- . . —-—- ■ wilniwi aaisti _*T_ uatouafcaWt uaama* llii t fcr/*rlfc* IM*' ii i■! ■ ■ i 'Hi.. «-I*t4 .M the mm «f Chr mtrnts 111 IIM >■' K—« 'to W|* --- - - j - -, ' faiik. •mKMlhtaaitiSa Ml Utf MM St OU ■ H IMI * mm i TU> M AIKAJKZ ICB ImlOmi Ibl Mattrr F»AT. Btrmin 6, 1901. M tfWEM. Tl TK SMTI An eavdope has fallen into Mrbadmpoß which ii printed the following appeal to the Bnnthen people: The Central Committee of the Mnoa Davis Monument As aoeiatmn, United Daughter* of Ae Cbefcderaey. foel aa wired if the people of the Sooth are flfrijf approached they will m% eontrihaie to the Mono ■Met to Jefferson Davis. This Hoemtst will do honor not ealj to Mr. Davie, but to the cmnha repreeented. and its erection ia a duty too long de- In/sd. We have determinedl to erect this tribute of lore in IMS. The veterans tnrnc 1 over to W two jearg fago $20,0 >0 which has been increased to **» .000. now in bank draw-j ing interest. We enclose a stamped envel ope. and request a contribution of one dollar, but even the smallest amount will b? receiv ed. There are no paid collec tors either by] salary or per cent. The veterans have en trusted the completion of this .' monument to the women of the Booth, a&d they have never be-1 trmyeda trust. Mas. B. D. Tatlob, Trcw, Mo- 3 East Franklin Si., Richmond, Vs.! Mas. X. V. RisuoLPß, Chairman Central Committee. No words of anewspaper can edd force to this appeal. The Sooth owes it to itself, as well! as to the memory of the noble man who so heroically espoused her cause, to build thin monu ment, and every mail, woman and child in the Southern States should esteem it a privilege to subscribe to the fund. These •■walopes will be put into the ksads of the Southern people ••d we have an abiding faith that they will bring back the money neesessry to build the MMWBL —Richmond Times; malm ) September a, 1901. Jh wUkome relief from the mono taaoas taraagiag of the stable string •I s mtil emfcoi my ha* been pwiMkoc. Two subjects of the ffret imfHtascc have been revived ttooogh Rfurti that cannot fail to fowsw-Csanl Wood's compre toaoiai aiiis of pi ogress in Cabt, the ether CaptaiaChaHes D. Sigs- We'« —sal aotes on the advance meat of the WSdfl navies, the in crease of their twny, etc. There is no topic store interest iag to Aaaericaasat the present than that ai Cuban devdoanpeet. The cast is blood and treasure for the eaaaacipatiou of the infant nation OS aear b our shores, along with (he hope of the United States that mi - • . I the ■iaadui will prove themselves worthy of the sacrifice, has caused the people la follow the trend of Cstoa affaire otoaiut so closely as , v they do the progress of aa Ameri can state: _ t a T - ; Ceaetal Woods repast is volu mianoo, but the questions present ,+L m -rn. ■ 7 X"* -'"lff rj&i 1 .. . . -."j,- .. * iL made few the purification aad better ■seat of the giopalslina Ia hid Geand Woods documents recco me ads fuller reciprocity with the United States, without which, he says, the thorough deve'opsaent of the island wiß be impossible. He explaias that the American Author ities. with native assistance, have abolished many petty officers:The*e increased the tax burden unne es . sta-ly ant militated against a proper cewtndizat on of power and responsibility- The objections to curtailment in this direction met with prates's. inspired more by t pers mal losses than regard for the common weal. ». A gratifying feature of the situ ation is that fewer police are re quired in the towns. The progress of the island s agriculture, the root of its praspenty. is inarked. The first large crop since the war will be harrested next spring.and the pro ducts already told, or nearly ready for the market, sera to furnish a guarantee that Cuban municipal ities will soou'be able to assume obligations connected with new public works. Under American pro tection aad encouragement, prison abuses have been largely diatia ated. The hospital system has he - come practical. Rules aad regula tions to govern municipal elections have bcea drawn up principally for the purpose of prereatiag the coa tiol of government machieey by estreousts, who in the past have proved incapable of dealing with the predicaments of their own cre ation MOTHERHOOD! The grata* ami* ton «l Amrr- B lean un and Win la tu bate n bun «Ui rf.iHr.-n The R woman aSKrSrd nfth female fc»- rame b witiSljr Tnai. J villi •wo—tug a eUbOa. m iir So ■"biu out Raton drad or *>". Us Wine rf Cardm dam •vguhss fastmb that yae xrw* mnflM; dnn m Hit uhoiriy: dm rMmr weak funrtfeat aal dSinrf arm and duw Kri>n bin to km burnt and draotste for jean. Wiai »4 faiiai pin a ai a the beullh and itmfdl to knr heal (tky eUlm. Ton ma grt a «b"Uae Iwitle id Wine id Cardui fct«ui your deafer. WIRE" CARDIII Mt HvWUIMI | B I'lfeTt. iytl M. IK. i I •• r.t«—i, ug.rt»* > R Vb. 04 ruM nl«« ■ -1. at | I TWSM-. SM HSL. M I I ■minS Itwi «■> ui I*4 m» IdntMrtklMdhaUlMVhi N ImZml as mmj mmmm nalt Int. ■ Mm. j. w.r. Sana. List af Mnrsfar Sep Inker tart HHMv ni#tvra JsatrvillT->l L Brawn, Z Vsses Pagan, J V Gray, E Glasgow, Thou W Garkis. llsunou Gurkin. Uaaley Hardiase. J F Holliday. W II Mar tin. Ilanaea aodlis, W LSextos. Williams—Simon E Hsrdison. Griffiou—Alfred G Grabs. Geo 8 Li Hey, Komaliua Lillsy, Heary lob arson Bllr Grass—Easm Bigga, W D Ho bet son WilUasMton —W A Jonas, Geo L Whitley . t'roa* KonU—J R Hsecbe Holier nun vi lie—a L Bunting, J II Grime*. WH Harper, J U Johssas, J A Nelson. J Kites Toplsr Point—B B Grift a. Blade Wh-U Hamilton—J L Bsrahill, R K Gladstone. J ale It Psrvis, T Jones Taylor Go^Ntat—W A Catper, J L Dsrenpsrt, Joarph Early SB'UJD sin Jsmesvillc—P II Braurs Williams —R N Grifis. Griffin--W E liaaa.Bg. N- K. s tuning Bear Gram Si sum 8 Perry, Sam uel Ropereon WiilUmstou—J 11 11 alien Croaa RonJa—A L Rot back. Ei II Wynu Kober?onvi>ie— K A Beiley. O J Cherry, A S Rok.-rua, G. L. Uobei son • • -*. ' l'-vf 'ar Point—G R L Rjebwt Usmiltoa—K- F. Droarn, \\ P . J Jr. Gosm Seat—J sates Everett, Jos L Hymaa a . ."il . „ r . . ; '• lev a year's unhseriptina to The aabseriptisa to The Paragon woath fly free. j Don't be satisfied with temporary , relief from iadigtatiua. Kodol Dy spepsia Cure permsneatly aad oam , pletely remwes this coaaplaiat. It , relieves permaaeatty because at allows the tired rtomsch ptliicl k est. Dieting wont rest the stomach. I Nature receives supplies bam the ( food we eat The seaside way to t kelp the stomach is to use Kodo! Dyspepsia Core.which digests what you eat aad caa t help bat do yoe ' C °° L - FOR SALE Oae Baeheye - Mower aad Rake, flood as aew. 1 Call oa Eli Gaugsaes. t - t P. T. Thomaa, Sumtervdle. Va.. t '1 was suffering boat dyspepsia - I commenced taking KoM r Dyspepsia Care. 1 took several boC t ties aad can dig«d anything." Ko - dol Dyspepsia Care is the tadyprep t aratioa coataiaing all the aataral r digestive Suids It gives weak atom - achs eatire rent, restoring their aat l ml cooditioa. Subscribe to The Faltaprt—. i Mrs. &H. Alport. Jobastowa r Pa, says: *har little girl aim net - strangled to death with cruup. The r doctors said she couldat live bat i she was instantly relieved by One i Minate Cough Cure. Sen j sat bbam si Bth areas i» THEIR SECRET 18 OUT. AB BadrsvOle, Ky, vas curioas to lears thseaasr sf ths vast input a ■ant ia lbs health of Mrs. & P Whitskar, who had far s leag time, endured untold suieriag tram s chroate hroachisl trosb>. -Il'a sll due to Dr. King's Hew Diaeevery, r arritee bar husband. '"lt completely cured her and alas cared our little grand daughter of s severe sttuck sf Rkwping Osugh." It puaititely I cures Congha, Colds Laflrippn, Broa cbitif, all Throat aad Guaranteed bottlen Sue aad fIW. Trial bottlm free st N. 8. Perl Jfc Cs. Row is your time to Sabaetibsto The Eater p«tse. Ths Psrsgsa lfoahlly sad The Katerpriso oae year SIOO. fsr both papers. In cases of cough or croup givet he little one One Minute Cough Core Then rest easy and have no fear. The child will be all right ia a little while. It never fails, flcasant to take, always sale, sure and almost instantaneous in effect. ) roost commences soadsy week TO SAVE HFR CUILD- From frightful die6gSbmprMKs. Nannie Gal>ger, sf Utirty. Ga, spplisd Backlea a Araiea Hvt to great aorao oa bar head aad face, aad writea its quick cere exceeded all her bopss- It works ooadeaa is Sens, Bruisaa, Skis Eruptions, Gsta, Bursa Scalds sad PileaL 29c. Cure guarsa tssd by N. S. Peal A Os* Farmers, these ore the Buyers oa the Robersonville Market. CA. Walker, A. T. Co Rich mond. Capt. A. S. Ileradoa, RichssoatdVa Maj J. M. Covington. DSavißeYa. J no. C. Mc Adams. Danville Va T. P. Lyon. Wnstoa N. C Rulus Rowrn, Roxboro M. C. W. & Fraacts. Ashville M. C |. W. Hooker, HBWMMO M. C. Hunter Flemming, Clarksville Va. Mr. Atkias. Wiastoa N. C ▲ MINISTERS QUOD WORK. ' "I hod s aevura sttaok si hiNsas ' colic, got s bottle af Chamhaalsia'a Oolie, Cholera sad Disnhsss Ramo ' dy, took tws doom sad wsa mtiaaly . cured," ssys Rot. A. A. Fearer, af Fmporis, Ksa. "My neighbor acrem 1 the atrsst ares mek tar over s week had two or throe bottlss sf wsdieioo from the doctor. Hs used Urns far three or four days without rubef. theaeallajjs soother dsetsr whs trusted hiat lor aome days ia4 gars him as relief, as Hieaktrgod hUb I ■ went over to Ore him the nest nam ing. He said bit bow eta ware tea - terrible fix, that they bad beao run ning off to leag flat it area slasoot bloody flu. leaked him if to had > tried Chamberlaia's Colic, Cholera and Diarrheas Remedy sad hs aatd. 1 Sa.' I went house sad hroaght him ' my bottle aad gave him aas dam * told him totake soathar domia ifr teen or twenty aaiautea if to dad ast find relief bat bo took no moaoad wss entirely cared. I think it ia the » beat surdities I have evurtried. r Fsr aal'JbjM.^roal .. .t - ir~ emsaafitfiLAatadliiie James White. BrynntsriHe. U., nj. DeWitt's Witch H»4 Utt healed running sores on both legs. He had suffered six ycais Doctor* to help him. Get DeWin's. Accept no imiutioe. —^am^—^——m An—ccaciL | ytfiiamston Academy wHk*CtaMs Tall Term Moodily, September 9th. W. A. HUDGERS, Prii. Mia Manel Bnlwiakle. laMid » Jennie ton, Mane Tsscber. Boys and Girls prepared for 1 COLLEGE Board at resooable rates in .....Private Houses.— or. w. h. nam*. Pw J. W. AHTIIS. soc*jr. $45 GL»OGK FREE! For each and every dollar *|*iit in uw at our stores htt«ta i. »w sad DECEMBER IST. 1901, « will ghne a prM at the number ««f pounds of tobacco that will be sold am This Market from the Open raj? Day until the Christmas Hobdays. The person pitwm nearest to the correct number of poods takes the clock. The aceoad nearest will get a Clock, north $3.00: the third near est will get a Bowl and Pitcher, worth 2 «»■ the fourth nmwt will KrtUnr Dollar's worth in Trade and the fifth nearest will get Fifty Cents in Trade. The dock is 7V» feet high. 19 inches acrovs lose and 11 inches deep. Retail price $45.00. . WE SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY MERCHANT IN THE COUNTY. G. D. & J. C. Robcrson, ROBERSONVOXE. - N. C. I JUleton Female Collogfo On* of the moot prosperous ioalitta tiona far Iho higher education of Touog vomou. Panacea WaUr kept ia thobuildiag. Ninlerath Aansal Ua Ugias B»[>tmbr 18th. For Catalogue addiaae Prosilmt Rhode*. Littleton, X. a W. W. Waters, naawwui. ■. c. A fomplfi* line of STATE & FAXCY GKOCKUIKS K| M mi MM IY* call mpctrial attention to SYRUPS sud PORTO UICO MOLASSES—. WGivc ine a trial."Qt Fresh Candkw always on band. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure what yoaeat bli"' "it | aalTariu luttm yom toestaß la uneqmlMkr aUsSomacb* UowMml ■scsrvstsSsKiSfiS ■w j I w ™ H H n 11'' 'Aii»3t ;i i ffisE^nwS Sqdwnc Jiinciio m • jr- jSI ' ••Tiffin '."ffer- . LEGAL ADVBKTKEMENTB - EXECUTORY NOTICE! #n*araU fn hUirfOili *- IM«Mr ■*-* «« 4/. J.D.Mai 11 nssnourrr NOTICE ' " ,—,O-^r j !'cmt aw*«fcna«m am Mini ,•* NOTICE ■qr'riav assan jg.i>auuir NOTICE , *--r - nlri nil iifn am ir h«n M la D» hM Ii ■! II la na w. »*M. #a j. a Uiiitot >■>lllll cat v NOTICE ■MM* l*U> aaktlikmV itm tM Ifr iari -T —» * rff—I —T Ml Mti llq«in Im J >"»*—» Ort J*± tym. mt WWfcJirV «mi r c. na »a» j a«pt n« j J. U WUICMAKD NOTICE ~ anaotf aayrtw CMt *r ~m it ni bfiat •T (Mac af ■ Soar W (to kfcrtit Coarl af 111 111 a»a W. Amgt.tt ak E* fartr. 1 "JatonS* aat to faaarik r Mif. nantairlilni St CM tour ter mt Tf rfak. M..h, tomtttoyaT Oili>ll a* * * -■ n a naaisMaK W.T.csawMSD NOnOB —j* o—' 0 —' —raili »iililiHai llmln.ana.ffcto W w«iftl>l»«wII Illlant mrUri li ■■■# (ilaaf aa«kM nhtai K t- a. m»>i. era aa»ni.ix*»»i NOTICE ■Mia On »J> tlJ """ n ■V Cast taa ia h'ealaaaMs. sc.aaai mm I |" ' ta ****** Oa* MilMOwl aafeaUasn awhanm akl^StpnmCk^l!"**lL Ji a* ta niU notaonai tan * —. AUMuonuiors lonos n*i aait"!" iWriaaa(«r w—nj 'r -r"nmr*r naifrrwlnlßini mt HniUa'Snniftaiii flahfaiMi to faf**at Mmi *1 ' a»ar ft (X Work, Bcbne. Ark., says: I was fronbitd with constipatkm until I beWitts LMe Early R»e»s. Smcc then hsec been fcnf re ly cured of my od complaint. I res ■* r— — a * t T' --j£jT ' •* ~ • • »V ' ■ .V., ' ~ •- v Hr * .. 4 • . •••' "■ fl' -.• • AQ IHkUr ki*« tried t» care rA , TAKKAH bf Ifceaw of pa a due, r' crack ope* sad bleed. Tka pmmmh r add mid ■ Ik iaMm kwHtin- LutefiSwiiM iwilWcta. k ntfclWi— Aaaldaad iif j—ced pr.flit.-ii ifahihr —ay ty af tka traataaat «f c ATT A RAH • haa at laat pwftrtti a treat Meat ' »diwa» at ww. W paiaaMllj I earaa CATARRAH, fay ► (tut, itoopiif tti dvidbtxyi . cawaganri IIIU MI Ita Ue aa^ atadtifal ir—dj ia hm aa •wurnnua guakahtked CATARRAM cUßßfaad ia arid at | iWnlWad/ I"BVDFFLHT ialha aaly perfect ' cATAKRAH cXJRK mm mmU ami , ud pamtivm «a*a far that UMjag aatly aala dba m Inl UrefieveOAY FETES ar cOLD ia Ike HEAD. r cATARRAB what aflaa laada ta cOHSUMPnOS—IHIUF FLE3T will aav* yaaifyaa aaa it at oaeiL It la aa ariiaatj aacdy, bat a IJlCraLtalri U "can cATARRAH aack package. Daa't delay kat and for it at aace, aad wr Je fall partica lenaa In j«ai i naitili—.aail jaa rill recava apacial advica kaa tka dia> coram af tfaia aaaiirfil wady ta gardiaff year caaa akfciat aa* la »aa beyoad tka ragalar priea af "SHUF FLES" tka "GUARANTEED CA TARRAH cIKE." Beat prepaid ta aay addraaa ta tka Uaitad Siataa or ceaad* ea receipt af Oaa Dollar. Addreae Dept. cMI.Ed. WIK B: GILES A Co.. 2539 aad 3X33 Market 3Uaat, Pfciladelf faia K«M Pj Cm I OOXU na. T. V TnGHM.Om. uit|n JOW P. HGCUat * TMI THE » , DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. - MANUFACTUHERS OP ■r-'UJI DRIED SOUTH CABOLIXA PINK LUMBER ARD DKS2CIS 81MMOSS BRAND CYPRESS SHRfOLRS. ' '■ ' ' WILLIAMSTON N. C. flTUrdera aad Correspondence Solicited, cnvitn mid cm Mmnwr cahtajl Sank Oi Martin County, UAHunn da* Win *!■»* ******* IWM ***■MamtilM.tokrMalaf kMah%>MIWU. J. O. O»*■«*. CwMf. "=• * "if." w.u.mm*j(,r. -Li- -U* It-- -■ J ■!! -II J- Wh**l*r M+rtin. D*nms» 8. Bigjw MARTIN & BIGGS, FURNITURE, WILLIAMSTON, N. C Cjusjronnci Souorrn. . 'PUOXB3: —OS* 33; Factory 46. . . —ljgO SMUT .1 , —. —ttolawl HI. Iml -I :■ jtmmm J j ■■gLLiUBB-«B«P» I" 1 " 1 1 *■!* - iggggganHssßr iMMNTEnSSUUS sum neb. 2!&iySISSMyK A. C. L iTuimc coast use r m. co»uri. onamKßoru. tuixs coixc socrm. S>.jS Ji SK 5-ii £ 131 IF 111 Lj, t__ g % * * **r ■- ZmJr. m. UxraUlH _ »•» sp It. Backjr W 1■» «jl 1.1 r. «tj ; U*K Tukn ■'« . . «■ UrnWw— >» J ■ sm bm am » 3» II a U. HU«» »Wfc Ij> il] ""-"-r'yj F» u » "a' *V~ "ZZT- _l_ U— *y ia a*.aiSnoaL ___ ID i |r. t TUWOSOB auata. a. M-i r. aj u njjiWj-. » a )», ttfSir_ "9- •» *—. int«« Mm »a) »nj ia.H. Ir. * •.«. r. a. Lajr.a r. ml Urn mill- am il »3»J ■; At >Kklei !> *«■ »a| »i »a u a«*j *T » "4- s= SL i rfKssS^ET ,sr tanTi «». mS'iji™ ia ilnwmaHl *a *• Tnfa ir*» TWW> * a»r It '.'a* %}*► ■■••j «»» r'■ -"-f "* ■, *»> *—*. *ni j j. ;a«, a.al «. -mi lij i "tuL« MtfUaa* K.e Unmt* la" nill aShtSif iwwaeflSl IM« Xa»*rHJrßnxt kan Backy l»f P -»rrr»« KaaknDr sssri'i'i.'wx.^trJsa Tr«ia m CIH !■>»»> I«w »•>•» "t Ckatoa^iilr.riofi wwlyr, p. ■ . JLrtmrmimx tawClinM *« a. «a ' tAiiTv. ]• nkncloK cnt»nli«ii Wtlla tm a.: |uau s«a daWy. all rail «a »nfcM«ad. h a nmnttm. Cca'l MaMpa A«raC L a. KKNI.V. Cta'l Mjupi t. a eaeaaaa Tnfc lianai. r