BAD lIiDUCQC wn.l Rad-IV. fW.w Mrxlran ianalan* Mnl run nnnncoa meat ju»t what >oa mi itt*ke eu««* ■I —B% mmi you wtU be aavmlaliwl t»> we bow quickly tt boaia m*m . i| It's this way: _; ~ ■ j You can burn yourself with Fire, with ) • Powder, etc., or you can scald yourself . • with Steam or Hot Water, but there i 3 i > only one proper way to cure a ■ scald and that is by using . Mexican ! Mustang Liniment, j • t f It gives immediate relief. Oct a picco of soft oll 1 linen cloth, saturate it with this liniment and bind j j I looßely upon tho wound. You can havo no ndequato . idea what on excellent remedy this is for a burn until _ [, jrou havo triod it. ——, ArAU/l TID ?f you hare a bird afflicted wltli Roup or any lUVTL 111. other |«mlti jr iIIMM IM Mexican Mimttuif ■i.tniniiL It b jailed a»i AHUAMD rowed/ by poultry bruoilan. Article* not alone beautiful, but useful and durable, (ffjlM \ : . jLyll make the most sensible gift. These pood features, wu S, :£s in) together with a moderate |Tice, make the genuine - JrU P H "1847 Rogers Bros.*' M Cohimbk wj an |Jeal Holiday gift Thiflr are made in a prrat ljJ U variety of shapes, sizes and handsomely 11 * ••A K packed in lined cases, and Vary iu price from 25c. (j j v fj to $3. SO. Your dealer can sumdy you. Writ® 9 a lot on handsome difalngttt lift to lid JOI l>cnuis S. lus T. W. i: usi Ctt:. Mgr.' Jrr. I). fee & Trenp DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO., I . . Mar.uf icturcri cf , . Kiln Dried Notrh Carolina Pine Lumber, J* J* J* J* • « 0 0 DENNIB BIWVON'S BRAND CYPRESS SHINCLCS WILLI A MSTQN, N..C. \L. v -i (y Orders rrd Correspondence Solicited A > j* - . FARMERS.. . r i"i —— ~ If l'"i /Irr liniuing j\ Ctof* of ToiTncco This Vrnr Don't Forget to Insure Your Pack House. LOSS on HAMAGK BY FIHK Anlnveshiicnt of a Fcv. CcCais With UsM-iySa vcYußTncy W.e *lm> uiitr ivro tj.iwk elie known as Iwrumner. El). F. HUFFINES & C 0.,. r Office in New Bunk Rtiibiing STATEMENT OF •BANK-OK MARTIN COUNTY, *' " ~ " AT WTm.IAMSTON, N. C., At the close ft business on the 9th tlav of Oct, 1901 : RHSOfRCKS I - WUUTIKII: A DiKouuti $ Capitnlstifk, } io,mas •mlMlu «.*.» a»" Other Mock, and Bond., i.w.00 Undivided Proßta a I'iaturea, " | « CettHcateaof, 4.IVVM Beaaand I.c«n» 4.-4 »j t>eix>Mt» nthjetl tu Check «*.71«J.*7 mm. from ii.nk.aiMl Banker* M"» Payable " 7.5«.0» Cask ua o.nd 1 «*>»»/» t lu,r ,u Bauk» end Estiker* 4%-M TOTAI., »74.457 is TOTAL, I KW,I> 1.1.0. Cwtard. CaaMeT, of Dank if M.nin County, d® H.I.WHIT nreir (or affirm) that the akwoc IhHaa at la Irae tu tke l>eat of my knowledge and belief, j. O. CODA AO, Raahter. Mat* «f Martk Cart/lit a Couaty of Martin. Sworn to aad aulacribcd l«fore ire, thia {th day Oct., of , A. »., 19U C. II UCDITIIr. Notary lnMic with Seal, * Send us mil' a jf I THE ;; NERVOUS j WOMAN (> i * A Y ELI* doctor?" TV patient BAI drummed her fingers Im- patiently oa the table aa | she aimfce. "Ton live on jroor ovrrem," waa the answer. I The woman laughed. "Aa If I had anything else to live on!" ah* retorted ■urcastiraily aa the shrugged her slen der shoulders. . "Why did you choose a rocking chair When you came Into this office? Why didn't you sit ID a straight backed one?" , "I—l don't know." She stopped the quick; Jerky rocking she had bees In dulging in ever since the beginning of the conversation. "I suppose 1 did It unconsciously." The ro-klng recom ucnced without her noticing It. "You see you can't atop It! Now you are fidgeting your feet— that's Just aa bad—and now you're rublriug your right thumb against the aide of your firat finger. Can't you keep abaoluteiy still?" The patient took a long breath and faced the doctor. "No!" ahe said. "1 feel aa If I should fly all to piecea. I can't; that's all there la to Itf The woman rose to go. "Oh, If 1 had known that nerves was all that was the trouble with mc I wouldn't bars both cred you!" she said crisply. "No one 'ever died of nerves that 1 know of." | "Then you haven't studied cause and effect very carefully," remarked Till I'IA.NO ItttiVU kfcM WILD. the phjslaian. "Mire people die of nerves every day of the ymr than one can count. They die In three ways— uiciiliilly. morSUy and physically. If you have a very strong wilkvou don't die mentally or luor.illy. ami If you have very strong lienilh you don't con tract dint use. ' Now, a il.sordercd IKTV mis crgnnlaatlon r»l>s you of both these Rafeguurda. You make light of IKTVIV lie went on, "and yet I tell you that I lie ticrvotta WQtiuin Is not only u > good In thlM world, but in many cases she Is a positive liurm. Mlie IM-glna by allow ing herself to t>e affected by small thlllc*. Tbo sound of n plnii» drives her wild if she Is writing, and when she rends you mustn't talk within a mile of her. She tldgeta, site bltea her li|M and drums >u the table; then she begins to borrow trouble, to fret, to wonder why other people don't fret nud to worry for them iu other words, to nag them. The next step Is to be come visionary. 11 or uiltid la In that state of tension that she la ready to believe utmost any superstition or fan cy. Iler children. If she has any. be come weak willed and cowardly tjiruu;;li llielr nerve*. The nervous woman I >sea life's best rliancea be cause speech trembles ou her lip*, and alto la liieuliable of austalned action or patient waiting She becumea aa ex tremlMt and la tburoush In nothing. She Uvea perpetually at high tension, her taitea become highly flavored. ahe dislikes quiet eoiu|>aiiy, quiet I wok a. even quiet sounds l.ife Itself nmat be keyed to her own unnatural pitch." "And what would you do about It If fou were such a woman?" "I would serlonsly go over my node of life and find out what waa wrong with it There are three principal causes for such a stute—mental worry, an unhealthy mode of life and over- SiremiouancHN, or attempting too much, f'oiicertiiug worry, here's the beat thing that waa ever auid: 'lf what yon ara worrying aluut Is hopeleaa then worrying won't do H any grad; If It la not. then kfevolu your euvr.lca ta changing matters.' As for the two bat causes. I have only this to sav- make A change at all cost, live regularly. In sist upon gettlug the proper time Car sleep, food, work and recreation. If four present position la the workaday world or In society la uutenable under these conditions, change It. even If JIM have to change your whole mode of life, for life was not meant to he a tor tnre or a i-une. and II la ouly by our own acts that we uu-ike It aa And. •bove till, have respect for your nerves, for they nieun not only your own sretl being, but that of all tboae sroaud you." MAI D KOIIIXSON. 6AROE.rJ!N3 SCHOOLS. Wkert V. otipn Lesra to Ratw Pnlt, i'luwrn crnl VrarliMn. The Ho>k Islaud Hallroid corcp-iny boa a u-oui:m lancrr.-ipe gsidomr. ilra. Annette IfrCrca. It bt thec'uty of Mm. McCrea to visit station after atatfaei of the road and plan the oecuralion of the grounds r,round each. lik wise superin tending the | '.anting of flowers, tr m aid grata aad seeing that all are k pt l.i prrfot onirr. TICa «p?uiiS--'u; La an rm::ii l n:ty fitting oac. It Is 00:7 beginning of what la to follow. W» men will more aad BUR U-cotuevr r and rift af patience to small things. la England a aoriety af ladles some years ago ea tabUabed a acbool of bortlcnKnre for Man, aad It throve from the begin- A morn a aunauuu. ning. Ita pupila are regularly grad luted aftar they have leaned hart*- culture aud laudacspe gardening. la Great Brltala the women landscape gardeners aoon find good place*. They ara useful slda to village Improve ment sock-tie*. One or two of theae trained Bagllab women gardeners have migrated to the I'nlted States aad found employment. Ia the planning oat and superintend ence af the work of parka, cemeteries, fair and country casino grounds, as well as of villa ices laid out oa the park eystem. women succeed perfectly. There are now so many large ornamen tal estates In America thqj here la a lb-Id of Itself for the landscape garden er. and here, too, women have been tried and proved themaelvea entirely capable. If. however, a city woman. I«ra and bred, with a few hundred dollars should essay to make a living In thia to her untrodden field, the first thing she would be almost dead sure to 410 would l« to lose all the money she bad and •till be Ignorant of her trade. The right thing In such a caae would be first to attend a school of practical gardening, even spending all her money In getting the neeei-Miry knowledge. At the end she would at least know bow aud be ready to go to work. llercfcgaia. though, there Is difficulty, for the lulled States la almost desti tute of schools of horticulture. At some of the state universities aud agri cultural coliegca are gardening courses for both sexes, and these are better than any other kind. At the same lime It Is lieyond doubt tliat If a acliooi of horticulture for women were started in every aiale lu the I'tilou it would proa per from the lx ginning. Enterprising and up to date farm women who know the practical part of gardening mlght everywhere earn a good sum annually by taking a few bonrdliij pupils into tMf homes and Instructing tliem In this sure way af earning a good lis ing. One irardciilug school for wotnen lias been established at tiroton. Masa. It Is called the Kcliooi of Horticulture aud l.ardM >ipe Cariieiiing For Womea ami waa fouudol aud Is conducted by a woman. Mis. ICdwiird (illcbriirt 1 J>W. The suit of the enterprise (a an old farm with a good orchard on It bouscs have lieen built aronml the home Stni. lure. The aucivsaful ganleuer near a good market now gcta profit all the year round. The inislng of rad ishes. lettuce and cucumbers In green houses is pleasant work and aa easy aa tiuwer culture. There Is a woman near Boston who liaa a handsome income from the culture of winter CUCUUIIIMU. Tl.e soutbern states •onatltute an ee pecb:liy favorable region fur the ex ploiting of women'a schools of horticul ture and landscape gardening. Tlie nortliern market ror southern grown fresh vegetables la a good aud constant ly iricreaalug one. Southern women, with their habitual outdoor activity, make excellent gardeuera. Meantime women at home on farms and In villages can make profit from tlile Industry to a much greater extent thaa they do. They caa learn from a reliable gardening book sod from ex perience. Few women have knowledge of the use and beauty that eaa he got from even one acre of ground. A Ger man woman who knew her bualneaa has this seaaon filled 100 cans with fruit that grew In lier own yard of lea* thaa one acra. Besides the fruit abe raised all the vegetables the family wanted. Anywhere In the northern statee a lean-to greenhouse for growing winter things may be attached to the home dwelling without great expense, par ticularly If the dwelling be of brick. In a good local greenhouse vMeta and varnatluaw yield an eavlable prodt to arlntac. MARCIA CAM PBS Ll*. gas M W Oeans OM. The Spanish wit and phUosopher. Qoevedo, who to hla time gained a reputation for knowing everything, was aaked If he knew of a mesne whereby a parson could avoid growing old "Moat certainly," said he. "1 know of certain rules which will aura ly percent your growing old." "Wliat are theyF* "Keep la the suu In summer and to the wet In winter. That la one ruin. Never glee yourself rest. That la an other. Fret at everything that hap pens That la another. And then If rem take car* alwaya to (at meat cold and drink plenty of cold wafer when you are hot you may be perfectly stare that yon will never grosr old!" If eon are bilious and reeking advisers. Take I)eWill's l.ittle H&ily Rieeis, Jurt before goiag to bed. - . Yoo will tiM on the morrow. You are lid of your rorrow — That's all: just enoegh aaM. Thc-t fiicov.- pills «lo not gripe,h«-.t wnx-r the IvvU jprntlv and easily, cleansing the liver, licit rtrengtb The Williamston Ginning & Milling Co., IS NOW READY FOR BUSINESS. A Complete Modern Plant. COTTON HANDLED EXCLUSIVELY BY MACHINERY 25 cents the hundred pounds. WE BUY: The Seed Cotton; we buy the cotton after it is ginned; we buy the seed, or exchange meal for seed at the gin, allowing Oil Mill prices for seed and charging Oil Mill prices for meal. GUARANTEED.-**^ Bring your seed cotton to the mill and carry the lint and meal back the same day. You do not have to make the second trip to get your meal. Give us a trial. THE WILLIAMSTON GINNING & MILUNG CO., W. J. Whi taker. Gen. Manager. latest. » T«i ■Uii ni ■ "|l I t ' ~ |- - ' r I- - sas. aagsssgaga szssxzES ■o. i|ii«Mn. When lbe fullou luc lyHablea are cor milj ■rrnnprd. six two syllul>le ward* will be fanned. No syllable la to be tacd mnra than oare. Kn tack-hjo- Mem-at-ter pafd-dcr-fflue-lct h-a ber. Mm. SSl.—lUulral>4 tufpliy. What city In Florida and what Mill American cape ure Inn ni'iseulitl? *•. MMUMh. Sometimes you mrcb and search An-1 cannot find roc; Bomettmni from tnp of Mstiset church To lot lkii (rum The traveler km nt everywhere Ilia footstep panca. Tou aee m on thla | »|wr white Without your gUim*: I'm black. la* white. I n always read) I Now. I» l» and laaars. PrrhMfia you ve written ma yourssleee And alao signed me I*. HSL-lHtkaielleal ramies. | 1. To the double of a certain number add 2, and Ibe rmult la 3U. Wbat la tbe number? 2. To a certain number I add 20, and tbe auni la V llmea tbe luiniber. 3. Tbe dlffert-uce between two num ber* of which 12 la tbe greater la equal to twice tbe smaller. What la the f mailer? I 1 A certain number ralitrarted from IH Intra twice tbe original number. Find tbe ncuila-r. & Tbe aum of three consecutive whole aumbcra la l& Wbat are tbe numKraf & A man who la 00 year* of ace baa three anua whoae united ain-a are equal j to Ida own, and there la a difference of ; S year* between each brother and tbe on* next to hiia. What are the mW , Kw. 18* ill —Ufc All the worda dearrlbed contain the same number of lettera. When rightly I got—«l1 and written ooe hriow a Both- ) er. tbe Initials will spell a certain fruit. 1. Minnie |>artlclea. 2. A ctoater of llowera arraagad along a atom. 3. To refer'to another for decision. i A maarullne nam*. &. Substance Imper fectly vlirirted. & A kind of shoe ar ■UpV«e- Is, MMasikM Minss. Ma: Ftsh atreasa In two worth plate a «a la the tks Ki MS-Wrll K mrnmn Fs eves ho. (The roweia are omitted.] LR,Ua,|,(t,n,| > t l ' ■.kt s tl,Utl.i.t.a.«T,tLt ! t V. r.y. A 1.d.h.a.a.1.*. r. u a. a. It. I 4.8. B. a, h. at. h. tT.r.a.h. m. Ly. A M.a.y. h.a.d.a.w.k*l.g.h.t. w,r, k. C N. a. a. d. f . a. t. h. a. h. w. .. Ur. I 7. N. v. r. d. a. p, r. I & P. a, c. t,KU I. a,th.«.l.f. K*. a. a. ■s. ar. tsonlisl Wwlassa My whale la the hnoane of a fairy My I, 8. 9. 10, « U a part of a My 4. R. 3 to the lair of a wild beaat. My H, 2. ft Is a falsehood Is. SStt—tser Tiss, [Bxaai|4r: A faithful tea irorty.J 1. A reliable tea. 2 A lively tea. 1 A dry tea. t A damp h*. k A rich tea. ( A atraag tea. 7. A poor b* Ik A ahy tea. tt. A weak lea, frMrs Uskl aa Ate. Ifa.tbe man wlih aa elastic raa ar Irwt thai la always at retching Mo tale. dftt* k Trr'T IJT^Lx > ULJ>L | A—i by aa apea MM. MMgfc raut-Kra fart UmH Oal«( "TTHI my tar. arr jtn fwtl « ■M; arttb jonr malrr -Oh. r«. MM«! I-aat tnrih •In I ptarnl roar Mad pli m with my maakr bwbfr I WM alwara a narh mf lan hllat Km I M at will •> **•"* thra» ahrad ~ Key to tW fI. Ko M* -Kalgma-. Ha»bra. No U1 -liracrapklral AnaalV. I"r1«ial» MawimKr. I. Miwai ha artu. 2 jtraliidia. S itrradi. 4. Cut*. R ilWaldM « Klha. 7 Baad wlck Ik Tagaa. ft Kieter. la Kag «>T- No Ut-CWki: I. 11 era* si aa. 1L BrilM. K& MSL—Chaarrd ITorrt*: 1. Rwk. rook. rood. mad. nad. X. Werd. mi Mr, M». No }K-nn*r 1 IHlaa. Z Urr li!y. S. Tiakrr 4 Dkalr t Cola, i • Knt 7. Tackle, a Emery, ft Yen. in Sac No Wt.-IVtBB- PonV: BarM Ka.Jlft-Tkr MlirC: C rwftMM. r ram, c tit Miaft Mwr. cap*, j r-ow. * Ka Slft-IJMr Imp*: Impair. Irapa- | IM. ImpH. trprdr. Im|n i toaa. lafl ooa, Implore. luprna. „ »■■■- ■ ~ •- Asleep Aml4 Parses Breaking into a blazing liorae.! some firemen lately dragged the sleeping inniates from death. Tan- J cied security, and death near. It's j that way when yM neglect coughs and colds Don't do it. Dr. King's | New Discovery for CoosnntfAiaii gives protection agcinst all Throat | Chest awl Lung Trouble*. Keep it near, and avoid suffering, death and doctor's hflb. A tea-spoonful ! stops a late cough, persistent twe . the most stubborn. Harmless and ' nice tasting, it's guaranteed to sat isfy. Price sytc and Ji .op. Trial j bottles free. i I ' llcDaftta'B TaryaatiM * rtattaa Saal i . Laac Piaster i> a mfiii rare f* wboop I n cx>nj{K. easy ud works , while joa akaji. Its com. ' rVOaffia'a LMlHaaLhmPai adt«s blue peo|Jc ckaaaM the ajratCM oI all tbr klrtiiiaai and nakealth ▼ amt teraad aaakes a mem perma of yoa. ffltiil COUAM Jn ~ Sty**. f r 111, ! GUARANTEED UNBML "kc tail two fob a Quarter ANO IOUM. ANT TWCNTV (j nv« Q»"T ootuw HAO« 8»M k> N««. aa»« AM a Mar (haaU a»arykara_. or taa •aawte tiiWara aaat k» Malft, poaMaiaH. CM as aaads. Van Zjndt Jacobs & Co. Troy. W.Y. j A Popotar Collar ' >*a«aa» k J . Ca L. iruimt COAST uw ttainai, . aaliaa »- M- r. aa. ft. It la ft.ak ia i " y —_ If.BAjBI— » m m .. . . ■ ■ r - *M Im* Tarkam _ aa a fa tifcAr*- I 9 Ti a» UmiM ■» ■■■ If II aaa IrtWfcM »»!*■«_ U lansmilk ««• • a . Aa. Fhma »» s a r. gjATiE li.'rnL .1' -ZZ IZZ SI. ~im '•« mZ I M. 111.1 i.jl.a 'P.'SJaK r. ML ritisiii _ A.MJ r.^BL V*- WifiiiMi u mm ■ MmWm • ml ■># Artiit VilM. _ »ssty t » «■» Kgjg = «; u ciflA.l. | T a » m *'■ ~ r mJ A-*.j*- aa r- ifc i«« artimii ■ _ •b, • » " " "* J J a*. Bocfcr ■*' » m a ■ n" «'» 1 » Antic Tkifcwn ! »11-- — - La m Tit bo— * u. iKkj m „ a 3*l •* « 1 4 # -L'jVaaF-- I Tlttto ruth* KahU»r-TMMa«j ■ntiAf u ?f toui tv*p. m. Itlwiiil tewfc WWJM «r arrm If !► *+? ~ 7 "• 1,11 «ilk»«a go. MifttwfS 4 UL P»rkt«Mß »|i A •«-. iftm FayrtkYiflr » v ! NiHtotiOry* r ■Hf ! Hn»wi*r »,-!!■-W Inn. wHACanlinC—asal aiilm M, m M aurtkrr* ■«CM MM^rfcaiamaad ctuwik a ii 11 ii * - T« m ifc. a~.i«-sfce* ■ * kM S«A 4 ■► m. SalAtrarim Ma Citn>%a»iia.«M| «■*•■«» ». »'*■■ n mm * ■ iSiM aL,M JJ»r" *' lh A* *•• •M* IS ».ailf mmmmj. 4» t»ri a, aMj is a- a. a»ha Wa «aLML. Mr " '■■■■■s. »"a—. MWaftoj .at. ya «M». H* *■ lioaHw foo • m.. miihb Tl*Wo 9B*> "wL- IWM» C »aak M— CMM Vmoßilf.crari MM. f > a, ni*ata«Maaai 7otm.alari^mTr*f * t. bt m , p a.. •» n* iaMat aa a N»bnllr ■■ «*. cSSZ l a-«M« n Im.. at«ai asmtMa 7* •* a, aaa 'iiVli'j . a RILT. CM MHM X WUlbßstnTdcphneCk ' J * " Gmnafla . « " " Tufam kt " - Rocky MaaM SB " " Scutlaad Mack as " - Jamcanlfe IS " " Kadar UOcy% - - f- JL « ). G. SMkM as - - I-UVolad ' «• " " O. K. Cara|kOa. M • - Parmeta M •' ~ bfcnaaigk m - " P—acßa • ~ " CaU IkMk M ~ • Ca»L P. m - am "Ceabal ""aMfa a *pkaaaa afl is | taaaad lacMt'at ai a■ I lin.

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