fmimnusß. MSMM^XC • . • IMM BMB riaa Mil* ... I rfISmIMBBT I -Hit e;. r 1 laiiainit r —r>r iia • 1 - M(artac«»Mnllktc*W|Huaa- ! : SaS am brlkt liw tnuDr fsMhM at ha wrian ■«—»—.. it--* uhr*, IM.WAICWMKO'L^SIA aaa—iaaip tarai-«»ladiaatlM»nlna ai crM*. —fcalininUMUllaa i;tnto ■■atom UoaW % n>u a liar, f. Wi'iilnaalln lni .1 mt Sa^in. ag^er ! Claw »ai Miiiiiirwei.»i>aar' Ktrrr liaum iwialtaito Mt lan ihaa : (CiKiirra: II.TNUI UC AOVANCK I " uaTr a , -A. S.C«i FBOAT, Kornm 15. 1901. It Itaae. .dcntlj >ea decided tkt Um cb— pest way to get Bertie ie te swim. We haven't i heard anything from the ferry: lately. Now that Andj Carnegie is hack Iknm, a boom in the lib rary indaetry may be etmfideut Ij looked for. franco won t carre Turkey lor UaTha'ikgiriog Day dinner, fUe year; th* Saltan hoe paid •UthoFkeaeh daima. At any rate •Dick" Qroker didn't eay be wee licked by ftaod". He ie entitled to credit for that much. Gen. Oronr-nor mav have been in tue pr'si dential n.. othr >ce by Benator Lodg.f. but be is still in the ring as a poli':Nu light ning calculator "I-Jidit't- ... > .-to at«. '; I thougiit-i-'. •' -a-«ure-il»tag - iu tbv y ™cula.. t-liue". »* auold butrir/ p-Kr I** "!* from ' handler- ofnt! '.>;>!»•• t r my. Tnere SC * Its t• be a t epi- 1 de.uic of e:ub zi .onl a noii«i the handlers of tda c n'n ot the couutry's orgu.iu:ioii9. The Russian govenncnt ac- , knowledges that there is faini.i! in many of its provinces, uu ie- 1 r-ant ol crop failures. i*ut sayit ' ®op r - eate waistazice is n« ebd. If hunting for a quick and easy method of making a mon-1 key of youi>elt try being an I •mateu--Ir.jrti.v 'or awliili.j ▲ runaway horse triad to take part in a opew-air revival j Meeting in Washington. There | were no convert*, but bruises I and hysterica in plenty. Spun has the usual bloody riots in connection with its Municipal elections. In the atttter of quiet elections wo beat thorn all Qlaafow, dootland, seems Able to give ua a few pointers in the exposition line. ■nde a profit of $400,000 out of one, while every American ci ty that has tried it come out with a heavy luas. Of coarse, t'n pre«i' -nt is therotieaVv a civil scrv."o re former, nut only one Man itia by no means certain that there ie to be an\ "h inge 1 for the better in fir'; »ervi e Methods, n .ats tw . en the eubj^*i. (Hit it kau as a rule been Iminiatered by Men w 'ling i • ntretch it whe the wa* - r i'Tig enougb | end the dismii- ..l of oue Texas collector of customs is no cer tain sign of a cha lge. VASEKTH LFTTEB Wnwi 1* " Clin »I ill"! Wot. lift Ifoi. , Senator Ma k Hanna to wspect at the White House and to Wilt with Secretary Cortelvou ot the toard of Trustees of the Mc- Kinley Monument Association and with the oSi ers of the Memorial Arch Association With him was Mr John G. Milburn. at whose | house in Buffalo. Presid nt Mr ' Kit ley died. Soon after they reached | the White Flouse the Cabinet 'tfti cers arrived for the regular Friday j meeting and during a portion of , the meeting c enator Hanna and , Mr Milburn were present and the , Monument and Arch questions « ere j freely discussed. Senator Hanna believes that a combination i f the two associations shou'd be effected, the monument at Canton erect d first and the Mcrorial Arch later. At a meeting on Saturda between Senator Hanna and Secret ry Cortel you %nd Messrs. H. B. McParland and Thomas F Walsh respectively Pre*ident and Secretary of the Arch Association the matter was exten sively canvassed. It is doubtful if Senator Hanna will succeed in '' fcao 1 ' a Ctwlillm of ircei bat both rsso r 'mns v. il! ' "»rk in j ; er.ti e harrr. iny. It ii» proposal that j the moni'in nt at ''anton will cost I jf7so 000 and the arch, to lie erected jin Washington, which I j latter amouont Mr Hanna regard* »i somewhat too ambitious. With the elections out of the way', the political leaders are turning their attention t» the important sub jects of the tariff and Federal pat ronage. The President fi >ds a wide diversity of opinion on the former question. It may be confidently as serted that Hon. Senrauo K. Payne, Chairman of the Ways and Meaus Committee. Mej. Steele of the same committee, and numerous repre rentatives and Senators Hanna.Al drich Piatt and Depew, all of whom are or have recentlv been in W sh ingto.,.consid'r any change ill tar iff sch cs unwise, and all the reciprocity treaties so far negotiat ed. impracticable. On the 'ther hand some« f the western Congres*- m -n are clamoring for the rcdu tion of rates on certain schedules Some prominent republican, believe a re duct'on of revenue s .ould be accom p'ished by a decrease of the inter nal reveiue taxes and still • thcf> «ay th t with th« expense* that the coming Con ress wi '1 have to meet any reduc ion of revenues will be injudicious In view o f 'th« > charac t»r of the en we op|iOse it 1 con s>id r it to predict t' at there ill be no ariff re isijn by the Fifty-Seven iCon» r ess. t*n th l ! fint of >ec mber there will be 6 o ».-» r iral free delivery routes in the posttl service with an average of 14 and a huf miles eac'n. Great a« this number 1•i. is only one half of the nunib-r of ir- c deUVery routes that have been asked or; thi size of the ap.iopda tion making it impossible 10 estab lish more than that latin. . i.e idea **e*s to b; spreading ike wild fire 'n every section of the country and nobody se'rns ti hav» a w-ir' to MV kj^i's't'» ,r .J« 'he 01' the fou ill ej JS* •; *n*n 'xnoiu art. :he»« y: losing ihei joi»s and is more important to some of the trade tSa aavii.g the | jst "es l>rcu ( 'ht to th •> itojei, put ii seems to be •; ca«e of"t l «e greatest good to the greatest nnn.ijer, l md the opposition of the storekeeping fourth class postmast ers will not avail against the de mands of the people for dai j free delivery of the mails. If present intentions are carried out the Schley case is bound to get More Congress regardless of whst the decision of the Court of Inquiry, which will probably not be made public, much if any, before the a-sem. ling of Congress, may be. as Schley s friends say they will ask Congress to make him a full Admir al if the report ue favorable and to investigate the entire naval conduct of the War with Spain if it be other wise. So Congress is bound to get the case anyway. At last there is something auth entic from Miss S one the Ameri jcan missio ery who is in the hand* t of bri aoda. in Itu'garia :Le has written to the U. S. Consul General at S tia. sayingi We are still well, in spite oi all our har shl s, • and he cable !it to the' I*Bpartinent cf ate. Wlifh &t uocc made it public j Ihe .ft«'c t'i *n.iual. convention of tue Association of American Ag ric 1 tural Col eges and experiment Stations will be held, in Washin - ton this week. About too delegates are expected Dr. A. W. Harris, preside t of the Univetsity of Maiue, awd head of the Maine agricultural ex per ment sUtion, is nrcsi i nt of THE KHTRRPRIgW, WTLLIAMBTOV. IT. C.. FWTPAY. IfQVRMBFII IS 19»1 The A. * If. College cf North Carolina offer* exceptional oppor tunities for edocitioa and training in agriculture and its allied breaches Beginning January s 9Ol the Col lege offera two comes tor the farmer and gardener, which extend hrough ten weeks* and give training of a particular'/ prac -1 tical nature in t>e following sub- I ject»:-dairvir.g and er> am-ry work including milk testing: butter mak ing and handling milk; stock rais ing; rtock jndgiii.; brtet. anil breeding live *tock; feeding farm animal*; diseases of farm animals dairy farming; v. inter gardening; care of bo.ler and cngi e; and en tomology etc. These courses are distinct from the regular four year and two year and a e complete in themselves: being int ndrd for far roe.j who are unnMeto to take the longer courses. Ihe tuition is entirely free, the only expense being fire dollars for registration. Boar room can 1"* 'jldai' - -*! for * '.ro per *eek, •a .king the * J iu?'. i.-r ib* whole 'k.w Jut t >irty i« lan. No far mer. young or old, nfficid to miss su h ait opportuity.' A'O cxam | inatious for entrance a:e required, ' but the student shncW o. at le Ist i years 1 id, an • have a common sc' 9d ed ication tuy one ca:. attend e'ther of tie coursei; we have had several reg stered in these courses wh■» were fi.ty years old. Any one interested should write for a circular of information, which is sent free, and which tells in detail what the course is intnded to do. Farming will pay when he farmer is trained for his work. These .-ouraes win he a great help in mak ing agri. iure a success Any information in reference to the courses in any way. can be obtained by addressing the Pro feasor of AgTK';ltu r e. Cha r lcs W. Burkett, West Ral-igh, N. C. To mnore a troublesome corn or bun-1 ion: Pirat mak the corn or buu:on in »ara Water to softrn 'l.thcn pare it down m rto*ely u ptmibif without drawing blood and «i>i>l> CtiiuiUiliin'a I ->u Balui twice daily; nibbing tigorously for five minutes at c«h aj plication. A corn plas let should U- v*n for a few davs, to pro tect it from ill-- ah *.-. Ai a general lini ment for sprains, -tauter*. Ituu nt'.k anil gild rhnmuiiMri. pain Rilm is For sale by S. S Knl & to. A Qjtilhi 31 Eiphsl.. "tench'ten sHra\; th»ir sho ''er* whet th-.»y want to t* The Kriton give* his head a litt e twist The ag > S raply jobbers and g*- 1 ticulnt » with vim Th* \ni ricm hits th • tab e with, h:s fist But when it come* to mphasis a d | making matu-rs plain. 1 Anu te"ing just ev ictly how he feels. The mule i« more erunh-tic than al'! the men combined. .... And he alw »ys m» es 'is ges " bins »ih ni« ' Kcr Or» a Im. 9 IVI»m -rat RELIABLE AND CKNTKg,. j "Apri... a pi!'." 1 .vi tat Hut, there ar- pills ami pills. V 1 want a . wbv' »• c-rtain. 'i tpu -h andg?i-l tie. Muttn'. Kripe. De\Vin - » Little* Ear' vKi ers fill the bill. Purely vegeta ble. IX> not fore* but IHM fie Hr *el* I to act. Strtngt' en and invigorate. ' Small and easv to tike. 'Bout done piekin' cottou, Huntia' pttin' five, 'possum and mul tatela in. Ah' dat is where Ah shine. L •—Palestine Press. Niggahs in the White House. Glory, com* ' soon; Wonldn't . hange m.h culluh. Ah's a coon. coon. coon. -Houston Post MODERN SURv.KK" SURPASSED. "While nfeiiag from a bad ease of piles I consulted a phvsicun who advised me to try a bo* of DeWitt's Witch Haiel Sal**," says G. K. Career, Atlanta, Ga. "1 proenTd a kox ami was entirely cured. DeWitt's W:teh Hare! Salve splendid cute for piles, giving relief inatant'v, and I ht artly recommend it to all sufferers." Surgery is unnecessary to cure piles. De- Witt'* Witch H tvl Salve will enre any case. Cats, burns. Bruiarsand all .other wounds are also quickly cured by it. Be -1 ware of counterfeits. - 1 "O that X-ray doctor wOul -t' trust Ci eatemt' "No: said he could see through him all right. -Philadelphia P 'le t»n Mexican wgl w> Mr mimin hm at Mmtaoc A toad under a harrow • suffera ro mora than the ftithftil hone "* that is wit:» *pa*in*, gwinney, Hnrneaa Sores, Sprain*, err. Moet borse owners know this nn«l apply tlio kind « f rj—Miy thnt hneli r Ifiimrii . fur uud will aj . Mexican Mustang Liniment.' NPTOT flrite—notCTm in the moot aggravated MM. Cures caked wkler in rows qaicker than any known remedy. Hardly a «i:*ea*c peculiar to muscle, skin or joints that cannot bo cored by it. Mexican lituMwnnJr «* u» wm for aa . ■ r , . Via4()*lfa,aprai»aaadßkiaUim;aL. Mustang iJninent »»>— WHAT WR ARJt COHINC TO. (Seine tlv origiul at "Bin Tim" Sullivan, a nete4 Tmtmmay politician of New York city.) Leather Trust, Feather Truat. 'l'ruat in aalt and MMp; Steel Trust, Wheel Trust, Trust in Twine anil Rope. TncLins; Trust, Sacking Trust, Truat iu Kerosene; Clock Truat, Lock Tniat, Truat, to, in Bennne. C.wkct Truat, lU&ket Trust, Trust in lace and Silk; t ' I'"KK tnnt. Ke'4 Truat, Truat in Cheeae and milk. Tiuplate Trust, School Slate Truat, Truat in tucks and Sere**; Scale Tiust, NVI Tr tl, . And Trust in Dec.- and Ho-te. J '' 1 !■ S BSSSSSn A really kealUiy womnu baa Ut- I •ie pain or li>c»ml«rt at tae I tuenatrval pcriotl. Mo wo. nan a noe**! to havo any. Wine aim j aCanlui will (inleklv ri'liovo those B Bamartlng nienotrual p.Uns and I Lth« dragging head, tick andS | ■ aide acbcs c;uacd k>- the wo vh mil Irrejftuiir mcucs. fe WM* C,r.DUll! has brought permanent toller l- L 1,000,000 women who »rffrr-l £ orary month. It nakos the m« u - E alrui'l organs stn>ng ni d healthy. E ! It ia UM provLsiou made by Na-f tare to give women relief froml I the torribl" MIKM .'JKI PAINA which 1 1 blight ao man) IOBMM. ■ (iu,.l 1 L»aa Ukvu with a aatera pals la mr | I I jy j had lakwa all oi It 1 waa ra!Wr«4 I 1 Maa.lLA.Taml |Ss3£Sss^3gl In answering advertiremcnts in this paper you, will confer a great favor upon us if you mraton the' name of the paper.—lv'itoi. A PHYSICIAN TESTIFIES. "I have taken Kodol Drspepaia Core •aid have never oaed anvthinjf in my life j that did tne ths good that did," aays j County Geo. W. Scruggs of Hill County, Ua. "Being a physician I . liave prescribed it and fo-'nd it to give the best remits." If the food you eat re- j mains undigested in your atoouch it de- j cays there and poiaoni the system. Yoc c«u prevent this by dieting b'll that; means starvation. Koiol I)\Spep«ia i Cure digests what yon eat. Yoa need ■ svffer frcm neither dyspepsia ftor star \. tiou luo cases .juUily cared. Never fails. A POINTER FOR UV3T2H3 If voni wislj your patent tavdqcSß pi\m erly and promptly done scud it toSVVirt &CO., PATENT WWVhRS. oppoouy V. Su Patent Office, Waabia O. C. They have ■«>. dissntitfied clieuis. Writ* them for their *o&fidentia! letter; a pos tal card will bring h, and a may tMwwth money |e yoa. See their adwitiwaaat clscwtwre la this paper. $45 CLOCK FREE! For each an ' every dollar spent Jin CASH at our stores between tow • and DECEMBER IST. 1901, we j will give a guess at the number of J pounds of tobacco that will be said }on This Market from the Opening j Day until the Christmas Holidays. ' The perwn g, essing nearest to the correct num! t of pounds takes the clock. The second nearest will get a Ckx-k. worth st.oo: the third near est will get a Bowl and Pitcher, worth s2.oo;thc fourth nearest will yet One Dollar's worth in Trade aud the fifth nearest will get Fifty Cents in Trade. The clock is 7 feet high. 19 'iichcs across base and 11 inches deep. Retail price s*s-00. WE SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY MERCHANT IN THE COUNTY. G. D. & J. C. Roberson, ROBERSONVrXE. - N. C I WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Smtkiig Hi* Uihr Tli Saa. All Doctor* hive tried to cure CaTarru V the a«c of po.. g». inhiler* «"il in form. Their powder* ■lfy up the itiiicuous uu inbranr4 causing' tbetii « . c srk open an bleed The p->wer-1 ful acids used in the inhaler* have entire-! .y eaten away the tame tnenibuns.> that ■ IS. tr makers have aim (I to cure, wh '1 p- -u— -hu intm-ntscsnnot reach '!'* di •ease v n o' lan t -rienced puctii' get rh# his for many years m«le a rW si lv and *p"eiaUv of the treatment of c*r.\**n, has at Wt perfected • Treat- .vbich when faith nlly utcd. not on ly -?lievts at oace, hut pemaneatl* cur„* rrmovii'" the cause, sti •». ;>inK Vlie discharge» and curing all >u taainHtioa. It i* the oily remedy knowr to *ci'no* that sc'tullv reache the •fl'i ed parts. Thi.. wonderful reciexi _»• is known 4/ tXI'VWL iS th. nUAUXTJuiuTUIII CI'RK" and is *old at tii extremely low price of One Dollar, i«rh par con taining internal and external medicine rnflicient for a full month's treatment aud everything neee**arv to it* perfect n*s. "sxtoub" i* the only perfect caTarrb cvae ever made and is now recogaiard as the oolv safe and positive core for that aaaoving and diigustinK disease. It ewes all inflammation quickly and permanent ly and it aU» wonderfully quick to re lieve hay vkvkr or coi» in the head. Catarrh when neglected 01 tea leads tocoNscMrrioN~"" will *a*e you if you me it at oace. It la M ordi nary remedy, but a complete treatment which i« positive!) guaranteed to cur* ca tarrh in any form or *ta*e if used ac cording t J the direction: which accoin ! paav each package. Don't delay *end tor it at once, ana ,-rite' II parti-vlarsas to yoor con I'tion; and \ou will tece!ye sjwial advice f. v>m the dtsoveter of this | wou.ici »■_! retried .- regarding your case I without cost to you bjyond the regular price of "sM'ri'Uts" the cvakxakuu I Scat prepaid to any address in the United Mates or Canada »iw»ipt of One Dollar. Address Dep*. C 49«. ED'VIN B* IGILKS & CO.. IJ3J ' -,rket St., PhUadel j phia. W. W Walori, lOBERSOHVILLF, M. C. [j® complete line of STAPH & FAKCY GROCERIES Pry Soods ad Notion Hu* call special attention to SYUJiPri antj PUTITO KMX) aS"Qivc me • trial."®* ICOCXTT AND CITV DKfOSITomY. CAJTTAL fcwu w . Bank Ol Martin County, ' J. C CODAKO, Cunrt. Keyort at the Conditio of the Saak at lae do* of fcMkrtK, >C.. vm. ■Utaoi-KUA. I UAWUTIBS 'ZT "T 1 , ' 4 - y ' J Capital Stork IS g££ SEEK 6 *? -wwisu js CMk Item. | X ) g TOTAL SU»er &rfa.tacladiaf all minor coin Cf B, jty ;o TOTAI. '• I. J.'l Oolari. CasM.-r of Tlan". of Martta Co inty, do "ol'mnly nnr (or aSrvlthat the • jo.-c «i:*» It u true. !■> Ih: or« of my kiovrl-i{;*nd bt'jrf. J. Q. i« »1 trJ, Ciikirr. ***** at North C» rolina County jtartin. *"!• " aid «"t»crfW before mc. this i ith day of Oct. ijm. w. r. f T 'y n. p. OP A l-N "KILLII6 THE UAIDAIM." !■» B" mLm I 1 A fascinating «aury of New York life. ■ i| VMCf TOWN THE CRITERION for October. A»d promises to be the popnlar novel Our special offei to the readers of this paper. Tli.*EE MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION FOR 10 CENTS. Affords a rare opportunity to obtain an introduction or to promote better iquaintance with the BRIGHTEST ILLUSTRATED MONT iLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED. T.iß C RITERION has a distinguished staff of writers and irtistti who , ontribute strong special articles of important topics of the day. Entertaining short stories and poems finely illustrated. Val nal> i and authoritative pipers on matters pertaining to music, drama, art and literature. JOHN URI LLOVD. Author of " STRINGTOWN ON THE PIKE " Writes:—"And now I beg you to let mc say a word' concerning The Criterion It pleases us all as a cleau family magazine, and by "all/ I m.-an .ny friend* who appreciate and speak of works they commend. I have yet to find an adverse criticism from men or women whose interes fie in the lines of pure thought and who desire their loved ones to read that which tends to elevate life. TheCkiTKKio* Is a great favorite, and justiy so, and I beg you to take these gratuitous remarks in the same kind spirit I extend them. With truest regards. I am. Sincerely yours, etc. j REMEMBER, 3 months for 10 cents (stamps accepted.) Regular rates SI.OO per year, to cents per copy. Criterion Publication Co., ——♦t East *ist St , New Yoek City r. S.—Erery one sending fi.oo to thi« office Sill be girea • jtw'i wkoiptiM t • the aborr magazine and a year's subscription to The Enterprise. I'or 50 eta. we will aead The Kaeterpris 6 months and The Criterion J montha. The KaUrpriae. LEGAL ADVEHTIBE4IE TS. SHERIFF'S SALE. By Hit*? of an execution iu my hin6 for wile tloaa returnable to §priii*i term 1901 of the Sapr ior court of Mai tin county. agalnt Mattlc K Taylor au 1 in favot -af W. X. Stalling*, furvU. 1 ing partner of C. C. Stalling* a Co.I shall ncll for ca#h before the Cc«rt !. door in Williamson Mirin cw ity. outth day of January ifOi.Mattlr •? Tivlot'a inlereil in the following land,to wit tlae Northern half No* and to Mitunttd in the t'lwn of Jannvillr a«d being th- *a»H' . land leed*d 1 »;art! a Tayior Uy J t R Kilt** by De v. da; .January lat. I*l7 an-1 dul. rrcnr* , ».vd iaa tlae Public Rrgiau ry of Martin rovuly in ■Book A.'A A.. |a/t j6* to which reference ia ma lr t • satisfy «aM riecution. thia 7th *-ay of November 1901. Mt J. C. CRAWFORD, Sheriff ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE:. Having ,u«.ifio! jf i* admiuUtratot «po:i the ■.•iUk of Theodore L. deceased; Notice in ~ hereby fi ta to all pe r ioM holding claim* v*atn-1 «ai I rrtatc to pren-nl them to the under for payment on or before the iat day of Dacrmlirr iy»j, or thaa notice will be plead in bar of th«»ir recovery. , Taia nth day of November too:. «« w ;4.;RKHV. Adaar. Sale of Real F.itate By »1«M of aa «4tr of J. A Hobbs, Clerk Siptrtur Coutt o: Martin county ia t preceding j entitled Lonnie Hldk yet sis sggiust Simon l». I *'»4 rt als ,I will sell st thr Court House iu I Villi, melon ou Monday. December sad. lyoi thr ' f.-llowiug praprrty: A ' set of (gal la Bear "ratal- nship. sd>oiaiag 8. D. 'Ward ou the I North. Mil aud Soa'.li and Mmna D. CriSu os I the VM, rantsining oue-huadrrd and Iftj [siwsrnssvxfstlf s and Vtiowa as the C.rsy .. illisins land. Tenas o( sale, o -haU cash. lialance |a ■> •nouth* froto daj V -sir with 6 per cent islrml !*w. MM*,.. WHtUI.K* MAKTIK. ; «t ' Commissioner. Sal* of Re I Hatata aad P rfoaal Praparty. lly striae «. as .wero*th» Ctrt' of tte'fj. pcrtsr cs»'l f Martin conuty in the pmceedii gs entitled }. A. Lilley fl a's. sgsinst Ceo. a. Ijlley 1 sad Hew T i .srdiner, 1 srill sell ft.r rash to the his'est at the Court House in Villuni. , ston.C.. Maadsy. Ileeenibrr 2nd. lyoi the lot- ( lowing property, to wit: A tract of Hi t sdjoining M. D. Lilley on the 1 North. J. A. Ulky an the Fast; Ceo. S. U'.'ey nn I thr South, aad a I Ferry on the West, coatsln in :*. acres awn ar less sad comaonly kassra and sailed the Joseah • illey homestead. AlaoaU* si perasnsl property consisting af j toaakoM aad kitchen fu mi tare, haaa etc. I ' ■aw. aal-ifM WMKIULtOI MABTIN, I | 7 d Commissioner ' SALE OP VALUABUE REAL ESTATE. »T Hrtst sf s dstus of the Sspertor Court af Martta county, la a special peaceedtag therein, entitled Hi Oargaaas sad wife, »s*ah A .et tts Sgjiast Sydney and Nicholas Mohier tafaat de fendants. 1 Shalt offer for sale to the hlgheat bid ders the VUoaing desrrtbed real estate sad in teresu IJh -in to wit: ' I Thr twin '-W stores, aad lots belonging thereto, la thr town of Wiltisastoa, N C. so th' South aide of Main St.: the one now ecraided by W. H. * *oa. Jr., ar*d the othtr Ky KM Cnr gaaaa. OoatMsily kixnra at the a. K. Mobtcy i stores s The arnrtioaarr interest in and to the hoo ■ aad lot conim«aly V owa as the Nicholas M -Mey hosnrslead, sdj . -ring J. A Teel snd' North s«Je or Main street is the t.-w« f Willismsioa. K. C. The same being subje.-t to a dower estate -in one-third rsl ie thereof, aad tSe eutire to! snhjiet to th' tome. steal esaateof th' iufs it Mrvints ) The farm upon which !L H Mobley U.-ed st the tisst c»f kaown as his "Home ' Usee" adjaiatay the lands of the Ute Me. O. Mobley ud oth is. mid farm iactadfog a amsll tract kaosra'as the "Askew land." This mid " tract issnbject to the We esters of the srUow of sakiMOtiSty.tbemme haeingheen tsli ass%atd to her aa a portior. of her dower. 4 Thetrnet commonly knows as the "Bnyett Land, ' adjoiai.-j> the land of Psal Watta an.! athrrs. Tiiisaaii is a'so subject to the life estate sf the mil hariag been ssssgaed to hef aa a pOTtren af her dowrr. a The tract commonly known aa the "As ' dreseS Lami - aad now occupied by osse Allen WttUsmv adjoining tbe laad af It !*, reel aad AMt,tM* n ctia ts s ten years lease aM»*ya.K.g»imj K> the AVI AOca wtlHassa Time of sale Moodjy pec M«« -»« I,I'KIMEY HIS LIFE AMD WOK Bv G B*. Charles H. Oeusvkkor. Prti[!fiit'« life-lontj fne-l. C >urctle in wAr .nd Collea ■>e in Ougreaa. Wu near UU sile with other gnat men whea Ii ii eyei werr .'ojeil in death.. Followed the bier to tbe National Capitol and to Canton. The Genera require* a share of the proceeds of his book to be devot"' to a McXltiky Monument l'uod. Thus every guhscrihi r becomes a cont:ibitor to this Millions of copies will be sold. _ liveryljody will buy it. Order* for the ask ing. Nolxxly will refuse, Ivlejfaat l hoto- Kravure Portrait of Pne-.i«leiit McKinly'a Inst pictare taken at the Wh>te House. You can easily and quifkly clear i,cuo • taking order. Order outfit quick. Chance to prove »tjrr.-«», secure > early cnitaact and become Manager. Send 17 1 cent | for eli.tout jrraspectus. Taking to , to so unlets dai'.y. 50.000 copies will he I sold in this vicinity. Autlresa, THli CONTINENTAL ASSEMBLY, J Corcoran Bldg., Opp. t T . S. Treasury. Washington, D. C. Send us your JOB WORK. The PMtma..ter-C»eacral says: "Doa't tniil your letter with >iit your aan aad address printed on the -pper left kaa d comer; thii insures its pro«a|it return to you if not delivered." We are making a special! - of priutingthenane aad address on antill lota of paper and envelopes; loa of each neatly printed aad padded for Jo cents. This is as cheap aa mat people can buy the blank paper. Better have some printed. The Katerpriae, WilliaMtoo. K.C Announcement Williamston Academy • ■' l ■ *■■ : / will begin Hi Pall Term Monday, September 9th. W. A. HUDGENS, Priß Mian Mnrtol Buliriuitl*, AsuiaLdiit M Jennie Moore, Manic Tea char. Bo)'s »ud Girls prep»n&d for COLI.K«;F Boai-t it' twv «*'.!«» i.; ...I'nvatf i . .. Or. W. H. Kar -!!, Prw J. VV. A Ttrferson, Sec'jr. I PWug f~r patent: It mm, be worth IWa prompt jr obtain uTiC and Forstgn * * I