P^ 1 : - r~- -', . Jt, •- 7 . • :^w VOL. lIL - NO. 45- HCNRFMIIXW. The Statehood at agriculture af its staadards ami raliagsielat lag «a food mder the pate food TW he daiai, riaegar shall oaaia ast leas than 4 per cent of acetic acid. Whea of leas strength ha bsaaded m ituj package in ahkh it is aold. exposed or offered far air Viaegar most not con tam aay pseparatica of lead, cop per or salpharic acid or other fas laffati fajarioas to health aad when artifcialy colored the fact M he ade known by a proper hkcL Affk cider or onkard vin pr Ml bcaade Croat the pure Ami iH per oat apple cider aol- Mk Other vinegan moat be sold under mama, which irprewt truly ttt i liKil W material. from which they are arrenDr ■ode Mflk Mat he Croat healthy cows ■ad mart contain at least I» per •Ml offtotal aaKda aad j percent, of boater fat. ilui labelled or aold •apar ceat. of aft fat, withont a Dderinatri or anamrkctable baMer, which by any process or re amneiting ar marking over has been aaade amrkctabte, anl be branded mm aald aa "process batter," and aacfc package ao aold. ofered ores-1 paaad far ale.aut be aa labeled aa to fahfy aad dearly fai aiib this Lard is the tendered fat of swine I aal ahaald contain not leaa than 99 per caaL of this fat.. Other fats aad oh aad auxtareaof them most ha aakd aalef their true name or eaia aaai or m 4 %« d aM •atoajfw. 4 -a\«r m. m "» .. aad frnit jnices must be made of undaltered frnit juices, aad ha aald ander the aaaae of the frail from which made. No pres . illßlii, color or flavor shall be » added, aadeaa the Cact is made laaa by proper label attached to CSCfc ptdj^pCa Been aad wines and other alco hofic aad aaa alcoholic drinks and paodntla oaed ia making audi most art contain added preservatives, calariag or flavor, unless the fact la made kaona by proper label on Flour, crocked and rolled wheat, ' aatp. buckwheat, barley and corn, and their products, rice, etc., must he true to name and when mixed ulthaaihalhi IOT witbother regeta- Unar mineral products the mixture ■K-k aoM under coin names or ■Untuu or coupons. Cnucd goods must be true to wmmm and he free from added col or preservatives, tin - - k0 aueh addition or additions is .ermutter/ - ~ buMg. J>—. prg- Bhe aatidm. aunt he aude entirely af the frwft specified on the label, mm pKOCVTIIITtS lie BUuC KUOWXI \ ci fclitrU '"X '■ L If aui j mut not have added to I it'dbnedy by man. or indirectly | by inding to the hfea, gtucoar, enne sugsr. invert sugar, or other pure honey, unlem sold as adulter iqg the afcrtVrHiun is made a part aftjaldd attached to each pack i, " af Ml rtrength. It mast not be fixed with rwhauaterl or partially emlanftcd coffee, or any other sob stance. If mixed with chicory or ■at. the ■utw. nsay kail* "coffee compoaad.'* Tea, whea sold, t >|— 4 or of feted for ale as sack, aat tii wholly at the dried loaeaaf the true tea plant, without artificial color, filler or extraction of eant hbd^'^MfaalA" 1 ' Baking powdeis asastaat coo theh maau factme. aad they mast be labeled ia a coaspicaoas way aad place, either fa the name of the power itself or elsewhere, ao as to show the acid snk of Which the powder is made, as "alma bakiag powder," "phosphate baking pow der." or "cream of tartar baking powder," aad when as labeled they mast be trae to fabeL The Department of Agricahate desires the «M*esatfaa sadsap port of. ssaaafaetami, jsbhesa. wholesalers, tetailers aad fadhrid aals ia cairyiag oat the psorisiaaa of the pure food law. Analyses wfl ha amde farper aaaa withfa tke Stale whea aap JT'ST LOOK AT HEB- Hm'ihtracnL fltomm nr. !%•» New Ufc KB. »ndi, ■■ mams » (toMfalhai- TVylWm JlMMlT (Wracaayfaiam NsHaric fa HSSML paper stepped iato the ifia of the Tr""* «"* "Mr. Haaha." he aad, "some of oar yoaag mea are trying »• or ganize a la aaa band. How and are yoa willing to salmi*?" "I'D give s*o," replied old lfr. Hanks. "That will phase the bojr*. I know," rejoined the caller. "If everybody dae does as well, they'll soon have their iaiii—inli ml be ready la begin' "Great Scour* interrupted old Hunks. "You don't get a cent out of UK for any audi purpose as that* I thought )M were raising uoary to buy them off!"— Chicago Trib une. „ . " Ropsa Www by Spiders must be coasted among the necessary helpmates of balloon manufacturers, Many experiments made with spider web as a substi tute for silk have proved the Car reaching possibilities of the new material. The thread of the spider was found invaluable in the prodnc tiou of so-called reticles, cro—rr or nets of fine threads placed in the focal plane of telescopes, to deter mine the exact position of an ob served abject. Some ten years ago a French mhaioaary started the systematic rearing of twu kinds of spiders for their weht £ Now the "Indmjrie Textfle"a»- is fo ■utunful api i«iau at ft iliii • Mfodon, mr Pins, nlicit ropes ranged m-giw ft ml flln shin a red, upon which ttettwii Mt vwkfofthe spaders, far thejr are ■Of RkM Mi they hare far aUß fnxa thirty ■ Wuhii* The web fa *mW. m! Ikw sticky com. Eight nfthewnab ed threads we the* take* togeth er. aad af thfa rather yarn er and much lighter thacmktf silfc af thr amme ttoif - | The* spider-web rapes are very ones, bat ia hoped to nfacelkdr coat inmtwhat to the fcare. — Newark CdL The man lUnaakpnGHS that Ik yta h na|.hlirr than the % (fnterprist. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 1,1902. Fans Revs tM Views. Uak bring twice as much in market as sheep, including the wool det ited from the sheep, and the market is seldom overstocked with. Blackberries are high this year, owing to short crop. If growers would give the canes fertilizers, both spring and fall, they would fiad it profitable. Keep the cabbages well worked. The more one cultivates the crop the aott thrifty the plants. AnoC"- rarinnsl application of a teaspoou fal of nitrate of soda, scattered around each phut and worked into the soil shows excellent effect after a rain. Bran is probably the cheapest food that can be purchased and brought oa the farm, with the excep tkm of cotton seed and linseed meal. Oae advantage in favor of bran ia that it fa rich ia mineral matter, aad whea fed with skim milk to pigs k gives excellent results. It also adds largely to the value of the Wbeaever "sour" gram k seen ia lavas it k a sort indication that the laad requires liase, which aea tralkes the additpof the aoil. Aa appßratfan of Hme ia the faD will sometimes make a very decided change ia the gram the followiag sptiag. All the clovers are bene fited by lime, and lime also gives good results cn Kentucky blue fraw. which is one of the best va rieiio for hwn. The watering troughs oa some fanfare never acrubbed and hare a slimy appearance. They are breeding places of disease, as any disease affecting a single animal is more easily communicated to the others through tlic drinking water than ia any other manner. While it may he impossible to prevent the animals from drinking ftom the same source, yet even* trough should be cleaned daily. Ducklings will perish if allowed on poods of cold water, but after the water becomes warm they will enjoy the exercise and find consid erable food. It is claimed that the Pekin variety thrives without poods which is true; but all varieties pre fer water in which to swim, and will keep in more thrifty condition if given such privileges; but young dttcka should not be permitted on ponds until they arc feathered. Progressive dairymen are not now satisfied with less than 300 pounds of butter per year from each cow. Those who believe that there is nothing in the breed, and who buy fresh cons to take the places of those that become dry, do not realize one-third as much batter as could be derived from better cows. When one cow pro duces as much in one year as some do in three years, the dairyman who does not raise his heifer calves loses more than be can gain in the future. It may cost something to keep a calf, but if it is well bred it will repay all expenses and more. When aeeding to crimson clover this year do not delay until late in the fall. One reaaou why crimson clover fails with some is that they sow the afied too late to allow the plants to make headway before winter. On sandy aoils the frosts dam not injure, but on heavy land they arc anna-tines thrown up. The land for crimaou clover should alaobe well prepared, and no one aboold expect a good catch crop when the and fa sown on land that has wcriwd no preparation. Lime always benefits crimson clover if broadcasted aad harrowed ia when aeeding, about ten bushels of lime per acre.—Philadelphia Record. HIS SIGHT THREATENED. "While ptcatrkmg U«t ncaU my ll jaw nlfl bay was poisoned by aune weed or pliat." aajrs W. H. IHbfcle. at Swos City, la. "He tabbed the poisoaoC bis kwh into his eyes aad far awhile we were afraid he would loae hie »j|cht. finally a neighbor lecmnaeeaded De- Witt'a Witch Havel Salve. The tnt ap plication helped hm» sod iu a few days be »as well ee erer." For skia di seases, eats, bonis, scalds, woaads, ia sect bates, DeWiU'a Witch Hazel Salve is me cm. IteHrres piles at oace. Be naivai cocntericiU. S. U. Wfgs. Es "MB" Were MV. * It happened ia Manitowoc up in Wincourin, John Johnson, a des cendant of the .Vikings, was in town buying his groceries. He had lrft his horse outside while he was ia the stoic making new pur chases. when a little fat German came by and seemed greatly struck by its appearance. He waited un til Johnson came out, and, ffanting himself ditectly in front of him, he asked : "Doo you vant to SeO dot horse?' "Va'al said Johnson, "I tank "How mooch?" asked the Ger man. "Va'al." said Johnson, "no less dan a hundred an' twenty five, but I don't tank he looks very good." The Genaaa immediately began to examine the home for spavins and other flaws that horseflesh is heir to, hot failed to fiad aay. "Oh." he said, suueyiag it crit. ically, "I tiak he looka poOty goot." "Va'al." said Johnson, "gav' me the aoaey an' I gar' you the horse. The money aad the horse chang ed hands, aad they parted. The next day the little Genaaa caaae riding ap to Johasoa ia a white "Vat yon mesa?" he bellowed. "Yon schwindier! Yoa t'fefl Von sharge aw von hooodeted und twenty-fife tollar for dot bone und he was biuxT as a iencr-post alrea dy." "Va'al, didn't I tol yoa," said Johnson, "dot be didn't look vety good?" IT NKKDO A TONIC. - -• There are tines when your lleer needs a_ tonic. Doul fire purgatirea that grift and weaken. OeWHt's Little Karty Risers expel alt poison from the system aad act as tonic to the liver. W. SC4t. »■ Higfclaad Ave.. MUtan. Pa.. have carried DeWht's Little Kariy Ris ers with at for several years aad would not be without them." Small aad easy to take, rarely vegetable. They never gripe or distress. 6. R. Biggs. Capt. McFarland, s(i]>eriutend cut of the Iron Pier at Coney Is land, has a 41.v pound turtle, which wis caught by Jacobus Smyth. After a night of extremely hard luck Smyth was about to take iu his lines shortly after dawn. "Here goes for a weak fish, a bass or a skate," he said, throwing over a line freshly baited. "If I don't get sometliing;l will pull up and go home." While lighting his pipe the old fisherman was almost jerk ed from the pier by a strong pull at his line. He foun d he had some thing too heavy for his rod. Capt. McFarland got a net and went down the piling to the water's edge. He discovered that a large turtle, cov ered with barnacles, had swallowed the bail and hook. With the aid of McFarland's net and several lines passed under the turtle it was lifted to the pier. The turtle put np a strong fight on the pier. A boat-hook was jabbed in its right side and turned it over on its back. "Pop tell nw a fairy story." : "I don't know any fairy stories." "Oh, yea Ton do. I heard moot tell gran'mom you were begiaaing to tell her fairy stories about being kept doarn town nights oa busi ness.—Fhil'a Times. "Are yon educating your child with a view to his future college earner?" ' "Oh. yea; he's got to begin next week and take a drop of tshasro sane* three times aday."—Detroit Free Press. "Do yon think our new neigh bors will call on as, Clara?" "Curiosity will bring some of tbens?" —Chicago fteooed. She —Don't you think I have a good mouth? He —It looks all right.—Smart Set.. r ~ r *You Jook sad," said the editor's wife, as her husband came in. "Yea," was the reply, not a soli tary man came in today to tell me how to ran the paprr. I can't stand neglect." New York Harlem We. 4 J . .?-g ■ SrA x - - * "V ' J.i.% 2T3F' Haw Birds are Med. The hunting of birds of bright plumage, for the millinery tr.tde. furnishes a profitable occupation nowadys for great number* of na tive Indians in Central and South Africa, the blow-gun—a long tube made from the stem of a certain kind of palm—being the weapon ordinarily employed. Fine-pointed darts wrapped with pahn-oottou to make them fit the bore, serve as projectiles, propelled by the breath and in Brazil and Ecuador they arc usually poisooed with the deadly "cural" —a mixture of snake venom and other powerful toxic agents. The poison makes the slightest scratch fatal, but not instantly, so hat the stricken bird does not frighten its companions by tumb ling with a flop to the ground. Thus an entire flock may be des troyed one at a time by a single amrksmaa, aad little damage is dooe to the precious skins. From Ecuador come great numbers of humming btrds.otrtaincd in this wsy, and not oae skin ia a thous and is preccptibly injured. For aome reason ant satisfactori ly explaiaed, white men are unable to acquire the art of using the blow-pipe—thai is to say, with darts. Settiwi they learn how to employ this Mtpoa of prariaiou for the projection of small clay balls, to kill birds, bat ordinarily the natives attend to the business of destruction, skinning the feath ered creatures as fast as they are secured, and disposing of them to white traders. In this manner im mense numbers of brilliant tropi cal birds are exported from Brazil, mostly byway of Para, while fror- Goatcniala, Costa Rico awl Hond uras oome the superb long-tailed trofcous, which is beauty rival the bi«* qt paradise. The neighborhood of Bogota is one of the mcfct productive regions in the world for beautiful birds. There are deep vwlleys and lofty niountains round aliout. so that species lieloiiging to various cli matic /ones from tropical to sub arctic are represented. Long ago, Europeans skilled in the art taught some of the natives liow to skin birds for market, and today many of the Indians are able to do this kind of work as well as the average taxidermist, the result being that the skins are exported to Uurope and the United States ill a very fine state. One of the most remarkable meth ods of biid-catching is employed by the Indians of Ecuador for taking the sky-«seareliing condor, which has to be sought *» the loftiest sum mits of the mountains. The hunt er digs a hole in the ground large enough to hide him and ov'er it spreads a cow's hide. Close by the hole he has placed the carcass of an ancient horse, driven to tlic spot and killed there, to serve as bait. When the condor arrives and is busy feeding, it is seized by the legs. A few years ago the rbea, or "South American Ostrich," was well-nigh exterminated in Patago nia. because of the demand for its feathers as material for feather dusters. Only when it became so scarce that the pursuit of it was no longer profitable did the slaughter of this valuable and interesting species cease. —Saturday Evening Post. TO MY ntIKNDS. It is with joy I tell you what Kodol did for ar. ) was tmbU with my stowmch foe several awathi. Cpoabeiag advised to at kodol. I did so, sad word* caaaot toil the goad k haa doae nt. A aeighboe had dyspepsia ao that ha had tried ami everything. I U>M him to ase Kodot. Word* of gmtitadc havecome to aw from hfai tieesafc I rrccaneaded it—Ceo. W. Fry. Vjola, lowa. Hcakh aad strength, of auad aad body, depend on the stomach, aad Mmul activity of the digestive organs. Kodol reconstructive toaic, earn all stomach and howrl troubles, indigestion. dyspep sia. Kcdol digests any good food yon eat. Take a dose after meals. S. R. Biggs. "This is rent day." said the Or ange toy, whin the nail on the garden fence tore his pants. k CMTtCMS Uac. Tlnrt are many stories of Ike young King, says Cottiers Weekly, which testifies to his good heart, and others which would sees* to imply, that one gurssc* from his appearance* that he poss- a saving sense of humor. When the King passes in his car riage through the streets of Madrid, anyone is privileged to run be,ide it and throw petitions at him. The custom is mediaeval and danger ous to the King, and frequently to i the petitioner. The other day an old voan darted toward the King's carriage; but a Guardia Civil, mistaking her motive, seized her roughly and threw her into the crowd. Instantly the King ordered the carriage to be stopp. d. and, jamp ing down, ran back to the police man. "Why did you touch that wo man?"* he demanded. "Yon moat never lay your hands roughly apoa a woman?. You hare done very iß_" Then he turned to the old lady, and, raising his hat, said, **l will take your petition, madam." And as she handed it to hfm'he thanked her and bowed.—Ex. When a young man gels two strings to his bow he can play an of intoxicating fiction with the MK and sobering melodies with the other. —Southwest Virginia. NO NKCKSSAtY PRECAUTION. Don't acglect a cold. It Is wane than aapleasaat. It is ilaagrinaa. Br One Miaate Cough Care jtm ran raae k at once. Allays iaflaaumtion. clears the head, soothes aad strengthens the ns raous membrane. Cures conghs. may. Ihnat aad laag trouhlrs. AtrnJakif safe. Acta immediately. Children like k. S. R. Biiws. N( NMKT la It. "This comes fiorn making km to the daugliteßi of a Retirus." "What is the trouble, Tom ?" "Why, her father has just re ceived a parlor clock that soomls alarm at to o'clock, turns oat thc gas ami ojieus tlic fron f door by a wire .spring."—Chicago News. Jirors lor September Curt FIRST WEEK —JAMESVILLE TO** SHIP. S. J. Perry, John E. Riddirk. Wm. A. Stul»i«s, John A. Ward. WTI.UA MS TOWNSHIP. Wm. A. Cherry. GRIFFIN TOWNSHIP. Simon D. Griffin, Win. G- Hard ison, Geo. R. Hardison. BEAR GRASS TOWNSHIP. John W. Bailey, 11. R. Jones. Wm. J. Cowing, Wm. D. Feel, L. T. Holiday, James Y. Harrison. ROBF.RSONVIIAE TOWNSHIP. J. L. Everett, W. L. Everett, A Inter Everett, W. T. Grimes, W. C. Powell, W. A. James. POPI.AB POINT TOWNSHIP. J. R. Eegget, J. A. Pierce. „ lIAMII.TON TOWNSHIP. P. H. Davenport. GOOSE NEST TOWNSHIP. S. W. Casper, Alex Haislip. WILUAMSTON TOWNSHIP. John D. Biggs, Jr., H. D. Cow ing, W. C. Kirby* Jos. L. Rober son, W. R. White, Wm. M. Wil liams, S. N. YaiTell. CROSS ROADS TOWNSHIP. Augustus Clark .Cornelias Janes, JOB. B. Lcggett, Jr., Mc. C. Wyna. SECOND WEEK. Jamesvflle —C. J. Askew. Williams —R. B. Rpberson. Griffins —Geo. W. Griffin. Williamston —Henry D. Cook, A. V. Taylor, W. J. Whhaker, K. M. G. White. Croat Roads—John B. Bur roughs, J. H. D. Peel. Rohersonville —Henry T.Brown, J. H. Whitfield. Poplar Point —W. T. Ambrose. Redding Knox. Hamilton—Julins H. Purvis, E. L. Perkins, Harry Waldo. Goose Nest—B. F. Hyman, J. C. Rosa. McDaHe's Witch Hud Foot HIIIT s one of the fiacat tabjr powders kaowa. urei ptrckiy beat and gin» msteat nW. sscmrra. U " " WHOLE NO. 149. ScnrtHCX Iwodt.r No. 90 A. P. & A. II ircts ianxihr mmmuaintiM M tkr lull every crrood and fourth Tne»- i>r sights at 7:30 XV. 11. ll H mll W.M. &. S. ben. S. W., H. I». Taylor, J. W.,- S. * Sw,, C. D. lantarphta. Tick. *c G. Taylor. S. P.; 11. M Rur !*•, J. D,; T. C. Cook and A. !•". Taylor, Stemwh. R. V. cieary. Tikr. is YELLOW WiSOn vwrNorJ? l*?iy"lclnns call it fiiiri il boa. ftuu fee icen Ams 1 ®; rpd N'Khl yellow under ■krwcop*. it works rtay cad Hwi. H t:ms yowrcom* ptrxfcn yellow. Chilly, celling creep down your tacfckeae. Von (eel weak and vMtV»:. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC wB rti> the trouble now. It ftari the Norf at orce and dri.eo M Ike yellow paiion. M KftocttJ and when Chills, fawn. NtglH-Sweate and a («a «ra> fcro*-dewF com later n, RttoU* Toair will cure you K wily wait ? Prevent fatwi skkaesj. The maaufac farm taw aU about this yel tow pdata ia have perfected Wte* Tiuir to Mn K out, ■iuM yur system, restore afpaUU, pi Mi the Mood, pro ilfsltswCMH.FevewMd Malaria. 1 111 cured thous —di W. «■ can you, or your ■MtyMb This Ulalr. Try Price. 29 ceuta. gold by ELI r.I'KCAM S Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat..; TW eunUlM all of th> dlpslsnii and all kind* of fnud. It give* Ins tint relief nmi never fails to ruie. It allows you to cat all the fModyouwant. The most sensitive rioMrhiaolikelt. Ity iU list u.any ttM-c-and-i of dyspeptic* have been esixl after every iliioK else failed, la unrqualted fur I lie hUimarh. Child* rs with weak stomachs tlirirc on It. First dir« relieves. A diet unnecessary. _|| ulamarL lannhlne vsros an §iowi«c* irouoit?# hrfuHcl)^rc IXcWitt* Co.. HhU-iMta ffeSt-buUkcjalaiuSHUiucsUiuttc. sink ft k. aiccs r wlfcliAAtrf BO YEARS- EXPERIENCE HjVIJ J * L J ™ f|V M j . H ■■■■k H I ® ■ Tba d°^t ß '»»»" COPVniGHTS Ac. Aifwww en *H* a sketch and mm* i>nr ii i« «'ir optrion Irro »l|P?!iw an jiifrti'H *• pi"' iHlei'l • r. Utilitl. ll—dtooofcon l'nf> fits pm« IfTJL MTMKT 'tif««*rln.f r*£*«a* i Jjum tk? 4u:ti Muuti & eVj. rt clTe TF* — «4LR', «»» Vhjl EHARWF*. in the StieWiiit Jiimrican. A t.Biii|j»-'WT «:ia«KIH wMljr, rtr «*.tdft"* ««f pßf f J'-nriml. TmfiiA. 93 * f* V ; f s > «I4|», f L huM b/»ll r. KUIIS9 & Co. 3 ®' 3 "—- > Wew York prrnjm Ufacd, tX» v Wa*!iimflon. 11. C. U> «T4r i«r c ur tonlnlcntiai IcMrr kfow ap fijmi f * patcM • it n jjr be VAfUI moucy. Wt gmtmmpil) dtLuto V. K. an«l 1 PATENTS s»4 TRADE MARKS »r retnra n-I • )(}£ tw. -ml Pkvtch « , v%»c Mod a* IMMEDIATE PfcEE "P"~* wo clvcl |W Mt Itfal tm »f* anil advice, and our dufzoi aic ■etlir iitc. Try as. SWIFT & CO., Paittmi Uwyers, •pp. PS. hhsl Oace.Waskisgtw, O.C. BMB sSsff3^EL-3£f ferhaaoßluUM aad advice. Ml H PATENTS *nrC.A.S*OW& CO. * I ill LMjam. WASHINGTON, D C. Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A YEAR Hew Idea Woman's wSr Magazine | g *T*H!S to Die cheapest and best A, FaaMoa M«g»rln» now bo lara Ike Anintan public. It shows New Ideas to Fashions. In Millinery, to Embroidery, In Cocking, In Hfi mn'i Work sad In Reading: benkiily iUustrated In c-iors and to Mack and white. Aboya all, it tfimthe very fashionable New Ice* Srrus. mada from New IOCA PAT ■am, which ocst only iOc. each. * Sod Five Cents To-day IVAABDT corrcf !h> New ICBAWOMAK'S " id MI what craat far to* awy a jwi ciw you. S n axv au rmtantf co. • M «*w tirt. V. T.