VOL. 11. im ran it I mi m Goes To His Reward Chanting "Nearer, My God To Thee." ill Ml fSIil 1 llf In The Early Morning—With His Devoted Wife at HU Side, William Mckinley Said "Oood-Hye," and the Great. Benevolent Heart Was Stilt—His Life and Character. A Review of the Assnsalaatlaa. William McKlnley. President of the United States, was shot by Leon Cxolgnsz OD Prlday. September «. at the Pan-American Exposition, at Buf falo. New York. The President Showed remarkable vitality and his condition seemed to improve rapidly, ao that the country had high hopes of his recovery, until Thursday night of •*t week, when bis symptoms became alarming. He grew steadily weaker 1. antil 1:15 a. m. Saturday, when he died peacefully, and without a strug gle. The President's Death. President McKlnley died at 1:15 •'clock Saturday morning. He had been unconscious since 7:30 p. m. Hit last conscious hour on earth was apt nt with the -wife to whom he devote ! a Mfe time of care. He died unatten ded by a minister of the Gospel, but hia last words were an humble sul»- tnisaion to the will of the God ir whoa he believed. He was reconcile.! to the cruel fate to which an assassin's ballet had condemned him and faced death in the name spirit of calmness and poise which has marked his long and honorable career. His last con actons words reduced to writing by Dr. Mann, who stood at hts bedsi le when they were uttered, were as fol lows: "Good-bye. all; good-bye! It's Co*"* way. His will be done." rlls relatives and members of the official family were'at tt-.e M.lhun hoase. Except Secretary Wilson. wLo did not avail himself of the oppor tanity, and some of his personal and political friend*, took leave of him. This painful ceremonv was simple. Ilia friends came to the door of the sick room, looked nt lain aad turnod tearfully away. He was practically aaeoasclou* during this time. Hut the powerful heart stimulants, Including oxygen, were employed to restore hliu to t«r.it!r.'SDefs for bis final parting with bis wfe. tie asked for her and she sat at his aide and held bl» has:!. • He consoled her and bade her good bye. She went through the heart tiring scene with the same bravery aad fortitude with which she ' had borne the grief of the tragedy which haa ended his life. - The cause of the Pre: • tart's deaHr is undetermined. Hi* physicians--disagree aad It will possi bly require aa&ntopay to tlx-the exact cause. The President"* remains will be taken to Washington and there have a state funeral. Vice President . Roosevelt* who now succeeds him. mar take'the oath of office wherever he happens to bear the- aßws. The cabinet will, of course, resign In a body and President Roosevelt will have aa opportunity of forming a new cabinet If be sd desires. The rage of the psnpls of Buffalo against the assart* *hen they learu- K ed tonight that he waa. dying was boundless. Thousands surrounded the *Ol aad the entire police of the etty and two regiments of mil Ula were atlUzed to insure his protection. -NEARER MY OOD TO THEE.'' After they left the sick room, the physics* raffled him fa consciousness aad the Vresjdent asked almost imme-- diately that hia wife be brought to him. The doctors fell back Into the riMdows of the room aa lira. McKlnley came through the doorway. The strong face of the dying maa lighted ap -.with a faint smile-aa their bands ware clasp ed. She tat besJde him aad held his hands. Despite her physical weakness, she bore pp bravely under the ordeil The President In his last period of coa ni Inasnisi which eaded about ?:ffi p. m.. chaated the words of the hymn. "Nearer Mr Ood to Thee." and his last audible conscious words ss taken town by Dr. Maan at the bedside were: -Goodbye all. goodbye!" It Is God's may- His will he done." The News la Washington. Wssffiarftofc. D. C.. Special.—The news at the expected death of Presl-1 dent McKinley came as a i rasking blow. * to the aatioa'a capiUl. Nowhere, per haps. had the dtlasas been so full of a«i«ac» ig the animate recovery of ; their beloved Presideat aad the buoy-; aat bolletias of the part week from tha sick bed had lulled them into a false seas* of McaUry which made 0»« Shor%; terrible when tie aevfs that the Buf falo tragedy would have a fatal end ins came to them. AU day loag the] balletla hearts wrt- sarrounded by j crowds waiting in suppressed excite ' meat for (he latest word from the Mll \ barn house, and numerous newspaper extras were eagerly snapped np. The three cabinet affcern la the capital w«e pictures of distress. Postmaster THE ENTERPRISE. General Smith returned to Buffalo on . the T:H train at night. Becietary Hay divided his time between the State De -1 part meat and hia home, waiting for the [ end in patient resignation, prepared for his sorrowful duty of conveying to the nations of the world in official I form the news of the demise of the . President. As the senior member la ranh of the cabinet upon Mr. Hay s . shoulders also will r*M the harden of [ government of the' great republic in the short, but importaat. Interval that [ { must elapse, before the Vice President. .! under the terms of the coastitatioa. | assumes the cares aad responsibilities : of the great presidential offle. At his home at Woodley. Secretary Gage swaited the close of his chiefs life. Duriag the day he had bea nt the Treasury Depart meat aad kept ia touch with fiaancial affairs, in order that the I "resident's cad might not canse aay commercial distarbsnce that foresight ' on the part of his Department could I avert. General Gillespie. .Aetiag Secre tary of War. stuck at hia post ia the : War Department for the purpose of i making such army orders ss the ssd . event would force him to Issue. He got into communication with General Miles st Sesttlp aad the latter noti fied the Department that he would re turn Immediately. The tact that the physicians had giv en np all hopes caused some discussion II among the public men in the city of I the probability of an extra srssion of Congress and or early chaages in the cabinet, hot the consensus of opinion , was that no -cabinet chaages or Im portaat depart ores In public policy ' i were at sll likely for some time to ! come, and that Congress would not be j assembled until its regular session. De -1 fftufffe. Death fnasrd By Oangreoe- Milbnrn Tloese. Buffalo. N. T.. I Special.—The following report of the j . | autopsy upon the resnsuna f Preside!.; ' | McKinley was l£SU*fl at 5 oclock, 'j The bullet which struck over the i breastbone did not pass thgragh »h • 1 skin and did little harm. The other > I bullet passed through both walls of : ; the stamseh near Ms lower birder, i Both heirs were found to be perfe- tl;- • Icaed by the stitches, bat tk> tis-ce , »round each bole had becsme gaicr. n ! -oua. After pusslag through the stmn ; ach the ballet passed into the bfrt ■ walls of the abdomen, hitting and teer- I lag the apper end of the htdaay. Ttiis ! portion of the ballet track was atx > i gangrenous, the gangrene Involving ! the pancre.is Th.- t.u'l'i hi* not »>e n I fwtnd. There was no sign of petit or- f His or dhrves of other organs. The ' heart walls were very thin. There waa aa evfdenee'uf any a'.idtpt to re pair oa the part of nature an I death resulted from the gangrene which a.'- fected the atomsrh around the ballet wounds as well aa tha tlsenes aroisn I the further of the ballet. Death eras unavoidable by nay surgical or medical treatment and was the direct result ef the ballet wn—d. (Signed) HARVRY D. GAYURtD. M. IX "HERMAN G.MATZINGER.M D. -P. M. RIXEY. M. D. "MATTHEW. D. MANN. M D. , "HERMAN MYNTEH. M. D. -ROSWELL PARK. M. D. -ENGENE WA&DLN. M. Q. "CHAS. G. STOCKTON. M. D. « -W. D. JOHNSON. M. M. "JT. P. -Surgeon K 8. Army "CHARLSE U MITNSON. i " . "Asst. Surgeon U. 8- Army. "HERMANUE L BAER. M. D" j A Otv of Momraieg. Balfalo. Special.—Buffalo Sunday be 1 eame a cRy ef mouraiag. The gay and ; Raming decorations of the Pan American Exposition gave way to the symbol of sorrow. The black drapery ' at the city's streets mnffied the tolling! I bells of the charehes. Bits of crepe' appeared oa every sleeve The sorrow was everywhere sppnrent. in the morning a simple service took place, kl the residence on Delaware avenue, where the martyred President disd. A hymaa was swag -and a prayer was offered aver the dead body. That was > > an. Only tha immediate family aad ! friends and poHtlcnl assistants of the ; late PrrsMeav were preseat. The : scene there was pathetic ia the ex- J j treme. Then the body waa borne "out to the waiting cortege an the brawny ! shoulders of eight sailors aad soldiers I of the republic. The cortege passed through solid walls of Hvtag hernial-- ♦ Iff . bareheaded and grief stricken to "the city Una where tha body lay in j state la the afternoon. There a re-' , markaMe demonstration occurred ! which proved how dose the PiaaMent. I wns to the hearts of the people. Ar rangements had been made to allow ; the public to view the body from the ' time R arrived, at ateat 10: M o'clock until mbopt t o'clock, bat the people were wedged into the streets for Trmm tm Ourmeivcs, Our Nri§kbmrm, Our Cmumii 9 mm* Omr €2+4. WILLJAMSTON, N. 0., FKWAT. SF.PTRMBEI. 20,1901. HMI ■ Ike valttif brio* in tk* Mmtt unlimialshe! It was fctlW to extead the time nn til BMil(kL TV* for kon* longer the itnHj **■* 4HN with people u4 a cnwstsat stream Sowed ap the steps Ot tkc broad eatrur* into the hall aad issorl the bier. Whea the doora were closed at mi/tight it was estimated that N.Nt people had rh»#d the remain*, bat thoa«aads of dlsappotated oaes were stiU la the streets. The body lay ta the city hall antll moral ag. It *aa taken to the statkm by a military snmit Mon-lav morning aad at t:M the fhaeral trala. roasixtlag «f serea cars, started for over the Ke*nj> I raala Railroad. Mrs. McKinlry. the President. the caMaet aad relatives aad frirads at the dead PmMrat at com pealed the rematea. Mrs. McKin ley hot* ap hcavdy darlag the ser vfca at the Milbarn tsahfaai i. aad Dr. Our Late President. WILLIAM IYKINLtY. Riser, her pbyslciaa. thinks she will be able to support her trying part in the state fan era! at Wa*hlns"n UFIFSSIVE CEKIOMES. Religtors Exercises Over The Deed President Saadly. The religious service over the re mains was simple aad impressive. The pastor was at the door leading Into the hall, a station whence hia words could be heard nt the bead o? the stairs. The signsl was given and. there welled out from the hall the' ' iLt H U|Um|l f\/ imUm/lMwil /jryj^^y > *—• . /nf ■ . PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT.' beautiful words e? Kiad!y L-Sht." sua* by a quartette. It HI | MrKialey's favorite hymn. Every one : within sound of the Basic haew it and | half of those ia the room pat their. faces ia their haad* to hide their tears. ; Comptroller Dawes leaned agalast a' bookcase aad wept. President Rone-' rett itemed to be swaying to aad fro, u « hia footiag were iaaeeare. Whca ! the stasias eaded the rlergjraun read, from the words of the Iflresth chapter. iof the First Ooriathiaaa. All had : riaea as he brpa sad msalaed stand las throashoat the remainder of the service. Asa la the voleca rose with the words- of "Nearer. My Cod. b Thee." the very words PresMi *r Kialey had repeated at' laterals of (CMbMMtss darias the 4*7 of agm/ befote he died. As the music did away, the pastor spofce agaia. Le: u* : pray.'.' he said aad every hsid fall apea its breast- He began his iavocitica with a ataaza from a hyaa aaas ia the Methodist tborrb. Hia prajfr wea as follows: A BEAUTIFUL PRATEB. -O. God, oar help la ages past. . j Oar hope for years to roaie. Oar shelter from the stormy blast, j And natr MtfVflll hone." - ' "We, Tkj crnrmats. humbU Ixsetek Thee 'or ait"- 1 *' 1 "- of Thy Ufa »« we come Into Thy nwai We Iwl aad magnify Thy holy aiaeasd pals* Ihee for all Thy gooda«ss Br atr clful uato as aad hleas as. aa atrichea with orerwhtMlai mio* we ramm to Tb*e. Forgive as for oar dsahti aad fears aad faheriag hitk. pardoa all oar-Mas aad short 1 as*lap* ami help us to Say. Thy will he do**.' la this dark night of grief aMde w.th aa till the dawning- Speak ta Oar troub led soul*. O, Uod. sad give to as th s hoar of aaatterable grief the peace! and quiet which Thy p»«a*pce ealy caa afford. We thank Thee that Thoa aa iwerest the cobbing sigh of the hsart I and dost ansasz as that If a maa die ha shall lire agaia. We pralsi Thee for J eon* Christ. Thy sew. mm Snvtor aad elder brother, that He casse to hriag lite and immortality to light sal becaase-Re llrcs we Aill lie* al»> We thaak The* that death Is riilay Oat to die Is fiin Hne pug spea UK la thi« dispensation of Thy Prcvi- Jfnrf, we fcellev? in Thee— we trm TLM*. our 11 ->t of lOTft, (he Bmr J•« terday. today and forever. """We thank Thee for Ihe ■■sallied life of Thy servant, oar urtyirl Pre sident. whom Thoa has taken to h!s coronation, and we pray for the Isil triumph or all the divine principles of pur* character and free government, for which he stood while he lived anJ niiich were 'uaptiaed hy his blood In his death. "Hear our prayer for bkstinn of consolation upon all those who were associated with him in the «Jstsutis- linn of the affairs ot the (vnruutl and especially vouchsafe Thy prrarare to Thy K.-rant who has btta nM'ily called to assume the holy responsibi lity of our Chief Magistrate. O. GM. ' Mess oar dear nation and said* Ike ' ship of State through atomy at»i J Help Thy people to bs brave to gght J Ihe battles of the Lord and viae to ' solve all the probleaM of freedom. Graciously hear «a for comfort ax ' blessings to -rest upon the family or- \ : cle of our departed friend. Teaierly sustain Thine haadmald?a upon «i*.. the blow of this sorrow msst htiT If ■ fall*. Accompany her.- O. Gild, as, Thau fasat promised.' ttfrongfe us iirt Valley and shadow, and may aie fear , no evil, because Thoir art Silk her. All these things' we ask la U» aas»e of JWM Christ," our Lard.* -W«o fcs taught us wh*a-we pray, to say. -Ocr . Father Who an in Hesvea. heW-nred by Thy Name; T*y Kingdom M*» Thy will be done on earth S* it is -a H?aven. Give n Uria day ow dally !fcr»ad sad ca oar nwe forgive those who trespa s against as: aad lead UJ not into t*m;- \ tat.on, but deliver as from CVLI. for I TMae is tbs kiagdom. sad the pjtrcr. anil the glory, forever. ASMS.' "May the grace of oar Lord Jesm Christ, Use love of Coding Faib'r.j aad lili ill i of th« Holy Spirit be -with ■ all. !»■■■»- Abcb." TAKING THE BODY A WAT.' An mM Joiwl la the laHTa PnjK mm the minister ttpttM It. Ptisltiat Rooanrft'i vole* being aa dihle U Ike back of the room. The ■mjf iwiiliM with • simple hue- Arttaa The foaeral director «•) ■hill u Mf forward to place the cov er oa the caaket shea suddenly there was a Bereant behind Governor OdelL Senior Haaaa. who had riara aaw that the laat opportunity to look la to the eoaateraaace of hia daaa Mead had rjae. Prralig forward ia aa laataat he fp* at the aide of the caaket aad bending over had knk.ai dna Mo It Ataaoat two minutea paaaed aad thea he taraed away aad the raffia wu rloaed. Colowel B a- ham ilgaallt I the body-bearers. Foar. plhn two lafaatry aergeants bore the caaket aloft aad oat of the house. The PrraMeat rahiaet aad the othera followed It. lira McKlnley aad the ial«ia of the family reaaaiard. The wldaw bad passed through the ordeal hnrdy aad withowt breakiag dowa. The trataed aaraaa aad the persaal atHadaata of the Presldeat gathered oa the aMe of the porch to aee the body takes away. THE CORTEGE MOVES It waa within a minute ot 11:3* oVtork wkea three loat rolla of a muf fled drwaa told thcae outside of the hoaar that the faaeral rortw waa to appear. Krom the darkeaed rooaa the assemblage brtaa to lie oat to fte all tel. Soon the walks an I lawas were again covetel the ailrwt Ihraas. *"h heads bared. At the aowtat the raakel appeared. "Nearer. My flod. to Thee." aareadel la aahdwed atra'aa fr.Kn oae of tho Military haads. Tenderly the hearers lowered the casket froa the'.r should en aad placed it ia the fceirae. The aotoa of Chopin's funeral ditge sue ceeded the strwlrs Of the hymn. The sjldlnw aad saikwa swung into lea; aad took ap the marci saatb ward uward the ity hall. Sketch of William .IcKialey. WCllaaa McKlaley. twenty Bftb pre* Jet* of the raited States, was bora on Jaaaary S»- 1113. ia Nlllta. O. He r*> relied hia hlfhir eJu-allcn at Ail glu ay College aad taught school for z -biV la I*l he eatercd the array as a niikf ' la the Twcaty-tblrd Ohio Rextaaeet. was •«>*?•« uoualy promoi—l till he hsriae nptua aai was brov •filed aaajor la lh« IJel.ed Slates vol waterrs by President IJm-olaa for ga* laqtry la battle March 13. IMS. Alter the war M? 1 MrKinley s'uJieJ law aad Uf u :ta practice in 1 O at ■ Chat-as. 0.. til there has hanie bai •bm cwr *iM lie emt » trim ms j prcocrntiax attorney of Stark rouaty I lleglaning la IV7C be rcprey-ntivl th • dlotrirt of which hia eonoiy wai a part ' for It yarn ia the' national House o! j Reptwatatives. Aa hiirmmn of the , waya and means r.Kumi:tee be repor ted tie Uril law of ISM. la Njrem ber of that year h» waa de'eated for Gratxu. bl s'U:ri-t baring been ger rymandered- but he reiln nt Ike u uaf adrern* aaajority of 3.000 ta iff». !a ; I*9l and (gain la 1693 he was elected ! Governor of hia rat ire Sts.e in th** fw eler-tkaa by a plurality of ;i.s!l* ' acd ia the second by a plurality .".f ! »*J»i ! At the St. Lmii aatioD.l R'public-n I anient ion on June 18. liM. Mr. He Klaley wax nominated for President. ! mriiiig Kl owl of a total of 90S votes iHe was ele -ted ia the fallowing M> vemhar. r«>lvir.( 271 electoral vot-*s laa aga;cn IK fir William J. 11-yaa At the Philadelphia nil ion *1 con v rat ma of his party la IW. MeKinley was re nomirn'e I. '«» agjia elected Prea denl In N* reaih-r of that year aad waa Inaugurated at Wath>atiaa vlik impnicg oa the lib of March of tkli year. TKODOtE ROOSEVELT. Sketib of the Man Who Succeeds to L- i - IlithcaldtatT. ~ Oaf goverement ia perpetual: the 111 "belajg merely an aw(i aa administrative oDcer. In the kWory of the country many mi n hare nagrJ the executive chair; men or fflfferect creeds "of pqtfUcal belief, o' differing degrees of ability. > -"Twice before has the pFHlJett been *ot dowa by aa aanssti. Twice a'sa has aatcral death bereft the nation of ita head. But there ia. ua ier our m:f n.krent governmental system, always a man la reaerve to assume the in potftu duties of Chief Mag's rate. The lap e of time between the dea:h of 1 President aad tbe qualiflrat; n of his successor is not a laps? in the gonmora'. for all the altQinisXrative functions are carried on with the saute regnlarity by fhe subordinate officers under tbe fSw of the land. Oa the deitW President McKinley the tan aa'ria to bin high office falls to Theodore Roosevelt by virtue of l||f election to tbe vire-presiden-y. Brt he waa sot President Immediately apoa the death of Mr. McKinley. an! only whew b« assaa>ed the oath of o.'- Ire mid he btcane President- Theodore Roosevelt is a native of Mew York, of Dnich ancestry. Ilia life has bee* oae marked by strong char acteristic*. His habits have always ?tea tmperate aad he la a. oae apec mrtC tf rigorou maabo >d bath o. toff aad tolad. He baa sees a greaV -*e®l of Hbflr service ia his aatint ~t«:e acd citj dlt baa.served oa the jatiajal civil service eomm»aasoa, aaJ sett f pvernor of tbe Btate of New York Ha served ia the Spanisb-Ameriraa war as casmaader of the "Rojgh Rif iersT aad did good lishtiag at Saa Ju aa_ - He romea to the lYealdency with the beat wishes of a nation that be ma; discharge hia new aad important dutiei in a just. Important aad statesmanlike capaaer- y IT IS KESIKKT tOOSEVi LT. x ——• He Tsfcaa the Owth at Office With ta* Whew tha aaaoaaranient of tha dath of PieaMeat MrKlaley waa lashed over the wires Vlre President Roosereft waa B alba boa a rt lml atatioa ia the Adiroadae mountains on « haatfac eapedltloa. Then began the effort ta coavey the iatelltgeare ta him. Special relays of messengers were detailed to aotify him aad take him ta Be Halo He was found an I esLortad to tha railway staUoa where a ■» rial trala took him to thestene of tha Plea I diet's death. He rearhed Baffalo aa Satarday aad repaired to the MHhwra Hoaae. His ff.-aC act waa ta asps can to Mia MrKlaley his roa doiearaL Tha president waa attired la a black frock eoat aad dark striped troaaera. aad wore a el Ik hat. He waa wiiahri of coaateaaace. anJ ap peared to feel both the aolemnlty of the airaalaa aad its rcspaasibiiltles for him. He alighted at the Milhara house at exactly 3: It o'clock. He was a.-cora laaled by hU host. Mr. Aasley WiK-ox. aad oae of the eecret aervire force. Prex*d«at Roosevelt came out of tin Mllbara hoaae at 2:M aad drove to the Wlleox home, reacking there at 3: IXI A tea ailastes' wait for the members of the cahiaet ensued, aad preparatl ns were Made for taklag the oath or o."- ice. The place aelerted was the 1 brer/ of Mr. Wilcox's hoaae. a rather amail room, hat ptctareeqae. the bervy oak triaamiags aad the massive book eaaea givlag It aamewhat the appear aaee of a legal lea. K pretty hay mladow. with atained glaaa and hmiry, hangings, formed a background and agalaat thia the prealdeot toik bis p »- citloa Oaiioaadiag him were the five mamhi i a of the cahiaet— Secretaries Root. Hitrhcoch. U>ag Wilsm aad I Poatmaater Gemeral Smith. Nearby | waa Senator Chanacy M. I)-pew. Judge at tae Coait of Appeals Haight.' Jobs aratrhaid. Mr. aal Mrs. Anslejr | Wilcox. Miss Wilcox. George P. fa* | yer. Ors Maaa. Park aad SwMun. Mr. aad Mm Careletoa Spranr Jr.. George B Cortelyou. eere'.ai y to tils dead preaideat: Dr. aad Charlet Carey, 1 R. C. Scat chard. J. D. Sawyer. Wm. Jeff era. oftrlal telegrapher of the I'ni ted States Senate, and Judge of the Halted States District Ccjrt John It HaaeL Jadge Hazel stood near the p-eaide it la the bay wladow. and the latter a bowed h!a almot extreme nerv.mv aeas bv Dlneklaa at the lapel of :i:a loag frock eoat and nervously tapping the hardwood floor wit:i his he.l. Il« stepped over oare to Secretary Ro -t. aad for about Ave minutes th*y r in veised earnestly. The que.ition at *s aue waa whether the president should •rat alga aa rath of office, and then awear la. or whether he should swear ia flrat aad siga the doriment la the rasa after. • i BBCRBTARY ROOT BREAKS DOWN At precisely J: J? o'rloek Seerela/j* Root reaeed hia conversatl-n with tb« preaideat aad. stepping back, shite an absolnta bush fell upon everyone in the muaa. said, ia almoat inaudible voice: I "Mr. Vice President: I"— Then h'« voice broke, aad for fully two tn'nuit-s the tears came down his fa'-e and hit Tips quivered so that he • ould not : tiirae hia ntteraneea. The.e were aympathetic tears from about him. aad two grrat dnrps ran down ufher cheek of the successor of Wit- Ham MrKialey. Mr. Root's ehin waa on his breast Suddenly, thranitj bark his head as if with an effort..:-.? eoatiaaed. la brofese voire: J "I have been rvqK3ted. on behalf-1 f tbe cabin*t of the late president, at treat those who are pres nt in llnffalo, ail exrept two. to reqn.ut that, for :e - Bona of weight affecting the affairs of governmect. yoa should pro-erd to take the roeetitutlinal oath of ptea dent of be I'nited Stales." Judge Hazel bad stepped to t'ac rear of the presideat.' aid Mr. Il'>,3eve t, coming rloaer to Secmary Roqx. sai l in a voice that at Erst wave el. h't Anally came deep and s rong. whll?.' as if to control hit nervousne 3. ba bcld firmly to the lapel of hia ccat with his right band • I ahail take the oath at enre. In a - j •-ordan- e with your request, and in th » hour of deep aad Urritle national b - j reavemeat I wiah ta alata that It shi'l be my aim to coatioue absolutely us- J broken the policy of Pre Heat M. Ki :- ley for the peace and prosperity anJ ! honor of our beloved country." THE OATH OF OFFICE TAKEN. The president stepped farther in:) the bay window, and Judge HaxH. taV- | ing np the constitutional cath f o£- Ace. which bad be n prepared oa parchment, asked the president «-» raise his right hand ar.d r prat it a' e.- iiia There was a hush lilt death in the nxma as the JuJfte toid a 'i w words at a time a-.d tho prerids'.t. «a a strong voie?, and without a t rem a.-, and with hia raised hza-1 as ticady as if carved f rom marble, repeated 1: afi-r him. nd thus I swear." he endf-.1. The hand dropped by his side, tbe r'lia for an last ant re?t*d oa the b.'cast. and the sileaee reina ne-Punbro'it n f r a couple of as though tSi sew president of the falteJ Slates was offering ailcnt prayer. Judge Hazel broke it. aaylag: "Mr. President, please actach yoar slgnatn:e." aad pre-ldeat. turning to a sma'l ta'-le n?arby. wrote "Theodore floc.jvelf at tbe bottom of the dcejmeat it. a Arm hand. * - "I should like b ate "he members of the eablaet a few mcaeaia after tha others retire." raid the i-resldezt, and thia waa the signal for tit? sere r.f I people who hac( been favored b;- wit aeaaing tbe ceremony, to retire. As they turned la ffo. the president said: "I haada with you peopis gladly." aad With soqjMhing of bis oil naiitf returning. Me Arst ahcok hands with tbe members of tha cabinet pres ent. the* Senator Depew. and Anally with a tew guests aad newspaper NO. 52. A HOCUHTIM. PrcjMm KtoiCTtil AfHaM a day Thursday m nt ipart u a day ot national moaralag. ill was aa übatrr ed. under Ike foilovias proclamatlor by Presideat Roosevelt: By the Presideat of the Faked States— a proclamatloa: , A terrible benaTtant haa befsllew oar people. The PraUM ml tha flat ted States has heea strath dawn a crime committed aoc oalj aolut tb* Ch'ef Magistrate, hat splrw frtrj law abiding aad lPte-.ty lovlac clltaL Preaideat McKialey uwa»U a lite of latg>st love for his (tliw aea. of it' ll earnest eadearor for their wel fare. by a death of Christfaa fort tade and both the way la whCch ha lived his i:f • aad Ibe way la rtlA la tha **- prenae hoar of trial, he mtt his dwth. will rrmaia forever a pen teas hrrttaaa of oar people.--- It Is Bfrt that we aa ft aatloa ca prt m oar abid ag lave aad isstasatj for h a life, oar d ep awraw for his na tively death. Now. theie'ore. I. Theodore Roost - rejt. Presideat of the Halted States of America. do mow appoiat Thai ads y. September l» the day «a which the lody of the dead PwaMait will be laid in Its last earthly testing plare. aa a day of mourning aad prayer throagh t«t the ITaited State?. I es'ant'y le rnrjiretd all the peop'e to assemble 3a [ that day ia their respectivepplatar ta of divine worship, thro to haw dowa la suhmiSsxa to the will of Ahelfht/ C-J. and to pay oat cf fall hearts their I b nage of Iw aad itrerne: to the grrat and good Presideat. whoae death b'i smitten the aatloa with hitter gri.f. j In witness whereo' I have herrnato *et my hand and raased the aaal of tha I'nited states to be aflied. Dene at the rity cf Washiagtoa. tie >',!•« day of September. A. D-. oae thuusaad nine bnadred aad oae. aad Of the independenre of the Halted States the one hundred aad tweaty-sixth. THEOODRE ROOSKVBLT. I Ry the President: John Hay. Secre tary of Prate. SICLL STIIKF SETILE9. The Flaal SiU to Hive Been Rczchcd. New York. Special.—The ateel strike was settled Satarday after a conference of six hoars between the representatives of the Aaaalgaaaated association and the ateel corporation 'I he men will retara to work Moa dav. The agreesoeat was aot made public, tnt it was sigaed by the of ficials of the Amalgamated aaaoela tl"n an I the subsidiary rmapaalra -4 «fco r-it-j o»..i The corporations sigaiag were the American Tin Plate rompaay. the American Steel lino pa rompaay. aad the Ameriraa Sheet Steal compaay. The full terms of the aettleam' were not divulged aad It waa aaaoaar ed that there was aa agm mi at be tween the parties to the roafereace to the effect that no statemi at would lie made until Preaideat Shaffer of the Amalgamated aaaorlatioa laaai I his order to the men to retara ta work. This will be tomorrow ■ Sunday I wbea lie reaches Pittsburg. whither be weat immediately after the maftemau. It was learned, however, from aa authoritative source that wo tmwi Mom were made by the Unite I States Steel corporatloß. It was alao learned that the Amalgamated aaao elation gave op its right to coatroi ia the following mills: The Crescent. Irondale. Chest.'.'. Star. Monongahela. Deamler and Mone**en mills of the American Tin I'late company. The Canal. Dover. Ilrde Park. Old Meadow. Saltsbargh. IV'wees-Wnod and Wcllavlll* Mills of the American Sheet Steel rompaay: , the Painter. McCutrheoa aad Clark mills of the American Hop rompaay: the Juliet and Milwaukee mills of the Federal St> el tompaay. aad all of the nlils of the Ameriraa Tube romfaay. News By Wire. The National Baseball League haa ' unanimously voted to suspend all league championship games oa Thar? day. the day of the funeral of the late ('resident McKinley. ' Emma Goldman, waa haaged la eB fty late Monday night from a telegraph pole in the eastern stftioa of Bait: I more. . ( U FILIAL ARIAWEKNTSI | li.*rcis:s to Take Place la Wadktap I. ton City. ington. Special.—Secretary 1 Hay Sunday issued to the pablle the ' following announcement roaretalag the funeral of President MrKlaley: "Department of State. "Washington. D. C-. Sept. IS. IMO. "The remains of the late Presideat of the I'nited States, after lytn? ia state in the city hall of Buffalo duriag the aitesnoen of Sanlav. September ' 15. will l e remove! to Waahiafftoa bv spoial train on Monday. September lit. Iraring Buffalo at 8:34 % m. an I reaching Washington at J p. m. Tha remains will then be rallied, aadc: the escort of a squadron of Caite 1 States f aralrv. to the Execattva Man sion. wbrrc they will real aatil I o'rlork in the morning of TmaaAa", September 17. They will then he car ried to the eapitol. i ps atoll by a military ami civil escort. the details of which will be givea ia a separate notice. Tbe remains will lie la state. Religious services will be held la the rotunda of the eapitol oa Wedaaaday at 12 o'clock 8008. At 1 o'clock the remains, under a military eat art. will he transferred to a fuaeral ear aad carried to Canton. O, via the Pea nsvlvania Railroad, arriving than oa • Thursday, at 11 a. m.. whore arrange menu for the Baal sepnltnre win be committed to the charge at tha citi zens of Caatoa. under the dUectioa of a committee to be aeleetad by the mayor of that city. No cetaaaoaiaa are expected la the cities aad tooaa along the route of the foasral trala beyond the tolling of beHa. I Signed) "JOHN HAT. -Secretary of State."

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