»1-00 A YEAR. VOL. 111. ARMIES ARE FACING Varfte Arraafnaeats iaSaatfc Kmtt ■l- % * ka. . wmics AT lAfiCEK POINTS. ■Sfstoea Thesssaad Mea Ussder Arms aad Cssfikt Iwalaewt-A Tempest la a Tea pat. . Marcaibo. Venezuela. By Cable.—A rsrisqinadint of the Associated Press has Just had aa interview with Gen en I Vrbe-Pribe. He found the general atraatfr eacamped In the Cordillera Moaanlaa oa the frontier line betwtea the Veassuelnn State Tarblra aad the Coiombiaa province of Ssatender. Hie heedauartera were at a hamlet call ed of Louisianv. half a day'a ride from ■aa Cristobal, the capital of Tachlra. Hla command. numbering eeveral thouaaad Colombian Liberala. was holding the extreme left of the Vene snelsa Uas of defence covering the appronch of Sea Cristobal and Encen trndca Railroad from the direction of ChraU. General Cbalbant Cordon* held the centre with General Modesto Castro at the extreme right On th* Colnmiaa side. General Walencln. a fanner minister, nnd Junn Bert and Mangel Garibraa. the Venezuelan reb el. ere la command. Altogether, aome lC.tce aold ers stsnd face to face on the frontier. Skirmish's and raida across the frontier are of daily, or rather, ot alghtly. occurrence. ALABAMA ELECTION. Caasthntiaanl Amendment Carried tyß*fta|eHtjrr Montgomeiy, Ala., Special.—Alabama voted Monday on the qneetlon of the adoptloa or ratification of the constitu tion framed by the recent conventiea " aad from the retuma so far received It Is evldeat that the new Instrument haa carried by a majority ranging between Z5.0C9 aad SS.OOO. The negroes voted la much larger numbers than bad l>e.n expected, but were nnable to control the result. This was the laet opp >;tn alty they win have to vote and in mauy coantlcn they turned oat en The electloa passed off quietly, no troub'e helng repected up to this hour. Cwe' Between Farmers. Mscoa. Gs.. Bp9clal.—John Ooolsby aad Charlie Fallerton. two prominent farmers ot Hllshoro. in Jsvper coun ty. near here, emptied their pistols into each ether at close range Mondny after aooa. Fallen jn was killed Instantly aad Gocisby is dying. Tfccy hal anarrelled about a piece of land. Goolt hy csis'd ha ahot-gnn and Fuilertou aalxed It Each held It with b'a lalt haad and drew their platots. Thus they fought until Fullerton fell dead and G*»slsby ctagegred a few paces, fell and Ihea raised up on his elbow nnd ?mpted both barrels cf the gun Into th? dead body near him.. The Tarpeatlae Industry. Washington. D. C-. Special.—A pre lis-iaccy report on the turpentine and iw:a Industry of the United Rtat's was Issued by the Census Bureau ahowing the exteat of the Industry In t>e ctnsua year cf 19C0 aa compare! with ISM. According to thla eta'i w.-nt the total value of these two pro ducts for 1900 was $20,344,888, ng.nozt H WJTi for ISM. The number of es tablishments was I.SOI, against C7J In 1890. the capital employed $11.83!,845, against $4jK2.275: the average number of wage earners 41.8*4 avalnst 15 2(8: the totnl wagre paid $8,290,622. agalntt 53.906.547 and the coat of materia!* wed $6,196,596. against $6.874. M. Dead Maa Comes to L'fe. Ixnisville. Special.—Newell C. Rath haa. who was supposed to bsve been dead In Jeffersonvllle, Ind.. hotel U«t Thmsday. waa arreated In Louisville Tuesday. According to Rathbun the eorpse which wrs shipped to Uttli Mock for burial as the body of Ralh haa wee the body of W. L. Tea Ryke. .. The police say Rathbun has confeseed to (Tescrtioa from the United States army sad to having formed a plan to " frarocleatly collect $4,000 Insurance ac hit life, but that be denies having hilled the maa who died la the Jefler acaviHe hotel. KMed His Lever. EHzabethtcwn Teaa . Bperisl.— Frank Kidwell. aged 23. ahot and killed his aweetheart. Ada Tbompeoa. aged It, aad then committed suicide. Ths eaase of the tragedy la said to be the ■ iifassl of ths girl's father to allow Kidwell ta visit hie daughter aad her declination to marry him. Beth ate ■Maabeta of promlaeat families. Na More APpalntmeats. Washington. Special. President Kooecveß haa decided not to make aay asore appolatmeata of Importance aatll Coagrem. ateeta. All aecesaary ap polateei mast be appelated on the as aembUag of Coagreaa aad the Praji eat thiaks that all the large appoint ments should be held up until he ran aead the asmes directly to the Senate. Ka Immediate action, therefore, still be tahea hi the eaae of the appralaenhlp aad coOuctonhlp at ths port of New Tort. Such action na will be taken has mot beea detemlaed definitely, but If the ptsiat laciinatioa of the Presldeat prevails hath Appraiser \fakemaa aad CoOeetor Bid well win be succeeded by . Itaaejr Mm Plttsbcrg. Special —A fire which «if laaiiil ta a atahie ot the ICoaoa- L sahela Blear Co—nWdatad Caal Com paay. Jast below Howasfaad. proaUaec to do mach dsmege At midpicht the lame see treatle ot the cool company aad ha dock, covering 900 yards it Mem the river froat arc la flames aad will ha a total ioaa. The loea can art ,• .»> THE ENTERPRISE. Iff VETEIAHS DINED. OM 3 sidle rs Fare Swft««utl) A 1 CMmMOhMf. A mptmu dinner to 7 Rtglmnt wteiM* was given by Capt J. J. Thomas In Doraett's cafe at ReleigU. but Thuisday. at which fifteen of ttiew valiant veteran* were present. The special object of the mesilng was to draw op reaolntlonl regarding the original of the Regimental General Orders of Col. O. H. Faribault a-d Ad. Jataat T. C. Powell of ths Portr-wv with, under date of Mar 17. 1S«:. and thanking Mr. B. R. Hyatt of New York for than. Mr. A. C. Green waa made chairman aad Mr. J. Rowan Rogers secretary Reaolntiona prepared by Capt. J. J. Thomas were adopted, atd Mr. Rogers waa relocated to prepcre aa article incorporating the resalu tioas aad (Ivtac the names of the vet erans present. When all bos'a MS had been disposed of and a motion to adjoora was declared to be la order. Captain Thoasas arose and extended nn Invitation to his comrades to ia\e dinner with him. Of course there »U unanimous aad very hearty consent, and the compaay then proceeded ta Dorsctt's cafe. wher-> Captain Thomas h«d previously left aa order for the very beat aad most complete dinner and elegant service that Mr. Dorsetl could provide. Aad this la calling for a "whole lot.** so to express It, for Doraett cafe has a moat enviable repu tation for aervlag these special din •era. The spread was in the private din tag room, aad the veterans seemed to enjoy the repast moat heartily. After the regular courses there were brief and In several Instances feeling remarks by various guests preeent notably Mr. Oreen. Captain Thomas aad Mr. Rogers. A note waa read from Dr. Lankford of Wake Forest, who waa also a mem ber of the old Forty-aeventh. regret ting that he was unable to attend the bieetmg: "** Staggers In Horses. New Bern. Special.—According to the October bulletin of the Board of Health, the "staggers" among horseii prevails In bat two counties' of th>- State. H would seem that the board might get some nearer to the facts in this matter, and U they had noticed the reports sent by your correspon dent from time to time regarding the disease among the horses they might have learned more about It. in thst way. If In no other. The Board of Health is hereby In formed that the disease now prevails in the counties of Craven. Pamlico, Carteret. Onslow and Duplin. Horses have died In several of these counties of the diseaae within a few daya. It alao probably exists In several other counties, namely Dare. Hyde. Beau fort and Pender. There was a spa* modlc effort to locate and furnish a remedy for the disease. but It due. not seem to have been very Effectual or well planned. Appeala have been made in the press from several points for aid and advice, but the farmers complaia that little baa been done to help them in their extremity The talk of a rallraM from New Bern to Waahlngton wftS a branch line to Aurora Is creating considerable lntereat. The promoters of the eater prise are from Plttaburg. Pa., and It ia atated that they have purchased large bodies of timbered land la Beau fort and Craven counties. The dis tance would be about thirty miles the courae the road would run, and the spur to Aurora would be near twenty miles. If the road Is built It will great ly benefit Washington, but it would grently damage the traffic of the A. and N. C. railroad. Our people want to see the road built A Ntgro ia Her Room What may have been an attempt at a most dastardly crime took place in Raleigh Friday night. Thin was the finding of a negro In her bed room ny a young lady. who. fortunately wei.t to her room at aa early hour and l>y her sudden appearance frightened the scoundrel away. The occur rei.ee took place at the home of Mrs. Siun kel. who resides on West HargcU street, near Harrington, next to tic residence of Mr. It. L. l.umsden. Mrs. Btunkel Is n widow and there res dfs with her three children. On* of these, her daughter, Min Msrie. *l6 ia about twenty years of age. hcird a noise la her room and went Into It about > o'clock. As she entered the room she saw a negro man. who. as she acreamed. made a break for th« open window, out of which he leaped and ran off In the darkness. Carnegie Honored. London. By Cable.—Vice Chancel'or Donaldaon. of the University of St. Andrawa. has announced the unanl moua election of Andrew Carnegie a* lord rector. The students greeted the announcement with cheering and alng ing of "Ha'a a Jolly good fellow." The vice chancellor remarked that Mr. Carnegie's election would meet the ap proval of the whole nation. North State I teats An announced the Corporation Com mlaalon haa adopted a new freight tariff to be effective over the entire Qonboard Air Line system. The re duction made In general freight rates averages about H per cent. The great est redaction la on the Carolina Cen tral road, the reduction there being fully aa average of M per cent Scott Parker, a convict, waa fataljy shot la the Wlteoa Jail by the sect dental discharge of a Wlnchster rifle. The convicta were lined np In the Jail enclosure when the guard accidentally dropped hie gun. It rolled down the steps aad while tumbling waa dis charged. the ban entering the aide of Parker. The MlDartown Homes Co.. of Charlotte, haa been organised with John W. Miller as preetdent; R M. Miller. Sr., rice-preeident, aad R M Miller. Jr.. secietory Usnsurfr: capi tal stock la SIOO,OOO Thle company haa purchased Mftacree ct land la the suburbs of Charlotte, which wfll be developed aa a manufacturing town aad ia aa exteaaion of the plans that have established the ZUtabeth Mills, the *IOO 000 cotton mIU about com pletad. ' Trw, I* Omntlm, Onr MfMmi Cmmmlr, mmd Oar M WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY,NOVEMBER 15,1901. TO CRUSH IT OUT. WasMaftea Atttariiies Ta Hake a Vigoraas Effort Agaiastlasarreclba WILL hISI VAK ENERGETICALLY. The Present Arrange nseuts Are For a Campaign Against thehuwrgewts that WUI Stay Their Activity. m Wahlngton, D. C„ Special.—On th« recommendation of General Chaffee, commanding the Division of the Phil ippines. the Secretary of War has leaned ordens for a reorganisation of that division, lip to this time the di vision haa comprised fonr military de partments aa follows: Department of Northern Luaon. commanded by Ma jor General Uoyd Wheal on; Depart ment of Southern Luaon. command?] by Brigadier General J. F. Wade; Dlj partment of the Yiscnyas. com man Jed by Brigadier General R- P. Hashes; Department of Miudanno and Jcio. commanded by Brigadier Geaeral G. W. Davis. In accordance with the action of the War Department, the division will be divided into only two military depart part menu, to include within '.heir limits the entire Philippine archipel ago. They wll be known aa the De partments of North and Ssuth Phil p plnee. The. Northern Department will be commanded by Major General Wheaton and will include the islands Of Luson, Minders and Masbate. aad all the Intervening territory. The Southern Department, which will be commanded by Brigadier (Jen eral Wade, will embrace the remiiudv r of the archipelago aad include the large islanda of Bamar. Panay, Minda nao, the Vlacayas nnd Jolo. The consolidation of thoae depart ments 1s In accordance with General Chaffee's plaaa to iastltnte a vlgurcus, aggressive campaign ngainat the in nr rectionists recently havt beroaie active aad troublesome la the Islands of Samar, Leyte and in the extrbtni southern portions of Lason. It Is understood that large bodies of troops are to be concentrated in the distri ts where outbreaks hsVe occurred, under the command of olfcvrs of high rank, with the full purpose of promptly stamping out the spirit of the lusne rectlon. It la aaid furthermore ' that the reduction In the number of th«i departments. In ndditlon to making the military forces more compart and efficient. wIU result in a reduction of expenses. • The Canal Project. Washington. Special.—The isth mlan canal commission will tntet next Tuesday, to add the finishing touch to its report. It can be stated by authority that the commission has not reported, up to this time. In favor of either the Nicaraguan or of the Panama project, consequently, the question has not figured before the cnblnet and the administration has not expressed n preference for either route. It is expected that the com mission will not undertake either to adopt or to reject the proposition of President llutin. looking to the ae. qulsltion by this government of the canal concessions. However. It will lay the proposition before the Presi dent and Congress. It can be stated also by 'authority, that In view of the well-understood favor with which Congress heretofore has regard «(l 'he Nicaraguan route, the declaioa of the Kxecutlve Departments will be In favor of thai project. A Big Warehouse Company. Mexico City. Special —A new T>m pany known an the Mexico and Vera Crux General Deposit and Warehouse Compaay, has be»n Incorporated hare with a capital of $2,000,000 and $1,009,- 000 paid np. The compsny haa acquir ed a large wsrehous" here and w:il proceed to erect a new edifice in Ve-a Crux. Among the director* are En*l que Creel, of Chihuahua. Volney W. Foster, of Chicago, and the governor of the Federal diatrict lands of this city. The company will/do a bonded warehouse business The plan haa m' t with some local oppoeltion In Vera Crux, where the commission merchants see In it a formidable rival. sio,ooo,aoo Cigar Trust. Columbus. 0.. Special-—The Ameri caa Cigar Compaay. a trust organised under the lawn of New Jersey, was qualified by Secretory of State Laylln to do business la Ohio. The trust has a capital stock of $10,000,000 nnd win have Us Ohio headquarters In Ctacianatl. James B. Dnkc la at the head of this trust. m DHalc. ,-L For wife murder Otis Greene of Des Moines. Jowa.. waa aenteared to life imprisonment Indepeadeat cracker bakers will meet la Oaelaaatl. 0., aeatt Moa lay to combine against the Biscuit Trust One million in gold from Japan and $1,100,000 la silks from China reached Baa Francisco. CaL. la one day. , A dispute betvreea Noah Bardea aad Pearl-Starkey. of Glenn. Ifleh.. caused the murder of Da* den by Starkey. Badly eatea by aalmals. the of ! a two-year-old child of Jfr- aad Mrs. Louis Kimball, of Brfcabley. Mich was fouad ia the woods where ths child had besa lost K CoWstaa ee Seeheeiri Ah-Ue* * Corxlsia, oe-. it teratfda » Beffboard Air |4ae fntfatt txata rap (pto a% opm beta ana dibd ta three boats. VMaaa HeCoa nell was injured. It la beßaved urn i telly, aad Brahemaa Julian Wolf was serioaaiy iajore*- AB thnpe hart were aboasd the freight The ataw of the I Jumped ia time to eevs SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL New biteiyilMlM AM EaricMag Oar Hwwi StcliM. TfetCharfcdM r.n*ln On October M. ISM. the bowl of di rectors of the talk Owoßm. later itate and Went Indian finilllin p>« iaatractioaa that work itaU torn cn A* ex position balldlag Ttot wark kM been steadily poshed, and within the rear forty One MMlnp Inn tona started, and ataay of tkm are aaw all but completed. In an tatervlew mat week Mr. Bradford L Gilbert, the arch itect-ln-chief of the ex portion, said that he was eanMtnt thnt bo coo Id have the exposition giuaads and halld laga la order by Ifcnntor IS. aad thnt whoa the araafc was naphlU there wonld to ao cans* (or compUlai. ea peclally as It had been dons at lens ei penne than wna origlaally calcalated upon. Wlthla Cm weeks the npa tloa will bo opsaed. aad the an of Ckailea ton who bare farthered Its plant are confident thnt darias the six aoaihi of the exposltioa Ha perpoata—the-ral tlratlon of closer trade retatioaa te- Iween tba I'aited Stst-s aad Ike West Indies —will to Mlly reillzed. Ik; Sowth's Cllastr. In aa interview at Kaaxvllle ant l:N i|» Mr. W. R. Browa of Bxtus. spaak int of the possibility of Ned England print mills movlag in the cotton flelda. ssld that print gooda say to wuiM fully manufactured la the Soath. bat that the day woalC nerer tat when line blescbed domestic aiy to tarnel out by Southern mills, btranss of cli matic or atmospheric coaditloaa. Cli matic or atmospheric e alitloas hsM beea a great standby for half a cen tury In argameata lateaded ta prove th llmttilTbn of the Sonth la eottan miau facturiag. Bat the Sonth. with use In terrupt ios. has gone oa maaafactsrlag cotton, passing from lower to higher grades, going Into »be print baalaesa. snd even daring to try Meacblag. As a matter of fact. the Sooth haa the aa «t superior climsts In the coaatry. ss fjr ss catton is concerned. especially ««'- ton-growing. Brick Works nt Wlalnjlw The msnnfactnre of brcka by a i'» snd economical process Is aboat to be undertaken at Wilmington. Jf. C. An drew Smith Is orgsnizlag the compe">* for this purpose, and will laearpora:* as the Hydraulic White Press* i Brick Co.. with capital stork of fSd.tof. Stile has been purchased, snd arraarem nts to baild the works are aow be at msde ss sufficient capital lo ensure the ca lerprlsc hs-t The pl»nl 1 will hate a djlly Tttflaiitr .f SMO" bricks, snd bulldlag oraa«fc*BU will s- so be produced. The process •M3»p.-:» * the use or sand nnd chemlci!* as n ventwl by a Ocraun inrrst'gatcr. sn I it Is claimed the product has many su perior merits that have been demon strated in practice la Europe. Textile Information. It Is snnouared thai a aew company will be orgnnixed to reballd nnd re-ea tsblish the Rxadlemas IN. C.) Hosiery Mills, recently buraed. Chathsm Manufacturing Co.. of El kin. N. C.. has completed ike Insola tion la lis woolea mills of sn equip ment for producing ration blanket i. The Business Men's Clan of San An tonio. Texas. Is in corresponded e with Eastern parting relative to the e«tnV Ushment of a large eauoa farto-y. The Extract Wool A Meriao Cx. of Chattanoogn. Tcnn.. hss found the de mand for Its product ao Inereasag that a doubling of Us production Is n~-ea sary. The force of emMoyaa'wlll to dn plicnted and n night Ml of hands will be operated. Endeavors are being made at Vle'aa burg. Miss., for the organisation of a company to bnild a cotton factory. It Is proposed to laiercat Eastern capi talist*. snd nae of the local promoters hr j rone North for the laat-earned par pose. The scholarship presented ly Mr. Plrtb to the New England Cattoa Manufacturers' Aaaarlatloa will he tea able at the New Bedford Masai Tex tile School, which already has drawn studeals from all parts of the Called States. . The Orient Mills of Charlotte. K. C is now completing the Installation cf the 7600 spindles nad ICa dohby laoma decided oa some lime ago far its new addition. As aooa as this machinery la In operation naother 7MO spied! cs aad 180 looms will to pauhaaed aad pat a position, thus brlaging the plaat ap U> 20.400 spindles aad 520 looms (the oM' portion of the plaat having Ctto «»f these spindles and IM of the doiihy looms). The total iavestaaeat for these Improvements will to The Itasca (Texas) Cottoa Maaa factoring Co. wrßl use Beaamoat oil for fuel. Three tasks are being con structed under ground, aad the acces sary equipment 1s being Installed Tba Waxahacbie I Texas) Cottoa Mills has discarded coal aa fael for Its furnaces aad now haras 'Jean mont natural oil. Tha chaage la saH to give entire catiafactloa ta tha coa» paay. The- Maarheater Cottoa Mill C>_. of Rock Hill, S. C., Is reported as coate* plating the intallatlon of aiditloaai machinery, to laeladeaMt apiadlea and 240 loams. This corny—jfk plaat new operates 15.240 produelag sp a4.es ]HO twisting spindles aad *• looms ia the manufacture of browa shetiag- Tfce recent annoaacemest that tha Mary Loataa Mill of Cowpens. R C.. is to Increase capital from OMB fc» ISOe -000 la followed fc j a report that the plant -will to materially ealarged. and possibly doubled It now has IM4 spta d!"s. J__ Meaara. 8. O. Fiaiey af Spartan bug. g. C-. aad S. M. Wet more af Cahnabia. S. C.. have Incorporated tfce Wee'more Development Co.. with capital of l»M. to taannCMtara aad bliuiam a s op motion tor drawing-framee Thfr artf K4ILIOA& WILMNi IN TK STATE A Stawiat Thai Will fWt . 5v |-~* TTn'i ii i _Ttore la more activity 1a tha prajer- Uoa sad eaastractloas of railroads la Kavtb Carolina aow tkaa la a loag while. The ftaraa af the Corparatioa Caa mlaakia ahowiag the amoaat of rail- Way coaatnartloaa foe the year are aot yet complete, bat Secretary H. a Browa aaya there la naasaal activity la railway pro>cctioa aad caastractlea. We have attend as aearly aa poe alhle a list at railroads that are be tag Maaaed aad are la actual coarse of coaatlactioa. It is a remarkably large Bat aad gives -rideace of the tact that Xorth Carol tan la movlag aloag at a rapid pace tadaatrlally. Interest la railroad matteta tor tba past few days has ceatered la the re port that the Seaboard Air Liae was eoatempiatlag an lnvaaioa of Ash» vilie. While this baa brew aa of| te peated atory. crrdality was glvea ta lbs report by reasoa of Ihe fart that Vic President V. E Mcßee. at the Bcahca-d Air Llae. reteaily made a trip throagh the coaatry over Ihe proposed roate »a company with Mr. PVaak Cos and otker Askeville geatteaaea. The Seaboard has traversed the greater part o the Slate aad stopped slaMet at Aakevllle'e galea It baa beea a matter of aarpr'ae for years thai the Seaboard d d aot apaa the rap between Rutherford: ia aad Aahevilie. which la only nbnt fl*- ty miles. Mr. Mcßee's recent trip ovnr the proposed Seaboard exteaa!oa to th- Laad of the Sky Is very sigalßraat at this time. it to known tknt tke new management of the Seaboard A'r L'ae has many big pisaa oa foot. One of t*> mo*t Import aat railroad de*rloaaic»t, „ the state to Ui.u- H tension of the Ohio River sad Charles toa. which Is la operation from Jaba atoa City la Tenneaste ta llaaladale ia Yaacry coanty The rompany la mak •ag big preparations fo, the extra > oa.' | 114 coavicta from Ihe prlsna at Rale gk | bar.ng tP|e lo Van. tjr onily aal , tbere ar» or.i. rs for as many more as [4he ptalteaiUry caa apase. These e -a- Vlcls hav • i-c?n put la work a fear miles this sit- of Hualsisle. The o'.»- Jenire polat o? the new exteaa!oa .s m«rv spccaiatlon. • report la that :t will be puj»h"d to i >mpleii >a aa far as Marioa. wher* r-marctloa caa be hid ! with the Seaboard at Rutherf.irdtoa There Is another r-part tha* th ex leaalon will go direct ta Morgantou with tfce fit I mat • obj-ct of. to Wilmlßgtaa. feh'riKe :s a'aa re | farred to a* a po*slble I rcau of tie i road However, the peopl- of Taac«y aad Mileheli sre iatisCel w;t"i tfce fart that tfc.e tallroxd "sb ing ba 'l 'n , lt s :r m-dsl. a» »«a si the pr t a crept are kin.itri >:ip- r.nt alr n' Mann will dlspalik another *qnxd of convicts to the scene of lonilru tloa The Washingten aad Piymaaih rail road has twenty miles In opernt on from Plvmoiilh. and !s building thfr- I'en mil's aior lo complete Ik 1 rail to Washington. N- C. The road will be rompiel d by Jaauary Ist. K A. Arautrong is presideat and S. Parker la general manager The Cartkagc railroad from Hamlt to Carthage is nlsa eoasidorej aa ex teaslon to Greensboro. Mr. W. C. Petty Is president of this road. Tbe East Carolina, from Taibon to Maccl-bHd. propas's an eilrasiia to Snow Hill, a distance of about twen ty mile* The Aberdeen and Bockksh Is bul'd - ing aa extension to conned with Ik* Atlantic Coast Uge at Hope MiKa. Tb- Rotklih road Is now forty mi'et la eagtb. The Cape Fear aad N trtbera prapoa ea an e>teaa!oa to IJlllagtoa anl Fay-ttevllle The Carolina aad North Western ia belag mad" standard gauge from Cheater. S. C.. to I-enolr. 109 miles. A branch twelve miles to a point la Lia cola has be.->a contract el for aad a thirty-are mill extension Birth cf L«eao!r Is projected. The Charlotte. Monroe aad Colambia from Mcßee. 8. C.. to Monroe, has tea miles completed. Work U progressing oa tkls road, of whirls Mr. Cbas. E. lobason la presideat The East Teasessee aad West era North Carollaa has completed twelve miles of aa exteasloa via a proposed roate through Mont-mr a nad Mor ganlon to Ldaeolaloa. a total dlataaee of iliiy-lre miles. Tha Baleigh aad Western is grated to Harper's, a distance of Mteea mi es aad there la talk of aa altlaaata est n aloa to Aahboro. The Appalachla Short Liae. at Ap - tacbla, N. C.. has tea miles of railroad la opetatloa aad ta building three miles. The Atlaaia. Knoxvllle aad NoriS era haa a tea mile branch from North Town to Appnlackla nearly coaplftH. Tba Atlantic aad North Caro'.lsa is sarveyiag a branch of flfteen mil a from laCraage to Snow Hill. The Caldwell aad Northern haa s ir veyed aa extension from CallettavilSe. alaea mllea went to Haack. The Elisabeth City aad Weatera. a aew line from Elisabeth City oa tke Norfolk aad Southern aboat fo ty miles ta tha Seaboard, has btea surrey ad. Tha Esyetteville aad Albemarle from, Bowtkera Plaes to Fhyetttvllle. thirty three mllea. Eight miles have beea ended aaatward J. C. Browa. o.' Sowthera Piaea is presided. Tha rreach Broad aad Southern has jregtufd aa exttaalOß from Ttaawiy to a polat aear Wslkalla. & C. The Great Eastern la projected IST -n-t via Treat, Saow Hill lo Do* las Bap. oa Pamlico Soaad. The gradiag baa beea partly done from Frneaacat ta how Hill- Tke promoters cf til's road expeat altimaf-y ta extend it oa from ntfiat to RaUlgh. Mr. J. W. Lynch, of Kington. -• pr«s-£wt. Tha gad Wegtani !a balli iag thrsa brgac&M ia tie State Tie •rat branch is from a point ona mi> this side of Oraysaa Va~ where thi Korth Carolina divlaion crca»ea N a River to extend ap Gottoa fartorlea and other iadaatr.ca are ta to reaahad there, tha branch to ta |e aboat atxty-toar mllea iau» WerthfarsHas Aaother hraaeh la lag bailt IMB Ckesaat Tail Vs.. swa th ta the Mae baa ere la Aahe Coes ty- The Suae Miisatala Ballraad ca Beariag liver, ta raa aortheast via ffitaa Toaalnla ta the ml fle.d* cf Vlrgtala. la protected. It la from K to m salle* The BaMk aad Carollaa exteaaka from fljlaafl K. C . aoatb aereate-a mOea via Cealer HIU ta UntM. U ''ww Blki aad Atlantic (raa Tolls tab PUls. 8 C. to Praaklls H. C. ltd ■ties, la projected. aad North Carolina from Newport. UM. —«h—m. "hoot s'ltr allies to Wayasarille la plaaaed. - The Wlaataa aad Wadiahm II ia be lag —i i eyed from Wlaatoa ta Wadc*- horo. a distance of ala sty mllea. The Beaufort Lamher Compaay to hulldlag from Oreewriße south ea si about Iweaty-flre mllea ta Vaarahoro- The ITawl a I snbti Compaay of Passaic. X. J_ la building from Marb'e to timber land* The coatract has btea let fbr ssvea mile* The McMußes lamb r Compaay la projecting n read him Bowdeaa to Newtoa Grose, aereateca miles. The Ohio. Teaatm a aad Carallaa. from a >slat aaar Jeilico. T*nn. to Kaoxruie aad tbea la Mom Carolina at Little Hirer. "There are two limes projected to Southport. Oae of theae Is the Sooth port aad West era Railroad This road has beea iacorporated with the priv - l %» at huildlag a railroad from South sort to Wllmlagtoa aad thence aortb aest an osa the Slate to the Teaneu'e lae. LIVE ITEMS OF NEWS. —* At The NaUeaal Capital. It la reported that the Dancer Km prtsa of China haa become dlapliaa il with the popolartty of Mlatater »s Ting-fang Secretary Unc has determiaad to Increase the ««claney of the nary by aaaignlng Jaalor ilrm to the eagifl eering depnrtmeat. In his annual report Second AmU taat POstsaasterCeacrnl W 3. Sua! lenberger recommends faster mail ser riee lo the Orient aad the re eatabhab meat of the pa emlli- tabe arrrice. Sis breweries of Loaiarllle. Ky . hare comhiaed. slih tIjN.IM capi tal. Tk« Industrial Ccmmiaakm ce*i If rata! oa Dcc«atber 13 by operation of law. The election of Gorman to tbe | Coiled States Senate from Maryland ia aaaared. Cruile rubber has dropped It c~nt« a posad.4 bat the maaufactured go>ls will aot be reduced Several of the largest sardine tae tcries la llaiae will CIOH becance of low prices prtrailing for their pro dart. The Saaay Saaath. A aoa cf et Judge Merrimon «aa shot aad serlooaJy wounded at Asbe rllle. S. C. Wednesday by a IS-year oid girl that he had rained. The rigar-aaakera who were ar reeled ha reaaecthm with Moaday's dlaturbaaca ia liars aa. ara still In JaiL A number of workmen wl| sail for Tampa. Prof. Joeeph H. Ketroa. who found ed Kiagnley Seminary at Blooming dale, near the Virgiaia-Teaaeaaee lin". N year* ago. and had beea ila presi dent ever aiace. died ThsraJay night, aged C 4 yearv A freight wreck ocrsned oa the Nor folk aad Western road pi Ironrill -. juat east of Blae Ridge Spriagv. ySatur day. About IK freight cars >adea with coal were smaahed sp. The wreck oc curred ia a deep cut aai all trains were tied ap. The wreck was caua d by the flaago of a wheel breaking. So one waa injured, but the damage is very great. Robert Jacobs la believed to be fa tally lajared as the result of aa acci dent at the Suflolk Clay plaat. He fell oa a revolving shaft, the bolls at which caught la hia cloth lag Jest below the belt aad carrie I him orer rapidly. Whea Jacobs was ft sally daahed to the groaad most of hia rlothiag waa gone aad he waa bad ly lacerated. At The Nartla- Tea p«4>le were baraed to death la s theatre Are la a Wiaroaain town. The Immense plaat at IMlwortii Porter aad Co, maaaCnctwrera of steei rods aad spikes, st Pittsburg, waa daauged by Are Wednesday eight to the estent at nboat $250,000 At least IS persons were billed and a property fans of «« an* talaed by a Are ia Haat. Wilkinson nad Co.'s furnMare warehouse. Pbila dclpbia. The laterstate Comaierce Commla floD pve m bctriM ta Ke* York on comsiaiata that ssjust discrimination waa pi at Heed ta taror of Bsltimore a grata trade. .« .>' Tie Stra-lard Oil Compaay baa de clared a dividend of M per share, pay able December W. making |« share tor the calendar year, which la the we amount as last year. Nasfa'lite (Tsa*) Woolsa XiU Co has completed the Isaproremrnts tlist convert Ha pUst from a Jea»saiiH to a casaimce mill. The diacarded looms numbered auresty-eight aad new loom ta that cuot »ore Installed. The Capelsie Cotton Mills at Troy, y. C. 4s BOW computed, aad win start operation* This plat '■j'«'i. g bu H'.ag aflxTlfl fe«t. with fc* foot trslae room, and the machinery will inclsd* SJSM spindle* The company m T^ f *tlted at AMN, The rooster is a Js4y iii' He al ways fairies a ctaA. 5156U8 CoruM 5 Cms. NO. 8. GROWTH OF TRADE. Statistics Sfcwmf Ifee lactase «f IT IAS KH MTAKf HIS TEAK Utile flwclbw S Per CcM. «f the Ciatry-a fi—itr» U fiifctPy Aaokia Vcwrit Waaklngtoa. SprtkL-TW lepmt that Ike pM hnl jtar has k«a the third iTft—ln jpar of nmsbh proa Peritj sad (rank la iawltaa ship ping. m«flai (fee two piula— rear*. TW meat aad nbn at work snder way or protected fea ship growth for the omit tail year. AatrkM tooatr baa mow «ltalw4 practically the lan auina at lbCl. The tcun tf IMI. raafwrf »hk IKI. aku« aa iactraar la caaat- Itf trade vessels (roa ti*UM ton to 1,U2.(n toas ilrnHkM of this increase betas oa Ike Great Lakes), a decrease la foreign trade vessels from MHjOl toas to KiJ&b toas aad a decresae la whaUag aad flaking from to CI>M toas. Of oar total toawg l.djtl toas are voodea irsttb. aad oaly I.MI. •17 toas are Iroa or ttrri. la 1M Oreat Britain laaacked I.IW.HM toas of Mtrl iwailUHkank registered American vessels increased C.IK toas during tkr rev. Amerlcaa rsn- Svla carrit-ti onlv V- per teal, of oar expoits sad import* Ike smallest per finUgf ia oar binary Oar Beet of oeeaa Meiam la for Hpi trade, the lapurt says, la too small to ke compared arllfc that of foreign nalioes. It is compared wttk the Sets of four large British aad Gc-naas it«a»'>iii 'trporaiiosa. each of which fi. f ih the Asmia fleet In tonnage. Riku* aad Ixislaeas. Tht- tonnage built ae! documented In the l'nlte.l State* daring the past flscal ybar r«apnx>l «rsatli and 113,10 gross tows. The sleei res sell oader « •m-tlrurtloa or aader roa j tract during Ike current flsral year J *11! much etrwd slaailar toaaage built in any prrvioaa year. The bureau. ils adv'aed of »> ivk aHitkaats ve* Sflj of g: t«.n*. to be rained at a boot Besides ! Ihene. il naval v-saels at 251.146 toas ' dlsptarement are taildiag at coatiae* ' prlmr of ITUta.tMl la this work 14 plant* with a capital at abort SCS.IMM.- •«» so>l empßovia* about W.aN ara ' arc rifatnl The l-uilding of tea , trans Allan*i- a'earners presuannbly ■ rt-»t* on aalHpaini s -tislatia by | Cunirftii S!i lor the Attaatac Traa* pert IJb«* W ImiMiat Ins the taav plans UM-I la bniMtog: tlesairi ia : Kaglami for Itf same jnn;. The coat il a steaoer of the "Miaaehaha" ! type w!U be IJHCjm. the British rtrßo ttCMM»rs will be for vhlrh the l?rti:*b pvVe nisei froai ; «i.tl..»K> to »|«*.n.«» I The differ ear ela wages oa Aairi j 'an and foreiga uraeh Is considered ia detail. ID illus-iratlon. Ifcr KIT roll, | t excluding master t of P* men oa the | steamer St. l_oais i SIIJW*: of 4li j «n tfce V.. itUh «!«sacr Uteaak is j |S>rt, ai l of oa the Grnaaa j Kaiser Wilheta Iker Grossse. $7.71 k. j The Gorman is the fastest steaaashlp | and ihe American is the saanllesL. The report ron'ain? a detailed statement of the f»r« ;en of Americas vesseb last rear. **M>wiag thai the American lax was seen marh oftener oa (be Xortk Atfcantie dariag Presi dent Jeflereon's embargo ll£M| or during the rrntm of the Alabama than at present. Foreiga shipping la our Pactfi" lr»*> has doubled ia three reara. The r" r * *a«e tt the 1- land I jae is • oasMrml as evidence that American capital Is willing to invert la oeeaa steamships. I'i>( tfcere Is aa advan tage t« Ar.i»r! in evpncters la Amerl can control of ocean steamships. erea if not under ihe Amerwna flag aad that in the coming d«-ve|opsneat of our ocean tcansoortatkoa facilities Ihe union of Hunk railroad line* aad the fctesmsMP * orporatloa wIU be aa tan portant fa' tor. IncS"i.liae the larylaad Purchase American capital owas fully r.74,im toa* of sicaacers under for eign Bars, jyfclfb in actual carryiag power c*cee»l all Amertcaa rrarli por.cnrKH in foreign trade. The War anl Nary I>.--«:imeals a"=o awn 115.M7 gross lon* at foreiga bsdlt transports and «oilier*. Br rarioos special act*. M foreign bailt Teasels of 152.1*7 gross tons hare beea ad mitted to ie*iil*. American naoaey accordingly «-f lan" 'ears has par rhax'-l Wl.tW* of foreign bailt steel »uam' fs. wh3e tia«e I''l - there have been 1-oUt In the CnH'-d States i.rWMI.MIA toss of steel steam vrasel* of all kln: Oor««a*s Ret ara ta Ik Scaatc , Baltimore. BpeclaL—Chalnaaa Mar ray Vandivere. of the PtaanHh- State central committee, la aa later Tie* Saturday, said " Arthur Pue Gorman «U1 be the aeit Called States Senator from Mary land. He will be the oolr candidate before the Demo cratio rancaa." TSe oaly other aaa Hi«l has bet* ia coaaec tion wltk th»- candsdacy Ibr the It t a lie la Gorerno- Smith. A doae friea4 at the Coveraar rhM that be woald no: permit tis name to he 1C e seated to the rarH*u« y .*> > • TEatoaJtwt 3 1 fl- * Nev fork. Special —PhiHp Sctaitt aad Joe J. Kaefgar are aader arras;, charged wfth inMßu Thoaaa T. Graacen. a wboitsals akae daalar at New Tort, out of flnoda rataad at mp ward of tll.M Hacfaer Ip a trarotia* salesman aMployad by Greacea. aad accardins ta the police, he liaartarrad large atpoints 3f goods ta IMnskl aa tr tammHMm flatsd hack *r ■>• I«M

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