' m ■■ T*E ENTERPRISE L—NLMI ■■ MI AC W laMßMiaMi Hflvrl ■UI ial (IH var BAIMMUM^IMCRATOALME *SW II—II IUMI I HOI I* ADTAXE FUBAT. XOMREB 28, 1902 - THAHESGIYDHL la an ages of the world, whertffr God has reigned in ty hearts and minds of the people, we find ooe Spirit — the apcrit of thanksgiving— per vailing tbs life sod uiiding an outward expression. The slu dent of the Old Testament will find Uiia idea embodied in the liCa of the Jewish nation 3,0C0 jears ago. The Greeks in the midst of colt are ai.d j.ursut of pleasure, and tlie warlike Romans had their Crafts of llemeter and Cerrlia. The En glish make merrj at the ** llar xest moon", and the Scotch man imitates his Southern neighbor. But, 'twas left f«»rilie Amer ican to nationalize thi* idea which found a lodgment in tin human life so soon as a true conception of a Supreme Rules sprang into exi»teiiee- Ilistorj tells i:« lhit the fits' j Thanksgiving held on A uiencan | soil Wis o.i the shores of j Newfoundland in 1575. "Ih*t| the drat within the holders oft the United Stale* wi* at Saga daboe. Mas., on August 19th. 1607. But history. however clear on these (acts. th-oa not break down the popular conceptionl that the Pilgrims at Plymouth! instituted the day in 1621. We find tlie»e observances at irregular i. ! r«l until after! the ch»e of the Revolution.! when a unite! for Thank v j giving u an institution. iiidtje>-d | George Watlm-gun to i»wn' the first National |»ro>-iamaiioii' on October .1. 17>9 ai»|«>tptiiii: I Nnveuibei -l>. as the day to bel obvnred. The dav i» !m»r-' n 'tional than! Christmas J-W «LU 'irniiic ahke may |nrli -i|ijtp in iLL J tr.ily Jlmrnraa «4lay. In this v*-ar d p lU't-.j profit* are tlni ki - ahd-i imbiidag more of I lie spirit of the daj than, perhaps, ever IKS j fore. And it is well and right' that they *Ji->old Many SJ«! scenes may be reeouutc«l—tliere' are vacant chairs in aiiuuM every htuwdmhl. —ycd through all lite darkness there has streamed a isy of (Jd'» mercy. As a nation we are the ■Mat blessed among all tin earth. Peace and plenty have covered the laud."as the waters cover the rea.'Sirong and firm apoa the foundations of Ijher ty. Mr Nation stands the land that offer* protect ma to the oppraaaed everywhere. Am North Carolinians, we re joios and praise God for bonnti- M harvests. Material develop amt, eleaa administration of al paibtie oßeri and the pro ywilii aad aggressive spirit la lha Clatli of Chnst. Ia oar individual Hie. in the Mb of car town, we find tlie hand of Gad leading us besodi ■M—— * angs. The sncctaa along indus trial lines— the advancement toward an era of greater pros perity-the prevailing harmony among all classes freedom from pestilence and nature's destructive elements —new ac tivity in religious and educa tional circles all these and thousand." more blessings impel us as citizens of the town, of the county, of the state, of the country, to hit our aoula in grand peans of praise to the J Giver of every gift, both spirit ual and temporal. Perhaps the ( best and sweetest expression of our thanks is found in our love i and remembrance of the or- 1 phana. As God has prospered 1 you give to these homeless and ; helpless ones, and the day will , be a Thanksgiving indeed. All i the world will be better and i brighter for one kindness from ' an honest heart, who aeea "a j widenesw in God's mercy and a kindness in llis j'lsUcc.'' FARM LABOR 1 The shiftlcssness of the pres- , cut day negro and tlie rapid passing away of the old-time i plantation darkies brings be- 1 fore the fanner a problem as ' yet unsolved. In many parts , of the South negro labor can- , uot lie secured BufScieut to i work the farms- Necessity 1 and enterprise have produced ' improved macliiuery and thi> is going a long distance to- , wards the inde|>ciidcnce of tin farmer ar.d iu the end more profitable. The negro as a farm , hand is iapad!y deter ioni tint;. 1 and iu many instances farmers for the lack of labor are turn ing their attention to other thug* fave the tsn-ii g of fruit? oi the soil. Cattle raising is , li-ne of the nio-t profi'al le in- lu>tries for a man with broad j acres. We learn fn in the Rich- | iiiond TIIIKS th.it Torn iMxon. j.lr . who bought SIH I acres ol land in Virginia, after trying to firm MiciVKsfid'y unit one hundred negroes. fired the whole lot and now with two Ireliable white men is miSinjr I polled Angus callht for K:»g- JL-sh markets at a go>d prolii. I Another man in the s»me Stab*! Isold fifiy-one steers fur beef for | js'i COO. li.-el" is in g»e.it dc-j uiaiid owing to the high juice' >f l:og Illicit. Hl.ll "f!8 I j;!.a' t»i" Mwrcity of Invf ca 1 liel lis one reason lor tie-contir.uedj I high pri«i'.« of, meat. M any I iSi-lUhern I:iliners have Nil ideal jili.it firming without the negrol |is the tlrer IU of ill ■ disordered jlirsiii. tin im! W'esl and how | many negroes will you lind ' I Kiinners imii»t aeknowh-algw the UitoatHHi and woik on iiupntv led lir.es. This is a new era— I I lil Uli' gs have passed away, j and tlie man who think* there l«n i h. i.o >IK.-css in farming j ja:«Vm his tiehls are lull of i e-| Igroes is behind the times j i Tln-rc must ie a ; awakening I j tiiningli ut tlie South, as w-11 ias in North Carolina and II r tin c«Hiuty. I !*»!> II m-TO Rl'V CUKAK* A cbrap RBdlr it* coijk San! «U» _ IS alt rirK tmt TOO want ' I tket *lll irlim wl nit tbr K»l ic- II *rtc aiki iniiiu U Ihrral as-t 11 ' KO K Uokblcs S4 hj; Jail rum tu f Cu Ito a MJIIIICI an«l Ye*, it poaaibir: it But pnwiblt (oi JO m, I (Ihm is nthr ra*r tbr oat; remedy tkal ( ka> Ima InUndnccd n all milimlcoa. tries with WM IN MAC throat aad . I UM% IrotiMra, "latkaCa Ccnaaaa ISNAR." It sot oah bob aad SLAA- I late* ttar liaam |o ilr-lror the gen dts . |«MV *"«• a nmi fright'* . rest. aaJ am the patient. Try emt J bottle. RM— Kttlfd aaaay year* by - all dnigxMU ia the «aU Voaraa • gel Dr. C. C. enca't ictiaMr rfaitin A« R. K MM Cct era*-* Spacial Ahuac WASHWGTOK LETTE3. [Fw mm ttpli Coaia»|mati si] Washiugton. No*. *4, 190*. 1 Tariff iwiriuii uatian ta be Kllhs smat TALKED atrntigettmpai tical circles ia Washington despite the staltient. girem unofficially at the Wule House last week Hud there was wo prospect cf a change in the tariff schedules at the ceauag ii—ina aad that area the Presidents proposed recommendation of a ta riff tmaiaina would not imply the necessity tor immediate rens km. It is BOW stated that the Presi dent has ' left open" that pasaage ia his message which deals with this subject and that he wul not complete it until be has had a num ber of conference* with the part y leaden, some of the most impor tant of which will take place to-dajr. It will be remembered that at the Oyster Bay Conference, just before 3fr. Roosevelt started on his West ern trip, it was decided that it wcnld be unwise to attempt any change in the tariff schedules during the short seas ion and so far. that decis ion has not bca abrogated, but as the Western senators and members, begin to arrive for the session they are, in many instanc s as clamor oos for revision that >hc President has determined to give all a hearing before completing his message. Immediately on his return from the South the President held a Cabinet meeting at wl ich the subject was extensively discussed and that was followed by important conferences So iar as learned. S nator Scott, of West Virginia, is emphatic i- bis ad I ice against revisi n and fena txs Ledge and Burrows advise con servatism. Senator Spooner. how ever, is a!le k e! to lie wavering. Senator Mitchell wants absolute free trade with the Philippines and says be speakes for all his Pacific coast colleagues and Represenfstiie Bab cock, whase skill as a cam aign manager, entitles him to a hearing is emphatically in favor f an ex tra session called to reviie the ta riff. The Cuban situation was fully discussed at the I'alnnet meeting. Geneial Bliss has gone to Havana to negotiate a treaty which shall provide that Cuban duties on Ameri can impoits *hallrea ain I»T- lionai Y while they shall 1* increased 50 per cent or :nj OFL" item other countries and that, in teturn a con cessit n of per cent from the DINT, ley duties »haii lac allowed Cu ban coming into this coun try. General BKs CABLES that H ha* 10-nd gre:>l opposition to the pro posit. on in lla ana. AL hough he is not yet discourage**. "I he Pres:ient aud his Cabinet dev. id d that no fu - :II r concessions won'd be made, that Cuba was acting in an un grateful ai d il!advi»cd mannet and that in no instance woukl the pro visions cf the PL.tl amendment tie waived, at least until a trraty had been ORG tiated- Incidentally it was TTITED at t>.e WHITE House that the! present rela ions with Cuba were j Iso acute that those papers which j « bhrd to befriend t'-e administra . lion w uid retrain from discussing I the situation. Ihe Commercial Pacific Cable J Company has final'y agieed to al-ii.e by the regu'ations laid down Jby Presid nt Roosevelt And will omatiikl an independent 1 able to j lie operated unje> those tondi'.iors :n time of p acs and turned over to ■he Government in time of war. As a result OF this agreement Sec retary Moody baa given to the company The sui a C J S wtad*- by the T?. J.Hup,- Nero, and it ia expected that within six months the line • ILL L>e ip oper ation between (he LI. ited States a d Honolulu. Theme the cable will 0 to Guam and Manilla and a new 11-NE will be laid to some point in ■ China R t to b de*erm:ned. As a tpsult of several untoward I ciicu instances the isthmian canal is I Mill a co.rse uf anxiety. At the last minute, and when tbr treaty with Colombia was practical!r ready t> Ugn, Senator C«nt ha backed out. saymg he iu sthave further author ity from his goreinment. la the mranti.ee the check in the negotla tions l.as caused renewed hope in the friends of the Kicaraguan route who are now pressing their advant age and hope to effect the negotia tion ot trrafirs wito Nica'ag- a and Ciwta Rkn. so thai. e. an if a satis- OSK MIMTE COCGH CL KB. I* the *mif coagh cnc that |i>a |cick retiet. Caos Ca|ka. Cofct*. 1 Cmap, Bruarfcitia, WhoofOx CU«L. pseaiaooi a. Aatluaa. l.aCrtpre. and alt (tunas chr*t aad LanK l»«nMea. I *■t 1 sokkedby raia. aajraOcrtrade B.Fenacr. k Vaaae. lad., aal ronlraevd a severe poll and cw«h. I tailed rapadlv; tsat 48 lha. My drmcjp-t reccaanaded Oaa Uiaate Cocgji Care. The int bottle kreafhl niirf.mm! puad ate. lam tatloai) old weight. 14S Ua Uac Jtia «|S Ca»> Case cut* lha (*le?«.ieiirrti the raak -i iwr, faaiial laili mma * la*, c-ica nufL la ideal mml.- Tar diba. f ilni - : factory treaty with Colombia » fi : naCy cllected. they may be sabmit t ted t« the Senate simultaneously. ! It is all(|td. u. ;hb connection, that : Senators Spuoocr ai d Morgan i changed finer minds -f:er saying ■ to Secretary Bay that they would ' be satisfied with a lease for ito *ears with the priiirjc of renewal • for a like period, and that they now • demand absolute sovereignty as i provided in the Spooner amend; t stent. "t«: is regarded as authen - tic news of the conclusion of the ' Colombia insurrection has reached the State Department and it is said that President llcrroquin will now ■do all in his power to faciiiate the : negotiation of a satisfa tory treaty. That the subject will require farthef I leg-slatire enactment by the Senate ; and poa*ibly by the House, is al : most certain, however. The finding of a sommittee ap i pointed by the National Board of Trade, to inrestigate tie discre pancy between the agricultural statistics famished by the last cen I sus and those furni-bed by Secre ■ tary Wilson'* Bereau of Statistic*, constitutes a derided victory for : the latter. Airong other things it t was foand that in 101 counties the \ total farm acreage a* given by the , i census, i speeded the total areage of the ccsnties. Numerous similar . r errors lead the committee torecom , mand that itote scope be given to , the Agricultural Department's Bu reau. Became of the wide verialion ! • in the figures, S cretary Wi'son is now conducting an investigation. I • pending the conclusion of which be > has not disci sed his estimates cn ! I the live stock r sources of the coun try but present indications are (hat' be will be able to polish his fig- | or. s with comparatively little aiodi- ? fication. . | StartHu Trse "If ever} one Lnew what a grand BMlkinr I*- King's New Life Pill* ' is." writes D H. Turner. Dctapsey I town. Pa.. * you'd sell all you had • - in ■ dsy. Two week's use has made ' a new man of me." Infallible for I cutfetipatioe -tomacn and liver r troubles. 25 fts. A Itaifhr tUM'd at a Iklle ca!.ln In ! the Cvorsts «w*»i He »«■*• • wbite I p«r a U» ml aar ital a liHlf sir! 'j kid piarltd am! there as lie ! vu kaTinjC Imb- . I A ««aiau cM'nd 111? cabin. R* ' | Mwd awl I : B-J at the rar a mum-nit. I ' Tb.-n. dart'ug fvrward. A- I've It from . J the rnirai rrr t net at ! «»i«H It uu j the rwlr ft>T - •j "Wkt tIM you &» tha»r tha ! wrens*r Ira^vlokhfnt II **Ua>br* nkl a c.**i wb» *»» ritttn* | kir Tkstf my «tf-. an an' «!>* 1 ain't rtyhl ta|-f«»i« tala fuMwd. f | ~We h t a utile Kirt «*'-■ wttfc Id* | j eyea an" kah Dkf a w «1 «»■ wjtt -1 drttd . «r IV r«.» one day. k«t 'I kx«t_ aa"vlm w* fraud h-r e *»« rj vbtv the mora rro« aa* tl»ey war ,j nrvjita' orrr k»r. an* the wife there ' I treat Bud. an* &>» she mya the nact I a«h Ibe eh ltd *u" hM hrr away fr>«a -1 aa tenir. aa* *he aUmt an' tram ,! p*.* them, last like ahe did the roaa ' there wlw floor-"" Mia M orfti. Narr.hf Yon my Tr.;hfler la more ',lr*l»i» than hr'a worth. 1 kitcol I I (mpil him mneh IrwUe , Wtfdkr Netfhrr haw L-Loa Aa 'lgetrs llenld. >1 j SatSi a« Part mt Waateat PaullM 1 1 "And what." they aakid at the aar > grao who and Mr. Tigbtftat from aa , I aatinaeiy end. -what did you consider 1 |the mat dJkaM atace at the apcra- 1 r UoaT" ■yflktUu the ■■ary.- be anaareeed. wtk. s Mtfli a caadaaa ahUL—What 1 *".***• *f- ' M T' * W • I 111 ill MELS. L S. ADAMS. -Wbw««C»d^hhiyakh.m| anaj«at rafaea ad ha- Miia» •Hka.Km.tawratalCadri fI"L 1 -- ■- - - » • aa. a . a J md II I■ Siafcj m»adaa ttaaaaadta ay Mwmghm fir "ti»d Mia. Adam Mi aeraaaa waa who haw diaaadm-J ■mt, tailing it the , anal, wiraa trial In or any ad >. theae a.bmtd dot ma have. 1. j Ton am care yarrrarlf at I nrne ? :tk 11' tki* tnfl aonai namdy. Wiae 7 (M-i. Wm * CWdai km *, csxed th>maada ad caa* shuh r, j dncSecsbaveiaJadtahaaoft. Wlw . ao* tej.a to gjet vtjl l«Uy? -VL , dn»a.ka*r«JU>battka. F« I M BWl*. L>« or hoand H*r : SSttJaf* ; , 1 ' Thanksgiving A Feast ef mSSm. MiMyi (jJ L \s// vV // y\ Paints h Oils for yam tnrfcey diaaer. The head of the home will find a goal aharp carcm very eoavcaiat whea carriag the tufcey. Tke mother will * RP THANKFUL— H ahe ha a Back's Cook Store oa which to prepare the Hk feme The whole famSy, ia Cart, will he thaakfal if the din aer i» cooked on a Bmk's Store or Kaage because pranptaem and a good dmcei are ammd thorn mmg a hci'i Slw«. . A Thanksgiving Feast For All Our Patrons dariag thia entire week. Low prices are the attraction. i 2 The Simpson Hdw. Co. I " ' Mm M *W ■■ Mi. I A imttaau who had hafeM li • ' Hull lOVS "out WeßtT* bad atd®od •ow Important MM* sent the**. and i . Mi Us HTtnl M U» Ite lo Inquire for them. "No letters here for t«" ad Ike poaUaDrr "Tte; ought lo k*T« bred ho* |» tfrdtj" "Couldn't bait (at hoc yiduiliy. Old Brown, who carries the mall. was druuk sad didn't go am to loneo after J lt -And bow a boot tudayr "Wrfi. bVi auber enosvh today, bat : bla aid vtaaa baa nM tor fait* I "But (km wlB bo naU lumwr **Bkasaly. air We dua l bar* aaj audi on Thursdays." Then bow about sect day 7" • -Friday b antt «T «C diy wttb the loaeo poaraaastrr. and to nauallj pm I aching If to doaX to- «ad tto boy em. I nerer nam • H. towtw* "Too area to bare a dlpahod way of rnnnlug postal affnira oat la tiaJa man try- I "Waal, I dimnn hot »* bare." to ad mlttrd. aa to looked over tto to* of bla spectacle*, "but aa ka( aa aobodj M , Curie Bill Maipna era* gets any matt, and that's only a chralar at wot bow to kill carta oat-too. we kinder take things easy and let Ibe Tatted States run atmc without tsattop tor bHrr.--Bai t lmorw Hera Id. Tkf Ftnl lino fwliw. It la frwcrally lanoa that tto flrat at mm «trtven nasi to ana tbe Allan tic was bull! In Canada. Tbe lufornm tlun to nut aa general. howerrr. that tbta aaiii#i i aft was nlisn|gnilly ta | rcrtad Info a «iala«r and ma# tbe flrat steamship engaged to a.lual war. t Tbe farts In tto eaae are stated In : "Jubnsun's Alphibet of Kir-: Things In Canada." Tto ship waa tto Uuyal WO . turn. *he usa built at Ibe Cpre. Que- ! lor. In tlx- winter of UQMI and daring ] tbesrasuo of IST3|ilMbrtwnnt|ic- j bee and Halifax la tto latter seaaoo ■be waa MUt to and ttore char j tend by tbe IVe!a*iK«- cci .■■mnmt to ( Iraiifpft irons lu«sW for tbe nerv- i lee «M tbe late ihaa IVJni to Bfai:L lie- | tamlnit lo Losina. sh» aaa sold to tbe J KfWiiisb pwaaiawit by Ibe latter' coa- Tertrd Into a craleer and nuplwyrd against Ihu * 'arloo la tbe civil war of IKM. thus tbe flrat steamer to flra a hostile abut. \ TW CSsm mi Tint. *V» la tee chiefly to toattcatfcm; aot IXTHvrsix-r, bat Ihnaghtli anemia. "I are tbe better and at«nte. yet 1 pons* the worse.** la this case knowledge la not aliarat. bat defea-tlrr. It Is oo the margin lnateal af to tbe focoa >4 «a srlousaean. In Ibe language uf phyato liflai psychology a pftoeat pnatun Its claims aa (rest billows of tofre raentnuUnn which roar rolling la with all tto tanc and pangrncy which , Is to* characteristic nan of Immediate I • peripteral ndtaltaa Tto future >«m anjunxts af tto grattfl>atlon of that •pprtltn. on tto contrary, are n m«ul ad by lbs day. faint. fwUt waeaa : which flow ocer fma soma other lira la 1 MM 1 , HBTtted !■( api. Wtos the ma , ai etlaa of IMb pankaar ranse wttb Ms natural effect waa flrat empertenrod. ; la surb an unequal eouliat totweea powerful »ftoartowa abot swift and straight ahia« the Ungibf nerres from tbe seat of Immediate peripheral n» nwxloo and tto asapr. anuanf flaw of faded lairnsatuwa wbaar Initial ra |ortty and force were Laf s'nee apeat what wander that Ito remote effect seems dim. vagas and unreal, and that ' the Immediate gratification af ths to aistent. etooiomm appetite or paariaa , wlna the hyt-VBlaa Do Witt Hyfla to Atlantic. • ffspk Oaranm I wbh I bod I* mt ■«. I ** L'nrle Heary-U aaa could pet what j to wtshad far. I think I ahoold wish Clarence Naturally every aaa vtotoo for what ho haaat pst-—BtotW Traoacrlpt ■o Kaea Hew. the Boggle. dear, there Is something | of the edd time lav* tight to yoor ejrea | toilthl asat. .Msg atom yoa that rs ! minds aaa of those aweet days af hag I ago. I hope yoa ba««- j Jfe-Te* I fcsce • little left. How | Mtb da yoa wjat (Ms timet VosH gas sly Mntss Sssisas la tbe aM days they rpofcr of a B fenai d fouL If aB the foals were re 4a«ed to kat« i litsuac mam. the par ; «rucKnt coohl da away with Ma otfcef In s and atfil maintain tbe aarplas. I There's a tax - to yon. - Moole PhtZZ ,1 t ~ | PhilsntUr pic Old Uetotiman lltr» man tore k a akkd for jot}. pto|b*ha 9m aab^B School Books at Half Price. ■ ■ Afi Kinds of School Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged. ' - \ Xow is thd time to order your School Eonka. *e* kergaiaa ever eSered. We will take roa hooka ia exchange. Sead m a Hfl «f them at me. Typewrite™ rented, repaired, bought and aold. SUUoaery. Fuaaflaia IVac Sctacl sad o®r* P«ai tare. Blank Booki. alao oraphophoaes, Rabher aad Leather Cooda. Old and Rare Hooka a specialty. Write fm catalog aad hat- Book Bags aad St rape Free. j SOUTHERN BOOK EXCHANGE. - - Ralkich, N. C. -S/Vwr PUt» that Mb**" What Yoa Buy Spoons S2SHSSKS3B cf^ia» *«» B lp— »—■>■■ , J^IB4TK&? j ■*?■&£•£&£!■!*' a— * ALL STORES > Will Be Closed Next Thursday i j® On Account Of •* Thanksgiving Sirr«u» Ludck Xo. 99 A. F.i A. 11.. meets in rtjuhr coaMaaaicatioß in the hell every wtMid mm! fuarth T» day aights at 7:3 0. W. H. Harr*n WM S. S. Br«ro. S. W.. H. D. Tavlor. J. W.. 8, K. Bigjf*, Sec.. C. D. Cari*arj-fcc.o. Tim, Mc. G. Taylor, R. !•-; H. X. ter ra*. J. D.; T. C. Cook &nd A. P. Taylor. Stewards, R 'S. Cinry, Tiler. Mkk //• lull tkMi. K C-. rtf* CEO. R. DIXON, Practical Sheet IVtai Wwfcir. Tin Roofing. Gutterinjj ami Tobacco Floe* a Specialy, also Tib Hoof* Faiated 1 will positively be a tuml AT WILLIAMSTON to famish the Farawrs with TOBACCO FLUES during the hm of iy>}. If yoa wBBt the Best Material aad the Beat Work. Call oa or addresa GEO. R.DIXON, Rocky Mount, N. C. W iliiamston Telephone Co. OAot over Bask of ltartia CiiaaQ. - WILUAHSTOH, I, (. *Pferae Ckures Pmt lIM-Saftscrikeri ■To Washngtoa 1 *S Ciaf. I ** Greenville 4 ** " llymouth " " Taihuro ' Q - " Rocky Mount JJ " f n4)acd Keck q *■' i* " " lalrr Lilley'a 10 • " J. G. Sum 10 ~ J L WooUrd lo |i.- O. K. Coaiag % Co. >0 - Ntath 10 " ** FVbersoaville . " Emrtb le •• " GoW Poiat 10 "* Geo. P. m « II " HjaiSna . . 10 " I r. r Other points ia KitUm Cso&aa LEGAL ADVE*HSEMEKTS. Executor's Notice. Ilattag this day qualified as excutoe to the last win aad testsaMat of Newbera Cherry, deceased. notice ia hereby girea to aB mdooca af aaid eatata to present then claias to ae dalr pram on or ba fon the (at day of Sonabtr, 19"*.'* thia aotice will far plead ia bar of their nearer*. AH parties indebted , 'j to aaid estate are leqatated to aiaka la- I This Oct- Mb. l»Ji- R. 11. Hauacav, ( s*t. Baecator. NOTICE! Ha*ia« this day qualified aa adaiaia [■ Iratar apoa the etsto of Ktatoa *«pr , ana. deceaard. all creditor* of aaid aa> j Ute are leqoested te preaeat their clatana 'to nt properly ptorct oa or before tha Ist day af .fonabtr, 1903. or thia notice ' will he plead ia bar of their recovery. All I persoaa wleltrd to said estate are ra qarstcd to atake lanacdialc pajaNL This October 37th. 190 a. w s. Rjmou ML Administrator. NOTICE Havlag qaalified aa Adminictiator npoa the estate of (Aether Ilamril. deceased, atlicc is hftbrgma toall parsens bold ; ia|( daiau apint aaid Estate to prwat tkea to the cadrnigacd lor pay incut oa or the 15th day of N'wcaher 1903. or this aetice aill be pleaded ia bar of j their immij. All priauas indebted to ) Sa»l estate are requested U> atake imine . diaarpsyaia. This 14th day of Nnr 190 a. DAVID F. IIARREIX. ' «Alp. Admiautrator. NOTICE niriigyliig'l A'tmißiKtof - the Estate of Marke C. Hymaa.deceaaed, . Notice ia hereby jfivrn to all persoas baking ciahaa agaiast aad Estate to presiat theai to the cader- Bfstd lor payaiat aa ar lafcaa tha tph da* af Xoeenher. 190), or thia aotice will c fie,, pleaded ia bar of their recovery. All paraoaa iadrhted to aaid tetter are *a> qaested to Make —adiate pa This 14th day of Nmcaiber, 190*. Z. H. IIYUAN, m "" NOTICE. Haviag qualified as Attain iitratov apaa the estate off S. A. Aadnrwa, decaaaad; Notice is hereby gnea to all persoaa h. I l"wg claaaa agaiast said estate to pep scatthcaatothe.adrrßigaadCqrp.roat roa or toioat the x*b of No«ta|ipf. (903. or ths aotice aill be plead ia bar 4 their recmery AB peraau iadefated fa aaid estate are reqaested to «aake diate parawat- L This *4h day af War. tfo*. . A. |L pmntpto, " ' 9 ' M-'awwaww ' TO TV—Oi, ■■Willi 1■ ? ♦ *BfvtrCUW*hl| - *»»»■ »a II Ltesaatirtat awf fr.» , On «a CM aaam I r C 1 map* % ftaeaQsr-MlwwMlii v« I tatteMa lakfMilaJntn art Iff t aat aw a»11 ■■■ g. »fl W i»a j 'I E IH k I IIbuUIIEI ' *dadAaa*ar iiiadhaian ~aa ' I—raslimt. te toe teak. I# WASHINGTON PLQL I