VOL. 111. - NO. 49. A. B. FARQUHAR'S ;S / I ihMf Engines and Boilers. ' / / \ II \vS>\ /rsy I ■ v, > Buggies, Wagons, Harness, / f-a i B " • \ Quits and Ammunition. / A / "TP fcj |Ua IDC 0 \Q\ PAINTS //sy f> I i" is | yc/mMS IP a J % /k/JtK s 1 %> w ! IDC a | > e w M > I I"• 'So /J*-/ xfx\ , ci I I f 1 McG)rmick \e\ 2 I I I Harvesting Machinery. ml I ar m Implements. I I ■'■/&/ m iLDI.W MATERIALS. i || I / / IN NEV-' l-'AN,K'Bi:ii.!)ING « S '\ 3 | J. PAIL SIMPSON, Manager | SUMATRA TOBACCO, Ts be Grswi la Forth Carcilna -el m- • lateral u tite Farmers The follow special was print tjin the Hal a Post from V." iagtoa a few * i\s ago. It will be oC special int> - tto farmers : The eahur- of Sumatra tolmcco "is North Ci;; .I iua, the growth of ■hkh has yi;'' fl net profit of one thottssad an -ere in other States, wssdneossc' - 6 day by Represent- ■ • with Piofessor Whitney of * 1 - department of a.T risalUMc. -is was tin: ,'e. ire of N«rth Caro'.ni to '^finrl 1 — tes with the growth rf CakM and 5v.; ;atra tobacco in his . district. He had benrd of the ef fortaof (he di-pirtment of ?gricult are ia expe- with the |uwtkaf tht-c fine toSie-.t. in the States *f Qou 'iicticut, Pe:injylva afa aa4 where most remark- j able —cll—' h«s been obtained. Professor Whit " aey that his district rfh possibly ~ bW- coo producing scc - tasa ia the South air! hi expressed -ix.ru eould fje sent ■ hess4syth» ■ of liutnicti:ig w the farmers 1 pja p to grow this ex-, tra qtplity at tohacco^ Wnfcwr ' '"'v y'-i answer was very'lavoral-: r bat he is handicaf -1 ped ia his ftecco culture experi ments .by reason of the fact that - W Mcl at the last session io UB am;ilt provision for this - «orf. ** ' . in the cnltun. - aI Svastrs JJuxi -were first I*- " gaa hi Cam -/letit, then ia Ohio "•aad ' lit Sa s rr ' salted an.l n the growth of th»s . lulstgu is a - ' e:ab!islie»l indus try h>aash %' in a gtttrs. Three - exp ita am* -to iScTic and ! Cfcit i petted ",oob aa'acri .' . c r i . It jraa l iU.on or the parttaeul fc» a parlypf petts to Xona '_:no!i«a this yeai ! ;t . - I .- gr > 1 ' : to b g n (xp-riiwrii dth 1-cth , Cu'-a and Hinili tpNiccO* . !• _t the fail tire of Connie la make the necessary appropriation jmcWed this. However, l'mfcsajr Whit ney sent a lot of C«!ian and Suma tra tobacco seed to Pioftj*6r Kil gore lo j»; euerimentcd with on the U :t farm of the State agiicul- department _in, !•", j K ., malic county. It is UMler.tund that a cc.p ffagrean, ami it is Pro fessor Whitney's in: ntioa to send lan expert lo the State togive in ! -Iructior; in curing this crt p. Only an expert can cr.rr Sonjitsa tol*ac | co, for it has to through a pro cess ot kracntatiM. Profe«-or Whitney toid r.ic that the section beginning in Wake and fxttmlirC direct to . Cravin wax possibly the best adapted to the growth of Snraatr.l tn'iacco in North Caro'ina. He frankly stated that upon the result of the experi ment at the test farm depended tbe future culture of Sumatra tobacco in North Carolina. If it is suc cessful next years party of experts will be - cut to the State. to my frien'dt. It is with joy I tcl! you what Kotlul dial fur I was IrjuUcd with any ktoawch frv several a%bths. rpiittini; to «k t,AJ * -f 8 * "* > .*"'T.n*nV cannot tell the good it has Joac nie. A nrtghlxji Lad dyspepsia so that U had tried must no) thiag- I told bun to wae KwW Wonb o t jnlltak have come i tone fnitt him Iccanc I recuromeedcd it.—Geo. W. Fry. Viola. lowa. Health and I tivafcth. r.f ariad and body, depend oa the iltkA, and no: n~.il activity of the flix?«tive o:ps& IldU the Rrrat rni'E lrcdivc tonic, enfes all stomach ami l-m*l tmulJci, dy*pt-;>- mi~>. Ki«W iij'ib ssjr food yirr, cat. Take a dice t'UT meals. & K. S*i£RS- a » ' 1 Notion Ddar. "fc'hat Ls the matter willt Bill-?" i "Worrying jrerbMiao^Tjfiw I JWn't Lnor. Le baJ any hnsi T I eco.." •Tfc.fi K; be b-*a i.- ilx. I 1 ~\YILLIAOX, N. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 49, 190 a. | GOOD ROADS CIRCULAR f o 3 i Chap®. Hjix, N, C , Aug. 16, The following inK-re-iting infor mation is takvii from the recent ar ticle entitled "Rond building with Convict I.ahor in the Southern jStates," by Prof.. J. A. Holmes, and will lie of mini mi to those fa j teres ted in the Good Roads amend nicnt i:i North Carolina : Portable frianr. on wheels arc now in use hi Several I.xilities. These movable jails appear to solve the problem of preventing the escape of convicts employed at great distances from their prison proper. In exterior appearances they are freight car bodies provided with barred windows, and mounted ujion wagon trucks. As the road improvement progresses the-/ are drawn forward by horses ami col lected in some convenient grove or open field, selected as tbe temporary prison camp. Morning »n«i even ing cfihvicts are marched along the road from and to their quarters. To facilitate their being safely guarded during the night without too great risk and expense, each prisoner, when be goes to bed. has either one foot or one hand x.taua clrd loosely to a chaiu or rod from which he can lie easily released following morning. 1 iers of banks inside comprise the sleeping quarters. These sir easily and cheaply made comforta ble. Ample veatilation.is afforded in summer and during the cold montfcfi tUrre ia a stise ki each can Ojle of ilscse portable prisons, wlwl can I** »SsjifcteJ intCsr.' ! i Jttljwis, js is use on the |' ''"4 rosi; w Satlh Caro!:"*n i ( of "tic! incnHe jails can he ■ hti.e.l t» wcgpuhtt fifty 1 j • r. >. V- ;ud cnls are of ] | HjH-1 !a section, j -The roof i-ori, is a'.-or 1 Migrf lints are tis>«U iu Glaicsi r" V 1 " I Women pr -oneis d» the cooking etui washing of ->me migratory prison camps. Tb'R wbrK is us ually done, however, by trusty ma:t con\"icts. and in some cases it is performed by hind lal>or. The younger pi i-oticr-. are usually as signed to tasks as the carrying of water or the running of errands. A ball and chain arc attached to convicts who show a desire to es cape. While tliL-se encumbrances make it impossible for a prisoner to run tapidlyr they do n t seriously hamper his movements during the regular road work. J Critics of the convict system of road bcilJing say that it offers to many opportunities for,the escape of prisoners; as a matter'of fact, however, the annual escapes amount to less than two men out of each hundred Almost 300 counties representing ten States, employ convict labor upon their roads. This furnishes an army of ■4.377 road builders, each of whom costs his State jj'i cents a day. I Were he left in tlie county jail be wonkl cost 1 % cents more a "lay He is a cheaper article toil ing upon the roads titan languish ing in a cell or jail van!. All told, the cost of convict labor in these Stabs ranges from one-third to one -1 half that of lured labor employed in the same work. ' The Southern States employing convict road builders are Florida, Kentucky, Ixwisiana. Mississippi, I North Carolina, Sooth Carolina, Tennessee. Texas and Virginia. !la the twe Carolina* and Georgia such a p> rfcction of systems is reached tb »t large o inp. arc oper ated ?t cost of only 20 toy) cents | ;tr convict r*r day. Provision" re p::rchisrH for th: prison cur.:;,. ; at-V.hofe:3i i.' competitive fue com-jto do their •wMcQcjgingj u-.vl washing. (jwuig totheasssHyj :;iai of the cantps and Jt of.exircie tj til? j-r«s --cu;s thcccst of medical itlci.lkm is almost nothing. Another virtue of th? system is that the prisoners, i.fter injuring their cor:immiitk-> the commis sion of tlu-ir crinu-. r.:id after ad disig to its fiiianci-d burdens by in curring expens? for t! cir capture, conviction awl puiv ' m.-nt, are put in a position t- 1 em-fit that community. Having served an af prctiliceship in th li.nulling of road building matlii: .ry the con vict leaves prison with a training which enables him to« trn a better living titan he probably made be-j fore. Only prisoners con- Vted of mis demeanor . can lie a?s: ;iied to work on the public road ■ of Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennes see, Louisiana, Missi -ippi, Texas, Florida and (leorjia. The terms of such convicts do not usually ex ceed one year. In Alabama an able bodie l male fri oner whose terms do not exceed two years, may be sent to the roads. In South Carolina the limit is five years and North Carolina ten. *•' An experiment is now being made in some Southern counties in the employment of the roads of captured, bet unctii.\ icttd prison ers, unable to give baiLlfthe prisoner be acquitted at his trial he is paid for his services. If con victed his period of labor on the roads is deducted front his term. Many convicts in the Southern States are employed on farms, in factories or in mines, lieing worked under the lease or contract system, or in some cases under State con trol California convict, quarry an J. crush Stcme for use H permanent road building. Tb tis half of what it wcul 1 be w 'tired labor. Strong stockades s' . ronrd these guanlu, the c-r. tot quarters. Th- ;.rce;itige c." capes is no larger than that e:: cricuced in jail; proper. I There arc over JL",:XXJ prisoners in confinement witliin this country. Seventy six tho»i*=and of the* are men, rj.nw white. Thrre are seventy-three thn-isin.l inmates of alms honwt, 41.*».■» of iriMman m.-n. With snc'i a force every county in every State might «lcvelo;> its highways to the highest degree of perfection. JUST LOOK AT IfER. Whence came th.it sprightly step, faultless skin, ruh rosy complexion, smiling face. She look sand feels (food. Ilere's her secret. She uses 1)|. Kind's New Life Pill RCOTM.—*II (npn» ac tive, iligc&tion goul, no be*"iaches, no chance for "blues." Try them yourself. Only 2Jc at any drug store. Jurors for September Conrt. FIRST WKKK —JAMESVII.I.K TOWN SHIP. S. J. Pern - , John H. Riddick. Win. A. Stubhs, John A. Ward. WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP. Wm. A. Cherry. nBIFPIN TOWNSHIP. Simon D. Criffin, Wm. G. Hard ison, Geo. R. Hardison. BEAR GRASS TOWNSHIP. John W. B.iiley, H. R. Jones. Wm. J. Cowing, Win. D. Perl, L- T. Holiday, James T. Harrison. ROBKRSONVILLE TOWXSIIIP. J. 1,. Kverett, W. 1.. Kverctt, Ahner liverett, W. T. Grimes, W. C. Powell, W. A. James. POPLAR POINT TOWNSHIP. J. R. Legget, J. A. Pierce. HAMILTON TOWNSHIP. P. H. Davenport. GOOSK NEST TOWNSHIP. S..W. Casper, Alex Haiftlip. WILUAUSTON TOWNSHIP. John D. Biggs, Jr., H. D. Cow hig, W. C. Kirhy' Jos. L. Roher son, W. R. White. Wm. M. Wil liams, S. N. Yarrell. CROSS ROADS TOWNSHIP. Augustus Clark,Cornelius James, Jos. B. lA-ggett, Jr., Mc. G. Wymi. SECOND WBEK. Jamesville—C. J. Askew. Williams— R. B. Rolierson. Griffins—Geo. W. Griffin. Willianistou—Heuiy D. Cook. A. I'. Taylor, W. J. Whilaker, K. M. G. White. Cr>:« Kt».«ls—John B. Bur roughs, J. 11. I). Peel. Robemniville —Henry T Brown, J. 11. Whitfield. Poplar Point—W. T. Ambrose, Re'ltlitig Knox. Hamilton —Julius 11. Purvis, I*. 1,. Perkins, Harry Waldo. Goose Nest—ll. F. Hymau, J C. Uoss. IT NRP.DS A TONIC. There nre times «ticri your liver net 1 > a tonic. Don't give jmrgatives that KT'l*-' and weaken. DeWitt's Little Karly Uisers expel all poison from the system and act as tonic to the liver. W. Scott. 531 Highland Ave., Milton, Pa., says: "I have carried OeWitt's Little Karly Ris ers with tne for several year* ami w«>til«l not lie without them." Small and easy to take. Purely vegetable. They nevci ri|>e or distress. S. R. Cißgs. Solving a Froblem. In a speech in London the other day the orator told an admirable story of the advice given by an Englishman, a Scotchman and an Irishman respectfully to a gentle man whose servant was constantly breaking articles in the household. ,Xhe Englishman in his blunt, hon est way said to the employer, "Oh, get rid of him —dismiss him." The Scotchman's advice was, "ft.jp the money out of his wages " "But," said the master, "he breaks more than his wages amounts to." "Then," said the Irishman, "raise his wages." HATTERS4LL RECORD. Twice in hoq/ul, P. A. Gulled#*, Ver bena, Ala., paid • vast sum to doctors to! cure a severe case of piles, rsstisx 24 tu mors. When all failed.Riicklen's Arniaa Salve soon cured him. Subdue* Inflama tkm, conquers kills Tains. Best .salve in the world. 25c at any driift store. Couldn't Miss It. Miss Hoyle—Yes, he kissed are when we went through that dark tunnel. I don't sec how he man aged to find my mouth. Miss Doyle—That was probably the 'first thing lie struck. —N. Y. Press. WHOLE NO. 153. | Kki n-MfVI"? tnpr.K Vn jr> .% p. A. M., :n ! - in rr-j !ir mttimrtrrHiaa in f'f ' .; T.iea. v. • • . W it £ s. tk. i\r»v. •».*>. w, M. r». t :j. v., B. R.-I -• .be*. Tr. as., >l.- (}. T >i. S, I,it. lit. Bar- J. P.; T C. C-*.fc «> IA. P. Taylor, SU--w.ll as, k. v. . cUai*j» TM»*. . f~ts »»•«? 'kmi J *• >t (•:?*'«:■ tti'v j Bikr'Jt ft;. It x'ff -Ls i tjf *ad I J E Jrst, :t Ira* y^j-cra»- B I plsx! y rllov, Ch!F;!, -. A~r% I £ seiyttcr-i creep *r»ir g! on'! Bo Vaa fiCt £&.' 2743 9 3 5::: ;■> i- -u^cl s will * ■?-* i . ,rr. tt 9 J er!ir» A.- ,V.•.? .1- t.»; PI S dih •, ' > ' y,- v/ jytbf.a. |J sii I snj fr.. n :™i- '**, H « Pti v . ". hi-gv.'. .-• sasSjiseo- i gj Ss«i : . • : . mJ, a Roittrts' Tonic v. i I c;-ri > eil Jj thin—tut wlij wii*? it.-.eat n fgtiire Kii~liiK3. i fie ranuhc ■ turers k::uw 3:1 »bo9l Ihrs yef f l w powri and have ptriut«l iK.ibttU' Tonic to rtrrvc it eat, acuifch yos:r sv a !nn, t.itare apprttte, ,»rify the r* I *- v«nt an J cure Cliilis. I - vera and Miliaria. It has corcl thous ands—|t «i!i cure you, or y oar mon.-y buk. This liWr. Try I It. Pricq, 2i ce-to. B®ysE«s=A^'aaitrß?»=^aJß For sale by Kli Oim*mt»s an l An-lcrsoa. Hn-scll & Co. iCodbl Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoo eat-.j 1 Thin preparation contain* all of tM dlxeslants and digests ail kinds at food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. 11 allows you to eat all tha fowl you want. The tu«r;t seosltiva 4-1/una.-h« can takv it. By -thousands .of dyspeptics hare been cured aftor everything else failed. la unoi!iatied for tl.o stomach. Child* ,en with weak-stowaehn-thrwe on >W First (lose relieves. A ri'ot :»*infce«^iy« Clres all & fruiMm fsr «*■ * 'ktMK i'l tXvtlu LW.Uilns J': lUDTSIIIf fliC- J4b > H UJC :► . , '• &.V VBAIIS-. V . % c.tr *r. r«cs %-U v i - f • v - " " T SI T-i'd -v .4. 1» JTa rard * r, '-.'-I .» - . ts • . * 4 CIU iS »• v' : v t v Ccm ofTi &£• An , r. ■ rif - . *•* r ■{* "- -• *' V-r M iavof.ti i. i- in .r i/ pito; «' r 'tkfr.#»»«lrt?T« flr'-i-'L- \ »• t> « f"4» f.t •«" * t r - k m r - fc. • N-- & Ok. rcolf« jff#. icatj, ' 1 A *~nr 1 «>inr»ly l *,f «»'V l*:r\ At* |3 a t c r: f -nr | L H!iN!)aCv 3 "-^Nevrc.fk wii ' SL, WI!T:!:IIM,DLC ■ "ii JloT»ri*'r fi* c. nji:i4.' >:h! u *p-l IWo p. ■~f >• .lu'ti H. «,»»! .*«k- 3 I I PATENTS 1 TSI "r -.t ■» F.SI-1 I TtCM u* I a ■ 1 1" i 'MMCDIATI 1 IrPE« '•'. •> 1 ' •' i!*»i I Us*.- l~, ! 'r\ I n.l A'.vk f-, Ctt? { IcLMrr mn.:-,.-'r. 'l.» (U. I JL- e t:-; 1»U :J I i'.r'flijf t.SnTK if%2 l • |oh». U.O PaSs«l oiile:. Wishjsq ioa. D.^i ) anr'hinz jftu mrunl or improve; ak» art! 1 \ CAVEAT.IRAOE'MARK. CCCTSitHT or Ofstta ' { PBOlEcriOt. Send model, sketch,orpkota. j : ) for free niiniutir.a ami advice. i 1 BOOK i W ,RO.A B SBRUW& GO. \ Palcat Lawyers. WAS HI iiCTON. D C. j ! Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A YEAR " New Idea « Woman's Magazine 0 THIS Is the cheapest and bat FssMcn Magazine ROW be fore the American public.. Itikon Hew Idras In Fashions, In Millinery, In Embroidery, In Cocking, hi . Woman's Work and In Reading; beautifully illustrated In cclois and In black and white- Above all. d shows tha very fashionable NEW ICCA Sma, made from Nrw Ice* PAT TERNS, which cost only lOc. each. . Send Five Cents To-day . farajtieto m.yU the Niw .'OMVOMM'I I MAOA2IHS. :m what great Tata* I far the rocray il can .etvj )■». s' 3 3 I THS EEW IDZA puaiiamwo CO. I •II liiiist;, It* Talk, I. T. j| -

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