VOL. IIL - NO. 53. Professional Cards. gR. jonx D. BIGGS, DENTIST. OFFICB: MAIM STREET. 'GEO W jtfcWKLL, A TTQRNKYA T-IJL W, ofaifiUnla McwSukMta taftlna* rife. *»•**»■- ~W illiamston. N OL * oT7u*«l ttabrr Mis. Marietta Balcman, -^.DRESSMAKING^ iuoasns wiu. aa nucuiu* ox aarßoott No. 6. Godanl Bldg. Miss Undine U. Barium, Professional Norse, aavaaa n araci AL nrnwioi TO m MKDOCAL Phone 44a, DURHAM, N. C. Tall term .. OF THE WILLIAMSTON ACADEMY WIIJ. BEGIN Monday, September Ist ranoN Mrd n. k, M . FnJk*. IwwiHt Rates - 12. J. Peel, Prin. Ttuy Your OooJm Front Taylor j Pippin, . Dealers in General Merchandise, Beats, Shoes. Hats, Caps. Notions, Etc.. Gold Point, N. C Buggies ... AND ... Wagons Of the Best that Is Made. Can compete with any FACTORY PRICES. Call and see how cheap you cam buy one. %** ^WMSLADE. SiiV ItaLi, 1 *. C, GO. R. DIXON, Practical Sheet Octal Worker. Th Roofing. GutUTMjc nd Tubmo> Flue* a Specify, alao Tia Roots Painted I will positively be cm hard to famish the Fanners with TOBACCO FLUES dmiog the Btaana of 1903. If you want the Bert Uaterul and tie Eat Yarit, Call on or address GEO. R.DIXON, Rocky Mount. N. C. Hi; HOB, I- l Ft till, Kaipr AMERICAN AND - - - - EUROPEAN PLAN fßto sS Prat ?treet, . y * - BALTIMORE, MD. Thoroughly Renovated aud M)B AFTER k BRUTE. Two Thousand People In Penasylva nia Want Lynch Law. Butler. Penn., Sept. ij —A mob of 2,000 at midnight are attempt ing to take the life of Jerry Ben nett, a prisoner in the Butler coun ty jail. The mob has battered dowa the jail door but are being held back by the sheriff and depu ties. A doaen policemen are vain ly trying to quiet and disperse the woukl-be-lyncbers. The offictr* fired over the heads of the crov d to frighten them back and were rushed upon by the infuriated men armed with sticks and stones. De puty Sheriff Raney Hoon was strode several times by clubs and slightly injured. Special Deputy Lewis Hill was struck in the face by a board and severely cut. At 1140 a. m., another rush was made on the jail by a small crowd of the rioters and Po iceman Graff, who was standing in the doorway, posh ed the front man in the party back. Geo. Klein, a young steel-car worker, struck Graff and is said to have tried to pull a gun. Graff shot him through the calf of the leg. The assailants then retreated. Bennett is twenty-six years of age and was caught in the act of sssa tilting a seven year old daughter of John H. Wagoner, a tailor, under a box car near the West Pennsylvania railroad sta tion. The child was covered with blood and was feebly crying, "Mamma, mamma," when res cued from her brutal assailant. BEWARE OF THE KNIFE. No profession hu advanced more rsp i lly of late than surgery, but it should not be used except where absolutely ne cessary. In cases of piles for ezample.it is seldom needed. DcWitt's Witch Hazel Sslvt cures quickly and permanently. Unequaled for cutt. burns,braises,wounds skin diseases. Accept no counterfeits. " I was so troubled with bleeding piles that I lost much blood and strength "says J. C. Phillips, Paris, 111. "DeWitt s Witch Haxel Salve cured me in a short time." Soothes and Heals. S. R. liggs. A Dot's Stomach Holds a S2O Rill The stomach of a dog is a pecu liar thing to see on the desk of an official of the United States treasu ry, but that was the object which E. E. Schreiner recently spread out before him. Mr. Schreiner is chief of the di vision of redemption of the treasu ry and haa become accustomed to receiving money under peculiar con ditions. Even he, however, ad mitted the originality of the case in question. "Dear sir," rap the letter which accompanied the stomach, "I send under separate cover stomach of my dog Fritz. I was playing with him today, holding a twenty dol lar bill np for him to jump at, wlxn he suddenly leaped higher than I had anticipated, grabbed the bill between his teeth and ran under the bonae, where he chewed the money up and swaljowed it. "I thought more of the sio than I did of Frite—he waa always chaa-, ing chickens—so I shot him and cat out his stouiath. Please aee if you can paste together and re deem «. M "The unique feature of this case," said Mr. Schrieuer, "Isthat we found the bill, slightly chewed np, but sufficiently whole to ident ify and redeem. The man has re ceived a check for S2O by this time."—Washington dispatch to Baltimore Sun. A SAD DISAPPOINTMENT. Ineffective liver medicine is a disap pointment, but you don't want to puree, atrain and break the glands of the stool ach and bowels. DeWitt'« LiiUe Early Risers never disappoint. They cleanse the system of nil poison and putrid mat ter and do it so gently that one enjoys the pleasant effects. Tbey are a tonic to the liver. Core billioutncss, torpid liver nd prevent lever. 8. t. Biggs. W^TED —a r spectable man, heretofore a democrat, connected with (La cotton mil ing internals, to accept the r publi an nomination for cuo&ress iu the Fiith di»tiiJ. If defeated he »ill be vtaken care of.' Address '-The Poodle Koss, care the Rooster, tUtirg how many Ctjf (Kntfrarist. WILLIAMSTON, N. C„ FRIDAY, SEPfEMBER 19,1902. Shot Himself and Former Sweet heart Richmond, Va., Sept. t!.—Lewis Berkley, property man at the Academy of Music, the leading the atre here, shot himself this after noon and dangerously wounded Mrs. Annie Anderson, aged 22, his former sweetheart. Berkley way about the same age. The young woman married about 18 months ago but burkley contin ued his attentions to her and seem el deeply in lore with his old s.veetheart. The families were friends. Mrs. Anderson was visiting the house of Berkley's mother this evening about 7 o'clock and Berkley met her inside bis own gate aa she was going to her own home. He shot her 'twice and seeing her fall and believing that ahe was dead, he ran np stain and fired the shot that caused his own death instantly. The woman will probably recover. It is not known what passed be tween them as the woman is un , conscious. lepabUcan Ticket. A Charlotte special to The Morning Post Sept. 13th, contains the following: The Rej u'tlican executive com mittee of Mecklenburg county held a meeting this afternoon and nomi nated candidates for the State leg islature. Mr. E. M. Bell was nam ed for the Stat* Senate and A. H. Washburn and R. W. Smith, were nominated for the House. J. R. Sossoman, independent candidate for the House was also endorsed by the meeting. The Republicans will make no other nominations'for county officers. THIS BUGGY GIVEN AWAY AT THE The Simpson Hardware Go.'s Store, WILLI AM STON, N.«C., Mr. Small on North Carolina. We have before us and have read with a good deal of care and a very deep interest the speech of Hon. John H. Small in the House of Representatives on June aßtli, 1902, on the State of North Caaolina, says the Concord Standard. Mr. Small has surely rendered his State a most valuable service in thus pre senting the £t*te he represents. It is a strong vindication of the State'a progressiveness and her rapid development of her many re sources. He shows that we are of the pur est type of Americans, there being the fewest foreigu born citizens. He gives the minutest statistics of our climste, including tempera* ture and raiufall; our various in dustries, and the leaps and bounds of their progress; our immense wa ter powers; our forest and mineral wealth as well as our wonderful fisheries and fruits, including ber ries. He leaves nothing neglected. He shows the great progress in educating and the magnanimous treatment along these lines of the stronger toward the weaker race. The onward and upward trend is shown in tabulated form. Thus the population of the State increas es 17.1 per cent, from 1890 to 1900, while the wage earners increased 109 9 per cent., the wages paid 111 9 per cent, the cost of material used in manufacturing 133.9 *nd the value of the products 132.1. The assessed value, of real estate increased 16.8. It is shown that more capita! was employed in 1900 cotton manufacturing than in all the industries cf the State in 189^. Independentlsm. ThS Rocky Mount Spokesman says editorially. "There seems to I e a movement along the Una of indepondetitism in a numb, r of places in l!te State. Here and there, perhaps, some in depend nt candidate will be elect ed, but the mo e nent, as a whole, will be a failure. Ihe principle, aa it relate* to parties and their work, is wrorg. The record of all political history shows that all free, republican gov ernments must bo tun by parties, and seldom have there existed for any considerable time more than two distinct political parties. The school-boy learnsthis in his study of Roman history, and all history down to the present time. Independentism has for its theo ry that which appeala favorably to almoet any honest man; but the trouble is that tha practice ar.d the theory do not harmonise. Ihe in dependents generally say they are only trying to purify the govern ment, local or of larger field, ac cording to the matter under con aideratlon; but really the motive is so - often a scramble for office the whole thing turns out to be a bun dle of inconsistencies. Then, if it is purity in politics and government that ia sought the course which will purge any domi nant party ought to be sought with in the bound* cf the patty under censure. We can have only two political parties long at a time, and the mis takea and imperfections of a party ought to be corrected within ita own pales. mills with a capital of $10,775,334 while 1900 there were 177 mills with a capital of 33,011,516 Turn ers Almanac gives the number mills now as 284. There are 30,- 000 people employed and they re ceived $5,000,006 in 1900. In 1890 there were six little furn iture factories, with a capital little more than $12,000. In 1900 there were 44 of these factories with a capital of more than $1,000,000 and a product of more than sl,- 500,000. We repeat that Mr. Small has left nothing untouched; and one may from this pamphlet get the best birdaeye view of the State's interests and progressiveness that we have seen anywhere.—Kinston Free Presa. McDuffle'i Witch Hazel Foot Healer ■ one of the finest lwby powder* known, urecpirckly heat end give* instant relief. SSCXNTS. I We hear that some farmers are getting scarred on account of cer tain reports that are going the rounds in the county that the lead ing tobacco companies are going to put the prices of tobacco down. No one knows what might be done, but so far as we can learn, there is no indication of auch a movement. We think if they were planning to do this they would not be bidding so high now. The tobacco dealers seem to think the chances are bet ter for an advance than for a de* cline in prices- It is to the inter est of people who go around and buy from the barns and pack hous es, to claim that tobacco is going External Use of Oil. The prop rtics of cotton seed oil arc so similar to those of olive oil that the twj are difficult to be dis tinguished even chemically; so similar that the former is freely us ed and labelled th; latter. Why will not the otl from the cotton seed serve equally well as that from the olive, which the Vegeta rian says, one of the moat whole ioms and nutritious articles of diet is olive oil, ar d it is as beneficial for external as for internal use. It was the custom of the ancients, who were moat luxurious in their bathing habits, to anoint the body with vegetable oils sfter the bsth. Athletes and gladiators also anoint- Ed their bodies with oils. Roman athletes were in the habit of using 1 the fresh'y expressed oil of the : olive to give agility and suppleness ! to their limbs. Someol the great est beauties of whom history tells have also been prone to the use of oil, Mme. Recami r was in the habit ot partaking freely of olive oil with her food and using it slso after bath. Her beautiful akin and clear complexion were doubtless due to this rather than to powders or paints. Tradition soys that both Cleopatra and Zenob!a partook free- ly of olive oil and used oils after the bath. In the countries where the olive flourishes, such as Italy, medical pactitionrrs use the oil very freely for a host of ailments. It is maintained in the Levantine countries that the external use of oil prevents rheumatism, gout and other kindred maladies which are aggravated by external chills, and that the internal use of the oil re moves the tonic con Jition of the blood which leads to the genera tion of the maladies.—F.x. A PARSON'S NOBLH ACT. ''l want all the world to know," writes Rev. C. J. Budlong, of Asliawny, K. 1., "what n thoroughly good and reliable medicine I found in Electric Bitters. "They cured me of jaudice and liver trou blei that had caused me great suffering for many years. For a genuine, all round cure they e\cel anything I ever iiaw." Electric Bitters are the surprise of all for their wonderful work in liver, kidney And stomach troubles. Don't fail to try them. Only 50 cts. Satisfac iion is guaranteed by all druggists. An incident that tried the nerves of a number of women occurred in the store of H. A. London Jr., & Co., Saturday morning. A closing out sale had brought many cus tomers, and there was a low buzz of content all over the shop until one of the young lady clerks, in re moving a roll of cloth, dislodged a large rat, which at once proceeded to do trapeze acts all over the store. The rat was given the right of way while everybody in the store devel oped surprising agility and climb ed on the counters. The entire as semblage was on the point of col laps, when Mr. J. R. Van Ness ap peared leading his fine, brave cat by the hand and the rat met the tragic death that is duly described by the mouser code. —Charlotte Observer. A BOY'b WILD RIDB FOR LIFE. With family around expecting him to die, and a ton riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, Ind..endured death's agonies from aathma, but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon enred him. He writes: "I now sleep •otmdly every night." Like marvelous cures of consumption, pneumonia, bron chitis, coughs, colds and grip preve its matchless merit for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed battles 50c and Ji.oo. Trial bottles free at all drug stores. WANTED AT ONCE—A good live young mm, with team, $lO to sls * week. Reference required. Apply st 47-it TIIB KNTKRPRISB office. Nearly every man you meet has the latchstring out for "unexpefct ed honors." When a man asks you what vou think of him he doesn't expect to get your real opinion. Love is supposed to be a tender passion, but sometimes the girl's father makes it a tough proposi tion. Bay McDuttie's-'No. 16* for La-Oripp* or InfiMaza. It is guananteed to care or your money will be refunded. fMtCM Farmers and Good Roads. In all States that have given State aid for road*, the farmers at first opposed it, but at the present time they are loudest in their de mands for their improvement of the roads, as they appreciate that they are really benefitted tlie most because they are continually using the roads in hauling their products to market, which they can do at all seasons of the year over a good road. The saving made to farm ers in States where/they have good roads is enormous - The greater portion of the cost of State aid, of course, has to be borne by the ci ties on account of the greater valu ation. The lowest estimate of the cost of the bad roads tax, that of Prof. Latta, of Perdue University, col lated from the certi£ed experience of practical farmers in forty coun ties of the State of Indiana, amounts to seventy-seven cent* per acre an nually, of fifty dollars per square mile of farm era; and there are one million square miles of farm era in the United States; $500,000,000, or three times the cost of all the com mon schools in the country, are thus wasted. —Ex. County Canvass!! The Democratic candidates for the various county offices will ad dress the people at the following times and places, to-wit: Goose Nest, Friday, Oct. 17th, 1902. Hamilton, Saturday, Oct. 18th, 1901. Brooksvillc, (Ballard's Store), Tuesday, Oct. 21st. Hassells, Wednesday, Oct. 22nd, 1901. Gold Point, Thursday, Oct. 13d, 1002. Crass Roads, Friday, Oct. 24th, 1902. Robersonville, Saturday f Oct. 25th, 1902. Williams, Tuesday, Oct. 28th, 1901. Bear Grass, Wednesday, Oct. 29th, 190?. Griffins, Thursday, Oct. 30th, Dardens, Friday, Oct. 31st, 1902. Jamesvillc, Saturday, Nov. Ist, 1902. Kveretta, Monday, Nov. 3rd, 1901. There will be other prominent speakers at some of the above ap pointments. Notice of same will be given later. By order of the Executive Com mittee. This Sept. 15th 1902. H. W. STUBBS, CHAIRMAN. S. L. ROSS, SKCRETARV. Lingering Summer Colds. Don't let a cold run at this seaa>n. Sum mer colds are the hardest kind to cure and if neglected may linger along for months. A long siege like this will pull down the strongest constitution. One Minute Congh Cure will break up the at tack at once. Safe, sure, acts at once. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis,all throat and lung troubles. The children like it. S. K. Biggs. Mr. Marryat—"l see old Roxley has left an esstate worth $2,000,- 000 at least. Wouldn't you like to be his widow?" Mrs. Marryat (ambiguously) "No dear: I'd rather be yours."—Philadelphia Press. _____ —— "I do believe little Mrs. Higgs worthy loves her brute of a hus band so well that she would cheer fully die for him." "More than that. She loves him so well that she cheerfully lives with him." Chicago Tribune. Grand Duke Boris may not have secured much information about the laws, mannets and customs of this country, but he will have some interesting rerainiscenses for his Ruuian friends, nevertheless. — Washington Post. WANTBD-A TRUSTWORTHY gen tleman or lady in each couaty to manage business for an old established house of •olid fiaancial standing. A straight, bona fide weekly cash salary of SIB.OO paid by check each Wednesday with all expenses direct from headquarter*. Money ad vanced for expenses. Manager 340 Cax too Bldg., Chicago. 4»-i6t WHOLE NO. 156. SKXWARKKg I.ODf.R Si). 9a P. ft A. M.. meets inrrgutar anmißKilmi in the hall cvtty &ect>ud aad fourth Tnn day nights at 7:30. W. 11. Ikirtli W.K, S. S.Hroitfn. S 'tt- ,IT IT Taylor. J \sr. t S. R. Sec., C. I» Custxrcbo, Trcas.. Mc. G. Tiylor, S. D.; 11. SI. Bur ran. J. D.; T. C. Cook an) A. F. Tartar, Stewards, R. Vf. Cleary. Tiler. leTaiegf-sw# a ill your sfcjßt* (»ll iti!t!.-riil 0;:n. ucac&esaca clunjta" rtl U««i! y !Mn uailtf microscope. II works day ■«! »'£M. First, it tarns yotrr com plexion yeliuw. CLiii >, sematt.ifis ticrp yomr backbone. Vou !«1 wtdL aiul en hie?*. ROBERTS' CH'LL TQRIC will stop tlu Iraubl* i»w. It enters the Kood at one mm 4 drives out the yellow pobaa. II neglected a.iJ wbn Chins, Fevers, Night-Sweatsanda gen eral break -dowp iomt kltr on, Roberts* Yoair »til cmtm ymm tbil-bvt why watt? Prevcat future sickness. The mobc turers know all about Ibis yel low poison sad feavc perfected Roberts* Tonic to d>~!ve it rat, nourish your lystt is, restore sppetito. purify tl-c t fid, pre vent aid cure thHis. I cvers ssd Malaria. It ha* cared thous ands—lt '•ill care yoa, or your lOfciiev bock. Thi-j is il'r, I.y it. Pi ice, Ibczuls. HSSESK~£~-" sr~~ For sale by ESi Gu.-ganui or Acdersoa, liassell & Co. Dyspepsia Curs Digests what yoa cat-. This preparation contains a!! of tM ditfeslunt* and digest-' ail ksrida o food. Ujtitcd liuktDtfelidaDd ticvcf fails to cure. It ull"W* you to est all the food you want, 'i (.■ most tusiUf* •touiachs cau take it. By Its. u rs n.y thou-unds of dyspeptics havtt beta curwl after everything tlsclukd. ll unequalled for the stomach, ren with weak storoaeb* thuve «>a ii. First dose relieves. A diet uiitiecesr.ary. Cares all simnaoh trcubiH Prepim*! on:» !>y F. C. D*W iIT*. Co , f%St *tm Ths it. bullio conWinaSH t!n».* VSsSMi. ttkk t |S. R. BICGS V . &C YEARS* EXPERIENCS OP &G. a »V.'t") v»1 '" "***»* r'f'Ml tsuT MM v our HM ** invoufi*'t It prvS r" * -* ta. r ■*«"«*• HolWHl'.. tl-r r.l • I •'* - i -nt hum. «'i«> - ■ I'IIICIIU «ak*»u .|hr.»Crfh i:a *» h ip*rt«jf »I* hout cfir * -% Ia IL« Sciatic Hattricaa. A *TR culatlon "t . 1 .r : t ei Bi |L EoUlttfrnE n**J KUHij & Co. SSIB r # s|ew fork Bnuch OiiM. X**lM Wj|»si«itui. U C. to write for our cwlkleoiut irtkr ap plying for ns'cot; il mtr IM *-ith lu tej. Vv® promptly obtain V. U. aaJ Fur»iga PATENTS ftJirssx.war^xlti ori.h,u. w J wo Ml >• IMMEDIATE FkKE Kpnrt OB pUnUnn. we |m the M local arrrice and adnny aa4 amt ibufot «n Try mm. SWIFT & CO, Patent lawyort, Opp. U.S. Patent Qfct.Waafchnli. BJX EM anything too linat or imm; 1 C*VE«T.TRAD£-M«RX. COPYbIOnorBCSMa; PROtECTION. Send model. sketch, or photo.; : for free examination and adTka. i BOOK Oil MTHKSKSJ&SS i '.rc.A.SHowaCO. i Patent Lawjci*. WASHINGTON, D C.I 1 fx" "■ ' Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A YEAR New Idea « Woman's wSL Magazine j*3_ THIS IS the cheapest asd bat Fasbton Marline now be fore the American pjthc. Itsbcws New Ideas in Fashions, to MiHtrary. In Embroidery, In CooUob hi Woman's Wort and In Rcadaig; beautifully illustrated In cclorj and In black and white. Above aO. It sfwwathe vary fashionable NEW tea Smo, made from NEW II*A FISR HMJ, which cost only fOe. each. •« Send Flvt Cents To-day r taraak«W copy of Ik* New iMiWoxu i Maoaaaa. imd mm >W t'««' »alee (or Ike money tt can (Ire )«a. 3 s 3 mm www im rnutim eo. . Mi Ireaiwaj, law Teek, I. I