11.00 A TKAB. VOL. HI. FOUR ACRES BURNED la Aelorttftk City «f Water bay.CtM. W LIVES AKE KcPOITEd AS LOST. rla nee s llrld Caiplrta Sway Over the City Far Tea Wear*—Prsptrty Watcrhary. Coaa.. Special.—The sua me Moaday aaoralas oa m blackened aad SMQldfrlas aaaaa of ralas that Marked the aaala haatadaa aecttaa of the city. There Ik a very at rose «*»• plcioa that the Ire which comtlately deatrayed the Scorllle House, bttrnina lhoaraa»ia at dollar*' worth at fura- tore, npurtmenta. and personal effect and Imperilling BUT lltcf, Mn th work of u Incendiary. The It* origt- Bated la the pool and Mllard room la the ha»f meat of the house oa the fur tier aide from the burned district. The roost was locked aad BO one was sup posed Mbe there. No firs »u kept la the room. all heat balag supplied from B hosier la another part of the building Manager Truman said at the polite station while the Ire waa still raging, that h« had aot the (lightest doubt (t waa of Incendiary oriel a- No oae could bo found to szplala It* origin aad the authorities have been quietly investigating. The Bra came ao close as the h'.ois of the big conflagration that thousands of spectators who wit nessed It were thrown Into a mere complete panic than the original Ire earned. The Are bad only begun to die out aloag Bank. Oiand and South Mala streets at 4 o'clock. whsß lames leaped upward, as by magic. aßd peo ple feared the city waa doomed after aIL The call was nkag ia promptly, aad the eagiaeo that hurried to the aceae turned their attention mainly .'o preventing the spread of the flames. It waa «frlde?t that the hotel was doomed and If tho Are had reached the ad'a-eat building*. there would hare been very little hoi« of saving the ceater of the 1 city. The Are burned far into the day aad was not extinguished until even ing Th'i loss on the hotel will reach . (130.000. For tea hoars Sunday night and Woodsy tbe Aumcs. fsnned by a high wind, held sway over tbe business por-i tlon of this city, causing a loss that ! will exceed 13.000.000. The beet por tion of the city, forming a triangle bounded cn the north by exchange Plac--. oa the west bv Bank street, on the south by Grand stieet Bad on the enst by South Mala street. wa» almost wiped out. The Arst fre Which started la the btg store of the Reid 6 Hughes Dry Goods Company, on Bank street, was not considered uader control until about 53.C00.000 worth of property had been destroyed. About the time the Arercea supposed they bad the Aan» uader control a second Are broke out la the fcwillt Hntt. the city's lanc ing hotel, remodelled by the late Judge E. C. Lewis, a few years ago at aa ex p are of about 575.000. aad the estab lishment wan completely wrecked. Th* occupants of the hotel were forced to seek the street la their night clothes. With the ringing of n second alarm the entlie city was thrown Into a panic. There w«s a flerce gale blowing and a parka from the burning hotel were driven In lurid showers over a great area. Tbe occupants of buildings lo cated is tbe path of the wind prepared to leave. Although the Wnterbury Ara department wns re-lnforced from nesr by cities, it was for a time Impossible to stay the progress of tho Aames. , The Are la lis entirety burned over four acres of the city's best ooslneia sect'oa. Among the prominent build-. lags totally deairoyed are the block I ccpl-d by the Reid A Hughes Dry Gocda Company, the plant of The Watertory American, the Mandate Temple, the Seorllle and Franklin Hot am. the W. U Douglass Shoe Coat- j panr. the Johnson block, the Salvation Army Worklngmen's Home, snd scurra ' of other buildings, in all about 100; of the most prominent business houses I ara horned oat M* Frozen to Death. Yokahoma, By Cable—Dctaila of the iosa of about 200 Japaatae sol J!era, who were froze* to death, have been recW ed here. It seem a that a command of 21* a en, practicing winter marching, were caaght la a blizzard on the north ern end of the ialaad of Honda aad lott their road. Many Head Taken Oat. Eagle Pass.. Tsx.. Special-Eighty four bodies aad sixteen men barely alive. some of them horribly maagled. have beta tskea from the Hoado m'aes. The foal odor frosa the mines eaased the inMbfor the bodies to be tesa porarlly dtseoatlaaed. bat dlatafeciaats arrived and the work win be resamed. The sh-ft had 11S men enrolled aad II are still misslag. Twcaty-llve head of dead moles kave been takea from tke shaft. The damsge to property Is very gieit. The cMpsay has obtained all the physlciaas and nurses thst eaa be seeared from all points aad Is doing everything possible to ssve say of Us miners wko may still bo atlvs. Jeffries Bscfcs Down. Kew York. Bpstlnl BrpstHMosi of sa matck between Jim Jel risa Bad Bob Fltssiauaoas were ibatr tarad Monday, when Jeffries sad Jim gsnnhdy. acting lor tke TOssralta Club at Baa Francisco, talks* matters over In a newspaper office. Jeffries promptly refuse* to maks a match'Oa the terms already accepted by Fttxsimmons. aad Ukve the matter rmCs for the prsasat THE ENTERPRISE. AFItttfCQKH Statistic* Take* FfM fcnw d n» Tiwi'ii fha « the Mrthmlac » ■MI report of 9. *•*«. C*» Labor U d Priatiat «*• TOM to the cotjoa ut woaht kß* Itteraa of the Stat* ku km pleted. Ht ukn * kl*hly grallfyiaa shewlas Mr th« detefepaett the OM North SUt« to HkMdi II «*de» Hot tte MUUU laterests ai| IK pre sented ia U«ir eatirety botk the sea eral aaaaarr aat tkf atateaaeata by Matla at* prtataM ktn. aa miet la this chapter of tit rtp*t Ban an the anairi«a: COTTON AND WOOLEN MILLS. The cottoa alll Industry caatiaaaa to iacreaae each year. The statistics la thla chapter, aa give* la Tahlta Noa. I and t. an far the year eadtag Jnhe 3*. IMI. aad therefore do aot ilttat* aiUa roameaciai operations after that A*r- Table No. S. hoemr. firea a raapleu Ust. iacladla* aew aad propoaed Kl a la date. The tit mills, tram which Tablea Noa 1 aad 2. ara compiled, oprrste 1.C50.483 api nd lea. *.« looms aad I.MI mschiaea, uaiag 75.182 horse power Average wage* per day Of—eßgißeer. $1.63; flremen. IX Highest atwitf Wages per day— mea. 5219; women tI.OO. Lowest average wages ptr Jay— men. SSc: women. 2Sc. Average wage* of children. 27c. . . Total number of employes. MX*, of which 11.; 171 Bre men. 18.377 women, nad 7.990 children nader fourteen years of age. 8.857 boys, aad U» glria. The aumber of hours worked per day vary from tea (la aome of the kaittag mills) to twelve sad a half; tl per cent of adults und CI per cent of the e>il drea rend aad write. There ara nine new mills In eouraj of construction or completed since Joße 80. 1901, making total aumbar of mil!* ttfc. la ths following lIU of counties there ara Inptnaces where mora thaa oae Mill is reported as one when they are under the same management. Alamance—Seventeen cottoa. oae woolen aad two knitting mllla. operat lag 93.598 spindles. 4.111 looms aad » machines, ssanufnetares gingham', plaids, colored cottona. domestic, chevi ots. shirtings, stripes. Jeaaa. blankets, warps. ysrhs sad hosiery. Alexander—Twu coUpn milla. ope rat lag 2.700 spiadles, IN looms aad « machines, manufactures brown shirt* lag. Anson—One cotton, one knitting and one silk mill, coersthig 21.704 spindles nad 60 machines. msnnfsctnres yaraa. underwear and traa aad Aoas silk. Beaufort-One knitting mill, operat ing 04 machines, manufactures hosiery. Bur com be—One cotton and one woolen mill, operating B.OSB aplnd.es aad 456 loom*, manufactures colore! cottons Bnd woolen goods. Burks —One cotton aal oae kalttlag ■lll. operating 4.000 spindle* aad machine*, msaufsctures cotton juti nad hosiery. Cabarrus—Vine cotton mills, operat ing 93.5*8 spindles snd 3.274 looms, manufacture* sheeting, ginghsms. do mestics. eac. Caldwell—Four cottoa aad one woolen mill, opera! lag 24.290 spindle* and 613 looms, manufacture plaids, tarns aad woolea goods. Catawba—Eight cotton, oae kaittln; aad two woolen mills, operating 41.723 spindles. 201 looms and 150 machines, manufacture yaraa. hosiery aad wootaa goods. Chstham—Two cottoa mills, operat iag 8.704 spiadles. msaufnetura yarna Chowan—One cotton mill, operating 0,272 spindles, manufacture* yaraa. Cleveland—Ten cotton, three knit ting and one woolen mill, operating 42.074 spiadles. 380 looms and Si mi chines, manufacture sheetings, warps, yarns, twine, hosiery aad woolea goods. Craven—One knitting mUI. operating 184 machines, manufactures hosiery. Cumberland—Seven cotton, one knit ting. one woolen and one silk mill, op erating 59.506 spindles. 1.170 loom* nnd 45 machines, manufacture plaids, sheet ings. shirtings, cottonades. bags. wart*, yarna hosiery, woolen goods and silk. Davldaon—Two cotton milla. operat ing 17.778 spindles aad (04 looms, man ufacture domestics, warps, etc. Davie—One cstton mill, operating •0.000 spindles and 040 looms, manu factures yarna etc. Durham—Sia cotton aad one hsltt'ag mill, operating 83.W4 apiadlea. 2J£* looms aad 200 marhlae*. manufactuies sheetlnga. chambraya. masllaa. white good a. rope. tap. twine aad hoa'ery. Edgecombe—Two ct-tto* aad twa knitting mi.'la, operating 17J6M spa die*. 200 looms aad ISO naeh!ae». manufacture warpa. yaraa. hosiery aad underwear. Forsyth—'Two cotton, two woolen aad six knitting mills, operatlag 11- 782 spindles. 2B looms, aad lit ma chines, manufacture yarns, easslmeres, sheef|ngs, shirtings, woolea goo's aad hosl*»V7 Freaklla—Two cottoa mills, operat lag (.929 spindles, maaafactur* warps aad yarn*. Gaston —Twenty-six cottoa mills, op eratlag MS.77C swindles aad 4.M1 looms, msaufsctnre shirtings, plaids, sheetings. warps and yams. Oallford—Seven cotton aad oae tar pet mill, operatlag «2M spindles snJ I.SM looms. mnnnfSctnre. ptaldr. checks, ysrns. twlae sad carpets. Halifax—Two cotton, seven kalttln* aad oae silk mill, operatlag SI.CSS spin diss, 800 looms aad 4M machines man ufacture cotton goods, underwear slerr aad silk. Haywood—One woolea mill, speiat lng 8M Spindles. 8 looms sad 4 ma chines. nanofaotnre Jeans, flannels caasimeres aad yarns. . Hswlsi »'>s fins k-nlTTtar sT tr*~- tlag 1M machines, manufacture koPoy aad knit goods. Hertford—Ons knitting Bill, opnrat lag M laarhlasa. miwfMlMS hosiery Iredell—Three cottoa "Ma. operat lag ITA« spindles sad MB kwaaa. manntneture shirtings, sbssttags aad cctto- -am. oprmt- Trme tm Uur*rice*. Our \trighbor*. Our Country aaaarf Oaar Gti. WILLIAM STON, N. C„ FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1902. UaalMlM Mttaa aad oae katttia' aO. opeiatlas !«.«•• eptadlcs ud & alary- Umcote—Niae eottx aad oae Wtfn MB. apnaflas ttJM eptadlea. ■*»»- tartar* »arpa aad yaraa. cabaret aad Maahtu Miillieliit * eottoa Ml sw kaVlUw aatlL operatlas l*^«i mladara. Z.UC IXtte aad B» awcklars sheetiac3. 7 to,rel, • SaaSa. wan* aad Mttaa SHU, atlas lei Stdndte*. —HOI. "lUow ramx couaa aTih operatl&f Mjm aptadka aad SI IAMBS, aaaa tactare fatal Naak — (y j cottoa mtH. operatlas 25.- M* alalia, aaaaafactare w*t& Ul yanaa. Knr Haaorer—Two cottoa aaSRa. o> •ratiay IT.T* abulia aal s* Iwaa. aanhriart ftiitllp. inrtu etc. t>iaa»»—Two rot tea aad oae kaitt.a* *IIL operatias «-••• V'adlea aai :• ■achlaea. attahttart cottoa varpSL akeiaj aad hoaiery. Paaaaotaak —Oae cottoa mad on* kfUtiaf aitll. operatias !•.«•• sp;aJ.e* aad Ul atrhiSM saaefactcre yaia* aad kotierr Peraaa—Oae cottoa aaill. operatias MM apladlea. au»fi.lurt prai hll-Ow krlttiag will. oprratias S hacklata aaioiartare rlhhed coder •ear. Polk—Oar kaittlac aaill. operatias Tf aachim. Maaoractyre hosiery. RandoljiP—Twelve cotlsa aad oa« kalttias mill, oprratias *?inJlot. Lt9 IOMBS amd tSI aurhtacs. max lecture colored rott-ias. ibin a:a. ptakd*. ikeHlata cottoaaika. bus. ho siery. warps aad yarns. Kirk won J Kite cottoa ailll. opera tias Cltl spiadt**. i.OS loots aad IS BJCklan ■aanfir:crr ckrvio;a, p. alia, shlrtiasa. warps aad yaras. Rockingham—Seven cotton and oae woolea mill. oprrat:ag 102.C52 ij.ll'.m aad 2.135 huaa. manjfacmre plaids, cheeks. abeetlags. colored cotiJsa. blankets aad woolea goods. Rowan— K.ve cotton aad oae kalttia* mill, operating 17.its spindles. 141 loome snd M asathinra. maaafactura ginghams. sheet lags, iktv.ou. hos.ery. warps aad yarns. Rutherford Poor cotton mill*, oper ating ItUW spiadlea, 2.476 liioai and M machine*, manufacture sheet.aga print goods, warps and yarns. Scotland -Three cotton m.lla #prt!- iag SO.OOO spindles. uannfactute yarn*. Staaly—Four cotton and t«o kn !- ting milto. ope rat.«g 41.194 tpiailes aad 300 aarhiMi. mannta-ture yarna. clothes line*. etc. Surry—Focr cotton and two wcolen milts, operating 11.030 spin lie*. 113 looms and two machine*, manufacture blankets. Aannela. jeaaa. warpa and yarna « t'a on— Tmo cotton mllla operant.] 13,220 ap.ndle*. manufacture yarns. Vance—Two cotton Mid oae knltt n* mill, operating 25.260 spiadles. 2\M looms aad 107 machines, manufacture abeetlags. yarns aad uadf-rwear. Wake—Five cotton and two kaitt ag mills, operating 40.490 sp.nilfs. 7C4 looma aad M machines. maaufa- ture gingama colored gooda. yarna and Wayne—Two cotton mills, ope rat n -9.000 spindle* snd 70 looms, uunjfac tare sheetings sad yarns. Wilson— On* cotton mill, operating C.OSO spindle*, manufacture yarna Cisr-t Accept. Washington. Special.—la the prcneet oplaioa of tbe oAMala here. P.-ealdeat Roosevelt cannot arrept any p. - »at from cither Emperor William cv Pr.a e Henry wit boat authority from Coa gnna Aa examination of the pre-- dewta la said to diaclas« the fact thit while la stany instances. President* peorently received presents fioa abroad, they never have retained then except by express aut "acr.tr coaferrat by Congress. In other wher» ib 4 gifts hare been drpwlt d by the Pre*- •dent have art be-a returned, the prcs enta la tbe Departcnt of Hlalo or in the Smithsonian laiti'.utv AStfcMc. Eai rnsfUffl Special,—The Identi ty of a middle-aeed. richly dreajcl w». toaa who cosnmittei la Stoci* toa. OB Friday night, has Imp eClS liabed by frifrfc **> s « f'lj. Sb« ir» Mrs. Hammond Mo-i.-. o. New Vwk city the wltor* of Colonel llmsoai HOT (, an otCr rr at the Confederate amir, whs aettlod la New Tort ab rly after the civtl war. She nn« to Si Frmriaco Iraa Gua'emala lu! May li the COCK of a lot R around the world, which the beyaa three yean ago aad which had Jjst b--n concluded. The ca— of her aaiclde la aakaowa. Brief neat ion. MM Agnes Ingl'.s. n sophomore stu dent la Ike CalveTSily of Nkiinii at Aaa Arbor. caaaliM nitldc Hon lay. She Is a daujchtrr of Dr. David tngl.r, a prominent pkjtlria* of Detroit. Admirals Etui sad Tayhtr. Captain Clark sad Commander Wainwri;ht. tal a conference with the Prraiiew M the matter of the appeal of Admiral Be" '.'.J IMB the cosrt of inquiry's Oad lagn. It Is Mt thought that the Presi dent's saswer arlll be ready for MM tta* yet. ftscs la Sontk Africa. I nadns By Cable.— The Brttleh re ply to the aote la regard to bringing ■bost peace to South Africa, was dis patched Friday to The Hague. The con tents of tke aote are kept stirctly se cret. as tke list publication of the text In to be midi la Parliament. Monday. February J. Great Britain's reply is not la the nature of direct neg ative. tfcc---rh it Is not unlikely that It wtO kave that elect. While Lord Lans downe probably win leave s loophole for farther suggestions, he doubts the nktUty of tke Boer delegates to control their fbDow eoanprsen Tke anmker of Pi mirt—t Chrtatlaas In ladla aad Crjrlon has in IS years grown from MM to TU,fitl—nearly DEPARTMENT REPLY Vary DepartaeatHes Aisvcr It Ike Appeal «f Scfcky. OBJECTIONS T3 IIS STATEMENTS The Other SMeof the Qacstlea Prr scatcd to the l*ie«*dcat By ttaa >a»y mpa '"**** *oaasrL Washington. - has received the comment* & itJ« Advocate Lrmly aad his aasiaUat. S. P. Ilwaa. «a Admiral Schley's appeal. It was tron*aJi(te4 by »ote throngh Secretary Long of the HM*f Depart ment. to whom it waa referred fifr tM President. The raameiti of the Jndge Advocate aad k:s ass.stsflt makes sixteen printed pages. Admiral fV-h ley's rfrtrt Is hotly astallM and the argument attempts tP ahow that «n« not in comauod at Saatiago. but that SuUjiHl waa Much of t v • evidence of the court u Mqnl'r la reviewed, especially that part relating 14 e.enala la the battle of Saatiago. The Navy C'jlSrliMsfs re view of the appeal aaya la part: "la the appeal before you the appli cant and bit -»un*«l have ahlfled their ground. The feotnre* M Ike east that chiefly occupied the attention tl the court daring the forty days of its sit ting aad to which the great mass of the testimonj 1 aidwel felatea. were: "1. The retrograde jB«M»«sl ~Z Disobedience of orders, i "1. Inaccurate aad misleading official r-ports "4 Fallare to destroy vessels of the enemy lying within sight: snd ~S. Injustice to a brother officer. "I'poa sll the above named features, believed by as to be the must Import ant. if not the only really Important matters into which the court mad* in quiry. the conduct of Admiral Schley was rondemned by that most -listlß- Kuished ir.bunal Admiral Dewey an 1 Rear Admirals Itenham an I fUms.ty united in their findings anJ opinio# upon all of these several prints, e« I they rnlted also In the sign'.Brant re> oamendation that no further pror.-ed inrs be hal "in view of the |en;hth of time which has elapsed since '.he i«c -nr en-e of the rVeats of the Santiago cam pal rn." ' The applicant an! hla counsel, ig noring nil these grave matter*, mw ap peal to yoa—before taking up an en tirely new matter whkb "as not in the rise —for yorr tetlon itp-n eerta n minor aad comparatively unimportant features wiilcli were in the case. They ••>ceiry diutjrinefc In the squadron's iar,v.-nr.rnt to Cicnfitcgos and after wan!* to Smtiaro: failure while at Clenfuegos to take any adequate steps to »a-ertaln the whereabouts of the Spanish fleet, nnd tbe effectiveness of f.e blockade* maintained at Clenfue K .n and Santiago. -Tbe i-embers of tbe court differed their opinion respecting these points, whleh nrf obvioi'aly of minor aigo.fl can e as eotnpiT'd arlth the grave-r ra ters above set forth upon which there was not and. In the face of the tcs:l mor y. could not have been any differ ence of opinion In the court. "Certain erroneous statement*. If !n --advertent. yet none the lesa ciiislead ing. appear In the appeal. "Approval of Admiral Hewey's ex prfM'on of opinion up.»n the quest.oa of eaaiinand invoivea two points: "Klr»t. Was Camtnodore Schley in 'absol .te' command during the battle of July S? "Srrond, and quite a different pro position. Is he "entllled to the credit dcf' for the victory? "The Brit I»:nt Is purely a techa'.eal one. where we hsv? the rase of a run nine Ugh!. covering a dfttance of at»t forty mil"?, and the question it affe-t --ed by the aaval practice of reading distant iMpi by repeating signals. * "I'pjn the second point, whether Commodore Schley is entitled to the rredit for winning that bittle. the tes timony from himself and bis main wit ness Is sa conclusive as to give ao do-ibt- In the course of the proceedings before the court of Inquiry, every pro? : _ i-ts support the contention that Com mo lore Schley did lo achieve the vlriorv br Issitnr orders aa commanding officer of the Ameri can fleet was removed. The plain truth was for the llret time revealed that Commodore Schley did not exercise command on that day over any -hip rnept. to some extent, hla own i«- skip, the -The contention that the magalffcent work of the Oregon or any part of It was under orders of the Broosl} n. or that the Oregon received snd obeyed even a sigale order from Commodore S- hley from the time 'be Bpanlah ships were sighted to the time of the surren der of the C»lon. which surrender may fairly be taken as the close of the Mt tle. meat be abandoned: and with It roes the last peg upon which to bang the pretense of a claim that during tie battle of Santiago Commodore S-hley effectively exercised any of the func tions of a commander In chief. -The weight of testimony Is to «"• effect that the commodore controllel the rrovements of hla ffa?sh'p. the Brooklyn, well, with the exception of the loop. But It also shows, not nega tively. but affirmatively aßd beyond question, that he did not control the operations of the neet In general on that day. - "All this la established, no* by theo retical dedaction or expert or iswpfrt opinion, hat by direct, positive. «Bi»- neached and unlmeaehable testimony, given under oath by the admirals •brothers In arms." The pagea of the record upon whicb lW' Uilliifliy ® ilij i I"* are above cited. —— -The plain truth of the matter, tkere fore developed for the list time wader Sr-JSSTof u,!, quite la that so >Urm tta Gloucester. lowa. Indiana. Texas aad Oregon are eoneeraad. aot the strofcstf a profiler Made. Mt the tow* U * helm, not the firing of a S*ot. waa dace ander the direction or by the orders or Admiral Schley during thla baUle. Visa A CdlFtOllSE. Owcaa Cherry Tree Prspls Wart to s«tlkUr- V«Ui|lN. SftdiL-Th* Amoi Om Cfc«ny Tn* Cwpuy people are for aa nrij iJJutnul of the.r >Ok a desperation that ia apparently barm of aa ardeat deslrc to P*er«M the nha'ii oa of their rasa to roarta. Their latest mare, which had for its ohjret aa laaejlite com proaaise. was Made ia this city Monday •""*** Tha raapnalae propoait an •aa submitted to IKstriet Attorney Holloa by Seaator riltehard aad IS. J. *«tot aejs for the defcadan«*. _ - importaat provision of the was anhmltted In ** V* *>- feadaats waaU pa, ~eee W ,rmy at daiasaats all the faads !M «*»• #•*? M has aa haai. about *3o.oft Mr. Hdliril Na thea. according to th? terms of the c>a|HtiW, IO ao to the Altorarr Geaeral ia compaff* with the attonurs aad aeqaiesre ia the prdflo#- H Pttl«meat. The district attorney ite ciiaeJ to entertain Cor a moment any farm of compromise. and. suiting his aci'kff •• his words Holloa left Mon day night tor fM*f. where he will personally coadoct lat Pesascution. whea several of the casts are ov f* pr»t»mlaary heariag be.'ore a fatted Ssa lff *aa*ilaaioaer. Two or the tarorporatlors of .t* eaweera. Ki'T Thoa Bright aad his daughter. #ill not %e t.ws a hearing unlll the 11th Inst, la JaclM «aaiy. Oae other arrest Is yet to be made, aft it aaw seems that all of the case*, about fftrtH In aum har. will mtiiahr he taken ap for trial it A* Jim term of court in Char lotte. The (MVlmam punishment is |SM tar aad IS maalkr Imprisonment, aad It la thla ponishmeat that the de fendant* are aow facias, aa all at tempts at compromise have met with slgaal fallnrea. iWfclfT sf*iki A Nashville. Tean. special Rive* an amui of lie r»pfj»iiHi indrrfil Ad* mtral at thit place aa follows After a IUBVT of iperrhfi, John T. oa briilt of lie Nash •ill* coaftclla of the Royal Arcanum, presented fa tke aJailral the Jewel of Ike past mnt lif wit", la accept ing Adm'rtl ytUfy said: 'Mr Chairman. My Brothers of the Kara! Amiga ?j| Vy Very IVa' anl Sweet ni'idi Thf welcome you b.we accorded me la earning Into vmr ■ldat has K.rrnl dip almost bpyoml the posrr of wc:' •to Bay. I 'ea!Ue •aa that not oaehaif had bt«. told me of f}jr IllsmitaliV lave and hospi tality. I katC rrarls(tfl that the h.ime of Crockett and Jrlu;n aod Polk and Famtnt eacld not be oih'rai* thin ■•tft aad hospitable. And you have. I think. In )->ur pmtat estimable (bv ernor and his beaitlftil wife, flt repre mal.vft of iht sobV men aad wouu n of the Tnsrssre of old. "My Brolbe's of the Royal Arcanum, Tola gift cornea n unexpectedly thit It almost paralyzes my tongue. 1 had no eaperlatloa of *ueh a gift, but It docs not teoaire anything to mako m« lore and rrawtn that the members of thin order are my tiro'.hers "I belong to a pro.'ession which has dene everything that has hallen;eu fear. In war. the history of which vou all know. I tried to do my duty. Dut often we have waked to the flag aud found the anawer there. ••Bat when the order cam- to come borne, the order was then. 'Up aniliol. boys, for G«*l"a country.' and it was bat a few' moments until the an. hor was at the bow and this ahip started for the fairest country on Cod a green earth '* He then paid a beautiful tribute to the *'f of the natioa. telling haw that oa board ship when the flag is Ukin down. It Is never allowed to tourh the deck but It is carefully aifjßir and folded la the air aad laid carefully away. "That." he said. "Is what we think of the flag " —- "I want merely; to say that my habit has bns heretofore to address my andiene-s through the trumpet. 1 am sot used to addressing audiencea of tola size aad I get what Is known u ataxe fright. But I ran only thank you for the welcome which you have gtvea me aad for the love you have shown, which will go with roe all (lipijl life as oaa of its beat and awouat memories. The band played "Dixie" again, and the admiral had hardly taken his seat aatll he had to rise a train to greet the shouts aad cheers. At 6 o'clock. Ad mlral and Mrs. Schley dined qiiletlv with Major and Mrs. E. B.B«alman at the letter's residence In Vauxhall place and proceeded from there to the University Club, where Major and Mrs. StaWmaa entertained in their honor The affair was on a magnifl eent scale and at its conclusion the distinguished visitors formally took laave of Xaahville. Death of Premium! Man. JIMI nr. TARTS of Boston. Haas.. PiMkant. N C, died at the Utter plm Sunday Bight at 9; 13 o'clock. Th» ■en case la tc>grams and letters to MeD. Witkiea. Esq.. and J. W. Wad* worth'a Sou. of Charlotte, all of whom km bif'ara int rcsts at Plnehurst. The death of Mr. Tafia was sadden ari l aaeapeetcd. It occurred at the Hotel Carolina after an illness of less than aa hoar. He had been about town nearly all day aad after supper Sunday night riaitcd the music roam, com plaieiag of a paia in kla stomach, he retired to kia room and esplrcd at 9:15 •'clock of scale iadlgeatlon aad chol era ■orkas. Died of Heart Trouble 7 Waahlagtoa. Special— Secretary Lot? kaa mdwd a. telegram announcir.-; that Rear Ada Ural Uwli A. Kimberiy, D.S.N, retired, died at West Newtoa. Xaaa.. this mom tec Admiral Kimber iy mas wkimd for aenrfea on tba Hrklsy Matt «( inquiry, bat waa com pelled to d*Uae oa account of ill kealtb. heart troublo waa the cause of pnomwtwT wit rmiwjr William of Gerau; Is for tjr-thrc: years old. Congrosmaa Minefield, of Maine. Ulkt nearly 300 worda a minute. Andrew Carnegie lias made a second rift of $300,000 lo Cooper Union. New York City. Prince Ilenry has bought fifty pres ents to distribute cn til visit to tlio United States. Theodore Roosevelt Is th: third nar raru graduate to bcouie President of the United States. Professor Kdmund J. James, of th? University of Chicago, ha a been elect ed PrcaiOcnt of tltc Northwestern Uni versity. near-Admiral W. IC. Van Reypen, SurgeonCeneral of the Nary, haa been placed on the retired list after forty years' aervice. Marconi, the wireless telegraphy In haa lieen decorated by Klnj of Italy with the Or der of HI « d 8t - La"n«. Ixinl Roseliery has ""T e '» on which he la now ent'lfM * tjo Cnlsliiug touches. It la that it Will be published in the antuillM. Sir Alfred L. Jones, of 1-lverpool. England. Is the largest Individual ship owner In Great Britain, hla Aral's ton nage now amounting to over 400,000. He la a bachelor of IL'ly-Gvo and Is a trtf-madc man. Countess von Wsldersce. answering ri Inquiry regarding the projected t;lp ot Field Marshal von Waldersce and fcorseif to the United States, rays: **U'« both hope to go to the Called States In AWll. but natliinj has yet been decided." Judgo John If. Reagan, of A "■tin. Tex., has Dually retired from politic* after half a eeninrjr of service. He was I'ostmaster-General and Secretary of the Treasury in the Confederate Cabinet, and was father of th: Inter aula Commerce law. - 4 - Work cf Virginia Convention. Richmond. Special.—'The constitu tional convention did a good lay's work Friday. The chairman announced the appointment of Messrs. Watson and Meredith aa additional members or the committee of Anal revision. The re port of the committee on agriculture waa adopted with aomc additlona. the most slgnlflrsnt being that making the Commissioner of Agriculture elected by the people, snd fixing the term of of fices at four years. Another was that striking out the additional members of the board or agriculture and leaving it constituted as at present, except that the president of the Virginia Polytech nic Institute shall be a member of it. The fiddles Captured. Pittsburg. Special.—Edward Blddlc In jail, dying, and his brother riddled with burhshot and In precarious con dition. and Mrs. ePter K. Sottel dying In the hospital with a bullet wound In the breast. Is the sequel of the sensa tional escape of the Blddle brothers from the Allegheny county Jail, by the assistance of Mrs. Warden Soffel. The atory of the close of the Biddle tragedy which came at 7: IS Friday afternoon, la a thrilling one. , Military Appreprlat'ons. Washlniftan. Special —Tho military appropriation bill has been practically completed by the house committee cn military alTaira and Chairman Hull will-report It as soon ss ho returns from a trip to lowa, which he Is abo ?t to tske. The bill carries approximately $91,000,000. which is about 110,000.000, below tne estimates and about $26,600,- 000 below the appropriation last year. IrOBERN we challenge the world! lj T0 p rt ODUCE THE EQUAL OF KO3ERTS' CHILLTONIC FOR CHILLS, FEVERS, Night Sweats and Grippe, and IH 111111 111 a " forrns Malaria. UluUUly DON'T WAIT TO DIE I Wifi x/ SPEND 25 CENTS AND BE CURED I Norte genuine unless WOODERFUL CURES MAKE ROBERTS' TONIC FAMOUS! Red C'OiS is on label TRY IT. WNO CU*E NO PAY. W 25c. PER BOTLLE. Don't take ■ Substitute «»»»>»» DELIGHTFUL TO TAKE. ce*€e*~ Hold by ELI (IURG ANUS ao«l BLADE, ANDERSON & CO OKiWia SIMMONS, rm. T. W Tll/»MMAN,Ctu. JOHN L>. MLlCS.ftec. ft Tkm. THE i DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. Manufacturers of KILN DRIED NORTH CAROLINA FINELUMBER, DENNIS SIMMONS' IiRAND. CYFRESS SHINGLES U WILLI AMSTON, N. C. fyOrdcre ».nd Correspondence Solicited Wheeler Martin. Dennis S Riffg* MARTIN & BIGGS, BfanuiHCturera of FURNITURE, WILLI AMSTON, N. C. OomHramNi floLrorrm. 'PflOXES:—Offloe 33; Factory 4G. Bixq li Copies 5 Cum NO. 20. A Mother's Love. A pathetic lnstanco of affection that •wild confront death rather than sep aration from loved ones was that eC Martha Ruasell, who a short time age died of starvation. She waa the mother of tour small children, and, af ter being assisted for more titan two years by ths township where she lived, the waa threatened with aeparation from her children. Beta » unable to ram more than what wou d buy rood tor the children, she supplied their needs and went without food herself. When found the children were all Well cared for and in good condition. A LEX, n SMITH, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Main Street WILMAMSTOH. N. 0. GEO. W. NEWELL, ! Attorney-at-Law.' WILLI AMSTON, N. 0. wrrtoetirc d«rtd,H Special attention given lo examining and mate* tag title foe purchase ra of timber and tin be* la-da V OO YEARS' ttHIENCB ™ I k ■ ■ J a I V ■ k ■ ■•J TRADE Maum DctiavMi • 'Pffl* ' CopvitiiHTl 4a Anyone netidlng a ak«»fand deeerlntlnn may enirklr aacortaln mir opinion free • aetaer am tfifaMMl ta probably patentable Cooninanlra llonaidlftlf ennldwituL llandbodioo Pateaata •mt free. (JMtet auanrf 'or aocuring tatawlA takvit (iiroush llunn k Co. reoatve tjxrmi notice without chanro. In the Scientific American. AhniKtaomclrlllii«lnit«l wurtlr. UnatS» cuifttkm of ettf •flenllllo JmirimL,- Temn,Mi >w i frmr mmilu. »L Sold br all MnMbu WSftrata# Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of UM dlgestatits and digests ail kinds ot food. It give-. Instant relief and nevw falls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can lake It. By luufo many thousands of dyspeptics have beea cured after everything else failed It Is uucqtrilled for all.itoniach troubtoa H oan't help but do yon good Prepared only by E. U. I)iiV ITT &l Co., Chicago Thosl.buUiocontalns2*4 tinMwtb«;fioc atefc . 1 i' 1 1 Ef7STWI A V ■ ■ ■ V ■ ■ 1 11111 l ■ ■, ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ UsAsl WML ■ 1 PMH A H H kl ■ . i |jJ7TTI M 11 Ip'l^l A ■ > ga ■ ■■ ■ 1 anything yon tayent or Improve; alao act > CAVEAT.iRAOE-MAnK, COPYRIGHT or DESftN ; ! PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, or pbota. for free examination and advice. 1 BOOK ON PATENTS i C.A. SNO W & CO. Palant Lawyers. WASHINGTON, 0 C. !

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