottles gnaranteed by N. S. Peel & Co- Trial bottles free. NOTICE. Purauant to Mw Notice U brrrtiy ji.-rn thai application wiil be amir to the Bnaid of Canlv Commi-.iouer* to out k> Ihr nndrnifwd licence to rrlall (piiflbMil mil liqaor* for •is month«. us. t9* tb« village of llaaacll. N CT*i MhrU* county. TfcU Kay iftth.-^oi. r x.nusnf. J Didi't Marry fir KM«K The Boston man, who lately mar ried aaickly rich young woman, ia happy now, for be got Dr. King'a Now Life Pills, which restore! her to perfect health. Infallible for Jaun dice Uillioucnes.*, .Malaria, FWr and Ague ami all Liver and Stomach troubles. Gentle but effective. Only 23c at N. 8. Peel & Co. NOTICE Punr.iant to Law Notice Is hereby glvea that applkntion will I* m*«ic to the board of Coanty CotniutiMMotirrs to grant to th« onderMgnH lkruac* to tetail npirituout matt tiqanr* for tAx month*, hegifiiug July Ist. lyul, at the T«yW»r More in Martin county This May i6tb, lyoa. •4-4 C J. J. WFAVF.K &CO A WORTHY SI) CCS SOB. "Soaatfcla{ Nat Vafer Tit Saa. AH Doctors have tried to carer A TAURAII by the use of powders, Mid gaMes.i abaters and dtugs in paste form. Thair powders dry op the mn cuous uiemlraaes causing ■ them to crack open and bleed. Tha powerfii aoid used in tha inhalers have entire* |y eaten away lbs same membrane* that tbe'r makers ba«aai»«J to cure while pastes and ointments cannot resell the disease An old and e*per ienced practitioner who baa for many years made a close r'ndy and special cy of the treatmeut of cATTARAH ban at last perfected a treatment which when faith'ully uttd, not only relieves af once, but permanency cures OATARRA.H, by removing the cauae, stopping the dMcfcargas and curing all intl immaticn. It ia the only remedy known to scifnce that actual ly reaches the affiictod parte. This wonderful remedy is known as "SNIFFLES the tiUARA NTKKD CATARRAU cL'RK," and is sold at the extremely low price of Ona Hol lar, each package contaiiing internal and external medicine sufficient for a full nan lbs treatment and everything necessary to its perfect use. "SNU KFLKS" in the on!/ potfcct cATAURAII CURE ever made and ia cow racognixad as the only safe and-positive cure for that spnoying And disgusting disease .It alao cures inflammation quickly and perm in ently an i is also wonderfully quiik Jo relieve lIAY rSVEU or cOLD in the HEAP. cATARKAH when neglected ollen leads to cONSU Ml* HON —"SS L' F FLES" will save you if you use it at once. It ia no ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positive* ly guaranteed to cure cATARRAH, in any form or stage if used according j to the directions which accompli % each package. Don't delay but send j for it U on«e, and write full particu !ara as to your eoadition.and you will receive special advice from the dis coverer of this wonderful remedy re garding your case without coat to yon beyond the regular price of "SNUF FLES" the "GUARANTEED cA TARRAH cURE." Sent prepaid to any addreaa is the United Statu or Canada on receipt of One Jtollar. Addreaa Dept. c49I,ED WI« B: Guju £ CO., and £IS2 Market Street, Philadelphia. A TarrtMa EJ^IIJIOI "Of a gosoline stove burned a lady here frightful J y," writes N. E. Pal mer, of Kiikman, la. "Tie best doc tore couldn't beal the running sore that fallowed, but Bucklen'e Salvo entire!? cured her." Infallible for Cut*; Corns, Korea. Boils, Bruises' Skin Diseases and Piles. 25c at N. 8. Peel A Ci»p*ny. WORLD-RENOWNED PARKER . Bl T GG#E3 a~e«namif?>c*\irrri by D' B. Partsr, 2cl»ersonville, N. C. Vpu can't buy .a better buggy for the same money. Wuy order your biggies from a dis tance when you cut get a btltei OM. fight in your own county, for .fop 1 A. C. L. ATLANTIC COAST UHF. R R ( ML'ANV. COXDRWRKD KWEDt-LE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. »>ATEU C|!C| C| UJ | . A ■ .. ■ _ . . 1 A, Mr. W.J? M. A. ur. U. Inw Wcldm -i- " 5»! B}* AT. Uwcky ISt..--. « »A» •. P. M.| | Lravc Tarfauro 600.. .. I.v Kucky Ml » »s| 10 n 6 .v| S «5 "5 1 Ijcavr Wilton .... 1 59; 10 40 7>« S 57' > -t« UITT ST lma « 55 11 18 j, I«* I'ayettnvtlle- 4 J/' U J5, " 1 At. Moreuce 7 is{ 2 40 j r, M.|A. M I , AT iold*hor» —..... 7 55 - I I.v. *.oki*horo ... .... —.. I 45; 33° I.V. Maf»noli;t 7 s*' 4 & AT. Wiuariatgtoat. 9 TO-- 600 F M A. M V. M. TRAINS GOING NORTH/" i'sqJ 12. -■ XIT I*. M.I LT Klomir* ..... VSO 7J5 I.v. VntltovlUe t» 15- 94' IXJURC Seluia 1 " Jsi Hilaon a JS' »A . ATT ?. M A M, 1 L* Witraiuatun I 7 « |» I.v Maaunlu I » J« " » l.v. I _4 50 V 37 11 * pM ! ~A M !p. M. PM. Uan WCNA » XII 5J5 >* *3J 10 45 1 1,1 Ar. Rocky Mt 3 Airivr Tarb.»ro . J 6 4FC j - l.ravf Tarboro... a3l j—— j- - L». K«*ky Ml .... 3»J A,.W,U» JN P i: A.' M* Y. M 1 Yadkin iXviaion Malu I.ln.—Train lrav»« Wll niingtun. v ou • m . arrivt» Kayetl«*llle n« P HI tav-c. Fayrtlrvilte it»s p. m , arriv«» ha»- furU 143 p. in Rrtiiruliig l»ov«a ttantord 305 p. i„ , arrivr I'ayrtteville 4» P M . LMLV ' l-«y««e --villc 4 wp. ia , ainvtn Wiiiiimiftmi 915 p. 111. LH-M>rtt»vilk Urancb Train havfi J®* 7 " I^l rilir SOS a. 01, Maatoo 905 a m , Rrf 9 M a. ni . I'arktoii I«4I •• M., Ml>|>r Mill* 10 55 a. in arrive Payrttcvtllc 11 la Rttanuai Lavt» Fajwltrvllle 4 45 p. m„ Hop* Mills 5 00 p. M.. KTD T.l'HN** 5 4,1 P 111 1 Marion 6 16 p. at., trim* B«I --"cwatdjoS at Kayrltevlllf with train No. 7S. ol VavUtii with Carolina Central Railroad, at Rctl Si liiiK* with the Red Spriup and Bowraore raU nud ut Ikintotd with the Seaboard Air Line and Saithem Railway, at Calf jrilh the Uurham and Charlotte Railroad ou tlic Scotland Neck Branch Roo'l WcVt.m 1 pui , Haljf«» 4 I7P- n« . ScoJ lancl Keck j 9"» P m , preeuyflle 6 7 p. pi., |vjn ton 7 55 11 in Kcluf»iii»g Uavpii K7 g >" Creenviltc s 51 a in , »living A I l| !»»■ Weldon 11 JJS 01.. daily eacrja ttngajr. rrainaon Ua«|iiiigtun Htanth leave Waahin|- lou »toa. w . and J 30 p. 111, arrive Parnielc 9 10 a m 4ou p. in., rrlnrniiig leave htrmcle 935 •• an aiid 6 30p. in., arrive wonhiuKtou Moo a. aa». and ; *1 p m , daily eaceot Sunday. Train fcatea Tbrlwru N. C., dally except ««"- davswp. in., Sunday 4'5 p. »' . arrive* Ply mouth -4D I. TO . T> 10 p. 111., Returning, leavea pl.HKMl'tli ilaily txcept Sunday, ,7 50 N m., and (I.iiday »OU a. M., arrive, 'L'arboro 10 10 a. M , " rndii on Midland C. Braiich leave. C.ol«l»- borodailv. except Sunday, suq 3. . "d™| Si it3ifiefd 1.10 f. in , Retuniliifi kaitu Siuithbi 'd -roa m . aiiiv ► I.' litt«roß a lu. ' ' *L*iain) ON Naihvtllr lnancli leave Roiky Mount AI ■ 11(0 a WI., 14*1 UU| arrive XAHLTIIUC I° I° S miOJ p. ill., SIINFFII hope 11 4; N M T" P . KHuintug LEFVE SprKig FLUPF 1110 J. »11.,4 55 L'-i"- F«.;4I»ille IMS a. « , 5 *J P I"-, AU'VE »« WFI ViLilil 12 I" B 111,. 6 OI»P in,, daily eaprpt SR,|ida J, Trul.l ON TLCINA HIALIFL' TM V *» V# R N«S[ ?"/ Clinton dailv, fxcspt *UIUUY, M 4SI M-. »"d 4'l P II RMui'idng leave. CltaWu », ILL., and ' fiain No 78 make* close conntction nt Weldoo for all points Notth daily, all rail via Richmond. H. M; FMKRSON, CCJ'I I'aMCiitfer Agent, F. R KHNF.Y, Ccn'T M>II.XW I'. M. KMKRSON, Traffic Maiiage.. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Thw pn-paratluo nontaiQH all of th 4 di/riianta and digest* all kinds oi food. It glvui Instant relief and natref fails to cure. It allow* yon to eat all the food you want. The most aenalltva fltomacha can take it. fly Its use mat y thousands of dyspeptics have been after everytbinK else failed. It ia for all stomach troubles. H ean't Mp bat do y«« C. P.CAUSTARPIIEM K CO. ——— 111 _ At«wi|, MM. Krer ilnrp the ftrat >MHWN of ■» MAIN thev w«I» T»ry Irregnla. a.14 } außared with gnat pain la my hipa, back, atnir.arh and LEI*. "ITH terribla hrmfimg DOWN pain* in the abdomen. Vfc'ia* I>» paat uKioth I havo be taklrg Win. of canl«| »ud Thodtord'a What Is life ararik la a waaaa aaMar. h| Ilka lutii Davis ssflaraff Yet ffkfra are arsmaa ia HiettsaaA at kaaMS •Ma»»*# l"t bearing tkau tarriMe awstraal paleela mem, Ifjfenare aae el tkese wa want te say thai iiits WINE OF CARDUI •* hriaj f*a Caa seie yaarself with the kanHKfi (#al 1,000,000 aromrh kava baan eampletely carad hy Wine el CirduL Theto weal ea tufared (ram Iwcorrhoaa, Irragular peases, haarfacha, backache, and ksarw) I phn. Mint at CsrdiH {*M slay all thaaa aaha} rains tar jaa. Parchue a $1.09 Ic'mi « Viae al Carta! to-day and tike It In M» prhraey el year haata. • ■ Thm ClMtl I Him NedlciM Co, I.UI aiwcm, w Yea. : Ji U . NOTIfiR. y PG,r«»nt ,t > Law Notice H hereby RB mm Ifif a.ip'icatiaa win be made to the board of County Cuauuidogtn to gnat to the andenigneil licenae to retail apiritucn ■ and malt Hqnora for «tx rnootka. be«imi«N Jay I*T, 1901. at the J. K MKUM Store ia Cold loiat Martia county. , Tkia Sl*? I- R MMA> " T. K ACP , . ."