THBNRHYERPBISE. rCBUSHim *TK*T miDAY WniUmOtm. N. C. 7 AJ.MKD R WIIITMORR, , . . KIM TOE AND rrautm . i If • MlMCTiber wi>he the paper (topped the paMtoher mutt he notified «nd tubacription pU mp Advertisements on which no •J>rci6c buihlkt Of insertions i« mxrkM. will be marked "till forbid" and charged up to date of diacoutinu •ace. Ej| Adverti«rm?nt« discMtSa«H- be fore Hie time contracted for ha* «*|>irrd wilt be charged irtn ffi'' fl—l talct for the time actually published. No communication noticed without the. name of the writer accompanies it- not to l»e pub lUhed, bat ana jruaranteeof |?«>od faith. (Banaew UocaU 5 cent* a tine Obitnaiiea and Resolutions of Keapect. all over la Uocs. 3 cent* a line. Copy for Advertisement*, or change of Ailm tbenentA. «u«t be in tliia office not later than Wednesday noon. SCBSCIIIPTION fi.oo A VHAK IN AUV Wt l ■1- ■■ Kntered at the Poat Office at Williuitutuit. IN. C.. a* Second CUm Mail Matter FRIDAY, AUOIIST 16 1901. Our James ville correspon dent tells us in hia items this week that Jamesville is to have an Artesian Well. Wecongrut ulate the citizens of Jamesville on this move, and wish them auooess. Williamston/should fol low their example. Mr Porter, of floldsboro, a blind man, and a piano tuner by profession, who is now in our town, has been the victim of some very dirty horse-trad ing. Last Saturday week he was in Scotland Neck and his horse being lame from a sore knee, he wanted to get another horse to take his place. Evidon tsUySome unscrupulous horse dealer in that town took advan tage of the man's blindness and traded him an old horse thnt was really in a condition than the lame one, taking as boot sl7 the tuner had receiv ed from friends and had work for. The following week Mr. Porter wrote this party a note telling him the horse did not Suit and if he would return the sl7 he could have both horses. To this the trader replied that the horse wasall he had claimed him to be and that lie could not refund tho money. Mr. Porter 's new horse when down in the stables cannot get up. Mr. Porter told us yesterday that he has been' tuning pianos in this county for 8 years and tor 29 yoars has been making a living by (his means. He also said that he would bo glad to tune the pianos of any one who had not already engaged some! one to do the work. \Ve our readers, or those having pianos to be tuned, will give this gentleman an opportunity to tune them. The citizens of Williamston have contributed some sl4 or sl6 toward help ing him purchase another horse. We can't realize how any man, too matter how depraved, or unscrupulous, cau take advan tage of a 1 blind man, WASHINGTON "LETTER (From our regular Correspondent I Washington, Aug. 12th, 1901. What will the U. 8. Industrial Commission say about trusts, in its report to Congress upou which its members are now supposed to be working? The steel strike and its complications have served to bring this question to the fror.t. The Industrial -Commission gave "" exhaustive hearings on the trusts, and their relation to labor and busiuess, and the report should be of more value than such things usually are. It it should be Unanimous, it unquestionably ■would be. Hut if there be two re ports. signed respectively b*y the majority and minority members of the Commission, they would hare BO more value nor carry any more weight than the usual partisan re ports pat out by a Congressional Committee. Representative Liv j| Itagton of Georgia, a member of the Commission, Baid in the course of •n interview: "There is one sub ject the Industrial Commission proposes to handle without gloves and that is the trntt question, and how it affect* both capital and labor. The troat question is the moot important problem wo have to consider, artd it will be disposed of first. In view of the present conflict between Capital and Labor, the consideration of this important subject will call together a full at* tendance of the members of the Commission. No one can now suggest what the recommendations of the Commission to Congress will be* but I trust and believe it will be independent of political bins mid free from partisanship. It is not n political question, tor both republicans and democrates tire directly or indirectly associated with the various trusts. As things are going now, it will require prompt methods by the .Govern ment and extremely delicate band ling of the subject to prevent a revolutionary contest between capital and labor. This state of affairs cannot go cn much longer without serious consequences," Home members of the Knights of Labor and of the American Anti-Trust League, in Washing ton, have started a movement to aid the steel strikers by legal pro ceedings against the steel trust un der state anti-trust laws. They have engaged a lawyer and are ac ting largely under the advice of Ex-Attorney General Monett, ef Ohio, who claims that the mem bers of the trust in that state can be imprisoned under the state law. The same men arc trying to get Attorney General Knox to pro ceed against the steel trust under the Federal anti-trust law. Without questioning the justice of the public censure of Rear Ad miral Rolcy D. Evans, by Acting Secretary ot tho Navy, llackett, fpr having written in his book disrespectfully of certain officials actions of Hon. W. E. Chandler, when he'wasSecretary uf the Navy, uiany'are disposed to think that the censure would have been more seriously regarded ly the public at large had it been preceded by some sort of official action, showing that the Navy Department disap proved of the disrespectfully matir ner in which Maclay, one "of its employes, wrote of Rear Admiral Schley. THEIR SECRET IS OUT. All Sadieville, Ky., was curious to learn the c,iu«e of the vast improve* raent in the health of Mrs. S. P. Wbitaker, who had for a longtime, endured untold suffering from a uluonli: bronchial trouble. ''lt's all due to Dr. King's New Discovery,'' writes her husband. ''lt completely cured her and also cured our little grand daughter of a severe attack of \V hooping Cough." It positively cures Coughs, Colds, LaQrippa, Broo ch it in, all Throat and l.ung troubles. -Guaranteed lottlea f»oo and jl tM'. Trial bottles tree at N. H. Peel & Co. Now is your time to Sub«;i ibe to Tlio Enterprise, The Paragon Monthly and The Enterprise one year SI.OO, for Itotli papers. In cases of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest easy and have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while, It never fails. Pleasant to take, always safe, sure and almost instantaneous in etTect. lithe action of your bowels is not easy rai«l regular seriouscam plications must be the final result. De Witt's Little Early Risers will re move this danger. Safe, pleasaut and effective. Don't miss Hatch Bro's Dig Ex cursion. ASTOUNDED THE EDITOR I'Mitor 8. A. Brown, of Bennetts ville, 8. C„ was once immensely sur prised. "Through long suffering from Dyspepsia,'' he writes, ''my wife wss greatly run down. She had no strength or vigor and Buffered graat distress from her stouiaclCbnt sh« tried Electric .Hitlers which helped her at om?e, and after using our bottles, she is entirely wall, can •eat anything. It's grand tonie, and its gentle laxative ~ qualities nre splendid for torpid liver." For In digestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach and Liver trouble it's a positive, guaranteed cure. Only SoC at N. S. Peel -A Co. The law that holds this universe together is the law of affinities: like will bk«; Make Tottr 'thaice now for the go\£ things of time that go into eternity avfUi you,— August Ladies' Home JowuaJ. TO HAVE UEB CHILD. From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nannie Galleger, of LaGrange, Ga., applied (tucklen's Arnica Salve to great sores on her iead and face, and writes its quick cure hopss. It works wonders in Sorts, Bruises, Skin Eruption*, Cuts, Burns, Scalds and Piles. 25c. Care guaran teed by N. S. Peel & Co. To every person sending as 91.00 for a year's subscription to The Enterprise wit! receive one year's subscription to The Psragog mouMi ly free. Don't beratisfied with temporary relief from indigestion. Kodol Dy spepsia Cure permanently and com-i pletely removes th's complaint. It relievt*—pe£manen'ly because it allows the tired stomach perfect est. Dieting wont rest the stomach. Nature receives supplies from the food we eat. The sensible way to helpihe stomach is to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which digests what you eat and c .n'f help but do you good. FOR BALlT—,"bue Rtickeye Mower and Bake. Good as new. Call on Eli Gurgnniis. P. T. Thomas, Sunitervillc, Va., , "I was suffering from dyspepsia when I commence d taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 1 took several bot tles and can digest anything." Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure is the only prep aration containing all the natural digestive fluids. It gives weak stom acht entire rest, restoring their nat ural condition. Subscribe to The Enterprise. Mrs. S. 11. Allport, Johnstown, Pa , says: "Our little girl almost strangled to death with croup. The doctors said she couldn't live but she was instantly relieved by One Minute Cough Cue. Sell your tobacco at Robertionville James White, Bry'antsville, Ind., says DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve healed running sores on both legs. He had suffered six years. Doctors failed to help hiin. Get DeWitt's. Accept flo Imitation..- I, $45 GL»OGK FREE! For each and every dollar spent in CASH at our stores between now and DECRMBEK iST. 1901, we will give a guess at the number of pounds of tobacco that Will sold on This Market from the Opeuing Day until the Christmas Holidays. The person guessing nearest to tli,e correct number of poundl takes the clock. ~ The second nearest will get a Clock, \vortJi the third near est will get a Bowl and Pitcher, worth iic fourth nearest will gvt One Dollar's worth in Tj ade and the fifth nearest will get Fifty Cents iff Trade. The clock is 7J j fovt high, 19 inches across base and 11 inches dpt'p. Retail price $45.00. WR 3KLI. AS CHEAP AS ANY MERCHANT IN THfi COUNTY. G. D. & J. C. Roberson, ROBERSONVILLE, - N. C. ■ 1 | Announcement. Williamston /\cademy will bsgin its Pall Term Monday, September 9 th. Competent Corps of Teachers. J. W. Anderson, Sec'y KIRK! GO To^^^ R. L. Roberson's SALE th * 3* th 01 August 1001 and buy the following property: Two 24 inch Jack Screws; QouS'S Moving Maelnuo with 20 Roller?; Black 'Smith's tools un«l forge; Drill Press 6 1-2 inch jaws; VitH? and a big lot-ol' Household and Kitchen Furni ture, Etc,- TERMS:— Cash, j R. L. ROBERSON.! Tiittloton Fcmnlo College . One of the most proeperous inslittu lion* for the higher education of -rntißg women. I'amcea Water kept in the building. Ninteenth Annual Session begins September 18th. For Catalogue address President Rhodes, Littleton, N. 0. W. "\V. Waters, ~ ROBERSOMVILLE, N. C. A complete line of STAPH & FANCY GROCERIES Dry Goods and Notions We cull special attention to SYRUPS and POItTO ItlCO —-MOLASSES~*-> ISr-Givc mo a trial.-©t Fresh Candies always on hand. W. H. BIGGS, MERCHANT TAILOR Invites you to call and inspect his 3§prii|tj + and + §urr|mei'E CI .OTHINO for 1901 Choice productions. Correct fit* SUPERIOR WORKMAKSHIP. Biggs' Drug Store. f mlotoerhoodl Thegrniiient aiubition of Amor- M lean nif a nnd women I* to have I homes blessed with uklldiu)>. Hie 1 woman allliele,| with fcriinlc dU- I «IMW is coil-t.illtlv llii'llllocd M'ithl U-folllilljr It t'ilihlifSM to. Not medicine can restoro dead or- u gaus, lint Wine of Cafrlul doea 0 regnhitt> derangements timt pro- I I vent ooiioi>|iiitMi; dinin prevent I nii»carri«#rn; doea restore weak a funclions shattered nerves B and docs bring liable* to home* I barren* and denotata lor year*, g Wine of Cardul gives women the I lieallh and *tr»/ngtlv to bear heal- I thy children. You ean g»t n S di>(|iU' bottle Of Winn ./ CurdurM from your tritio>. WINE ,r CARDIfIi |W Mirkftftri(>i, ♦•lt inphls. Tenii., April 14, lnui. • In February. 1901* I tot k one bottl© of vilue of Csrdut and onu iMiktyf* of Thudfbrd's i lll uofe>Draught, 1 huifv* >.u murried fifteen yean rnil nad r.uvur given birth to a oil ft d until I Wok Wi t# oft'ardul. Nt»\r lam mother of a fine ÜbyKlrl which warboru March »1,1001, The baby woigha fourteen pound* and I £«d an well a» miy person coaltl fceL .*}}* '■ happy «nd ' never win ha vlihtiht ' srdui in niv l.ouw •gain, Mm. J, L\ |IMITH. >er sdvlee and literature. address, g'.virw Tus lahlimi' Advisory l&i+rZ ttai ii^ A fSr ee?e Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This pretuiration contains all of the difteatanU and digest* all kinda ol food. It If Ives Instant relief and new rails to cure. It allow* ron to eat all the food yrtu wSWt. Tiiu imxtt st-UMpva stomachs can rake it. By Its TnafcJ thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else filled. It is for all stomach troubles. If opn't k«|p but do y*u ga*4 r»cpa*ed mily by K. O, Usfftrr& ov, OUicaro l'bc sl. bottle UtW* IbeWi ala*. BO YEARS' f > copvwqhtß*C. I Aatotui tftfiaiiik- a sketch and dwoiiptfentmy «l«te*|y ascertain o»ir .'pijilou free why'he# an invoutt >n ts pr»»teabif paieuittMa C HUjUku v tUm# strict )y.ronadcntl*i. |landlMolLu« P%UiU# sent free. M(h»at eireiivy for FeeurtngjWMNila, I'AtiWis taken thnaikMi \iunu & Co. reeelva tpfd U without chwru-o, In the Scientific American. * A hvutenmolr lllnirtra*** w**klr. T«rrat t*r~ s^JSKa^aiSßaf miSMttssggfM Tiie duties of a godmother Id day are limited to making a present t'o the mother on the day of the chilil'a ctftotemnfr awd remembering'-to tend 3 small gitt to the child non* jiud then, —August Ladies' Home journal. \ * LEGAL XT)VEBTMEMENTB. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE! North Caroliua, • Martin Cuuuty Having qualified a> Kxtcutor of llotry B " cltdrctaard, notice is hrrtbjr giren tor all per wn> holding claims against said deeeaaed to pre sent to the »«der"igtied on or before the lMh day of August 1901, or this notice will b« pleaded in barof their recovery. This Aug. ife-'o'- 47 «t J. D. KvKMTTT. II ti KVKRKTT NOTICE North Carolina Superior Cour Martin County hofore J A. Ilol.tM, Clerk T. II combs vs. / _ Ivey Parker and wife and Sal lic Iluntsmon anil liusliand; William. The defemlants, Sallle Huiitsmon and husband William are hereby notified to appear before me at my oflftce in Williamstcn, Martin co.. K. c., on the 14th day .>f Septeinlier IfM, and answer or demur to the petittion filed in the above entitled Action. The purpose of this action is to have an Actual petition of certain lands lying near cono ho, N. c. between the plaintiff and defendants J. A. Hobbs, el'k Superior court Aug t»t, t9ol 45' 1 NOTICE North cftrolin** Martin county > ftupcrtor conrt Mary F I.illcy against Joseph Ulley The defendant above naui?d will ta kc notice ths an action entitled as above ha* lieen commenced in the Superior court of Martin county f«>r di vorce; and the mini defendant will further take notice that lie is required to appear at the neat term of the Superior court of Martin county to »* held on the 3rd Monday In fteptember 1901 at the court house in Mid county in Wiiliamatoti, n c ami answer or demur to the complaint in «ald action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief demanded in said complaint Thin fist Jnly lyoi J A HoBBS, 4V5t clerk Superior court NOTICE North Carolina) V Superior Court Martin County I Thoma* Mitel! against Vlilet Ml tell. The defendant above iistuel will take notice that sn action entit led a« sbove has l»cen com inenced in the Su|>erior court ofVartln county for divorce, and the Mid defendant will further tske notice that *lie is required to appear at the nest term of the Superior Court of Martin county in Williamfttoti, N, C., and siiMvcr or demur to the complaint in unid action, or the plaintiff will apply to ihe court for the relief demanded In *«aid complaint. Thi« t*t day of Aug. 1901. J. A Hobbs, CPk Superior Court. NOTICE) North Carolina) r "* > Superior Court. Martin County I Jiisepli |«. Rawln agaln»t Rebecca RawU It appearing from the afAdavit of Joseph h. RawU In this action that Kehecca Rawls the de feiulsat therein Is not to lie found In Martin county, and can not after due diligence I* found in the State ami It further appearing that »aid action Is foi dtvoice It I* therefore ordered, that uotice of this ac tum Ik* published once a week for *ix weeks in the tin v.«mi 111 s. M ttlng loith the title of the action, the purptiKe of the same and requiring the de fendant to aptxar at the (text term of the Su |h iior court of Martin County, to lie held on the jnl Monday In S«-ptetntier the Court house in said couuty and aimwcr or demur to the co«) plaint of the plaintiff or the leilef therein dr maiided will la- granted This rnt Aug 1901 46f>t ]. A, |ft>blis; Cl'k Sufierior.Court NOTICE; North Carolina) V Superior Court. Mortin County) Uattie r.ibb* against SiUi Gihhs The defciidaut al»o\x named will take notice that an action entitled a» above hat b en com ! nieneed in the Superior friurt of Martin county lor divorce and the said defendant will fuither that he is fcifulred to appear at the jjcjU tcrtii of tjujwr|oi Court of Mari|n [to be held on Ihe ud monday i|i SeptesU>er at Ihe CiM)rt hof|«e |u snid county in Willfatustoii. N C, anil answer or demur tp tfie s,*t|d iplion, wr the plaintiff w|U apply to .the *o|Ht M thf» tslp f deiifauded |}| »«i»l coptplaittt. I This is| duy Aug J A l|t»nu« . NOTICE. North Carolina \ Superior Court Martin County Marion IligglTVtrTlTxabeth Higgs The defendant ajiove named will notice 111$ ifU eniTtletl as above has n**n com meue«4 u. Hit £||isr|of 'Court of county for divorce, and the satd defendaui will farfhrt take notice that nhe is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 3rd Monday in September 1901 at tnii W'HiU in jafd county in Williams ton, N. C and auswer ar to Mi plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded iu said com plaint. This 3th Aug. 1901. 46-64 J. A !lobb«, Cl'k Superior Court NOTICE Having qualified as K* ecu tor of Milliard Bur nett, dee d, all persons indebted to said Hilliard Burnett are hereby uotified to come fowatd and settlea| oqct, v|l weivnis to yhom he is iqdelf tel w)ll present their claims id the uudciilgitetl for payment on or before )uly Villi.'l9ol. or thia notice will he pleaded in bar of ie.t>v«iy This July li, 1901 _ ' Teter W Burnett, Kxecutor Hilliard Burnett NOTICE ; Having qtialiAed as administrator of Samuei R. Moblev. deceased, this U to notify all persona indebted to said Mobley to conic fowanl and settle at once, and all persons holding claims against said Mobley will present them to the undersigned for payment on or before July asth iv"-> or thia notice will be pleaded in liar of their recovery. ■ Jnly it, 190* Eli Curganus, adm'r of 44-64- ' Samuel R Moblev b N()T^OE By \irtue ol an order of the isuptrto; 01 Maitin bounty taken at Match term iqqi, I s|fU sell for eash at the Coiirt Hodse pi Wi Ilia nut on on Monday, Sept. lftth, tgai, the same being Su perior Court day, the following land, to wit;-A tract ot land which was conveyed to Geo F Rob erson by W B Council and wife registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Martin county, adjoining the lamia of Council and othera, and containing t jo i-a acres more or leas to which reference Is made for a discription thereof, lor meets sua botndft, one other tract of land containing Vju I-a wh;ch was to Arcena'li iu the patiit#on ol the If nds of wh'}ch her tathejr Wlllfe.Council died aiesed a u4 numbered 3 iu the Jof tlif. wi>aiQUera who divided Um same aud reference is hereby made to said report duly registered in the office of said Register of Deeds in said county of Martin for the descrip tion of said tract of laud by meets and bounds- July 23, 1901 Wheeler Martin _ • Commissioner A WORTHY mum. "Smtkiu In Mtr TH Su. All Dbctort h*ve tried t n cure 0A- j TABBAH by th«*nM of powders, acid gaaes.inhalers and dings in paßte form. Their pewders dry up the ma cuous membranes causing them to crack open and bleed. The powerfu acid used in the inhalers hare entire* ly eaten away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while paatee and ointments cannot rtacb the disease An old and exper ienced practitioner who has for many years made a close study r and special ty of the treatment of cATTARAII has at last perfected a trefitment which when faith'ully UM>d, not only relieves at once, but permanently cures CATARKAH, by removing the cause, stopping the dixcknrgee and curing all inflammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actual ly reaches the alllictcd parte, This wonderful remedy is known as "BNUFFLE3 the GUARANTEED uATARRAIi c(JRE," end is sold at the extremely low price of One DoU lar, each package containing internal and external medicine sufficient for a full months treatment and everything ueceeeary to ite perfect uee. "BNUFFLBB" ii the only perfect oATAHRAH cURE ever made and is cow reoognised as the only safe aud poeitive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease .It also cures inflammation quickly and perman ently an lis Also wonderfully quick to relieve DAY FEVEB or oOiiD in the HEAD. oATARHAM when neglected ollen leads to cONBUMPriOSI-"SSUF FILES'' will save you if you uee it at onee. It is no ordinary remedy, bnt a complete treatment which is positive ly guaranteed to cure cATARRAH in any form or stage if used according to the directions which accompany each package. Don't delay but (end for. it at once, and write full particu lars as to your con4ition,and you will receive special advice from the dis coverer of this wonderful remedy re garding yeur case without coet to yon beyond the regular price of "SNUF- Ft«J{S" the "GUAJJAMTJSISD p*- TARRAUpUU)?." Sent prepaid to any address ii) the United Status or Canada on receipt of Que Dollar. Address Dept. c4 l Jl,En> WIN B: Giles 4 Co., 2330 and $532 Market Street, Philadelphia. ■ ■ . ■ ■ i. . L . a Kodol Dyspepsia Gaira Dly«at« what you DKNNIS SIMMONS, Pres. J, W. «»»*£«• JOHN ». BIGGS,Sec. It Trtv THE , DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. 0 AIANUFACTUNERA OF OHIED NQILTFL CAROLINA RFNELJJMBER AND DKNNIB SIMMONS BRAND CYPRESS SHI NO L'BS. WILLIAMSTON N. C. JRDORA AND CORRESPONDONWTSOLICITED. ■_ -M, ■ .1. J . U COUNTY AND CITV DUPOSITORY. " ' CAPITA! |y>oo.oo OF MARTIN COUNTY, Report oI the Condition of the Bank at the clone of Business, July 15th, 1901: KKSOURCKS. i.j.' UAHUTUH, I,a*ns jnd discounts °° Capital Stock fe.aoo.aa dvtrimn. 4 714} UMiv«o! * United stated Bonds Ijoo.oo certificates of Deposits f*.asj.aa furniture and Fixture* »W*s Dapooits subject to check fU.MI.«B Due from Banks fj.681.41 v * , us«««™"s» Cash Items $20.30 TOTAt, Silver Coin,lncluding all minor coin C'y fe.014.37 TOTAI, * , JM.164.j8 I. J G Godard, Cashier of Bank of Mirtiu County, do solemnly ss:»r (or a(*rm) thst the above sutemeiit is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. U. Ojdanl, Cashier. Sfate of Ijorth Carolina—gConotu of Martta. Sworn to and subscribed before me, thW JotVday of July 1901. W. K. Staabbs, N. P. ■ V • > > I I ■ 1 > ' ■« Wheeler Martin. Dennis 3. Bigg* MARTIN & BIGGS, MANUFHOTURER OF FURNITURE, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 'PEJQNS3:-OFL|;O J EAQTORJ- JC. GUARANTEED SALARY jjjjjQQJfEOlY Mm mid women of good kMim to nprewn as. aonte to travel (ppoin? tag tgeutm, others foe local work lookiag after our interests. J9OO salary guaranteed yearly; extra CJUirabutloni fad ex *> n.;,id old ettablisked house. Graa.l fpr igtnesl orwomnn LKfsarpJgra? l ! ynwiw jwUKw. Ircqnt and future. Mew, tir|r.i«nl lines. Write STAFFORD PRESS, tj Church Stmt, New Hang, Con. -•s*l A. C. L ATLANTIC COAST USE R E. COMPANY. COVDRMSED »C HEUL'LE. TRAINS GOING FCOL'TH. UATKD s Az&!s\ 5K tK Jan. ijth, 1,01. 0 | e f e -»•! «i 56 ? s it 5 I £ £=.g /. c z a ~A. M. p M P M. A. M. P. M. Leave Wtldou ... » y»i I s» Ar. Rocky M 1"..... I ooj 951 ' **• M ! Lrtrr Taetooro »* * w Lv Rocky Mi...... ' 05' 10 01 637 5 151 !» S» U«vr wilwn I 59; 10 40 710 ss; J Leave Selma a 55i ti |H I.v. Fayetteville.. 4 j"; l> 45 Ar. Florence 7 >4O ........ R. M.|A. M Ar. GoMaboro.... ....... 755 ........ Lv, UvMtlxmj . .....I 6«j Jj» Lv. Magnolia I 751 435 Ar. Wilmingtou.. I 9x> 6ea P. M | A R P. M. TRAINS COING NORTH. f-i g*'s *£• J6> n »|j a n a * —— —— m A.M. P.M.I L». Florence 9 y> 7 a Lv. Fayetteville.. u 13 » 4'j Leave Sri ma I 50 11 S3; ........ Arrive Wilaon IJJ 11 lj| A, M F. M. A. M. L*. Wilmington. 100 9 » Lv. MantoUa » J« Lv. Uoloiboro 4 JO 9 37 '»>* P. M A. M. P. M. P. M. Leave Wilaon » » S}J UI) »4S '«» Ar. Rocky Mt ... JJ" •10 ■» 4} »L »3 ' M Arrive Tarboro.. »■■■■ 646 Leave Tarboro ... »J' Lv. Rocky Mt •» 4S'— - kr.We.4on - J - Vadklo Pivlaion Mala Line-Train leave. WH minilou. 900 a. m , arrivea Fayetteville uoj p ni leave. Fayetteville 11 »s p. arrivea Saa «S^S."«.!^£;iij vllleSoja «., Ma«ton»>s ». in , Refl 9 Si a. in., Parkton 1041 a. m., Ilope Mtl» IpSll. m . arrive l ayetKvUle 11 W. Ritamtng leivM Fayetteville 4 4S P ® , Hope Mill* }«» P- »•.*« «t»f(*«a S 4.1 p. »»•, Maalo* 6 16 p,srrivw VtR. *(ii>unectL> at payetlrviila with irala i Ho. AIJ Maatou with Carglfna Central Railroad, at RE4 aurinca with the Red Spring' and Bowmore r»U nSut, »L Han FOR J with Hie Seaboard Air Une and goutlteru Railway, at Cull with the Dnrtaai and C 'T raili ONVH' jirolland Neck ■ ranch Road leavea 2 Til'?™ K-' Mtou 7 55 p. m.Rcturninn Irint 7 Greenvll{e 831s. ra , arriving si HsHfss 11 ii a. m , Weldoit 11 ii s. m , dslly except »«nd«y. Trains ou Washington Brsnch leave Wsahlsg lou B 10 a. m.. and 1 jp p. m., arrive farmele 9 la am 400 p. m., teUrmng leave fartaele 9i5 a. day 5 10 p. at., Monday 4 15 P- *. rr,vt f Pl * lUOIIIII7 40 p. in.. 610 p. m„ Returning, leave Plymouth dally except Sunday. 7jo a. n»., and, arrivea Tarboro 10 i» a. M., "vraln'on Midlaod N. C. Drancli leavea Golda boriJ dally, except Sunday, l«a, m., SinithfieM l lO a. ia., Riluniliig U-avt« SiuithSeld »an a 18,, «T|vek Uoldalioro Jls a. 111. ' Ymlni on HaahvJUp Hianch Hjivr I RoAy at 30 a. in ,j4O p. in., arrive HUahyjlk iff «j. A 1 40/p m., Sprluahtipe 11 »» m., I« V IhJ> Returtilßg leave spring llo|W rt Jba. a 4 55 Nsfliville 11 45® ">■. S»S 1>- " , a'riv* at Roeßr Mount n i»B ni-, 6~p •" .dallyexcept hundaji Train 011 Clinton llranch Icavn AVarwiw |of Clinton dully, except Sunday, U 4? a. m., aud 4 » p ni kttuiujiig Clinton J. in., i|n(| ' ¥niilPto. 78 makcx cluae coiiiiictkiu at Weldon fo» *ll po)i|fi dally, (.It mil via R(. n|njm|, J. R. KBNI.Y, Oen'L MANAGER. T. M. >iMKRSoN Tia®e Managef. mvmit ***+ Lwnw. WASHINGTON, DC.