"VOL. n. mi UNIT rot i mil i if ami Goes To His Reward Chanting "Nearer, My God To Thee." » mi 11 mi im■ In The Early Morning—With His Devoted Wife at Hi* Side, William Mckinley Said "Good-H ye," and the Great. Benevolent Heart Was Still—his Life and Character. A Rente* of the AiHshutUn. ■William Mr Kin lev, President of the ®«Ke4 Sutca. was shot by Leon Cnlcw on FkMtr, September I, at the Pan-American Exposition, at Huf faio. New Tort The President shosa d remarkable vitality and his condition seemed to Improve rapidly, ao that the country had high hopes of Ma rttsiaj, an til Thursday night of •■st week, when his symptoms became ■•armln* He grew steadily weaker . JsM 1:11 a. m. Saturday, when he died peacefully, and without a slrug The Pr:»Wtst'» Death. ' President McKlnley died at 8:15 •'dock Saturday morning. He had heea aacoaseioua since 7:30 p. m. Hit last conscious hoar os earth was spent with the -wife to whom he devoted a life time of care. He died unatten!- ded by a minister of the Gospel, but ; his last words were an bumble sul>- mission to the will of the Cod li whom he believed. He was reeondieo to the cniei fate to wblch an assassin's bailee had condemned him and faced death ia the caste spirit of calmness aad poise which has marked bis Ion; aad honorable career. His last con scions words reduced to writing bv 1 Ih. Mann, who stood at his bedsi le when they were uttered, were as fol ! Iowa; "Goodbye, all; good-bye! It's' GodS way. His will be done." Vila relatives and members of the ' r.Ocial family were at the M.l!iu. >■ j house. Except {Secretary Wilson, who ' did not avail himself of the opßor tanity. and some of his r-rsonalf an.l political trie n.l». took leave This gainful reremonv *'*s simple His fricads came to 'the door of the sick room, looked at bUn and turnod tearfuliy away. He wag practically aacoascious during this time. Dot the powerful heart sttiuulanta. including oxygen were employed to restore hlin " to t«£src=sne£* for his fin at parting ! wi|h his tff. He asked for her and j aha eat at his aide aad held his haad. j He consoled her and bade her good- ' bye. She went through .the heart ; trying scene with the same bravery j aad fortitude with which she had J tmc the grief of the tragedy which has ended his life. • The Immedlato cause of the Presi lot's Mlr ia undetermined His physicians-disagree and it will possi bly require aa antopay to flx-tho exact cause. The president* remains will ha taken to Washington and there have a state funeral. Vice President Koose rclw who Mow succeeds him. may take "the oath of oflcc wherever he happeas to hear the- news. The cabinet will of course, resign la a body aad President Roosevelt will hare aa opportunity of forming a new cabinet, if be ad desires. The rage of the people of Buffalo . against the asaaaaip when they learn 1 ed tonight that he was. dying was boundless. Thousands surrounded the M nnd the entire police at the city and two regiments of mIUUa were utilized to insure his protection. -NEARER MT OOD TO THEE." After they left the sick room, the physir'aO rallied him to consciousness aad the DresSdcut naked almost imme diately that his wife ia brought to him. The doctors fell back lain the ahidows of the ma sa lh» McKla»y rams through the doorway. Tha. strong face of the dying man lighted up .with * f.tx Uli ii th«ir hands ware dasp ed. She kat beside him aad held hi* Mala. Despite her physical seakaesa. de hot* ap bravely under the ordeal. The Presideat in his last period of eoa iilm - -- which eaded about 7:4* p. m.. chanted the words of the hymn. -Nearer Mr Ood to Thee." and his teat audible coascious words aa taken down by Dr. Mann at the bedside were: -Goodbye all. goodbye!" It ia Ood* a way- H* wm be done." „ The News In Washington. Wasldagtoa. D. C.. Special.—The news of the sxpectsd death of Preal dcat IMtiafcy caaseas a cruahiag Mow ; % to the aatioa'a capiul. Nophers. per j hapa had the tlliaisa bean ao tail of cuaffdeaee ia the ultimate leeovery of fkrir Moved Pi taldiat aad the buoy- j aat bulletins of the past week frdm the sick had had lulled them laSU» a false - MW sNaMky whirfc made the shock terrible when the news that the Buf- , (ato tragedy would hare a fatal end ing cane to then*. All day long the fiusf boenta wnl*e surrounded by crowds waiting ia suppressed excite aeat to the latest word (Tom the Ml! am were eagerly snapped np. The three cabiast officers ia the capital niciurcg ot diiiresi. i'osuniftbßT- , Ceaeral Smith returned to Buffalo on the 7:11 trala at alghL Secretary Hay divided his lime betweea the State De partment and his home, waiting for the end la patient resignation, prepared for his sorrowfsl daty of convey.ng to the nations of the world In official form the news of the demlae of the President- As the aeaior member ia raak of the cabiaet. upon Mr. Hay's shoulders also*will r**« the burden of government of the'great republic in the short, but importaat. laterral that must elapse, before the Vice President, under the terms of the constitution, assumes the cares and responsibilities of the great presidential office J At his home at Woodley. Secretary Gage awaited the dose of his chiefs life. During the day be had be?a at the Treasury Department and kept ia touch with flaancial affairs, ia order that the President's end might not cause any commercial disturbs ace that foresight on the part of his Department could avert. General Gilleaple. 4"tlng Secre tary of War. stock at his post ia the War Department for the purpose of making such army orders ss the sad event would force him to Issue. He got lato communication with General ! Miles at Seattle, aad the latter notf t fled the Department that be would re turn immediately. The fact that the physicians had giv en np all hopes caused some discussion among the public men in the city of the probability of aa extra seaaion of Congress and of early changea in the cabinet, but the consensus of opinion ' was that no esblnet chaages or Im . portent departures la public policy i were at all likely for some time to ! come, and that CoagTeas would aot be | assembled until its regular session. De ! cember. Death Caused By Uaagrene. Milburn Hottse. Buffalo. K. T.. | Special.—The following report of the sutopsy upon the remains c# President McKlnlej was l£*u»d at 5 o'clock. The bullet which struck over the breastbone did aot paaa this nth ib» skin aad did little harm. The tt>-r bullet paaßfd through both walla of the stomach nsar Ms lower twrder. HfXh h- 1 * were fnnnd t. t>e p"rf- :1.- , Icsed by the stitches but the lists { around each hole had became gaagren ' -oua. After passing through the siom-, | ach the bullet passed Into the hsek j | walls of the abdomen, hitting aad tear | lag the upper ead of the kidney. This j portion of the ballet track was alsii I gangreneons. the gangrene Involving j Ihe pancreas. The buil«-t his not >*• n i found. There was no sign f>f perl t or itls or diseases of other organs. The heart walls wet* very thin: There I waa ae evidence of any attempt to re-, pair oa the part of nature aad death resulted from the gangrene which af fected the atoamch around the balht wounds aa well as the •isaias aroaal the further -coarse of the bailee Death was anavoidable by aay ■—glf' or medical treat meet aad was the direct result of the bullet wound. (Signed) HARVEY D. GATLORD. M. D. "HERMAN G.MATZINGER.M D. -P. M. RIXEV. M. D "MATTHEW. D. MANN. M D. "HERMAN MTNTER. M. D. "ROSWEIJ, PARK. M. D. "ENGENE WASDIN. M. U "CHAS. 0. STOCRTON, M. D. « "W. D. JOHNSON. M. M. "f. P. Kill,ll U - Surgeon IT «. Army "CHARLES U MI7NSON. "Asst. Sargaoa U. S- Army. "HERMANUE L BAER. ML D." A City of Mossrnisg. Buffalo. SpeeUiL—Buffalo Sunday be came a city of aouraiag. The gay aad j flaming decorations of the Pan American Exposition gave way to the symbol ot sorrow. The black drapery of the city's streets mufled the tolling bells of the churches. Bits at crepe appeared oa every Sleeve The Borrow was everywhere apparent.. Ia the morning a simple service took place C the residence oa Delaware aveaue. where the martyred President disd. A hymaa was sung-and a prayer was offered over the dead body- That was all. Only the Immediate faadly and frienda aad political aaajataati of the ; late Pressdsiii were present. The : scene there was pathetic ia the «- J treme. Then the bedy waa borne 'ont 1 : to the waiting cortege on the bra way I } shoulders of eight sailors aad aoMlera ' of the republic. The cortege pasnit through solid walla of living human! vtp, hare headed aad gi lelf-aurtiksji. to * the city hall, where the body lay in atate la the afternoon There a re " markabla demonstration ua niied which proved how doae the PraaMent j waa to the hearts of the people. Ar rangementa had been made to allow | the public to view the tody from the! time tt arrived, at abowt l»:t0 o'clock j until abopt 5 o'clock, hat the people were wedged lato the streets for blocks. Two ttwa eeretorased. They Trite to Ourmeire*. Our Veijkhoro, Our Country and Our God. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRftfAY, SF.PTEMBEI. 20,1901. HlnW literally Car HHML. Vkl I •'dork ctae 40.000 people- had Hmdi rand and tke crowda waiting brbw the atreeta aeeaaed undlmtniahei. It was decided to extend tke lia« n» til aldilfkL Tke* lor hoars hater the streata ware dense with people ■ad a (onatant stream flowed ap the steps of tke broad entrance Into tke kail and passed tke Mer. Wkea tke doom were cloaed at aili'algkt It was estimated that *0.006 people kad viewed tke rwmaiaa. bat thoasnada of disappointed onea were still In the ntipsta. The body lay la the cMjr halt until morning. It waa lakea to the station bj a military eacort Monday morning and at l:M tke funeral train, consisting «f aerea can. started far Washington over tke PWBJ) I vaaia Railroad. Mrs. McKinley. tke President, tke cabinet and relatives apd friends of tke dead President at rompanlfd the remains. Mra. McKln ley bora ap bravely daring the ner val* at the Mllbarn raaidence. aad Dr. s Our Late President. WILLIAM /TKINLBY. Riser, her physician, thlaks she will be able to Support her tiring part la the state funeral at Washing*'** I.'.IPIFSSIVC CEKMONIES. Rellgiocs Exercises Over The Deed President -Suadly. The religious service over the re mains waa simple and impressive. The pastor wss st the door leading Into the hall, a station whence his words could be beard at the bead of Ihe staira. The signal was given and there welled out from the hall the ' %. PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT. ■ boautifui word* 0' "I-'art, Kindly Mfcht." sung by a quartette. It vu I McKinley's favorite hymn. Every oac f within sound of the music knew It ud j half of those in the room put their faces in their hand* to bide their tear* Comptroller Dawes leaned against a' bookcase and wept. Preaident Row- ' veU seemed to be swaying to and fra, as « bis footing were insecure. When the alnging ended the clergyman read' from the worda of the fifteenth chapter j of the First Corinthians. All had; risea as he began and Remained stand ins throughout the remainder of the service. Again the voices rose with the words- of "Nearer. My God. la Thee." the very words Presia-a lie Klmley had repeated at intervals of coMciovsness daring the day of asc«y. before be died. As the music died away, the pastor spoke again. "Let us pray." he said and every held fell upon • its breast He began his invocation with a stanza from a hymn song in tire XetbodUt church. His grayer w»a as follows: I A BEAUTIFUL PRATER. -O. God. oar help In agss past. Oar hope ftW years to come. Our shelter' frpm the stormy bU*t .J • And oar eternal home." "We. Thy cervanu. humbly beseech - The* % luta* I '-?**"" of Thy IITK aa we coma Into Thy pwUnw. Wa land and magnify Thy- holy name aad praise Ihee for all Thy goodncaa. Be mer cifnl nato aa aad bless ua. aa atrlcken with overwhelming narrow we come to Than. Forgive us for our doubt* aad rents aad faltering faith, pardon all oar- aiaa aad ahortcontlag* and kelp ct to lay. 'Tby will bm done.' la tkla dark nigkt of grief abide w.ttk ua till tka dawning. Speak to our troub led sauts. O. God, and give to us tk'.a konr of unutterable grief tke peace aad qniet wkich Tky presence only can afford. We tkank Tkee that Thou an swereat the aohblng algk of the heart aad doat anawat ua that If a man die he ahall live agnla. We praise Tkee for Jeans Chrtat. Tky son, ewr Savior aad elder brother, tkat He cams to kriag Ilia aad Ua mortality to light ani becaaae He Uvea we shall live sls;>. Wa tkank Thee tkat deatk la victory Oat to die la «aia. Hme vercy upon I mi la this dispensation of Thy Prcvl i fence. we believ In Thee—we UHit Tkw. »r (]->4 of Love, the same- >•««- terday. today and forever. ~""We thank Thee for the un«iillled life of Thy servant, our martytei Pre sident. whom Thou has taken to Ills 1 coronation. and we pray for the final triumph of all the divine principles of par# character and free government for which he stood while he lived anil . which were baptised by his btooil In t his death. "Hear our prayer for blenalnKS of I >-onsolslion upon all thoae who were e 1 associated with him in the admlnistra- linn of the affairs of the government and c*perially vouchsafe Thy preiieurit to Thy servant who has been suridrnly railed to astume the holy responglbi t lity of our Chief Magistrate. O, Gad, • Meas oar dear nation and guide the ' ship of State through stormy JM». j ' Help Thy people "to be brate to fight l | the battles of the Lord' and wi*e to solve all the problema of Graciously hear as for Pom fort nt ) bleaaings to -rest upon the family elr i ele of oar departed friend. TetHerly sustain Thine handmaiden upon wham the blow of thin sorrow must h*vr ly falls. Accompany her; O. Got. aa Than haat promised.'through in s dirt, valley and shadow, and may she- fearj' no evil, bwiose Thoir art with .her. All these thingaT we ask til the s'amd of Jesjs Christ.' our Lard,'-"Woo has taught ca when we pray, to say. 'Our •Father ,Whp i* by Thy Kase; Thy Klnrdom come. Thy will be-done on earth as it la in Haavta. Give jns this day our dally j ~ bread and "Ca our trSaspaisel 1 nwe ftrglfe those who treipa a against as; asd leal us not lato t?mp taLonu but deliver u\ from ev'.l. for Thine tm the kingdom and the purer, sad the glory, fore re.' Amen.' Christ, tie lore of God. the Faibtr, j and eommuntoa of the Holy Spirit to ■with us all. evermore. Amen." TAKING THE BODY AWAY.' All present Joined In the Lord's Prayer as the minister repeated It, President Rooeevelt's voice being au dible at the back of the room. The service concluded with a simple bene diction. The funeral director was abont to step forward to place the cov er on the casket when suddenly there was a movement behind Governor Odell. Senator Hanna. who had risen saw that the last opportunity to look into the counternsnce of his dwt friend had come. Pressing forward In an instant he was at the side of the casket and bending over fcnd looking down Into It. Almost two minutes paased and then he turned away and the coffin was closed. Colonel B'ng ham signalled the body-bearers. Four, sailors, two Infsntry sergeants bore the casket aloft and out of the house. The President, cabinet and the others followed It. Mrsi McKlnley snd the members of the fsmily remained. The widow had passed through the ordeal bravely and without breaking down. The trained nurses and the persrnal attendants of the President gathered on the side of the porch to see the body tsken away. THE CORTEGE MOVES. It was within a minute ot 11:30 o'clock when three long rolls of a muf fled drum told those outside of the house that the funeral cortege was about to appear. From the darkened rooms the ssseniblsge began to flic out to the street. Soon the walks an.l lawns were sgaln covered with the silent throng, with heads bared. At the moment the casket appeared. "Nearer. My God. to Thee." ascendel In subdued strs'ns from one of the military bands. Tenderly the bearers lowered the casket from their should ers and placed It in the bearse. The notes of Chopin's funeral dirge suc ceeded the strains df the hymn. The soldiers snd sailors swung Into lons colujnns, snd took up the march south ward toward the ilty ha'.l. sketch of William ricKlnley. William McKlnley. twenty fifth pres ide!.! of the United States. *u born on January 29. 1843. In Nllles, O. He ro reived his higher education at Allrgliu ny College and taught school for 2 "•hlle. In 1861 he entered the army aa a voluiiir-r in the Twenty-third Ohio Regiment, WHS •oi.t'nuously promoted till he became captain an.l was brsv ctted major In the Helled States vol unteers by President I.incolnn for ga' lantry In battle March 13. 1865. After the war MM. MrKinley studle«| law snd began Its practice in 1 67 at Canton. Bid there has home lial Irrrn cr*r olpco. ""lie a trim prosecuting attorney of Stark county Beginning in 1576 he represented thi district ot which his county wai s part for 14 years In the natlinil House of Representatives. As chairman of thp , ways and means committee be repl ied the tariff law of IS9O. In Novem- I ber of that year ha was de'eated for Congress, hi sllstrlct having been ger rymandered. but he reduced the u=uaf adverse majority of 3.000 to 5.03. In 1891 and again in 1893 he was elected Governor of his native Stale In tIH first election by a pluralitV of 21,511 snd In the second by a plurality of 80.995. At the St. bonis nation,! Republic >n convention on June 18. 1896. Mr. Mc- Klnley was nominated for President, receiving 661 out of a total of 905 vote* He wuelc'ted In the following No vember; receiving 271 electoral vot*s as against 176 for William J. 11-yan At the Philadelphia national con vention qf his party in 1900, president McKlnley was was again elected President lo N' vemVr of that year ami was Inaugurated at Washington with imposing cyeaioai.'g on Ihe 4tb of March of this year. THEODORE IOOSEVELT. J ; i Sketlh of the Man Who Succeeds to • , ) - the Presidency. Out government Is perpetual; the (*tM||ent "being merely an Incident—• merefy an administrative officer. In the history of the country many men have occtiftled the executive chair; men of different creeds "of pajttfcal belief, of dAsring degrees of ability. - Twice In-fore has the Pwsl ler.t been shot down by an assassin. Twice a'so' has: natural death bereft the nation of Its-head. But there Is. under our mag nificent governmental system, always a man in reserve to assume the im portant duties of Chief Mag'slrate. The lapee of time between the death of t President and the quallflcatW n of his successor is not a lapse in the government, for alt the administrative functions are carried on with (he same regularity by the subordinate officers under the law of the land. On the death of President MVKinley i the succession to his high office falls | to" Theodore Roosevelt by virtue ot his eWrtlon to the vice-presidency. Brt yho was not President Immediately upon the death of Mr. McKlnley, an! only When he assumed the oath of of fice conld he become President. Theodore Roosevelt is a native of N?w York, of Dutch ancestry. His life has been one marked by strong char ! act eristics. Ills habits have always lTseep temperate snd be Is a fine spec ' imeni of vigorous manhood both o> body and mind. He has seen a greaV r?e|l of public service in bis nativil State and city. He has served on the istinrjai. civil service conun.eaion. an J oeeo. rovernor of the State of New York. Ht. served In the Spaniah-Amertean war aa commander of the "Roagh Ri ders" and did good fighting at San Ju an. - He comes to the I*resldency with the best wishes of a nation that he may discharge his new and important dutlej in a Just, important and statesmanlike | prtpnaw. . -' IT IS PRESIDENT ROOSEViLT. He Tikes the Oath ot Offta With In* presslve Ceremonies. When the announcement of tha doath of President McKlnley wa flashed over the wire* Vice-President Roosevelt was 25 mile* fiom • ra lr aid station Is the Adlrondac mountains on s hunting expedition. Then began the effort to convey the intelligence to him. Special relay* of messenger* were detailed to notify him and take him to Buffalo. He was found and escorted to the railway station where a special train took him to the scene of the President's death. He reichcd Buffalo on Saturday and repaired to the Mllburn House. His act was to express to Mrs. IfcKlnley his con dolence. The president was attired in a black frock coat and dark striped trousers, and wore a silk hat. He was Fom-bre of countenance, and ap peared to feel both the solemnity of the occasion and Its responsibilities for him. He alighted at the Mllburn house at exactly 2:18 o'clock. Ho was accom panied by his host. Mr. Ansley Wilcox, and one of the secret service force. President Roosevelt came out of tho Mllburn house at 2:56 and drove to the Wilcox home, reaching there at 3:1 A ten minutes' wait for the members of the cabinet ensued, and preparations were made for taking the oaih of o."- flce. The place selected wa3 the I brery ot Mr. Wilcox's house, a rather small room, but picturesque, the hes.vy oak trimmings and tho massive book cases giving it somewhat the appear ance of a legal den. A pretty bay window, with stained glass and heavy hangings, formed a background, nud against this the president to>k It In po sition. Surrounding him were the Ove members of the cabinet—Secretaries Root. Hitchcock, Long Wilson and Postmaster General Smith. Nearby "ui3 was Senator Ghafncy M. D*p"w, Judge ot tne Couit of Appeals Haight, John Scab-hard, Mr. and Mrs. Anslejr Wilcox, Miss Wilcox, George P. !•'»« yer, Drs. Mann, Park and S'.ocv.ton, Mr. and Mrs, Careleiton Sprar.iT Jr., George B. Cortelyou. eecre'.aiy to tin dead president; I>r. and Chariot C.i'cv, R. C. Scatchard, J. D. Sawyer. Wm. Jeffers, offlclal telegrapher of the Unl ted States Senate, and Judge of the United States District Court John It. Hazel. Judge Hazel stood near the presidcit In the bay window, and the latter, showed Ills almost extieme nervous ness hv nlncklns at the lapel of ills long frock coat and nervously tapping the hardwood floor wit'.i his heel. Hi stepped over once to Secretary Roat, and for about live mtnutfes they on versed earnestly. Tho question at Is sue was whether the president should first sign an oath of office, and then •wear In, or whether he should swear in first and sign the document la the case after. SECRETARY ROOT BREAKS DOWN At precisely 3:52 o'clock Secreia.-y Root ceased his co-nversati-n with !h» president and, stepping back, while an absolute hush fell upon everyone in the room, salil, In almost Inaudlblo voice: "Mr. Vice President: I"—Then his voice broke, and for fully two minutes the tears came down his anil his Hps quivered so that be could not con tinue his utterances. The;e were sympathetic tears from those htm, and two great drops ran down olther cheek of the successor ot Wil liam McKlnley. Mr. Root's chin wiu on his breast. Suddenly, throwing back his hc-ad as If with an effort. ',\l continued, in broken voice: "I havo been requested, on'behalf cf the cabinet of the late president, at least those who are present In Buffalo, all except two, to requcat that, for le - eons of weight affecting the affairs of government, you should proceed to take the constitutional oath of pre.s dent of he United States." Judge Hazel had stepped to the rear V>f tßn president," and Mr. Ho>seve't, coming closer to Secretary RpqtX, s:i!-l In a vcice_ that at flrs* wavered. b>.'t Anally, came deep and s rong, whil?, as if to control his nervou.mie a, lis held firmly to the lapel of hl3 coat with his right hand: take the oath at once. In a POrdanre with your request, and in th:» hour of deep and terrible national l>- reavemeot i wish lo stale that It shi'l be my aim to continue absolutely un broken the policy of Pre-iJent MKi ley for the peace'and prosperity and honor of our beloved country." THE OATH OF OFFICE TAKEN. Tho pre-Ulent stepped farther in:» the bay window, and Judge Has*!, til ing up the constitutional cath if bf flce, which bad ber-n prepared on parchment, asked "the president n raise his right hand and repeat it a'.er hlm. There was a hush lll.e death la the room as the «yjiK)go load a 'iw words at a time and tho pre&lde-.t, 'a a strong voice, anil Without a tremo/, and with his raised hand as steady :n If carved marble, repeated I' after him. "jnd thus 1 swear," he ended. The hand dropped by his side, the c'lin for an Instant rested oa tho breas;, and the silence remained unbroken fiT a couple of minutes, as though tl.e new president of the Unltel States wan offering silent prayer. Judge Hazel broke it, saying: "Mr. President, please attach your slgnatu;*," and iha president, turning to a sma'l ta'-le noarby, wrote "Theudcfe Rucisve!:'' at tho bottpaa of the dccame.it in a Arm band.' 1 . "I should like tj»«se *he members at the cabinet a few moments after the others retire," caid the president, and *tire" for thi *sca:e of people who had been favored b;.' wit nessing the ceremony, to retire. As they turned to go, the president said: "I will shake bands with you people gladly," and with something of bis oIJ rraile returning, he first shcok hand* with the members of the cabinet pres ent. then Senator Depew, and Anally with a few guests and newspaper men. ' • ■>' NO. 52. A P.IOCI AW\TION. President Roosevelt Appointed a Day of National Hournlar. J Thursday was ret apart is a dsy ot national mourning, and waa so observ ed, under the following proclaiaatlor by President Roosevelt: By the President of the United States—a proclamation: » A terrible bereavement has befallen our people. The PraslJeat of the Unl, ted States has been struck down —a crime committed not only against th« Chiof Magistrate, but against every law abiding and llbe: ty-lovlng c'.tlsen. President McKlnley crowned a life of largest love for his fe law mea, of it-".it earnest endeavor for their wel fare. by a death of Christian fort'tnde and both the way In wh'.ch he lived hit I'f-J and the way In which. In the sui preme hour of trial, he met his denh. will rcrosln forever a precious heritage of our people. It U meet that we as a nation cx prt as our abld ng love and leverenci for h's life, our d.ep sorrow for his un timely death. Now. therefore, I. Theadore Roose velt. President of the United States ot America, do now appoint Thursday, September 19, th» day on which the body of the dead President will be laid In its last earthly testing place, a day of mourning and prayer through cut the United Stster. I earnestly re commend all the people to qgsemble on that day In their respective places of divine wo:ahlp, thrro to haw down In submission to the will of Almighty GiJ, and to pay out cf full heaits their h nage of lave and reverenca to the great and good President, whose death has smitten the nation with bitter grief. in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, the l' v »h day of September. A. D., one thousand nine hundred and one, and of the Independence of the United Statos the one hundred snd twenty-sixth. THEOODRE ROOSEVELT. By the President: John Hay, Secre tary of State. ' SIEEL STRIKE SETTLED. ~ The Final Agreement Sal J to Have Been Recched. New York, Special.— I The steel strike was settled Saturday after a conference of six hours between the representatives of the Amalgamated association and the steel corporation. The men will return to work Mon day. The agreement was not made public, but it was signed by the of ficials of the Amalgamated assocla Hon anl the subsidiary companies »f tho l?aslto«J Ulatoa Ota • I vwi Mtluu • The corporations signing were the American Tin Plate company, the American Bteel Hoops company, and the American Sheet Steel company. The full terms of the settlement were not divulged and It was announc ed that there was an agreement be tween the parties to the conference to the effect that no statement would be made until President Shaffer of the Amalgamated association lasue.l bis order to the men to return to work. This will be tomorrow (Sunday) when he reaches Pittsburg, whither he went immediately after the conference. It was learned, however, from an authoritative source that no conces sions were made \ by the Unite:! States Steel corporation. It was also learned that the Amalgamated asso ciation gave, up its right to control In the following mills: The Crescent, lrondale, ChestJr, Star, Monongahela, Demmler and Monessen mills o( the American Tin Plate company. The Canal, Dover, Hyde Park. Old Meadow. Saltsburgh. Ilfwees-Wood nnd Wellsvllle Mills of the American Sheet Steel company: tho Painter, MeCuteheon and Clark mills of the American Hop company: the Jollet and Milwaukee mills of the Federal Steel company, and alLof-the mills of the American Tube comjfeny. News By Wire. The National Baseball League haa unanimously voted to suspend all league championship games on Thurs day. the day of the funeral of the late President McKinley. Emma Goldman, was hanged In effl gy late Monday night from a telegraph pole in the eastern section of Balti more. " FUNFRAI ARRANGEMENTS. Cxcrcis;* to Take Place In Washing* ton City. Wat; ington, Special.—Secretary Hay Sunday issued to fhe public the following announcement concerning the funeral of President McKlnley: "Department of State. "Washington. D. C., Sept. 15, 1900. "The remains of the late President of the United States, after lylns In state in-the city hall of Buffalo during the aiteinoon of Sunday, September 15, will be removed to Washington by Bpcc ial train on Monday, September ili. leaving Buffalo at 8:30 m., and reaching Washington at 9 p. m. The remains will then be carried, undc.- the escort of a squadron of Unltel States cavalry, to the Executive Man sion. where they will rest on til 9 o'clock in the morning of Tuesda", September 17. They will then be car ried to the capitol. accompanied by a military and civil escort, the details ot which will be given in a separate notice. The remains will lie In state. *Hellglcuß services will be held In the rotunda of tho capitol on Wednesday at 12 o'clock noon. At 1 o'clock the remains, under a military escort, will" he transferred to a funeral car and carried to Caqton. 0., via the Pen nsylvania Railroad, arriving there on Thursday, at U a. m., where arrange ments for the Anal sepulture will be committed to the charge of the citi zens of Canton, under the direction of a committee to be selected by the mayor of that city. No ceremonies are expected In the cities and towns along the route of the funeral train beyond the tolling of bells. tSigned) "JOHN HAY. "Secretary of State"

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