VOL. IIL - Na.47. f\ HARDWARE. / I A. B. FARQUHAR'S / I J N, tn|ines and Boilers. ./^•/ I f X I 11 ii/ i $ & 2 I m? 2 111 oi o I t J /#>/&\ *l' 51 w ■ 1 J B >| 2 /&>/* « 1 30 1 Harve«lta| HI I / Tarm Implements. I / t'tyy' BUIIMNQ MAfEMIALS. y£- .. if 1 NEW BANK BUILDING I DAIgY DEPARTMENT. j| 1 doa't know of aay aabject ■are thdy thaa how cattle of all kiada ahoald be traatad white Ifa. od nfah Mat formers fa ia Wtthm •u ran tagether—Calves that are fad by hand excepted—many or large or aaatt, jaat aaepaa toto aad generally tea maß far gggggg SSsSsSs-A U tbaiaM bdUmfaa ban SfaMhagaaa rXmofSTkUW —' 1 1 » ' drr t rnw * Thfa ia no ewerdrawa pictare. How tea a cow gh« e good yield Ualm they get e at fafcfanj feed aad hi -- r »"Aa xwa® •*>■*•■** faaaaakfa weather prevaib two ar three weeka * MMafafa the yfafd aad are the the ate vacated. Thfa faa batter I hopa thaaa will try k. •at off the Madea of ria/isli'lh aa iaah high, aad probably destroy athea Jaat pceptag oat. Ma days, f hft to grow, wuaM farafah taraatythaes a aach feed and as > faiary to the roots. Paopfa MU of leaks md loaaaa aa the fana, bat ton dose grazing fa tba biggeat OH I kaow of. Thn; thara faabifcMk AM{aha4jr iag from scours, etc., bat it fa gen erally thaw that lead their oon nth a t% lot of itfailnia( mom tnma of diCereat kinds that audcea th* uilk rank pofaan to their off apriag. Cahrea fna aach pay ered matroas are aa good aa atck at With. Cowa ahoald be lad ahaoat Hdinijr aa whatyaacaa raiaeoa yoor owa farmland thea. hke oea- If cafaaa get the aooaia m atir •oar la their mm aulk, aad on gagrrirg «f iaarandaatoraaly. bail it aa til hard aad whea cool cat iato food aN the nil. Thar have a aammfat dtom. thaaw^hd*. hat toe caald greatly favaatu in Ma, Field and mdiltrn^XaltfaaSeaf aryfant»~aavaW-B- INMM. * faa y_«*QW to n—M >m m afato vkftWMiiNdHa. tataa ftottoWHMaalii n fan himaaila m." Bar tote di wrthMiftaWhiTe Witch ■ illilnia awmMMmiaa a m. a. ®jjf ®nterpist WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15,190 a. Rev Ok far SUawd Mtt. Aa ingenious aiind haa audethe | dfacoeery that aa esceOeat fasa* far glaring fine paper caa be mde bom ebiaiawd aulk ia place of the eapenain glne formerly Med. The milk to be aaed in thfa my fa pat la a eat. treated with cheaacafa aad heated aatlcatd fa | found; the card fa thea waihrd. pressed aad coaveyed to the head quartet? plaat. Her* itfagraaad 1 iae aad pat ia a large aad hapni ad dryiag kila, vhere.it fa dried ia aboat tardea hours; thea it fa bag gad aad fa mdy far ahipmal— Daamaata Family Maganaa. Com afll ghre mon mlk aad af better qaabty if lad aad aailhed Mm'j. TO MY ranotngL ft fa «M fay T Mi yea afal Sadat did Mr m f aaa MaaMad afa ay adahadja aaa halail fU fa^olry^y!'v'faM.'waa. MaeMfc •fa. Sadat dfaaaia ear gaed Mad yea eat Mee dm «Mw aaafa. * L Dmrfa—Mr. DaMttle-I vegat daarf paara oa ay place that yon caa't git three af 'ea tola a gaart Mr. liaMiay—Maaph! That's ' aathia'. Up ham, right aatia \ ay gardaa, fat gat a Mtffaafaeaf a dwarf pear tm that thfa yaar : it had jaat aae pear on it. on'if 1 yoa'dbetiere It. do yaa think thgt 1 pear hep* oa a growia' till it finely lay an thegiaaad anpadfadthe whole dnraed tree ap by the raata. 1 I That'a what I call groaia' pears. PARMSB'S DEPARTMENT. Facte tor Fanacc*. Doa't cultivate the corn too late. YOB win cat the roots. We would advise (coding calves fimm tin or galvanized paila. If the calf win not drink—and saaae will not—starve it to do it Overripe grass is woody, not fit foraaiamla. Cat when it when it bIoOfMS M | » Cat the (raw whan the blooai is w—d yen win pnnn i the argaaa. When the raiaoaeaae he snre to Can't pnt ash on hay- It has mm «fct and awkn Th» P»annif»efagoodornam in>oy mmkm it aM the am pain- MhtotheadMl Cbiu hay hnhwind per cent hatter than Hawtti fat an par pome in feeding slack. No need of baying hay capa from people who aril thane things. Get A Wend power. run by a big da* ar calf. «HM da the rbaiaiag an «■! save Dots of Übor. Theauly way •« boy Wader twine |» trdnfc «|ite mi demand a ladnctian in price. Thn aeOemaf hiadem twinanae gettiag «he farm in.—Western tMrtarM. Thare is a rich fMU and • poar field an nearly tansy iaraa. The ether fielfis are sdfiar so good aa the t*m nor *o Ind at- thn worst. The mart Carmen kaov; but their prnctiae tan often h dfHaunt from •hair konulndgi. Thn poor field is treated jnat tthn the rich field. TW argalar (an rotation is prac tised alike in lath. A good crop is the rale in the fritihi field, sad nothing bat a pear crafl ia expect- Ed from the poor field. Aa much labor is required for glow tag the grain oa an acre of the poor field as on aa acre of the liest one. Fanners ibould study the pecu liarities of each fiekl oo the fprm. It is necceatsry to know theai be fore it is posaible to fans theaa to the best advantage. The fanner who pleats potatoes ia a field where the toil is cold aad heavy, or who soars wheat on low bottom lands liable to overflow aad freez ing, will not be paid for hia labor. The field with the southern expoa ure shaald be planted to cam be fore the oae which lies toward the North. In the former caaa the plants will have considerable foot ing before the acorchiag heat of Jaae. If there is a field oi heavy black baa which is dai idadly waxy ia textare, it woald hatter he plowed before the ttarn of freez ing is paat in the spring. If wheat ia sown in a field liable to wash in to gallics daring the winter aad apring. H win pay to aow timothy seed in thcae hoUoao with the If my wheat was as rank aa it ia aaidto be in anny nuathaia aad eastera States. I woald certnialy tarn Mock on it. It ia alamat nn universal cnatom here, bat aakm judgement is amd, harm amy fol low. Too amay leave their aback on anttt April. Quite a pnmber had ao wheat to cut oa thin account this pear. I think slack should be taken off tefore nheat begina its spriag growth. No proper teat has ever been made ha*, becauec thorn who follow the practice pas ture all tbeir wheat. The right way would be to take two fields alike in aU respects, paature owe and let the other alaaa. Even thea owe ) ear's let might not be coudarive. The ground being ao \ dry mom and the wheal short. I thiak it has enough to contend with without being truaped and cat shorter by stock. —S. C. Banatiae Oklohoau Co., Okla., ia New England Homestead. IT NEEDS A TONIC. TkmmlhwvlM yam linr Bands a look. Dnt|in puptim thai gripe aa4 mka DeWhta Little Early Klan nyd all poison ham tlw system ■4 act as toalc to Ike liver. W. Seatt, jji Higklaad Ave., Milton, Pa., anys: "I kave carried DeWHt's Little Earty *W sss sritk am for aaaaral years aad aarii ■at be wttkoat tkam." BiaW and easy to take. Partly vegetable. They ana {ripe or diaftraaa. S. ft. HRL Mertb Carolina Arricattanl Expert scat Statlaa. B. W. Kilgore. Director. PRESS BULLETIN No. • "CtMtft lulu," Last year considerable waa aaid ia the praaaof tbe State ia regard to cabbage anakea, especially ia tha. cabbage factions of the Wcatacn part of tha Stale. Kaceattf aa item teahMa going the inaad of (he aewapapeas eoacaraiag asappoead ia a baad of thia popular ttphblp by a lady la Swain Conaly, Nofth Carolina. Tha allegad eaake waa aaat to the North CaroUaa Depart meat of agricullure lor iadentifca tioa, and peoved to be the coaaaaon aad luoffenaive "Hair Snake" or water worm—gordiua variabilia. Thte ia not a snake bat a nema tode warm which during some part of its Itfa la aa intestinal peraaiteof tha cabbage caterpillar, grasehoper aad aoaaa other iaaecta. It ia of tea found ia samples of water from shallow wells, horse troughs and panda. Ite preaence in water indi catea that the water ia not fit to dtink, but the worm itaaif la aat poisonoua nor in aay way danger ous to human beings. The popular name "Hair Snake" ia given to thia worm aa ite great slendernesa. which has givea rise to the fanciful idea that a horse hair has been trana formed into a worm or "snake." Though this worm ia often a foot in length it ia never as thick as a knitting needle. Its color in water is usually drab, but when it livea secluded from the light it is genet ally white, hence the specific name variabilia. Snakea properly so-called, belong to the backbone or vertebrate se- of animals; whereaaJJte tine worm, belong to the banbonelrsa or invertebrate series. We have no saakea as alender as a knitting needle, or it any way resembling a slender worm. We have no nem atode worms which are visible to the unaided eye that are parasitic on human beinga. Neither are they venomous or poisonous. They are. in fact, naeful, in so (ar aa they de stroy noxious insects like cabbage woraaa aad grasshoppers. Even shoald such a woim be left in a cabbage, cooking would render it uaaoticcable, and aa it ia ao poiaoa no one need be afraid |e handle or eat cabbage on account ef tha mythical ••cabbage snake." GER ALD McCARTHY, Bioligist. N. C. Dept. of Agriculture. Nora.—The Station will be pleased to iadeatlfy further aptonseus. aad would ha glad to have aay mm* taace ar euggeetione that will ea able it loobtaia definite iafonaa tioa regardiag caaeaof poisoning from "Cabbage Saakea.'* JUST LOOK AT BKFT. Whence rasas that apsiahtly step, (aaltlesa ah la. rirb may tmylnin. ■■tiltag lace. Ska looksaadfaek good. Bere'a her secset. Skeaaea Dr. Kiag'a New Life Pill. lesaH,—all orgaaa ac tive, iHgnlina good, aa hitter bra, ao ckaaae for "blacs." Try Item jmaM. Oaly ajc at aay drag slot*. McDafle'e Whib Haaal feet Hsalsr a oae o 4 tke iaeat baby (cadets hasaa. area p|ithl) Lnlitdthn iaitiat relief. 2} CENTS. ' Lamg Plaster ha cetfaaa earn lav akcap lag cough, easy aad ceesfwtekle. week akile you iliip. as cans. WHOLE NO. 151. SaawASKaa LODGR NO. 90 A. P. & A- M.. awti in regular communication la tke ball every second and fourth Tues day sights at 7:50. W. H. Ham 11 W.M. S. SL Inn, S. W.. It. 11. Taylor, J. W., Bw. Sec., C. I>. Carstatphcn, Tieasi. Mr.G. Taylor. S. D.; H. M. Bur lap J. D.;T. C. Cook and A. F. Taylor, Stewards, A. W. Ckary, Tiler. IS TELLOW POISON !?Z*r. btoo!,? P*»y*«c«sna call ■ rlalsrlal Oerm. It can be Keen ckaagiag red Maod yellow under aairraicopa. It works day and atgbt- lint, U tares your cont fteslsa j aMe a. Ckilly, aching aaaaatleats creep down your hmhbaaa. Voa (eel weak aad MKRTS' CHILL TONIC wB atep the trouble now. It antera tha Mead at once and aim aaat tke yellow poiaoa. ■f aaglactad aad when Chllla, Fevers, Night-Sweats anil a gen eral break ■ 4awa come later on, Rakerta* Tonic will enre you tkaa bat wky wait ? Prevent tatara slckneaa. Tke manufac tnras know all ekont this yel low peteaa aad hava perfected Retorts' Tonic to drive It out, nenrlsk year system, restore eppstlta. partly the Mood, pre veat aad cava Chills, Fevers and Mateila at has cured thous ands—lt vft care you, or your measy hack. Tkte tetelr. Try ft. Prtea. 2S eaata. - ♦ Far aale by Eli Gargaans aad Anderson, Ifaaaen A Co. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoo eat-^j Thia preparation contains all of the dlpeataaU and digests all kinds of food. It givea Instant relict and never telle to cure. It allows you to eat all tke food you want. The most sennit ITS Miasm hi can take It. By its use many Iknammts of dyspeptics have been euud after everything else failed. Ia ■awiiislhd fur the stomach. Child* ran wltk weak atomachs thrive on It. Pint dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Otete afl ataaueh troublaa "WSSiSMKB. a a. aiotis TOADS: MARKS 'RHHRT DESIGNS • rrvv'' COPYRIGHTS AC.' AfM aaai I>h • Aketrli anl dMcrlutton map Mlefell iMartalTi our Oftfnit.ti froo whothrr an haw—llnm la pc««te>hly patentable. Conimunir.-v Mi lfWlf niwtiantiaL Handbook on I'atniu tad fm. (Meal Marry *or awurtii,? |«utrtiia. fad—la lakaa tlruuiib Sluun & Co. receive «arWaeftw. amkoat cl.anr©. lu tha Sdtaflfic Hmerican.i A taiaMMlf RhMUitdd vacklf. Idiwt (Hr —ltun t«t mmj artowtUif joumiiL Tuitiia, f) m far: twrnty. tL Bokl byall pawning— %• writ* far aar coafldmtUl Ipltrr befnre sp tlfinv a* Ml—>: H mar be worth money. W. ofataia U. tf. aad Furulga PATENTS tea M lagAl am ha and advk«, and our »PL 8.1 Pteaal Oftes.Waslilaßtoe, D.C. IWiiil K II H 111 tivfkh( VM Hi nut or improve \ Also fft \ Ml N PATENTS i w rO.A.BHOW& CO. \ PMIMU ■■!■■■ wawmarow.DCa ! ******** Badaccd to FIFTY cmrrs A jjplh Woman's iSiL MagaaietSJ THIS W tea cbaapaat and bast I haUaa "-f now bo |SNAa Amerinaa pabMn. Hshows May MM m PtaMoo% teMimnery. te ambroldary. t& Cooking. In Mw 1 \\ ITate aad te Raafing; baaalMh teaakatad te colors and te Man aad vha. Above all. It dMaatea vasy toMonable New IDBA kaa, aaada haai New ICCA PAT saaaa, ateck coat oaly tOe. each. t M PHe Co)ts I tenaaadaikvbuWiiau'i Baaa. aa an vfea craat valaa kedaaaae Baa (toe yaa. a raa aaw ou reax-isania os. eee Baaedwea, Saw Tark, s. T.