" .TEE ENTERPRISE. muHtn> miT rmzokr ALFSKD r, WHITNPIE. .. . Hwtw are rouna ... | lit »rt»nlln »M«i lit paptr OIIMH tfce] rat to sotMed mm* atoriflto •Map. _ UrnlkuM on which ma «K!M mbn af taMttoaa b narknl. will to miM "OU ImM" oddHirl «p k> d»«r ol dimrtiao SMB* jfjW l ■- HwMll »nli dtaaatiaacd before the tUar •MlniM (ar.kM rx|4rrd will to cll«H »•■ •teat talcs fort to time actMllr paMittoC rll 111! I ill 'nil * ' " BMW al tto writer aemapaair. it-aal to to pab- I Mwi bat ■• a |Wi»Ue of good faith IWUimiw Raraa. —Oae i»-h OK tawrtiua | •s oeaU, Kaeh aatorqacat in wrtioa yt caaU. j WmVMilt taceatsa Use OUtaarieaaad Bnotatioaauf Baapect. all arti M liaca, s ccats a line Capy far Advertisement*, at cfcanc* ol Aim tiaemeata. most to ia lLu» okoe aut latet than j SUBSCRIPTION fi oo A YEAR IN ADVANCE latmd at tto Port uftce at Wiliiailia. m. C..aa Second Cfaua Mail Matter VIIOAT. OCTOBER 17.1902. OUR TICKET For Chief Justice of the Supreme Court WALTER CLARK, of Wake Iter Associate Justice of the Su preme Court from the East HKJTKY GROVES CONKER, of Wilson par Associate Justice of the Su preme Court from the West PLATT D. WALKER, of Mecklenberg for Corporation Commissioner Evcm C. BEDDINGFIELD of Wake |>cr Superintendent of Public In r struction JAMBS Y. JOYNBK of Guilford * for Congress from First Congres sional District JOHN H. SMALL, of Beaufort For the Senate—2nd District J. A- SPRUILL, j of Tyrell. S 'S.MANN, * of Hyde. For Judge o( the 4th Judicial Dist i CHARLES M. COOKH, of Franklin. For Solicitor of the Fourth Judicial District C. G. DANIELS of Wikon. I j • OUR COUNTY TICKET FOR LEGISLATURE —11. W. Stubbs; FOR SHERIFF — J C.Crawford FOR CLERK OF CJHTRT J.A.Hobls- FOR RKGISTKR OF DEKUS— W. C.' Manning. FOR TREASURER— II. M. Bunas' FOE CORONKK Dr. RJ. Nelson! FOR SURVEYOR Sylvester Peel FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS—J. B. Coffiield, J T. Barnhill, Dr. U. I S. Hasscll Have you registered? Rcmein-| ber that the 25th of Octoliet is the J last day of registration. Registei' under the grand father clause anil, Settle the question for life. Is the' man -who is so selfish that lie has no time nor inclination lb vote for good government, a good citizeu? i The election this year means much to North Carolina. It is the most important one in many years. Reg ister and do your duty on election . day. The condition of the sidewalks after the rain Saturday gave an un pleasant object lesson to pedes titans It clearly proved the care las waste of time, material and money. Let us have a more care fal supervision and better results therefrom. TOB FARMERS SMOKEHOUSE Of all questions that agitate, •nd should agitate the iiiiiidn of every farmer, is the one of filling the smokehouse _*i)b meat for the coining year Kvery reasonable inan will tell you that no part of his expense draws upon hie resources a* does the purchase of meat for his table. It is a prime neces-j •ity ; the man who can boast j of plenty of hogVnrd hominy i* •trong'.y entrenched against the burdens that may fall upon j him. In the year of 1902—a yea> of enormous prices in focxli ■tuffs —the meat question ha.-' grown in itnpoiUuce with the" eoal agitation. But while the 1 fttper in our cannot j and has no need to settle the latter, lie is the ah important factor in tbe hog industry at home. He bums wood and has plenty of it, and with store of juicy meat, potatoes ■' and bread, is in a small way as ' | independent as the coal barons 'i of the North. 1 I 1 Now thcro are many farm ers who are either unfortunate or do not properly manage along this line. Some even say that 'lis cheaper to raise to -1! bacco, etc., and buy food stuffs. I This is surely false reasoning Raise tobacco and all markct ■ able crops, of course, but al Ihe same time keep your hogs in good condition by a crop of peanuts, potatoes aud corn. I The farmer who comes to town and buys meat does not pros per. You might examine the affairs of the farmers of Martin and without exception the most prosperous raise meat for home consumption and for the mark et. Think of the meat value now and the man who can raise it has a splendid prospect for an increase of his bank account We desire to bring this great necessity to tho closer atten tion of every farmer. Of course, there are disadvantages—chol era and many other disasters may occur during the year. Meet every discouragement with a strong determination to conquer next time. Cholera is so often caused by improper treatment—unhealthy ranges and poor food largely tend to hinder healthy conditions. iQYitli hams at 16 cts, pork 121, and lard i'lh, tho pros-* Ipccts for tbe wise and fortun ate farmer arc above par. If (he farmer can keep afloat him- I ijolf, he becomes a helper in tho general good of his county. America's Famous hcau.ies. Look with huriot on Skin Erup tions, Blotches, Sores, J*htij>lcs. IThey don't liavi them, noHvill any I who u-t s BiKkTcn's Arnica I Sahe. It glorifies the face. Ec jcvijia oi S.ili Rhcuin vuuisk liefore lit. It cures gore lips, chapped j h.inls, chilblains Infallible for j j Files, -sje at-drttg stmt*. The Wilson correspondent of the , R deigh Post has this to say of his I trip to Williams'.ot) : "From Plymouth we went to*! WiUi.inistoii, aud found that it had | I put on a brand-new suit of push, I p«" >£ress and improvement, and was I ' getting to Ik- an up-to date town of I I business, hustle and activity. I.ots of tobacco are being sold there, and I wherever that is done we see the golden inipnut of brilliant prosper , ity. Brick buildings are going up, and everything sj>eaks of thiiftand | progress. We hail the pleasure of j meeting Alfred K. WhitniOte, the j able aud hrillia t editor of the newsy ENTKKI-KISK. whom we found to be ainoug the cleverest of clever fellows, aud we are safe iu saying that his polished and fecund pea is one of the potent and pow erful factors in Williamston's rapid strides to brilliant piosperity. We also met that rising and promising young lawyer, G. W. Newell, and from the few introductory remarks we heard him make we here pro nounce him a speaker of ornate and persuasive eloquence, and full of convincing and thrilling power. And we met Mr. Sutton, the very popular Methodist pallor, whom we fouud to be a most charming and lovable Christian minister, and to whose courtesy we are un- Jder many obligations, but he could! not be otherwise than polished and lefiued. for he has a most lovable wife, in whose ministry all the dross is burned off and remov ed, and only the pure gold of ex-' cellence is left." f i We desire to give somebody a J Steel Range and at the same time I increase our subscription list. THK I ENTKKPRISR should go iuto homes of every man iu the county, and we arc striving unto that end. | To any old or new subscriber who ! p*>.s one dollar there wijU Lt: given js ticket. The larger uumber of j tickets yon get the more chances 1 j you We at the R&iige. Every • household should have a Range— I take this chance to get one. See j sd.. with out of Send iu J your money and secure tickets. L tl' ft s ANY CHURCH or parsonage or . institution supported by voluntary contribution wiH be given a liberal t j quantity of the Lpngman & Mar 8' tinez Paints whenever they paint. j NOTE: —This has been our cus- Mtom for twenty-seven years; any s • building not satisfactorily painted | will be repainted at our cxpeii.se; " j about one gallon of Liusctd Oil to I be added to every gallon of the! j paint to make ready for use; it's j mixed in two minutes, aud cost of -'the paint theieby made less in price > j than any other. Yearly product over one million gallons - Eongman & Martinez, Sole Agents I S. R. BIGGS. i-$t IN MEMORIAM. Alfred Eugene, infant son of Al ■ fred E. and Katherine Whitmore, I died on JWsday, the 14th of Octo (| ber, 1902, after au illness of several weeks. This little flower burst into bloom ' on May 20th, aud had by the fra -1 grance of sweetest babyhood made ■ more glorious tbe atmosphere of 1 the home-life and fastened, deep, t its tendrils into the hearts wli»e treasure it was. But He, who called little chil ! dren unto Him and blessed them, ' bad need of it in tbe adornment of 1 the Garden above, and in infinite 1 love and mercy, released it from . earthly pains to dwell with Him for ever. Rev. T. H. Sutton, assisted by ' Rev. B. K. Mason, conducted the ' funeral services st the residence, using the beautiful and impressive ritual of tbe M- E. Church, South. The casket was tenderly borne tq Oafcdale Cemetery and interred at the conclusion of the services. Pall-bearers were: C. D. Car 1 starphen, Dr. Jno. D. Biggs, W. C. 1 Manning and S. S Brown. His Ute In Peril. >1 "I just' seemed to have gone all ■to pieces," writes Alfred Bee, of I Welfare, Tex., "biliousness and J lame l>aek bad made life a burden, j I couldn't eat or sleep and felt al nui t-| too worn out to work . when * I began to use Klectric Bit ters, but they worked bonders. Now I skip like a top can eat anything, and have gained in strength and enjoy hard work." They give \ igorous health and new life to weak, sillily, rundown peo ple. Try than Only sf>c at drug | store. Mrs. W. H. S. Burgwyn, State 'Secretary of the North Carolina Branch of the King's Daughters and Sons, is sending petitions for signatures to secure an appropria tion to establish Reformatory for i white boys in tion will l>e presented fo^the"next ; Legislature. Private contiibutions i are requested. and the circles with* •j in the State will help build and sus [ tain the institution. This movement should have the | hearty co operation of every white citi/en in Notth Carolina. It is a I sad but true fact that large num ! bers of young criminals are among us. In the city of Brooklyn, New | York, 83 per cent of the juveniles |are redeemed, and only 10 per cent |of the adults This shows the im ' portanoe of early training. We should .save the boys from hardness in crime. It is the duty of the State to help in this great cause,—v'tis the cause of humanity. We recall the words of a thoughtful writer: "Yes these are they whom yon are pleased to call criminal, but who are the cul pable?" IIKLBARNKD A oRHAT TRUTH. It is itid of John Wesley that he one* Mid to Mis. Wesley: "Why do yon tell tha child the same thing over anl over again?" "John Wealey,because once tell ing u not enough." It is for this same rea son thai you are told again and again that Chamber lain's Cough Remedy cures colds and grip; that it counteracts say tendency of these diaeases to result iu pneumonia, sad that it Is pleasant and sate to take. Fur sale by N.S. Peel a Co. Mr. George Vanderbilt's farm manager writes to the State Fair I management that he will have the best agricultural exhibit ever seen iu North Caiolina. C.AINKD FORTY POUNDS IN THIR TY DAYS. For severe I months oar younger broth er had been troubled with indigestion. He trie' etttil remedies hut got uo ben efit ln«. * .hem. Wc purchased some of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab j lets and he comtueaeed. taking them. In side of thirty d.rja he had gained forty ! pounds iu flesh. He is note fully recov ered. We have a good trade on the Tab- 1 (lets. —Hulley iiru*., Merchants, I.ong j Bruitii, Mo. For sale by N. S. Peel & . 1 C °" 1 , I 1 ryji 1 . j,- . • . ' V ' /rHEDroiIJV ! piA£X'B«UX3lfln : BfarlinM Ciwetiualiun U nothing mare I V 4} tn*n a aaou-"y of the bowels OKI Kir irndnothing Ire-than vital dag i a ration or death if not relieved. «] r» II ffwy constipated suffrrrr « n could realise that he is allowing I f) poisonous filth to remain in hia FJ ayitem, he would aoon get relief. I Con-;ipotion invite* all kind of . ■ eontagiua. Ileadaehea. bllioua . I nets, eolde and maor other sil a rarats disappear when conati- I B paled honreb are relieved. Thed- I lord * Black-I'raugbt thoroughly | clean* oat the Ixnrde in an easy i 1 and natural manner without the f purging of caJotnd or other rio- I lent cathartic*. ' I Be aure that you get the ceigi : A na] Tbedfords BLadc-Ilra'tjrht. j9 V tuade by The Chattanooga Medi- ■ W cine Co. Bold hy all drngfrirts In V I ® rent and 11.00 pack^e*. I ...■rTj'-irfaah'BU. I | I LmprJ ■ASS PU. * [By Correspondence. ] Wr. W. K. Gladstone, of Ham ilton, was here Monday. H. L. Salisbury went to Coakley list Friday on business. B. L. Howard, of this place, went to Conoho last Monday. Miss Carrie Lawrence, of near Coakley, was here last Monday. W. R. Howard, of this pla&, went to Tarboro last Friday on business. Jc--.se Speight, the cotton buyer front Greenville, was here Monday on business. Several people left here last Fri day eveifing en-route to the asso ciation to be held at Red Italics. Mr. I) H Scott, travelitffe sales man for Owen & Minor Co., I Richmond. Va.. v.;.s here Monday. I Rev. Thomas Lawrence and 'wife ! passed here Tuesday on their way home in Hamilton, fiom the asso ciation. .-?• Mrs. Molly Gotham, of Speed, ivlio has bet ii visiting her sister, j Mrs. R. H. Salisbury, returned j hoi!!'. List Friday. 1 V,'. A. i !-iuiug, agent for 4he | t'tii. -it Central. Life Insurance Com pany, left here a few days ago I on a business tiip. Owinf to the heavv-rain which fell last Saturday morning and night, the farmers are delayed in hoti.sing their crop. Miss Carrie Howard, of Conoho, came down Saturday evening to s]iend Sunday with her brother, W. R. Howard, and returned Mon day. A picnic was given by the stu dents of the public school of this district on the last day. A very nice crowd was present and every cue seemed to enjoy it. Messrs. R. H. Salisbury, K. R. Kdinotison and the writer, visited Williamston last Thursday. We notice there are several new stores being built, and new dwellings al so. We abo visited tobacco market and found prices good. We are proud to see the town improv ing so rapidly. ■ QUESTION ANSWERED. ! Yea, August Flower (till has the Jarg eat wW of any medicine ia the civilised world. Your mothers and grandmothers ■ever thought of aaiag anything elaa far indigestion or biliousness. Doctor* ware ecarce, and they aeldon heard of Appea dicitia, am una iwatirtha or heart fail ure. etc. They uaed August Flower to clean out the >ystem snd stop fenneata tiou of indigested food, regulate the ac tion of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bed with headache and other achea. You only need a few doesca of Greco's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you *ati» 6cl there is nothing miout the trutler with >ou. You can get Dr. O. G. Green's reliable ren.edics at S. K. Bi&gtt. Get Green's S[ecial Almanac. The marriage of B B. Nicholson of Washington. N. C., ended in.a tragedy. W. S. Anderson, of Mississippi, was a suitor for the hat.3 of Mbe. Bryant to whom Nich | olsoa t\ as maided. Just before the I uiomage Anderson was font id cold in ienth iu Lis tcom at a hotel in j Lit*k-tou, a victim of unrequited! kvr * " 31 A PRIZE ONTEST ! iCjfc 1 TOR GIRLS I UNDER FOURTEEN YEARS OLD. A RUCK'S JUNIOR RANGE HI W.N AWA Y ON DECEMBER 24th, TO THE GIRL WHO If / r CUTS OUT AND BRINGS TO OUR STORE The Largest Number of our JHB 'Ads' Containing Buck's I %m Begin With This Issue And Save Every Advertisement. at mmmmmrnrnam—m See the Prize in our window. I The Simpson Hdw. Co. I ' . GO TO S. C. RAY ; For Fine Picture* Ealarred la Water Mini Cnjrta *a4 PaateL FINISH—STYLE—QUALITY. Se« Teat Near N. S. Peel's InUtict on Sooth-Wert Main Street, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. $5.30 to kkhJßoad and Retara afc The ATLANTIC COAST LINB for the ANNUAL HORSR SHOW. Tichett will be placed on aale October ■3t U. I}. 16, 17 and 18th, good to retnrn until October aoth, 1902. W. J. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent. Hancock'* Liquid Sulphur will cure Prickly Heat in one application. Try Hancock'* Liquid Sulphur bath*. For ule at C. I). Carstarpheu & Co. Andeiaon Hassell & Co., Keith a Godwin. For cut*, burns, open lore*, *ore feet, dandruff, falling off of the bair, or any skiu disease, use Hancock'* Li quid Sulphur. Sold by C. I). Cariitar phen. Anderson Hassell * Co;. Keith * Godwin. The eclipse of the Moon is one of the most sublime sight* Nature gives to dwellers on this mundane sphere. To those could] keep awake last night to view the Moon in shadow, it presented a grand sight. The heavens were resplen dent with constellations, which glowed with unusual brightness while darkness hid the face of the Moon. Totality occurred at one o'clock and the clearness of the at mosphere rendered it peculiarly beautiful and awe-inspiring. * If you are suffering from Rctema, Pimple*, Herpes, Ringworm, dandruff, or any blood or skin disease, Hancock's Liquid - Sulphur is a sure cure. Sold by C. I). Carstarphen & Co, Anderson Ilassell & Co., Keith a God win. - Hancock's Liquid Sulphur cure* skin troubles of every nature. No home should be without it. Ask your men-bant* for a book oa Liquid Sulphur. Sold by C. D. Carstarphen ft Co. Anderson Haascll * Co., Keith a Godwin. LBGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrator's Notice! Having qualified as adaniniatrator of W. C. Powell, deceased, late «f Martin County, N.C.,thta is to notify allpenoaa having claims against tha aetata of Mid deceased, to exhibit them to tha uadar signed on or befoee the 17th day of Oc tober, 190), or this notice wtll be plead la bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will pIMW make immediate payment. This 9th day of Oct. ifM. J, B. RA WLS, 4-R AAsWMor. Important Land Said By virtue of a Drcirt of the Crwrt of Manin Couctv In a Spnjtl fnctollu|UnKl* pending, tutlikd Kit Tnyfei *t ate. ttx parte, 1 akall oiler at puMkr aale the following described property. to wit: The tract of land cobbml) kaoara aad dn%- aated aa the Mc. O. riobley •• Home Plan," lytng o« both afctea of the public rvad Icadltijr itoir. Williams ton to Ctbm Xmmli, aotl coulaiu ing by estimation j. §4 ACRES MORR OR LFSft. F>or accurate dracriptloat as to tumadaHn, refer ence may be bad to [feoSa of keo.>i din Public R«K****7 o( Martin County. 'A Ploce of tmle: Court Kou«r dooa VbiliUmHoa ».C. Time of bale: Monday, November 3-1902. Tirana of Sale : Oiw Latt cash, keiauce la tuelvc tuuotU aril* a14.r0 n4 iff salty aid %*- temt«o d fern. J iwvKntlnn* a|ffc a I uite. •nth October i-i*u. Jt w. STUUA Everybodyl IS INVITED TO COME I and see our floe Hue of HAMIL»TON-BROWN SHOES! SHOES!! Williamston - Bargain - House, CU«. COBURN PROPRIETOR. * M m^smmmm^ammmaamaammmammaaataamammammmm^^mmm^mammmamammmam^mma^^^^^^^^m STATE*ENT OF I BANK OF MARTIN COUNTY* I AT WILLIAXSTON, N. C M At the close of business on the joth-day of April, 190* : ■ BBSOUBCBB: ~ UABIUTIKS: r . Loons B Dtsconals f so,jpi.Ss tl ,, w - ■ I | O*«T Drafts. T^ s7 C " >,U ' »!**■• ■ fU. I. Bonds, )n.o> Surshia i.lsiut iMdiiud Mortgage* 1.000 o» Undivided Pnda 4*7-ST 1 Furniture & Fixtnrea, f««> CertiScntes of nepcaK, 4,*3» . , Bur Krotn Bank. and Dan km IJ,O«I ,ti rll „ fc | National Bank Notea 1M»" ■»*!«« U» Cheek TOTAI, TOT At. |47,taaj» B e | I, JO. Codaixl, Cashier, ol Bank tf Martin Couutjr da solemnly swear (or afirm) that Ikl I f above tttatemrnl I* tnse to the brat of my knowledge and belief, r | J G CODABD, Gashler. V I Mat* of North Carolina County of Mai tin. I • Sworn to and snbaciibed before me, this nth day of May, A. D , T9OS « I C. H. COUWIN, Notary mblle with leal, V New Goods at Lowest Prices. 1 We have jn»t opened tip the largeit and best liue of : -+—■— Dry Goods, Notions, Table Linen, Boots and Shoes ' we have ever purchased and the entire stock must be sold et once. 1 We intend to please all who purchase from us, so come riglif along and examine . »ur stock. 1 • ,' Dress Goods; Worsted, regular price Jocts, our-price locts Percales,regular price ( J loots our price sets New I>res* Goods front s' r i eta to $1 25 per yard, 10 per cent ! I under regular price A full line.of gents' Furnishing GOO.U A fine line c 4 ladies Shoes (Job Lot frcgular p r i te og ailing them at $1 15 Best Coffee, • Green and Roasted loett ' 1 1 . : KEITH & GODWIN , Public Sale OF VALUABLB !| PERSONAL PROPERTY At executor* to the will of the late Den nis Simmons, wc >h;ill offer at sale for i Cash in the town of Willumstoa on [ Monday, Nov. 3- J 902. t (t) Tliat tract of land nitnuted in Jarnesville Township known a» the Bag i ley fend, which contain* four hun dred acre* more or feaa. ' (a) An undivided one-fourth interest in farm, stock, farming implements, corn and fodder, knows a* the liar} Cherry place, which is (aid to contain six hundred acres more or lean. f (j) One-half undivided interest in > the tract of fend lying on Devil's Gut and 1 the Roanoke River, known aa the Biat- I Mam and Grandy twain pa. (4) An undivided one-half iatereat ia j Two Farms, Stock, Males and Horses, Farming Implements, Hogs, Corn, Fodder end Cot ton Seed . . hnown aa the Jaaaa » WtUfexaa feed fat • Goose Nest Township, which ia mum • occupied by Joseph Barley. (5) The office and lot now occupied by the Dennis Simmons Lumber Co. (6) One town lot ia the town of Par- J mele. I (7) Own HUNDRED AND SKVWCTY SHAMS of the capital stock of the Den nis Simmons Lumber Company. (8) SixrV FIVB SHAKES of the capt ( Ul stock of the Roanoke and Tfcr£ivcr ■ Steamboat Company. (9) An unexpired lean on the cy press timber on the Deverux and Quit "! ney fend, which ad joins the Conoho c Creek, Roanoke River and others. , »-6t JOHN D. RIGGS 1 E*ecetors of DiiNNIS S. lUGCS [ Kstate of J Dennis Sin:- raoos. 1 « J Boy McQutffeVKe. 16' tor La-Grippe er Miiiww It is gusnantoed to core j or your money will be refaadad. TRUSTEE'S SALE. . . i By virtue of authority of a " Dead of Trust" executed to me by Henderson ► Rlair on the i ith day of September, 1900 and duly recorded ia the Register's office in Martin County, ia Rook C. C. C., page 446, to secure the payment of a certain l>oud bra'ring even date there* tb,and the /*J stipulations in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, I shall ex pose st public auction, for caah, on HONDAY, NOVEMBER 3. • IPOS, » ■ I at Williaimstan. N. C., ia Martin Coataty, the following property: The tract of fend conveyed to the add Henderson Blair hy daad dated nth April, 1900, by Joha D. Riggtaad Denaia , Shnatoat, which ia said to cowUia w > 11" I ONB BCNDaao AKD Twurrv ux Acaas ' and adjoins the lands of Joshua L. BtraU ...7 Julia Gargaana, ths Conoho Craak, and «hers. , » This September Mad, 190 a. I-St DENNIS & BIOGS. TaesnaL Public Sale Valuable Swamp. ■ y~-rr By order of the Superior Comt of Mar- ' * tin County entered ia the special pro ceeding there pending ttyled J. P. Joha- . j ■ ton, Francis D. Winston aad George T. Winston, Trustees, and others, Ba Parte, to the Cunrt, 1 will ten for Caah (a re-tale' having been decreed) before the store ef Slade, Jones At Hamilton, 1 N.C at 12 tvu, on Saturday, November Ist, J902 that ceitahi tract of Swamp Land ia liar tin County; N, C., known as - Joseph J. Williams "Lcnf Ridge Sw£onp '' aad ccttsichig wc at 300 \ .yj This Sept >Uh. 19M. T. H. SLADB. Commissioner. > , rwr.uii;Va

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