▼fit. 111. I Ml W fie CMq Sceae in Tie tain's *• Sad iftfcdy. •JUST TO HJST; iSIES TO ASIFS" Tto Aortal Remain* of Our Late. U ■NMPimMMI UM httiTMk —Ooop aad (Mvwml »1U Devoted WKI Uprtk ts AHm4 Tl» PribUcFwml-Fliyrt Trifc ■to to the Dead Chieftain. . lemnlty. surrounded bjr hla country- ■ ®*o tod hi* tAwniptoplr, in the pm- { Itoif til* President of the United ■ State*. U»c cabinet, Justices of .the United States 3«|fldbe. Court,' Sena tors nnd Representatives in Congress. the hand of the military and navrif estab llahments. the Governor* Qf Stale*, nnd a (rent concourse ot people who tod. hnown nnd lo»W him', nIF that ia usor tal_.of -.the third President to foil «y *ft ' "Wla'i bullet was committed to the ftmrn on Thursday. It w«* a spectn ie of movynful grandeur, Canton censed i? be * o>wn and swelled to th* proper - 1 tlons of n groat city. Prom every el.y I i m* hnmlet in Ohio from the rrmoit corners of the South and from the Bast •»d West, the human ttCe flowed Into j th* town until 100,000 people were' within Its gates, here to pay their Inst I tribute to the fallen chief. ' The final scene at the First Met ho- ' dlst church, where the rmrerai her# Ice was told and th* beautiful West Lnwn Cemetery, where the body was consign- j *d to n vault, were simple and impre-; slvu. The service at thn church con-: slsted of a brief oration, prayers by the ; ministers ot three denominations nnd ' singing by a quartette. The body war then taken to Westlawn nnd placed In n receiving vault, pending the time When It will be finally lnld to rcot be- : aide the dead children who were huried years ago. The funeral cortege was Very Impressive, and Included not only the representatives *f the army nnd navy of th* United States, but the en tire military strength of the Btate of Ohio and hundreds of civic, fraternal and other organisations it was two 1 nlhs long. One of the most pathetic feature.! of the day was the absence or Mrs. Mc- ( Klnley from the funeral services nt th* ( church and In the cemetery when th* tody of her husbsnd warn lsid to rest. * bines the first shock of the (booting. I then of the death and through the or- , deal of state ceremonies, she bad borne up hmvely. But there Is a Halt to hn-|, man endurance and when the dsy came It found her two weak to pass throath _, th* trials •of the final ceremonle*. 1 1 Through the open door of her rocm she mains of the late President. from the body eras borne out of the house. After thnt Dr. Rlxer remained close by her side. in&'KflVSutfi the full force of th* , calamity had come upon her. It was be- ' ll*v*d by those about hur tn*l here w** a providential mercy In her tears. ( 'a* they gave aome relief to the *n gulah of the heart within. I Th* streets of the little e«ty of Can ton were filled with plumes. prancing - horses and densely pack?! boJlrs of moving men assembling b«re for the procession which was to wor the :e --malna of the late President from the j j church to Westlawn Cemetery Thirty, special trains. In addition to the re*"-' lar trains, had arrived before noon, s The biggest crowd In the history of Canton, which was here during the campaign of 1894, estimate I at over O.OOOO. was exceeded today. The nwe strlcken crowds upon their arrival all | moved as by a coaiui>n linj uls- to- j ward the old familiar McKlnley cot- . tage, where the remaina wen lyirg. Military guarda stationed at the four corners of the lawn paced their beats, but there w*a no other 'iga of lite about the house of death. Ihe window •hades were down. A lon* border o* black which had been nut iu place after the body was removed to the fccu»e last night fringed the roof of the i> >rrh from which President .McKjnlQr spoken to delegatUfffottroiiA «very SfM# ■ In the union and where be had met an] talked with, nil the ohtertains of his party. No badge of amventional mourning waa on th* door. Instead there was a simple wreath of palms bisected by n beautiful band of wide purple satin ribbon. ' The face of the President waa seen for the last time when It l*y in state Wednesday in the court house. The , casket was not opened after It was re st* red to tltc McKln'.ey residence and the members of the family had no op tort unity to look upon tin; silent feat are* again. The ctskrt was sealed be fore It was borne away from the cowt house. When Jim. ilcKtnley cam* into the death chamber for her last mo ments beside her dead husband she wished to hnv* a final look at the up turned fttce. Hut this was lmp'wlo'e j nnd the sealed casket with Its lowers tod flags were all that she paw. , The collection of flowers was pro ha- • bly the most beautiful ever seen la tie j United States. Th* eonservstortcs of , th* country had been denuded to sup- ply them. From the four quarters of the earth came directions to adsra th* bier of McKlnley with flower* whose fragrance might h* symbolical of the aweetness and parity of the ended life, i Bat thee* tributes front foreign coun tries were buried beneath tto floral tribute of McKlnley"s countrymen. There were tons and Urn* of them and - a Hat of those who sent them would bt a complete roster of fh-aee prominent In the official, commercial and social life of the United States. to the time approached for bearing the body of the dead Persldeat from the McKlnley tome to the cUnrcb. the little cottage on North Market street waa th* centre of a wast concourse ot jappl*. BacUaest after regiment of issldlan. acting as guards, wer* in tri ple Ues from the curb* to th* la was Tto walks had been cleared and the maltltade tooh refuge la the great •■aep of lawns where they formed a ■olid mam of humanity surging for ward to th* lines of soldiers. In front of tto McKlnley cottar were drawn TP the two risid flies of body-toarers. eight sailers ot the pavy and eight soldiers to go within nnd take np the cashec " Just at 1 o'clock the black chargers of tto Cleveland troop swept down the street, their riders four abreast. -la their hril»aat hussar uaiform. with, flag* and banded by crepe and every ff*br* hl't bearing it* flattering emblem of moaning- Their coming was the sllrnal for the npprbnch of President Rjsstwlt aad the members of tto csb ■ tneat. The presidential party moved np ' the walk to the entrance of the house ' and formed hairasp to the The : Prnmdent * flace looked very grave and 1 be ffioJ (here atiently with uncovered bead awaiting the body of the dead Thirftftla. Bqsld* him stood Secretary Uicr. Secretary .Root. Secretary. Wll- I sea and-aarretary Hltqtoprk and Just acroa* Attorney General, Knox, Ptpl • stater General Smith. Assistant Sacre-J tary of State Hill, representing jlocre-. 1 tary Hay. and Secretary ' Cortelyou,' Extending farther down the w>lk was !the guard of honor, the ranking «en,. ernls at fhe army on t)if right nnd the chief figures of the navy on the left. 1 Lieutenant General Miles, In the faty \ CLiform of his high rank, with his ' sword at his side and the band of crepe 1 j about hla arm. stood alongside the i members of the cabinent and with him J were Major General Brooke. Major General Mac Arthur. Major General I Otis nnd Br&ndler General Gillespie. ; Across from them was ranged Rqar 1 ' AJmtrai Karquhar. representing Ad-1 . alrni Dewey, rank.ug head of the na vy; Rear Admiral Ctowninshield, Re:r --' Admiral O Neil. Rear Admiral KcSney ' : aad Brigadier General Heywood, Ihe ' latter commander-in-chief ot the Ma- j rlne Corps. Aa the prealdeatial party came up , tto black chargers of Troop A swung 1 into bata'llon front facing the house' aad the loag liae of flashing sabres »d --vanced to salute. Now the deep-tone-l wall of the charch bells began acd . every steeple In Canton gave forth its dolorous plaint. It was 1:IS o'clock, I snl the time had come for taking up the body. A brief private service hsd been held within the' darkened chani-. -111. . .I.U.M .-.ik Ji ,nn>i, while Ue relatives Rath reed around, and Mrs. McKlnley listened from th* ] half-opc* door" of her adjoining room. l The double fl> of body-bearers now stepped into the room and raising the flag-wrapped casket to their shoulders, bore It through the open entrance. A tv-lemn hush fell upon the multitude ss the bearers advanced with measured tread. Not a a bugle blast went up; not a strata of the hymns the dead ru ler tod loved so well. The scene was majestic In Its silence. As the cssket was borae along above Cte lln* of b«*de could be seen the enfolding Stars nnd Stripes and on top great masses of white rose* end delicate ls ,-eader orchids. Tenderly the coffin was to tto hearse and tha silence eras broken, ss the order to march 1 passed from officer to officer, i It was about 1:41 o'clock when the procession passed the court house snd i turned into Tuscarawas street to the stately stone edifice where the funer al services were to be held. At the i charch entrance were drawn up deep | files of soldiers with bayoneta advanced ' keeping a clear area for the advancing casket and the long train of mourners. The hearse hslted while President Roosevelt and members of the cabinet • alighted. Again they grouped them selves st either side of the entrance snd with uncovered bends awaited the pas -1 sage of the casket. Then the coffin waa j brought from the hearse snd - taken In to the draped • entrance, the cabinet following the President. The mourners, too. passed in. but the stricken widow was aot among them. She had remaln *d behind in the old home, nlone with her grief. The scene within the church w'len the casket was carried in oa the brsw 'black bo; de- twenty feet high relieved at Intervals by narrow white band* falling to the Ooqr. swept cosnpUMy aroaad th* interior. Only Ihe giltjorgan batk of the pulpit rose above It. Tha vestibules on ether side of the chnacel leading Into the charch wero bl«rk tunnels, the stained rlnss sha dows on either side were frnxed In black aad the balcony of the Sunday school room to the rear, thrown open into the church by lnrge sliding .loors, eras shroaded ia the same sombre oI ora. Graceful Mack streamers fes tooned aloa* the arches af the nare formed a black canopy above tbe chan ! cel. From this, directly above the low : flag-covered catafalque on which the - casket was to rest, hung a beaut fii | silk banner with a band of crepe about 'it. Dr. Joto A. Hail, pastor of th* Trin ity Lutheran charch. then read from ; tto Bible tto beautiful Nineteenth • Psalm aad Bev. K.P. Herbrach verses ! 41-5* at tto »th chapter of First Cor ! iathians. With groat feeling he read tto inspiring words, telling of the mys ' tery that ail wonld not s'aa» but ail xoiui to changed. Tto quartette tflen snag Cardinal Newmans' grand hymn, tto beautifal words floating thnmgh all tto charch. Dr. C. E. Manchester then delivered an address which listed 24 minutes, on the life of the late Pres ident aad the lessons taught by his no ble charsrter sad death Or. Maaehes tcr said ia part': "My friends and Countrymen: With what Innguage shall 1 -attempt to give i ipiiisshws fo the deep horror of -rar aouls -ss I speak of the cause of *l'* death? When we consider th* magni tude of tto crime that has plnagad the country tod tto world into unattem . bia grist, ww or* not surprised that one. sLi:'" is.3eh! ju •, n : True fa Oanrfm, Omr JTWyAlffn, Omw Cmmntrw ra4 Omr OtL WILUAMSTON, N. C.. FIUDAY, *i Ifcwlllj altar another to* hssnnrj to repwdtate tto drenflAsl net. Tito gen tle spirit srho totsd m owe. So whom ly omit lea by the tint I heads of aa ss glsaio. aad that too. wkile la the veiy art of extending a hind aad g sensi greeting ta owe who appioathsd hto under tto sacred gnloq of flhmdshlp "Could tto ussalboat ton realize 1 •: how awful the act to was abort te per-' ' form, how utterly heartless the deed 1 methlaks to sroaM have staynd hie hand st the very threshold of it. la ; all the coming ysaia men wtU seek in i vain to fathom the sasrmlty at that .1 crime. Had this maw wrho M been a i despot, a tyrant, aa oppeemar, aa ia ' suae rrensy to rid tto world at h!m ! might have songht encase, to It was : the people'* friend wto fell when Wll i liam McKlnley wsetwed tha fatal srowad. Himself, a aoa at tall. k>s '. sympathies were with tto MUwa No , one who has sssa tto malr*ileas give and perfect ease with which he gret- | i ed such, ran ever dowbt thnt hia heart! > i was la his apea band. Kvory heart throb was for Mn temnujmia. itu ' his life stow Id to sarrifleed at sarh a ' time, just when there was ahondist ' peace, when all tto Americana were 1 rejoicing together. In we at tto inscru table mysteries of provide ace-. Uks many others It most to kft for fstare rcvelstloaa to expisia ' "Ia the ss list of oar sieraw we tote much to coaaoie aa He lived to see his nation greater than eiertotew All • sectional 11 aoa are Mattel oat. Th re Is co South. no North, no Kast a or • Weat. Waahingtoa aaw tto n*.lng ► of Mir national life, passed • through tto aifht at oar history aa I. ' aaw th* daw a. McKialey totold Ur 1 country ia tto splendor of Ha aooa. Truly to died la tto falls*as at hia' , fame. With 8t Paal he could say aad with eqtuil trathfallneaa 'I am sow ready to be offered.' "The work aasigaed him hid beea well done Tto aatioa was at pew#. ■ It hsd fsirly entered apoa aa era of uoparailed prosperity. Oar rereawej. ! were generous. Oar stsadiac aasat I tbe nations waa eeeare. Oar Prsaldea wes enshrined in the iffr of a '.u-ted people, it waa" aot at him tiu: the fata] shot was flnd.tot at tto very life of the govern j eat. His offeriac ( i was rI car km*. It wraa Mood poured ' upon the aßar of hamaa liberty.- NEARER MY GOD. TO THEE"" TIIE LA*r HYMN. Bishop I. Vf. Joyce, of Mlannpol *. followed with a brief prayer, aad the services were coacladed with the stag ing of the hymn which Pkaafdeat M. , Klalcy repeated on hit death bed. "Neare.-, My God to The-."" The eati,. congregation arose and Joined la tto last stanxa Father Valtmaa. of Ch! ■ ',2S» /hxpU n of the Twenty-niath la ; Then the aoiea cf tto organ again r*e [The coOa waa tales ap aad borae ' from the charch. Tto relatives aad those In oflcial life weat oat la the P. - ' i der they had entered. 'lt was after 3 o'clock wtom ths a - . lent and aa linos throngs ou's de tto'; church saw tto salema pageant re ap- - pear through th* eharrh dorrs Out Tuscarawas street tto long pco-enKa * moved through a section of tto d'.y - where the sound cf tto dl-ge tod no ; been bafore heard. But It prei.s'ed the same sorrow-stricken aspect that had bten otoM-rrd In the heatt of tto city. Funeral arrhea spanned tto' street, some of theas. It Is andsrilosl. having been erected by school eh»- drea. The hous s wer* banc la tltrk and even the stately class ahog tto way had their trnato enshrouded U block snd white drapery. The line of tto funeral ssanrh from tto charch to tto cemetery was abaut one and oaeha'f ia length. Far bonis area before tto time si fa- Ce commencement or tto funeral eietrls? nt the McKlnley home, the street alone tbe entire length of tto line of murrh was crowded with spectators. FWs. the gates of tto ismetery to tto dears of the church there was on earh side of the street an alnsoat untochra lice of soldiers, and nt the inters-tie* streets, detachments of tto military - were posted sbnot IW> feet from IS* line Of march It was exactly r lei. - minute* nf'or 4 o'clock when the fu neral car bore the renssiaa of tto dend | President through the isieyaj of ia:a i last rearing place. Twealy plpnteSr I after that time'the brief services st. ti- * vault srere over, tto membeea -of tto family nnd the dlstfngti'shr.l' nrfs oT ; tto nation wto had cjas* so far ta fo him honor tod panned' through tto I gates otf- fheir Imsseari way.- One hour aad forty u'aaiee after tto hnarse had eatared tto cemetery tto ! place waa clear and the dead President : was restlag nloae wader tto wstihNl care of men of tha regular army, A seatry's measured tread resonnde-: nnother kept vlgtl on the gramy slije j above nnd nt tto toad aad at the fa»; >of the casket stood armed mea. Ee ifore the door which wss not closed to night was pitched tto lent of th-.* guard sad there It srill remain until tto doom are closed tomorrow, ben tries will ttea guard ths vault every . hour of tto dsy sad night until tfc [ body has bees borae to its flan! Testing ! place. Bishop-doyre. of Mlnaeaj-o is. rnd ! 1 the bnrinl service of the Methodise chnrch slowly, bat in n voice that | could to plainly henrd by nil wfc » 1 were grouped aroaad tto vaalt. As his | words ended there was a brief pause. ' [ for It had been understood thnt a qnxr -1 j tette of tto Knights Templar was to to present to render n hymn. Throuch 1 a misunderstanding, however. It had not arrived, and after satisfying hlr»- 1 salt of this fact. Colonel Bingham ' j waved hla toad to tto Caatoa boat*. ! which had takea ataUoa oa tto side of I tto monad above aad fc» tha aaath cf th* vault, instantly from tto sign o 1 ! bugtarfang oat the nates of the sol dier's Inst enll. "taps." It wii smati . fully dons sad tha last notes of l> bugles died away a» softly that sll who hoard It iam*lasd Uscsnlng far a fear : seconds to hear if It was really cadei. i When tto l*at note tod floated away. - Secretary Wilson waa In tsars, grcreti . ry Hitchcock waa almost sseaplag an-? tto President wto Easing grimly at t"*c , walk. It tras tto iaot mDmeat^orj^e 4 M «ltt *l* Sr Mt G «TuT*Ftamtssath'htSaay" wW mm lean m sal the guard shMhis aaatilm at tto toad aad float «f tto cwskat aasd 1a float at tto vaalt. | Tto Fis Hist, tto msoihrrs at th* cmbiast aad tha na at tto army " aad asvy then tstsnl thrtr rarriaaea. aad. faUamed by the —1 ITS of tto family, paaasd oat of tto umsiatj aad seta.ued na tto city. Tto May camaed to the aewvtcm at tto vaalt toiag ever. Every man ta tto lias save thsss sa townr la other smys. weat past tto eas tot with iiatwsesed toad. Aa tto toad i of tto dtotafcm cowtaielag tto Kalghfs Teaplar wheeled lata tto ismmr.r. the *aart« tie that had bata dalajsd ia , reaching the plan* for tto pi sal*as | tm—naluo. took ap a poattioa ta the ■ wrvl my Broth**.". »*l* hyma was followed by o»hesn. larludiag -ftoch at Ages.* "The Chriettsa'a Good Night." aad. Tha Wayalde Crm* Tto sotsr tious weM heaatifadly indliH. aad no part at the funeral msmo .ies h Ctoaoa was more toprosofea. Tin dutnna eras gut her lag fast p tto Knlghta sast oa aat anaay ta tto as el Utada nroaad tto aaakrt were asiel to lease, aad tto aoaad of sobs wit l I distlsrtly audible ta the crowd ths* j - Used tto feace toyuad tto liae of' aatlooal gaardssei. ' -? The last of tto pnr.w!na »Vsei the Mer at i:4i and thea ocdere ware given by enptoaa Piddle that tto ee artery | . shoe Id to ei eared. The order tras flwSckly carried oat aad tto Frcaidto* woo kft la tto care of Mo gaard af PRESIDENT UMBRIgLT AND CABINET AT THE VAI'LT. FVom the first carriage that al the toot of the walk Isa tlag ep it tto vaaM. PieaiAat Rooaevelt aad Cbaasadtr Cawlea. at the Nav/.. . alighted. Th* P*«oideat walked s oilr lows id the vasll aad tooh a podttea oa the aaoth side of th} walk cloae to tto «io.»r Aa se-.-retnry Host rime up the walk he assumed a similar p silLoa oa tie north aide of the wra'h . sJ lU i ether meoabers of tto cnLiaet smat I ttoauritren by tbe side of tto Preside .t and Secretary of War With twr— I hoada. the Prrsident aad rah.net aa I others stood at the aide of tto wa.k th* !iaea reaching Jaat to the edve .-f tto roadway. Within a rnlaatr after the fonootioa ot the liars, the fstaeral rar came ap tto walk. The rofia an* gently lifted from Ue toatw si I borae to the d»ar of the vaalt. wh-re It mated apoa the » iixfakjee. CUVftiiXg 01 rii.M Y. Tto (Wy Lit lag Ex-PrcslCsaCs few"- , l*| Trdsts. Priacetoa." K. J, Sperlal- AII ! formal exesdhas nt Prtocetoa lai j veraity were suspended, and nt II . o'ekx k nttmorial exert Uea were held ' ia A U-leader Hall. PreaiJeat Pattoa , latrodated Mr. Cleteland, wto was j visibly afferted aad with tears ia hia - eyes ewlogixrd th* dead Presidrat- Mr. Urrelaad ssid la part: Today tto grav* closes over tto nsas that had boea chosen by ike pto ple of the Called States to reprceeat their aoverelgnty. to protect aad £*-' fend their conetltatioa to falthfaily - execute tto lnwn made for their wet fare aad to safely uphold tto lateg rlty of the republic. He passe* from tto public sight aot beariag tto vrrratba aad garlaada of hia coaany mea'e appro,lag acclaim, tot aaald tto aoba aad tears cf s mouralag aa tioa. Tbe whole aatioa loved their, President- His kiadly disposltioa aai I agcctlonate traits, his amiable roa-' sideratloa for all arouad him wtfl loag to la tto hearta at bis roaatrv mes. He loved them la retara with sarh patriotic uaseifiahnr&s that la this Soar of ttolr grief aad humilta •km he wnmld say to them. It is God's will. I am content. If there Is n le* soa ia my life or death, let it he Usght to tlKJse who stiil live sa l have the destiay of Ife'lr ccraatry Is their heepiag.* "first la my thoughts are the les sons to to learned from tto career at Wllliasn McKialey by tto yoeag men 1 who make up tbe stadeats today of r oar Ualversity. They are aot otorwre ' nor diftculL Tto • nun who ia aai TMsalQr. "today, was aot de ". Sclent'la education, but with all )M i • wrlU bear af his grand career and his i withes to his country, yoa will aat hear that that which to areoaplUbed waa dee ea'lrely ta edacatloa He was . aa obedient aad affectionate soa. po trlotlc aad faithful as a aoldtar. boa I eat aad upright as a citizen, trader ' aad dovoted aa a husbaod. aad tratb ' fsL geaerous. unaeifiah. moral aad [ clean la every relatioa ot life. He aerer thought any of those thlags too weak for his maallaesa. Make ao mis take. Here wraa a most dintlaguistol man a great man. a useful maa—wto " became distlagniahcd. great aad aae 1 ful t.ecaose to bad. aad retaiaed on Impaired, qualities of heart which I ' fear ualversity stadeata oametlines ■ fed like keeping ia the backgroaal or ; abaademiag. -There is a most irriosa lessen for ■ nil of aa la the tragedy of oar late President's death. If we are to en ; cape fMrttor attacks apoa our pence 1 and aocurity. we most boldly aai re ' solutely grapple with the saoaster of 1 ' aaarcby. It la not a thiag that we caa ■; safely leave to to dealt with by party or partloaaehip- Nothlag caa gwaran 1 tee us agnlnst Ita menace except tto i tracking and tto practice of Ihe tost 1 citizenship, tto exposure of tto cads - aad aims of tto gospel of dlaconteat i aad hatred at aoclal order, aad tto brave eaaetateat nnd execntioa ot f Mpasalv* laws [ -The anlversltiea and colleges caa ' not refuse to Join In th* battle sgninst . the tendencies of anarch - Ttolr tolj In discovering and warring agaisst tto ' • relationship between tto vlrtocs coun sels aad deeds af blood nnd their ' steadying influence ttpna the elemea's ' at unrest, cannot fall la to of laeatj - taable value "By tto memory of oar mnrtvroJ President let ss raaoive to cultivate 1 end preserve the qualities thnt mnde : him nreat and usefal. aad let us de s termine to moat tto csH of patriotic - duty la ovary tim* Of aar caaatryh |t danger or oeed," ( . A PATRIOTIC TALK. ■imni Bectares Wmsdf U Be Hf fflgin. AN# K IAS LIVED 111 IK WKT. % St-That ■ Fael That I Csa Represeat tto Whafis CosssCry**—NaTaßm to Wash laf na. D. C.. SpadaL-Prvni deat ■soosialt walked surly to the White Hawse Saturday from tto rea lm* af hla brottor-ia law. Caosman amader Csolia. of tha aavy. arrivia; stos'Jj before l:« o'clock, torretary Hsy. Secsutary Loag sad Ssrretary Gsge csmi »■—f apoa his heels nnd ssw tto pswsfiflsat for a few mlaatea la the cahlast room. Tto doors of tio White 11 nasi were closed to tto paV Ik hat admlssVm. af coarse, waa ac carded to ttoor who wished to a otto pewsldeat personally aad wrhhli aa hwr a mote of .moo. rpromiatat ia pabfir Mr. tad called to pay ttoir irwopects -aad to exaead their gni * wishes for a sm rssifol sdministraii •=. j Among them urns Senator droit* and ' Senator Elklns of West Vlrgiata. Sen ' at or Prltrhard at North Caroilaa. Mi • | lsid of Netoasta. Cnrtoa of Kaast. ' and Bsareseatatlves Hestwole. Mc- j Omry aad Stsptosss. at Mtaaesots. j Gibus at Teeaeis-e. Llviagstoa of I j CoNgta. aad Daytaa of West Vlrgiaia. t I Hips sat stances Livlagnloa at Gar- ' ' gia waa sapiiially pleased with hii { meftto. Tto Georgia lepresentntire | had eoasrntelated tto presdeat. tot [ raprnssd tto tope that h's sd-atu'*- ' trsiioa would he a-jqecisi. aad had ia- : located him as a dmet lera mat and as ; a Oortiaa to would caatribwte every- • thiag la hia pasrev to that ead Tto , psrautdent replied that It would to h % | aim ta be the presi >nt of th; whole ptopie wittost regard to geographi-tl Uses cr rises distiactous aad that it was tto welfare of all tha: to ahou'd . seek to prom ate. |' Tto pre side «at was even more em- | pbat.c la bis det Larstion ta Sftal-w I Pritetard at North CUoiina aad Re> 1 iween: at.ve Klutz of North Carol!- | aa. sad Kepne.-a'.st've Gibaoa at Tea- 1 "The aoalh will yoa mtHr heartßyl"" said f ator Pri; bsird. 1 speaklag for all thi of tto s tattora i f ssea. "The Iv-mocrilic aewspapers * ' a:* predicting pnd for yoa aad of '■ - n*> i/ AH l tisdly | "I am golag to to president of tto 1 | l otted Stales aad aot of nay nertfcn.' • replied the prerldeat. "I daa't ears > for sertlnao or rrt ornl lines When I i was jwer»« cf New York I was to:d I I could muie four nppointments ia tto | army. Wtoa I seat la the soa»i thne sre-e from tto will aad th ether from New Ywk. They were brave mtem wto deserved rerogattioe for srrvjre* la the Spsalsh war aad il did not snaarr what StaCes they were from_~ | Tto president talked ia tto ssase . vein with Senator Moaey. of Misai* s!ppi wtoa tto latter railed, remied- Isg the Mlsslmippi senator that hi. mother was a southern woman * I sm half southern" sil l to. "sad I tore lived in tto wen so jlhat I reel that I ran represent tto wl&e conn r' | Aso i rblsts On (toacd WMh tions [j Spring Valley, lil.. Special Tweary issarrbi-ts. srmed with double tor relied sbot gnus aad I.*** rounds of ammunition, are standing guard over tto idfli i of l/Aarorore. tto sotocio-it > aaarcbist publication which expsvntesi i Joy at the punier of President !!■ ' Klsley aad sytiafa'tioa over tto aa ' ssnarcmeat of Assassia Ortigmz tha: .he was aa anarchist. Meanwbiie ful'y I MM citizens Of ndjolaing t»was have . seat word thai they art r*sdy aad ex errmely aaai >ca to start at a momenr's i; notice far this city aad as*i* in et , j terminating the r 'dm. The temper «.f ' tto geople here ia at the boillag pi nt , tbe detart ittituoe of the urmrzhist i" rotoay servlsg to iacrcsse tbdr aa ger No Ps'ses'O* I ui ct. 1 Rufall. Sper'al - The mrst imp r- Izat deve'opxect ia th* Cm'ro-a cat . Sac day was tto that t»j poison bad hem found oa the HII* & j i or tbe revolver with whiea »b- aa?r- j . rhist assassiaated Prrs d nt MeKinler. i i Barterifdogl-al aad cheml.-al examl-a I Haas w»re made and both reven'r-t toe \ \ fart that ao palsoa was us?d by h- j i curterer. Reyiag Pi* Iron. i Cleveland. O- Special.—The I fulii says: "Tto lens «'xpreled and strike . detayed buying cf I>f?ei:r pig Imu ' has started. The Cniled States Steel Corporation heals ihe list of btv»rs ' sad M comec froas n relief nntbarily , that (this concern aioc- ia Ist n; ev | cry toacd that it ia7 its kaa Is leaving but little for the iale ' pendent ronsufers. The price to aot ■ leva mentioned. Imt za the I'nited States Steel Corrorntlon flied th ! test price st lliii in Wr-oaHey. It | is alUMtether possible that tkey will ssake the same pri-e upon the ca tcrial which Is now being soK. Waithcwr Defeated. New York. Spec lai —Jimmy llrrhacl • af Wnlna defeated Bobby Walttour cf i Atlanm In two straight hsnta at Madi tea £isve garden. Tbe men were mulched to ii£e kctl> of Ave miles J each behind motor pare, best two is J throe. In the SRtad heft Walthour ■ istabLuttod a new in-door record for : oa* aad two miles, ravaging tto flrat 1 mile la Lit M and tto socoad la Ui -*■ SASPSM 19 If AVE MVY VAKSl 1 • The AdosbnTs MOc sorvicrs Are • Almost Coded. Boftoo. Man. Special—Admiral WllUam T. Ilnmpmm left tto Boston nary ynrd Moss day, never to return, it lo sold; certalaly not la aa oßclal ca pnclty. This iaformatioa Is from ntost compete st autborlty. Tbe Bam peons returned n «ew days sgo from Suna-1 pee Lake, writ* the admiral's health vastly Imps n sd by tto outing there, nnd although he too shown himself bat Httle about tbe yard, he has taken hia i imsSbnllimul walks la the morn inc. nnd appeass to have shaken the cures uf iiflr I nidi no from his ohoul dera. Everybody snya thnt he shows dee Med evidence of aa Improved coa , dittos oa tto few occaeious that he has exhibited himself aud that be Is ska mi imgi i aad more vigorous ttaa wtoa to weal away. While the dale sf Admiral Sampson's retirement is not until February of next year, it ia said to to the case that he will re the at Us own request, on Novcral»e --l» next. Another opinion hss been eapsvnecd that to will get his presc.it bare of absence extended lo the legal dote at hla retiresneat as provide I fjr j la tto regnlataona. Admiral Samp»>;i. ' It la taittoi said, was very Much dis- > tressed st tto assasaiaatioa of Preti . deal McKinley. wto. It waa saU. lial , promised Ralph, the lS yesr-cI l eon • f the sdmlraL n rndetship at the Naval Academy. TtUgsspblr Briefs, i At Winchester. England. I.ord Ita.- •- j tery unveiled a statue of King Alfrt I I The boa lon Spectator exprwus th • i opinion I tot Presides! Roosevelt nil! | not quarrel with England, though It* £ '-31 not show tor any apee'al favors. I Tto ahaiebolder* of Ogden's, UcV ' | ted. a British corporation, voted to sell out to the Amrriraa Tobarra Csaipj F; ( Prcteuts agaiust the new G -rmaa Tariff bill are increasing. ! T.aplale work era srho are diaaatl.c • fled with the strike settlement w- '.I meet today to prp?a:e plats for a new orgaauattoa. _. j | Ex Gov. Robert K. Pattlson has if signed as ibninuss of tbe llemarra:! jCily Cimmittee of Philadelphia b i cause the county convention nominate 1 S a straight out Democratic ticket. | Charles Crest Delmonieo. of the fv , mows New York family of restaura teurs. died in Colorado Springs. Col. f Daring tto flscnl year just ended tl.t ( Atserieun hard of Foreign Mission.) * espended $1>.71« in eve s of Its ri:-j eip»s. I The liab litien of H- Maiquand A C,».. tto New York stork brokers who fail ed la Jane, nre placed at JJ.ISi.tJS aud actual assets st gi.Mii.lK. j Tto Sovereign Grand lx>dge of O) 1 I Fellows approved of a 'proposition t« : allow eopiez of the Secret work of the order lo be nale. 11. IL Rogers has been re elected president of the Amalgamated C »pp- r t mpuay. It Is announced that the great steei strike has to*u settled, the strikers receding from some of their de rtnads Gen. E. 11. Hobooa. president of tbe Mexican War Veterans' Assoclntlon. ia deud In Cleveland, aged 77 years. Count Toulouse ljntree an eccen tric nrtlst. died ia Paris of the er feets of sbsiatbe. A statue la honor of John Ericsson, tto Swedish « ngioeer. was unveiled al Stork holm. Sw«dc:i. Tto- roral yacht Uaring th- • Hoke and IH»« h-ss of York and Corn ' wall, will reach Quc-bec this seek. Tto Grand ljodge of Odd Fellows of tto l ulled States will meet in India j napolis Ibis week. Dr. William C. Gray, editor of tbe Interior, is seriously If. at 111. i Tto cruiser Cleveland will lw rhriu- J eaed al Bath. Me . next Saturday l«y i Mia Hanna e Secretary ltco» was at liis home, in New York. Saturday ta ss«e his ski, who has typhoid fever. . ■.. , An explm'ing stl t e to tto: steam barge Fedora, at Bayßeld. Ws., j causng its destruction. The Amesiraa lUikers". Arso. iatioc ! Brief Mention. T>o» tSilh annual c-onTcntion «»f thf* | j KreUertund cf Nord Amerlka. ta in ; ! session at San Antonio. Tex. j Tbe Asaerican Public Health Ana" I elation favors a restoration of the I army canteen Pour men were killed in a Pen | j Marquette freight wreck at Wayne. 1 Mieh.. near Detroit. Six persons were killed ami 25 in Jured in a railroad wreck at Avon. Mass. The '-AUK-d Third Party'' conven lion in Kansas City decided to adopt the ansae "Allied Pnrty," pending a final derision six months hence. '* As n result of fusion with Nebraska Populist)-, the l»eil»orats were given the Supreme Court Justice. Tto antlTAmmanv forces of New: York selected Setli Low for their nominee for Mayor. i. H. Badger, of South Gale. Ky, waa murdered by a negro burglar Th* Mllwnatoo Protestant Epiaco pal Mocesaa Council favors changing the swr of tto church to "the Cathn Ik- church of America." Tto Sovereign Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows wIU meet next In Des Moines. locs The Czar snd- Czarina were ire! (cmed to France by President Loubet at Dunkirk. The Duke aad Duchess of Cornwall jn4 York were receives in Montreal The Ltipziger Bank deficit cn Sep lemtor 10 amounted to about 910.- KMOi NO. I. GUILTY OF MIAMI. Cid*?sz. Ik iuassa, CmtkM m Start (Mer. JUKY WAS JSOT LW6 U AfKEIML - - . . jnfr Ike Trial Was Brief Bat Mr. mm* •• Vrrrflct Was ItiltaMa WBa ScoteaceJ Saw. Bnt'i'o. Sj'f'jl -Usi F. OrnlanCT. all 1.4 Frrt Ximui. ni fowad ptty j Tt'»'«y of mcrifrr ia the Irat itjrtt by a Jury la Part 111 of the Supceaae Court. iDjjUTiac. oa Uf ftk day mt Srptr ill fr. shot Wllßaa McKinirj. (Hp vacate liDctri affteiw varus i.ij!l D{ 3a the dralk of the PriL«i. Tti' T. heels of Justice a:Tfi swiftly iad t.itt cl a p n.ij ol oa'.y two dij*. 1 Pra 'it ai y a'l of (bit line rti ores | pW! ly l> pj>s?ntiim prrwacu | *a ' !-ir. *3 rcarlcaice that area , iia 1 lac prtsoaer cierrd a of ta saat'.y. i> jarr would a*»t hSTrretura td a vfrlirl d l*rtai ffja the oar i««4 i!r ti laijr. ' . -4- • • T!. 1 id.i iuO. 'lE'n wail* ia the af- o. t rar ;a I T th' atlonrn for that tht raiaeal aKita s'a 'by th ■ Crip Cadaty Bar Asso. tatica an i ly the district attorney to iar Craig-** aa«i to irtnaiK hia «- | a--t w. ahl wlit.jß hi-! to-larH hia ' to he p 'rf vt|; ua?. d s!roy.»j r 4ht, only of a defease that Jaatn j 1j w.s an: T.tes .miJ have pet 1> ' ptStr. Kefjr* adjournment Jastin I While caaMS«4 that he waaM pro cocac? viku* upon the pniaacr oa Thursday ;lfa jh at 2 o'clo-h. ll tu lain zt on* - thracgh the tisxl i tnti t IMawar? sr*nn- to the Jail. To 1 ail a;i; aran sh» *.s ia ao »iy aff !* -!"! by tTTe r« »-li of the trial. The crc2>l giiVn4 at the city hall I was the «h!ri has seca hia j star -hU arriUaa«Bt. I*c .»ple acre line I np op buth Ld.i of the h't ro ; titnrfa ca the se-oad tor *b»a coart ca-rtEid ani fr.ajrJ thr sta.rs lead ing frao lie f->"T above. There *as ao i demandrat:.»a .if p"- that of car onlty. A !::(■? u-~i •' of woaita witnessed . tUe UAtf!i3fA tomcy Ra:y ahmptiy sanounreu uw the case of the proa-raGcn was todel. Judge Lewis arose slowly *a«l addreas i tag' the rjEtt. said that Ice rtrddew rios? of the case ifa n« Czxrigas* was a surprise to h;m -al ats ivriiCifW'- Thev ha I c-» witness to al: for lha defease. He ssked the mart that he ; lw» allowed to address the jury at ostt. _ Tte rojn nufiird aad the lenerabie jurist an addrets that will loaf fte rei.ea.b rr-t by thns • wta heard it. | The jui. retirel at S:ll U .ouslder the ertden c. Tha »- Bf la the cojrt roam (bra Iwaaie draaaatic la the «- trt-me. Betaua was what forgot ten aad the spectators stead np aad ciaiiT walked abiu: the rooaa aad ea- _ gaged In r aarersatloa. Th# guards about the assassia. who still sat la hi* seat, before the heaeh. were doubled Chief of IV>t»'-tiTrs Canrk and two of hb mea taking prsitrtoaa Just tark of fiolgca's »hair Others t -ok s*ati U I th" left ar.-l r ga: aal aua; . "plato. among the rroir I • s-ar?iig abut the ' rlothes" mea miagliag , j ro >m cicseiy wit h a; er?ry on- who*; Ifa -p w3? E? >t fsmi. ar to theas. l.aei 2 i v» no djpjsitioa to rrowd a! oat th* j prisoner. a!lho«sh the objret cf e*ery ' on™ snxfd t > te to ge; fa » positioa | t:here he rjuM hive a fall r **w off his I far? | ('n|{', 5 h;1 Ite r, seit'd ia his chair ! all afterawra. his binds, i-lasped - oa | th" aiais cf the - hair >nl h« heal i i brat forward Ttf m iii was ail wsrm fctst hf f!»l»pa:tt t :ak h i baad - • krr«"hief iros his p* *ad mppped j the perspira:! »n from his fo;ehead aad _ rhoeka. At on- Uair' daring He alf j s»nf » of the jury tilths :a if ill ejM!* • or lift his hf-iJ or »eai.ta kaow that j he tae oj>.x of ln«.ejt Ij'ifltf ; al hasdrrd taea aad sajfj. »■»•?'* j time the eoor vn j wer» turned in that direction the Wf J deal thought ;a »v«-ry w.ial kiag-that j the jury wJuld take oaly a f-w miau j tea t» agxre oa a verdict. ■ It was 4 -!*) whta the crier tipped for order and the Ju:y fil 4 icta the ruota The «-"erk called thtlr caiv s. rack Jar . or ilrts it as his came was called. No lime was wasted. The jurors did ao: s.t daw a , ledge White said: G atinnen. hai \ _>ii agreed apon a verd « t?** •",\'e have." rfs.wtdfU f :remaa Weadt. "What is yoar verdirt?" ■That 'he reniift is guilty of mur der ia th? firs; dejrre." Thee was a aumeat cf silence aad then a murmur an*se frcra the J ibe ernwd- It earfej there. There wai trO hia'! ao rhrers. Justice i White's tcsce* could te t leirly hear! i io ercry part of the roam when ae thanked the jumrs for their work aa i allowed iiira to go na:ll 11 o'clock to morrow m.jrmn; Court was at oace adjourned. Culton was immeilatdy . handcuffed ta hU yu'rdi and hurried fi-oai thr court rowa dowa-stalrs ic 'i the has»men-.. aad throcgh the tnnaii under Delaware aveaue to Ike JalL fen Crmsiua-iU hi Sckocli ncrc'aad. £?ec!al—The Ctfrelaml public t:issl rated taTa-lude th; Lord* Prater, the Tea Coaaaal ■ aieats tai Tvatr-tkird Psalm ia lit? csotJe of studies *aw taught. "We onrbt ta be iaipr or.-*% th> moral aa 1 weTI rs the tatatai caaari:lea of th.' children," said Mr. Njhart. a meaaber 1 df the beard, aad I kccw of no aori k Cling way la which to do tkia tkaa tj add .he Lard's Prayer, tka TM Coss maadmeata aad the beautiful Tvntji third Pwlm to the *ud e*,~

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