! IF YOU una. PUT jK3rftt2sssr£s£S ■ V Willi Ifcw UHVI jnTthTTt nit TI ft -:» r --**f- -afc—nm* if*?} •*r- ' , vW A i-, / 1 yX /v vy ' AI A d/ a w ■r ■ - v Ja |J H"' L _ ' " -I ; ' \ y ;•. • \J u. )7. ,i. ■ ,»*' «U* »*■• »"* i —r /..'r ' 1 - •: , ' Keep this fag* !.*•*..? - fr»h in }"ur »»•«»'.ry: —■* .*' t F«>r Cots, Ma»he3 and all Open Sores, J®* j ! seed only t - apply j. extcan I a lew liiiK*- and 11*'* ami inJ.mnnat w wil j j lie o.ii.j.;. red and iL'c wounded floh healed. * • Tu pi-t tb« beitfrc-sulti you ahoahl saturate a |>iw# • offuA doth v il.'i the liniment and hind it »JIW tk« 1 u.i you a jiouiticc. # •2Zc. f oOc. an.l a WMlfw KEEP AN EYE ON «!***-» aurog yotir t*«ll a« Mtilrn* A liilmbl ■'■ P A Vk»«l »«» «*>•* >*"* T>> ■»■ «#i 1 j| Iff C«lb» C.rtJU*" -MM-' *-• 1 *m ■ -II *1 K.:.«.»n> > ■■■ I& If **i M>A>» Ll jl yU • »~l •!■»*' > ■ IMi VM |j> ** ""***cci. >.«. wmmm.« *'cNil STATEMENT OF HANK «»K MARTIN COUNTY. « AT WIIJ.IAM.STOX, N. C., At tin- close of business on the 30th day of April, 1902 Z KKsvIKCKS: ► LUHUIIB: lum " * >*•««»• «- vn *» r.picl M«k. f m-» «»w iHmft* «VJ7 t- • »»«* v*>» S«»*M t>«lt inl hnHnrtKulnn. '•!» Cef tifcalc* o If+c-Mt «.#»«> IM~ RN*. ITA.C..„.L Kankrr* , T ..,„ „ LFCCIK + + |(»buMl Hank Note* T.SJ® II - ■ TOT AI. f 4* n»I u I. J C C-jlir,!. Caaiikf a# t • if. 'tin Cowrtv f Wtnslf «r*»r iflim) Ikul tfc* |Vrtf State xuf :il i, lmc I ;tb u! r*y kB-KiWfr as-! hcUef. | G aiMrr Hale 4 N jilli taf ilmj—l '* t\ -j ... Hwr-TT-tr rrr.*t r«- I'»f» ( «tl? **s*y f*£ S?*r .* t* >«l C IS -i»li W*R trr K-? --«•■•• ttp /-as Caw Cfefcra-kMca. e 1- u "-■-;■" --r 7 W DMaUllMtn.ai - . *'*""4® flu Iml IMMI tt l U LF AFF C - +* RT A»,I J Rcnal«te» I'*- . •-■ --*Vv -iJi tfct R*ih.StnjliiM ! f ' - ,i . lUOMarfUei , t* "• iUIHWEAST. Jt'* y.' _ r'-.Tf. « O, »T. LOIM. MO. ——— ———- 11 mam am m fcii Mi— I *» Mv i f i«" ... » t rt i -jurtHna ■ (im j' . t -> fko m fmm mm — •** iri— K—i ■■! '.ju ».? >roi■■ »ijl '. (,s.:joolbs. FL! ;iv ' I RON JUST ARRIVED^ Don t lie atraK. •! ■ku.nt' \ >«I l ILIES ilii-. XTIHW. AV xliTTliscd I aia now ; tu I.i! .ill orders on short notice. ( .]-:(). K. DIXON, Rockv Mount. X. C. \Y illiamston. N. C. T IV, T fclaynan DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO., . . Mar.ufactum ct . . KiLj Dried North Glro!:ra P.:x Lurr.tcf, > J» > S t* «»•*»« OZMNIS riv«OK'i BRAND CVPKm SNWCUS WILUAMSTON, N. tf Orders and Correspondence Solicited > > Anotbcr Bi? Lot of Flu; Iron Jast Received ANI» I AM MAKING AND SiIIPPIXC DAILY Tobacco Flues I'llrl fmci ON ' [ fnn t > C-.sttrr Ct-klrat Wagons ek4 Cutß/Msje to Order. —» * • Fur Jc fra . __ J.LW9 .H.P.C. WASHfRGTOf LETTBL . (PMM omt mill Washington, July si, 1901. — An inspection of the executive departments in Washington, and paillcirtarly of those burns* de voted to the collaboration and clas sification ' Of scientific data. Occas ionally leads the thoughtful OUSCT- ! ver to remark "enri bono 4 What: is lo be gained by it*" Kc better in-tance of the value of sock work has been afforded than in the esse «if irrigation law recent!y exacted which has taxed to its utmost re sources the mass of hydrugraph'c information which, for the past fourteen ycais, the Geo!cg:cal Sur vey has been industriously collect ing. With the passage of the lla:.s -brough-Kewlands Irrigation law, the Secretary of the Interior was confronted with the necessity of ,li*l>ursiiig a fund which now ag [gregif«. upwards of j4.000.0c0 acre?. Furthermore, the p«ctis ions of law, anneal reports must be made to Congress showing the progress made. Referring to the herculean proportions of the task imposed on him. Secretary Hitchcock recently remarked that, were it not for the vast amourt of hydrographic data which he knew to he in the possession of the Geo- j logical survey, he would resign j from the Cabinet rather than un- 1 let take to direct a project of such vast extent Immediately the law was signed by the President, who takes the liveliest interest in the execution of its provisions, Mr. IFtchcnck sent for Mr. Frederick N. Newel!, chief cf the Hydrographic Divis'on, and. for acting on !>is ad rice,' issued an order withdiawing from se tle mcnt nine tracts f U.r.d which, f„r convenience, arc known as "pro ject«." These projects are krated in the vi.iuity of the St. Marys river, in Montana, of the Gunnison in Colorado, the Salt and San Car los rivers in Arizona, the Trucker and Carson livers iu Nevada, the Colorado river in California, the South Piatt in Colorado,the Grand in Utah, ai.d the Big Horn in Wyom ing. Rt feuiiig to the extent of the land withdrawn from settlement. Secretary Hit hcock says: "Se lections hav« been made in ad vance in n somewhat liberal man r.« in order t>> allow t:.e consider -citi.>ll of alternate „• }>r» j- vt; Of pio \ 11! f r i:i;f>> esocn contingent icf I? si Tic 1 xjKctation t - pjt i;m- 1 a?t;-. $ .ntmcdiafc'y .n '..t- £»! i - rc t > entry th ? s i.» S i.ee :t «j \ Sufv-eyu g pait:es are w c wnr"»ii-g «ii the M. Mary s ai.J Cus.s.»sjn in dit ■»• hoirul cv a inc the othcis before fni Mr. Newell las gone West t■» coiih> w.th his cnj;iiiee s in the Stehl and v. ith those jirivate an ! iUt? eu ;;iiiCcrS in cor.nccti->n with whom j. lie has herctoiore worked. On h:> return, it is anticipated thc ' ecretary will be ah"-, to make a definite selection of the pioje* t> which which «ill be first di velop ed and announce the a, 1-H atim of the reservoirs to be con structed. ' Neither the Secrctazy ror Mr Newell believes that it n ill lv pos 5.1.1 c to complete the iir gation -t any Uact in less than three y« ais. but after that time usclts willliC att lined rapidly an-l.it is estimated that during the next half century, what is now arid land wII tie re claimed at an average rate of i.- acres per year, which rate, however, will not keep pace with the estimated increase in the population of the Country. With the !e'iveiai.».e of the l_st letter of Secretary Ko»t to the Va tican and the receipt of its acknow lcdgcmcnl. the r.egoeiitions which uovcrnor Taft has teen c idu t ing at Rome have pra, >us I-ended. In accordance «.th the wish e f the Secretary of War. thev will be resumed at some future dale In Manila, where Governor Tat can devota a porti-m 01 bis time to them w ithont interference with his other duties, fo far as the facts l av# been rerealjU to the press, they do cot seem to sub stantiate any claim of decisive vic tory on cither side Th sc poin s. howevrr. whiih have been detenu ined hare been decided in aeco-d aace with the views of r.e a-lmin istnilkHi auil there is reason to hop* frit when th- l.egotiati-.n* a ' li t , a"y conch iled they m ty lie regard as a victory f»r '.me::., n I n*a y. V»&!» a mef ti i ; lictircm fccr * II .jr a>«J *cnor Crmji H ■' Mti-i.t r ii.J Oh j.j. Cteklrittail rrf ihr Wit!fthjt cfrtintrv h"ts l» p tiuuiJ, fx t inj Itc iccv pt bj Mr. Concha of (he approval by his gov ernment of (he steps already takes. Secretary Hay has pone to his summer home in Newbampshire. and has, with considerable "Dip lomacy," made public the state ment that any ofbvc-seeker who follow him there will he courteous- ly received, but will forfeit all chance of appointment. Mr. Hay also informed the newspaper men that th re was no hotel nor other accommodation for strangers in the vicinity of his home. Secreta ry Coitvlyou, acting for the Presi dent, has at cepted an invitation (or the lalt.r. to pay a brief visit to Mr. Hay while on his new Eng land trip. Secretary Cortelyott, who ts BO* in Washington, has completed the Unitary for the l'r-. siients New England an 1 Northwest* rn tnp*. Mr. Ktoicvclt will leave Oyster Bay August tinil for New England and wi 1 return on September Ist On September 19th, he will ica.« for the Northwest, from which he will return to Washington on Oc tober Bth. It is uot certain that he will be able (o arrange for a trip to the Southwest as was anticipated. It is significant cf the quality of the alleged "news" sent out from OjrsUr Bay (hat the President has obliged to deny a rumor to the ef feet (hu( his daughter was engaged (o Lieu. Robert Sterling Clark, of New York. In so doing. Mr. Roosevelt states that Miss Roose velt has no( even a speaking ac quaintance with the gentleman whose name has been so footishly coupled with l.ers. Superintendent of the Capitol, Woods, is pushing with ail possi ble haste tt.e work of redecorating J Statuary Hall, and hopes to hare | the work completed when the G. A. R. meets in Washington in Oe tuber. Work on the House deco meut room is progress : ng rapidly, and it is hoped that every evidence of repairs and improvements win he out of the « ay by the time men Honed. j SAVES A WOMAN'S LIFE. To have given up would have arui! kith far Mr-. I»r» Cnxx.of Ikutknln Jla>». Fur jurs she hail cmlwel nati>M misery from a severe lung trouble •»> oVaiaate coujjli. "Often," »h? «ti:ev "I ct'«l>l scarcely hrc itfcc and mcjetunc*. ormld ait !j*»k All ilm i«*i jcJitooijrt ■I lill I t>tl l)r. > N>» lr. —rrfr=rCorlsd «j- r c-jfcl." ynEticiß m Ciltht C , ' T!:ixt s::d l.iiiijj T ~'>fe i,> »:■«•!( (« i! met .* ; • I'ißj i -i! lijr all ;{.*• ' Pfej and t> '• Ti .u t- ! . I,xx JJlcrsi'B ns Ai: levcU&t. Tfc sr.as Jufvr \\- . • r •;;! - : inventor, hut, cii-;-K"l in Ms 1 1 ; !kf in the naturr.! r ijjjht of all 55L-1 kind tn ttaefnl inrprcveraetsla , without restraint, he newc aj-plx*'. j for a patent. His fir-t original device w.w foldingchair, which he used t•' carry to charch iu early lays, -,»h.:. i services were held in the ' costs i ih'Hisc at Charlottesville an! t!;t - s-ating conveniences w rc incfii cseut. llw gratklaott tei% ns Bow h.- would "mount his li.irsc cariy iuthc morning during t'.te Liit-cr \ cars of his life, canter down t!te j mountain ami across the cc-Kuiry Ito the site of the university an I spend a loiij; day there, directing the work. carrying with him a w.ilk ing stick of his own invention, now familiar to all, composed of three sticks, which, being spread out and covered with a piece of cloth made a tolcraMe goaJ seat " Mr. B icon .his overseer, in his remiimcences says "His servants came with hint taooght a seat, a kind of camp stool of his own invention. After Mr. Jtff-.reon got old ami fcftdc a servant used to go with lrtn and cany that stool so that he coal! sit down whilt he was waiting far anyhody or attending to any work 1 that wa going on." He invented the revolving chair, now a familiar and necessary arti cle of furniture in all office* am! counting rooms. The l : c>itra!i-t newspapers to call it "Mr, Jefferson's whirl i-gig," and de clared that he had devised it "so as to look all ways at once. He also designed a light wagon, or sulky, with a comfortable scat ami two wheels, with which he drove around the country when he was too feeble to ride horsduct. Mr. Jefferson invented the copy . ing press. lf c writes to Mr. iljdi ;oa in 1756: "Ila.icg a greet d> sij.e to hav? a portabk cr, ying icachiue, and havin - tu.lieJ «?v_ nn»c exfcrinKnts with the priotf !> of la:#* mocluiuK E «.t.lc \o X-i ply iu the uiunJr cus, tjbaipl o:i -u\ and had it taade. It aswers i«fectl>*. I haw set k they air of such dwail that he has Iris bards fell. I send you one. Yoa nest expect to make many eteays before yon succeed perfectly. A "oft brush, like a >4ariug brush, fc more auttt-v/ty tLia a sponge." He wo seat a copying pro» to tfct: 3£3ts{B2& de Lafsycttt as a fttMct Aaothci of his inventions tra* a acmphcvak. which he ssys "ha? kog been wanted by the cdtrvss- I uxs of hemp, and as 9ws *•> I can *:sak of -As effect with certainty I shall describe it anonymously in the public pa;*_Ts. in crri r to fere ssall the prtMration of its tint bj s«ceiat«fc- ! ir.R patentee." Hi. anata a pedoracter to : u.»>ui the ii-~tancc te walked. Ht •Hfcsst cue to Jams Uadbon. -Jiitn the following otptaa-tttry *et?»sf. "To the loop at tli£ boitOD. •ji it you i3u«t cw a tape, sad at j , the eXht-J end of the U*pe a saial*, Look. Cut a little bole in the bot torn of Toor left watch rocket, pass i the hook and tape through it, ami k>an between the farcer lies sad dnien, sml fix the hook on the edge of jour Lace ai! incL frees the knee buckle; then hook the iiKtruiaciit itself by its swivel hook, ox the upper edge of your watch pocket. Your tape being adjusted in hugth. your >teps will be exactly measured by the instm mem." Hh most important invention was a plough. Mr. Bacon, hb awweer. ays: "He was rerv in gcnicßv He iawnUil a plow that was cmsidtiKl a great improve stent on any that had ever beer, used. He- gc>t a great many prv arams acd medals for it. Hi planned his own cat riage, build iiig*. garden and fences and mam other things He was near!) always busy upon soaie plan n — otVl " Jefferson's plough received a golt* ■edsl in France in ijyo. During his Kuropcan tours he had beet struck with the waste of power caused by the lad construction o' the ploughs in common use. Ih> part of the plough called tlu "mouklboard." which is above tht dme and turns over the tart i. settled to him the chief seat of er ror. and he spent many of th kisarc hours cf his la«t tvro years i: Fnsrc hi envi>!ving c taotdJboan I srhs-fc »h «Vi offer the minimum !v* He setif tht angina* I ta the Sovnl Agriculture-. I ;• ';?«*- ***-. T*-efc A ia to New' York. sr. . \t_-.u yean afu "'r !s the m Ij M.t,t 3..2.1 a superb j«u! ■ V ; ,V, I V .C'.TIUS IV-VS.. I ~2i s JI-.JA inters *r.u r.tl!;«. j | fsi-?;. :.i, ut • Th-t. 1 r- . I '■»; k> tf. • '-bfy fur iVrt V>3 nw« ; J ■-*;» fr> thu.a.xMtMm t»| J ; ' •'_»! u E«»t ojosij aparta. N« IteWilt*.'. V.*suh Ifsw'J I Irr tjai.-Wy jhw # r« j»; -"V 1...: r-f A >«- . «c«. j " «■* «•«*, ar*«i» a»'. \r -»u *'l B:«l IX- . ; Vl; i '.V.: !i Mvi fie * .-ns, cat, j j hex. . »-i»> L. B Jt-iiiisoa, c I ISi :.V Tt v !t i- lbc tut remedy on t& 1 I fsuitt." >3if cji\ iur |#ik » and Air 1 I JtHMHL Bcwdt uf tva:.t_rfcits. S. K j »S«SS;4. v . as I A FIWIEX, Muapr- AMERICAN AND - -- - . EUROPEAN PLAN I iS to ?S Prat Street, . * . j .• . BALTIMORE. MD j Hiorouglily Renovated anri pal in First-Cla'i Order. -vi UMVERSITY Of North Carolina. 0 THE HEAD of tha State's Educational System to Acakuir Depart meut. Law, Medicine, Phannacv V* kam.lir.l ajd «v>t srkihnliifr Fr.e t nliiq ta tflirra a«J to atari ki' ;-*««. bwst tar lie aeeily. 5*3 Siiks\ F4 iESlrßcirn Xc-sr !"■ rail rf j Wv Ctttei lic-ins-Sv a»ni ! i F=ls Sera Sep" : Jc* S, jq, j. Ai|M^ P. Yeaabfe, Prcs't. Ciajci luß. If. c. ■ •• -. -• ::-v ; 5 i,. ■ - ->w.. "' ' ' J ■i— I mi" , ■■■ ■■ rf—^ i A Kjrsc^loas . Feat, *T stesK.S tMtt sz&Bg ifccrt ; cf * " : If crclj ::tu iry '«rrle ; d*.- r fan s«? tn.'racfy cf , •, * £ *yi C;r» Maria:! A. ]| If * ?■&&£*. rf dwrtker.Kju. « " - ;a tars ysan old fhe was ; rr - ...ks-.ifcowcl j traeH: taj fjj*c dl« t?MU 1 ci ci t bdt pHpJdics we co«U i ixz+iJt. thi err# graJua2jr I r.;w ssd s-3 p jictocci] ia | aKiisa. A fricid isSrcrd , xS'l- Nervine ar»J after goring it a few dry* th; icjic .o iapore ci final ly t-'.r ntcorrrci She it bow p*ii £.c yiiii of sp a*! the vaj future oi htiah." Set- It «-U Dniu>>M> >. Us*x Urasd Ce-EMnt. M. FREE s T r"T ==-n^:r-rrrrr:- 5u be T 6 The . Great - American - Farmer INDIANAPOLIS. IND. The IjtadinK Agricultural Journal of the Nation. Is Edited by the HON. JOS. 11. BRIGHAM, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture of the United States. Assisted by an Abie Corps of Editors > > > 'JMIIS valuable journal, in addition to the logical treatment of all as rkrultural subjects will also discuss the great issue of the day .there •v adding rest to its columns and giving the farmer something to think bout aside from the every day humdrum of routine duties. fwO Br The Price of One: "TIIE ENTERPRISE," Year County Paper, and THE AfIERKTAN FAR.IOR Both One Year Per 01.00 Thu ivcr jinude to all new tr*. and all ril *t c* . - 1 irs aed rtucw v. .■- *. J v »s-rp!e ~ j_ ' t ,, ■ . •*-—i ' - .. \'TFRPR!S>:, *V Wtom tcnl At CL p* in 'n aa! ili t ~4\ B s - ''V O! p J « ■ I i-• • if !- -7 - :jl i iacunVr - • '• • 3 1 ni Mem • '2! n | the £3l c • cro:£ pa rr.**.* r jj ITHC Wt. ■CY , I MHmw, tim. i«c a wo) I XSSBI I rlt " I Iyp—»•' . I ■ tapa *: ' i '.t i. - c a- r «| . _. ... - | f -.s7£?A' Wmwl i—l il **" wc ~* CT, ""'* o . g m,m> . n I\t H»lv V 1 «»» IKx-i rulwr.Jnnimry. I>hnuir -r >' .(vh C . OOuOO !l | A;-!.!, \!',y •* |,. m . UtOIMM X I UtecclVßilaJ.,!. , A-.:ivtV ;«;.amU-r .. MUwOO S* ill:; ii lxtei &>o&co is set .U'i 5' • -------- i • | 4taouit -■ i - i m rti i}| ) 11 T-ti'viT 'iviui tcrrtjiKi'. ttrirpicrniau.TCiTiiitMWß. • " 1 wen- f.iiitHr- •• ; - • .St «j le* ;m.!i », ort-r.-r».» - >rai«U >3 ; «a>wii3c»=»jimniii« ■■ . 11 iir *■»»■>■ Jb IoRDE fl RICTURE UY NUriOCR ON LY. ■ a * **• imx u. tnit r«. c.ti a*. mu £»l fml—lilM M-fefc?- iim 2,r—t : . »*.•* PS .iS i**i. . K-Ss«a 2ts-e. -s.wjAy i!i-««3a J »*"« i FH 2 i til.m Can«rl cfanM on CrrVr I. »i r-t ".-I J i.«_ >3 TW!BA.jP»-m_a ' C^rLiTsl Ht? I i. . : tn>tua> T« « !»leb»-9i-: »i C_ -i.il! r-.uc- - iL4:nuM:JSata. Ta O.J U*lK«btr armr-t 'iw- -)BC«tr Ulcr»w!-:ii_i: J* Ifc'-l.'r.c !.T3.3?.1f, i. N;rl.\>.ui«.|,ll 2UM "C i«n i pi liir—Tl .« .i.ia.-, » vhat» *(« _. rT „ ...* w:ciat---«.«SCT» Ib« mm~* a* *3l. -j-U'ej uM yeg. J j| BUs(ea«U.:«a. im in> ran. Uiis ud-Ts: .jrc« " " liiii i i|b«l«»l lA taeiattt. Oititir ?irai if i-i c k " _ V wmw-wmgiajigKMnuH?Ußtaata!tgiia»ißM a OitUibblankoutanduss i- r tn - ,- lf „ ,| rtl „, IWmm: I k rs.-r. r4 nrtx rrl» I '. ' , —; —> rl "■ 1* II ihm. ItMtemln I ko>~l: J ! totbuiulni II I 111 ' T hmm for. I. 1901. I. >»i». I. iri. »k.- I ' » I I I ,5 ——BmnuriS ,;-.L.im» im.—nr... !* »««■■»• om U» |jm» q«a»l up». IIOU.IIMM -S 'A Smmfr fiM. Jl MIwNtvMV. J r.» „ ' fc 3 m UlMwh. I.IV- , -*• » ;; I - f»e-- - -J m rat u ic «au* t x rc. *• » Tl» Enterprise one ycai > CI.OO \JLs£ ' •a MM T'~ nil -> - ■ M: -** ■&• ~ Befi af: |jo>> - s& I CHy 4al Gt«: ": , Csvf, VSC *i I/- - ■ " • .* -t; -■ f. • • gcaiy *-! |rw»—»»l ; ■ ■-■•-»f-rra» ss-J C»s Sflacfc «•»?. *». - tr-i, - UA!) # - 'V S«C-ST. I-••»•«* «KA ■-_ r*rt» I. - t '- -5m I" —*;•«■ ITw rr m*(aM er*^; v i , . Hei Sivcr RSvssiee, F.y;T*t(4 fck -"3 13 «a»*9* u »"•>' ".-J -I'l r» «• t . - !«( -T~ac}«d fc: t_s» natt-p? oJ wis carrta*. b 'W| CmS« Can, ■ricr a* i.i— lit'» -t.' «•' r>wt. Wan j. M i»lu«m- -XU u u -g.^adalMMMl '■2M U4 I* i>»'Wl

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