THE ENTERPRISE. Mumm »«.««—* fclMfrtli|ll# l» ** aT SM«B«laa JLll -■Hwwl I >ll"» MM JtHTjaMai MM. enwhrXwilhitHnriti »>«•' M«» fn '-T -» ~MIWn Om KMCIimOII|u>A TUI I» ADVA9KTK Satan* «tkc MOfen Mini i alia. - PftiDAT. November It, 1901. Is the hut issue of this paper we offered our readers »n op portunity to belp the orphan® of this State. We are Mire that nearly every person who read the (taper saw the offer. We can not convince our selves that our readers do not want to help in this cause, but, it does look that way. Daring the week act apart for this offering we received $1.?5 on subscription*. Pretty lasge amount for a country editor to handle at one time, don't you think? t*oee a long way on paying SIB.OO a Jreek Coat of getting mt the paper, to Mf «M*»hing of the editor a pay. We really believed our read tra would pay for the papci. especially after makicg that proposition, but, — wc get dis appointed some times. We suppose that our sub scribers who ure in arrears, and some are more than a year be hind and som* have never paid a cent —only promi-ed—we are forced to belive that were exceedingly thankful that they uiu not uuve io" neip me or phans, and were still more thankful that the county news had not cost them anything if potable, still more thankful that editor of the paper did uot need any mouey; that he is dif ferent from other people: he can get out the paper, pay lun printers, landlord, buy paper, ink, type and proves, for— nothing. It seems that they think he is a wonderful fellow along these hues But when it comes to that point where they are asked to pay for (he paper, well, it wouldn't do for the poor feUofr to bear ever) thing that is said about him and his paper —not their paper any longer when they are called on to pay lbr it, bat as long as nothing is aaid about the money—ita "or a paper MY town paper, or arr «ounty paper. Well,we don't kcow what our supporters?" were thankful iur, but, we have lots of things to be thankful for. On# thing is that we haven't starved. Oh. Tea, we haven't forgotten that $1 26 we received for Thanks giving:-32 cents for the orphans and 99 ceots for the editor. It is getting pretty cold now and it is likely to he a hard winter; so we had bettar pre pare tor the wont. 93 cents will go a long way to pay tor a few tons of coal. • few cords of wood, a barrel of flour, meats and other things to say nothing of clothing, etc., and wears sure that any banker would be delighted to have us open an account with the bal ance. In oar joyous anticipa tions we forgot to mention our "devil". Oh! bat well have a food time Christmas, hey all the file works in town, and that "deriTshsll have all the fun he wants shooting them, it makes IP fed like ft didwhftftboj,! fc- ~ i jt. just think of that Rood time we win have Xma«. that .devil and I. Pay. We .won't be ielM, wall give yon an invite, wont yea come and help u spend that 93 cents? We know yonll enjoy it, and-aa T>svq .J|sruui asys: M Scat by the time we have ffittthed that 91 cents I'm dnm'd if somebody don't have to give us a coffin. mmmyam Washington. D. C Nov. fjth. 1901. When a maa as robus a> Presi dent Roosevelt finds it necessary to leave theW bite House without warning. in order to jet a little rrst from the mngtinf plscehunters as be did several days age for a three day trip down the Fbtoaiat River, the question becomes per tinent whether some steps should not be taken to protect the Presi dent from the greedy office-seekers, as well as from anarchints intent upon assassination. There a-e more ways to Li I a man titan with a knife or pistol. When the sub ject of protecting the President comes l»efore Congress, as it will early in the session there will be op portunity for some m rmber o get the a pluuse of all sensible men bv providing some method of protect i -g him from the office hunters, but as these hunts are usually led l>y Senators or there isn't much probability that the op portunity will be accepted. Indian Commissioner Jones come out flatly in bis annual report fur cuti e change in the policy of the government to war • the l> dians. lie says that more t an f-,oso 000 have been spent on the Indians ic the last 33 years, sim! that b • l>as made little, if any, progress toward independence and -elf support aui that if t-ie present policy is con tin ued there will be littie .ha ge in his condition thirty years Iru n now. He advocates giving the Indian the to establish an individ ual home and then compel loin to act upon it by thro ing hi:u upon his cwn n other wor s th t alt prov d.r.g him with a chanc" t get on his feet as an it dependent individual the govern ment sha 1 have no mor- to do with an IndUn than it ha* to .tr» • « manofanyoth'.r race. Commission er Jones raps the pre ent Indian educational system by saying that take a as a whole it is not cacuiated to produce the results that were so hopti diy anticipated, and is one of the obstacles to the independence and self support of the Indians.jost as he says the indiscriminate issue of rat ocs. periodical distributions of large sums of money, and the general leasing ot allotments are. The report is likely to stir up a warm controversy. Senator Raphael A 1 rarer who » one of the Cuban delegation that is in Washington for the purpose of trvi g to get the Pre ideut to promise to use lis influence t» get the (arid en Cuban sugar and to bacoo lowered—a mission that does not look very promising to the strength of the opposition—and of the pub ic sentiment of Cuba. "The higher class ofCuVans want annex ation for they think th? country will be b tter off under A nericaa con trol. 1 hey are intelligent enough to appreciate the excellent work the Ameri' acs hare done there since establishing a military government and they thiuk a civil government would Le even better. Ibe masses of the people, however, want Culm libor and I believe they will get it for a while." No oue ii likely to read the re port of the Philippine commission whcih was brought to Washington by * messenger, as a re. reation. as it contains 75. 00 words. Rear Admiral Schley has found it necessary to head off the impor tunities of his adm rers by an n oncing that with the exeption of an ii.v tation from the Hamilton Cub of Chicago and another fr m the citicens of* Memnhis. Tenn. 1 which he has acc- pted without earning a date for either, be cannot accepti nvitalions to vis-t cities and bf entertained. He isn't broke down or rick, but he feels that be would soon be both if h- attempted 10 go everywhe he was asked to go. A There are certainly thirty officers it no more, in the army who re gatd the promotion of Capt Wil liam GrOtier to be Chief of Ordn&nee to succeed Gerr Buf&ngtcn. retired under the age law, as not only un just, but as casting doubt upon the • sincerity of the recent sftosl s» Im. ...... THE BftmtoHK. WILLtAMSTOJT. IT. 0., FRIDAY. jrOVEMBITO M 1901. > nouueem- nt that "p- D" would net aecwre p wiotioß. Tbey r the four coloaeia, fire lieu enant - co'ondr, twelve sugars and nine cp tains who were Capt. Croxiers t mora. and over those beads he has been jumped. Secretary Root justifies Capt Crozier's promotion by saying mat it is merely a continuation cf the department's policy of recog nizing striking merit in young of ficer* that bad previously resulted in the rapid premotion of Ceu. Len aid Wood and other youar officers over the heads of many of their section, and that it is a policy cal culated to benefit the army as a whole. The officer* who have beer, jumped do not, of course, take this view of the mattar, bit if is need les* to say that tbey are not talk'ng for publication ' n the subject. It seems that tike much othes ad RELIABLE AMD GENTLE. "April's • pill," My* the MV. Sal then m (alia sad pill*. Yua want ■ piU which n certain, tborocrh asd pi-1 tie. Maatu't JTripf DeWitt's Little Early Kixerm fill the bill. Purely iryU- Ut. Do aot force but imM the bowel» to act. Strengthen anJ invigorate. Sull aad easy to take. In. in R Well Is M hti Notwithstanding a widely cur rent rumor that the Rev. Irl R.Hicks was dead h- never was in better health, and never did a harder and inoresucce sful year'* work than that just closing He has just com p'ete-i his large and splendid Al manac for 190 a and, with his staff of abb helpers, has brought b's journal, \Vo*D and Works, justly forward into international reputa tion. For a quarter of acentur Mr • u-lts hs gro • n in reput ion an 1 sefulne->s as the pe pie's as ' trumouer and furecuste of stor «• | and the 1 haractcr of coming seaso « I Never were liis weather fore c a tar sought aft r a» now his time) wanting of a serious dro-it. th'? year having save the p ople froir. ' loss and sufferii g. M llion.-t of bus - •Is of beet were harve» e l t'rough his advice to plant crop's that w^uld ' matu'eeariy The eople »vill certainly *'and b " if. iiirk* when it costs thelll so little m«1 tl • 1 bett' 'U ares> pted »lif line man i. of .00 pages .s orly 1 c.-an his spbnd d fa nily journal is -only ' one dollar a vear including the Al manac bend to Woao and Wosxs Pub. C, ttoi LoUust St, SL Louis. 1 Mo. t I —— 1 To reator* a tnwUttost cora or boa [ ton: Pint aoak tbccora or tunioa iff •ana water to aoften lt tbca pare it dwa as iVatljr aa possible without drawiug bkwdaad apply Chaaiberlaio'a Pais Ida twice daily; rubbiag vigorously for five miautes at each application. A torn plan ter aboald be wota (or a few tlars. to pro tect it from the shoe. As a general liai arnt for afxaiaa, bruises, lamroeaa aad gmd theumaiiun. Pain Balm is uaaqaaled Fas sak by N. 9 Peel & Co. A VILLAGE BLACKSMITH SAVED MIS LITTLE SON S LIPE. Mr. H H Black, the wrll kaowa vil lage Mackunith at Giahamsville, Sulllvaa Co.. M. V.. says: "Our Unit sou. five years oW, has always been (abject to croup, and so bad have the attacks been that wc have feared ataay times that Be arowld die. Wc ha\e had the doctor aad uaed maay medicines, bat Chanberlata's Cvagk Remedy is BOW our sole reliance. It atsnn to disolvc the lough mucua aad by givfae frequcat doaes when the emupy synphau appear we hatt found that the dreaded croup is cured before it gets act ual." There ia ao daagcr in giviaK this satnedy for it coatain* no oi>itim or other lajurous drag and may be given as oal dcntly to a bahe as to.aa adult. Foe aale by 2i. S hdft Co. KaM Biiwpili Car* Masete whet yea set. i GRAND SALE 111 i . • COWING & CO/S STORE, Bear Grass, N. C. ; Tor Next Thirty Days Only. Our entire stock of Dry Goods, Press Goods and Notions .Foot, Shoe*, I Hat* and Caps, Men's Clothing, etc., also a nice line of Furniture, all I going At First Cost , Freight added—For Cash. - Goods Most be Sold Daring the Nat 30 Days. COME QUICK AND GET BARGAINS ' T w ■ BEFORE THE RUSH BEGINS. OUR FIRM WILL UNDKk NEW MAN -1 AGEMEXT THE COMING YEAR. Your Friends, _ O. IC COWING & CO. A . a Sifci r~» ... /»- * ' i ''' ' * ME WW WtsE IgTSpj^SffWS —■T. —~ " , T ~~1 an easy way \' ' and a sure way to treat a case of Sora Throat ia order to kill disease germa' and insure healthy throat action it to. take half a glassful! of water put into . it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang I*inimen£ 1 — l»y ihU MHVi tb« throat at frogoont latarrah. • Tbaa latke th« oMrid* of the throat thoroughly with ttl Mat- I [M . lr i .«w iWm ikU pow wnnoii a wtt cloth and wrap/ •*-» ** I?u. Ktarrrvg CURK. Me., SO*. a«d #I.OO a bottU. IT MY BE YOU SRJai% M, MlUml J 1 t [» MwnSlsooD I grrateat amljtion of Aru. r- IkMMtud twuN k to hire ■ konw Umm4 «rkn . »liiUrett. Th« . I wotaaa afflicted «n fc female ]U ■ mtm u cvutamlr bMnaord wiUi • ■ h—"»lnf a childk m wito. No v I Mdidoe cm Mi re dead or -1 Ir"*. boi.WlM of Cardul d*» regulate dmnpiw (hat pre *Wt ooocepOou; aloe* prvvent MtocMilag*; duM rxtort weak faao«i»M Mid ah (tterrd oervea Md doaa being b. iUm t«> boiaaa ban* m>4 deae teto tor j«n. r Wine of Cardul jfw womb the health Md «trau c ih to bear heal •Vj» «>11*.... ' twm IM ffat A I AdUr UxU« u Wlm of tarda! tnmymmimJmy WINE"CARD(II SSS?E: P® vr ~ PJife; TiMM fcaL McDwftr"* Witch Hani Foot Heeler it the beat fa «tired,*wollen& sweating fret- It doea mJt atop up th« pore*, but heal* tb««r Jieraaed coaJitio* »5 cent*. , > _, In nfeswering advertirements in this perjrr yon will confer a fTt»t favor upon as if you mtnton the name of the paper—Editor. IdODKRN St'RGEftY SCRFAS3KD. "While Buffering from a bad caw o« win I nawilttd a phraiciaa who adviaed ■a to try a bos of DrWitt a Witch llax*l Salve, °* aay* G. K. Carter, Atlanta, Ga. "1 pcvoized a boa aad vat eatirclv cured. DeWiit'a Witch Itairl Stive u a iplrndld carw for piln, giviag relief inttantlv, ami I ktutW raonanmil it to all sufferer*." taipi * iaMicnairv to care pile*. Da- Witt'* Witch Haicl Salve will cure any ca*e_ Cat*, bam*. Brniaes ami all other •onb are also quickly cured by it. lie ware of counterfeits. J $45 GL.OGK FREEL | IM- each and every dollar spent in cash at our stores lietwcen now and DECEMBER IST. lyoi, wf will give a guess at the uumber of pounds of tobacco tluft will be sold on This Market from the Opening Day until th- Christmas Holidays The jjerson guessing nearest to the correct number of pounds take-, the clock. The second nearest will get a Clock, worth Si oo; the tl.ird near est will get a Ho*l and Pitcher, worth |2.oo;tlic fourth t.earutt will fctOne Dolla' Snorth in Trade and the fifth nearest will get i'ifty Cents in Trade. The clock is 7'4 feet high, ig iuvhes anoss bu»« and 11 inches deep. Retail price $45.00. We SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY MERCHANT IN THE COUNTY. itlllC Roberson, ROBERSONVILLE, ■ N. C v * A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Sowthlig In Under Tli Sao. All Doctor* have tried to cure CATA&ItH by the use of powders, acidgaaea, iuhaleri and drum ia paste (una Thtir powdera dry up the mtu-uous membranes causing them to crack open aa bleed. The power ful acid* used in the inhalers have entire ly eaten away the same m embassies that their utakera have aimed t» cure, while paste* aad ointments cannot reach the di sease. Ati old an experienced practitioner who has for many year* made a dost study and specialty of the treatment of catarrh, has at last perfected a Treat ment which when faithfully used, not on ly relieves at once, but permanently cures catarrh, by removing the cause, stop ping the discharges and curia* all in flammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afflct ed parts. This wonderful remedy is known as "sNtTFLits the c.uarantrkd catarrh cvri'" and it sold at the extremely low [ price of One lVjllar, each package con -1 taining internal and external medicine efficient for n full month's treatment and everything necessary to its perfect use. "sWrrrt.KS" is the only perfect catarrh CVRC ever mode and is now recognized a* the only safe and jiositiw cure lor that aauoying and disgusting disease. It cures all inflammation quickly and permanent ly and it also wonderfully quick to re lieve n*v fkvkr or cold in the hsad. catarrh when neglected often leads t*> CONSUMPTION"—"SNUFKLBS" will U\-e you if yon use it at once. It >a no ordi nary remedy, but a complete treatment wtaich is|>ositivoly pus ran teed to curt ca takrh la any fonn or stago if u*ed «c --cordic. to tlie directions which accom pany each package. Pon t delay but tend for it at ouce, and write full jvuticulars as to your condition, and you will receive special advice from the discovert* of this wonderful remedy regarding your cast without coat to you beyond the regular price of "snokVlks" the suauaxui catarrh CUR*.'' Sent poepatd to any address in the United *ate* or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. C 491. KDWIN B GILES ft CO., iuilbtktt St., Philadel 'Phia. Legal Advertisements. flortga joe's Sato, •y virtue «(U' yjmrr oanWlred MWla a M(rlj«|>toWTit |M Wy SyKeeierOTiy and v. U* ttttk. tm the aoih day •( (Mc/Nt :V and d.r.y recorded ia the Rarfiater a «ce Hi Martia coauly, lu Iwk W. W.. M(ce i* as J.j am. •W aUpvlattoaa la «akt MX having km complied «Ith. I ahall aaU lor eatah htftrt the Court h.*i«r door ia WlWaeulw on Monday (be SUI dayaf Jaaaary i-jaa. Ur i llialai Ue aritt«d lead W wit Bsgtaaia; at Mi n*« Mod at a !■«■» Ohm a market corner, thauct Sauth to a i/mn «*a» on a ditch, thane* Mart W liatti* Oaay'allaa. thaaqt alnag her llat to the br*ia lag. aaatalalap ia aarea mate at traa. taffher with a hsoft kmavtla Wiaaheth Mariner Houae. J, H. HAIUJISON, Mettayte. Ibia kU Her. ifat. $M COCMTY AND CITY DWQMTOKT. CARTA I. Bank Of Martin Cowity, J. Jd COBAKD. CAtMSM. . luyort ♦» Uk CMditlM of the laak at the dsM W Mm«. ** j*h, >f*i: RKSOVKCS*. . I LIAMUTIXa. Lout sn4 JliomuU l"4>» W CapttslSt'** fc.«M , Overdrafts ' fmtirif* TrotU CcrtiScates at DrpeMt* hnllmudrwam Ptposfcs uibjctt to cfcccfc (dAm Dotfnoluki ~ CMhllnu * W «- jUwtt CoU.t»ClllM«# All BiMT M*P C 'f M> > V TOTAL tt-n** I. J.n. Cttiart, Ca»liicr of Ink «T MsrWu Co*«fy, to wmr (or aSr.a) 1W Ik* ibim Mltiun ii inc. It Itie bm of my k iwlt%i M talM. J. B. Oili.-J, CutlV. MAI* of Nurtli CinllM Canal? Jiartta. Awjt. Ui« U suitfCrib. 1 Ixfort mt tkt* I ilk Ur " Oct l«u W. It. SlwUf*. M. P. FIE" A "HUM TK MAIIAMI." kr p AA I 1 A Mti*AtM( atmy of New York Wt. I » fc—•( HIK immi Bogini in THK CRITERION br October. AmJjprounae*J(^ Our special offer to the readers of this paper. THREE MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION FOR io CENTS. Affords a rare opportunity to obtain an introduction or to promote better aquaintance with the BRIGHTEST ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED. THE CRITERION has a distinguished staff of writers and artists who contribute strong special articles of important topics of the day. Entertaining sh >rt stories and poents finely illustrated. Val uable and authorit itive papers on matters pertaining to music, drama, art and literature, JOHN URI LLOYD, Authjr of " STRINOTOWN ON THE PIKE" Write*:—"Ami now I beg you to let m? say a word concerning The Criterion It pleases us all a> a clean family mtgazine, and by "all,' I mean my friend* who appreciate and speak of works tbey commend. I have yet to find an adverse criticism from men or women wlio*e interest jie in the lines of pure thought and who desire their loved ones to read that which tends to elevate life. TheCaiTKHiov is a great favorite, and justiy so, and I beg you to tak* these gratuitous remarks in the same kiud spirit I extend them. With truest regards, I am, Sincerely yours, etc. REMEMBER, 3 months for to cents (stamps accepted.) Regular rates fi.oo per year, io cents per copy. Criterion Publication Co., 41 East 2lit St., New York City p. S.—Kvery one sending fi.oo to this office will be given a year's r.ibaeri'ffcion to the above magazine and a year's subscription to The Knterpriae. For 50 eta. w« will send The Huetcrpri* 6 inontU. and The Criterion j mouths, Tbe Enterprise. LEGAL ADVERHSEMB TS. SMURIFFS 4ALE. Hy lirtx of aa la ay hernia for collect lon. tetaraaWe to Spring Una ift at the Superior court of Mania county agalaat Mettle B Taylor aul ia In-* of W. L. Stalling., 'atvie. Ing partner of C C. Stalliaga a Ca.l (hall aril lor tuk btfui the Court houer door In Wllllametoa Martin oouuty, on Mil day of January lyoi.Mutlle ■ TB/lor'f lyjereet la the following toad,to wit: the Norther* No * *9 and to situated lathe tawauf Jauteei.l)-#*iJ being the aatce la-.d .'eikd lo Manila Tuykr by f f ftlif ua h; Dtd Mtll'linanr let. iH» awl liif - rc*yf- M iti.. labile Rerletery of '(r iww |« A. A. A., par- y ■ to wli. h rtfrmit* M hmby uiadt to aaiiafy aaid execution. THia yth day of No»eml>er i»m. • HI J.C. CRAWFOR'i, Sberift. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. H.rtag ijvaii*M m Whuoietraloe upoa tbe ratal* of TMm 1,. r r»»a, decfaaed, Notice ia hftebj give a to all ptreone |wUHvf flaliae agaiaat aaid edatc la pieeevt tbeut to Uv «*dgf ttgtieil fnc payment on or t>;f*«v the let day «f Drceaber lyui, or Ikia aotioe will he plead ta bar of their tt«Tcry. All peraaoe Indebted la aaid eatate art rcqueet rd t« make Immediate payment. Thla nth day af November iyoi. Mt W M.OHFN, Adrn r sala of Raal Batata By eirtaie of an order of J. A. Hohbe, Clerh Superior Court af Martia county ia a proceeding entitled to a ale Kadley el ala. aßalnat Slaiou D. Wad et ala . I will »rlt at thr Court Houec In Willlauiatou en Moadty. liecemtief fpfl, 1901 the foliowlag properly: A tract af laad h Bear Craaa tuwiiehip, adjoining * D. Ward on Hi# North, Ea«t aad Boath aud Minna t>. CrlMn 00 the Weal, contaiulag oat.handled and tfly nine acrea more or leaa aad kuowa aa Ike Cray Willi* ma land. Temia af aale. one-half caah, balance ta II raoutha from day of aale with 6 per «eat lute real Nov. tat 1901. WHKKLftK MAKTIN, ?-4t Cummiaaiaacr. Saia oI R*al Eatat* aad Personal Property. By rjrmt of aa order of the Clerk of the Sti pe nor net of Martin county in th« pr> .redlrge entitled J. A. Lit ley at ala agaiaat Geo S. I.llley aad Geo. T. Gardiner, I wil| ag|| t'jt caali lo the kigheat l»*e* at the CMrt M uae ia WUiaja atoa, N. C.. Monday. Decernlad. lyti Nit fob lowing properly, to A tract of land adjoining M. n. Lilley on the North; }. A. Lilley on the Kaal, Geo. 8. Ulley ea the Vnath. aad i. A. Perry o» the Wrtt, contain ig ta acrea aire ur leaa and commonly known and catleil the joeeph Lilley homeatead. Mao a lot of pmnal property conelitlng of hoaaehold and kitchen farnitnre, hoea. etc. Nnv. M-|«M WMKCLttB MABTIN, 7-4t Commlaalonfr. OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Martia county, ia a apecial proceeding thereia, •milled Fli Gnrganua and wife, Barak A.,et ate agaiaat Sydaey aad Nicholaa Mohley, Infant de feadanla, I ahall offer for aale to the higheat bid der* ike following deacribed real eatate aad ia-, tereata therein to wit: I The two brick atorea, aad lota betoariag thereto, in the town of Wilttaiaatou, K.C. aa the *aU ai4t of Mai a Bl.; the awe now netiptid hy W. H. lUhartaaa. Jr.. aud the other hy KU Car gaaaa. Cammialy hnaara aa the B. ft. Mvbtey i The Keeertlaaary lateral ia aad to the haaaa aad lot -ammaaly k—wa aa the Nicholaa Mohley h. mealead. ad)aialn«J. A_ Tcel aad Otheaa, aa the North aid* af Mala (tract ia the lawa of BMUiamataa. N. C. The aaaat beirg auhjeet ta a dower relate ia aa*-thitd value 1 thereof, aad the latin lot apMcci to the hame- 1 dead eataleuf tbe lufaat defeadauta- J Tim farm -tpou which B. ft. MaSiey Heed *1 the time af hla death, and known aa hta "IMae 1 Plaee" adjoining the laudaof the late Me. O. Mohley aud ather*, aaid farm taetwdtag a Mall trad kaawa * the "Aahew Laad." Thla aaid . trad to aah)«t to the ftft MB** pf fhe tiwnaf aaid Mahley.tkeaaaae havlas' eea dalv aaaigaed la her a* a aartiaa of her dawer.' 4 The traet cotnmoaly aa the "Bayett Uaf," adjoiala- the laad of Pant watte ant ether*. ThiaaaW tr»d U alas aa>]ad ta the life catau af the add having been anigaed la her aa a peetlea if hrriewer. a The tract earn mealy kaowa aa the ",ta drewa Laad" aad aow ar.«apiad hy ope Alice William-, adjoiatag the laad 4 ft ft. Pad aad ■then, TlJatratty auhjectta a tea ycara irate a*de by B. ft. Mohley ta the aaid Alira William*. Tuaa «fab Maaday Dec taai Place of aale. before Oe Court hoaae daar. ' Tenaaof aale CaA. Thte OcL ji-ifat. , >+ w.T.qußiian *m. •Stationery. r 11 ■ i We have just received a nice lint [ of STATIONERY and will be t pleased to serve you in the future. NICE BOX PAPER TO 30 CTB. A BOX. , 8cl) A Chtfdn i'« Tablets 3 and 5 1 Mtit ones locta. ENVELOPES 3, 5 ~ud 8 ct* a package. pocket Memo. Books 5 and 10 cts. VISIT/HO CARDS IScta package. PENS AND PENCILS. Stafford's Inks. LEGAL, FOOLSCAP AND Typewriting: Papers. If we haven't what you want, we will order it for you. , The enterprise. WEDDING PRESENTS)] I ci*T r.i.AM. ci.ocks I n»rwcHtK4w*»K 1 Tin* iR Ike IWI»W«4 |rff|« tf-(M ( I coaiMne amice witk ■ rick. I tmtww % 1 n—, 2 Th Clioic-r.t Dnl*u>. >»d Srwrat ldrmi X ( 1 Miy be Men her*. | Mall OrtUn Promptly FMM. I I BELL, The Jeweler* | ! . TARBOftO, N. C. { N. S Peftl Ac Co., -Aowrra roa- McCtmkfc lanutiag HaeMM 6Mpai|. Movaaa. kaku. uui-na. inmu ■uaauaa. WW coax a a* vasTaaa. >e y « 353»

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