VOL. 111. - NO. 51. WIT AKD HUMOR. A aasa aha wa colled oatoad drena s Bnndny school in a Ttmm- Kfijsh on hia journey to Bethel f* sid how they see forty-two of them. "And asm. kil l I.** sosd the speaker, wtek te( te kora if his trik hat pradaac ad any aad effect, "what da mJT " —HMMKhik— gatiuad Lawyer—lt ana a hard tetuia. "Hmr "Yos, I hnd hsad aah Is hoep tha lala hosa gettteg part of the Yoaaagwod (oaa bridsl tow) —I would like roona fa ayadf and wife. Hotel Clerk —Snite, I suppose? Yoaaagwod—Thst'a what. She's tike greatest thing that ever hap pened. —K*. Fiytag the Teacher. Ha—There ia nothing like ex perience, after aIL She is anr greatest teacher. She—Aad there is no holding hack her salary either. —Brooklyn Life. The Seats he Saved. The pastor railed at a Coluabua hoae the day, where little Freddie, a bright youngster. Is a great pet. Freddie had previously heard his aother ay that the pastor was very successful ia av hgaaoh During a pause ia the converse tkn Freddie who wss sitting on the poster's knee, asked: " Do you seve soak?" "Yes, Freddie." replied the wen ef the doth. "Will yon tell sae," went on Freddie serionsly, "hour asny souls you got saved?" —Ohio State Joorasl. AShdPHlllllg Utile George is sacabryoulc philosopher. He said the other day at the tohle, "Now, when I ah te ny chair aey feet won't touch toe floor, hot when I walk around they toaach the floor just aa well a say bsdy'9*!*- Woasa's Hoaae THM tkc oinibli JI #4tftor v socsfled; whs haa a sdi equipped ptiutfngaftce to a gaed town, srith a soothing the psea anklsg ap editorials ia type, bat he tokos aa thea thinga. He is willing to give every aaaa his dot, hut luaiate on hb own rights and dsrea to aeia Such aa editor wa Colonel Mia. aaaa saaae ia oaa day te get a haa -- drad sole balls he had ordered the dsy before. The editor handed ateue" and pnmofal to count Editor lflix watched the count. When it was coaadaded. there prooad to he six over and above the haadiwl. Without a word Mix took the aix extra balls eflthe pfle, ci unfiled thru ia hk hand, threw then into theofke -• to FARIIEirS DEPARTMENT. Da not make the earth in the bases aad flower pots too rich. All plaats protected during the winter by setting thea oa s stand ia a warm uoua. such as geraaiaau, should not asake heavy gtowtk, hat he kept ia good condition foe shipping, as the spring aad sua aa a the paupai teooco forhyriag thea to per fact km. The bag aaaat ha gasided sgainst whoa the pftato are kept ia a srsqa at masphere. Sheep ara of the best kiadsof stock to kaap la orchsids. After a flute practice they wtt pick ap this is aftea wary hnpattooTto the food aast he supplied or the trees urM he horkad. The food thao ghma gas, however, when it *W da the saat good. to thepaodac tioaaf the lergsel aad bat (rait. Thea is gaaUe s dlflauoia to the adisatega af baddiag aad grait iag. The proper tiaa fa baddiag is any period whea good bulbs can be peuciuad and the bark will ran aa toe storks. Poaches sad rooes are always badded, but grafting ia used oa apples, pears and graper. Boding is sometimes done in order to chsnge the tops of quite young bait trees Dry weather ia not fa vorable to budding, and aa a rule budding is not a successful a grafting. Ia plaatiag asparagus from seed the following directions will secure a satisfactory result Soak the oeed for twenty-four hours in tepid water, and sow early in the spring, ia rows s foot apart, and kept dean by frequently weeding and hoeing. At one or two years old transplant to permanent beds. The ground should be trenched, or dug two feet deep, burying plenty of manure, boaiea, etc., when such can be had, and mixing them thorough ly with the soil. Lay out the beds foau and one. The cuatoan of breaking down the leaves and seed stems of onions is to pre rent the exhaustion of the badb for the formation of the seed 9oane growers do this as soon a the leaves are full grown, a the bulb is not the root,, but the enlarged stem of the plant, this concentrates the force of the plant into the bulb or stem, and so produces a vigor oaa growth there. The practice say be of questionable ef fects. so far a this view is con cerned, but would certainly be use fad in caoe a seed stalk wa form lag, an production of seed would weaken the badb. The breaking floara te doaae when the bulb is well fa aad aad the lava fully •MM IMTi Yam. Heso Is a paragraph which Bu gaa Field, who eajaped aaskiag fun of Ma f.iiste, once printed in "Dr. Wflflem V. Poole, the vet Fiwadaco atlisiisg the anting of the lfstiaasl Librarian's asaocia tko. While the train bearing the eacanioadste wa enroute through Arizona s atop of twenty miutes aas aade aae evening for supper ot a nade eating bona, and here Dr. Ptook had aa exdtiug exper ience with n tarantula. The ven oanoaas reptile attacked the kindly old gentleman with singular vorac ity, aad but for the high topped hoots which Mr. Poole wore serious injuries would have been inflicted upon cur friends person. Mr. Fred Hild. our paablic librarian, hearing Dr. Poole's cries for help, ran to toe rescue and with his cane and umbrellar succeeded in keeping the tarantula' at bay until the keeper of the restaurant fetched his gun and dispatched the malignant mon ster. The tarantula weighed aix pounds. Dr. Poole took the skin to Francisco aad will have it tan ned aa he dm utilise it for the bind She (Sittaflrist WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,1902. HINTS FOR HOUSEWIVES. InaMtkßosc. If auks ud stum are on pa pered vails, try French chalk on a piece of dry bread gentle nibbed flte To keep hstdwuod floors Mooth sad dhi tab tkca with waste aad puraf&a oil sad pnliob with dry Madia curtains aaay be render ed leas inflanaiashle by lioaing them to one gallon of water. TO dean admits dip a doth in ■dhjhted spirits and tab on the aairror. Allow it to dry an before %MadlilMk MLTb Ac cootiaag Jo rapidly acted apoa oxide ef itoc. * 11,1 Make a spieadld fnmkaw pol ioh by taking a iilsiglaailul of alive •A, Me ed viaaegor Mi two table apasafah of olcahsl; apply with a ooft doth aad paHah with i I. Uh, ante or tarprlr con he spriakHag on thea yellow cora meal that has beep aoO da opened hi clean snapaadi or woak aasao nia water. Sweep of ia a few minutes. The Rahber ThtaMe The robber thimble which pro tects the forefinger aI the left hand in sewing, says one woaiaa. is a real friend to ne for I was perpet ually sewing into the skin, aad not only spoiled the appearance of the finger, but made it rather sore. It took time for aae to get used to the kid coverings which 1 first used and the rubber one which succeed ed it, but I persevered and finally reached the pont where I did not mind it. GIVEN AWAY A SSO BUGGY At The Simpson Hardware Store* New Bank Bldg. t Williamston, N. C. GREAT OPPORTUNITY OPEN FEW DAYS ONLY. Call to-day and inquire for particulars. Whfcpcn fleas Vsaaaa*s Heart. Ihs only uuksppy love io that which can render so service to the beloved object, for lava io service. It foods aad grows apoa raodwiog service whach woald aador other tbhsrreoL Tha meet iaapateoaod her fostlag for tw soaa oho kreuo, oad who! la amftor love but as ssaco of sslf sscridco aad devoted oervicef - Tha igaaraat ma a flsMora. II tehee wiafsa sad fisrriwiostioa te prafos Tha raasoa why the *Ssvaa oth sr davOs* catered lata that aaa was because his plsca (heart) wa "awupt aad unf smy ty. If your heart and mind are kept full, there a ill be no room for the devils. It is a curions and (for the lords of creation) fortuaate phaae of wo maa's nature that ohe io aever so happy aa when she io angering for some man, ao long as she can keep hia from flnding it oat. —New York News. Lisfcrlag Saatecr Cslfv. Don't let a cold m m this season. Son mer cold* sre the hardest kind to care and if neglected may linjjir alaag for montha. A lung siege like this will poll down the itraaagest eooatitntaon. One Minate Coagh Care nffl break ap the at tack at once. Sale. on*, nets at once. Cuxan enrgta, nto. eroop. hnauhiHs,sll thrant and hmetoaaUaa. Thechfldren like it. ILB^ ■attres FBteg. Exceboir ranks well for But tress filling and. if aaade up with cotton, ia comfortable; but a cot ton is s strung oboorheat sad apt to retain the exhalations of the body, it cannot be recoaasended froa a a nifty standpoint. Wash Japanned ware with a aad dry it imasediately with a soft doth. Sweet oil applied with a wooka doth will remavr obothaste A tOVS WIUD SIDE Mt UIFK. With family wnl exjxctfcc hioa to dir. end o aan ridiag tar to*. iS urfka, to gsa Dr. King's Mew Waaini) tee ean ■Souu,af LaaailHi. tod .aofaiaf daolh'a chats, mogha. oaUs and grip paoat ha fr jm. Trial totUaa free'* « te| nkWatffiL Maay bahteo saflsr froa thirst, espociofly whea teething. Wa have beard youag mothers any: '1 caa aot anderatand what sia the child, he has foased and fretted all day." find to them we reply: "Try giv ing him n little cold water at fre quent intervale. The effect ia mag ical. At this time their guaa are sore and awollen, aad the cold water or ice allays the inflamma tion, and buby at ope fretting." Wasted te he Sare. Jones —Why are you praying for rain? Brown—l hnd my roof fired to day. nnd I want to see if it a all right before I pay for it. Habit is the modern slavery, and the will of the individual ia the on ly emancipation - Sntnrday Even ing PosU Far the Abase* Feet Wear the softest slipper* always in Ike tomt To wear • •treet shoe after yon come iaaido your troll door is to imprisoo your loot so moch Isspr. and the ssoro it is «■>■■■! to light and air the healthier sod Mr* coaribrtablo it will ho. ftlsst leathers are ruia oos to ths fcst,rspsrisßy wheo they are b*ilt with high heels asd oai; raw km Ths fret psrspfco, ths hssl throw* the weight aw the toes sod ths poor little thiaga. an hoddlsd rpisa hooch, are tttsn- Us listrahls sad make yoa weak. Soak yoor feet ia cold watsr—not ice cold, hot cool ish. Warm wat sr draws the blood into the feet. Yoo wish, to reduce the inflsmms tioo and fever by driving it away. The chiropodists say there is noth iag like cold water for sore tired ' feet Cold water, besides, tough ess the skin rather than Bakes it softer. ' After yoo hare brushed your pedal extreasitics with a stiff flesh brash cosntoiine then comes into play, to be well robbed into the callowses and joints. With this sort of treatment four feet are kept in suck good condition that they are a positive joy, and that, yen know, is worth living for. Anneunoaaeata .of Dsnaeiinth Speakings. Hon. Dan Hugh McLean wfll apeak at Red Springs on Sept. ilk. Hon. Dan Hugh McLean urafl apeak at Lomberton on Sept. pth. Hoi.a. J. H. Small nnd W. T. Dortch will speuk at Green vile oa Thursday, Sept. 4th. Hon. Lee S. Overman wfl apeak at Troy 00 Tuesday. Sept. sjd. Hon. Ja. A. Lsckkart a 81 spank st Rockingham on Toesdny. Sept. and. Hon. Goo. W. Word wfll speuk st Csmdea Coart Houoe oa How day. Sept. Mb. Hon. J. B. Saaaall will speak af Camden Court Houa oa Monday, Sept. ilk. Hon. W.WJUtehou end Hon. W. ■- fhßaaon spakafDau*, Harnett coaW> oa Monday. Sept. tjlh. Haa. C. Y. Webb willopoekut Dallas, Gootoa county, aa Thsa day, Sept. 91k Liouteaoat Gov. W. Riteto will op oak at Delia*, Gastoa rasa ty.oaTueoday, Sapt.9th. Haa. R. N. Page urafl epesk af Hon. W. T. Crawford will apeak at Aaheviße on Tuesday. Sept. 9th. Hon. Armistoad Jones will speuk at Goldsboro on Monday. Sept. Silk Hon. W. 11. Bower will opeak at fallowing times nnd places. Ms rion, Monday, September Sth (night); Alpine. Tueaday. Septem ber pth (night); Morgautou. Wed nesday, September 10th (night); Hickory, Thursday. September nth (night); New too, Friday, Sep tember nth (night), Lenoir. Mon day, September 15th (day.) Dr. B. F. Dixon will apeak at Winston Salem on Tueaday. Sep tember 9th, and at Warrentou on Tuesday, September 10th. Hon. R. B. Glenn will speak at Hertford on Saturday, September t jth, and at Elizaltetb City on Mon day, September 15 th. HKWARK OF TUB KNIFE. No |wofc*sioa has alrsand am rap. idljr of Ule than targrty. Lot it teaaM not tic iua.it cirrj* «kre sbaolsleljr ac cessary. In cun of piles foe nanfltjl is seldom needed. DeWiU s Witch Haaet Salve cures qsickly aad pel ■maty I'ncqtialed for catt. burns,braises.wonds skin diseases. Accept no connUifaita. " I was so truaUed with blceiliif pales that I lust much Mood and rtmgth"aays j. C. Iliillips, Paris. lit "DeWitt's Witch Hurl Salve cured me in a short tine." Soothes and Hrsls. S. K. airrs Seasslsry Trsstalttl—. It has been found that senostion is not absolutely inatantaneona. but that a very minute tieoe otepaos no it travels along the nervea. Therefore, if s person put hie fing er to a heated iron or in the blare of a candle there is s certain shnost inconceivably small space of tisee. ay the ooe-thouoaadth part of a second, before the bruin knotru of the burn. Now, suppose a man wi-.h aa era long enough to roach tha sua. Froa Aa kaooa man would ksve to Svs mure then too years afar teucbiog fiagunt haminary before ha waaaMkaaw that his fiagsrs hod bsoa sroarksit hrfltfilfldr. For hair thai Wdry aad hash there is no better Iddon thaa that given by Dr. Erasaus Wdeoa. Here is the foraala: Eaa do cologne, eight eaacss; tincture of canthnrides, saa ounce; oil of English lavender; nut hslf dram; oil of roeemary, one half dram. Rub this into the hair at night two or three tinea u week until the hair begins to revive under the treatment. After that do notsoeit oftener thsn once in two weeks. For dandruff there is nothing which csn quite equal an egg shsm poo. It is made in this fashion: Yolk of ouo agg. one pant of ram water, once ounce ef roeemary spirit. Beat the mistare thorough ly and use it warm, rubbing well, into the scalp. After it haa dried shampoo the hair with soap sham* poo and warm water. —Philadel- phia Ledger. Jmnlr Stftcakr Caart. N«ST WERK—JAMRSVILLR TOW* snr. & J. Perry. John E. Riddick. Wm. A. Stabbs. John A. Ward. WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP. Wm. A. Cherry. enrm TowxsHir. Siaaa D. Crifin, Vm. C. Hani MOW, Geo. K. Hardwa. HAI eua TOWNSIir. job* W. Bailey. H. R. Jowea. Va. J. Cowing. Vr D. M, L. T. Haliday, Ja-esT. W«nh— 1. L Kimtt, W. L. Erentt. Ahaer Everett, W. T. Oriaa, W. MrußHMßTTononr. I. a uts*. IA-Hwr W.ML Piiiaj lit. a,W. CMpw. Alea HafaHpL Jaba a Mm. K H. D. Cam tat. W. C. KMy* JOB. L Baber- Bsa. W. a. White, Wm. M. WO - a Uggctt. Jr.. He. O. Wyaa. Jawaewrttle —C. |. Askew. WOliaaas—K. B. Robereoa. CiMhn Q— W Griffin. Wifhaawtna—Heary D. Cook. A. F- Taylor. W. J. Whitaker, K. M. G. White. Croaa Roads John B. Bar roagbs. J. H. D. Peel. Bobersoartllr — Henry T.Brown, I. H. Whitfield. Poplar Point—W. T. Ambrose. Redding Kaoi. Hamilton —Jalios H. Purvis, E. L. Perkins. Harry Waldo. Goose Neat —B. F. Hyman, J. C. Boss. A PARSON'S NOBLE ACT. " I wawt an tbe world tokaaw," writes Res. C. J. Badlowg. of Ashaway, R. L. "what a thoaaaghly good and reliable ■1 Reins I foaad ia Electric Hitters Tbry eared aw of jaadice aad liser troa bles that bad caaaed aw great mferiig lor away years. For a geauiae, all raaad eaac tbry eirtl aaythiag I ever saw." Elerlric Ratters an theaarpriae af all Cw their wawdrrfal work ia Hsar, hidaay aad akaaaach tiaaklri. Doat fail to try tbM Only 50 eta. Satbfac- Moa ia g—raatead by all dr^MU HORTH CAROLINA, tOftca of tba J Coaaty Board Ma am Cntnmr. I af Blectioas. Br R lam that tba Coaaty Board of Elarttawa for Martin Coaaty. aact la the Coart Woaaa ia WiHiaaiatna. N. C.. oa tbia tbe aat day af SapUwber Ifu, itba lag tbr first Moaday ia aaid awitk. Mialo presewt. N. S. Real. B. R. JaakiaaaadS. H. Spmill. The Bad iipaliillyahrtbiM. S rari. Chatnaaa; awd R R. Jeakias, Tba foOaiwiag Regutrars aad Jadgas af RhUiaa ware appoaatad : junmuutTowmair. Jaaaa S Jaaea. Jadgr of EWctioa. Fiaak Jarkaaa, fwdge af Rlactioa. WIUIAMS Towasair. LabaL. Rabaraaw. Registrar, iagaataa Maasa. |agi af Rlactioa. «. X. DaaM. af Rlactioa. M. jadgaaf Rlactiaa. VX^Z^nXflbclba. LEWyI, |. B Ayera. Jadga of Elactioa. __ R D. Jaakiaa, |w%eof Rlactioa. A.K. TIIRI, Jadgaaf Rlrctloa. cocnfourr raacnacr. W. A. Robenoa. Jr., J. A. PWwaO. Jadge af Rlactioa. Caaaga Rwriaa. Jadge af Wiitiw. porut ronrr Towaaaie. J. R. Rlactioa. Uaary Raaßb. Jadga af Blsrtlaa.; uamcs Tssstaa 1 . J. T. Waldo. Regiatrar. R. M. Sakbarj. Jadgaof Electiaa. R.L. Farbbw. Jwfiga «f Elactioa. coaai aasT Towaaair. Jartas Kaarett. Registrar. Joa Early. Jadge of Elactioa. J. L. DWsaapoat. Jadge of Election No other baaiaaaa aypeariag, tbe board adjoaraed LALJILT ta the eaß of tba N. S Faat, Chabaaaa. I R. R. jaiana, Socsetary. WHOLE NO. 155. Scnrttra LODCI NO 90 A. P. FT il the hall tmy wojail ud fonlk Tars day a«hU at 7:30. W. H. Harrell V 11. S. S. lion, a W . H. D. Taylor. J. W.. S. R. Big**. See.. C. D. CanUiptn, Tim, He O. Taylor. & D.; H. M. tu rn, J. n.; T. C. Cook aad A. F. Taylor, Stewards. I. V. Cleary. Tiler. IS YELLO* P6ISOR HYRFHD? FhyaJctana cnß It Malarial OWL Uoateaw RMMTS- CHILL TOi'C KIIJ T«?l»pw"» wSt! in JMiftlr. '"TRY Far aale by EH Cap— or Aaderv a, Hasaell * COL Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon «tj Thla pre PARA tin* cntalH all of tba dI|MIMU and digests ail kinds at food. 11 it I TEA Instant relief and NEVER fall* to cure. It allows you to eat all HIE food you want. Thenaotf sensitlra stomachs ran take IL. By LU use many thousands of dyspeptic* bare beta eared after everything else tailed. 1* unequalled for tbe rtnanrh Child ren with weak stomach* thrive 00 It. first dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. fmand oaly BY K. C IWWISTA Oni. %tcass ThaM. butUacuatalaaS* OMttoHc. M s a. aicca « BO YEARS' • Ma V H THAD* MAMS Cu« inaaiiia Ac. aaae iminniir» miniti BMAM»«IVI MatlN& 01 lul yi 1 w, aimi—rto. »«MtiKinaa« " Sdeattfic Jtatricaa.' iBEKSSSSSSSS iw: few ■ a Bufci krdUanWm ftgStevrsigli!* PATENTS ~ SWHT i CO, mmnrnisajzsz !sdaced to FIFTY SWTS A YBJfr ewjdea £5 Oman's &> bga7im> Q HIS k fta cheapest aad kaat RTHM!V>I»L? 'OATWH^TV lakraMwy. to OMba ta ■M* WWB »R BMC «MA A aaTaMch oaHTamtj tOc. sack. MHwfertsMajg sS3£s£rjßS imwamnwmiiL fl kn»L»ML *W T—A. ».