VOL. 11. THH) IT (JONG AGO. tariTonfhntlqrt rfH Affl , ■wit mm re h a faiuhe Bqr*C«MNMllibpitf tea Ptow •r wak Ike Hn —The OM Mm* , Maaaal traiaing la ao aew thing ; T iw «o we bora had it * Manual Labor school ia old W« had to work with our *• «»tod ""i tjilha 0 * " flowed corn teVanaThJ?' tfcree *° L Par tegp hoard. Bat that was a MlhfW art; they frollicked Captala Oarmaay. the old hero of Sbaphsrdr plaatalloa dariag the Creek war. wai tea trmiu aad ha aaid ha had nthar flght ladiaaa thaa watch (hoc *va. Ha was a gooEheartedL heart ■Ha. hot ha coaldal a haa **d bora who hadat boea raised tc week aad ahuaa tethers wera rich aad had auun to work their farata "•* ®* theae boy* had beea wild at My M 4 |yi beea newt to this school tala Oaiaaar. He pleaded wltT team ■ad took the lomoat row aad show ad then how to hold the plow or spilt rails or triad the as. hat whea ha was watrUac aad tralalac oae squad t> aae held another aqaad ia aaothst ■eld woald slip off aad p>iaa wash lag. The old farh lowed wagoaa had bach pias to hold the wheels oa aad aoaaetteMo the boys won Id loaa s lynch ptn oa the war to the woods aad the wheel woald com of aad the» woald go hack to the blacksmith shot to get another pia aad fool away the ttase aatU the threw hoars wore oat aad km a load of wood haalod. Cap • tala Garmaay (are apia despair bo Core the year waa oat aad they tried ■Bothit with ao bettor saccess Am a gcaeral rale a rich au's soa is aoi goiag to work with his haads. Wo bad a eery flae lot at boys from the best temlliew. sarh as the Coaldlnga aad Holts, at Cohnabas: the Uatnaa. at A thews. the Ai'.eas. at Clarheavtlle: the Hcadrtcka. of Butts. aad a lot ol Harrises aad Hoyles aad Vofort* sad Johasoas. bet they eat More thaa they earned aad ao the espertaMat proved a failarr aad the manaal labor featore waa abaadowod aad ay father whe had lasa>seated it aad ass presides! at the board, had to foot the bill nf $3,000 for Its failarr. Stare that day tt has been set dowa as a ataxia -thai three ■*oors of work at a rich man's soa woa't feed him. Bat these boys dlda't tara oat bad. Moat at them asde pod arholara aad pnd cltlceas Thm me Allen became romptrollei g« aeral of the state. Ned OoaMlag was coloaef of the Ninth Georgia and William T. Wofford a brigadier Ken eraL aad Dr. Jim Alexander aad Dr Headrlcka stand high ia their pro fesaioa. Gib Wrlcbt aad BIU Wright aad Ramsar A lex aad er and Jamet Mnttbie became Judge* of the rirrait courts. I vis ramiaatiag about good oW Dr. Patterson. oar principal- how fal he waa aad how faithful aad iadal geat aad aoaaetlmea of a hot saltry af teraooa. while we were blunderiag a'oag throagh Caesar's commeatarles he waaid go fast asleep ia his chait aad we woald akip a whole paragraph aad keep oa readlag and shipping an til his book woald fell oa the floor mnf wake him ap Then he woald haat at a boat to flad oat where we ursrw at hat he aerer conplalaed or made ant siga of sasptdos I remember oat debatiag society aad bow oace s mcath oa Friday ereaiag we had to take ridea aad dlscass some great —A gaestloa. About a doxen of the oWet boys were 1 ags|i il in tt xsd thoagh I „ ) wss the smalltst. I was right smart .HfMod my tether helped me aad I held ■ay oara with the big boys. I retaem ter whea the gaeatloa was who WS» the greatest man that erer tired aac each boy had to rhooae a dlffereat mar aad ad roe-ate his claims. If two a more waa ted the same man Dr. Pat tenon had to settle It- My father told . Me to chooae Bea PTaaklia aad I hare . acrer changed isy optahm slaca. fot I ccariacad myself that ho waa the heal aO rawad saa that history taila of He waa the flftaeath of asveatoea rhOdrea. acrer wet to school after he waa 1* years old. was apprenticed to who waa a printer. raa . away baas him Wham he was 17. hired to a priatcr Ja Philadelphia: ant year was aeat to Lowdoa to bay stock " tar a'aew prtatlag oflce, bat the tnahsd moaoy waa ant mat. ao ht hired to saatkrr priatcr: after twe years letarwed to Philadelphia, la *eated a rappee plate press—the flrst la America—married Miss Deborah Read la IHH whea he waa M yean aid; iarnM The taairiiaah Ga xette aad raae to competence aad re awwa. Ptaaadt I the Philadelphia li brary ia 1»3I: pahUahed Poor Mich ard's slmaaac for twenty-ire years; /li 17M waa chasea postmaater of / rilhH 111 hi fa 1943 foaadod the Cai rersitp of Pteaaaylvaaia; ia 1744 teas ded the Amcrieaa Philosophical 80 clety aad the Academy of Scieacas iarestigated electricity aad took raab with the great dtocoreears aad war . elected P.~R S. af Loadca aad Bdia turgh. la 1753 waa appstated post nartrr seaeral of the cohrries. Ha war the defeader at aH rsksUal IntcresU was seat to England to here the stomi set repealed: labored hard to prerca war. bat iaßed: cane borne aad dpe4 the Declaration of ladepea Ceate: waa seat to Pre nee to secar* aid aad rcragalttoa aad cacceeded; Ehcsed the rn*at~ cf reace at Parts !r 1753; died la IftO; ca oolisa el Mlrabeaa the aattoaal assembly ol tVrace pat aa moaraiag for hta. Ia the ~ oahmtltstional cocsreatlaa at 17C1 his lait mate* waa that Towgresc sheaM opea Ma seastoas tBH Ihia is dose to thht day. What a record ia that for a poor - -Ii fliii mssdarstwd hoy to aalk.! hare recorded It ia this letter as it, example for poor boys everywhere. The tertltaly at Teaaesee hetoage, origfaally to North CaroHaa aad was sstoai r n r j - - - THE ENTERPRISE. , Praaklia aad tor thewe years n bore 'flTS*, after Xaeth CtoaUaa had ceded jit Cattod fllini. nagiin get rtvsr. Wtmt that a shams" It showld he Pkaahtta asw. ; Wdll gatasd mycaa h ha! de trained ml I p-a.l It srer Na poVon sad Washtaglon ami Jstfersoa proa 1 to rscaM the rlctaey. Bat the tert rusaatea that there is ao greatest —— Thai 1 la the gisal sarh of*tor tfTi his owa prnfesslna OataUa af that moot of great mem were waak aad childish ' aad aseas af thsm rarrapt Lard Ba • rati waa perhapa the graateat writer > oa podtical sraaaaty aad pahHc anxh 1 bat ha accepted MtasUb ca the , aml'flaad IMN pouads aad aeat to prtaca. Pttpe says of him that ha aaa the 11 tent, brightest sad . I msaaest of ssaaklal Sir Issac New r 11m appear lidlialaaa Whea the flra inraad him ht called hla aarraat aad 1 old him to more It back. It dU sot ! 1 wear to M» that he caald ssoea hark ilmseif. Hla tevorttc cat cams iav> . 1 Us room throagh a hole la tee bo: , I -aas of the «oar. Whew aha had Are ktftaas he uadmsd flsw smaller holes 1 fat fnr them to pass la aad oat. Zerah Col bum waa ao doabt the greatest 1 aataral math aaaatli iaa who erer liTed. 1 Whea he was l»ycars old ha roaU 1 -nalttply say aamber of saaerals ia Ua head aad gin the aaawer Is etaatly. bat he was ateoat aa Idiot abowt other things aad whsa 23 rears old hmt his tecalty la ftgaraa. The aduirahle CrVbtoa whsa 14 -ears aid was the moat loaraed classi cal scholar la Europe aad could coa >erse flseatly to twenty laaguagea. bat coaM aot do a aam la the simple rale ot three. Goldamlth had ao saperior xa a writer of pars English. botlTls praae sad poetry, bat he eaaKst atur a ras pec table seateac* la coa»«aa tloa Dr. Johasca said of him: "lie wrote like aa aagsl aad talked like a parrot. - Joha Wesley was a eery great preacher aad a writer at sacred kymas. bat be was aot wise enough So choose a good wife aor great eaough to sahdue aad keep her aft* he bad choaea. Whea she left him be said: T did aot forsake her. I did aat dis mtsa her I will aot recall her." Patrarklo did aot tafee Rate that way. Lord Bhyoa was aa uaprtaci pled rake. Napoieoa left a date cloud orer kia fame by dteorrtag josepaine. In fact ahaoat very great goal-is had aoeac delect or sosse foal blot ia the cake np of his character. Oar Heaven iy Father dM aot chooae to create oas perfect aaaa or wuaaaa. aot oae. Ja it tbtah what facwltiea tt would require la a mas to be as great or orator as Demostheaea or Wehater. as great a post aa Miltoa or Shaheapeare. as great a pkiiosonher aa Plato or Socra tes aa great a preacher aa Wesley or lamafhaa Edwards, aa gruad a com poaer aa Moaart or Beethorua. aa great a painter aa Raphael or Michael Aa gelo. aa great aa aaliuanaair ao New ton or Galllleo or as grant a geasral aad patriot aa Washtagtoa—woaldat be be a woadurfai maa? If there was sarh a saaa aad he could lire oa aad oa the world wouMnl aaad kiags or armies for ho would rale ft wisely aad well and all the people would say anew—Bill Arp ia Atlaata CoasUta tloa A New Orala C 1 mpssj - ' Chicago, gpsclal —iauoi po; atloa pa pers for a grate csaepany hssdrl by Geo. H. Phillips, whoa- eoacera re ceatly saapsmflsd bostaess. bar- brca aeat to the Secretary of atat? st * Sprtngkeld. The some af the aew .or poratioa sitt he the Geo H. Pt-il tell 11 d at af which the tallied at ISM.M or which the CTi ' ttore of Phillips' deteaet loapia; ».11 hold tmjtm. Mr. Phil I: pa Ufa he ssporia to hagte bastessa withta twa Lrachcr Cecvlctcd *4 fWder Wetampka. Ala.. Hparisl —George Howard, a araW at the mob which lynched Robert White, a negro, la this county noma moaths ago. waa convic ted of mnrder ia tbs flrst degree aad -waa aeatea-sd to Ufa Imprtssameat. The cWre was relied ia the Ctrrul- Cosrt After the Stato'a evidence waa sabmittcd the attoraey flar the defease saaoaared that Hoaaid teind to make a statemeat lo the court ('poa bciag swora Howard admitted his par tlripatloa ia the lyarbiag aai gave the games af tbs aialsa of the aok, which ssmbacod 13. Ohseri rd ha PMaiflpkH Philadelphia. Special-—Labor Day mm geaerglly cheei »ad la this city. Baslaess «iipendel aad the sterfl'' exrhaage. toaaarnl latitat!ens aad maaidpal departments wars closed. There was a big demoa sirai.oa by the traW anlsas at Waai lagtoa Park, oa the Delaware river, where sports, spcerh asd jolli flcntioa wera the «♦* during the en tire day. Amoag the apiakfi a was Maa 8. Hayes, at Clcvelxai- I* la es tlmatsd that INtN aate urtrfcflea participated la the eatebratiooL LyaAwi Ort ao Year*. > Wetumpka. Ala.. Special-Priday sight the Jary hearing the class af Jcha. Stiragth and Martla Puller, charged with hariag participated !a the lyarbiag at Oohert White, a astro, returned a rerfllet of galhy at marjer ia the mcoad egree sad aeafsarfd the deft ad 1 sis to tea years la tbs poUtcn ttsry. The caw af Jsha Thomas, the w&ite aaa with whom Robsr? Whits •catty, which 1 mailed to tbs lymck'ag at Rak aet. to sow oa kriaL Kiog hCward is so imhirrkHtd by iie multiplicity cf his titles teat kt>_ sinks of havicg ht* v tili ig cmds pnst d oa posters. •-" C _ S •* • Trmm tm Ounelmem, Omr Jfrigkbors, Omr Oraafrf mmd Omr Cod. WILLIAMSTON, N.C„ FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 6.1901. I A (SEAT CORN CMP Mdrtcfs Pfwts fw the Cvmf Scum. ATFFUOF I.4MJNJM BUSKLS ass.sss There W ill Ba - Bread la Now Tork. BperiaL—BrsJstrset says: Lata advices aa to tea prob able earn crop yield and aa to the tn aalllag sflect apaa the .gtaeiai basl ; acss af the caaatry have made tar a . rather asnrr slew af the sah|e»l thaa saald have been takea same six weeks 1 or two maaths ago. With tea Idea of ' gettiag a tltarst view of the artaal ' attaatioa la the doateg waak of Aa gast Bradstraet asat laqairles to aU its SALSI aad aot only la tea sarptas corn gtoulag Stales, hat la the leading Middle tad Soath era Statea aa wall. { A coaaoUdatloa of the replies froa the seven sarplas States of Icrwa. Kan aaa. Nebraska. UHaoU. Mlsauuii. la diaaa aad Ohio, perrsatagea of in trsasii or dwrerso by Statea being based uroa the irported yields ss la dlcated by the Departmeat of Agrlcsl tarw. point to s redaction In the yield of those Statea of aot Bar from B*.- 000.000 bash els ftuwi a year ago ■mailer dttremei are likewise indi cated la tee samDer corn producing States. Hhe Texas. Tennessee and Eentncky. saEceat to swell the short ag* by perhaps 25.000.000 bashls *g-«—« this is to be noted larger pro darts reported ia sarh Statea aa New Tork. Marylaad. Virgiaia aad Sojr.h Dakota, which, vrhile aot suOrient to aEset thene decrensea. still llmH the telliag -M so that a shortage of sot lo exceed C7k.ooo.aao bwsbels ia thecoaa try's crop la to be looked for. A yirU of aot leas tbs a I 40ajp00.0« busheU la ladlmted for I*9l. a drop of aboa: ' M par ceat- from a year ago. Replies to the gnestloa of fsrm prices being out the fact that the preaeat prices per basbel are fully IS per ceat. higher thaa a year ago. The term price for the eatlre Catted Ststee a year ago mm reported by the Depart ment of Agriculture wns la the neigh borbood of 30 reata. and a 40 per rent larrease to price woald poiat to at least SI rests per basbel being rr- 1 altxed this year, wblrh. applied 10 a ; total yield of I.fOO Oto.OflO bushels. I woald art a total return of shout 171- j 000.01* tela year against |7Si.M.»*l . a year ago. a decrease at «Olt -I*. 111.110 or lesa this S per >«at Special iatereat of coarse attaches! to the aaswets as to the probable «f : feet upon geaeeal business the com tog maana of the shortage la cava. ; aad It Is la a high degree encouraging to learn that Bradatreet'a ageals the 1 roaatry over >a the majority of In- j atsncea look for Rule that Is hurt ! fnl to flow from the corn shortage this j year. The fact seems to he that the : agricultural Interests are ia pretty good shape at preneat. The wheat yield Is large, sad prices received bare heea very good. Theme scetloa* scad tog the poorest corn rr-ports ia fret, send the brut s 1". ires ss to vlttl , yield and returns. The resnlis of the Inquiry are. therefore, to Indicate that far from bring the failure earlier '.a dtested, a fair crop of corn wiil lei gathered aad that, thaaks to the goo. , wheat aad other crop yields, an.l to . the proaprocs rondltloa of the fsrw | lag Interest, what woald to years •* j lepmiion be regarded as a »err good i rm P outlook ex arrises little adverse aflcri Extension of S.shoarfl Air Lhae RaE wxv scrvlc-\ ECMCce Argu* 2Hb. train s rr!re| : was commenced oa tee Bnaasuick A j Birmingham Railroad, operating from j Thalmann. Ga.. oa the Seaboiri Air. 1 IM to Brunswick. Ga.; oa September j IT through traißS win be betweaa Braaswlck aad Savaaaxh. Ga. This gives the Seaboard Air Uae aa entrance to .Brunswick. 8t- S.moa Is laad Camberlsad lalaad aad Jehyl «.IM aad forma the short liae be tween flavaaaah aad teaaswick aad IHMia Brunswick aad Jscixoor.lie Pin. : ' ' Del.'aia Case Reviewed. Wash lag: oa. D. C . Special.—Mr. Tracewell. the comptroler of the Treas ary. hss rendered a derision which d m peses of the Camoaa Do Lima ease. He holds that aader the rsceat derision of the Cnlted States Saprvasa Cos it the jadgswat obtained by Da Lima A Cam posy for $14£07 from the Cai ted Statea aa sccoaat of datias paid by them oa goods shipped from Fssto Mica to the United Statea. betweaa tee date af the rmtlflcatloa of the treaty af Paris aad that of tea approval at the Ffeoker act. Amy be paid oeet of the general ap propriate of the Treasury meat wlthoat farther action by Coa graas. '~ v ' i. * *- Fawr Eflted to Tcaemrwt Rrc New Tart. fl»nclal —Poor persons were killed aad seven serioaaly I ajar j ed ia s Incut Are ia Broohlya Prl- J day night. The dead Are: Mrs RosTu Eillkglsu 37 years af age. Jsmpad j ftem fourth story wladow; Aamie Beck ] It years; Tlllle Beck. I years; Prank , fad. infant. Tha exptoatoj of a keroarne ofl stove started the flra. Era Rothglaer missed tha aat atratchad la catte her aad diwk tha sldawals. . Pa.. Special.—Tha miners' rocvealloa gathortoed the ngi asmta tlndialilfttatitlwlirt^ifctoi tom"bma violated hy tea campaalea. I Pteunratems wU ha ataaatesd at oara 2SJS ZJStSZAZSZ aura. 1 II PERSONS KILLED, HafMExyfcsfci 6a Baa* a Kim Stema A KAIVtECI NEAK PDLAKLMA fcf Are lajaerd aad Smnl (tot AfcJUMias. rUUdfkii Special.—While the ■tnabott City et Tmtsa. erf ItoWH mingtoa nMßtoit Co mpaay. waa oa fc*r war tim Ikb city to Treatoa. JL J- Thursday •fteraooa her fort boiler siphili il. killing tlm« pecaoae u4 N«U( orer a mn of others. Flour ——■— are missing. bat as nan; aaetslai it alight injuries. It la tkovht tbe alailai may be amoag those who 4M aat ted It HraaaiT to go to tbe hospital. The dead are: J. IX Chew, assist aat engineer; Miss Elisabeth Green. Philadelphia: two Ireaca. BUM IB knowa. one deck haad. name aa kaoara; tare paaaeagers. aiari aa kaova. Waste*: Mrs. J oka Matthews. Mrs Matilda Croas. of Philadelphia, two childrea. who were area to Jaar overboard. Injured; Scalded aad burned. Theresa Rhcia. Philadelphia, fatally; Ixmtaa Paacbok-k. Philadelphia, fa tally: J. 8. Smitk. Camdea. N. J.; Mra. Barrett. Camdea; N. J.; Mra Aaaa Hoover. Camdea. N. J ; Cecilia Mur* .gaa. Pklladrlpkla; Heary Magrogaa. Philadelphia: 8 E Kepbart. Phlla delphta. Alice E Matthews. Phlladel pbla: Mra. O. E. Smith. Philadelphia: Beaaie Browa. Philadelphia; Bdaa Taa Schach. Hlchtatowa. S. J.; Jeaaette Read. Philadelphia: Lflalaa KoMaaoa. Camdea. N. J.; Wilson Mecke. Philadelphia: W. C. Mer» haaa. Mearviarllle. Pa.; J. W. Haat lags. Philadelphia: White Uaalan. Treatoa. N. J.: P. A. Ueiacer. Phlla | delpbla. Mrs. Camialde. Philadelphia; ! Mlaa Carrie faralnlde. Philadelphia: Albert Lee. Philadelphia. After the explosion the boat took ' Ore aad ran aground, she Ilea a wreck ed aad blackened hulk la the marshes opposite Torreadale. It miles above thia city. Her bold la llled with water aad It la feared more erf her passen gets aad crew amy be found la tbe bottom of the boat, whea the watet • la pemped ml A boat belonging to j the police department la anchored a I afeal IMW* from the stranded ex cwralon steamer, pumping the water from the 111 fated vessel. The Cite of Trenton makes dail» trt.s between Philadelphia aad Trea toa. She left the compaa;"a wharf at 1:IS o'c lock Thursday afteraooa. IS mlaatea behind her schedule time Her paaei ar.T llat waa llgh.er tbaa aaaal ««* ahe carried very little freight The vessel waa la charge of (-apt W. A. Worrell. The other of goers were: Edward ourry. 1 W. Vani«eeeer. mate; Edward Mnr nhy. chief engineer; J. D. Chew aa alstaat engineer, and Clayton beaki. parser. There were about twelve Irteen aad deck kaada aboard. , film JUI Operatives Strike. Colombia. S. C-. Special.—Textile Cnloa No. Ml. at Ita meeting declared • atrike against the Oiympla. Qraaby : Richland aad Capital City Mllla until ; (he authorities rerrladed their action ! taxing operatives to objure the oaion. j The lest of the anion'a rt length will ke made whej the mills opea for work. The atrik.ng operatives dee are that they hare no fear of being idle Indefinitely, but will not accept the po ai lions that hare been offered them ! antil they have made Jheir fight | -«•» »«« the mill*. It la uaderst ol i that the textile union will have tba 1 axmpathy of the FNede ration of U!mr ;In Ike atrike no* aa. Coaaerratlre 1 ertima'es place tke aamber oi atrike a at Mar MM. It is expected thai this number will be considerably aug mented daring tke next week. Tke mill oßriala today began the swear lag out of wamnta to eject the etrik lag teaaats from tke dwelling koaaea which are owaed by the mllla aad leased to the operatives for two week* at a timet Mrs Yeaag Dead. Salt Lake. UUk, gperiaL—Mra. Zlaa D. H. Y0«...g. died Thursday aged b» yeaia She ana bora la WaiwaioaJi. V.. la 1«1. aad waa oaa of tke pi-meesu la the Mormon movement She waa Married to Jeoeph Smith at Naavoo 111. aad after his death became one of the wive* of Brighata Young There aire now bat four widows of the famo* Mormon loader surviving. Otalgia Post office Robbed. IrwiaeMe. Oa. broke Into tba poatoMoe at Kratic. a aaaall atattoa em the Tlftoa * Sorth e-sstrraJptflrcad Tknraiay night, rl Iwf ihecaah drawer and stole twa money order books. When they left they att«aapted to ire the building by I taking tke chimney from a lamp and aettlng the flame against a pile of pj pers The papera ware packed tight and when the postmaster opeaed the j ate early this laarulag thiy wers . still smoldering, bat had not broken ! Into flgmn There la ao e!ue la the Ideality at the thieves ■ • Filipinos (ylanl. Manila. By Cable. —Owiag to the beary rates active operatlona against the Insurgents la the lalaad at Samar have been temporarily suspended Captate Harry C. Hato. wttk a »'jtk > meat of tba Tweatlntb lafastry. has | beea engaged with (lianlw. la Bntaa -1 gas proTlace. It waa at And thought that Malvar. the iaaaigaat lead-r la that diaMct. waa pa—tat. The lasnr gents ML A few priaoaera were ra> , tared aad two iiarlnasa were waaad 1 ad I t —— Steal Beets. A Relragh Wpe 'i! mya: lbs State •npevfatealent mt Public lastractioa la aat a little angry. The cause waa a letter tedoalag a little btaak neat oat by oaa af the rampaalia which waa hl*tr awarded a coatract liar faraiab lag teat-hooks, la the Mask which la ao arraacd aa to give the auuae at tba palpit aad arbod. etc, a flxed aad harsb rale b laid dnwa as to the ex cbaag* aladd book for Ike new eae; wkat shall be tba naditU>a of tba •M book, that It akall have beta ased by tba papfl te penm the flrat baif af tba preseat pear, etc, aal the a gjr lag tba addltlimal na to be paid for the aew book. Tba Saperiateadeat laid the aeatter promptly before the Attor ney Ceartal and aaM he woaU block tkta little game or know tke reaaoa why. He aaid two o> the Are baok com paalen awarded tke conlsarta were try lag to work tMa game. Tba faOoutag reply was made by tba Attorney Ceaesal to the Saprr ntend eat'n lagalij: Replying to yesr oamxaini'on of this date with ra k-nre of Mr. Street Brewer, roomty saperiateadent of Bempeoo roaaty. rrltlite to the ex change at skjjl hub aader the pro viatoaa of the act to establish a text book comntssSoa parsed by the Oner al Assembly at Its last seaslpa. I have the baa or to nabmil Ike Mbvlng: Section I*. of the said a t provides: "That the roatmrtor or eoatraciorn shall take np a bopl kooka a»« in use la thin Stale nnd receive the ease la eacbaage ed new books, alios :ng a prtre for sreb old boils not l-ca M per real, of the contract prize of tha aew kwtx~ I"ar?graph i at ibis coa tract ealerel Isto between the State of Koctk Caiollaa and ibe .book c: a trnrtarn is as fallow* "That the said party of the second part farther cuaveaaats aad agrees to supply esch aa-i ail of the Inoia or ' pabHratwna embraced, in ibis ■ mtrx t at the exchaeie pricr or paices here'a named ja these «aan where there in of fered Sa part royaect na o!l book wkirk was te nar in the Stale of North , Carolina oa the ith day of Kfbronry, , IJ#I. or tfhirh was ia aae em July Ist I*l. or which waa ia nee Mxr n said datea. aad nkirh t r ft tibe era-!e and apem the mar aabje ts aa the one for which It Is takea ia pert payment p: o vtded that the time la which oil book a 1 heretofore te are la Ike Stele of North Caroliaa can be exchanged far new hooka, he limited to Jnly Ist. A. D., 1WI." The text book lawn xbirh is , made a pert of the coatract dc-lares that the eubaagra'Je !>ooks shall l e "books aew la ase in this StMe.'* the dale February ttk. IMI. mecti in the coatract. being |je date of the rati •cattoa of the act. In yoar letetr vo-j ' my **lf only the- pupils erf H hwli tnnght since February ;st. 1901. are al lowed to exchaaape. then the ruhnnz* at books wemld bead: bat s mill part , af the peblar school pat roar ' aloi.l.u-; | to the date meaticaed In' tk s tester of Mr. Breaer. Aoe-rdiag to my c;B atrwetioa of Ibe law aal the coatract made with the (oatn tora. the cia'ss* "srbeaeal books &«a ia us- In tbit Stale" deiermiacs nhat booka caa U ilihaari I aad Ibese words as lueei la the art neaa tfcosr books tiiiih t IB prevlows sessions of the sch j.il an 4 1 such books aa woald be eased ty pat roan ia the nchocds erf this Sta'e if tba Oeaeral Aaaemfcly bad not enacted the preaeat law for the alopti an of aew hnnfca I da ami thlak the cert iScale a copy at which yoe eacloae. aad prepare ! by the coatractear. to be signed l.y the Icarber of the public school, ani orr dertaklag to de3n~ the coai't'oas npis Which nn eacbaage erf books can U effected by a public achaed patron la authortoed aader the text-bsok law. The at state does not eeaafer the contractors aatharlty to Issue instruc tloas to the managers of s~ho3l oak depositories, ga-cigaed as their own in terpretatloa of tbe eoaditioaa in ter which na exchnage of S'boal books can be effected, these qaeatiems be nr. in my opinion, watbte the jurisdiction erf the State text-beaok commisalm to bo determined ia arccrbace with ihe law and the contract catered latta irati tbe publiafcera. Seetioa It of the ie:t-c oui LaW dedans: "Thai tke said .-ommis aioa may. from tiaae to timej make roa nc.-esaxiy regalatlons neat ranlrary tc the preavisiems of this art io aerure tL? prompt distribution erf a book herein piortded for aad tbe prompt aal faith ful performance erf all eeantrar:-" and fir thin purpoae it b eiprea'f provid ed la the said act that th; iMkbjri rommteakKi sball maintain >s orsaii xattoa during tbe |ve years vhit-h u the period ffxed for the exniration oT nil roatrncts entered into br'.seea the State and the book pabl^sbera. ia nay opanioa lb- exet-it.oa erf the law with reference to t>e excaange o! acheaol hooks sbemld not be attend • I «■/ any difficult)'. The law e learly c m tem plates that any book of a irrtaia grade nnd oa a certain aibjf ". which has been used te Ihe publh a hoola. aad which is ia s enlitiaa I > bf as-J aad wonld hare beea t;s-J but (ar the paraage erf tbe text-book laar. caa be exchanged for a book of a similar grade aad aa a mnailnr subject at the ceaatrart aksotatrly witbont any coadi t*taaa impaaed by the eoatractora. , db CMacsc Aadberized ts Sign 1 imfiT- By Cable/— -Ll Hong Cbaag has aotMsd tbe of the pow ers that the rtSngpe plenipotentiaries m now stebuslstd to alga the proto col." says a danpstck to Tke Times, from Pekia. dated yesterday, "aad has msialit them to flx a date for tbe algaiag. Aa edict coacerwiag the laa portatiem of arms was circulated amoag the mlainters today. Two other edicts are still itguirud to sompieU tba fa eta aal." ILABOR DAY SPEECfII hn. Vflai Jcsiii's Pryai Sakfs Cfcrrxteristk Speech. i LABOI MY 6EKEIALLY OBSERVED Mr. Brvaa Advocates Close Orgaal utioa aad Opposa* Strikes -Mrkrs Vigorous Speech. Kansas City. Special-Labor l?ay , "*» marked by tif luicm aaJ most Imposing parade ef hkjr aa. oat ever here sad by tee participation of Wm. J. Bnn in the prwr.-iiri aad • nrrcU-j. Eight Ihoaud much • ed through the streets grouped ia | 'Wr wioii sad each oaica weir : ng . a distinguished uniform Mr. Bryan occupied a carriage at ibe head of the lire and *u cheered as he was r?rog i nlt-d. A striking feature of the rar-de was the ha l -jrrjm' cnica. arg. o> i Z2i Ees. l_-d |.y a nerro baa J. The orator of the afternoon nj Wm. J. Bryan. who was pre»eiel by Mayor Reed. The pavilioa at tie par* ■ rss crowded to ajffacatiaa. Mr. B-yan took for his text the Bible Terse. -Mux t lie not the ox that trradeth oct the j corn." I *" r - Brysn ssld "Dfh deid* of ocr history shorn, greater prjJartioa of wealth. and ibe men who prolcir it ■ have less to ahow for It. Is this a good - condition—a right c onJitor * Tie to . lull >n of the problems that cafr>nf , M I* In legislation. not ia legislation for or arainst classes. hot for eqc&l | Justice before the law. Tie strike is to ; | dsy the only weapon th- Jahorer baa. I f but it is weak aaJ in«(«cteal. If the ! [ laboring men were half as artlr: i a , election day as they are ia eaforre k meat of their strikes. Ibey would wield a force that would right the (T Is 1 j which beset them. •; "The grc-_t danger of today is pri - sale monopoly. Not that soy B. nop - l ly Is worse than others, bit - Ibe pMn . clple ia bsd whirl tolerates any pr.vate I monopoly. I has- heard- that the tree .' solution of th» probl-s> is far the la boring man to divide prolt* with the ' lrists. That has been giTea as an ar gum -ut for the .trusts. Su h a thin*; would fce immoral aad impolitic. It would he like dividing llir ■?).! if the * highwayman. It would be pernitliag a nun to rifle your pntetj and liea of fer, to diride the proeeeli with pi. * Today the only people who syrapithirc I with you are the ctla* who toil *n 1 other parts of the l/)rf % vineyard. la the present great steel strike, where did the (r>> expressions of sympathy " come from? Kiun Texas. Tfcey have . no steel mills therr; Ihcy are fanners: r Ihcy are tillers of the soil aad labor ess. like yourself. I want to wara V.JJ J to res'st the overtures of toe trast. a Beware when rarporatioas ask y;u to r Join then? Tfce farmers can Stan I the # encroachmen!.*? of the trusts longer B than you can. The farmer* live off , their farms Whea trust prict get si t high that the farmers anhot bey. they t *lll eat the produ* ts of their own In !_ dug try Their wives can «vea go bark a lo the primitive m-:hol of matin; I cloth;s l>y weavine. B:t when the , farmer can no longer pay trust prices, j thanthere will be no more drain) for the products of your toll, and you *as ' make an mcie wag s. i The offer of the trusts to divide with ( the laboring man is a pitfall. Can y>u ( • trust the corporations to divide hon ij eslly? No. How many of yon would to try a lawsuit, whea the jedge t on the bench Is the opposing party to the s-.-it * There are giol /jd;ei. gioJ ' i Jurors, yet do yan wan: Judges an t f | Jurors lo try yoer eases whea they are ( ! interest el in th«- otttcame theuue v s* I When you permit private monopoly to _ I dictate terms of division, then ym place ynureelrcs wholly at their m. r J ry. You allow thrtn to wa er their stock and then, expect theru to,divide 1 with labor en a Jnst b:se» Voa are f witn' a battle Uftween lahjr in I t the great steel trust. This trust wa* willing to unionize same of its mill's j but would bare others open ,*» na-ta ion labor. Why? Because the trust , wants some mills thst it can drpeai oa in the event of a strike. It Is an m r equal struggle, for the trust can f!«> , down ita mills for years, bat labarihs . men cannot live a year witho-it work. . It ia your duty to crush monopolies with the best resoar ej at yoar eoa: mand. the ballot. "fiovrmmrnt by injun-tOn is an in ( iqultons system, and one of the ques tions demanding attention at the , hands of the American people. The courts are the *?rvanta of the peipie. c and for a court to rule by iajrn-tion ■ Is for a court to dispense with a jury 1 and to condemn a man for violatiog J a law that the eonrt itse'.f made. I'nder the procesa of government by tajunc tion the court eoaatitates itaelf ibe 1 power to make the laws, exe-ute thrca and pass judgment on the offender. I The whole thing is wrong, fnder the ' system a number of employers can or : ganixex themselves, gn into court and get an order prohibiting others from s organising for the same pai-p-ase. They ' can get an order prohibiting working ' men from getting other working nsca " to refrain from forking. The emplr.y --1 ers ran organiae to crush labor, bat 1 others are forbillen to organise. I am • opposed to government by injun- tion. not that it is derected espt- ialfy ' against the laboring man. bat thst i. ' does away with trial by jury. It ia r menace, mfofily to one class, but to 1 *ll. it is within the power of the !a --' boring man to do away with the sys tem " Osaerally Observed in Tm». 1 Housjca. Tea.. SpetiaL—Labor Dav | was observed by nearly every city ia . Terna and ta a manner nraeh mora . elaborate than has been the ease ia the 1 past. At Houston the parade iadaded J 1 about 3.00 Fort Worth surpassed that ' | number. At Aoatia Governor Say ers . was the orator of the day. Gaivastoa has a picnic at Dickinson with seve ral thousand people from Galrestoa aad Hwaba NO. 50. I KNIGHTS GO HOME. I Trcaci J Ctacbre a! Iffiisvfle C3HC4 T. itb the Eircfar df Officers. US A P2OriTABLE ISIDHL The rkctlsai Be—Ked la Placing Pro ulai at Men High Up la dto M Odil "—•— liahrSle. Ky. SperiaL—After elertiag officers aad Saa Francisco as the gtare of mcetiag the Crat Tuesday la September. IW. the twea'y-clzhth triennial rsarlava at Knights Templar, which baa ham Is prcg.fts here siace Taenday. ad jooreed Thnrsday. Th* festivities nne t» :a ead ia a magalhceat hall he! 1 at night at the horse show bartd Ing. The election of offcos ocofM the greater part of the day's asaataa. la tie »-:-tiOQ of the grand Jaatsr wniMcs orrnrrM the only enataft. lit nry Bstes Stoddard, at Brjpa. Texas, was elected gi aad rnmmsndw to inrceed Ken bra H- Lloyd, of OnM f-rn.v Geo. H. Monltoa. of flliw was elected to succeed Mr. Stoddard as lepnty graad master. Bev. 1L W. llod».e. of Rhode slaad: was ad vaci -J one rank to the office of pad t! •'a'liflso. nnle vacaat by the etoc He n cf Colonel Moaltoa. Wa B. ileliib. oT CciariaaatL waa elected to satieed Rate as captain general white Jcnior Graad Warden Jan. A. Lacfer. of fortlsn f. He. wan nude saalor graad wnrdea. These oßerrn nrnra elected without oppoaitloa. The only rarest cnaae la th* atoe tioa of jsbior graad wardea. Thar* were 1 Frank H. ThMaas. of Washington. D. C, srns thctad aa the t'coß-l ba!">t- H Wales Uasa. of roanertlrat. waa re-elected graad treasurer oa the Crat ballot. Joha A_ Gi-row. of Detroit waa elerted graad recorder, defeatiag W. H. Mayon. presnt inramfcent. oa the ifth hai ku. When the elections were taishai the committer on tine aad piare of a sat ■nkilag retorted. Saa Frsariaco waa tfce only bidder and carried off th* honor without n strngle. Uiaaeapolls put In a bid for the conclave of I*l. The Installation of the aew iff l ers followed. Sir Knight Stoddnrd. tfce new grand master, waa givea aa en thusiastic reception. The close of the conclave began to day and l-erame mnrked after the grand ball. By KHdav morning M| of the Knights and their wives win bnve left, either for their home* or for places ef Interest contingent to l.oulsrille. Mammoth Cave being the point of greatest interest The ton at night wa* a magaiheent show. The crowd vas too pwt to mllow of Ltjm fortable daw ing. bat the Knights and th* ir wives pronounced the event a scceess. It is estimated that ».to* pco;iie were preseat. Receptions and e»« -irsions on the river were otherTaa tares of the evening's entcrtainmeaa Three: Soacs Drowned. Washington. D, C-. Ssvi ftsortieat received a ■- grant for Captain Craig, ef the *•]***; datd at Adea. ar.coancing that Frank Sch'.U an 1 T.m«hy McCarthy white sleeping on the poop •'eck of the Alba nv. cn la.it Sunday night. Hid over board daring an exceptionally leawy roll of the vejgel. Cap'xln '*j^ gram stated that be rema3ii«4 n «h» locality where the accident or-arved all Sunday night, and until after day -I'ght Monday, bo! the men were a* a-a:n r-en. aad their holies could not be recovered. On the following Mon tay. George Pcrkeas went ovsrhoard aad was drowned, but his-body was re corercl and will be buned ashore « Aden. _ . ■ -. Boy Killed By tightateg leaarkana. Ark.. Special. ksna wis visited by a m«t severe eiee trical an 1 rainstorm Tueslay. Frof. Gashy's sin was s-raci by l.ghtai* aad killed, his aeck V»ing brofcea. Ha was under aa umbrella w.th a t"* panion. who was hadly ihockeA Two colored chur.-bes were struck aad haff ly damaged. On* rtstdaoce was d» strcyed ead others damaged. _ _ Ei-Ooreraor ■arid Dead. lacuna. X. H.. Special Chaa Bnriel. f >r«n> !y Governor of New lla-apshire died at hi* bo "*_h'T' Thursday. The cx Goveraor reuredla h i usual health Wednesday aight Whea Mr? Buri-I called him h- forsad him breathing heavily. d*«h oocarr lng a tew miautw afterward- He was 59 years cf age. la politics ha was a Reputlicaa. Chattanooga. Teao. Special. Th* advance guard aad delegates of th* National tetter Carriers' Assoemth-g has arrived for the na'ioaal convec tion. which aasemWes here aeat Moa day. The auditiag committee Of the national associatioa is here auditing the accounts of the association. Na tional Secretary Caatwrll. of Washiag ton.' has arrived and other aaUoaal ofS-ert will come in It is estimated that the attendance will reach ,1.5•>. The baartl of trustees of the Mntaal Beß'tt Associatioa will hold a meev taj; Saturday. __ > . K $50,000,003 Plow Trast. Chicag-J. Spacia!.—Nearly 39 plow maaafacturers of the liaitod States were ia s' ssioa here today, discussing plaas ior a «iiiiiniOaiifall «( th* . plow interests ia the country. After J ; the aMtiag It was aaaoaaced that th* propcaed eoatoHdacioa was practically a sure thiag for pieaent piuspscta aad that about would be repre sented la the orgaaiaaUoa whea l| should hs Litimi

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