VOL. 111. - NO. 43. Rcais Briag Wealth. No one familiar with the subject will deny that first-class highways, constitute one of the best fcatnres v.hieb a State or county can possess. They not only facilitate transpor tation among the people who live near Ikm hot they offer a strong iiulncerncnt to outsiders to settle along their bonkts, aud thus ma terially enhance the value ">f real estate. In other words Iky bring wealth and prosperity. The strongest evidence which we have yet bcird in r.upjort of these facts comes from the State cf New Jersey, where, ,thc work of high way improvements has been carried on dibgently during the past few years. New Jersey expended for road making in 1901 half a million dollars, and the appropriation fo* similar purposes this year will ap proximate twice that amoutit. Since the good roads movement was started there the value of foe State's taxable property has in creased $27,000,000. Precisely what portion of this increase has resulted directly from the betterment of the highways cannot, of coarse, be said, but the State Commissioner of Pub lic RorAs authorizes the statement that there are several regions un der his supervision to which im proved roads have heen, jrimarily, the means of attracting wealth to the extent of from ft ,000,000. What is" true concerning the in creased valit.it km of property in New Jeysey as the result of "scien tific road making is undoubtedly true, in a large measure, as re gards other parts of the country. It is well k;;own that in the empire State during the tour years preced ing 1902, $670,000 had been devot ed under the Higbie-Armstrong law to highway construction, real estate has appreciated "in valtfe greatly, particularly in the section immediately effected by the ex penditure in question i_and it is j expected that, inasmuch as the amount cf. money tit be sent thr ycar for road building in this Stai-.; be larger by far tl.-r.n that spcr.t in the- past, the results to be achieved therefrom will becorrev pondiugly good. There is, 1.. wevcf. no ydal reason why New York and New New Jersey should present a strik ing illustration of these advantages • accruing from improved highways. Althengli the ROCJ roods advo cates here have l>cen active asid de ter mined, it is doubtful if thevhave been core zealous in their efforts than the friends oS the movement in sonic other Slates notably Mas sachusctts, Connecticut, Pennsyl vania, Illinois, Kentucky, Tttiue-- ree, Mississippi and Louisiana, not to mention various parts of the West, where progress in the direc tion indicated Las heen marked. The people of Messac-bttsette hare been extremely aggressive in the natter. Tltcy have employed highway ex pests to procutc and examine niinnlely various mater ials t>i:d combinations of materials adapted for road beds, in order to - determine which was the best; and an hour's ride in any direction within the borders of the Bay State U sufficient to convince any intelli gent observer that the money spent to improve tlioroughfares has heen spent wisely. The introduction of the automo- Ulc has, beyond question, stimu lated greatly the iutcrct in the highways of this country. With this WW fC««yaiKC people nowa days (Link little of traveling fifteen or twenty miles l«y road whereas ten miles behind horse might seem a com j actively long distance. ./ Hence, there is n stronger tendency I ben before to c s.tablish permanent homes in the country. As the work of road nsaking'yontir.uc.s am! ave nues' are opened which will remain pnssaLle the year around, this ten dency will surely itxnarc r.nd de velop. and as a prominent member of the Aiitaiio Prrjiatxrt recently ptf Jfr*ed. it may rot be Uttig be fore the time of migmioa to our cities w ill be effectively larsf;' !o waida the country ts the rcr.f't t f the united iffoit* t!n.t .-re leifegj exerted to impitvc ths cf j transjejl^tjca—K. Y. Sun. i ; i - Ft Y" T Little Jota?.T*s QbcsUms. oil. t-3 rat ptft. U'C ne sir Sonusy itm tnta IV'A) ' Why loo the aaooa (otw nt at iftl 1 What ■■!•-» tar so* so rm white? Oh. k!l ne. pofj*. t-n bc kfi-icl! Ok, tel! ase one thia£ — Why ere the team alt sreen is >)*«{> Why ttun on the tree* HOT Hi the pet in the M * Oh. tai ac pijn. tell ne qsich! OS. »e" Ins if two V»mr. BTutiuii.-jlhrjru. Why i! t *t walk out feet. And what La aiic the 9apr nitct' Oh. I-T! at And itE a*. papa, teil at how The T&m uJ mas grt ia the cow t Bern am kJeti U kosfot? WM ru':c* the be-rt «o awfol hot * Oh. teli EH. papa, tell aic quick! AsJ ts! nse. i«Tn-ilon't Vfiat is it make* the water wet? VWhoMt the saa np ia the sky t When yam were bora, how old waa I ? Oh. tell ne, pip*, tell me «jnirk* —Ciztiauli COBWRU Tribune _ DOST FAIL TO TRY THIS. Whenever aa binest trial K prai to Kkttric Balers for say tumble it is re .-or-mpded Cor a permanent cm wil fcrlj be effected. It never fails to tone the itMaah. njcnlate the kidneys aail twweta, atiaiaUte die !i\er, iarignnte the nerrea and rarity the blood. It's a wcnderfcl took for ran dowa system;. KWrtric Bitter* nsMiretv cure* Kidney and Liver Trim*4ea. Sbaaach IHsot-lcnt, Xemwneae. Shepsrs—e*».Rhetinmhai. S'ennlpa. aad eapets Xataria. Satiafac isctna guarantee] by all disfpsU. Oalv 50 cents. A Little Naasease. "I've got a scheme." said the grafter, "that'll work like a clock. I'm going to pat an ad. in the pa per asking women to send tlivir photographs and a $5 bill and I'll tell them how to become beattti ful." "But bow can you make tliei:i bc*:nfTfol ?" asked the chump. "Don't hive to. I'll send l*ftck the pbotogrr.phs irith letters sorj' ttluag bke tbts- 'Dear Mi«s—Af ter seeing ycttr photograph wc are aaftntd you dc-::e to Iwcome more bestifnl tli-in you already arc. It for.:', tints that the \x:y otts ti* -v. «;-,ca Geid '*- iows his greatest !s - .xt> arc the least thank ful. One so divinely endoacd v.it'.t such ka-linta as you posa-u fliould be watKtid. Our rcpul£- i on as an old cstaUislied firm com pels cs to iufcrra you that you al ready pease's beauty far beyond the jovialities of our system." " "But t«te j»5,?" asked the chumn. "Oh, I guess a women wouldn't make much of a howl over tlie Sit," answered the grafter.—ln dianapolis Sua. c MOTHER ALWAYS KEUTS IT liANDV. Jit nether nCcffl a tang time irrm: I faics pwt (Tatial ill health | lue pr»:n»»nv to sa;-s LAV SpaWiaj, Veraaa, Mn.' "Tiro jreara ago Igeffcerto try KmkJ. She t«tli r at core ltd new. at ti.e JJC cf reventy six. eats anything vkt wants. mnaiViaj I'.it she fears aa lad effects as fhe has her bcttte of Kcs'. l handy." IVw l nraste time doctorinK tra]ioaß. (« after the causae. If rom ilooarh is sonad jour health wiTl be K«.td. Kudo! rests the •-tonEarh ami - tr* rvtScnt the body by Ji- \ our (r«l. It ia ut ore's otrn tonic. S. R. Kri a 'A Boston advertiser who has , used nearly all the forms of J-übli city told a Boston Herald interview er recently tba he now relies main , c ly on newspaper advertising. , jj "'Olfcer advertising makes no per- , o.tnent impression on me: but when \ D I take np a newspaper it is for the | s porpoK of learning ;onKthing and , B my mind is in a state to receive im . prcssioti*. if I rtctichcr an adve-r y tiseroent I can be sore :t was in a ; t newspaper I read it." k ' ■ S.WKS A WfIaUSTUFR II To lurre (,m cp vneUl hare ibcsc*. i !_ «stttb for lln. Ixo Ciajgr.tf Donbetir. JTarv For 3 • 111 bad rwhnr-1 , nifr-7 (na ■ srrrrc Jcrg ti>«b'c m \ T liM.titr "Often," die *'J y coed ftiirJy VtHj» nul f cinl;n .. c®*AS r-1 fjsrk Ail dodMMiJ rnwiii^ r fctoi 13: rv. yew m*™ j try fifCttJf Tj *»c ■ sad • mjdetelv trrtl" S' trr.' fn» Cobb, ■ -w T_X RT F; I.trj TraHt usi lki» ;;T=ci j' [ ttcifiiv £c-s il t.iir 11 j.T rttkn] i r tH «!••; hict J c., 1 jaulfi.w. Tri»j IxtlScs free. V 5 - " i: . . % CMrrptm WILLIAMSTON, X: C.|FKIDAY, JULY 18, 1902. TRAINING SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHERS. It is the conviction of ihoe cVvs- j est to the Sunday-school work that its greatest need is better trained teachers In order to supply this need there v. ill be a sr*uint rCTKXH. or nrrnons rr» SrxriAY SCHOOL TFACHCTS A TCP SRPRRIVRKXNKXTS AT NOX TK RAT X C , ACC 3~!0. The instruction win be open to all Sunday school workers, of what ever faith, free of charge. That the teachers may he trained in the most helpful Methods of woik in their several departments. i:»struction will be in the follow ««s:: atSSCS IN MKTnonS Primary Method.—The work of thb department will be in charge of Miss Fiuie Mnrfree Burton, of the Louisville Kindergarten Asso ciation. who hi* given courses in primary methods at Washington. D. C-: Chicago. III.; Cfcan tanqtta. New Yotk. She wfll he assisted by Miss I.ida B. Robertson of Alabama. Junior Method. — Mr. and Mrs. Jo. Weathers, of Raleigh. N. C-. will conduct this department. Intermediate Method.—Teach ers of this grade will study with Mr. T. Neil Johnson.. Senior Method.—The work of teaching adults will be directed by Rev. B. W. Spilman, of Nashville. Tcnn. Blacklward Work.—Prof. E. W. Wilkitts. of Haywood High School. lectures on the Practical Use of the Blackboard. *TND VV -SCHOOL PROBLEMS The teachers will meet separt. !v for instructions in methods of work helj ful to their particular grade. after which they will meet with the other Sunday-school workers for an c]«tn conference of one hour each dty upon pioMeins tonching tHc entire wrhool. COSFHEXCO The-progr-mine m?kes pee-sil le a se-i ies of special meetings for Sur. Stq erintendents in which t'icy may gh'* some time to a thorough consideration of thcit peculiarly Important duties and tv sfonsibilitics. , I'l RfONAt. INTERVIEWS Emphatic reference should be made to the unexampled epportnn Ity :ifforle-l at a gathering like this one, of re-ceiving valuable ideas sr.d lUggesiions from personal contact with delegates, teachers and speak ers. EXPK.VSES. The Montreal Hotel has ma>le * special rate of SI.OO JWT day to those who attend the Scboci of Methods. Ecard and lodging can lie obtain ed at Hickory Lodge and at other first-class 1 warding houses at $4.00 per week. R v. PB KSKtrr ATio*. Every Sunday-;* liool sboiib! re cognize its opportuuity, and at once lay definite and adequate plans to be well represented at Liu-. Suuday-school gathering. Experience shows that even some of tli* smallest and most dis tant Sunday-schools can. as a re sult of aggressive effort, send dele gates. At least one primary teacher should be sent, though the Sunday school and church have to pay the entire expense, because special at tention nil! be given to the work of the Infant, Primary and Junior classes. - RAILROAD RATES. The Atlantic Coast Line, Sea board Air Line and Southern Rail way liave granted a .-ate of one Srst-class fare few the round trip, August 1, 2, and 3, limited to An ] gust 12. For :petial inft rmrtion or copse ' of illustrated booklet, write T. | Neil Joluuoa, at Montreal, K. C- | * NJ:."D ikjrk nKLr. Often ths nrcr »-t(d tl 'i cry a t for help by . j pia«, Xsa]o.l)uziiieA llectL.sbes.!:\(' ' | jxrei ilLioril 'vr-':k t*»>=>' 'e [ e 1» ft T u t of IV. King's St v i.i'c ITh. They an; v,vi.tL-. Ifciiu: h ml t> cmc. iy. U aJJ d.". itjics. A &LESSI»f^ILEHC£. Wbcs J «fcn :n1 were married we begns hctudfepnij in one of the flats down AS the ferry. A ;Gertaaa family occupied half oar j"!at and their twin children were bora deaf mutes. It was from thi contiguity that Joha and I learned the sign langtxa-? We had been rttrrkil Gve years. tc-1 JJin hiJ beaipjr junior mem ber of the firm Unit onve entpioytSl hits, and the sot of rooms in the f.it M 'wo cMosed for a pleas ant residence in;. very respectable part of the cityls One cold, stonily night in Febru ary. jot after the hatters h-td been cla id and came in bferricily 2nd without speaking went quietly np stairs. I was surprised, for he did not usual ly leave the store until 8 o'clock ir,d it was then hut half past 6. ' When he cam* into the parlor .a few minutes lattf. I inquired anx iously if be wen. ill. Before an swefing me h; dosed the floor lead ing into the living room, and then, drawing a chair close to mine, he said in a krar voice: "I did not mean to say anything to you about it, Mariop, bat you are such a brave little woman I am sure I can trust you. . "An attempt to blow thesafawras made last night) ami thfi adroit way in whkh the would-be barglar man aged to cover tip his wqrk leads us to anticipate a repel!tic* of the visit tonight. In order to thwart the gentleman's designs I have brought the mooev and valuables home and have {mt the box containing the treasure in tlie lower drawer of the l-ee -etary that st.m i- in our roctu." * Hew much money is there i:i ,1 I i4cd, trying to speak in . say natmal voke. • Nearly sls owo." answered | John in a whisper. "Why did&f )Hq put it in the ibstik for sale keeping?" I aikc " f CfSsCSKHC'•" "1 U "That was tlie armng ;mentln»! Srosrc. the as- istant «lu»c IfWaness it w. toatte-rd to it, fc go: his crran-l until the l ank was ciosed," repl'u I John. I>ot»'t wor ry anything ahoat it, dear. You ste the only otw outride the firm tint ILUOUS \\'iat dis|osiliuw bt«i made of the money, and to rrc-rrow it will be placed in tlie tank." I was sati-sfiol with the explana tion and no more i!*>ut the box up stairs until after the clock h.vd warned f* 9. ami it was not probable that I would have thought of it then ha J not John Imn order ed ofi oh one of his midnight jour, iicy s. Juit liefotc he started he put the key oi that box in my bami saving: { " When Mr. Mowry calls for the money, give him this. I nil! nut Le in time to look after it be fore the bank closes tomorrow." I felt a tiueer fluttering in tlie re gion of mv he-art When Joha kissed rae goodby, but I made- myself be lieve that I was very brave and at my regular time for retiring went to my room cautioning A brain, as usual, to see that the doors were securely fastened. After I went np stairs I weakened a little and was on the point of calling Betty to sleep in my room; bgt, fearing that John would laugh at my cowar dice, I summoned all my courage to my aid and was soon sleeping as peacefully as a baby. I mt:-t have slept soundly or I would have beard the creak of the wardrobe door and the stealthy step of the tall, lank figure that emerged therefrom. As it was, the first in timation that 1 had of the presence of an unwelcome guest wasa hoarse whisper in my ear: "Where is that iron box which (your husbind brought home from 1 the 'tore this evening?" I Opening my eyes. I was almost pahSryzcd to fee- bending over me a hideous face, the most fiendish one II bad ever seen. There was a ;f yau r j a > I l _dl yoj I will not |!t n yot> i« tli-; lir-«t. I want tlie taamey in that l>ax ( and, fair or foul ; I iatcrd to have it. Fatly '.i«, I toil hi. : '.ybere it was. Lop ing that in SCM: e -ay I might make my efcap»- « lule his back was turn : bright Sit in the grate, and I had a Liir view of the villian. Hut before I could move or utter a cry the cold muzzle of a revolver was pressed against my head, and the same voice hissed: "Stir or make a noise at your peril! Yon j.re in my power, but pd. I was jnst measuring the dis : :nce to the door with my eye wondering if it were pcssitiic for lair to reach it unseen, when a key tinned in the hail door be-low. and my heart throbbed hopefnllv. for :aat light quick step that came IsHutding np the stairs con U1 belong to no one but John. - In an instant the robber was bock among the curtains at the head of my bed, ami jnst as John opened the door he whispered: "If you betray me in any way, I will kill yon both." "I left my watch lying in the Itlireau. anil as the train is an hour liehind time I concluded to ran lack and get it." John saidby way of explanation. "If there is any - thing in the world that a man hates when traveling, it is to he without a time-piece." ''Did you find it?" I asked hus kily. hoping that he would request my assistance in the search. "Yes. here it is all right. Don't pet oat of bed. dear ; yon will catch a chill. How how are yon getting slocg ?" returned John. "The stupid fellow !" I though!. "Why will lie not give me a chance?" but my lips faltcrcreil. "Very well." Then as our eyes met I said with my fingers - "For heaven's sake, do not leave rie John. There is a rol«!ier In- Kind the curtain of my l»cd. But lie will kill us both if we try to cs cape.'* W.'ltout sccmint; to notice what I had said. John turned and re j«'eMi*dted the fire, snying he "Yon riust keep a £ood fire all Marion. It will keep yo:. from feeling lonely in my abxencc. Abraham must bring another back et of coal K. fore he goes to bed." With the poker in his hand he •>« J (he room' and touched tli call I*ll. then taking his staivl fore the fire. l»e said with his fim- "Rest easy, dear. I'll not leave yon alone for a moment." Directly after Abraham made his appearance, and John ;ent him f«»r the coal, calling after bun t«> hring the heavy shovel, that the fire might be securely ccsered. V.'l.en the big, stout fellow re •.ui.icd, John said aloud : "Marian, please jump up and find that package you wish me to Lleave with cc-tisiu Marie. I may have time to run across the river when I am in Chicago." 1 did not wait for any oilier command, bttt sprang past John into the wardrolxr just as he said : "Seize the shovel, Abraham, ami help me brain that scoundrel w*i> is biding away behind the bed cur tains." 1 Abraham obeyed, and then John s]ioke again, this time to the- man who was waiting among the shad ows to despoil our home. "Step out and show your guiltyi face if you wish to leave the room, alive," he commanded in a tone of j authority. Tho next minute the wretch stood before John, bogging pite on-ly for his woi thlr.s life. When the mask was torn off- John stepped lock in amazement, for in the features of the outlaw lie recognized the assistant cashier, Henry Brown. • He pleaded for aetcy, and I wo-j manlike, added ray tears to his pe tition. but John said the law most take its course and gave him the hands of a policeman for safe.-* keeping. The fctlow had been on theat rt.i and so had kept trace of the df- if ] pcarance of the money, ami na! Mt-| s'iy enough bat! foUowed it up. Itj afterwards ca:ne out that Je an'.- !l>paleh to proceed to Chica jo at once was a ckveT forgery, cf v. tscb Brovm knev/ more than IK- VT.L aillii'M to tell. It was a icn«; time befor ; J re covered from tlie -shock Ijx chived ' STBSCR: ;, ; h. SfXGLI ' , ■ ' | . - .w_ (hit night, and to this (by Jolin few nwtr asked tac to stay atom during his absence. On aocoont of mae Uuoder or. the port of the state's attorney Crown was cot lsroaj;kt to trial, hat be was wise tnoagh to leave Use city, acd so far as I knew he has never made bis appearance in the neighborhood «-ince. N'cvci a day passes that I do not think of oar little silent German friends -ml of the that cane fo ns through the kjatlntv -howa to thctn.—Exchange. \ The Eraiic Trails. rtc fcit kJV> Sene» *L 6 p. «n For thr Uri.l chnrthr jxjfT bSow*. AM! IWITLMLEARBTKRNZIXN. A»-t the latmpf bagkt awl rton. The pilscc car is Uw BcUarxS arms; The mkbtlf, a Int. »*wt stna; The p—Kngrr w »V- i»I aolsasul Ktial* Aa>l p*» U> il»n>a the train. V. S;> n the »ert tan liit. For the j>tv> ala*. Ihe imiiMuMi clear lall> on the ear. I "AH ahnanl tow the slcrptag car! " Bat what is the fare to pofvy bad t I hofw it n aot U» i!ear: The fare it this—a b*j; l»l a kiss— A ail it's pail U> the cagiarer- Sa I ash of Him whohi>lira took Oa ltis knee ta IwlawsreiL "Take charge. I jaay. of the tiaias each «*"T. That leave at 6 aaJ l" "Keep watch oi the thai I | ray. "Foe to mr thry ate my Jrar; Ami a special wL O pac«a> L«*d. O'er the RcwtV caftan* *" —F.achaagc. Fttris m lb* Farm. Prof. GiHtert ol' Ottawa. Catuwls, in answer to tbv '|Hc*tion: "Wliy is poultry valna*»!c to the farmer* Gives the f.dlowini; rwsons: Because he hy their meaus to convert a great iksl of the waste of his farm into money in the sluje af eggs and chickeits f«>r market. Iterative with ialvllijtin: mauaite rr.tnt tkey ought to I* all year rew one j roduiti >. with t!ve exocfAk ■>f jerli'.pi two lnontj's i!urii.g t':. -.aoitiuj; searon. IleeJttse ,ou-try will ykld liini riiiitcr ntmu ijr the cajMtal ik vesttd than iisy rftUe«therdepsil r:ents of agnc :;'mrv - Hccaibe the c.aame frtmi lie j»nltry h«»u-e »ill ta.-ke a valiohle COBI|««SI to ti e in «.it!ier vcgitahk or orcliard. The- hitds them-« i if allow e«I to nin in jiuiii or np|»!e orch.inls. will destroy al3 injurious insect lite. Iteear. e while ccreils ami fini'- can only hy scccesf f nlly gn.wsi is: certain saticas. ;*»altTy can i- : ri-id for tihsc t>e or layers o. in all jciits ,{ t::t; country. J Because poultry raisins is an en:-1 ployinent in which the fanner'.-1 wife -u«! daughters «n engage ai;. j leave h»c» free to att» i>l to other dep rtmenl-s. Because it will bring hin tht j licst reStirns in the way of new h:i tgg* dnrisg the winter season, when the farirtr mw.! tsnse o:> bis hands. Beean-e to start poultry raising ion the farm requires little or n capital, rntler any with proper management, jioultry can be nude'with little cost a valu bale adjunct to the farm.) FOISOMING THE SYSTEM. It is through the b«meis that the bodr «| done-! of ia]af.l C'*sti|»t» ■ keejt j Jee potsioas ia Ite syste*. cansicj; heaUhe. JaCMS>anl E*laiK*olia it first, then cn-«j;htly eref«ioasai»l finally . { r".ous illnes-. caicv a rcEfJ.r isap|die«'. DeVitt's Little Early Risers peeveat thi trocblc by >tiiaalati»>r the liver asA ps sule easy, healthy action cf the lowels These linSe pills A» iiU art violeatly hut |, T slrcn/thcain- the Ixnwls eaahle ihetu to perfora their owa work. New pij* or ilolms. S. R- Bigp. A POaTtH FDS KYEHeRS If you wiJ» jw latent t«»ioess * criy au.l jwcaiUly *•«- «»• ** U»SV.'I! T & CO.. PATENT LAWYERS, I'. 5. Tatent Ofc«. U. C. | tfcry fcaw to tUtsat&Ced clkcts. Wri'.c them for tfceir coofrlential Icttrr; »|>!' ! Ijl czxil wiK Lrnj; it. and st mar Ijentatl: i~%ny to ;xa. f« tfceir uiiutisinti ! a!se» bete in tfcis raj *r- 7 ;i»:L> jlfte'fc Turpentine * .".idle* Sat'. 11.un|C PtasSer is acrrfzin c;.ic (* itho.; :n;» rssy mr.l ronJoilkUe, trcik | vbile jroa aUxp. I jj ar» 'Vi I. - 8» .li .* t§"& A. X .■ e r . -• vsvtrm ir. ■ v t-i ns:''• • day . \ r. i'.• -• ■£ S. • V. it 1.,, X \-r. i v.'.. & r- . :■ ■ T.« , : . v-. U. r » T v ; . if*,' Sii .1 .' :«• r. ' '■ * «■» ' ... •••;•• - I 1 j : " HM 'j i - a I , ■ -■;! % ' * • r «• 't - - i I J:/.• ; * r - : Ir^ Ivfcist ant cit "it.u .I : v®rs ""3 y ' -rto. I' hi.; tfce:r;« u ".111 ««•»* >;u ■*• y '.»y g mo«tsy TV. i lilf. Trr I It. i"rice, i 3 cerij. », : H • * 4 s? f ' *-t - ' I f;. f - -.U P isfa 1,. . ... d i Js y A J • D;£ost? wlo.i y':n c:.U Ti i? jsr. jttiaUuti eintahis a' 1 • «5i - • *•„ i'*» Ji • '- : i »« v? tU.Tzar:U* vaii taken. I•. »U c Ih '.l .«• .;( • ,l.«r.n ::- s |jtr /. c ,-u t; * f tf; •• i» nt> ' • I • Flrtt -iu*cu4s*»• . Ad.et ..-raj. . Ct: : :U : " 12 ' • r ' f? I * J ' - •*- 1 *• — ; T ~~ f ' 1 ' " 1 l J ' . _ _i r- t ' i * I - I* . • * I j;. 1 . I», \ - * it £ C-'v., • 5 . * •] a .-» «• ' '* j " 'C. # *. 4 ' J i - '■ ->*** - .M # ! o H » J r -- - - »~SS 4^; ! J jil .. ■ ■ &}'; - ' » J•1- - , : #U t fr«* c>.ar *ni\Vjc>n astl 4 r.r*. | Si SCOUi! ir xm.O C. J! Reduced to FIFTY CEHTS A YEAR ■I [New. Ideals :! Woman's & | Magazine | j j -; I i J * " » I /\rr c* """. j. ' tiSc r ! I Nc rj | j I —. = il-rol-i *' >'■ •». wO-.ki:.£. :3 j " ]' 'i' \\k £-d n Rcailig: j e j V— in I; „ - j j : -.c> V.i ' m : j I,- 1 ,-sr • t e vpry fcAt |bm . 1 I 5- •■ - t -v-!. ' •| 77 itlf'Ti cost - .-/fOr.es=.->. I Seal Five Cer.ts Tc-day »•_ t ! f i • ~ 11* ■ " • V lit fv *is* trstr*e/ iynr* /;»■ I I 144 Si* Yctk, T-

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