THE ENTERPRISE. FKIDAT. OCTOI EK 3, 1902 LOCAL NEWS! . I Election one month off to-mor row . Cut sty Commissioners meet Mocday. Ladies' Ready-Made Skirts and Waists of Flannel and Silks at Caxstarpfaen'sL The woman's column cm page fourth edited by Miss Jennie Moore, is interesting matter for the fair sex. I Boy's and Meu's Suits. 500 suits must be sold at occe. Prices to suit customers, at Carstarpheu's. Attention is called to the change of ads of W. M. Wilson. Keith & Godwin, and the Bank of Martin county in this issue. Registration books were opened yesterday- This is a new registra tion. Yon cannot vote unless you register within the next 20 days. Mary, the little daughter of Edi tor Whitmore. had one of her toes crashed Tuesday night by getting j it in the machine wheel at home. Dr. J. B. H. Knight has been elected a member of the Board of { Consulting Physicians of the Pitt man Sanitarium, at Tar bono, N. C. 1 Rev. T. R. Sutton will hold morning and evening services at the M. E. Church, South, on Sun day next. Services at Vernon at J> "• Subscribe NOW for THE EX TKxraisK and get a ticket in the Stove Contest. Remember yon get a ticket for every dollar paid on subscription. _ The erection of an immense pole ■ear the central office caused a bit of excitement on the streets Satur day. Quite a croud collected and assisted in getting it in position. W. H. Ntwcll, A. T. M.. of the Coast Line was in town Tnesday irespecting the depot with the view of increasing its capacity Some needed improvements will be ■mde at once "Historical Raleigh," a neat vol ume bound in attractive cover, is on our desk. It is replete with in . teresting data and was compiled by Manes K. Amis, of the Ral eigh Bar. See ad., in this issue. J. W. Pope is making a machine which will dig and stack peanut ▼ines. The ftork is heing done at the shops of J. H Hatton. The machine when perfected will prove an important addition to farm ma chinery. . The pernicious habit of pulling pickets from fences in town is on the increase. Even church yard fences do not escapr. Something should be done t« prevent it, as it is very annoying and expeusive to' the owners of fences. The Kehnkee Baptist association convened at Tarboro, N. C., on Wednesday of this week The date of meeting was changed last year so as not to embrace Sunday, and thus avoid the large crowds of pleasure seekers. Cotton shipments by rail for the season of the from Martin county, are as follows: Everetts, 53 boles; Hassells. 206; Robersou vil'.e, 756; Parmele, 409; Goose! Nest, lftr Jaroesvilie, 260: Wil liamston, 315. -Total number, 2,- 240 bales. An arte-ian well would make the town more attractive to people wl*> are prospecting for There is no good reason why one canuot Jv-boted in some convenient spot on Main Street. The Board of Aldermen would do well to con rider the matter. . The ravages of a very malignant type of typhoid fever in that sec tion of Martin adjoining Beaufort, are distressing. Many deaths are reported. Mr. William Harmon Daniel has had two girls to die within three weeks. People living in that iection ate very much alanaed. The sixth annual convention of i the North Carolina Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy, j meets in New Bern, N. C.. Octo bet" i.sth-ijih. There are fifty chapteis in the State. Mrs. Wil-; ham Overman is president, and Mrs. Garland Jones, Recording Btwumy.- We ate glad to note that the book publishers have not a com plete monopoly in the book busi ness. The Southern Book Ex change, of Raleigh, offers in this hsne to famish school books at half price and will pay cash for your old books of any and all kinda. They have an ad in this is "We return many thanks to our friend Mr E S. Cahoon, of Skin nersville, for a large box ot turn ips. sweet potatoes, green corn and Irish potatoes sent us this week " This Editor is very fond of the above named vegetables which were sent Bro Acslou. of the Beacon, but he fears an impression has gone ont that he is not a vegetarian, for nothing seems to com; his way. His appetite is a«ay above nqsrral these days—se&d U»e things along *sy old time. Ladies! Have 70a sets those beautiful Hats atCarstarphenV? Attention is called to the notice that Sheriff Crawford has in this issue. Ok! what a beautifat line of La dies' and Children's Jackets at Carstarpheu's. Mr. J. D. Simpson is having ma terial put on the Baglev Ist pre paratory to repairing th- dwelluig. I Jim Wilcox, the supposed mur derer of Nellie Crppsey, at Eliza -1 bcth City, has been granted a new trial by the Supreme Court. The republican coireution of the First C«'gtc*»oi al district met in Ede»tpi on Tnodar, and nominat ed H K Hodges, of Beaufort, oh the third ballot. While leaning against the side of one of the warehouses here. R P. Satterahite wasaccide tally struck by a truck and one of his bards was betily crushed. Dr.'H. O. Hyatt will be in Wil liamstcn at the Hassell House on Monday and Tuesday, October 6th and 7th. 1902, for the purpose of beating diseases of the eye and fitting glasses. l-at The Greenville Reflector says that T. H Combs, of Coooho, Martin county, has made the high est average (29.20) on the number of pounds, over three thousand of tobacco in the State this season. Mr. Combs has not been on the Williamston market yet If he had. he could probably report a higher average. , State Superintendent of public Instruction Joyner will in a few days designate the day which will this year be observed as "North Carolina Day, "in the public schools Last year the day selected was too early, as many schools were not open He will in all probability select the Friday after Thanksgiv ing day. Then all the schools will be open. There will be special ex ercises. We desire to give somebody a Steel Range and at the same time increase our subscription list. THE ENTERPRISE should go into the homes of ever)' man in the county, and we are striving unto that end. To any old or new subscriber who pays one dollar there will be given a ticket. The larger number of tickets you get the more chances yon have at the Range. Every household should have a Range— take this chance to get one. See ad.. with cut of Range. Send in your money and secure tickets. Hancock's Liquid Salpkv ctm* »kiw troubles of every nature No home should be without it Ask jonr ncrckub for a book os Liquid Sulphur Sold by C. D. Cantarphen & Co. j ■ Anderson RasstH a Co., Keith a Cod win. A Feast of Fmm. Htm; Blount pn bis lecture. "Chow Chow.' to a small bat appceuurr audi ence at the Opera limuc on Wednesday evening. Mr. Geo W. Newell, in choice «wik and pleasing manner, introduced him. But. be needed no introdnction to a Wilhaniston nudieuce.for «o many here have enjoyed often h» wonderful getim in orstory and impersonatiowa. tlx rapid change from the pathetic to the humor ous i.« in-Iced marvelous.and m man.per haps in the Sooth hit ever approximated Henry Blount in this one feature of his lecture. The iin{erx,nationa at Artemas Ward. Bob Tat lor. Cot. Mowbray and others were the nut intertainiag parts ot the lecture. The tone of voice, ges tures and lords of Col. Mowbray (who is well remen-bercd here.) were perfect. It was indeed an evening when ooe feasted 00 fun, and w«a charmed by flights of oratory that came as qnickly and bright ly as lightning from the ttwndosd. If you are suffering from Enema. Pin pies, Herjes. Ringworm, dandruff, or any blood or shin dicase, Hancoch's Liquid Sulphur is n sitae erne. Sold by C. D. Carstarpheu ft Co. Anderson Hassell ft Co.. Keith a God win, —— : Rural Free Delivery. Hon. John H. Small writes that three free delivery routes hare been establish ed in Martin connty. Rohersonville has one route, Williamston on* route; James rUle one mote. It is extremely impor tant that families along the rootes should purchase boxes, thereby showing their interest in the service. If after a reason able time a snftcient number of boxes has not been purchased, the Department will conclude thct the farmcxs along the paitieular roi4es do M desire this ser vice and will diawmtiani the same. NATURAL ANXIETY. ! Mothers rcxatdisg approackiDK winter . with uneasiness, children take CJU so j easily. No diseaar oasts more little Bia > Iku map. It'* attack W » inddti | that the nfferer ta often tyrjrwd Hmiy laid Molt the doctor mini. Snch casta yield readily IOOK Minute Coach Cure | Lkjuifes the matM allay* I lion, remove* Jaagir -»l"wl1ily safe, j Acta immediately. Can* ctmghs, c-rids. | grip, bronchitis, all throat and Uif trouble. P. S. McMafeoo Haaifto*. [ G»: "A M cJJ na iral ma ouiokn I jast before aa aniaiical I in | tended to withdraw fact took One Minute Coogh Care It rntond ay Toice in time to *in the msdal. S. UttiHtaeUvtrNi makes Mue people bright. rW«n«n the system id all the ddckma and unhealthy ntt- Icrend makes a new jowo U yon. j PERSONAL. Miss Louise Smith wick has been in town this week. Dr. X. B. Marrine* left Cor, Richmond this ink. Miss Burnett, of Hobgood. is vis it nig Miss Mary Hofcfas. Mr. D. D Clark, of Plymouth, was in town Wednesday- Mr- Joseph T. Waldo, of HamD ' ton. was in town Toesday. John L- Hassell. of Str. Plym outh, was iu town Sunday. Mr. Justus Brown, of JamesvOle, left for Norfolk on Toesday. Cape Archie Turner, of the Str. ■ Petit, spent Monday at home. Miss Mattie Nicholls is visiting : her sister. Mrs. Walter Hameß. Mr. EdXkhoUs. of Windsor. , spent Sunday evening in town. Misses Debbie Parker and (ha Jenkins, were in town this week. Mr. George Capehart, of Aroca, iN. C-. was in town Sunday night. I Messrs. N. S. Peel and Dennis S. Biggs went to Norfolk yesterday. Messrs. Wheeler Martin and J. iD. Leg get t, spent Sunday in Tar boro. Miss Essie Ray is at home again after a pleasant visit to Roberwn ville. Mr. Will S. Rhodes, of Hamd ton, N. C, was in town Sunday evening J W. Ward, of Parmele. was a pleasant caller at our office last Monday. Mrs. J. M. Sittersun returned from Scotland Neck on Tuesday evening. Mimes Anna Crawford and EM ma H asset I spent Wednesday with Mis Mittie Coffidd. Messrs. Baaemore, Davis. Greg ory and Dr. Dunston, of Windsor, were in town Tuesday. Mrs. John L. Hassell. of Eden ton, wha has been visiting friends in town, left on Monday,. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Blount left on Monday for New York to pur chase their falPand winter stock. Miss Barham. who has been the guest of her father, Capt. Barham, ' at the Hassell House, left on Mon day. James S. Rhodes went to Rich mond, Va.. on Tuesday. He will i enter the Richmond Medical Col lege. L Messrs. Cadmus and George Cape hart, of Avoca. N. C., attended Henry Blount s lecture Wednesday night. Mrs. Tom Jones and children. Mrs. Colon Rodgerson and Miss Mate Nooney, are visiting Mrs. M D. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs Pope, of Green ville. are visiting Mrs. Pope'spar ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tucker, corner Watt's and Pearl streets. Mr. Calvin K. White has been in town this week visiting his son. Mr. W. R. White. He called at , the office while here, and renewed j his subscription Mrs. Herbert Pope left for Dunn. >N. C , on Friday last, where she 'will visit her sister. Mrs. j. Gus | Godard Her mother. Mrs. Belle i Ellison and Mary Belle Ellison. ! accompanied her Messrs Jimcs Monk and Grover Hardiaon. and Misses Nora Few den and Laveuia Peel, spent Sun k day in Windsor. N. C. They were entertained at the Bertie House and gave a pleasant report of their ! reception by the young people of the town. | Mr. and Mm. Wm. Reddick, ; Misses Lizzie and Annie Taylor. ' Miss Emma Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. I RoU. Griffin, Mr. and Mi*. James Jones, Messrs W. H. Edwards, [Me. 0 Thomas Fuller,Eh | Ray and Roht Janes west to Tar ! boro yesterday. Elder S. Hassell, Mr. and Mm. Wm. Slade, Messrs. Simon Ward. ! \ndrew Cherry. Hyman Peel, Ash j ley MizeU, Scth Hardison. )|r. and | Mrs. Eli Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. J. j R Mobley, Miss Nettie Mo hky 1 and Mrs. Levi Jones went to Tar boro* Wednesday to attend the Kehnkee Asaociation. TVhf!e opening a ban. |. C. Moot, of Tluee Mile Bay, N. V.. ran a tea penny nail through the t shy part of hU hi»d. I "I thought at occe of all the pain sad soreness tits wnUd tuscnw," hp «ays. "aad muaedietely apply! Chamhrrlsia "s fail Balm and riffariiiniTly tflqiaib. To my snrprite it removed all pnm and pmeaeas aad the tnjnrrd parts were mm hfafaL" f« «ale by N. S- Peel It Co. .In New York. '-4 I am now in New York buying a .. Full Line of the .. LATEST STYLES Dress Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Etc. Ladies' and Children's Wraps. On my Return will Display the most Complete and Attractive line of -•-Fancy Goods-*- Ever Offered in Williams ton. Wait Tor U®, LWiil save you Money. MRS. GEO. W.BLOUNT. ROBER • ONVILLE. [Special Correspondence ] lfr& Bugg is still very ill at the ROBS House. Mr. L. Tliirston, of Oakley, spent Sunday in town. Mr. Chas. Hurras of Everetts, was a visitor to our place this week. Mrs. C. A. Walker is visiting friends and relatives in Richmond, V«. Miss Etta Smith, of Karmville, is a popular and appreciated guest at the Burch Hotel. Miss Pattie James, of Everetts, is visiting friends and relatives in town this week. Pastor Grant preached to a la. go audience at the Methodist church here Sunday. Mr. P. H. Williams spent Satur day in Rocky Mount looking after interests In tobacco. Ouue a number of our people at tended the annualmeeting at Spring Green on Sunday. Messrs. Arch Roberson and Jesse Rawls are erecting two handsome residences on Railroad street- Mr. Chas. Godwin, cashier of the Bank of Mat tin county, oi Williams ton. spent Sunday in town. Miss Ella Burras, of Everetts, is visiting the Misses Keel, much to the delight of her many friends here. The young people of the town are preparing to give a crucial test of their theatrical talent iu the near IfeCMt. Rev. Mr. Rose went to Hamilton Sunday, where he filled his regu lar appointment at the Baptist Church. Mr. C. A. Jeffries, who repre ; seats the Imperial Tol>acco Com pany at this place, went to Tarboro Saturday. Mr. J. H. Everett has returned to Nashville, Tenn., where he will take the Bachelors Degree from the University this year. Mr- R. E. Grimes is furnishing the brick for Dick Martin's store which is now in course of construc tion at Williamstou. Among |bc traveling men in town |his week, was Mr. John Lamb, the clever representative of Daaid Miller &Co,of Baltimore 1 Mr. Jim Keel, formerly of Wash ington. D. C.. but now in the em ploy of the Coast Line Railway- Mail Service, spent several in town this week. Mr- W. L. pcrrall, one of the drttf representatives of the Amer ican Tobacco Company, went to Winston Friday to be with Mrs. ' Ferrail on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Henry Blount, of Wilson, will give one k of bis humorous ; lectures at the acadeit\y next ; Thursday night. The proceeds ! will go to the Robersocville High- I school Library fund. Ou Thursday Oct. 2d, at the of fice of A. K. Isuxiuiiig, the books will be open for the registration of all electors of Robcrsonvillc pie- cinct. Unless you register you will not I* alloKvd to rote in the coming election. The liooks will be open for twenty days. Let every body register. Miss Alice Grimes went to Wil liamston Friday, where she passed a successful examination before County Supt. Peel. Miss Grimes will liegin teaching M>uday. Some one of her many friends must have known that she was going to teach, from the handsome time piece she-kocirin^ Quoting from last wick's issue of THK HNTHRPKISK: ' The average per jtouiid for the toltacco at Greenville last »c>k was a frac tion over eleven cents. That for WiHiamston for same was twelve and a half cents." "Thereby hangs a tale " The comparison show s up well for Wilhaniston. it being a new market. Hut would it not lie well to put somc.of the other neighbor- in the comparisons. The market at Ro!«er*»nvilli would gladly com[>are averages with any market in this section. It is to tie hoped that the quota tion "Thereby hangsa tale" is not literally true. To put it very mild ly, two constinotions could lie placed on the quotation. The word "Tale"' might I* literally con-, strued. [ln reference to aliove, we will say that If the neighboring mark ets would furnish their average, we will publish gladly. Any news, and anything that will help ad vance the material interests of our county will receive our careful at tention. We want news from every section. Our correspondent very pleasantly plays on a word, quoted. —Ed. OUSINCJJ ITEM/ Advertisement* untlcr this bead 5 rent* a line each lUM-ition. No ad. Uken fur la* than 15 cents. | FOR SAI.B— i.0u0.000 feet of Gum Timber within one-half mile . Roanoke River Apply to tf The Enterprise KHN. S tVrl & Co. Pauim Hat* in Black and Pearl. Don't forget Di Gnrpioi is the man to cell you Groceries, be ahnp has a fine stock CM hand. ; _ _ _ UWM and Dinitiei of latest pattern 'at N. S. Peel & Co. A full line of up-to-date Genf* FurniJi at till Ownuu' warm tot. 100 blocks of New Ribboa at ret prices. N. 8. Peel it Co. Ladies' I>re»s Goods, Dry Goods, No tions ami all other articles of wearing ap parel for the Ladies at Goiganus'. POR SALR—I Second-hand 8 horse Power EAIH and Engine, in good or dt% Apply to. , The Simpson Hard*are Co., 47-tf WiUiamstoH. N. C. WANTED 5 YOUNG MEN" fpotn Mar tin Count} at ot'cc to iitejate for I'osi tions in the Government Jer* ice— Rail way Mail tlrrU. letUri Carriers. Cut tour llwiw tsnd InjuiHiKnl Cicsks, etc. Apply to Inter-SUtcCmts. Ifctt.,Cedarßapids. lov.a. * Au. 13 2in Watch the "White Front The Store that saves you Money ——————————■—i—l^— Is the magnet that draws the Crowd* The "White Front" Store *>' ■ m Is the only store in town that can save you money on GROCERIES Look at What is Said Below Lyon Coffee >lO cents * Sugar 5 cents Green '• 8 " Chipped Beef 10 cents Star Lye 8 " Bluing, bottle, 3 " Octagon Soap 4 - Gold Dust 3 " «* JEWELRY AT ANY OLD PRIC©. W. M. WILSON, The Grocery man. Tax Notice! Tax [Notice! I will be in my office during the months of September and November, or yoQ will find a Deputy there, for the purpose of retiring your taxes. I will visit the places In-low for the game purjosc on the days stated during thf month of October : Goose Nest, Friday, Oct. 17, 1902 Williams, Tuesday, Oct. 28, 190 a Hamilton, Saturday, " i«, •• Beor Grass, Wednes. " 29, " Brooksville, Tuesday " 21, " Griffins, Thursday " 30, " Hassells, Wednesday " 22, " Dardens, Friday " 31, " Gold Point, Thursday " 23, " Janiesvillc,Saturday,Nov. 1, " Cross Roads, Friday " 24, " Everetts, Monday, " 3, " Robersonville, Satur. " 15, " Very Respectfully, J. C. CRAWFORD, Williamston, N. C , Sept. 29. 1902 Sheriff Martin Coounty,- New Goods at Lowest Prices* We have just opened up the largest and l>est line of .1 Dry Goods, Notions, Tabic Linen, Boots and Shoes we have ever purchased and the eiitire stock must lie told at oftce. intend to please nil who purchase from us,-so come light along and examiof our stock. Dress »oods: \\ orsted, regular price ImU, our pi ueiixt* I'm ales, regular prict locts our price New Press (>oods from to f i 25 per yard, 10 j»er cent under regular price A full line of penis' Ptirnjsfitiig (>ooda A fine line of I.adies Shoes (job I«ot) regular price $2 ««o selling them at f- 1 25 nest Coffce # Green and Roasted locts _ _ " ~ ~ ""vi KKITH & G ODWIN I ■ GET ACQUAINTED " WITH THE NEW FALL STYLES!!! !*— EVERYTHING FASH ION ABLE ■ m FOR BOTH MEN amq WOMEN, Cur GlothmJ is New and Something NOBBY. They W r i 11 Bo Found on Second Floor. We have Rugs for the Floor, ETOdj fgj all Styles, Art Squares, 1 N.S. PEEL & CO. School Books at Half Price. AD Kinds of School Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged, Now is the time to order your School !!• Wilts, Best bargains ever offered. We will take your liooks in exchange. Send us a list of them at once. Typewriters rented, rejmircd, bought and sold. Stationery, Fountain Feus, School and Office J'urtjt. ture, Illauk Books, also ura]>ho|>honcs, Rubber anil leather .xxU. 4* Old and Rare Books a sjiecialty. Write for catalog and list. Book Bags ant Slthju Free. _ SOUTHKRN BOOK KXCHANGE, - - Ralkigh, N. C. Look Out Tor Breakers! I am now just from the Northern Markets where 1 purchased goods cheaper than ever berore. 1 will Kit for the nest 30 days Kureka l'laids J>4 formerly sc, R lasted Coffee 11 formerly 12% Mustaphaa 5,14 •• 7 c Gmm " " ,oc " • " Best Jo •* laKc Drown Cotton 5 "6c A , bllckles an(l Oakback Rng. ; I.yons Coffee 11 " ". Tie Shoes 99 #'.J5 C.ents Nice Hats 98 '' f1.50 Oyster Boot* ft 99 " $: 50 -rib can bkg. Dong. powdera 5c " loc Shoes 98c " Single Bbl.nrceck. Cents Calf '* 9> * " f> 5o Gun *-«S ".* 00 l/«m and Gents 4.4 Best Bleaching 6,S " Sc „. ack Hqk fc .. V . Acme Flour f4 75 " *>°° All f J slop jars © #I.OO I have just opeued up a Full"of CU>t!ii:i,; and Overcoats which I will Sell at 10 per cent, above cost also a nice line of Children's Clothing and Fancy Blouse Suits, alio a large and nice line if lit. I.i.Us-t tt; les of Ladies Jackets and all' other ,t'ooUs not mentioned at reduce price of .15 j>er cent. 1 cordially in vite the public at lnige in u» examine m> immense stock before buying. Eli Gurganus.