THE ENTERPRISE. M*n' a miM »: •■-k-l "aTI ', ■■han ■ ■*■!> i■( 111 mtmrnm »—r ' mtimj.Mll j ■:!.»» " c •«* ■ac*—ti'ifaa jaii-wrim > MwlMltiMia^c WHm. jcntaa Im gjjyter »lin»«'*t f ,|1 i l«l W i«m a— miaunio>ii»t wu n mi>c» fUMT, Fmcin tl. 1902. t Hon. B >urks Co-kmii now 1 ««irin|uU iap«Fili(a lina , 1 with hub -naib im tbem. The bigger a nun pti the 1 lass attention be is expert»l to 1 pay to-'aucb trifling things as ( CQnsis tencr. That rival of the big sUel. , trurt looms up big iu the u***- i pipers. Th; fgnre it wili cut m the steel bu«iMH is jet to be seen. The Cubans mij not be up to-date in everything, but nobody ran denj that they are expert woraers on rongromonal sympathy. Who says tb-?re in"t noney iu wind ? A sola water foun tiin mMnfjctiirer, wli«» dieJ re eently. left an rotate worth sev eral millions. t * Senator Til I nun sir* be neither pay* f->r nor for the advertising h-r We; haven't li-_-ar.l however, of Ins refuting any of the tub it briug-i him tbroJ»'» the b«x oflLrc. is it that s>tn? of the Beaatorv w'»» are constantly kicking about the small-iess of their salaries J j not resign and give somebo Jy el+* a chan~e to try to exist oa $).0 |V I a year? The Detroit bankev-wracker who is credited with getting mway with $200,000 in a single day. must have been buncoed by wicked partner*, aa he had to gu to jail for inability to furnish a meatley little bond of *15.000. The President is said to have found tim: to give the vete rans of the House a few point ers on how to run tlunga. but we haven't noticed any change in the way the Douse doe# buMneMi Mexico reports that the vol cano on th* summit of Tctnal acatlalco—we don t insist upon eorrect pronunciation—i« giv - ing out smoke and getting' ready for busine*Mi .Vow is the time to buy your tourist i ticket. The numlier of college Mu —. dents who have committed sui cide recently naturally raises the question, what is wrong about the college life of the present day? One of the wrong things, in our opiuion. is* the i extravagance of the_chilJren of the wealthy. / k The civil service seesaw is a little pnnrling. Just as con gi— decades to put the civil werviee blanket over the Census 1-ureaj clerks tie Attorney * Seneral baa decided that put ting the employes of the Gov Uiamaul Printing Office nndei osilser rite inka mm ilk^i The claim of *)£r cough medicines to | Waajcood aa ChamlierLuo'a at* effects-1 aDeactal red in the following te-sticaoo ul of Mr C. an employe of Bait-j lrttand D.-gnii Co.,Gardiner. lie. He «n "I had krpt adding t» a call aad winter of 1597, trying emr | rough aedk-iue 1 heard of without per- ' ■aatat help, until one day I in in the drug I tare of Mr. ifoslehan ami he ad- £ nxd me to try Chamberlain •a tuo*b Remedy aad offered to • pay lack my ■aart it I was w4 cured. My loa/t. aad hnachiat tub.-> were very aore at! Ah tun.", bit I wii completely c tre>l by I Ou rcKedy. and hare aince alwaya torn- [ el tj U wh.-u I gut a cold, and wja find relief. I al*arec»:nn;ii lit torn y aat amfUlUliy it is the t«e»t of all f cmgh mrdicinn."—For »a!e by N. &. j ML Co. WASMSTN LETTEI irnaMi nsalar Corm*w4>al ) Feb. 17, 190 a. The Senate has a full and inter esting program arranged for this week. The treaty for the pur chase of the Danish West Indies was called up in, executive sewion today, and Senator I«odge, who has charge of it, gave notice that beginning tomorrow he would pre-*, it to the exclusion of all other ex ecutive business until a vote was reached. If he lives up to the notice, and he doubtless will, the treaty will be ratified during the week, as there is not enough opp> sitioii to it to make anything like a fight against it. In open session, the Philippine tariff bill deliate will he brought to a close, as the mi nority have signified their w:llm- to vote on the bill liefore' the 1 close of the week. The bill will of j course be passed. }v>n»; days ago' the Senate unanimously agreed tof take tip the irrigation bill, which' provides that the receipts from the 1 sale of public lands in the arid! States and Territories shill !►, ajv j plied to the construction of irriga- * turn plants fur the reclamation of. and laij is. as soon as the Philip- ; j«ii- bill was disjto-ed of. The House t»l ty to>k up the rc J |eal of the internal revenue t ixc-| imjiased on account of the war! with Spain, under the mo»t >tiin- j cut i nk* ever rejwwtcd to tin- 11 'its f It provides for two days delate and and a final vote, but makes it im J possible. togf> j vote on anitn«f j ment> not acceptable to the Ways! and Means cotiimitte on a niV>tioti j to recommit. The bill will |u«. Testimony of individual mem- • tiers ofi the Isthmian Caual Com niissioii before the Senate commit 1 tee has shown that the impression I prevalent at the time that there 1 was o|«|>osition iu the commission | to the report in favor of accepting! the offer of Panama Canal Co. was erroneous. Each member of the commission has said that the first report of th? Commission would have l>ecn in favor of the Panama route if the price named by the Panama Co. had not lieen consul ered excessive. This testimony is having some effect upon Senators who hail not committed themselves to any route for the eanal. The proof that Kuropean power-, tried to make a combination for the purpose of forcibly compelling the U. S. to retire from the Philippines just after Dewey's victory in Manila I Bay. has been piling np of late — of course the fact has been known all the time to thiii government 1 notwithstanding the )>fofr-*iou> of great friendship for us bv thvsc j lowers. Senator Depew lias made pubjic a statement of his personal knowledge of the attempted com 'jbina'ioii against its, in which he ' says "While 1 iy I.ondon jduritiK tin' latter part of May u« • 1 tht tir>t week or two of Juttc iN>S. ,' I was approacl:el officiaily I with a |>roposition which involved 1 a concert of the continental Kuro -1 j«ean powers against the I'. S.. the object lieiiig to prevent thi-> conn • try from jiennaneiitly retaining the . Pbilipines," Mr. Depew fmther I said that the proposition was made to him by an agent of Spain, who ' I credited hitn with close relations ■ with this government, and that he I was told that if thel'.'S. didn't ac ; cept that proposition Spaiii Would f he given assistance th!ij would en alite her to prolong the war at gtcni cost to the I'. S. Mr. IVpcw claims that Great Hritian kiilcil the • -scheme by refusing to become 1 party to it , while Germany claim? || that Great Britian was the investi j eator of the proposition, which was killed by the Kajser. Diplomath ' tacts are alwa>-s difficult to get at L " but those connected with oar wai with Spain will doubtlesa be koowi T sometime, and they will ceytaialj ,|te intcrwtiag. -■■ ;■ ... . . THE ENTERPRISE. tTILLIAIISTOS. !T. C., FRIDAY. FEBRUARY si. I*o2. ' If Repßse3«adr Kv„ aim rJ to canse a %9sitkn I with hs speech in the Honat- j U kiag "h, f» eign policy «f tbhi g--.-er*mmt. e-jecaDr its fnenJly j attrtn-ii toward Great Britian, and! i slurring at Prince Henry, now on} bis way to the I". S.. as a "little! ' Datchman". he seeded, possibly j ! beyond his ■ wished to Make political capital for I his party, he failed Th? only re-j grets nptetrfd that the speech j j was made have cm.- from mem-j j brfi of Mr WheJer's own party, | [ who are wise etwijh to kn->w it I i contained a nnmber of statewmts that they wiD be cwtiatly called ; on to explain during this year's Congrewonal campaign. Those who predicted that the Honse Ways and Means committee would not take np Cuban reciproc ity were wrong, as Chairman Payne, of that committee, has inn-a*c) that the committee would this week begin consideration of the question and coatine until a coa elusion is reached- It is regarded as practical]y certaln'that the com mittee wifl report a hill providing forunr form of Caban reciprocity. The announcement that the President read his derision «« Schley's appeal to th: CilkiiM has revived public interest in that mat ter, »1 all sorts of tricks have been reported to in efforts to get some member of the Cabinet ft *n dictte th* aiUu- of tSc de which is expected to b.- nl ie pub lic sonr.- time w--ek. b*at the nv>-t that has got is that the i dc •.-jki is nirr likclv t-» !►; fjrton a-ia w"i»!r- t"» tb- pjUic I tlian to the |«-cj»licol |urtiuri' of S^hles-or Simp'oa- I G n Taft. whits «-lill lm;» nt'ug | I tnfona «-»>«n oo.rmin; th ( j | p:n«r-, •sis-l .daring a c-Ji rjn* j [tureen himv!f ao-1 severil Sena | | t »r- . ortta!»/ jir th it shoul i J 1 ti»i !«; niflc ojotraiaj the 1. ovx-rns>-at / the bland*. "The ' giv it evil of the prjrsrn*. ti:a. w!th | i fcfiH.'. loth. !lii!i,"i«*s t!k | currer»» iltreoi>iii -«t thru tuf'sr-. p)t>Si{ i*.foSc that can K fi-st-.l . t V.'iere s-» f«»-jd for ihoai;!it in hi- j i w.'fil', no cutter u hct individual j i u|4iii'« %ou uiy hold omcerning j ' t!:c «»f thue blaa-l-. Is j P t [mkm-o are nt xle at this time cir j cnnbUwr. may dAc tIK-m dilfi I fo keep. j The Senate that ft u.i>[ ' w ilh th. H«-e in dv-artng to pro-1 [ vi>le f.« it-» fa%sirite% by VOtingdoanl j the amciklmeat odeted by Senator peovxlmg that only t;*o-«c | rmp(»yes that are retained b> the [ Ctiw Bureau oh>ull |be pl aced in the classified *n ipe j The Senators, like the Reproruta I tives. intend that all em|iSoyes of the Ccn->us\{ljircau -hall he ek-gi hie to in the clav>ified wnict without taking a civil set vice examinatan. The -fall Line Is Nsrth Carstiaa. I The Slate of North Carol na is well adapted by nature for the de lelopmcnt of water power. It» ur face m«y be compared to the upper Ifa e: I a huge wedge whose edge correspond* to the ocean shore line, and whose gradual rise illustrates I I the State's increas nr elevation to ward Ila western t*order, culmina 1 1 tmg in the Appata* kan Mountain rid;r» where are massed some Of : 1 the highest peaks east of the missis-, ' 1 sippt Rirer Among these high for-1 ' ested mountains lie riter« of the >|^ tate rise and find thrir wa, sea-; ' ward at fimes wit a rapid descent. I ' thie of the well deaned physical 1 icatsires of the State is a broad stnp r |afcoVßlry.liiomn as the Piedi'iont | i'Ui a.. a«ieastern lwt>!rr is * j rouglJy paral'el to iiu At'anic ', t\ean. a:.d aboi: a bund, ed milc». j more or J 4 ss, west of it. It is cotn ' | ptwed of hard and anci.ct rocks. ;! into w«.:vL the ' vers have n oi l-een t j able :•» cat their nay so deeply as ;n r j the a-iftct rocks l c!ow. Over thij c : p'ateaj many of ibe ri. caa.s of the »j State aa: |>ass. creasing 11s east * i eir. bolder in a succession ot fal's f j aiid ra|tids which furnish admirable J water power sites. So marked is ' . this feature whkh can be traced en i-Jtirely across the State, that it has * : tern cd the • fail line." Tke ri fa •awl lif considered of ejespe ial ecanoaiic importance Lj: I UlasJ if, as has been said, ocon K I many wa|fr powers ol '"j whkh some are a'ready in an*! 15 ; »«hers may be de* eloped. Cons id *■'. er«bie activity has been shown ol '•; *ecent yeas* in studying the powei lr ( p>swl>tlitres of the North Carol ns II streams and gagi g stations, '>"jasndnctei} by the U. S Geplogica 1 W33TIY SKtESSSL I» B-isr Til Sn. AH Dk»lxs hare L-j-ll>.TrrciTviijl! by tbc ajeof ptr. detfl, Awid xaetJS, arikaler* I wl draj»- a form Their pm Irr» I dry «p the aKsbnan ra-f »rw ; Ikni to crack opes n KnA Tfepwcf- , ful acids nvi ia the inhaler* kmt entire-' It eatn away thr hk neabnm that their maker* hare 2mrd to case, *hik : pMU aad gntv *ati cauut reach ta - ib i ■ho h» for anr iran a t«tr . itvli aiiH ijerahv a(lbf katai-at at | ; UTjiuH. ha> it Ud perfected a Trot- jat .it «h h ran UitiniOr usei. aot oa I ly itlifTt. at oorr b a jcsnaeatiT cam I C»T»**H. h/ itairat thr came. ] pu the iilfc'lujyi an I r a'l » flm*nUija It t+ th • aaly r.-rlriam to fc**r that artsaOr reacbn the afl.t- H puti. Thta * *a lrWdl rkJ; hka nrj M'sxrmnUi.-u'tiimoaTiMa crme" aal it tiU at the erur n -ly low price of Oae I>Jlu, each package rua t2iaiß{ latin>l aal external nHbcinf lafcaat lor a fall a iath itrrjtai -at »1 nenthin; mmuy to ita p.rtid av "wrrruj" t% iheioalt perfect cuuaa a'KX ntr axle aal nil* re~»aL«eda* the ocaly air aa I pwtnr care for that aan-ayiag aa I da*-l%e It cum all uliaaitra qnckltru I pernrta-at- Jv aa-1 it aha woalrrfally qa» k to te drse H % v rtvu or COLD a the mis. UTaUN a'ata aar/tecte-1 oft-ra Iralt la iu*imrr*w-"HrmiM" will aiv you if you tw it at m. It »•> «r>lt a inr rriar)bat a «-a»ja>V' treat Tarat ■hks xaaraathrd to care c«- TaaaM aa aay fara «r ata-r «f cnrilia/ to the dur twaa watch ai aa pan t aach packaie Kiwi il-bi bit m 1 lor it at oa-f aal write fall to T«ar • 'Xtlit:« aal yoa will re -ive »l«tr fnaa the dnranreraf th» ajoMol rrw*dr roar raw with Kit ro4 to yoa brruw I tie pc> a of -fiiimsi" lh.'criMtxo CtT tltH CI BIL " Srnt prrptil to *l7 aMrr« in tb- Catted !KU*« Caaali oa re.-eipt of Oae It Jlar Ad 1.-ra Ikji Cl9l. fJl'i'lX S GILES & CO.. ajjtMi.-ket Sc. ft Ul-I uhia. e l on th ; R aanoke. Kc a ! . Tor. 1 \ uk. ll**. Cap; feir,! Vatlin. Caliv'ji an J other stream*. Al| t »ese »iati-»:i4 >nea>u em Niti •»: iioar ire m »«Ie diiiy rf.o'Ji of heig ii kept an I information e» arhicS fuither of their j w.iters muJ be basea). Tie amij of at'ci r m 'lvjrs w;t in X-ifth K'arohna iyi part of the jeaJ.'ai ia- Lveat-gabon which t'i • iii > a I -urvery i-» 111 iking of t>e ira'.e 1; j* iurc-s uf I'.u c ijiitif. 1 • A S.xlo] ft'ji RjJeJ Ne* Y#ri Socictv. T!| '?o Sa' '*' 4l t >'» i 1 !i n; a ' » I'n 1 i>i ac rutin ch rch in t j * '.'r■ tViy who ru'til wrcidr » a j'it j»U.T ban l ilia » iVa: J M 11.-ls: I-o a?i- tuSe a dictator *a« j 11:1 that iIU jfttufi »\ er-e; f. >| tir 1 11» iv ljf t > %lf" th? Vt Sl'll r I mch '! > any ijf -at sxiil I 1:1 ti _-n 1.1 t'a - j inei'ojKiiH Jin hall. ij >. or *.' •a !j 1 - at was con •iJercJ co npiet • with ait h: n .in ! he made .a -d unro ide s-»„tal taror -110 a* ling 4 th i.ije Heir cthlaMi rbe remarkably| gst ry «•! this «►.!•! caraytcr will l»-» to!.! l»y Mr. \Vi!lant Pcrrlne i:| th? iiu tiber 01 Ihe Laliri il-»>n; jour nal. A LEiaCV OFTIIE GRIP ' Is uftca a run -loan ««tew Weak arv*. lack - f iTjetitr. ewer XV aa»l arnlxtfa with ili««leir>l Itier an I kidneys often follow aa attart '•* lW» wart- he 4 4iki« The jc«-ate-it arv l tbca i« Hlectrv Rntrr*. the Jus-I; I Uwv. I4ui'l poriSer a a-! * of H«ni,-k. ' Later an.i Ki>laeya Thrnnb hate prwrd that thev woaxirrfullr the aerae*. baild Of the a-ratem awl rei . tore to health aatl apitfti alter aa attack of Gup. If trv theai "nl> V* I'erfect vati>la%tum tced by all ilrui^tv I Tfec Latest Renuacc *f tk Sulk , In the Kfhni'r Ladies' Home 1 Journal ar.- given the first chapters . of a new romance uf the South en titlcal ** fiiose Pars in OM Virgin > ia.~ Ihe author of this st.arr is . Miss Lu-.-.ra Spencer Tort or w h-w love stories t;a»e already attracted | wide at:enti . and vL\ i» » , j instance, pre.-ents one of the m»M ;|charni>!ig picture of the lovo. tjiieautrand chivalry of, the days c | before the war which has yet been Ipain'ed th words. Not only , is- il paint din irorUs for Mr. ,B'. I. _ I a ay' who spent iiiucti liaae ir. I |V.rginia collec;ing material aitu a jmalii.g sketches for the liiuslia . I :ior.«. ha* fuished a series or jmc f: tures to accoTiij any the story which .! may weat be said to be the K.-i fcl s | his recfut wurk. 5 PAXMXITJ'. NK IRI.Y BVEm aHSf 1- C)iyfioa H?i-u ihjbfst iiq«a» S *>l. hca.l l-h-. BtaraHr J.»r\!e.t e hri'ta. P Witi Little Karly Rr*.- Jtiailil: the liver. the !xwrk aa. relieve tkw coalition Safe, ajwe Jv aa> '• They neicr gripe. Tavo rli ir filial 1. «2 Ora., jPs are a mast i- fruit grange juice allays thirst )f an I with lew ticepiicu is wd tr borne bjr the weakest st :rnic'. ia It is also a laxatrre. and if taken a s, night or before breakfast it will > •1 tot uod most benehciaL—Fcboar I A MMBMI A few w*:kj ago we srat vet tats off _s s r;ii h >odred 'Cupao Boois to regular subsorib |ers Tb«* cwiposs are p>xl f;r sir •mwtis sabsrriptioa to The Enter ; p"i«« wisss® pr.ipc "f filled out by new b it are iii'fiaj u | le=*» atjonpa :*e 1 br jocntsli pa jfar an extra six m Mtlj . j oiakiag t jrelre m raths lbscriptaosa jto The Eaterjiris; fir 50 ceuU. | U'e araut La irj/a new press for ioa' paper therea/ eiaie. ig as to fp i". f»ii»j can pos sibly be printed ia a small town aa| a great maa/ larg- oos. If oar sa ascriaers wai hare rereired thesecwpJas seni as tro sew each, we will be in a po s tioa t > make the deal. We are sare that oar readers want Ihe En terprise printed a* nicely a> any other weekly pa er. •To every regular subscriber seadiog us the ten coapoos proper ly tailed, we will g-ve them two yea |y subscription* free, and will seiad the pap r I) any two of hie ads. wh j -fe not aleady sub •cnbers. or will credit their own subscription wi h the two years. A little ellirtoa J in part and you can make your co-anty paper the taest in the State Will y.» ■ d»a it ? MIJ.LIOVS r;T Ti> VIIXK The w • l-af a! atrilr ot. Ikrarrna tan a-* -h »ra bs aa rsim>ii dmaad j far the w*H"* hrtt w-aker*— lt- kia"« j'f'ew Lie INIU. For t Sick jlt -a lackr hihaiar>. * aay tr aahie uf ' h Luti .* iiJai, |k-i> n j rua?-1 «»aly TV at all draj I To be constantly poking ua the] jseed- d hie t» ».* i; they I are I jsprjttledis a seiioai m :»ac - t-i th e 11 health of the plants.—February ' adsei kna-JoiTia!. XjTICIv; NOTICE! Y>U fr-tpeti'. v jar silreicy. > >er f e.a ec » t a t 1 t"i»!of y M i 'iua ly riav J.l-3 1 » ».i iU. ch^r UTcr oi »ar i;;-jrj:i See that 1» yoa pve is t'w attnakis its wa ;•>*-- • .»I aiu v tkmaiKls an-l if the « )LI» isi>, 11 Titliiu'" r.LENS FALI.S Kar> i yi,ar •0-si!,) :iv«»Ky. Lbcw or -! ■ ! «lcr insurance frMp'iK. ' WH ITM J K & NEWELL. Life. Kirithal \ lr-it In;..\j;c3t-! A. C. I«r,tvn:cii.ri,n!« t coartsr 1 «-**»*.**»» naaaria. i*«*s,.»;%«. khth. 11 —————— | toVTKII - - 5 i'i ; J fa» ;«t. ~z £ '—l j > * * r it r mT* r a VHIa ■■ ;• % «v t Ar a .»• 11l l« aa f M m I 1.-a»* TU«» ia aa V 7 11 r j •-« tacki "i Iv m u jja } ia s> . I tea •» «»"*■« Is# 11 a an ija 1 P I. l i t , aj» i» I t-r' FlKtmub aj* la. 1 ai IMWI r j> 1 a. : r ia a lar !; ,||.V«| « m 1-* _ . '— . TS» 3*5 L. WI« « I ti «iat«al « aa * m r x a ir r M I * rauxsaaxc SI>ITH f. »- !* 5 e >. ; k * k i ~ H i *- z£ is aw r M t.* Ftoeewe • ev _ . »«» - ti itfdm* ua I 4 1- Anne Wi»"« i«r - tt«T AX P M A M - U-lttaiy aa : *3P L« ija 114 - C* QalllfcW* J U %JC 12 # s % r. jl a■r mr a I rur wf«" 1 & s »-f ii 1 a « 1■» f : Ar * j f «a ua, li D lif 1 [ Aname Ta*W» I. 1 .a. ii iT Ta *°" 1 »|i .' L. I • • 'ill-- I *■ W.-lKa „.l a 5" - IE | |p u■ hut a _ ). \ «ia» II'.; awa Mai Laae—Traaa ha»«* W i 5 ! nbrtoi. * »- a 11 aranaa t%«eaar-«ai3e aa r; f taa lj ifO llirt:.- »a» P w. anr»» wa 1 . lit .a? ■ braaar keaaaa Sahrt 1•> r ' n. irii.i aa| a. tra-r I »>«* » ' »>!V a i« ? amtea Sriw,tia ;i.f w I fc jaiU'-'i-a r; ~a !«•*-• kraicaa --I «i; 5» »i» a a Kauai, a sa. H mjrmgt Ujja a . r»'Ua #ia a, I*-y. Maaga !■! H j-n f *»r"tfiv « kl'(» • I fnfuretlt m MaeriU>>'» w.M 11 : Sy*i*e* i a»j!«Ka . *a»»«a"» »i« a»^arai«e»as» . i aemMHSir 7 ti X w *- I C «»t Pi. rmtV »aa Ji . 'Kn i «--ktar>«. aCat-iS a; «»! ■'i >»na|>»*» Ut fcjiju^,a»J »«| Mir yaa. hi -»L at wi**4 «-■> lt At- Law »» - Xat arac al oil «ill urn IkKUs ar . r fl Cka O k *- — - I I r««» J" i* ixuai! m«*i • ■ (ti;>i»3iis?. » Jfalt-aa r *-r»*V-a I.a >- a«i j) a ••rr-jtnJr « ir? a Sr- J Wa « « aerara:* tra-*a MitiWii - Jeav» ICiwtiM'jia a.K"«w; a" 11 »5a 'la. w c'-d aa*l w • » -itry SaiaAa*. k * tao« *« una leaie (Via; j Wi ««I a. aai 1 . la.a. a ' > a., Rt.-£it kanfVaiii aaaaa ' A i=»a ' '»> a _ ar.w Waawact aa a ta I lait $» *.4* a:-. racepiSiaadey Tnu T*ai»wa * C . Aarlarn'Sa r * Ja» is? a. Sniar I Ja. amaa m id «a*f *■- «J> w. Batandac. Jraw 1 ar - aii eacrfT S*a*aw. - a m. awl hi Salifiai-a, b:mw Tu>ih p& a. a 11 ws a. m -1 -a Mtßial * C. t Uaiia i ftoiSa Wv rmotft 3» *- mrmmt 4a n.* tr*a, V-ftttolJ j 5 M— |a-m> ■■ t . trtw—l taanr ry» rat Wqpe ar aa i. .. t-i'ik "Isa n .sc fa antnc »: »«li 41 •- |a la»r w , 1 ■aOj Trata W CWa •"•*» kn. WaraaW M Cl 1 "1 *' x p-»««4i| at 'yV» r , ...i.limVmii te ar : nSSrLily. T f j« y'ar«-».y ARE YOU WISE i ■ ' » 7 * - t ~ : m -C-f| \ % a r\ * % m an easy ways and a sure way to treat a case of Son Throat in order to kill disease genua" and insure healthy throat actum is to take half a glassfull of water pat into it a teaspoon ful of Mexican Mustang feiniment P nMwh J TW W«W tfc. ■ Hilll rf «W ail ■ »ll| «!**»■* I ■wtmiifltriiw«tU»f —»» » ■« Mai wmm/ KMiihixi imtMrnvgccu. ,* 35c., SOr. sad 91-OOa WCtlrw - \ •• . •- 11. . 9 -• - - . - -'4- I The soft answer that tuiiieth IQUY O^OIOG'^ way *Ht!i.ereii_ when it concerns * . * a njecled aamiKript, h good, tyti- DEXTJST. th hard t'utli tlijt Mvrj the literary SrFICEr beginner frommating mistake* an.' Xciiv* time better.—February \m\ STStEKT. * t j jio lit me j'nifiiai, I " wm€ Wiwif iWMcu a« eooo u untia mmmmmmm■i^% **> MTTM TMM HOtT Or tMH. Aiurs an»im ia im km r«nc, if- --**A.V3 ***W * oiis n m cm!isi. i ESIr ""' 4 HVU KHH,» M ik 11, Ik u. «V ipßy JflilßjH THE PR*CE FOr? * EO ° T {' M»M«^LC, k tcnn. IU! ■"! « iMTtetroalt lt-« kt;-m ~T eff-r u I >xa.lni: To ti# t—*.i >r u h.:fc ir.m —— SSMI ws wc!i»9 Cm correct or i*jrr.r - M „ _ caw»i c>""* pi t l # Utaaa » t- !«*••• itn C^f'«» ' x>U£'iKi&jsysf-- cui ■■ iJ hmbSvcS i"*tsssss if v If HKtlnd la July, Aii|i»o or hr|4e,nl«r ■>»> QO • ' TIE* 11 urn SM«IW IS SET ASM I' | ■njtfcg??,ro:.;y i»aT> v-. r , |B| . . . * SESSB22r ,r -«'~* - ~ lf l« TinC—ifUTTIIW m»• KimHm tuimuniat WIKI-:i.fa..a—J—l r . n _• nal(l*>6cßaic>lanticllac«lbt>li«.nliiai«McartulKitebawWi ■ ! '*«rtctiFTi«n(f A»*re. In i. '■ ? * . ts. k | —■— —-> rt-m— t»* T - - - -, H||—«!>■■ 3 ORDER PICTURE BY NUMBER O M LY. *™ Tm* M. tmi ml vvni Ml mc Sr5 ££■?* C.■«..« cUm on Oculm U NOl .t •' -J- -S T * ~iT ■imJ-*'"- ——J***- '> I *-Vr ' '—T i■■ mill m«rM>».HT»HM —« in ■».. —— « Jl».l.'l.i>lltf.l,'tl,JSj49i Nn.i.V.ioHR.I.'H.UUI lhKl.-MLkHn-l w.«LM g|.tI.»WCT I Hw.iAr*■. i y u1« S-. y _x ' x^*bPE " h * """I 3 **?"* 1 * ■»■■'*'■■■■ ® -5 ft &rf »—»- " " - - " rwmjammms-. Iml Mbacrtrtira tc. totk mn oi odbn «m I —, ... I ft I i—«*»»»>«cii mi t i d»«r. P i. l ..ji.i II I | | Mr ■i amnk.TRMW. frm Nc. I. I9#l. to Mo». I. I«07. cW: I • • ' I 1.2 I *•*— 111 —r 'TI tir« IIIM 1 mwttlll Hl* !>»■ unr. u .... i£ I W.HI I ——; f , —•»—- —*—- 4 « - — 'r »—«ffc»pn» h..i»fc =.• *•— •*— Vr j «—«—-»• —£ | *W m M MUtT MUM WrUUWttfMiaiVBIIMDI.M Ihs enterprise one year is only SI.OO " J s 'IFOR SALE! f » % ' 7^l 100 Sfreep. M » *■ i ; . ■? APPLY. ; HENRY SLADE, ] Mm St POPLAR POINT. N. C. *| «ss«^fsiisy , - s -( ■j PATENTS a ¥»W^Sfc a Kr^J3: j "swift ACOI.. jlllli, • Jifiraiß^r ! AHEtiCAX WD - - I , - - EUROPEAN PLAN. ,tSto iS Prai Sinx-t, ~ . • . ■". '■ ' * - * . BALTIMORE, MD. Tii -r vighlj Ilcuovmlc l and J»at n» F.rst-Cla*« Order • .-■« •:?; inxmmMEam " r -■• s&£T*dSl& *»«a*il to SWJTC f uwrvo* on* The iLr" li ' ®C-

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