VOL. 111. - NO. 30. [UNCLE AARON. • Continued from last week. "T em," my alowly aad my haaMy. -but IMI afraid. M Imlliw I ■■ M tared. io very tired' In» ■ !■« tM-MM aax '' bursting nt gi sat | Tke li(Ht of apn Cadt Aina'i (act deepened. "Theve. there. CkiM! V% leave ye agate; urtHln «» hit. kWTIW* KcMnM Utpm " wherein Mm bad Ikmn ha leaf ■ Mr atuMMt, ad baMi« Ha. i *fH r ' abe iilad. bar. "far 1 baow thai J» aad ay .boy wtu bataitramaifiL" -Bui paihapo " begaa Baee. with lira ■ -Caw a," aaid Uwcto Aaraa. pscbiag ap bla bat and bfediag owl km haaad "It ■■ f Tlief mibed ik»f aaad m bead tor 1 ai dlstaaoe. and tbrowgh Beee'a aal IM word*, -Our Father which art a baam. Our Father wbx o art la Hanaa." ktflra pealing thrniaiitti mr rsstmaelly Far _ afe » dazed aamU aba fctt aa if it na He wbo had her by the head. Tbaa gtaan tag up aadaeeang Cacbianali poL aal afwhatalabalafna7lacaßaa>ai bar. 1 "I'm afraid,** aba whispered. Uncle Aaroa |iiH bar head atlS tighter awl aaawervd -fa aaad ant be, cand. Jacob baa Und la all thto uae " Very humbiy tbe bewutarat bead drowed again bad* paaltcaca that aaa nafMa iUtdfearioiL Tbey bmally came lata tba teaa. aad Knee aad. gently: -win yea ofaM aa lb* ■ Ha." aaid Uade Aaraa. -I have to 4a aomethmg for Hatbew. ya kaaar. Til lead to that brat, aad aaad Ma ward Hat I aa gatair to Raw Tort la aaa Jarab. He'd ba a 1111111 In.' ya mm, H 1 dtdal cease baek" tag to bar Ufa aad she Ilea hi I arsa "I toi «d ever v thiag bat ay aaa aaaial la aatf," the aaid. baabiy -| arttlaaaay aaaa agar aad raaip ar aaabaa. pt ar lhaaga logsthsr. aadabaaaaa yaa aaa raady aaaa ta tba hotel aad yaa wig bad aa* "Vary wall." aaad Uade Aaraa. -I wiU •aaa by aoaa for ya child. "• Ha aaaat baa way aad aha aaaat bare. A boat twelve attack ba aeltod for bar. aad tbey leak tbaaaall beat ana it tba near ta Bhaebecb. aaaa tba a*aaaar aaaiud tbaa. Hero Uacta Aaraa aaat a totograa taJaaab: -Raaa aad I aaa 1 riabig la yaa; aaaet ae la tbe dty .** CBAFTO VOL Tba aforb la tba aaaaO aJßee tested ta waadar at tba «td aaa wheaohad bab **l aaa aat arm*. aatlt ya aaad It ba bat" They bad ahoat twwheara ta wait batoaa tba beat weald start. aad thfo aaaa dak la a boat aa bear's tlaaa eeaaa aat af Ma odlce briaatly baaUag araaad aal aw aKlerabta overt awi est far Uacia Aann. "Abl bara yaa ara llwe's aa aaaaaar." ba aaid. baadiag it la btoL . I "Head H. Knee." aaad Uacta Aaraa -I aaa aaba oat gnat, bat aat lew wnueg" Mnaetnob It. baktag iwr a»iW, bat aaw (laaot attar aha bad wwlsldad It. araa taouitk Bhe gave a law cry aaad barat tola I ara. Tbt. abalahad iw >tw> rW-a vary 01 unb. whn. kaowlag what aaa la tba IHagraa. dkda l aaa a*T tbtaa ta It tan about. Ba aland wnadartog at bar. aaul Uade Aaraa. taking tba iiaagti I paper froa bar gagura, aaid ta Ma: 'Haad It ta -It saye," aaid tba dart M a baati »ai Ilka way: 1 baa a Uad. win aM vow without falL* Mhail I gat tba lady a gfoaa af aralar, sir*** "Ma. tbaah ya.- aaa aaad Uncle Aaraa. (anting bla araa law that ad llaaa. aad "aa* (vtwawr _ laadlof fear dona Um >lof( tmiia the M, ♦ U»iirm likrl" mnaad IK bbk dark, looking alter IMa "1 in»p»aa km w(Uir. One d |« Rood a«fe« M aha dviat erf »" Than. Ware a rmtal )««f man. ha dlimiaaed thess at —aa iraahlißM4u4*nikwkl«Maa«t Tka Mil tm the UwUm '«ar av ■» com pinned la hhi llir. n-d Si-suy tka Km Vatk «ml waa iwrtrt Una aM VMM Aarop aaW pnrte# Ittcmrl Uat leaned over (ka r*iiMg nearest tka oacfc- hwrty IInM Aarra alalm 4Ma tka races laka him sad kaallrraiurkt «(M al Jacob **lhr>e beta. Koae aartaaCka ndalaa*. paulMf aacnadir. Ka. Km couida t aaa sun A aaat a* Kara kd tka dock aad all Ina her *%kc kat tkta piai*. aad eagerly IKda lvn> patslad kaa out sgsia "TM'i hia ana tka Mack heard. ttose-aeer' "Yea." anaweted Hose, faintly; "I aheald have known hk " It aaaaaad a long llaa befam tka kaa* was daw a. aad tkea kaaa tka «aa surged aakaral -Cnrefnl tknarmMaataaari tka nlrlili. -aa»aa aisny a4a Umae - | Undo Aaron lai Baaa go Brat, aad Jaa* •fnataiakatpriaaalaaf ika a«aak M wAkar. -Mr W*»r-kaai li ail aaka took kar la Mayaa.kladia»ia) ikaac aave tkaeaa stnpcndsua tart tka* aka kai caaaa kacfe to huwUncta Aaraa. a (aaa fart b«a greet heart beating with k>V "I'me. oocna get along tct»- art roar- | krrff tears or becaase tka earaaaaa oaad Jnatlad too roughly- bat Uacto Aaron's fast slipped Iroaa tka gaag Blank. ke all ag Had . last aw balance. aad Nk lata tka awl ir la-' stonily a shout weat ag -aaaa n . heard." wuhartngof teat la g tkaa (gad aaaa| Jacob. kadaaaa Makl '«fl!a*a kalOkl for UMioraof Uad. i la a i ki'aka*. I bam. aaving: •That la tally. Uwy aaa throwing bla a rope aaat- - Let-aaa- Ifa—" straggling and baling ta bla agoay. Ha araa a gimat He barat fraa hia eaptoae aad leaped oral board Hoae. Ilka a piece of aarbla, M atrmlaed torture. beatorer wak lag at thaw Jacob caughl bla father aad I tried ta hold hia up. Whether it araa bla great aiae aad weight, or whether It waa j Cade Aaron 'a uaaeiftah Impuiae to My j biaartf ana aot known but be supped aad ' agaa sank. Jaoob taaaitatel) dived By tbaa time a small boat bad baea let dowa Jamb raw a op again, hta father a baa bold. Ha atrwggted. fougka oat toararda the boat, reached H. held oa to it wttboaa hand aad took a ana ea fa breath, faro men a the boat eagerly hauled hia ta Aaad thea Mark a abeat aa aaaat up fra baaaaa throata: Bra isermf, huxaaed. a book baada artlb each ether, at rangera kieaed each other each ta that blind, instinctive brotherhood of aaa arer tba saving of a life. But waa be eared I I The cheering eeaaed, theeroard grewatall; I Mat arub doubt aad thea with awe-atrnca certainty maadc dumh. The boat waa hauled ap to the dock aad the form of Uncle Aaron ( waa a lowly lifted out. -Oh-h! not dead I" cried oat a woman* 1 voice with a lonely wait in It like the cold, 1 ahireriag sigh of the wind on the wmler'a ■ alcbt——not deadl" The crowd trembled a moment In aympa r thy aad thea a tared a* a beautiful woman 1 kaeit dowa by toe dripping form and wept " aad cried In agony: "Ob h! Kobleat and ' beat 1 Koblest and beat I If at were not for 1 a." you might yet bare been all re I Oh! it ' iaaotngml It la not right !'• On the grand old face, low to white aad ' atill. ilagered yet an ex pre** ton of joy aa If • he weald aay. If tbey ooukl but uadetataad, that all araa ngbt with bla. Jacob atood at aa faat. (ami walk a tuaalt af foeuag annua baiL -hser thing!" aaid a aaa la the crowd, wiping away a tear; "it waa her father, 1 IlliytHfl "* a 1 • No." aaraurad Jacob, fatally; -be waa gnalt CHAPTER Vtlt Jaat hew eae paaaca through the crUia of life, arbat eae baa aaid or done on aucb ooca aaoaa. can not alaray a ba aoruralaty record ed Call back to mind la your owe mem ery the aoat amportaat and vital antereata ta your life and you arall marrel at the few aeeeot the word* aaid and tba eeaaKa glareaeaa of the action* Jaat terar Jacob and Koee got Uacia Aarea beaw—ja*t bow Jaoob explained the home enaong of the new maatreaaad kaaag abaent anxner to hi* bouaehold and to Aim«. he era id aot bare told If be had baea aaked a aoatb later Aad aa for Koae. for day* theoely real thiag a the arorld to ber araa a pictured aiaui i of a few atraage facea la a beau tiful room, aad a alo later la wbita robea aartag: -I aa the reeurractaoa aad the a lite." aad tying In calm aad peaceful gracd ' ear the fora af Uade Aaroa Alaray*, ai t ara ye aha aaw oaly hia, aad oa baa face that glad aad trauaphant emileof eaultaat lore! la tie coafaaed that foikraredahe eg 11 bo aa* eat and alept, but did to aaoaa : to a dream or aa aaaa wl.b a vaalurer tba face ehreuded. There came at last day when the dream waa aadad. and abe awoke, wbeai tba rail araa tore aaide. and her eye* beheld. Blie wae anting ta the float bed room of her hiaaa. around hei the many beautiful tbanga | that aaoaey and culture bring*, wbea *ud daaily aha aaw. aa for the Oi*t time, ber daughter Auoe A fair hadaed girl, aartth bar owa featuiea, hut more lovely becauaa efeearloua ukeuaae to fade Aaioo la tba flak and while face Hbe dropfr-d tbe book aaa bead aa ber haud* aud gaaed at ber child. Her child! Waa tbla lovely girl barat Aad the yeara that had paaaed 10 W leg her to tba atate of lovelineaa— what did ahe know of iheml What pax I bad abe la bar cblld'e ilfe. In ber gtrlaah bopee aud fnial And BOW. bete atae waa, aweet and gaaila, juat tieaubling on the edge of w aoaa bond and what waa abe like I * What do I kaow of hert la abe ay childf" , auaed Kuae A atxong. jeaJoua teeaang of traaa mother hood ewept over ber. "Mbeia I aisel Aad who we tbeae people that have had the care of her till BOW!" Mba half aiaae la bar aaal. and Altoe. turn hag arauad. aaid. gently: "la- la there aay tbtag yea aaaat. aotbei f" How tba word thrilled her I Going to Alice, aha put her aiiaa about ber and aaid. quickly: -Tell me of youraelf, dear- leil aa of loaraelf ail you can reawaher!" Marpilaed aad a tattled to aea the atrange aad baadaowia lady whom ahe bad baea told araa her aaotMr. but for whom aaul now ahe bad felt only a deep cuiloaaty. Alice auawered abiuptly: "Tell you of myaellf What a atrange tbaog to aak. aunther " -Yaa, yea." aaawered Koae, withaaob, ! "H la atrange I I know tbat! Unnatural | aad wroag that 1 aaad to aak at ml -that I da aot know ail about you from your grat paaraf ahoea up 10 BOW. Hut 1 don't; and abtl aever, never can knoa I"—breaking dowa and aohoing ooaiauialaely— 1 "I aever can know! Oh, my baby! Üb. my little girbef Ob, ay A lice I Bine I mine! aloe:" kiaeag the elaa tied girl oa ebeeha and Upa aad hair. buagrUy a Ironing aaea bar itreee, —yeu me nana 1 M —There, there, mother," aaid Alloa, trem blingly. the tear* la ber eyea, "do nut cry. { 1 will lab yaa all 1 oaa. 1 anil, mother Afa| ** Bat alaal the beet tbat leader ktiadakaa oaa da aaa aot bring back the paatl Aa Alice aaaat aa. geauy relating bat by bit parta of her Innocent Ufa the mother greaaed aloud Hbe aaght kaow the facta, yaa-doaaa to the amaueat detail, bat tbat dad . aot heap her huager, did not relieve tbe ! gaaanug reaaorae that ahe felt, aor kill the laakaaa eeaaa at ber heart, that there would aiwaya na a part o ber child'; life in which aba had ao abaca. Bull, thin freaking down af the baa tier* brought tbem nearer ta fgker Auae talt a warm glow of feeling towanda bar mother that waa the Ural be gtoaaag af aa earaeet love That night Boee aaw bar kaabaad Jacob artih aaw eyea. Huoag aad grave and leader, tbe aaa that aaw ahe felt ahe had teamed in btladly through all ber folly aad a lebedaeaa. ae was that a, at auacb aad true, ber baaband aull I A eenae of aaaa, of laaaaata 1 ama over her, aa of eae a pared : beyaad Mr deaena. -I never oaa altaae to 1 iomnr, MA>." 4 bar kwt; "MMM ©oe (Surprise. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1902. Huahlv gad geatly. earaeaUy aad as- Bruagly. aba strove froa day to day to ful ftla her dattea ae a wife, to atalaterto hia eeafort aad happaaeaa b everv war la ae doing ahe grew mora aad more to love the gaaerou* aatare that aaever spoke a ' word at recrtaiaatioa. aad that always sheared afprerwtma> of lee aaalleat egort. ■he grew to love her basbaad arlth a baa- ' gry aad despairing love-for aha aw aa > hepe ahead. Altbeagh alar«ya geatle aad kind, there waa ever a geatle aeasi as aad j rsucence that autaid ta aay: Tbaa far abut thea rnaa, aad ae farther " I Aad abe aoaa aat blaae him! Hbe dared . aat. He araa now gtviag bar far bayeawt whet ahe bed aay ngbt to expect. Owe area ag. ansae aoatha after Uade Aaroa'a death, Koae aad Jacob were ta- 1 ■ether M the hbaary Jacob'a favorite rsoa. Heee, alarava beautiful, dressed ta a drsaaof aaaa eeft aad daßoaw silk, aat. dreamily looaiag oB da to space, t hta king of Bnu, of Jbcoo and at Uacia Aaraa. It aaaa one of ber quiet times wbea ahe did not fret inward y - only felt glad aad thankful that ahecuuld be near biai, bumble and devoted. And Jacob! 80 true It la that love to bUud! Why, he had always loved his wife, 1 1 and oaly her. but now that ahe had come I kMktaMt|MlMlßttlrt ao gentle, he ' I could aak nothing of ber, be could exact 1 nothing from Mr. That abe loved him be ' never dreamed, and in bla maaly geermeity | j he would aot deauuad aay thing. All ber I cease leas care aad vigilant watching for hia ' I fas tea and wis bra he took to he but peat- I tent gratitude, aad aot for eae Instant could he have lakeaadvantageof that- Therefore he waa reserved; therefore he waa retacent. j He feared to be otherwise, for still in hia heart, aachaaged by tame or trial, araa tba ' oae slroag lore of hia life. He fell that tf he let go the laeah he could aot trust tum ' aelf. 1 He looked at her beaulirul profile aa aba I sat there, grarefal and womanly, unroa- I serous of his par, and he thought: "How I 1 love Mr How every tiny move df her I sweet mouth 1 love. How I long to touch r the silvery gold of Mr hair.** And then, . I aan like, be aaid and dul the exact uppot lie | { "MB OAS NKVLK MUX ACM** TUB UTIU."^ 1 of what he felt. "Did you go to Oouptl'a to ! day l '' be uxl. "What! Q-JupU'ar* sail Roan. "Oh, yea, I I did; bat that [dinting by Krataer waa gone." | Tuen aritk tka fatal bliadneea of we poor , morUU ahn «re ahould a«e. Abe saw noth- I log, but relspeed Into a rague and dreamy reverie of life and lore. And lifo aad lore were right there within her graap, aad aba knew it not. Jacob eat. and looked and looked. Grow ing restless at last, be aruae and walked up and down. Roae waa sccuatomed to thia, and did not move. Then Jacob stopped hi* tramp, and ixstiag bia elbow oa the mantel piere, atood—a man of whom any woman might be proud. , ... ■•Roae," be aad. ' "Yea. Jacob," aka aaawered. with the wiatful look that waa now her habitual ea- j I prmioa. "Tea. wkat ta It?" | "1 have been thinking that it would be a' good thiag If you and Alice went to Europe I thia apnng, aad appal a year abroad. Hbe kaa aerer baaa acroaa tka water, aad it would perfect bar la ker yraaih aad help ker la many war* " Rose's heart aunk with bearineaa. Hbe felt a lonely aeaae of deoertion, that made her think daily: "I woader if Jacob felt like tkia wkea I left him long ago I If ao, I do aot wonder that be can't forgire me " It waa wne aeconda before abe oould re-; ply, then abe aaid, gently: "If you Wiah It,' Jacob—if you think it beat." '-Yea," anawered Jacob, aisled by ber quletneaa Into tkinklng that abe did out mind tearing him. "Yea. I think it would be a good thing for both of you. It would wldea Alare'a boriaon In many waya by let-' ting her are more of the world, and it would be a change and a relief to yon to get away from here and all paat associations." "It might be of good to tlwe yea," aaid Roae, a lowly. ,*r~ "And aot to youl" "My oaly good la to ka aaar yon," an awe red Rnae, aoftly. "What la that,'' aaawared Jacob, quick ly. "Don't mane polite apaacbaa to me— juat to pieaae me, Roae " "lam oaly a peaking the truth, Jacob— you know that"—geatly still. "Roae! Do you aaeaa to any that yoo don't waat to leare awl That you prefer to remain here where I ami" J -Tea, Jacob." "*"• ' If be had not looked at ber jnat then aad aaaa the bopeleae droop of ber bead, per nape what happened would hare never come to pane. Bat he did aea It, and, kneelmc down ia fruat of ker chair, ke put hi* two haada aa aera, aad aaid, paaatoaatrly: "Roae, look at aael Bare lam at jour feet again, jsking you If J*—" -Ok, my buabaad!" cr*ed Roae, while ! - • a weeping ware of color made her face agiow with tigkt; "you oould aerer lore me affaia." **l hare aerer atopped lorlng you, my darling," rtalag to km feet and cUaptag her i cloneto hia heart "Why, Knee; why, my i wife, did you think aof" kiaaing hair and brow aad lipa. "My wife, did you think sol" "Of course. Jacob, aad 1 could aot blame you! Only 1 bara been ao huagry for your lore, dear, aad longed ao to beta your irgi like thia,'' mailing ap at |Um through happy tears. "Aad aow—" "Aad aow," laagkad Jamb, "you will to here forever, won't you, my dearr' "Pd like to be, but wkaa you sand m* away la Europe," said Roae, miachieroualy, I "I'll hare to ooaeout of them. I suppose." l "Toa humbug! Tou knew better; as If I'll Ist you va outof my sight now • " put Ung bar away aalastaat aad lookinfgt >ey 1 fondly. "Ahl my wife! Tou are a Uu|a ptoer! A bttla ailrer mixed In among the (told —but you ara awrs uesauful than you OV- r wfere." "May your eyealght ba always aa bad as it is sow!" iaaghed Roae. Then suddenly ' raialag his haad to her Hps, she said, hum- i r biy: Forgire me all the peat-caa you, "So; lore aerer lorgiraa," patting tor' anaa about hia aeck with a saule; "tt oaly Inn. Win that aaa aw f I "Ok, my husband I I aa aot worthy of /aa lamaot arurthy otyoat" I could only see M BOW now happy he would be" "I koM ■grhnhud.ltit he cm*," whis pered Roee, softly, i There lire* now (t Ha fifth sisaus I ruber elderly WfK. whwe daitv lexrtac tlliplMM to t NTMUN to ell who meet them. Their mMiUMI iid joy to lafeo- Uous, and M one geae to Mr. u4 Mrs. Jacob Um'i «Hto(t *Mtoff the better for It. t Hto whet we ere tbeteSeeUtheeeeboet OA. iM there to m better mm ever 1 preached thea that of bepptoiee. I W- Tm " K * U I "Wnxyee trust mt, Ftosrr beerled "With all my heart, with all my soul, with all ayaaif, Augustus," she wMspsrsa, neet- Ung ea bto Baoly bosoes. "Weald to beeren that yea war* toy taller." ha Mr ■eared to bltoMlf sod took fear teaderly U hi* arms. [ AN AMATEUR VOLCANO. > Kreptles of Mewat Otpspsi (Wash.) Traced to Raralac Ufslls 1 The Mount Olympus sensation which J lately soared the pml prople of Waab l inffton state with the Men that a vol l i-ano was In active operation in that t great mountain, haa been brought to ' a MHlden end by the return of an r\- ' ploriiuf party to flrnl out what waa the 1 matter. [ It seems that earth 111 that vicialty , is interlaid with veina of lignite eon I. , Forest trees have fallen into the crev i ieee and gorges, enormous-quantities > of leaves hare drifted down upon theee, r and by some means Ires have been started which have communicated with , the conl veins. Croat jets of steam and . burst of smoke frequently come from r the sides of the mountain and these r confirmed the theory that there was 1 a genuine volcano in operation. It ■ se nut that the heat haa melted the 1 snow which haa formed a perpetual white cap at the aummit. This, trick ling down the aides of the mountain in streams, has fallen upon the Hi*, which accounts for the great volume of steam The puffs of *moke and explosions are thought to lie caused by the ignition of collections of natural gas. | Tlila condition of affairs naturally leads to the inquiry whether a good many volcanic eruptions might not be traceable to burning lignite and the explosions of large quantitiea of con fined (T-isea. lie that aa It may. Mount I Olympus is a seething maaui of burning | coal, and the volcano acare amount* I to nothing.—N. V. I/oilger. Par* Polities. I "We bare called to beacech your aid in a movement for the purification of politlce," haid tho spokeswoman of the '' delegation of high browed, leen waistrd ■ ladies and gentlemen. "| "Well, my friends," said the practical - statesman, "I don't know bat politics is in need of a good deal of purification J riglit now." I "Ah! We thought you would see—" ■ "Yes. It is getting so mixed up with . reform ond economy and one thing and ' anotlier here lately that there is liordly 1 nnyof the good, old-fashioned, pure pol, 1 it ica at all any morr,"-*~Ciacinnati Ku q"iw - /r I - Her infant hiibe had from its moth | er caught the trick of grief, and sighed among ita playthings.—Wordsworth. THE FRIAK PUMPKIH, i ' kr *»* Yaafcee Farm* re Map* j Taese* It late »s Kor-lstnao Iwff leqree «t laeaese. v > » I The modern farmer la learnlag to i fake advantage of the weaknesaea of .J nature, says the New York Mail and '1 Kxpress. One of theae weakuessrw la I found in the lordly pumpkin. Bruise a growing pumpkin and the acar will never be cleared away, but will show in the ripe pumpkin in the shape of delicate little yellow wart a Starting with this principle, some shrewd Yan kees have marie their pumpkin farina i valuable. After the melons get good-sized and ' prove that they will lie fine ones the farmers go into the patch and with a ' oharp stick scar them so that when they are ready for market their happy faces bear, in worda of warts, tegeudh | like theae: "Eat me at Bmith's;" SmMi will make pies of me soon;" "Hrown'e 1 pies are the beet;" "Jones' pies are de licious!" "You can eat me inside." | The wily farmer hauls three warty fellowe to market, and, calling Smith, Jones and Browa from their respective restaurant a, shows IU at range freak of i nature. Of course a aale Is made on eight, end the pumpkin lieaat the front of the reetaurant for a few day« to ae- I tontoh pa«eers-by until it must be made into pies to save it. Then the fanner {Hscovera another freak pumpkin, Itllt pbly marked, to replace it. Fancy prices are to be paid for these pump kins, and stony patcbee that woukl never pay taxes in any other crop pro duce wealth in pumpkins. Press Afar. Professional Jokist (toeditor) —Here is a fine joke. I've brought it *ll the way from 'Frisco. Kditor (reading It) —Ahem! That'* the trouble with it. It'a too far fetched. —To Date. ( NEGLECT MEANS DANGER' Don't neglect biliousness and consti pation.' Yout health will suffer penna- I nently if you do. DeWitt's Little Early | Risers cure such case*. M. B. Smith, ' Butternut. Mich., says "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the most satisfactory pills I ever took. Never grip* or cause nansea. A POINTER FN IBVEHTMB 11f you wish your patent business prop erly and promptly dc ne send it to SWIFT * CO., PATENT LAWYERS, opposite ! U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. They have no dissstisfied clients. Write them for their confk'eatial letter; a poo tal cirJ will bring it, and it may be worth money to TOO. See their edit Misihttlt clacwncrc in Utk pajer. DUEL IN THE ROAD. Two Men Mortally Wounded in Con sequence ol an Elope rreit!. As the result of a shooting affair which occurred near Ta; i>oro cotton mills about five o'clock Saturday afternoon two white men—Rube Robeison and William llurrough— are lying mortally wounded in the hospital here. Burroughs, who is a married man, attempted to elope with RobcrronV f^'er -in-law. Whin o\e..akt.s by the latter lie opened fire and several shots wee exchanged. Rol erson was shot in the stomach, with a revolver. Burroughs' face was terribly muti lated by a dicliargc from a shot gun. WAR TAXES WIPED OUT The President Signs the Bill Re pealing the Taxes. President Roosevelt - Saturday morning signed the h "1 repealing the war revenue tuxes The bill iff. at the beginning of the ntv fiscal vea:; July i. Acco"■-'.ir.g 1 :•> 'V t •'' ;rtate of mem bers of CoTtg-wsb ■ ' w . ! wir» out about f»» -t-.'y n. '.'"it dollars of revenue en:ii vt flu-. Ing the surplus that mr.qh. The su-plus this ft - *al yrar fmrN's to l>e about ftjo.ovv.orio. This would leave an annual str n'.c ; of rn«iOi',y Jjo.ooo.oco, U!ij'" i -oo'ty measures or otlu-r ci'tv- s should materially reduce tho c -t« ins re ceipts and run the er.'T-e account close to that of the ;::c v. The pen with which he - «:•' ' the t ill was given to Reprr-ert' • R '• holdt of -Missouri, w lin - • the measure a popu'ar r : r l V . J y one.—Raleigh Post. ♦ f- TO TELL GOOD f'^ARS. Judges of Ttae'r I r? rr!nts Few and Far Bt.w«n. __3o>e-ju«lgcs"of y'F'i 11 ■ :t tll s_ country are few and fo i • -'m, says' an expert. !' • . ' F. iH ty w"• ii the people w'.io • • •:,. t*i • know cigars is that tli ' o much stress on the r . »if ";e w «d. The color mnk.' * r t the s" gh'ttsl difference. a:vl ; r \ : e \>+>t ris likely t > find r ■ . l- 1 r.i nt '..i -v~ : • \ ; •» "'• ' 1 ' : « 1 he in i •fend • i . • > r• >" F . ' ' * and c* •' r r to thee?r *"-• - r-s ' 'v. 'i ; ■"! were pie-- v ' z' ware. The i)es». c'gsrs a » rr.rda r ' the same leaf as the c-dj are closely rolled. The cri3in; r n cigars are what is known as filled ! and contain *ll kli'.'.ls of ref;>s from ! the tables where the j.o«.d cig'.ra are madf. There are s - tr.e filitd cigars that are gocd mv V-i you seldom fit.d *a Ha ..si- : a Manila or go-■T C it. n' K• •V' somke that is iK'r ! • • •>!' rv" jieople who go in' a ;.a • get an imp'jrted sin _- do r.ot fol low up the sal- ninn \vi ■ n he tal - - the cigars from the t 1 a e consequt ntly « r un f. Ud. Th* v are given dome -' ic b and« and a:o charged impor'.td pr : c - for il-em. These "goo.l t ;a.' j.' c.»n not tell the d.ffi ence i:i . .e w .r. 1. If you*-J#Hist have an im; .>."..-d smoke, make the tlerk hand you the box and look closety at the re\enue stamp. The Hcmj I on domestic goods are green and white, while those on the im,-* '.ed boxes are all yellow and white. Look in to the next cigar cans yoti see l»e --fore purchasing'an import'd c.garl If they have no boxes in tie c;ue to which i :at* i bed a \ el' .w and white stairpl u ' t ii.jj :.. n r.ke a pu.eha-e. 'i l.e iW.k w >li mll you ycigar he >• ls in rit d, but it will not be" the teai aiUele. — Washington Post, . _ • i —. — - IF YOU WILL PUT iSXSS'.IZiS SBttS» vttfc tkla (argto jow throat often it will quickly cur* • 8or» Throat. Keep this fact always fresh in your memory:— For Cots, Mashes and all Open Sores, you ; need only to apply j sf|exican ff|ustan£ \ j ! a few times and the soreness ami inflammation will j be conquered and the wounded flesh healed. t ' To get the best results you should saturate a pieao of soft cloth with the liniment and bind it upon the wound as you would a jKiultice. 2ftc., 50c. ud SI.OO m bottle. KEEP AN EYE ON 82!55? DLMMM wnoag your (o«U UM Htilou Hmtaa| Uilawt. [ ■ ..in _ NOTICE! NOTICE! I I shall sell for Cash Before the Court House Door, in Williamston, on : Monday, the sth day of May, 1902, the following tracts of land for the 1 Taxes due and unpaid for the yetr 1901, to wit: JAMKSVILLK TOWNSHIP TAXKS. COST. TOTAL Mrs. J. J. lleuibridge, 75 acres adjoining G. Harilison $ 50 F 110 F1 60 11. 11. Davis, 50 " " l'oplar Chapel 133 \ 110 1 43 T. 11. Davis, 50 " " J. P. Holliday, 67 1 10 1 77 f John Brick Boston, iij " " Resilience, 546 110 656 Amanda Cordon, 15 " J " Residence, 100 Ila JlO Susan Pagan, 15 " " Astoria 1 , ! " " g' " " J.W. Warrington j 67 — 110 177 J. C. Jordan, Sr., C 01 .16 " " W. I). Cordon, Jo 1 10 130 lvlward Moore 10 " " Heedy Smith, 53 I 10 163 Anna Moore 8 " " Residence 45 1 10 155 Green Pettiford 7 " " Prank Brooks 217 1 10 3 27, ; Peter Pettiford 2 " " " 33 110 . 143 W. M. Robersoti 1-4 " " Jamesville 251 1,0 261 David Sherrod 30 " "Residence 36 1 10 1 46 . OR IP PINS TOWNSHIP. Baltimore &N. C. hand a Lnmber Co, Timber, 200 I 10 3 L>» R. T. D. Lilley 150 acres, Residence, 200 1 10 3 10 H. T. Woolard 50 " adj Smith Corey 67 1 10 1 77 J. B. Woolard 50 " " Wilkin* Land 33 110 143 CROSS ROADS TOWNSHIP. J. R. Pender 1 town lot P.veretts, N. C. 1 00 1 10 2 10 John H. Whitaker 62 acres adj J. A. Crisp 345 1 10 455 Mazella Keeton 5 " " J. D. Simpson 33 I 10 143 Charley l/ong 17 " " S. P. Moore 269 I 10 379 ROBKRSONVII.LK TOWNSHIP W. M. Ruhanki 1 town lot 5 01 1 10 6 ir Dawson flyman 1 town lot 20 I 10 1 30 j Tahitha Mathews 140 acres adj. J. C. Andrews \ •• 40 " "J. M. McMatthews / 333 110 443 |T. S. Stalls 1-2 acre adj. Still site 580 ""» *> 9" ! Susan Wiggans 1 town lot 67 1 10 I 77 Justus Kverett, col., 1 town lot 2 49 1 10 3 59 • Moses Jones 1 town lot 2 83 1 10 3 93 Quince Moore 1 town lit 3 33 1 IO 4 43 B. E. Strcwd 1 town lot : 2 50 1 10 3 POPLAR POINT TOWNSHIP P. O. Riddkk 73 acres Allsbrook I .anil 2 33 I 10 3 43 J, B. Stevenson 54 " adj. G. W. Moore 1 73 • 10 3 83 Jordan Williams 10 1-2 acres adj. J. R. Ballard 3 10 I :o 4 x> HAMILTON TOWNSHIP. W. B. Council 18 arces adj. Griffin Land 107 1 10 2 17 Elward Cherry 100 " " John Best 233 1 10 343 Thos. Freeman, Guard, 150 acres adj. Johnson I/d ) '• " " 100 " " Crisp Land J8 00 110 910 B. G. Howell 2 town lots and mill lot , 633 Ijo 743 S. G- Taylor 63 acres adj. Nicholson Land 333 110 443 Mrs. H. D. Taylor acres adj. H I). Taylor Win. Berge 1 town lot "J 66 \i 10 176 Collin Dickens 31 acres adj. S. W. O. , 34° V IO 45° Reuben Dixon 10 acres adj. R. S. Wheatliersby 270 110 380 Webster S- Williams 1 town lot j 268 110 378 , GOOSK NEST TOWNSHIP , Charles Benthaul 1 townllott t 84 110 194 J. J. Bowers 61 acres adj. J-.rL- Bowers 160 110 270 James Curry 33 acres adj. Henry Kite 113 110 223 Billey Dawson 28 " " Carson Land 475 110 5 8 5 W. A. llaislip's Heirs 898 acres adj A. Haislip 21 33 110 22 43 G. W. Haward, Guard, 39 " " Dick Jones ) ■ " 1 ** "' 1 **' 115 '• J 9f' Ceo. " f 76 Ito >B6 B. G. Howell 'sl " "F. Taylor Land i 36 110 i 56 Ed. Shields 30 " Baker 100 110 210 Satterwhite Heirs 25 " Land 50 '«o 160 H. L. Staton 175 " Eli Michel Land 467 110 577 W. W. Parker & Co. 2«6 " Ben Harrell 533 1 lo » 6 43 WILLIAMSTON TOWNSHIP. Abner Bennett 80 acres adj. J. G. Staton 4 37 ' 'o 5 47 Majoj Latham 11 " " S. R. Moblejr *37 ! 110 **7 This April sr*. 1902. , - J. C. CRAWFORD, SHERIFF MARTIN COUNTY, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: f i.oo A YEAR. SINGLE COPIES PIVE CENTS EACH